LAKE COLJ?~j'Y1NDEPENDENT Lake CornU amiados Gtnter thas. W ig Weekly » i CoayCmbiL PENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUI' ÇVOL.. XL-~O. 31. lIEU, O~ PAY.IOLL le» McIÀIUiE, - HF. IS TAKEN IN STOLEN CAR Aber M.yeell 7yeau aid o 414 MiiIy arémie, vmarstreed lait niiht «W holueboit bai= P"UPkd by the l.k Vriai Police tluaau to- mobile Wie b a b éai éntolon traM thp ow»er Rer fler, 412 C4Mt. atret. ýVeuxt0élai eyers *" or- raiiie lj plic cortbefore poflo msS5t$.téWmlei-Tayonoa vizl i-mt -él~Tgn8'lsreUylucoaaecto2n Orlu.-~eer fsiiey hohvu employ o p' te a $tor tilme «80 * Thé charge of stealing the auteifl- bilo ba s ot yet been brought againit t1il' youth. wht WléemploI edaa a ssitant Mi the tmekeeper'i offie. atthé tAssrerY bd@Yffl la alged ta ha ve dded te * the nimber o houri workéd by a frlend. makiasi h possible for hlm te *Colleet. aa adiltlasal $15 on tire dit- ferent paydays. Théaiieged paddlJui vas diacovefed bY Oflicais of the pltat sUdthe opolice vere askCit te »CJe .yeua Moyers Tuestlmy aigu iahortly&miter Mi- fl epr reported thé theft of uis *uion tourlag car vhlch hé hai ifti lu front of theé urray bauding. n SUpplIa the police wlub a de- acilptila of thé car mand titis was for- vari& ait varlopa police departments &laong the - Northt shore. Soaaotme latitAe àkthé06Foi-et Polie. cmBé up e- reported hayltig stoPPeit th* car. 'ty 7veté detalnisug t vo youciaé *ho vers la the maellné. Nilgt. Ca$alof ePolice Lyons uid policeuman Mets vent ta Leke Feonat aid brosght the youag men back. osie of thé-a proveti tahécMem. Tbe other gave bis naine ai Richardi Young, 21 years nid; of 47 PeCcadill court, lacourt ibis morftl u é«X plimed t t ho b hut uthing ta Z11 vttb thé theft of the car. HO mi bu Ui a accopieti au invitation trffl msyreru te talué a ride. lus Sica? vas accepte adthLb.charge aaist blo ws dfmlu"atâlh hé vIii *"flut Méyéri Méydifl. Vu c oniu" itta A:- ~Ut aiboude veré xed ai ta Fjght Projeot. HEARhN1 AUGST FIFTH A large aumber, of obectoru ta the prloposai improveunent of Mil t aakes areuve, thu'ough thé village et hLibertyvhlle hlIt, a "prgtest" meetigat la ploce lust Sstardmy aiLernan ud l vu ai-eaned tWdm that thsy have ratalued i a tée4 * ney te dght thé mattar Whem if corne up for heaing nexi Sait. day la thé coufty court. Thé digbt Ir viil hé agalit thé re-cait asis.s Ment Z91 * Wheu thé propsdi mpovement vas. broullt uR the tirai;Urne in cousty court for conirmation a large atuiner of objectera succoedila getlng an ordér te compel thce e- lae ta -euét titiaméesuiet rail, taglovterr thé asissirenlsinlanuwet- eu laïtaficés. Wlea limai vasdone ,à té trposed Iimirovement asais t rsbelievedt imré voulu b. na fui-uer obJectkon, but the iLctla taken last datai-day ladiate tilt even the te-at roll dois aot suit îverybody. liaitiCoairig. sGeorge Rad'eài and Fs-si hlin vWo aré vorxiag t~t~b~iod- couitrdt Ifflw.b la J4k4 canht, véré lk W&ukégah Tu#éiýv tOeorýïthédr pi-agieu tW cb V Lausq% ,county Supéc'iz- teint o! biy. Ms-.Wad, wo4scolueul'g the 14m yla roami. uceived ulme cr 1 'gravoel M&dy. ne bai -L - Pb i ctmepurete Up te Cb t V1qéMoiponté-i 479 toit LmZBmVlLLE,0LA KC COU=~, lU ~. .