~rny ht*IQdi'ule~s - Wnk~ 1$Xt have bee3l very. Iagl'" ~te,~a e NWI ~ ywlen, t vn<r nalcounsi. pradliwly, a ' *ntiemen éf the state's counse4 Oeluave .been 4àejJn abundance.of evidence for the pait Several, ;>'ybli bave iXied bard to co»nectup Goveinor SxnalI ti. ehauxge of coni3puraey BUT, now that it ig .11 done, 'ed we donet need ýte rebutt any of that evideneeit ýýtooinny, tee shalow, so unstable that it . oe snteven MMI an answer»--aud se we rest our oWn case on. what %'havé NÙT'prc.eiited." Soin. end te the several eks' efforts of the state. PROTEOTDIG TELOTUS EW>S Jugt now, a short time before the big 1otus bods are »iiig into full bloo at ýGrass Lake, is an apprýopriate »s to diseuss the importance of having state legisation (eh' wîll proteet thoBe beautiful lake-flower-beds frein ,g devastated by- persons who are trying to make a xmereïal business ou~ tfthein. ]&en from (Chicago during the paat few years bave n ging te, Grass I4ake and taking away the bude. and àti by the truck loads. Neody inithe. eounty objects people going there and viewing the bqda of flowers aud dng a reasonable nuniber oftbtem away because the w~ty id such a tbing cernes frorp an a&iiring public and k~ cunt de~rthe a vertising that is the consequent it of such a wonderful be d of flowers. Howevcr, the jetains that people of late years have been ruinîng rb.ds sud there ià a fear that if -it keeps on the mwhol e W will b. despoiled and possibly the famous lotus beds Lake ceunty wiil have disappearçd.. Thns there is an agitation te have the state enact a w which will bring state protection te the wonderful wer beds. People living in that vicinity are anxious te ,ve something donc along this lino and therefore any as- ;tance that Lake (Jounty officiais give te it by encourag- g legistiators te take definite steps thereto ouglit te be preeiated by eueryone in the county. KOTHER PROP KICKED PROU UNDER STÂTE'S CASE. Judge Edwards did net take the SinalI case from the ry because he prebably feit that the issues involved ae tee great to justify bim doing se even though the çeuce of a real ceue no doubt impelled hlm te do that iy t>ing. And s0 while hie did not actually take the be from the jury, lus reniaîks as a whoIe indicated that feUt lie was abnost justified i doing so but did flot wishi istate to feel that lue Iad in any way prevented theru (ting in every single piece of evidence which they FELT jm ghthae Wth the case laving gone on se long e edge feit probably that the jury OUGHT to have a, eeand thus there would bc no come-back on the-part the state. In tact, this position by the court was en-, FIy defensible even t ho uglu îany frit lie ouglut to have ken it froin the jury. Better te have a complete vindi- tMen by the jury than a wallop frein the beneh which outd send the case spluttering into the air. >The fact is that the judge has. given -'the state every ?sible chance té get in every iota of evidence it had- ~yet his casuial remarks in court have indicated that lue ~not been able te sce where they have connectcd Mr. Mali up wth any sort ef conspiracy-in short, the judge bis desire te give the. state a complet. chance te show~ ihand, bas extended thein Ieniency many many tmes. Dd yet they haven't rnade a case eut of at these weeks' The defense feels gratified that the court dîd NOT le tu strike eut ALL the evidence. They prefer having said that lhe jury could net xdiscover sufficient tÔ find th the- state-it will be, better te, have the jurors do it ther than have the court practioally se order thenu, ich would have bee-n tie case, had lue stricken out ALL etestixnony,ï And se, no matter if the juiry diaagrees, no matter if L Y ,are dead1ocked, neox9atter wluat happçns, Governor SIAS BEE N VINDICATED WËJtH THE EVI- ENCE submrittcd by the state, for the state bas not con- eted up* a ehargeof conspiracy at any stage. But, his ïtagonists apparently have accomplished their biggest sire-they have tied his bands fer many menths, they ýve cleated the people of Ilinois out of the administra- te abilities posgessed by the mnan they elected governor. U se again, the people, inot the individual, sufer as 'a 1STRIC'S