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Libertyville Independent, 15 Jun 1922, p. 3

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LIBERTY VILE BV'ff~N, TfD!!AY, JUNE 15, 1922 SÀYS FAMRS GIYN RAW DEAL IN RAISINt TA] Ough t meosa, 1lookhs*i. dI throuth nore thon tLUni- rinch. wear ui. more than leared-to- ent longer r"~ tan can be rices are quality is R CO. Illinois Agricultural Associatioi Issues Pamphlet Pointlng Out Inustice An ttacit on tise Illnos tax coin mission for lis polie>' la vabulsi tarin anda separatel>' fraontth classes o! istata taxable, praperty 1 contatoai in a bookiet gent eut t farinersansd landi owoars ithI state S>'tise Iliis Agrîcultura association. Tisis practice lias causti lai, ovoara In Illinois froin a millibî te a imllloo soin a allaitaditions taxes in tise pasItismrea years, th iooketl asys. Tise hookiet laolise compuilationc a years nveatigatoln 10 taxatir ing thse past year maie olnil b>' lie sîtaefariner' orgunîzaîl- sud coutY farin bureausi. i captiooai 'Taxation o! Farin Land in Illinois."1 WillIam H. Malone of tiseillo Tax Commission viso stooi alon Ii oppealos taxation On land amotîs tise contrîbutors to lise heu lat. The refusai o! tire tax cou mîssroijetat l)ecember lu reitc land taxe s la critlcbzed b>' %talon XVn i. 1,-vrence tr i t)i> -xPlainii tise locrî-asi-d valu.tîplacei uPt 121r a-r i ant coti i eii, 1i nitî tht. tt lii- tx ilaiiis-tuu uns mâ a zia,4, mistal,'--. Nialni- astis. 'bue booritet irt in- withi slat' rire rt by J li C.IW.t -rri, s tisticiaun Iur tl- ir'.gîriltur ai aSi claliofi: 'Tîsougr il it sitiititil" tir, aven aîrpr<xniat.ly wIîat tire poli uitirhe Ili nois i ax Cormissionrli co.4t Illinois. land owiiis trii ti past tlîrî'e >earsi. nits fairît- cert& tIsatieIbm atourit s mont moreth ont millioni doulars ion state. cousa soi local taxes comblned. -It probaily>duiota ol laUait h o!f TOtilO 1hei lcreased couti valuation ditlaissu resu Itiug Ir tise policy o! tiseIlîlinois Tax Coi mission usuali>'remnsaras on tiset sesment booksanso unless modili seIl iiitaly perpetuate tise increa In taxation sîreai>' maie. su far tisee bcreases are due le locrea o! valuation rather tisauincreas la tiselai rata. "This alone wiii itean an ad, tionai taiti on land amaunting 10 beasai $300.000 or $400,000 sunusl in many. if flot al ai thesa c ties. land ownera hava gooi gnoun for Inststlog tisaItishe inrease valuations racenti>' maie bee ducei." Tise contention of. tiesate lai ers'.onganixation and thre cour farna bureau la tisaI ands ha tai-m ands ln this state. 1 tiink. been given a stata ValUatiOn seP &te from, ndoi her th-santisa scnibeal b>'tise county bsoards of iev sud trat no other dlais sixte taxable propert>' bas he slaglei out for aucis a raise.T Campaigu o! tise farin Suri against thspoIr>' isas bean farce for mare tissu a yeas. 0 LAKE VILLA 0000000000600000g Mns. Daube spent a day ast wi in Cicago. 3&s. Maden aentriui.ed han brut andi vife o! KenD.ba a sat weai. Tise P. T. A. of CriSSa schOisai viii a beneit Saru daneai Cisyton Cra Fridla >evenitg, June 16. Goad su and a good UIme assuri. Mrs. F. T. Fosler and daugi Jua Marie. csame home Sanda>'fi tise hoapîtl. Mn. snd Mn. Kaaie) l)ixon speot tise day vltIste Fav fansll>. Mrs. Wiliîam Weber, Jr., spaiti ýwixsk vitis bar rotiser, Edgar. 