-W ui, m ofaithecnaUion's forcinoit inventons, pasme away. Re$uIohler. tagctker vitii pwm réof tbi e ou St ho i ,etda fé e ms mgo, oaeé vhih awdaeL 90 mil"s au r aMdvasu Mid ,te.h bae ecs the fasd tet ad ut em -bultit. tveloonid membmrsci the Y. Z . &jerty tva ycumago when the editor of the Sun un" othe vt .t. Mr. BehlJhme f«i a mtoption at bLis hom o ne of the beaU.l 1~~ SU CIIECKS AUSU[3 Geore Brwnfge$J6, Held Goofeoséd Say PoUce MORE VICTIMS ARE SOUGHT OGeos-geBrovn. if leurs aId. lois Laurel aveueai-eta by the local police lasi lght ou a charge of baviag pasiéi vortitléeschecits, vas arasetla policé aourlt ti.Mor- lsbfs.Police Magistralte Walter Taylor.--Thée vaswucontinuai ta Augasl12 mmiibonis ver. fired ai $1,00u. Brava, . accordilu ta Lbe petlai bas coatoeed thal hé passai Orne check fori-$34 vas passéd on thé Lon Toas bout tva veéoki 110. Thé polce say that on a previous acsea tAie youfgtér emahét a bai check ai thé Bon Tan. Relatives ami-l omte êbavemd qgad tbe amosi- anil tbraa ne p-osécu- tics. Thé piqll have beau lookins fer the booy -tor neariy tva veéki m o héevisrecagulesét ithé B3on TMnbut he o ul Dtubl élac-Ic. À fev reeks ago -tJie Tolau greey store as WestWashilngtan street reportai havlng cuai a hai check for $17. Thé poice. ssy thm Brava buhasonessaitota aviti Puse- At thé résent Un thé police aré couduetWg marn luviatTmi ta léara vhetluer or nSt youns Brovana.ahed a-abçci an a man nanei t dl-ns. É"avn they Xt,'bai a hary rec- olléctio]RAi aatue vheuor'as]rot hé paowsaiyx-morta hait ôeéks. Thé Stats ati-ney plaa Il a- delaqasncY PeIltIamiagauit Boum, a-ad -&baeliseelaken tutucava- I>' co*it ' Hoe viii ami tahave the boy mouiitted tea 5 eInaléstitu tion; 01r. Loo rey cf Chwxago, Who vns la the ecmt laidatichotàr4ycl Pot. liceimmi Ra«a vus-fi"it 0a -" aq vila moresIlium A , gouala- loe a Utmét oa! $17la 'J t liei'vy Cauim1'e coeriasiagé4 W mls Ma. ami thé resait af a coliutom vLocW LisTei-mcluiietfLaie é O 29 noer im~p»sitoisuderably. MH ed Ia M Uitefr 1$60, but &.part ai thâq mreibrova out Acedrdlug id liietéyle vas dyi tri mortr à& 8 ubles fo bourSi- té vu m biW théreeth are He 40, e »-10os u h Car Oitched When lune Bug Alight on Shoulilr of Young Woman Diver. SMASH ON'WAUKE.GAN ROAD "A I111e bug vili gel yauu bye and bye" rune the tit. of a popular sous, and isas Maille. eldmamu. 7247 Wall- aui avenue uni bareoampanion, Jules Urbain. 5212 (lenvooti avenus. Chiea- go.- got lt thé Aile Home hoopital at l0 'cioc lu a-t nlgbt vién a- Jane bug landéd on thé Younusvomuan's shetudér. Miss Séidman vas driviug a rua- about aboug Wukegml rond, neas- thé résidence at J. Ogién Armour et La-i. Froremi. vién tée naughty lbug Inter. féed. Tt no frightene ar bée -.last 'uatroi of the machine, vhlolu vt la. ,-a ýdi"elanaU smashailite, om. is Seloman maid Mi. Urbainwvêtecut aMi braisai and 'ère rnsbed ta liehon.