t ~TO~ A.jijiro~~ or Co. cr1100 it. ýe~nt W» made of report u0lI le bosPtUl 'd to aui,ê to appromt- 3e COl BtC mountin teP the0 lat thercu@ 3 the 1afl Ives, aakb nt lt unlaw- fr8. 2.50 pir- ic- que [ar- 50 baveIlIve.d, la my opinion, for imany repllas t Wkre i no; ell'ý, Ido w TOIn PcEt tegive STet01 AIE 111111>TO in* yOUI>2 rb"M n .rdea lthe eosuloe. c ite he ry f aolf Wolf" eianati»g l'rom il te w S01~AIU S~U1IS JLIFonibthe P.1 mo i ti onaybooft idythe nl RPJO I&molnd ayl u toog t oith toay th -l 0 1 alckp . b Wo bave b.-eAu lb a m G l- ,ga M e Place Bla e .talOcmplM sebb o -pertaining to atfen1PtlýTorticeetc uy "wn' dChicago Papiers Kad Them Volt"s'~ oU* Ihtecaed"gn anGLLcabeca huante ttelexetie inf Tau t'lit'Aked lo13ernlig thes brgs hua.th ttesee-uie nWlle-ma-ig 'Mine and Eleven Times ilidge Claire c. Edwardsecad Ufh tGtWodFn. vo? ~ ~ Wheefur a Itttle politicai power. 'Wheî'eas the proseCCItioIl itbfl ViiCiao1'II u~~tî teco ~4n fthebWt rtes it 1e olus eebsaod f exnlain tO those Who hirwd them Sai sVTwe hit I5C0 b ~ir 5r po n ' -____ haadluis or mouey prois m-IV il' z-- c tiîeoy ba be te acmetdl fold.Ons,'sre , Ibo' -Chicago »oiule-gilner Iat du Bach mercilesa deeds ini a, rreat they were unable to attach the Ileast ueulblance of g'iit t-,t i l e tîttte ntay tedees, n roé i a1wl eztbleeisfii sha T*ee$Ml Airegardiag UMi, Smal's 1 twentelb eentury ciy llke t'hicago, GvrnrIestteal b the ceostsi. .ltC0 YbItccoD> cat.eieeIsfnlyCbvu- obtb, vhen hres»ers tuat arm supposed ovrnrSxnafl, and attenipt to excuse tbe:fr rank fil"elte Jury wNo ua bf4ovr o u tealte Bpw.duinas ter more #1thasIts sharp Ob troe lflbe 0ifI dt f îrs.Ida t ltin te van of moral prorese y ilfluiatigafl the jry"ati .een u a +>,j ii.5. th l foreth" Irea«bcd ieir unanimoit, us t ob.0cvttelem If there vas trylpg te esead" l1eing harmea > 10 .1 * aay' ury ffaluI lWzdone Mostbs y ipr oe o! 1orlu- will Plan and exeete. SUC amorio.n cornes ___ betore wie .ascorn tia, aol. 'PoIl*lt: ,andi rigtlnov' t t~ieOovmnor ha its md ail nadeW, ore t'Xe cage acoma t'eo triealie s the Iie mftrvclm o1ber homan 'Campain aganst teInane, e i otse d ailîineU5vb olinlb.seIvcnerr se h ' J8 afflbéeaakes- lllerty-anâ een 11 o te luneo- ews fonnden ouAX <.t if a tieamstmadeytk aile baltoi.s, ana a are mon wbcmi,, ane *t b rur- >ive c hiid o'r the âOt cb~IS- COi ct.and hùNdI the m tiyn to thelrN 'o ereporteS usé. aprahdidvâyltei>ln i tbsss-r n a*'wIF" laf leaed lthe 81015er îuiOi3.4 up le .* '-~l1 nayrt ilk influence te ui W S AEby ab?' 9 vTbey to Mlo'Wohaeuf nthe Indnet V of te grave, derent men muet and the SUN heerith n akes a oroad Bsa#M t YaJ "l i î Ic Istbaljot vab Il ro 1 lorace- r<toluilon itlohannesburg, *WIW veffle: vhicit vlndicateidber stand agliasl Imi tpsavagery of the t'---h@ 1YbAA wa9 12loi, àc ~dSVI~Odbi ttucrs t pecace.would not have maie hfid te PrOsecutiOli »xOt sen tit f<o> Qu Ita, Tbf tierceva. 