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Libertyville Independent, 29 Jun 1922, p. 9

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Despondency and Despair lhese aie the tWin devils wbîch kil ehsrency ad cut clown eargins Oower. Noxne of us travel a road emtirely srmth. mgs ofý us have our disys of depression. The - rI*Ilem is to make them as few as Possible. A ba lance insome odbni ra in a d4spelbn glocen and keeping oe's effir sony Up to standrd. Thi. Bank i bHere For Y«n To Use I lae County National Bak LIRERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Wc cal1 for your f amily laundry-dr&esfes. waists, blouses mudies, shirts. underwear. lingerie, stockings. rompers, knickers. towels, children's things. table and 'oed linens --every- dhing that neecis waabing. 2Werceve you of the annoyance and expense of having a laundress about the bouse-save you ail the fuss and .4am'and bother of wasJh chy. 3~ We do ail of your washing, with f resh, rainsoft water and miki.wite sSa of tested purity. we rmse, blue m,ê.rd .Idry your clothes. 4 flma we gron your flat work, without friction or wear, uqi Oeur improvee flfat work ironer, and we "IRON" Swe 'g apparel on our,.w.oderfu! steamnheated presses, with ihe Sae puice and exactzn.. are your f avoite laundress would We returu your bundi compete- m.authi.Uy wuhnd d roed- Everytam redy to mse or Wear. T"t "h better way of wsluin-the coat is 18 cents per pound. (shirts extra. Every week. you ar assured a sanitary service whose high stand- ard! never varies. ram.e today-weD $end a rereettivîe prouptiy. The Reliable Laundry IÀUNERMR~ DRY CLEMAMIR U DYER Hllmd Parka"daLibertyvle Pham HWhand Park 178--Lbertyvlie 67-R _ You Can Buld Now C CH EA PER - Than You Wil This Fali M, ar Don't Wait 3=-=We ae ingood shape to take care of you _ Qur Plan Serivce - Ila Ail You Desire USio TiIe WiISooflBe Here. Getj *Yours Now. We SeIl Stave -and Tule.j VM.DURA Libertyvilie PERFECT Lumber OF PAKIT SCREENS Al SMZE DOORS LuwaVLL w~)fr,11I~.M~30,1922. cri LZ ' ~ - U AUDITORIUM THEATRE FRIDAT, AM fE34, AT 8: e P. M. SATURAY, JULT 1, AT 6: 30 and S.-0 P. M. SLJNAY, iIJLY 2. AT 3:69 P. M. STANDARD TIRE Il Great Moments Iin a Gireat Picture Re had se= Do r«o .dem f unform at firai, for i wu »ot bus couftry etiwuvar. A" d w he h.dld cmlii, h vu borna greaierfos a ealy bedon la hh Ot hms boulevard oraim mm athe M lu i bis lifa anyt.g bipsurobLd nactw .ai l Wy h. changed cam oeyb.beratood after seehsg Rex Ingrram Prod"cUoè 0fSUe PoçaIypU ca", 22e ADMIS$GN hauling graveil hnough Libantyvill ýroni the- pits oft ihe nterstaté Sai and G(ravet-iCo. 10 Area, the usterfi b.-Ttg u"da on tht- new cernent roti frioni Ai-ca 10 iwauke*, Avenue ibts vtllage. The work la belng rushc wilh al possibl.e speed, and befoi lthe snoyw MsflLbenlyville wil ai las. have ont' c-ment road. TUme oai sessment for the Mlwaukee avent FtaIeaid oad 'aI lî kel>' ho fileal county court at Waukegan ln sut Ile nd lai in -St a-- LUe in1 IMary Pick!