'ife at Bitiioinfgton, Ilii. JMms. Joe Kaeiatra cama home Sa day frouotisae hoepitai, sesre aise aDent tise past six veeka, sud la ting aboang nicel>'. Tise Bus>' Bees sebl meet Wadis &it0itr. June 21, vils Mrs. Fr Daube. Everybai> ila ver>' veic A business meeting vii b h ali manhers ara esPeciali>Y urgedi prasent. Mrs. McCioskey veut te tise tht.. veaitutahave her tonsaliarelni sud ais e rmained Ion a ev daiys. Anna Buord bas Seen quite ill put tIvo veeka vIls lnflamm8 riseumnatiana. Mn.. H. Pottar spent Sonda>' her son. Rani, andfi nUiy aI Hub Woods. Wili Flacisar la recoverlng Ire:r recettiaccident visen ha iroka ,Mm. Pisaleit, selo haitbeecits Ben Esusin haine for somte tutei returudt lelber home in Ken'Osisa Howard Witoti la nursintg a hr arn. ron is receitt accident Il Erntest Lehmnn] car, sud C. B. isai severai bruises. Thse cat iaultdi n on a ha>' racit last vee GrandinS King celebratai ber t>' second birtisi aIsat Moitis>' T. petersou bas leasai a tra landinlutisa Walker Woods ait Laite and will conduIt camping Iisa unar. Parties vilii hathtr eutisre season. Tisa Lake Villa Townsip COI cial Association bah a meeting1 Barsstable bal Monda >eVentU Officiais o! tiesa 8 ULna coMI vltiste club on certain qilast1il ativa ta tise prOparty o! tisae company ln aur vllage. Tise camant Io baing pourai roSs east of tovo. and tise rosul ta nom being- pa4o4. As thse roit LAKE COU14TY FAR.M BUREAU DEATII KNELL IS WAR ON BARBERRY 18 UP TO THE ten years 0f existence. More than SOUNDED AGAINST ' coniRMÉeprvnto 1500fampeopile are in the cast ' BARBERRy BUSII Not even USCO ever touched ofgrain rust, which was formed somne and the college grounds la unsurpass- u 5 wek g ia meeting of representa- ed. The drive te DeKalb wil ha a va- - I s value uefO re n ive f thinosseelua Asso- cation trip In tself, especiaily if a few Federai Government At>.cksý reau federations, la actlveiy at work. tereti tpins0 i Wheat Rust Plant n County30 31/ 1()9 Thse foliowing bulletin, sent out früm Such a great audience iii expected in Effort to Erradicate 3 / 0 9 thse headquarters In Minneapiolis, sum- tIsat large amplifieras wil be orgeile m-marizes thse accolnpli5hmtflts up t0 so that tIse volces of Speakers and act- War on thse comm'! trarîîeîry EN you look at a Since last fail when USCO Dgdate and gives an Ides, of future plans: ors can be heard cleariy anywhere ont bush ts belng waged in the sîcinity 30 x 3/2 USCO at stbihd he$o o er "Owiog 1teIte unfortunate fact that the natural auditorium 8,roiids. of Waukegafl Ibis week by fice fed-$00tikbc rc range thev have rcc ithe large Pallerai appropriation will A complote and up to thse minute era1goernentI ntroe" e ri'cre gnied îa au to nlt be avallabla untîl .uly 1 thse ont>' radio outflt sel be In action and viSit' uvyaderdct iesuc for a minute as far beyond any Possible e mantier In sebloisthse Conference for ors wlll be aiiowed te listen In f reely of wbeat rust ln certain mîidwertern asyOucanrememberUSCO:. copron ai thse Prevantion Of Grain Rust co mate tu the -"musie In the air," thse market States. coi>x3kon a real impression upen ibis year's reports or other spectai messages. Asre a al aiya yT etuhi htmnhv tl rae 0 J Ill cr00 ls through the active worklng co- Every