- pital. isé Seidman la géliang along ,nlciy at thé hospitli oda-y. Ms. Urbain vms a-hie la leave thé hospta this mornîng. IN AUTO DRIE FR01 IE I R. A. La Point Drove 1,61-0 Miles to Lake Bluff in 67 Hours BEAT TRAIN 1Ô0 MILES 14 A. oint011ma-dea1,1 mabl anltauiétile lu-ip trambi-hui ai > &M 'oulliveet stréet, ia-ml Y'lm., L o-ait.Bluff, una ims actua runig Wnumivs67 ho0m, vhich l4 beliOvel éIL- record. On tit "ts hudreti tuofa!thé trilp. mi- r^ Point ou4lltljiaaithé ftt Ue Osato trai.*L, mou thé nait huâdmt~ i4 .>..Th*te tran bé hlm te Cblguioa.-u>' lire boass;m >Hie du-ve -ýto a» aie lftt vIal Onthé it s26 qmabo! On ,h 'ha-yhé -auoné-i~t Ms- Lapeit g. o- upti- ted t om~ MSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1922. AI<LEED WIELDER TO GRAND j1X Frank Gafeney, of Lake tiafi Ch=ge with Cutt-n*, elhor's Throat. huM, citasgai vth assasuit-vi terni ta kili oday vas bavai 0O thé courM t fJusticeHlias-s- Gateney vasuta-hie ta givé bat #t,00 'sti vasreunudedi~ Gaiéeé>, Itlaluchai-géd, 54M Peter AdMis, next door uet M lasied Othélattérs th«Uoa a MréZs, jusî missalua ils vaein,, .nmi lien slmhéd AisPW - ÀOCOjiDg ta evidénce lu-- the, tke.toti-l. sévés-al -a!Ga-féa-t' ti-é erç, Ibravinatosines ai 'i~e A«"' farnl>' u& Péter Adahil "à'.8out o!fie to ranmoàlti-te, Omeuéy Ocue&é lu, ilI4trou liq alloge te t CWODenétotaquWit bla t li épi-eseucé o! Young à rafpéfor' inunity but aie lun lis socalaani temporal véifare, has been negallalt- ing lheeéréctionan t Wadavti ofaa tva cars a day bottllng mand pasteur- tlus gmiii plant vltb one o! tlii la-ig- est mli distibutiuig campantes lu Chicago. In the éarly summer wvitn thé1- milk producers o! thé distrIct lu lai-g.numbeu-s vers laid off 1w ibéir mli butera viti almost a momnuts allces, hé vas mavei ta lhiaaction. Thé fa-imers ten ver. récéling a vert poor prieséotahéla l iikani thet vere ihen !orced viii lie fui-- tier décrea-sé lu prîce a-nd a grrester- plant sontaide their aréa or iep l Jet homne. Iu tact thé mlii roduit- ai- iecelvei seme&agi-s a pric tttl tbet can ha-id igve lié hare nécca-- ailen ta a respecta-bI ani oves-- Worici fa-mlly. , Thasla fnot thé va-y Il fibauli hé. ot course thé picule ta a chureli pieute but, théeltburci la a- ta-imèr' iburci and thé tenter o! uder social, t ve as veil as rlilgtouai tetivilieO. m'ance thé>' vi.t tbèir social dola-" ta teni tawa-rd thé upliltta-i bélIer- mént o!rliéetpeople. Therefore they pieure ltéhebast andi séI nly inidiested speaiera via bavé one- ils usefuil tea-t.1 1%ie h1.a tng of var. on the mhédule betveen Newporl and Wur- sé-joivshipp mtés-diniter. Wmuie- Ks . of C. basbali tas. la oul- fusý4 te aitrimmeti b>'the Waiu- *aqetui .Gui-ne as. Thé olippi mtiler viii'- Motivea a souvenir .'41 th- dat, asý. ii lsa b . -lai" e lifflua- ivAily. et!-thé oldest gp ~ta$ea-ei--éItltg--la thé ectlgqà; hé - bte for, Ïthé CWOché» Ow wiiot$ - ocanIs oDeltt $1.50 PER YEAR, INADVANa9 LIBERTY VILLE BIAS ROBBERY Du1irsvls ited I.ibertyMIUe laut Ja da iht "d IL vau fot lear- éd unili ioday that the ornLe. 