- ral in --Utl. Lord Font Ileroy" drew packed bouses ai the- Aud. XorimsnTheater Wmai rlda> - SaurdaY iandl Sunday nlz3itu. This week th.- i g picture, "The Pour i-orse-.nenof' p~te Apocalypse," viii i-un F'daî - 5,1 theater la brlnging to lberty v i-It'eoui>y thse ver>' best ln the morlng OItcre Une, andl doserves the support beîng accodeal the macageme* New ,&eats and lightlng effecte bave been install- ed. and more Improvemenis are ta a- templatea, 'awhich ill UplaiSe beAudIt- orium In theatera of a cas found al i In the. lai-gar citles.j Hidden Treasures Formerly, pirates buried their treasures in thc sand-and seklom founci them. Today, sud-i unsafe methods are unnecessavy. Thien don'*t perswa in fickng your treasures.ý Put them in a safe deposit box in this bank where they nill be absolutely safe and aiwoy'- avaîlable to you. tuined gundsy fro their boueymnoM trip 1t a ge Rive, WU. They art I.o 'a. a fluresldlng for the pr«ent wth lira. Ber'- lAca and Pers nal nard'a parents, noriheat orf<the village - ~ ~ ~-- nti! thary can secure a rfoadenc.' In short bernaOf EspecW 1 ntereet to libertyvole Peop'e Ibhe village. 1ev. and Mus. Barl C. Norgani, asi MywaNacr 0fChicgo ~ 'r~ MIsesMua lor and~ qsted by Mr. and lis. l'oresi Smih, the gues of M5qhav, change of the Camp PIre G'irls, Monday - Pp utan oWedaesday eening Who are onjoylng a camping part> this wepk Lest wleO was the annual lira. harlos G. Ul1t-eil of Hghlaatd h-. a" l lra. J. A. Treptow and .11, i'rlPtest for the Boy Scouts. Parkcaflal n Lierlylii e'Ifix s at tlra J B XWtwnadte atrbip ,Wirt Wright, son a, C. P. Wright, of t riit t MUuUhe~Mond>'. he the Lake County National Bankle was Thwn Sitaan, ay.d bc- encmae aamrubts a uto ielecte<i preaint of the Illinos Bank- nlzht were bors fram EISI'Bd Bturi ~Willim Johaon. thick" loyd and! t-Asociatlce.ait a wmeting bela in day isiingB. D nubff a"tmil,' ay embe wee mng hSewho Chicago lent iflday, Joise 30. Wlrt dayvlatla B.D. hibSid Ld tftI. la>'Kened wee UO~SIJIOO Wright le preelent of the- Natilonai Barker'a *Superllue la1i»i are atenedthe bg doe atRenhadntock ardsBank. lJÂlf-SlChOIA. Wii flo 1 lrs. J. Davis of Sycamore, 11i,,bas are siapi>' delilous1. At dba ;UI as wel latlg e ~Ores lnsW iia as reiu rned . sisier lthe. W. 1. Coiina.tinorrov lm.A . t<t me o Wye*&»reâ aj& ý heCcWustarily and Mn. .Davis wiii U.AL.Sebdflenbergo, e. rw.pece eesd >7a tab-o!gotu DeKaib to attend the big cele- f i1lversar>' of the foundinx of thse Illinois M lr. and lira. Joa galiahan and 'ai-m Bureau. Little Barbara jame àMay raturned (0 daughter. of WalleMSa. andl Mn r .Meill r~1Str Chicago Iqaturday. after w»sIle Vey- Mayme Bigler o01<Jliago, wene bre -N"J'B'Mc infri atu era dyswit lergmidmdbr, rdaly tbspend »ea va tthe, era das auItber,.radmthe. M-~MoadaY knuti at the»bonie o! Leumard homne of hem son, Paul Maoeflai, for Geoorge H. Cooper. [han" yand fainUly. wboni ahe will keep house whiio lira. -aE. .warrep t 'lk.s Te ah 1~sOe or the v.îîaig.