part>' expectlng to go sbotid A uvysa ael-!ya > ht Uhshtm nhv tl rae oui oparation of ail farmers notify the couoty farma advlser, go ac- the goveru~ment and 11, 1_ Dxon, <4waYs found USC an out. thn e venor ai "Ever>' day hetweeeo now and te commodations can ha made fortaking seio ile l charge of thse rork in Lakeg o uso eef ;io firaiof Jul>' counts! raie of ail sebo attend. count>', is checking upftirc oid re-sadn noe wrh o U CO tel S orIl"A common harberry bush dug. .ut port and compietllg ibe surve>' In inattr wha t s priCe. hadreached ow ma meanthe svnofm ydo- AHSO PLN LIE tefese seeks that he bas been a î.0U C Ionrs w ma of ain isen avlng of man'dle O LN IE worklng throughout ftic county he Today a 1.0U C , before. tl on lar oufan shn avsim Many fruit lices tilde yes peciai hbas inapped Antiocis, Fox Lake. Bar- maintains its established 1 .Iorn "e brftaltes aroundfthe pues, are infested sith pant lice. rlngton, Round Lake, Grayslake, standard of quality. -n" sae Ia ilts ooso h They ma>' be found In great numbers Gurnee and Libarlyvilit. la bush shouid ha carefully taken out. In In tir' tender ends of branches. and Toctrlheped<fwatnd ease ftene ids addition' it la requested tilat the loca under side 0of ieaves.Tecnrlte8eaofwa A db au fth nw tion of plantings removed he marked These smail green. or dark 'brown rugIt the faderai and talte govern price, it sets a new index of Os wti a stake, In order thai they mav inrtîid 0 a h oaebtd ment bas ordered ail of the, bushes ie al. . ,ne e radiy fond y te aentsof he ectsdo et at he flremo ut o drInve In htecourln i ndrioderie vlee nes beparelyfougdibytue antd oftch-damage b>' îierclng the leaves and alty. Througb tesUt' aken il bas " da forpaute0 gricturh ai aihbranches witii their pointed beaks and be on httep,1i rn i )_ Teagricultural appropriations ubi, ukteI ,cuiglaest aioplant is often found alIl i, 'heigi Men whohaeu d u" Tht(ypsedb ,nr,,ý riýln il contînued long enougli ithe cave rof 10,000 finclined to mIylin-1heas u e ne. a aorecn iîatiodbn ongrî-s'r l carruay ti brosen and tht end ot the Isir ag. wîî îrUSCO have neyer been anoapprobrationaut 350.0diefo bts;Itsa.rbngedît U5n bi-iry eîaîlîatrî,n.This apropriationf trets>conirol îîiani lice. a One large fini .of . rirr.,trbar nledtmasris .00 seaa obiained as fthtedirect resuit fî. t u.dtaikl beby eryaseeloat nGiie vue yth gnel W, epretnalioinsnmalle by tbis ogn 1yI Y mustbeuse mu ks h ybrr a en oae i-rra of of- ur'fi contact. Tht stpray ut eaîrîried This wild groseth r Irlplot r vaue of tre. nea ai<,flandl i',tI t(-nenrious ot irttriuner side etfir'aves so itaIev- more than 80 acres aoiMn rfittdres. a sritii.- inounts aliowed beretotore try1 pîti wiil gel a coaîing of spray highly dangerous. a 'n ll '.sliib oulîl bav e fot beto granvinaterlal oser its body. rAnother wealthy prîrr <r xi ta0 o- liia, -a UIa] l ir b-i fr îuî A raumaeofarenteii ia wo . fi l'* pa kd faseaeflldin Lake Forest, wbr, ira r irotrbt rf TIhe money vilbhsentby the bar-,iirîne is not sery effective in controil- colectlng tbe varjiu., prtr ie ibf ON ýTIOS tuent le tii1ng tîlisIliest because the foliage is flot plant, bas Iundreds o! tir.ir ushb Io erry xdtation lved rnthe t tpign, taien The only chance the plant bee bis estate, Dixon it uri - O!f te12w)s< ian ee