12 or t vi~a hirdury ao setce - ioocle ~ id ~ - i quittai. 'llN ie.letrfgts NIE?~~~ 4UhÇI bai ae 1onceJnved tht wan-j ih thj e Getense wrîaa loi* ]et thentstiite 1The mis vIe soted aganst an- lJabi,îlrr li bs ec ea *MWorte. alest it acrime.abl1'liegan, ibo wegnt . verj, £Isistent 'r'epMIl le tears tliey May lA luet1 crie ge u4ezciai and."balfotuntor EEI FRNJAILI -nîîue r vn.1ld ' i'ttl 'hi"Wh" l i t eïr izcries etho.,d around the world. under the law or' not bt an ug t u neblo fr. iitrd ree 0! lz i te r lc of te Who> plunged tese poisconeil viras NO'W, with State's Attornîey Motimerof Stiangainion bis be-liet. ob!ter mta hyp erfs âh» nbeenftotit h- lidaggers Ilo t hebearta ai theth « aiueltimhpyt elr omeldt ift ntrý out osth outk.s lbap a gev ri o-lt.woe i nlýa tas ~ famly I vletthe ve. auedcoinllinifihatimg tru the Ccago Newsthat the (le, tb J r hu. mdsCeSiTo' m k s orwhe-he hie mesattes I>i'fq and who tlaI>'un tial werp de- fense knew where it Stood al along go fW à$ the i.l)-v is oftem "a reUUtvfa ther» 10 greel 'o 6 days thé le ounivjailfor viola' falled 10 reac t heni. '"à enuxes <" lîW 'sobied prsed ofailanJustification faithe-Icrtea. Morne ver. met by Ibeir lion oethîe prohîbilt law tias mrens. lu 1Otki. during lte bgre-,olUlIi 0 eerob#n husiaanud ther, faise accusation$ sud malîgn tmpîi- e'Onîeeî-nd, it is at least intercsting to kwlw that: vives nanS chllire-aJIl boved keen cd tday by fiberiff Elmer Orepbu. bavng! iaRassis.. r Goata<l hies.*,Y. pe ci 1.e. canlonster, roht e nothloî A linefthe po Dci io I> *11v to ilîîî<p9recation o! lhe fart ihat it vas Ke-ves bis full tiue.broîbers ands isters iscre eOs1Pe»y tio OY 0 l sldli a bwol dnaîal A 1 njprftît , -o~----- Mdkebas- t:, î_Ljeti i> 0fl, r. tI itr li4es frtri: - p ___ elberCy& U lofeg t te personnel ar troc bureeés 0f late lu cobocctl() ilwt be-cuniry. MtIr. 4-W 'otli Ïe jury__ cene a Endwaélftrd intî- i'tto tpJury whlcb tuai-S the case and ren- î, elsale of bot0 oldierg ai the Io Soult Alfica, wIi ie raine and ai tic pople. ho eletri rveut lteIo, nt-i Judgederci te verdict viich prove-Jftint î,.îLaites. the- Uited l Sates. l l ebte peeueti.whave eeo tif daun mb hi ~, .1( I AD FRHE.GvernrSmf asInoetaIlt --1 eit ieiondles>t consîder lis rt',lonsibltî, l,; oth, 'rhat bet-ailse lit'W S (1 INSI'ENTii ùb~carges, made Igalnst hlm: vilI blchoteas bn» roe erlm atS ~ ~ ~ALEXANDER SMITH, Rosecrans ____ aaby men v<ho sougtI hi. 0 ulie cafiincd iniit ht-i,vi-rout horm ene aItîdtteu e ibueDit o rC kledainau,'ge. ORGE MArII49 gitanid.ns hne te vin fortebu-elves privasl lcft> 15g 'iti V lP ti t'tctatîffr u a>î'ii< h'J1t <ti: GRGcE-MToN,' H land Pyarii, v ia n d pl i t a s p o ] W 1 h p ni ho l i t e ,'car mîii e I mî 'N1 W I L I M B R A D , H g l n esvi l l V ~ - rtIi a iii hoi-t-u!i arii, . r, ,,w lputtsd oîlce pol-s d- ae- t' shiidargifIOe'tîk- tasdii-a'g ' fuii sel. >- tt p s'-îtiî di ILIA AR R . Hi-iinî j- Work of Conptalors. tiragedi not waîît him. Waîs il lecalus<'liet-eîîfusetl Io >11oN105th('Il Pak. 1aci cpt--ardp-ne, .7A'est- etgli n tee ationthava hircling to n<rforin. thattthe statfe woidt al 4 CokJ. IB.lFIELD,.Antiocti. 