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Libertyville Independent, 20 Jul 1922, p. 1

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LIBRTYVI LLE LAKECOUNTY INEPENDE Wl VOLUME XXX.-NUMBER 29. -4-- uuBFKIvnizLLAKE COmifl iWOs. TuRSDAYJuLY 2). 1922. 1 $1-5OA YEAR IN Judge Persona Announces They ke Wiing ta Reconsider Resignations Recent agitation iu s meeting ef the Board of Supervisors. lu wblch Il vas votedt i edutice tbe salaries of bath Milui Mary Polmeteer, pro batlon officer, and Mra. Mac lunes, uperlinendent of the Jackson street Harn¶. and i h tbreatened te, maire ne0buaary the closlug 'et tht' Home becausp oethte resianation er VVS. Use ines. anti alun beeause Of the previffl resîgnatian ef Misa POlm»eer, Who bai ducitiedtu ttake Up van elseviere. VIII fot close thei Home or cause the. discontinu- suce of Juveulle ve4tare vork lu r1 the county. It. wsasa unceti today. Jutige P. L Peraina, lu a letter te vdwmtJ. àmoisaan, chaîrman et lbhef)etentlan Home -eommttee, on Wednesday, assureti that official Mi". Polmeteer bati expregiseti a villugneva -ta wfthdrav ber reaig- nati0a, ant IBaise lat Mrs. Mac lu- neai b0 ready tu continue ber work, atler recebvlug the assurance et ce- operation upon the part of membera of th. committee. supervisera andi cîtIsias. Jige Persans' lter fllows: fler Kr. Monahan: Conoeraing tb. probation work or thla court of vhich 1 promilt adalse >011 Dot later thau the. 151h IPP,, yen viiirecalilthat ai lh. meeting of raur coamttee vith Chairm it ingdabl, MIsa Mary Pol- metter aud me on tbheO§thlit,. at vhlch ail prouent, villi many allier citélona of aur canal>, mre of 'suIepetitioni VirC ie&on pre- mai ta né, joinetilaIu rglug ber ta rsal1n and continus ber vork as prtios « offini, amiie hn prom- l ta du ber r.ulsp&tai md re ti4 Meoffice Iurther e fsl )t lj*fi=Ume 7t.*p theliiiiainim eA YID iib«' . Se pb.Tof Yer gaMAu -~ ~ ais la. h aitaimb. U0ww sà m de _*« boerter a tivelyl>aflustd vilexIst snd tut ther lack of s##s'ciian aut the chUlti veRste vak of ibi cosni courtI viili e auisn.d.Coma. qxftat.iaIm pimoof iteamy ahe nov exprima. er m llIngauu at vtdrav er reignatisa. andi net- vihotandiag the. flnapclisacrifice ltbai> emisa@. of vhich yaur ocmnti*oe la avare, ta, romain for the. pruuest lu charge of the vaUt. 1 aaimaWplioed to lnform yeu ttramac« lunes assures me of ber villlagneas te romain lu lb. jackmSontret Home for the pres- eut sud 1 amn accordinglytoday en- terlag the. appraprlate court erders. 1 thunk you andi ail thers Inter- utsd lu the. "kitidiesa" aur coming citlzUi5. viha fortttnately or unfar- tunately. as the case may be, fermn au acquaintauce witi thifr ceunty court, are tu be cougratulated. lery truly yours, PERRY 1- PERSONS. 3 alAUjU» WITI -i&lIi>NiUt>TRI a SATURDAY IiI Three Placed Under Arrest at Rondout; Being Held in Waukegan Jail. Clarget viti holding up a frelgif train at Roundout osa Salurtiay niglit1 aI 11:30 o'cleck. tiree young menf were placed untier arrest. Tiey vers brougit te Waukegan and loketi up l inteelctY Jail.j Tiey gave their names as foi- lova: Water Gauss. 