us0 UN~E BRINfiS JAM b W1TfII MIER ROÀ> Kessosa. J, une 21 -The spectacle ie4the b.representatives of tvo 217' systems opposinatue. pefl- al Of çach other vas preseule,! at ..eting. cf the City counil Mon- ovenltig vlan the local repni- taItv. Pt itheWisconsn Gao & thie eo'mpany, lhe ovuoo f the àaBtreet rilva>'.' ytei av- 16proffe St£alust tIi. peti- Pt ilt tu Chicago, North Bliare à& wabiso EBlectrto comnpas>'for a eebhiso ta -U lte City>'ik frèta opeation OC a bus 3nln uXon- The word>' batis e 4ven 'the resenatlves ot the railva> Coin- oe was precptateé b>' tii.pret- Sttan of s pettuon b>'tle Noths ore lIne iskIlsufer Permission tlu trae a bus line on lb the ke tO bu' a; ibis lino la pîiséé b leh ed beteen 'Wuk aIl outliina,!inlmaannouncemoul mule noveral ésys &go. A part ofthle plan Drovl4es for the bussles ta cîrcle idar- ket square aud zetrn ta the Eliza- beth atreet station ofthîe Nortli Sbore1 It -àa& .ezptand 1ha1 the cojn- pan>' did sot anticipaiste enlaig in- f0 alocal transportatIon buiness but thii. III.route vaU neemgr>' lxý oréer tIntt ho bus liseè miglit *sen"# as a fteeder lu thi'Wt1ntien ulIne 'abicli they uow operato.. EX-MINISTE R 15 IJNDR ARREST Iudianapolis. Imd., Isue 21.-Tbe local brandi ot -the PInlcoton De' tecilve Agoncy _iOday recelvefi word trom Los Angel es, Calif., that Dan loi1 D. Stewart. former, Presbytertan Minater. bas beeu areaied lu Sarra- -Mattrandus, blé on chaig-e f for- <or>' uaédbi;gain>' lo iagainsi hlm la Indianapolis, Nov YYork Detroit suéd otbor Cities. qtoe&rt: lassld tu 'have, hfd tour Preas reviewed the oxae au OUk- liied ln the ill of utpsrtictilffl and declared that at 1.55 $1.500.000 mn Lernt mono>' on t"o J-aCsto lue paciera belonged te the St t iflibOis. Hlm argument vas detaflUd la foilluisa the openstions et tht Grant park lisisiand ilieltadefithe charge« made at lb. lime the indict- meats sen. noturned An fiprisgieid- Jut>' 20, 1921. nie veut imb detais 01 thell- cliss et $40.000 'Worth of Ârfbour& Co. debepturea b>' Mr. Bmali. Proeut Plan» aie for Mn. Free tw lie folloved b>' Itapi Dsdy and-i. Wlkenaon. snd Staie's Attorney' C. Fred MortAmer s'i11 close. it ha,! beeu expected that 'Mn. Wllkenson, bd as assistant attorney' genaal. voulé lie the final tsiien for the prosecuition. For the detense, AttOr- neye AL F. Beaublen. Werner Schroe- der and C. C. LeForgee -wall eea An that order. -REI4iS S PRO BATION OFFICRi (Contluued frono Pate 1.1 Persoasin the juvenfle court work. M4akea Threa R.signatluns The cesiéxiatiOof 1 MIss Pilmetedl la the tbiré that lias came oui ot the count>' court et laIe. 14ret It vas learned that Mno. Alice Wright Stbvall -bad4 resigned as. Court reDotten of the county court' Then on Monda>' it wac" learned tiai lins. Vrances Mactnn-18, !natron Of the Detention Home. bF.d resigned te taie etect Auguat 1. liae' comes the resignation ot Mi* Pol=nteer. The thee reslipmatlous are regarded as quite -a coïncidence. TAXE Up SQNUS BILL Washulitas ,l %ine Io.-~' avote01 s1 <o 2t' t» sa" ' tlt a!'>teruoon ro jeo O monob>' 'gee-tonWaialý 4 Z44 of - M.acus telutak op thesWoegs bonus bl Imlsaediatell displselsu tie tarmf 'ITe record jeta waa- obtainsfi on1 4oive b>' elatol' Wfos. republican et jadians. te la>' 'Waish's motionloi the table. Forty-threo vopublime Sand elghI doeu»ratt votsé for WatgoiVs motion Twfenty demomrteansd twqo repuli caus voed againât t. HJE STATIOMEfl !JIB3 Sap Antontlo, Te,. J3noe 21-'-, cording te a telêplione message 'n 1cçlved bere lods>' the trntgatiOx puL pngpant ai Mercedes. Tex..,lie lie s.tawar b>' ttiL ]RIOGranti ,u ýTieplIt asa vatued atlI ,Zr# BUw $mm O _-os me ]*tth &ýà4 CARI TTI E (Oontinued tspm Page 1) - h iaiwiisterling look office. 