astaîros cvrdb> hhamînlav e îo gel the poison l.4 wben tiseir or more species o!ftbflic. plat the tom- flie as-olwi harp iteaks penetrate tIse leaf or îwlg RmOI-barbyerrY la eecsreidereîl iht niorit 1 sn 'CIrdo 4lt; iios 27: get the Salp. dangerous and the s. tr i ssýaged ian Indiana, $21.750; Iowa, $30.750; Midli Ttahsbv oentia n hei'aantI.ii rpiee lgan. $21.750; Minnesota, $30,750; Mon- h pi aFsm aua u-cifyaanti.Ti aais at! taa 450'ebak,$070 mies, among them sseeat files, apisis iarherry la not utîder lIný lis!tbat s c a p tao, 4.00;Noraka,$3.70;W>' lions and lady bugs. Wben tiiese In- ordered out b>' the gosextîmexîit and lort omlng, $4.500; North Dakota, $30,750; sects are numerous in the spring there t a more beautiful bu.sh, accordîng rilyWibconsin21750,75.uhlak u53070;1. îually ittle trouble seth apisi.Ap- to DIxoil. uni "Al Wîsosîn $30.750. rehaul parenti>' tiis sprlng the naturel enle- Tise flgIt against th(, b.rbtrry i- as. "Ailth eruof plnt fundusar Ioandiedmies were fese, so tht plant lice mul- belng lougst In 13 of the nîiwesternUnt d S a e m asi b> Ie urteau o!pricltlutr tsetiplled rapidly. The summer broeds stalagseul. tise opes tirat the bs ntdSae mR brC pl 8e-i DprretfAgiute"are boe alive, seile thse sprng hrood te seheat crops b> rîtivan ire con-û ries la Iatcbed frein eggs deposiled Intise siderahi>' reduced. a - NNEYFVECUNIS IL previous faîl. Tise lasI summer brood_________ as' NIEVIECONI8W l dveiop sings and leave lise trees teO0 0 0 0 0 OG sei CELEBRATE 8IRTHDAY feed in weeds and grass, but raturate1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 ddi Tnyasaoa t esbu the Irees before vluter te deposit eggs O REAL MATE TRAISR S o Itlilinois. Asan Infant 1t'wastiratnour-foThebe lst sprayfor od. By A. latK. Boooo oooW8 o g VrCTtfYOtU Sdanck Hardware Co. B. FaIdsead . J. Drme. lsislaed i two nortisern Iliniis coulatiIts. lice la Biakeag 40. If tise lice ara Dun Tise >oungsler bas grown to be sucis a ver>' plentîfti make tise solution as .lune 2. 1922. Casa Buy LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL GRAYSLAKI, ILL, tel husky Cisap tisai ihenov ilsoida va>'10 arong as directions given on tise cMn, Albert Eansom, Jr, and selfe te O.U.STh~ 'a 96 o! tise 102 counties in Illnois. His Dissolve a Dound o! scapla every 86 E. Scisnur, part lot 3 block 32 Highs-U.STia ne-aie la arun Bureau. gallons o! vater nsed andl mix sith thse land Park. WD $10.00, stamp $4.00. On thse lut day o!f.Iune ihousmadi roper amoltitof Blacileai 40 accord- M. A. Crane and wvil e 1, . . 3'm o! Illinois fermers are going te ceae- ing t0 directions, or stronger if tise lice Belanger and vife, lot 2 block 1 lI>' brateIdasbrtluiaY Of ton years ego. are very piei. Crae's Add. te Aresat Dtamnond Wuea lbad otsCîao ie o 0FrtÂd 0Walio Tve i g levent vii be held Set DeXalb, Tise soap makea tse spray materisiLake, VWD $10.00. stamp C. WD $10.Hghan, Parkhiag , fe Wot2aVreukd ega W 10.0, tmi epr on tise beautirl lcampnusor!tise Norths- spread In ma even film onvrUabde .O lke u ie 0i Ick n el oAdoSC eanIllinois State Teaciser' College. of tise apbi. Manlerre sud D. B. Douglas. lot 23% Johcm isk adweteAd 6C pre- On thispicturesqise spot vilii ie Be sure te bist tise under ide of (ex. Part OWned hi Baker). Lake For- W'hun n gaflo , bckgn , Olaredk. Keffr sud avile lotse.te ' i-staged a big pageant portraying tise leaves and shoot tise spray on tisa trea est, WD> $1000, stau 1100. WaaM. H uSrigWukgn Vr rd 7sellradsim's ots W, a.6 ý ffarnu bureau development durlng ts t rom aIl angles. Horace Bu]kiey and vIfteC.M $10.;an 7 dorm ubWnkfl eau Johsnson, lots 15 sud 16 Mundies Suis. 5H . C lis n and vife lte2. F.