25 years olti. 1478 -Antletam sîreet, Detroit, Mîci. Charles Siaffin, 19 years oIt, 2317 Rivard Street. Detroit, Mici. Jo. Goodiman, 21 years elti, 174 Case streel. Mt. Clemmens, Midi. As seon as tie ceuh vas recebveti in Waukegnn f rom lie nigitt opera- Ieronfethle E. J. anti E. depotl at Reuneut, specini Officers Cinnles Meyers, Tom Holant anti A. Mc- Kinube outhle "j", lins were rusheti te Reudout viers lie feundth le youug men ltting lui the depot ofe the North Shore lhue. No delalîs ofthte allegeti train robiery vere obtalueti by the ef- licers. lu police court thS nurnlng tie tire. prisoners tienisti any at- temp, te boIt up n train. They sait they ladt stalen a ride te Rendout an a frelgitl train. frem Milwauke ant i smply had luquireti viere tliey couldt'&t aStreet car for Chicago. Per o ham purclisset trom lIns, 'Cerne Whbeaton the properly on the -vu* aide or Milve .awmeu, nortb of lb. St. Puniraltoit. AlerBone aiteraUMioi at 1tjehou"a have been ,compkoMedMr. Bâav 'sf11more lterae. IWNDiLTYOF SELLINEI DOOZE Jury Returns Verdict ot 'GuiIty' ln AilTen Coonts of llnditment. If Andrew Wlborg, proprietor of lie Rantiolpi Ilotel, at Fox Lakne, tabla te get a nsv trial or a reversai lu lie Appellats court lie may b. compelîst Inteserve te longes ai l sentence for boas. law violation lu the hblslory et Lakne ceunty. Ho vas on trial Frlday bunoaunty1 court andthle jury returneti a seaisti1 verdict et 7 p. m., iffndlng irn guillî et ail the 10 ceunIs narned. lu the. Information as fIleti by Presecuter A. V. Smlih. He w" r oundi gullty et bolli possession anti talcsoetilu toxlcating liquor. The srffxlmum punisimntt for suci cases la six mentis bn jail anti $1,000 fiue on enci cou..t, whicb woulti meanu Ive y.ars ln mil sud - O0fini on uscit cont. vilch voli menu five years lu Lail or $10,- 000 fiue, or both. E'ven bu Wibbrg Pred Lisndin samacutmed jiirde) ait MIichigan CUY,, vlae buisuattend- Ing the caieuace cleti by the Thonipwan palittairgazlnatian, mtin Iie luias mvet from Chicago sud lu the. future viii make Laine Villa. bis beautful ammer home et Fox Laie, bis ometcai roldfnc "I havesalti my busluess lu Chii- cago," bfflatd, "I am no longer a resi' dent Ibere sud vill cast my vota nazI faîl ln Lake ceunty, I vili devate more of My lime lu tb, future toi tie deveiopment of my Fox Lobe home. I arnaout et Chicago politici" Frienda are luclinedti tadeuiltith lasI statement, knowlug, as tbey, do, the intense interesI lie bas hmd lu political affaira. He lias taken up golf for lie garne anti fer bis healîli. He asserts Iliat lie la "in love willi every bird, tree anti animal" on his estate. GOLD "D.ICOVERY"' AT LIBERTY'VILLE PROVES "BLOOMER" gts lue mtuimum tue penalty viii be 60 taya lu juil or $100 on sncb Stiining Metal Found on Rrthur ount or bath, maklug a total etfL 600 tinys ln jail or $1,000 fine, or L Farwell Farm Was' boti. If Wiierg rscelves lie mn Only Mica, mumsntence It l vlI ehoeb.moal evere ever Imposai upen a liquor Visions efthle tinys et '49 except aw violator bu Ibis counly. Jutige ittheli slogan "*Pikes Peak or De Wolf vas ouI o! town andt ters- Buet" woulti bave ta lie revampet fors tse usual motion fer a nsw trial te "Tie Despinines River on Bast" was not mats, arase bu Waukegau totiay visu Il Judg'bng y tse severs sentence becamne kuovu liaI a large quan- Judg DeWolfbasmete ou in tltty ef "yellov metai'". bat been Jutge e Wlf as etei et b le teunti Monday ou the' Arthur LU Par- case et Emiti Relt, o! Wuucentia, weîî (weat fart) near Lbbrtyvllle. wo earler lu the week gel 45 tinys John Hop%~ superinlentient of tIhe lu t.e cextty jul anti n fine et $300. fartmhs bteeu avîng some dtlci Wlborg ias cause tor werny. dlggers ai work andi Monday they A number o! etiter boose violation founti a velu of wiat uPPeuredti t be cases wil doms up next week, atter goli. 