0f Lb. -lLbetyvlie Lumbér oornpany had bmi robbéd, the autharitie. not bavlng baia notifted. Tii. burgiars entered through a vindovr BM &0 ar as the 0,1er was abi. to discoer only a type- *rfter vax etolen. JUSTICI3 IUBBARD PI3RFORISFIRST WUDINfi APTER- 'IIONEL, LUYSTER MÂYQU 13 R CIIANCI3TO 'TALK One of Nt~ Famous Famnous Amon Case OnI Dor- lnventorThnk%î* Hom, ig a. lnon the atter. MET NEA litTi ED BOAT STATES OFFICE 18 MUM Baddeek. N. g., 'A* Jýlevander Ctayior Zuytr conter e!the mont Grabam Bell. Wav 1 99 thé tCle- tamous arien casé thai vas ever its of =04"a4ie eo thitrled li Waukegaui. may hé given an- ioat e t bil.sp horne. lie allier chance ta "ta-ik" lu a case thai vas in bis 75th r755. -mightbinvalve is vif.and his Mr, BèlI vuS loidtaEinburgh. brotier-iu-lav. Milo Tomrnpkius. at- Icotland. on Ma-icil IetW. and vm'as on. Or thé groit t Jventors et cordlng6la offclaI advlces. modérn timés. H e duCated at Luyster'5 absolute refusai ta testify the Biibtigh t rn4 L0diuilversl- Yeterday attérnoan beforé Justice ties, In 1810 rBU#ita Ciaa"- Heu'vey Caulsan, an thé iubs0quént  yéar luter - luImÏtt ta Boston diamosmal of bath -Mrs. LuYster anii vhere ho bécan» professai- of vocal phsoyat Boato n unvermlt,'. Tompklua. brlngu vhal action tiat can psl'o yaiM. llbdbélvL-b. taken up i ta kes AttrneY A. lIng an thé Id«a-of voiée transivon v. Smith. Hisaniuy connuectIng link1 by vire, but it wuia ntuti 18 luinthé veh of téatlunany that hé that hé gai bis Ide" 13.10concret, liad lioped ta vweave about thé de- toi-un for pratiéa ph Thé tel.- fendants vas thé prlsoner's tale ta, phoneé vas patt«üt lv .MAi-. 1876. corroboraté that of severai ailiervit. Shortit aftérvérdi Ur. Bell in- flesses. Wlth that connection mise- veniéd the P»ttcwbOài probe for theié lg lie vasforced ta drap hîs case. painiesi deteCtioui f IMOOlts ln tih. "Luyster simpîr- failed ta tell vhsl iuuian boy. Allonstbe honora ibIs he lias tld us befare. mand lie casé brought vwu thé érekww! M. 1). !rom goea ont of my hanide lia hse of the Unversity et léiiibUi. thé states atorney," Pauil E. Ber- Mr-. Bell, vith- C. A. Bell aid Sum- tram, deputy firé marahal. sta-iéi uer Taluter, invéntét thé gi-aPhO- ater the béa-ring. iHe ta poltve*( phone in 1888. the state badl a good came ta présent Amouig thé bonoe. vlulci Ibis fa- and beileves ihat ItlaIs fot a malter mous inventai-récolta tram vanous of hlstary yet. educatianst.I iUttuiuan sd educa- Tliat Luyter vas plain *"yeliaw" vas tionai i l"éa Voltaprixe thé charge hurird at hlm by William tram thé Frme Èýeméugi0* it l in 88; Murra-y, thé guari vlia lrought hlm modal of théeLoià"es oety oflme tramJoliet. If theré loa aunder- Arta; Royal - Abert- usd11; Elliott ground source chat keeps prisouers Créoamo dal; Joblu ,J»-tlamedal; froun turning stta é vidence by Hungiés modal of t)hW Royal SOcietylthreatsa o deth Il la héyoud thé of Arts of'InJes ROison mdal kuowledge of thé vax-ion ani thé the dégre!m1I.D. t= Harvard. guards. Luystér reférred ta, a case LL. fotamAih"rutasd OCD. frorn of