i, su las- portant ui Itemrnatimye dve yd=cImme*«el= wuvasdiscSur- e by J-q in5lu&Aller &ain une bck fromuuhal ia Dow kaou u astii. Guu et St Lawrence, thi ecdn ar S Cartleg mIin vas = te 3a lwestern vater rom4e to (giPua 4M )w as atlu& ter spc"Mlb. gestrver, viii vng tliaI I Fs4m 6;&rUnhs il .do. Thils Ir$repid el et Kilo iwww "nin ae of Hechel OW Uvt M. Royal,thie p Ksrson c m.Ody' se4a bh e'elo . n ndA luaitrc CAMii Olythia omtnngaccordlig 1toti. ~~ p~o ex vagpress vus ver. per- lADI S to stnd for àlong tulle riglit teSre.Tbey ver not moved iatli they bâidbeaum ulded. Mea- Ra ON h"l a large string et teMana ad tflcke veer driva i p om th Bides et te trcks aitlng ta get acroIs. Nâm Say Ai* sMay Foflow niiis ttce mut cesse,, Ase If t#% Prac i Chief yel, ,xaldta4*y.J JWegel Conr ued. on the. crolag bies h,&t Street for lon »rloa.This mut stop ave G T MANY COMPLAINISI mgeniaiu&Therllo it t mut oher Place to Switch lutemcr - ~or unload ite exp.... If U*emmyW ,» May bav ta *uOsia ef ev atests CompIlaite bavle bhem odged vlth te get the practice tpe. the lowetPoiose fat the North West._ _ _ _ i imrallvouag ain la becoening lax about -bloekl Ieo Mson S treet It balleve lt-8.nm @%dse,." -"q »M u" r oe or the cla.e Wis Mdmi*%a ma"i Sl.ar o e lb.iud aIl over the. province. They teil thé tale ae i.me*rci c b. cois tta tilleone-tim* Wiiermu aand of the lb. sOf abe le hidi 1.1h, £fruggle liaI dIu m id dlu hie martyrdoof athéebrave seliers et ne history 09 Our. ovne.arly colonbft s lemm .orlbuiter- t. woven #itetat ofamttrai Canada and a fratband 0134 ci Our, kd of to-I nef ghboeg'e cantiy viiiesat tua ig ea .. I sdertndlnlL.of tics Pellitie Picture et Author.1 lai the Idut ciapter et Edmmnd nes Ymprewustos le recali.g a trange pair lai a vitoria lie allen met 4ai the. course af bis vaiks fr, th. borthweet af L~on toward WbteMUi lni sud aller 187& The man. pomue. tureit aglng, vashisue. umggeà mil satyrlike. Ibat vaS <Georg Bezr Levîes. The vamau wuas arge, thlck-Wet ybil, wvie.masive Ifutures, dres.my aid Immobile, someviet gi. vlxammBa preme. vote incongru.ý aus bordered by a bat,.ivlayi, In hée heiglil et lie Parleisulan, wvble la the». dm eoinianiy lncluded am humueetribd tsther Tht vus Oeoffl miet. The ectrest be- rvftil*0 ieolmnty- et lbé Mfam fthe kivlty ofthte bemogear haO omethlng pathetic and4 provimWa &bout IL. Asks Chamb4rrce to! Befère tité aue SEEK TO u*f r LEGALj Believldgt ùm oe- exty zanage(r plan 01 gov«me"ff be brought ta & vo"e a ilt-ibe $,pe in corn- muntities o u,t.*n 500popula- Ulm, -L" >r om-o merce hba= edt&tth Wakeg sud t<ort.h Cle'Ctabier «of Co11n merce teke a 1.81 11 le ifa.' l" ta produce ta 11. etate Iegislat1ure st tlxeir next msad. The tate cbanibe'saLit luthl bllot b. returneêbefoue noon (f Auguat 23. Communitles af= tis' = gar- eordlng tea a Ia.pae 4 Wthe Ieg "_ lature aithlulet pçO1o*îI Bic al10w cd te legally adOp tb11. ager fbruior governyment, Iau gie drive bY r fel state chamber i er la along ie, same lune they * uao abelp the latxire lest year. lui the psmphlet MM la se ent a nl I the ballot are argu=Mte from blut o aides on thre gevtaineaw quuon. ne aide of the »"ge jrries tbe aigu1 mente ln tayrt tfle mayor foui of governmnat aid on the. opposit e aide are those togethie cJIY man- ager Plm. Accordlng te. hi present law or the #tete. CM« e«« ~5M00In poplaf- tion May eleett 19 mtbllsithe juan- ager form of ~meitbut It Iii net conaldere )t i The more tb bave the nn ~ isse e asrubly ila te legalise- fixe uare The CismieLr id Commerce lias get for tig1abs1lote go that ithe wiole membergblp ea. bave a ioie. Tiey vili b. uab. out it an early date by the es*aryu. BOB» I CLAIN Uylteto*d MW 8eto Srvice Bobbed l aa 4tmasltoty plenom- mnon aibd vii . fngtten lu ren de of, * etgtiýreploy. Univer- f117 etMnass Wbo lectured on "volullon" iebtesydeclared. lIer leasm %hWo-t»m t ever 'wlll be; D&. Jenks deelared If It la cut any shorter vomem viii]oe their attruiveneegand 40 m rce tfldie cut, le "ai. Bobbed isir le a Umifstation of voamegdeireta esape from the limitrfel o f &sem cvention. ani te put berseUf on a plane cf com- p&taalosbp vtil msm, Dr. Zenkaase- morte.. A Guaranàtee That Guairantees Thebeg garate off~thI' erfnîauieof ling u efuies or o the definite quality of a produet is found mi that produtsa dvertishig. if yQu value constant -satisfg4ion-Hf you want to PUsh - very dollar to its limit ý reâdthe adver- tisemeîts. Inthéi yopi wiHl find many newsy itema to save you money,'time and eneérgy. Whe er your wantsarefood, elothingfuruitur et ato~y for the dijiden-the adveifisementg eau- help you. The dseinens contaiti may suggestions to meett 9W ipot2it *o In the home. To take iWuMtp ofun advertisement is to save- to get guarMteealY". p Eveyy Ne, Gloe First Wwm&è A Banner Sale of N.,rb ew Froc Much Below the Price Yu1 Pay Later In the Season They Just Arrived and Thek Grace.Gi -ULnes.T, of aChmrmingNew FaUS' ____te, ,This s"le is m~ade Possible through the e -~eation of severi prom int mkn, and it enables Us to bring you these ejquisite silk dresses xnany weeks in 4 ~ne o!theseason. They're MSupremely, Beautiul. Procks o! s lendid canton, orepes, crepe de chines, crepe rômains -and gogettes i >la, 8, navya àand brownsB. *1ere «~e beaded effects, emr Mordndels, -drAPed effeets, li fact ei the- beeat Ideas li autumn styling and adorumeni and the w eights are just what you want for present wear. Sixea range fépm 16 to 50. Ideal Frooks for the Womeuit; Dlgt i the- Charm 1o ! Ivêýi!i1y ~1be Ut. IAlVrulce Read ý the you wmw, i- dn.-Omq1m