$1.00BotIer nd ite,00..M Tisa Libertyville. Wl) 110.00. Fe .Hye n ie o , F .Bte n 1et .M KINA INi AL with aIl details. logetissi' itis lie Bessie M. Findle>' snd hua. t leablOck 3, Robertàon'a sub. Lake Zur- Havk, lot 44 Clmn *C.@î statements o! tise six yoWlS imen. J. Trentaine, part lot «'A" block 77 R .Peaimaiadslet 0.0 tm»$,0 Td isapoeincutanouredt isae igislad Par , Wl)2.80. Ia LElledge E 1-2 lot 17, block G. E. Sî.'ang te Frank WIVktnaon, if D V R r iif. wudfl ncon> or mei ua3 92 2, Kirk & Poselisa adi, Waukegan, lot 16 black à Battershalis Sut>.epuefl IRU LU dI1i~R.F, atel>' aptition asklng tisatisae court R. L. Radiseffer snd sefe t0 Chu.s. WD $10. tamnp $1. OfInd tise girl iallinquellt sdbv srE isoaisV.tat0 and ha.v.Benat10Magre Aa Grayatake, WD $10,00. IL'ubE~I>t cmmttei te a state institution. Secs. 19 andi 30 Deerfieli Tviu., Wl) G0 . S frnete alîgto sreAet E. B. D0oittls and vifs ta Bd- wkTisera la a possibillty tis&I tise >'oltlts 100,aaP100Just aast af Butrick Street. Wanke- r Mi.W471.ltibok7 na' e cisarged vils contriisutingtge1 J. G. Magase and Vire t10&R. E.. gao, Wl) $1100, stamp $1.50. DoolIttie Taylors La ke Suis., Wl) tIse girls delinquanc>', but tise policeRuad ifE7ItW38f.N R. P. Stupa>' and wsee 1 A. P. 1900-00. sIamP $ 1.00 tiser Six Youths Tell of Ail Night and siates attorney' are lnclined 10 MI W of Maple eI. o! block 18 Laka Mor>' sud sife W 46f. E 186 ft N J. H. Zimmer sud vile te Sussu£.JA1A4 5 Debauchery irhGilon pace most o! tise bilaeon tIse girl. Bluff, Wl) $10.00, tansP $10,50. 1-2 block 4 plat "ýC" l.igissood, Brenton. lot 6 Hubar's Suis. of block - ThWarith Girlno gr t . .Kicne ndwfetnW . D74 Highland Park, WD $3,600.00. Afnys.5 ive Norh eah is fcttiattie ohao galnd. . lrisersu vle10W.R.ohn$50, Oaff4.0.Ceensuevte ltUmm,.k 5 af'eNrh ec but 15 yaars oid maires l possible Johnoson. lot on S aide Washington C. F. Maeccitie and wse 0I' . Igaatel u vl aJh ffc isu, aui obigextremel>' serious charges St. Just W Of cli>' limits, Waukagan, MaacItle tex W 48 fI.) lot 10,*E Waalubur nd Sprlots, WD1 1 00,ock 15, U* A sordid tale o! alIagad iabauchai'y agaînsi her assailants If tise trosecu- WDl) 1000, stainp 1.50. moor dd. HiSpranngark, W) st$m0011.0, Involving Verna Joisoson, 15->ear-olO ton la go inciined. Chas. Farman sud wseat1 L. N. $2000, Hgln Pr tamp $90..L MTVHT lir.mduhe fJh ono f12 h oiercrsso twsn Lniskog, tract of land in Sacs. 3, 9 F. W. Bock and siee 1 W. il. Nina W. Wlnston and bus. te W. H. fzLdi ero dauWst eli Sreo!Joh Jondsix o! 152loTise olice rteonoeIls asntsd 0 aukegan 'I'v., Wl) 1100,Johnson, tract of land E ofthse Joisnson,, lots 1 sud 4 Wlnston & A M CB Ê ,> !kegan yugmn a eeldtm 3.0 Mar's Suis.. Lake Forest, WEI $10.00, 1ee th0'un t. vabaast y> aa> f romt ome aitd sas ourM'on W lon a i sel .N auegyand W l $0.s taCo $90. stamp, $10.00. erteWaukegan police tIoda>' follovlog vorking n a Kenoshs, Isltel. On an- Mbilon ion 22 anaW l) 11te.N . N A. Sgaun, $1sud vile 0 . R .,.Kmaisdslat .E a~u tean exhaustive investigation tise Hunocasonelele>' sudlt lt 22 H.inaA.