1ýt4 VrPoes OCth«e.documents Wus to "rote le b. logatimor theb pr0soqntlou tbqta the, 0rai Park bi s'as 4 "WçkUuua"Inhtitution. The ditasse inaista the eertiOeata»s of deposit fosé isugtka .5501 of the laie Sesox uIA, w ei a head of a stritget 28 hana uOe the. Sata, demuatra# UItheCOiUu- liOns elistovce ofthe b bnk udéthus dispose et the -barges oft ti prowr ecUtloÛ luit Il wosn nota: tes bank. The "turu-ot or" receipt waa luto show thas.t b. moue>' balonging ta the Stateo.u aldtcated by thee - ditor of thea 1.lwuvasturned uver b>' Ailall te bit a Uccessor. and that notkinu, s ounnémlesing. I lu upon these points. toehr willi the evidence of the witneases Câeidb>'theBitte, tht the ef enso. w11rept> for lit dernind tht the Jury acquit the Governor, ou tbe groimé thst tA ias been ehown that ail th.eumney tht ever went oi et the treasur>' éuling the adualuis tratiCu of mai! Vas returnsd tW the treftsury and tht duc'tg ii. tealus of 5maI! and sterlling, a total ut $,416,13U7' -'ws tured lu au Interest ta the Blute. Afidreshes ta te jury viii bb ai- ternatefi by the prosecutlot &ad the defense. sccordig t10prudent WpAI». and the final arguments ae sapeet- ed to be madte b>' Chief Counsel C 0. leluorgee for the d#tonse. and igtate's Âtty. Mortimer f Saag*Mon count>' for tbe progocuibnf. If the case go.. to tis.Jury' .Ifday, it wül lie just g vooka frocs the date of the acual' stat 0« the trial. the pcking uf the jury for viiCli hegan April 24. befens. Argues tomorrewP. M. Indications are that couzzel for- d"tens, luaithe Smaltriai wW argue belone the JurY Prubabi> s' tinlr 0- morrow aulsslioesa" Iating aul day fflda>'. *bsiz argument& gtaited for tbe ametodtus>'tiere was a fair- zazese ouvélantlitro<Mb. SOousthe>' liogan t "r out aié vithia bai! h o ur afier Mr. Prous bail atrteé. thera s'e not 26 persm a A.the gai' ler>. Han>' inguirie1i haïVe beeu inne au f0 when th. dâtense la ta begilsartumetas .ciaIY from s'orne. au« thys about a&H lhesdata th5as nb. giu ta: The defolisé prooball>'vil) ge ugder va>' tomer- rus' aternoon and "ndey. Attorney' Prm>. .Md ia asaulats haen't muels to tak about Do fkr as the defesse's ovidence ges-for thé. dotons. *ubmitted noue. The claie thus muet arguaono the meitIs of 115 OvE Tfisice and! hamnt asY' lic the detçnse Lu try to break de'wf-4 1 ry umnsi situation ln a bit case. Mr. Préee iiili e foiiovod by Raph Dut>'. Thea vil coine tbe de- yfenso b>' Attarse>'Aeander P. Beau- bien ôpening. ta lie fôtoved b>' Werner clroeder andé Attalorne C. C. -LeForgeo.Iset. Final a4ugment b>' ihs proeotiOn *vili b. omade b>' Attorney' C. Freti Mortirner of iianga.mon county. Lthé 'big gun' of the proeecution. Wbtt Pree Ssw. j Wash Dresses .n-A Special Selling $498' Jwst in U4»i.forvffltion we.ir, these frocks-rew and beonl*nly fashioned tre offeredSt a very special priee. For spQrts, street or travelya i find a f rodt îî<this grQup that wiU joyouely meet with Y-Ou nieviduality. And the low pricing .($4.9S) Wdll r really be a *xrpriàe whcn 011 inspect the value. Fasbioped»f Tmsue, lmported Gig. ham, Fine'Yoile and Prmted Batiste. 7XWýi of rad ss4glS. ek.d ImPorted gingbam, bas overdrap.d zklrt, colar and caR t WlaIt.Organdle and ed«ed vifli white liraid. A tfreci 0for Iu 'ilà é l nde wth Pleated iskîrt aud whitle rnffied collar and! dbt.18 . Score uC ilier ftodW.tn' this group are qualiy attractive. Beach Capez, $3.9 8 Nade « iaIfed amelshir, In an or bue. Tbey are r- I .Wash Fabrics In A Special Selin -afe"oftbemany specials tound in the pieee good@ ae4len are mentioned here. Ail are new uum- mra far&n i.ost desirable weaves and pattern s. 45ine#h iMported Emb. Organdie Ak b14 l 661Mgos arae uowu. The price. Asver>' 56mc »M-W"ol 33inch Ratine, ffoinspimPriced at $1.Yd.79e Yd. Wsst.dtr ~e otumes. ltichceicépalternd. 4 ratine Colora are ,,iaé a.u A sultable forvraPs.. milite snd remariaIt. 'valu, .î9 yard. draes. e . lcyard. 40-inch Woven Plaid Crepe de Chine' 4_remlghibie vç&lut. Colora are black and vhlt 1 e rué and wUte. orchid aud white. Yard ...... . . ~ ..... ,14flnch IIfpOted 32-inch Tissue -Swiss, 98c Yd. Gingham, 49e Yd. To lie la ws vhlte and vrsc- Uq le ve«r>' vanted color. 980 Bih stripe timssu inghama Il Yul. beautitul colorAnts, 4ée yat. ~1. t -.'~,'-' Il. ANNOUNCIN-,G! THE APPOINTMENT. 0F TUE Adams Motor Co. WAUKEGAN CHEVROLET DEAL.ERS, For Waukegan and Lake County IMMED LATE DELIVERY $52.5 §Iouring P.e 0.B. ,Flint.Mich. 50 Dow- $1,89. __ Balance $ 12.00 a Mçrnth WORLD'S LOWEST PRICED FULLY EQUIPPED MOTOR CARS 'Ad m otoCo Sheridan Road. at Belvidere Street, Waukegan, ElI. Tel. 2899 -Ma a 4 & it di tg b t