'iiftî .1 Uinot soi ol Ite ntion hZU5fl~>~ sn mecianit', 28se-art- d . fIIo<ed iS a zmntteworw 0 0 OO 0 0 0 00 00to continue aetiîîg as ýdî-pîtx'aftt'î' iting bhitit ilht R "RANK REARDON, Wîîiîkegiin. w nRw Clt' a or aof honi'j' Ltostant su-t'a"' W A UCONDA O Wauconda foi- thar >îîhui~ blIer zoom superrior. 37:>Pare o0< et braien charges and co.r :1 tsir OC >OOOO ~t OOO Nomwtht'î, ast Io fîîrtheî fît-tsi: tlicierk, 29 years nid. tio pns e-el ' ý%ti'againsi lhl, ;0. Misse-e Frant-eiKent and Haine-t A uil îîi tîî't'î tI t-a lt'n'î(-tis'î' Il-%- t1w lt- u- t Wi. M PETERSON!4gi an ermor. Glyncit of Chicago spet te wcek end s,' tation"r firemsn, 32 years nid. The-> w'r.- ,ho(k.d '.it.'ri huIra'ai th-oe on, of r. and ]Mrs. T. . <i.r, tk ( î,itt'î was (tl stilt i (~iIr h.b-\V " L W EN EBs>Han a 4urera, fnt co)nient wih h l-it. sum-iF.ent. ltet' ail dinilg the trjial. borer. 56 yeassnod. 1111ea whJ1lti tey bapic lion the! Mr. sdMlrsiJus ;Tomisky amIter î-~~ ~u u~ ~î-V~.~" AUGUST LARSON, Highlasnd l'a"t.i noveraor hlmself. tragged te Dame daîlâiîe-r o! C,->'taî Lake apeÀte A 11<1' t i garde-ner 64 years old. et i wife now tht-lt' virtim !lni"-we-ek en ..t th,îleiruof Mr. andi 're - siti i'îî it h tti' - W'juy~entouit te, its riotiS. JOHN E. LARSON, Wauikegan Iber accusations» C. L. Praîl - sit ---- <l h- gtjuîte-ebi 'iiy xvent1îast ,i67 WyIId IGRG Tt pope !tt aal- at' Mr.'i and Mrn. . J. Maiman. lMr. and 1ia ,îGEORGEa *.BECKMÂN. West Pe- 1 belplese wilthIe I servile lite-ts lIra. Rd-varSMaiman and daugiter 02. Iltetit, OiîîîI:"i-t'~iit f (-ourse' he (tilt luitiad- fIe-id.trickmaker, atout 30 years aid. wbilob as te tolt of! Is conilpir- Waukegan ad.S t. gmUof Chicago tisT h iî îî"tf h'*ms-li---lttHANS JOHNSON, Wauke-gsn. ste-rt- Oq4 heri' tors' sandeS hrouha spent Monda>' viit andarelitles. tl.w - ivaiý ienbrtf h u- ((ýorker,52 Yeai-5 nid. lop V cnrIS- n edelîthro aIot Ms oer u n snor Chf- siek foi- tuit --eJusit diil ia -'llaaesîai lliii- Smal's Statement. aare spending toit week end at ILenrOaî uvni î4is -cmmonwealt 'tii- utsn pr-Ie dîiff<'î-ent, a ditinterested, a îiit'thodiî'al, aa ii- Tt edc !fo ui> a e~bn ttcy bave sepe- treer ctarges îînd ti-s. C.L. Pratt. ili-I lit Ilît 'aid it 14111(l tîî~thfoi. mlost of tht' Jtii-<îi- tolcation o! ti& unstaken confidence in -4,t s11a O c ru c ourt pi-o- Miss Gertrude- Coyle and brother. iacqu ialntely follibrving lte jurys îqioga uiîl .aila-l a tair ant I" ta eofCicglu-no auod ' 1 Imdael o-wng te jr' vlai