long ago lu deuylng ta ieslify, Oxford. whéu hétalkéd ta Bertram and Smnii la 1877 Mr. Bell vu rnarrléd t0laie yeterday atiérnoan. Murra-y md- liii. Mabel Garines' a- Scotch la-sie. mitted ,ibat a man hai beel kilked Upon hi&1m lut >at Mr-.13'11la ~prison but that il vas anly a wua m PamBeach. "lové affai-" and nat work of Reportera *ho sougltit nterviews,'uuuug." luystér vas anly riglit vltlu hlm upon the eventience andi rnntmily a pari o!fte Urne, hé -tilir o! thé epteWé learnied that éhargeit. Mr. Bell di fiat have, phone at bis !Bat Lux-uter.the itulk af a mie. Washngton bonie. riymn wte eros ê, "À téléphone ls a niabee." héo ex-avtsai vtbt evtsyy Plain@& zà Lbhecmnty jail. He coula j m&e e = 4 tt 44sglt -9! tiroos~at, tiai apéê o fhi of znets a cosusaar-u»me- If ho lmLlfléd..helM hlm back. lie vas ualm éla thé crime. hé wvimi- of vhich dca-t vitb edut -Udi.. peu-éd mter th.efasidon of a émail (1fr. Bell vas a' dlt&à00klagboy, but bhovas "dolas lime" for min. vlth -whtite har &a" blié the as guilix-as hé. Hé vas béai-i, telt 'mud athietie inaPD5' ta-hen _ack ta Joiet luit aight. aua.. The edîtor af The Bun u ______ vtt thée . KA. party tva yéars ai* vheui ýe reeived Ihee t aibi sumnre-home in Canada. StandingAWRP O L M au the. pier, hé sentbils mutiugl-ide, an-hour ln.g boat-t cta méat oui- purysandiaved us velcom-d v TUB DLSU SSDI aru-ived. The boat circlid t abt !Mi steamer vltithé gréatest spea aiBi- attairnéti y a boat. Mr. andai s AT Bihi REUION Bell held a teeptlon for out-K ai iboved us about tliéirgrq4u An latéu-éing thlng vhich thé l*lo Patier Foiey andi bis people are générailt ioesn't ina, ta that ýi,4M puting thé ftn.tahtn. touches tt udr Bell ta dem! muid dunib anid 16é eft- pi-amm for thé 74th aunuel picnle 9stsuitlY atteaied by a mai. 0ev. andt eariy reunlan. lu Me- evér, sie seernod moatI pleasé ta Carths ail - vwooda, Wauvorth, -greet oui- pariy an ihat méoà07*é Saturday. Auguat Sth. AtI.3 p. mu. tday. Hias ummer home 15 théth spéakers program içnul begin and ifor in>'touriste muid lié ba nme at thé malt ltlngulied rosi- .beén moal--gracions lii thSM.' Ué dents, of Lake coulal>' iil lver tméemetimosi deiightéd 10 thixakt» adils-sses. mmong them helus Sena- éd1tora of thé nation shoulit 'WO tor iiadney B. Swift, of Lake Forest, bila by their vilit. Thé spee4éd)ét lao viii discusé thé foi-mers' pr4i- viticit velcatuicius va-s aid taT lem. Other subjctswilliIncluis thé bées thé fa-stscraft ever t & maktnglalenl priu for vatee Iravel. îî vaan't i >, liimretn rbiml prî dropln-li a asort of h.t.&Ï a-r stroslty as thé pîcturé ou pagé 1, te- Fa-lier Foléx-. vb a laes thé. deep- .day sliavs-PDITOit SUN.) -- est lutéresi ual ouly lu thé moral ancspriua vui éug uéto- RathérDisil. voes nhsoluséuj'i'éaeltudlye" YVir 'Oreiolist.W55it't Ibère aniam JIOLY ROLUS MUST ýEAS% R4YLL Numerous compr mni*the, Stoning af Chtwi>h Cause PolIce Actiaon. NEIGI-BORS ARE AROU SE ..No more ralllig attér 9 o'eiack ai - That vas téli order that veut ftrth taday tram the Wa-ukegan poice de- pmartient ta thé tva Hoiy l900lW churchés lu thé clty. Théa-ctiounvas insplred by nutacé. Oua, complainute; flei b>' uélgbor vlio charge that they a-e brokea of théir reat hy thé lani, emalional r-- ilus services vhlel tein continué untîl long afler the majority o! pic. pie have gens e tabai. 