'Tie tibgger8 picked up a baud- viticli several civil suite wilIliec fui ef tht' supposetiîy precbeus metl heurt, anti gave Ilte oSupt. Hope. Tie'lat- ter brougil ilte Waukegan lu the .temnoen anti shoed l te oa nm O P STOR ; ber ef persans. Ht' brougil Il bere for tie plirpese et analyzing lb, but ~ahuruiiasS there la ne assayen here h. oo OUT M VENI S Ilhome without flntilng ont vial te contents efthle bag wert'. Ted lier ofWauk ae Supt. Hope vas tbld loday tint Ted per et uukgau anti Jcknthie "goldci l ny mica, fret wîicî Smeîin etfIàbertyvîlle openedt Ilein isîngasas is matie. A frmer toit nsv tiepartment store at lie latter hlm ttas ablas pougieti ne lots place lialurday andtihte place vasetofmica lu liat nelghboieod. The packst aIl day vili visitersandseucls mica vas feund on lie Farwell tomera, Tie opeulug vus a big sue- farm anti vus lecateti three test es. The firsîtvaw persans via eu- belov the surface. leredtheli, store esud recelvetian gmt et $10 vorthiof merchlise. Tisi'1 Tie Simplex Corporation et ver. Miss Norman anti Mn. Davis, OMulia, Neli., îtay filet suit lu boli e! libet'tyvbfle. lhe cIrcut tort bers - against lie Vie store tilt n rsling business Simplex Auto Specilti' Compuni', lie firs1 day eudtheb seven clerins cauduclet iy C. W. lici anti 1. V. vers kept bus vatina upon traite. ReIley, claimlug liaIthi. latter 0v. Eadli purcinaser recelveti glasali're tiern$1,369.77 for merchautise sup. souvenirs. - pledto lt-hem- aI variaus limes. PROVE VMN Aty Bulkley Clams No Pro9f WaS Given That Traxes Wereý Excessie 4 A apiriled UAgt bain place Tita- day lu CeunIr court ltulthecee0fra number oetlax objectSof i ghland- Park and Lake Farest againat the variaus tagxlng bodies ofet tlavs anti caunty, wien Arthur Buiber, special ceunsel fer lb. couaty, mU4e a motion te have lit e »tiravit eut et court because lb. abjectara but failedti l put lu evi4ence ta sbflv lthe actual werth oet sir propirty, anti thal for tint reason tiser. vas ne preof tint tiey had bien exces- slvely assesseti. Attorney Bulkley claiMiedth tisa re vas only the testirnn>of the as' sessor as te lhe actual vaine, anti tial le atimilteti on th. alauui tint lie tibti't dlaim te ho a valuation expert andi mereîy tidthelb. bit le could. The attorney saidt! urther tint valuation put ou -lb. property lu dispute iy lie assomercaulti not lie regartiet as a fair value or con- clusive proof because ta numeraus cases lie Board et Revbev averrules lia Jutgment anti fixes lie valuation et certain propenty at mor, or les tise tie assessora figures. ty. J. V. Norcross, ofIlghlsud Park, aIse put uip a spiriteti argu- ment, The motion was overruleti by Jutige P. L. Persons. Argumenta vers re- aunied totiay. Atter brief argument Ibis more- lng lie case was continueti util next Tuesday mornbng. BIRCIIVALE ESTATE BRIN4iS $2,OO Mn, anti Urs. Patrickn M. Fower et Wilmette hae plircitaseti trom Mn. anti Mrs. Lef"n George et Wau- kegan lt'e twenty-twe acrsestale on North Sheridian Roati, kuewuv as Dircivale. The property is lecateti opposite lhe net th lins o! lie Glen Fiera Ceuntry Club, la dinedlly northifethle Robert Dnty fatatanti comprises lieuses, barnna,erciarti, garage. etc. Bircivale ha a front- age of sigît buntireti feet on Shenl- dan Rend ant iIs regartiet as one et lte mesltiesirable Country places ie tis section. Mr. anti Mrs. Power wîli move te BIcivale about Aug- ust 1, ufler extensive alterallans bave bissu mate. The cansideratian tis given as $21.000. Albient Y. Con. rati rspresssned bot pirliealu lte transaction. 