Jury vippd ouit t(-lssJmes. andcaovai Wuaoa 'htvv -eporated l il,1' iil- dî'putieS-the dî'pîîtlt.s1h verdict an Saturda>' Gavernor mî .,.ai-tends Manda>'.innocenti dctatei the foliovine- sîsteméni and> - i-iGoero 5a! nnc-~ Mns. liai-r> Riley soi chiliren oi î'aiirliiiîg (Gazer tt(..' eîst. Tlhey rprtdthe at- i il tite-pre-ss: frâ no tlte vrnrswfiPitteburgh, Pa., are- visiting at the "Treore~heSverNctofouutgsitanf ortably on the easy il,, *o ltmli ieGveet i.home-ofMn - î, oter M . i tvr heriff- TtcverIct f 'at uilly' te a, -'it co ni '- d usp"orand n - -loha-a -ac-.reailît Iv-asavaasurte vonîd tOi janesville T oRoanu eeevery 08e 0,ioo e aineShtiaî lhneG-r-.t T t- tht'stht-îilft said: * rwthtgyoutof:intralfthctt gns of h ,under ie a irhan ddilMr. soi Mm. lIam->Geai-y anisons h - ., -th lit cieer liaIfoio h 0'bs ( trayalake- vited aI thle tome Of ti'th- iîîî't otus.-if i- tries it again. -And then the sherif vMe, and tis for te-reanitai - in every row getting exactly the cuItivt5ofY..xu ÏWtiatIl!!rînngin ID ei fa", ad is. 1 ~ touid ('tok f'-lie would at once report thbe iatter to Juidge » ebone 1atsia va s n i vant it to have, you thin whtabesg ttj'rom Oce- of Sat Laie Ctah. Und t 1115 vs iît the pol 'îe"aern- pidogata'eeh'ntto iEdwards. lie did So. But, in the ineantinie, <4htzer tried I .7W' ».121. andgid oituslyrain that y ou have a nmachntod alht aMSi tcrratî-'" rU' )élu h -MIaMary Daiy of North Chlcago1. it again and Deputy Cooke heard hin--aud thî-îî t-at sf1 e u ft m) bni n>t Thle olitimiers wMould thîr>i.. so if they( ul ~ P l t is r Sn atedlrtiz di he gummer aI ber tome in W auconda deputy did flot do a thiuîg to t he' (hi a ko chie! eXectI e bave te-en ha np.-red gett ng over the fieic so rapidly, and doing the i the. freii-na ci t. elat-e.. Ntse .C eIH .Mlnnsleiîth. tim. ingt tit-iioieInI'. y'I bettiý er h~îey ever did. ,;eliclene-tand thenedtandth ie :and o. Pute transacted business ini As tht-y say about the' court house', lie tol(l that sleuth "The PeOPofpIlioais bave- ttc Te i;ts"'fI iting Ar-ches solve the problem. e r nonatious oC th rvernmen: <NirsJa y o ok soudtlaghter. iira. w hcre lhe should "head iiî" antd thrù'atî'iw d tî throtvthe c 1 un>'v- he - ti u - .. iu n ro h o b r a d s I l 1 cite tat t cf Judilt Gap, mont., are vlAlIiOg a o<ut of tht' court- bouse. case v-as trIeS v-astirst namneS b>'y J i .- s c:c.mmoyement. You ic vent v-ho conceivedti ltIplat. th,' Saturda>' is I)lDoa'Inlte-vit- The sleuth insist-td l1e haîd î-ied ntigadta h rfuin aualwbi ar\ h ag nterwwt orfe-O w oScials v-ho trieil tu1,put it tto -I1 1lage o! W&Uiconda. (ok a onh otuo tiiofas wwsepo'daction b>' the juryIn ecîdine tiis thcni dt any wîdth desired. -- çge ath tcnewapapers v-iet leni. R. t'.Kent. H. E. Mintan antiO. W. Cok a orgtt bo in u i i aePOtdcase. I do netot blu ltai lthe yeare tbsd liirtuie isi-altertnatnainPotfteees o-entte BCitoîcal\îo-by t-he'prosecution. viii ever u>e-long enongi te1 efface The s-ovels patiUrfY folOw the rows, but you caÈ 4 atte pilli eo the- natiion a it Poemembers ofeChcgo-to-mi ha ttf attcn ro.