1 "'W. do not vlsh te ho piaeid la 1he position oaInltérférlng villi ter. lilou services huit thé,-,,fa sncb a, thlng au carrylug thés. thIugi iobs far-," Cammisslaner Peter Mc»érmat saId today. "Wé havé sent pollcen'ta th*- ehurcliés sévéral tîmés ta urt o - mémbers ta hé léss demonstraive 1k - tlir services but it appéara ta ha"~ doue no gaod as vs continue la get compalinta. 8nové viii havebte cal! ia hait." Asst. Chief Tyrréil -d ioday. "Wé shahllal istthat tien hé mna 'rolling a-fier 9 a'ciocLc.Titis mest» aisa iliat lier, must hé fia bu noises after that heur. If ouri-nl. strucions are uat eomplled vlth ve shaill héobligei tta akoisagréeeble steps undér our dt ordiaûcos; ré- latinstatenuimancés muid ve un gét muy numbér o! peaple la testif>' Liai even cliurcli services samolimes be- came a nuisance!' 0f la-té a rmflou-ty of campla-ints havé beeu dîreli dagainsl thé Pen- tecoutal mission on Phullippa avenue. This churci consista af anc of thé barra-cka that vas maved beséreuxa thé naval station. On-ai léasitvaw occasions, thé latent of vhlch v»s laml night, thé churc bau béai mtoaéd. One o! thés. missiles vent vidé of isa mark lait night muid broké adiov la lte Jens acobseaahomeé. 24Pilpp a-venu. Il vas anly eeenily vianovéer s score o! DPe iesldig on lté* South aloxemélaiteit a pettosatathé ul i li vlic isey prtai" Mlé rs. V héN tamslaIt wu ltathé e i a*s vjip w-hlehthe uaddb n. é1é&ý ýWlé. onductéti mmd. h appeai- tit a>ta va W-a apreureoa. Tu hiséure eit Se Ï culded la thé 1ev iéutue Ml't lihéit toas>'b>'théeigciies. et Ich. ~~. T FAI~0P> iani, R OL 27. Weu- ilwauke. L. Burlison, Head of Divis. ion rgesFarnersto Avail in, Wta- Themnselves of Chance. IDENTIFY WEEDS, ETC. Iee. Wls. ne. Au-.-W. LD du La-, N-on, béaitoa!thé gronamy départ- me. i rali>- tor!Ilinlois la a siate- ne. W$q. aient Ioda-y adviséd & arfimers te m.taie à4aivntagé af thé Fmi-m CS-éê Rai-bar, divisian of lie Uiverity.- lu récent yea-ra thé diviston bat been ahl. te rentier a vei Important- vood. service ta people ihiougiauÇ thé stale, 'vi-. Colo. and éspédlallylta-i-rmera and fa-imitad- Chicaga. visera hy ldenlifyiug véedsanmud grase- Lme. ès vhlch are elliér ne, or uncotmn. iwauke. Burilsn iatés..- Thé numbér 01 ampiés sent lu la aso City, Iucrésming tromam te 0yéér makila h possible toi- bélier ani morsehai-ta.m tea. log iélp for thé personsae*lkng infor. ie. ma-itou. ýt Laies. itleis mpat a alhé ample et [cge. veed or gi-a-s' reaci the ilvisia#kla4a Lwa-ukée, frési a condition au Passible, »0 mince plants are iMmIcut te tetgjr 19 tJ>e séritstages of grcvt o#Wia#Y> min Rap- lte grasses, Itlelabut«te I =pssb>ta bavé more mature mmàuplés. With thons, factila al M a-dit a é Iwa-ule, der lta-t th* divison ON" =m r',ta more itefiet servIc e' ,foll*Ng s uiggestioas ire mai.: Ivauke., 1. Bodni1 al mples direct ta th* .tai-m ci-opa division. Wis. . 