'UOLES AST ÀTE TO IWfECT Hl FR01 NI4GIRMEYR Fails to Secure Peace Bonds But Wii Carry Gun for His Protection Charley Holme, Fox Lake, the man who sent George Nîgegmeyer te the penitentlary for the murder of a Chieasoa for 25 years, wiII Continue e carry a gun to protect himself from Niggemeyer's relatives andi bis own brother, Eti Holma, lie announceed before JuLtice Hervey Couison thus afternoon. Cbariey Heirna came seeking a peuce bond for bis brotijer and the entire Niggemeyer famlly through States Attorney A. V. Smith. He waa sent to Justice Couison by the states office, where bce told a story of continuai strife of which he was the ceflter. Enough evidence was net available, se Ceuison gave hlm the authority, that tbe states at- torney had invested iu hlm. andi tolti him te, carry a gun. "Eti tries te wreoh my boating business. hy quarrelling wlth my passengera andi trying to get me te 13tart a fight," Holms toiti. Then -he--as---sald on more than eue oc- casion tbat I would "get mine" lie- fore the snow fies." "Nlggemeyer's mether aise toiti a frlend of mine that she would like to tie a atone areuud my neck and lhrow me in the middle efthlie lake," he stated. "'l%ey are aitl'yellow', andi wpuld lke me to start a figlit but are afraid 'te do anytblug but StUr up public sympatly agaluat me." -1 haven't been carrying the gu- Col. Smithi tald me 1 could, after imy les- timony sent Nlggereyer 'over the roati'. Jbut 1 arn going te frein now on," lie cqnciu$ed as lie left the office. "Juil yesterday Ed calleti MY Wlfe naump ad gasapl>id hlm." "That' ln the va> itl aailAU Y ten." ChatfyR ob»' W" *0 mi.nan v-ho Mmatg, a Va »»0a statmcii blond af the iilggeyeM .but h. taili. Atter, and eviedurlng liii triali StatsAttor'ney Smith ga-e hiD pSrMiamin to carry a pin. i tbre*ts ver. maeta'e ih' Since the. trial lie hasîbe at bhs regular stand ai Fox Lake 1111 sslug a pasaingîr boui and it la #ere that the deiMsdant%&fInda bave made ail the mu e ht.blr AT BI1i PJCNIC Frolic in Annual Event At Bat- tershahWs Greve at Gage's Lake. The annuel pieuba ef lie carpen- lers, their familles anti fieutis, vas heiti Suudny lu Batterinll's Grave, on lhe Despiaijies river, andthters vas an atténdance et mon. Ibmn 800, Il belug oeeof!tle meat successful events Ibis organisation bas ever lieldtiters. Most of tise. via it ne aulomohlfes matie lhe trip lu trucks. Eiveryling lu the vay o! "enta." drinks, anti noise-rnakbug noveltieg vas f re,. Tisere vers haUtains, bna, viltes. ice cream, pop, cracinenjacin, gum, "hot tiogs" and cottee, fer everybotiy. Tie resulla etflte bail garnes anti contesta of valeus kintis ver. as folleva: Basebaîl game. Deva MiII men vs. Canieners-score 14 te 6 lu favor er Dows. Beys untier 6 years ef age, 50-yard dash-Arold Graham. Girls untier 6-Bernice Wernberg. Beys 9 yenrs anti under-Arolti Grahanm. Girls 9 years anti untier-Adelîne Bensen. Beys 12 anti under-Tico. Arci- daIs. Girls 12 years anti untir-Wiikle Kuznicin, Boy's sioe lieiug coulest-Tlleo. Arcitiale. Men's race, 100-yrt dasi-Ran- tiolpi Jackn. Fat mens race, 50-yard dsi-EI- mer Erîcinson. Three-legget race--Oscaq aio anti Oscar Johnson. Mens free for ail sacln race-James Gordon. Men's free fon ail foot rack---Oscar Johnson. Marrieti vomsu's neesler catchlng cetesl-Mrs. Kasi. Manled's vomneu's race-Mrs. Sbmp- son. Watermeîon eellug cantet-Freti Staen. Nail guessing conteat - Walter Huake finît: John Miler second, Mis. Hampton Ibirti. 