-YmmoBthoard et te ioethrsie80qicl adgocailthtyS * éfamere anti traduccre v-to lad Sa>' 10 conter wit the aterne-ycf te e- Vil, that fl7ly lit, but vofil t . t ~ tiîta~aii and fith metor>' iteuhaplnese bav ic sie stpiclnd the easiyta #Va goby nthirdgtrd>un Msacu»ts o dîn o., the- rm 1WLl trw ouot. prUsèeutiotJrlit.zidt he d d ie every bull withoutsopgtetam àbraksetar"du o u n g Btk adrea te lrm trcon-j' îît"sadth'dc-irouglti a1at>'=Yhome and te my your own weight oS the meat barsacta as a lp'vertr 14ev te-y mut lace jutittînt tialot, v-te failed tu comPîcte te-lt-Y. !aJtilY b>'lte mos i unjuet. unfaîr aise~ b-o--itba Ccmntmsse-ver systein. The bondine- continu>' Andu, Shî'riff Greî'îî haîlgtlî't-o Judge' Eîwards, toid fita<e'esth"l Ibelieeve e ver Wheels bM dVnteke tl ies for te-Seith tai came- as thzl ob up te mater imie-Satey v-it ea inIa m nouie hsoyt . '.'în e li e ndS auaaeî sur cilaxcfUt-I pli.Mx Dndesant seneSUt ~ hini the faî-ts and t-be judge said instantly: "l'Il attend t-o cfIlîlinois. CI2xP OtULUIW'51U. ' Dy the Opepnerave o!flIre. Smaslmembers titat v-orh v-euld tartI mie- t-at.' 11e accordingly ('alled Attorney Dady of t-he'st-att' "îIvtîinr e eMy odirmai dtntes Cutivaue with a janesville 'lwo-Rw-nd vom Wiilforet bbc>' muet answe-i tithe- tate lh iatey e- or sutiietto anotter realtonaîbie counsel and told hlm t-bat Glazer would bave to stop inter-- anS if ltee pouple 'wbo bave- te-e-n v- was bard work in culivatOn. bave besirithed. contracter. see-ing 10 deetro>' My use-fulnees wv- hi r v Cali Ttem.Blcktanderis. tour ne-vcenent rosi 18 no-v con- fering with the' jury or there would be soinet-hing doing. lahe the ne-iSct o! titis jury asea Ediorall te erad-xaine sutd thfe esi ac ngO- hev -ibie- rom then' on Glazer's activities were not- selbrazen repuciallon cf thei- mettomis. 1i v- oun ai i o m itcao 10stl aenodtfotre o ttmen rne W r ki>'Est-hepeol ep cf Gom i, 'e t te- SDen c H rd are C %~ 'The- BlackH lani Ibai v-Hat Lakecdora ru comme v-est, -aS v-rnand t-he'defense and sheriff's office did not- kaow just- wha-t P ole fuIlenos tcest admînts. tt Grene 0 tti îal- i-ayni-b.A te]ntpotfr>' bridge tas his dulies werc. supposed t-o be' Thev never flaught- bini at t-allen i amn capable of. Poe3 4qnteGvenro hi tleu a Jh-"t ivanI la express ny gratitude a' ' odeàthe markl, but tonna a ri- tee-n contructei over te cocretO aI ntiges-thot] peo lk ony du. Tte Gonci-nar survive-s, but Mii anti Main strectsgottafftg leoct 0ise. De bk wifela dea. interupted.The next happening was t-hat Iepît-y Cooke wa-s ie-jknd artsg and u akea, o Astlias ifle e-&l a nîeaiy