$1.(ocis. alenander. e . . otN. irbalWndwie t W E 5obtà b>' olIserocasion aisencausaitis oara .sao 10.Henkel sd wsell, lots 6 sui'7 block adprto lc rnnsAd ~iePsa 4. e , , tavn ofierso e irls ei sors ! fIv ocldeyg-e, n o isiJune 5, 1922. 33, Laike Bluff, Wl) $3,200.00. and part lot 27di.ulock 2 Wrns Add. Ofc hn 4. '_ sud h iavigthen kidapptai n rodndar-marriei. on tise charge ltat tise>'bai n atlt2aj.I aitnaAd ligsI i ht catin tes.trcorerattempîci te attacit ber. Inquir>' h>'E. W. Butterfieid and wile te jo- June 6, 1922. atur b> Io negrots sehoi se clamei tise police convinced tisein tisera seas steph Mai10>', lots 16, 17 sud 18 block W8.5arn'raisll 1 .5Hgsad0ak.l îoo.sam YLH hB lia ruggedlier sni carri lier ihan ~ otising te tise charge and tise pris- 2 sud lots 7 and 8 blockt 1, Cisai et C.Koeupe. lot 7, Warrtner's sub 0o A .Rceiai u elet .Atfuya. gt auooiee iesoosnrI fts ncrer erdismissedi Lakte Bluffs. Wl) 110.00. Stamp $200.Lake Cathearine, Wl) $2225. iD. Ricisards sud vIfe, lots 72 te 75 IBZRTYV£.]t UXJ£ y wbere abc said_______bellilier Joseph Mello>' t0 Paul Maceuffin, John McMaIson and sife lu R. A lc ertl ak Ds.0 edy ctve ilngt th rgnlsodiviiei 1sai e as ls au .9;b.,,, & Aliane Berberîcit, lot 12, Prîce'~s ixmp $1.50. Ra-.phsone 188-m. of~ rank coin ots rgia tr>' FARMERS FAVOR Wt $10.00,stamp12.50. ai oK .sut> Highwseo, Wl)$10. e i e E.T B Willilams et al. te Margaret oule. toli tise police b>'tisa girl,se seasR.J ayadwfeta.t K R..Dd nd ieetlteL sud sealking paat the Acadein>'tiseater >v~5 1Jll l>SandEvelyn L. Wyatt, lot 29, Allen P.andDely . Ke drlot 9, AI-sa. 1. W. ntioclo t yv..Woods$10,00.a 1haMonda>' noon visaitwIo negroas P I E I~~K iaroi Sub. On Gagas Laite l t ai us<~GgsîikW)aai î0.Atmya..a te itlapti eut of su autOmobIle sod $1,000.00, stamp $1.00o. -$1500. Tbamp 2J0.ansan ie1 . . LBRYI Lua seizei bier. One of thamn, sa sai, R. J. Dai>'andoi vie et ai. te J. W. Anna Rynirsel et altiie Aggie Edvas lotn16nandaiete .Li H.<9RYV-m U Scil>' sillei ber cries slile tise othar sp- The Lakte Count>' Farm oBurtau asat Noling soi Geo. Fran.k, lot 85 AllenKroll, lots Il te 41,.Nlui-phy 's. aid dwGergs, Aid. Wasens ugan 100Telephoa S&1 ovipliei cbloroform te iser nose. She veeli pasei a resolution te support Varra Sub. oit Gages Lake, Wl) t0 blockt 138, Northr Chicago, WD stamo $8,00. sai tiat vIsit se regaluai con- te control of tubarculosis ln caIlle $600.00, sîsmp$11,00. $16,000. AieM un'r u ss1 R .F Il tise aclousnes u asngitsd Iie na tht count>', at thiaI county hieai- Bernard Sasenkin sud wsee R. E. Rose Beitn and hushand t0 Anlon osn u 3 unar's '.E,'11U, aorltomîa> a ie arasu h quarters in Libertyvîlle. Maki, lot 2 Halmisoîz Suis., Wauke- Giewskb soi vile. iota 2 and -1 Adi oen Lakte Marie, $10.00, stamp soi.Tbrough their efforts tise>' inteni 10 gan, Wl) $10.00, stamp 6.00. blockt 4, North Ciicago. Wl) $10. $1.00. msatuoV 1 wits Tise police took tht position f rom secure a man f rom tht sISIe or laierai Paul Gabreg and slle 1e Jozer stamp $1. Alice M. Runyard and hua. t ieLIWYV LU bsr lise first tisaI tiese aoi'>'as 1tonIna- gosem'ment to test the caIlle, grading