1 OFO. CLEVELNIJ IS 66NUT <UILTY"e Geerge Clevelandi of Round Lke vho was on trial Tiursiuy atternoen 10 tie ceunI' court on a charge o! vi oiatlng tie prohibition lav vas founti net gulti' iV a jury verdict. Cleoelant, win contents asmreot ut Round Lane, put up the tiefense liaI lie iquor seizeti iy lhe dry aquat bat been bn bis possession prier le the su udîmnent efthle prohibition lav. IIALT DYNAMITIN(i FOR 090FBY XILLS THE F1511 FOX 11P States Atty. Smnith Ho"< and S xon to Gra*,M forM urderous AÀ William J. Sexten and 'W Sbms, participants ln a g= , 1 at Foi Lake, July 6, were beip te lie grand Jury on $8,00e> b4 Justice H. C. Ceuisan BaturdWA lug. followlng the. prelijnlnAn'p lng conducled by States Attsfli V. Smtb, Both are dae~L a charge of esuIt to commt der, prefered lir eacii ailer, Boti defeudauts andi fou Supervisor Threatens to Arrest es were calledt testah!onau Men Seeking Body of iug. William Sima, wiio cosgu Boy Swlmmer. room, shootlng gallery andti parler at Fo'x Lake. te.t The use et dynamite as a meaus Sexton's wife vas drinking of brlnglug le lb. surface Ut Taylor ln bis store on t.e rnnî Lakre lie bbdty of 18'year-old Oswald 6 etnapaeiat Svblnlski, 671 South Lncoln street, 6.ome slailng lierdacro Clilcago, who was drovned Suntiayhmsahn a coat July 9, vas lialteti on Satnrtiay by wien she refused te lea'i Suupervîsor Etivard Brown of Round states tiat lie thon ardeu Lakne. Guy Airea of Waukegan, vie off lbe premi ses. vas directlng lb. work et using the About noon he was vso explosive vhicli vas beiug fireti in Sexton vas gunnllng fort quantîhies of tve poada te the btiok bis rIfile aud met Sext charge, wvas trealenedtivhiarreat creat of a lbialte t r ai if h l titift istiMmedilately. The lhe testîfiedi .fMter varul vitaleale kIlliug etf lshi as lte ihefired o eor hieiho*a-d. .pause of action, The dynirnlllng of andti hen fallioed vita. flaIt, Brown explitu, la a violationabc"ot ovor iesho"t. , Sut of the state aw refuge u in hie hmé but r« DeputY G-aind FiaitWan<an fLred the. Only abat or th@-% Henry Keru of Waukega previaissly la saidtet have rsacied « ta had giv:n us CUisit te usina the1won .ligitly wvoanded 1:& dynamitetnamtwh s lwa eaniand hianti. done te recavor a hmnrniibody>. Â,coarding te B exi Or r ulte Sextan claimedti t h, permission te prcpod win the d<In a-ima ual te salI driptksoa miing mut core tram &aie »U ta hli if. Thon ho tean4 andi Game Wardgn William trttm lng roat bier witht»"-i' Of IlWtleÇde. Mfots_ar beinc iade )her vetdina ig« "Wb ta O ût mb ccrnfiatIqU, vti Wr. table a&-y tram fie groq stratton In 0rdI1 th p i d er vhy lie ring lU,, be- bttioLx. mouen.tsaugetr. diulI.s"Pm L &#Ylbaxiaur tli bottom .The li.- dont tba « b* of ruc statdite aimais] Coroner Taylor and 6 Attorneys te» as th* villagi e uegý Gri"l WhledM saW VOM andi that haotÏ,ist*ui ofTikAccident one Who, helpel hi* vi 0 Coroner J. U. Taylor lait Str noedthe pnoe . lto the automobile &d train cras, et a. U»la., Saturday, JuIy 8, ta flut the. tacts' Saucning- the. deathtof Lestter Calonn sud Xitse The Iiquest beg=a t Il o'clock anti alter heanlng lealbrnony tram a score of vitnesses lie jury r.