msspî Theprosecution rie be t-o b is presence te-i- gondcite-er, heur syzupatit>'ana 11ev. site v-cnt deon nder texx liOxxxo. nte-he0088000085m sse.the oraiif aed ueteus dwne ndrtnigo hesro eut ta'cc of te allack upoo ber hue' o THE INDEPENDIENT lath u ntes-:fo ailf n ase tt ort adw nted runt ral rsu e ltiov- uin Go lent!, c m wt vdy elad neWsPtIl a bot-h sides satisfled with tht' personnel of î)ailiffs, Cooke commuoll>' 1 lave mademoefinde tat "*Hai te-i-c beonnu trial.' taye- c Laite offltY. "-0 e sim maithe te rine- Osys cf ticC li s & o n o au, allendine phtyasie. -"e oud.oxoxexexoXxxxxs cwas released. atDnwekWohwil.1d ___________________________________________ And 80 we see. hixn released, why l .1ust becauselhe flot bnov- v-tracnever do 10ui-e- had plainly made it- apparent-t-bat- HE woîîld not tolerate ver lite-m foi- tuiir u*ny kînesees. Monuments and Mausoleums int-erference witb t-ht'jury. bavemag suitndconrolled thetc yTh lcre tto In view of t-be above, it- is indeed int-tresting and il- case ln np te-tait, andti el assisI- Dw YTeEeti tto It WMi Pay You To Cali At, iuninating t-o hear from Mort-imer and others of thecvu-tl,atmern urie- lierene ry Phonie 200-J LibertYville, flhiuob fa-r as the' relations of tey ee s wte jry ent g labored lone- laIe lhe leurscf te-n t-bedefese to tbe jrywet Ie-ht v-ît a layait>' and de-otIon nhe Libertyville Battery The fa.ct- is t-be above cited scandai was the ONLY tbat i can noe-er forge-t, sudslde piece of its kind t-ha-t-cm u duri.igthtra-nte i M appre-caîlon of tuni- Electric, Se vice Station prosecution was t-be side which tried it and now put-s up a se-i-vces'. O PVQF R S L holler t-olet- the' impression preva-il that- son d ws Brna e N SMTALg.- H OS S O6S L 9body as runageNo" Trouh.Tva nev-housseson Wourtit Streettat v-e wlvi t1 igit. Tune We Repair, Recharge and Replace crooiked but t-bat- that somebody wasn't t-bt' sta-lW. Allai-ne-y Gene-ra Brundage, v-le-n but1'uofietstaeiisaS>'lorndabaI Worpinst-e bvefa ofan cnthetnti-t v erdict, îmsde thesfoi- utbusoth etmtiasndy â O U1IS&!Qt The un rins te aovefacs ad cn sbstntite owig stste-ment tn ttc Asseciated ao0utile about teni. fty-foot gradeS loti. Shlide trees sud tbem through Sberiff Green, front whom t-ht' information Pre-se: eîec-v-e01eye o- ouse bavre Ina-ee living roo. bitcben. 1v- otd rootal4 tMMs "Ttc senew Dteve o- aSd bau on Min floor. Tv-o bei oomes on seond flecr. AilM ak s the' prosecution do t-be sa-me I Can it- back up its «xliai te action of a jury in re- ciemntd bementt~~~eIue- tiit.Otr B at er es In s ec et T e t d s d dirt-y inférences m ade against t-ht'defense 9 edc wl ae n ffe n 1> eodforsu a ebam n.~ rtpa1'in&tu& Batteies lnf3ffctecl Testd and Corne cean. Even prosecut-ors CAN*be fair. E-yen lvii c"uitiagalunsî <lovernor SmalsUo 10 . wuU Put la fuas-naefor 1io.0O extra