Yestnovic, lots 34 1 9blct4 Tieresa lloscislaîesk o lraanisndlt21 unadf ids-Oite probaisle te obtain credauca and tise>'ftlient on regular sel finie. te prevant Dre>'ey's Sub., Northisiîcago, Wl) band to Oscar Soierqiiisl and vife, La~ke Maria, Wl) $10.00, atamus 50c. DR. J. L TA smhi et ouI te determine visat tIse true tfticldsease spreaiing and trying if $1.00. stamp $1.00. S 1-2 lot 16, Sunierins S. Jacksont Harrla B. Seymour and hua 1 . Ofte e IIt atesl- m ~ lacs vere.possible, te erradicate it allogetiser. JlaG lvr 0Tsrs .sub. Waukegait. V't)$10, stamp OffS& C A Parda, lot66, Rvinla three Griamore. lot 22 Lôtus Suis. on Grass S. Il.1-anson and wife tet H. $' C . A 1.0, a lot 62500,Ea R:1 a 380 a, As a rasuit six >outisasee ra - Titis planliras betn adoptîti b>'more Lie l)Cs.pîîo.tr>'ee i.pr os 4ai DeedÂ$1000ummgaan2 ela5».on esau ce L o S:qadgo attemontoe iepoIesatoeled> erlllî onit ntsecuî>'a rancesco Caringalla ta Santa Piîl- Stinderlins S. Jocksorr street. sub Stuckhlik and selle, lots 35 sud 36 L3RTIT .e raternoonThi sgereqstiomnais eparet.a o. b- attBueur-grini, part blockt 24 Maan'a Plat. Waukeganir.Wt) $10. tamp $1.50. slockt 12 Waulegao ItîgishlanisNorths _________Y______________ 31bsntl' isi iniaaeiat er t. Hlgivooi, Wl) $1.800,00, stamp $2.0o. Sn' iettnd ndsle 1SaOn-ÇisgO., VWl $2,00.00, stamp $2 50 'oke stikni> smlar. Tirete resosgrla ommuiat i . ei byad-iing to alMaY>31, 1922. blockt 25, Ilars Plat, illgitsooil.'W Anna B. Frairiak randl alfe 10An R bai approacisai Ibein on lise South Ais isut t' . t-W'ieeiock o! .ibe-rt'villle Ifo«lE.' lotV. Wan's i sbate FREMr lhDIi'iw l lÙEm rAi D Icllper wsere tisas. vre fishlng, sud ln- vas: llo blI] 1, stamp $1,00. $îpat..Oîî ' '-I,'D xmo Ad Higislant tPark, WD AIfi mtlh r vas viti familiarlties. Sisa spent tise Resoîstd iltai rrt1w aIke Couitty Grong r ils $1-so wi l1.00.rl$.l. $itro10tî 0Frnt l.00. Hrii u ef-ttl-a i.- sentîeatnoon vI enin, ia>' 55- l-arm Bureau suport lite plan for tise tHari>'and rl ots 5, 6 so il-)39 u oioik, lot 22, blockt 4, Dtrst's S. Herrington, lot 12 block s4'Arigis *rnna sherti.soadte hvein appoacterrLaeicaono btlo- uetlsrin 121i Il. lot 7, block 1, Cranes sui). ti,'sut), Wauktgao. Wl) $10. staotP Adi. Liberlyville. Wl) $10.00,t stainp FR N T 7COft aise a algai th e r.niaitsn aiecut.Diamoori Lake,. Wl)$10, stantur$4 811 0.OC. FR N S-f ac o 1 ak avatvi ei.Tise bureau Iloures tu strrti,- a certi- t, t). 'o. Hughtes a-t iti Wte10IL.D. W. R.Johnson aso ifeltc tr.. J. A SPEcIALTY tDeep Three of Ihen. compildansoiaccore- fiai tester tisougi tise board rof super- -P. B. 3 irioso i sediwfe to ]loi- Eliîr-and iselounI52, Ravinla. W Bamnes snd vife, lots 19 soidf-îr block gsites pani ire otise beach opposite tise visena for about $3,000 a yt" t nicO ta nd ise, 87.50 acres t) $11), stamP $t0 2 Nlxon's Adi. tb Waukagan. %") 547 NORTH COIN1 re tise beach opposite tise Nots plant of tishei i 7.Nspr wî l Est. of Elleir W. iliipwî'li to E. A. $350. stan.p 60c. W U~A Noti Sor gs oman'.vIer a D IIE F OO.1. atrni-'$-n rîr!ýpin. e>.50 Il lot 4, blockt 27. A. H. Benedict sud vile te Mary W IK G . Give dicu a di. CUL Vice Prosîdent ST CO. ARMrrED MMEI 'Orts nkfoil ulle every 1. o 7:18 s at Lake rrans for R1R *:im i.

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