- tiredti te escene oethle accident te get a botter visualisationoufethle grounti befons tliey reacieti a ver- dict. Riusseli G, Pair, driver ot lb. truck, testifiedti laItiey vere drivlng over a rond !Mat vas atreuge ta ltem. He ciaimedti tit ho beard na v1ilStie fnom lie appreabhlug train, uer titi ho hear lie bell on lie lover or lie englue. The first lie knev efthle train vas vien he sav It ton or Ivelve feel ahoati, andtihlin an effort vas matie te stop lie car, but tee late- As lhe explaineti Il, th, front et the car vas virleti around vien strucin andtihle rear efthte car vas carniet mt lte englue. tinter n barrage o! lega l ire lie udmitedthlaI ho bat net gainedth le permission of J. Scinler, ewiter efthle truckn, 10 use il. A note lied been left ln lie Scliuler garage as the enlY missive tint would explain lie absefice of lie auterooble 'wien Scioler r.- turnet from Indibana. James O'Brien, loversuan. teiti ef aeelng thnee cars approacbbng lie crossing from lte vest. 'Ihey vers ail witiu a space ef 150) teet, lhe stateti. On lie appronch oethle treiglit io rang lte bellbulnite lover but lie firat car kept going sud clearedth le tracin easily. The second molorials, vili a car londet i vti ciltrsu, iarely escapedthîe grînding wisels efthlie spe.dlng locomotive as il rusti btoyards lie crossing, Tie truck viti lie vicîlis acrept doser anti doser tota he l'ack. aeemlugly unavare o! lie train tiuuderlng nearer them, lie explaineti. Tliey Irledtol stop 4ire. an' four test frem tie tracin. but il vas tata late sud lte car vas linled back frorn tie drive r thle englue,is &tory natt - hrber et vituesses wve.calisti. dnlui. a score et tralumei. piystl- clans, untentakens anti vituessa. At- torzey Ralph Dady repreflintedtihle victima, vile th, Chicago 1(etor club attorney and the. Chiaff & Nerli. vestern raliroati attorney aidot IDl lie gllling. thét ive. hi o xtm - ýD3EATI Pay ment of Jud Ument Bon Voted Down by lia 6a Balots Tie $60.600 Jutigmont bond for North Chticago vas detiata day ai the poilis by 60 votes. Tie total number of vote* vas 579, tiers belng 258 li1 of the bond Issue andi 318 '4 the proposItion. Tvo detiaufl eue simple ballot yee cgt4. Tie "Northi End" yen de have issu respousible fer tt*' o! the bondtIissue, vlibch weg been useti for tle paymobet,.' meut agaînal lie clîr. Citr clalmedti tthîe opastouMi "machine" organisation in tk1p ofet icty. Until up ta 1 p. M. ouly *«ý liat been cait, viien Nayor Deacon, Walter Alklnâoà it,* 1t urer anti James Ji.Galge dler, gel ouIt t vorin fer t%* ositbon. Mayor Deacon stated A&ui* lte city wvi! try te gel aibgt taxes liaI are nov cmiing L lie aIse expressedtiha bl*t 1 .clly can borrov enou k nma baulsta teennile Il la btei> ýbe anti firs tiepartrneat» Ji OW andti tekeep lhe aIraljlta 1ttp tesptte tbe tact thet ltýe 4ajý lie bond Issue fthlfrtt eral mentis ugo. le lt nà t Public Service sompaurta thé. lîglts because lier bat! il.j o! paybng lie illia, andti ulde* nunîber o! employes of t» anti lire tepartmnents. Jusl loy the clty .gpenta bts jutigment debl aa net acr. n I liea nI= u stntemeulte maka0 i *te cause etflte aeoddâ bond Issue. - Laiçe C1 ý 1's Big Weekly dllïaism 0 W eZ tGomyols IND? NDE N WAUKEGAN WEEKLY - SUN wool hree- Sor acket 16 to at the. *or t'ý skirta 9.0f- iSc or s azidý timlin y prie iovelty plaidI4 colors kre re- >more 1k ana r14 sty- edueed [te and lars ini M.0 rovidus y and, nrette, , ricol- rednced 1 group. rgettes, )Ongees, M. vrer' and, 11k, fibz ton and 1 'clord l Md tu,; zes art buttoit all col- ti b a t CL er r IL e 9 b c

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