- Paul Macfluffin -"nalile den«hter asrtvis!!t tËùïaid-& o st*o ie e stfflM ttt hO4ae« oa>inate, go to Portlandl, tOrtgou t week ai lhe home of hie usother. Mmie b natC ia rtbday. The stores wiîî apend a month -wtb the fornmeils par- (lt-orge H. Cooper. tenain open until 8 o'locli Monday lents, Mr. andl Mii. Proderick Peck, evmùn. hevver.land 'is<- Norma Peck. Mr. andl Mmr. Px=& kP. Dymaond nia. ovee Wednesday for Jacko, ieon., tri r-. kiun and Mmra Charles lHolmbe-rr rt-- . . EDetker anld lrs. Bl. J.1 main several daya 'Vlstlag bbc!, Son moved this veei fxomLAke Forest tw Simncn tient to C'hicago Fnlday i-o see Dir . ari C. Dywnond.tb- Patterson tarin, 501Mb of Liberty- lirA. nna RIobinson IHarrington, a i... lMr. EHoimberg Ila nperntendent fOx-n, 1.seaier in the Llbertyvilie piib- 'tll.'aut La> rock ha- îý,turn,-d liou. ni1.. bic Patterson estabo lie sehoola -alio. with lher thrae ýchil- f rom Ciar La.,ke, Wtt,. iber.- he ha-> dr.-n, was e route to Mchigan 10 been building a notage foi tva- on hi- Dr Morris Penny tànd Mis 1il-ln apt-nd seycraI w,-eks with ber parents. fishlng trip tihicummei. P-tttngilll o!f Evaston. were litr.- last 114r. IIL..trington experts to teach the o-a>sisting at the Dr. J.L. Taylor ceon year in Spokane, Wahington. tii-itcil ani-d Midred Idecali l-,'- kr Penny graduat.'d fi-ont tht. jiz it t-urnî-d home ifnont )akwoo>d, \, * -'in('iee svrar 11utiie, tî.î 1w ,,.bvrtys ilt band Wit.. afier a visit thora wlth their. îtr. îî% ,;ttoItt. basiSaburday grandrnotbeT, Mn'..(;. Reieket!! lrs J, M. Woodmansand Son IJohn. 1 0 totular rnusical orcanization fui- -mid Mr andl lrs. R. A. Jouis of Watt nishod music - ut h.- big lot sale con- Tf.. Miffeaa P099Yy aalCnY.bal Furd kegan. were lun Ubertnvîlit' 1-unda> ducb,-d by t- Tioniait-Qoln ltiy non- tiare over Simda) tiilng ai th.- i,,jtinz the- former's parent x. 1.nd (Co. at Gurneo. Latex- in thse afl,-rnSn home o! W- W Carri-h. laPëggey ',- t.J_ Just. Rad othenr rlaiîî -tht-j atnIt ii Round Lake andl livent'i iho aei app..axte .Sa n -im o. h- M-aallr. .E N ou t- hings up for a sIwcial pic-uic for t she -il apjaj-in amov- fint o b Mr nd m. 0 E.ýwlChicago Trtt-ling 'tlfn's organizittionu cdth&rtly laîuhter". àary Elinor and Sarah Tht' band hait been engageal for the-hi, '-llzabth. andl Daniel Lee- h,:cï i- cel*bxaion andi sires tuo be helil at thte Saow's Auio Lven-Taxi S,»r- urnf-,d from. a ten daya' auto tnt, 10o Lake County F'air Grounds nexi Tue- vice. Phoane Libed'vvul 306-M pon mi Idaa,. wher,- tht-y"vi'iid; day, Jul> 4tbh TH1E INDEPENDEN---ONL I.O E 1w Il - - Your lumber and building mateial requirements can be filled here to your financil advantage. ln other words, we wilI save you money on these prices. Every price advantdge that the, market- affords Nwil be yours if you trade wîtli us.. ieDit Checks, 36-in. per yd. 20cý la Bleached Sheeting, 81-in. per yd. k ~UPure Uinen Table Damask, 70-in. yd. $2.4» SW.'W. ,CARROLL & SONS' C0MPANY LU ~phone 29 -Libortville, IDL Chas. D Proctor Insurance of ail kinds Plione 154-MLIER'VU uÈ ýi+ Ikt nt miII~ .1 Co.

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