2,Baitdampis O! plants la t" lvauieé Mavausstage- If pommebl. -1 3. Wholé planta. lacltldtfu r094a, am@. steufs; leavess.Bavess"unitoeeb";, loch, ore éasiiy identfiai thMA éiy p0191s a! the plant. ,se, Wi. 4. wra-ptie - Masaela- a-dam» cati or papes- la ai-déS h té p-der I»- treshues. Aller 'theo sampla laMvail go. vrmpped, put hl tlt AWÜtai-bJeb mn, W15, viliiDot break or bécass- eétit dL* thé mail. mai 110 aécxrey. ia-5. 5. Bedraieo- uhéeti ilé al map 'andmdi-osé piawin e'9an Owopelu asv osan bisgeti S Uee8L Otten Il ta iitfl4Or IMpé5bleb » vit. sent the Mmmlei.'- staye O. enitér ségutla4e% b>' "1 te oreilw» bt 44 Libertyvilie Officiai Couldn't .Ftnd Marahal But Tîeg Knot AnywMay. WED AT THE VILLAGE HALL Justice KE. Dl'ubbard a!flberty- viivillei Mgét aioug. Déaplie lhé fa-et thal his principal wvtiess de- serted hlm. end his office vws lock- éd, and Liat lt va the fi-st céré- mauy hé évér pedrtared. Justice Hubliérd managed 10 lié a pérféctiy goad vedding knot Mosday. Harolid P. ltandsom muid Mie Lu- cillé Pountalu, bath of Area, mmde arrangements vîti Justice Ilubia-rd la, hé ma-n-led at liaoffice liat la-y. The Juatice Informed Dénnia Llmberry, village ma-rabat muid ksép- er o! the village hall.,Iliat hé vanted thé latter ta have bis office lu tlie village hall open a-ni ta hé chéré as a witnies. "Zéro" bour arrivéd a-dniosadi thé couple. Ma-rihal Lirnhérry tallai ta put lu an appearancé. Time 'sore on and smliino marashal. "Ovés. h. gaI dolti feet" rutteréi thé justice aislhé veut out sud rounuléi up a-ntter vltneée. "Or esie hé thaughl I'd make a fhuilé a! my ti-et ceremont. But ve'U shov hiM." Unable lu getl bilathé juaticé's office, thé cerernx-aa pertarrnei ln thé vilae ha-ll auditorium. Peter Gust. 26, Kenosha.: ]Bernîcé Ahbraa. leaumm Autos Erelds. 42, WaulLs Wisula - Wshors.40 a& Mia J. Wriglmt,21-, D0mW Ia-belle Q. Carsan,19a Eu4éne lP. Beter, l' .Ciii BettyULKiner. il, -M Edvari T. Case2 5j; Clora Mata J. HachilI 19. wa Elmér C. Richimond, Il, UH fmd. Marie E. <llth. 21, mil Wls. Haroid B. }tébbltiwalts,2 kegau. Frances lM. Oison,. 18, Mil Wii. Harold A. Rulé. 26. Racii Luella A. Otto, 26, same. lmer M. Atkiu, 20 ZIon. Viola M. PIper, 18, saute. Abert R. Lou, 39, Milviük, Helen'Rutenhurs. 19, seau Ga. tD. Johnson, 38, Relut Irens M. Meutuli. 3E, Fou Wis. John T. Reinlsch. 28, Ra-cl E4lisabeli BichE, 29,.Sm W=. Truby. 34, Indana- i.d Luisa Taylor. 34,samme. Chas. H. Corlieti, 27, Mmyv Helen S. Mincis. 28, Denve Lavreuice P. Johinson, 24,. Edilli B. Reiyea. 18. ssr Caril F. Relna-art, 25, Mil Wi.. Ina- Bille Oshoru, 22, Ranu Kamna$. HaroldI il. tausom. 26, Aue Lucille Fountalu, 20,. ami Thala W. 'Rush. 21, Greas Sarahi M. Ha-vian. 18, Clii John L. Beardley. 21,Mill Wis. Eleanor Mina-, 21, sa-me. Wrn. A. Bénts. 36, Wlacous Is, Wis. Florence Bei-g. 304 a-me: Hmrry Breiméler, 21, Mil Wl", Betty Oroasaman. 19, sa-rn -Tino. Plldenhérger. 2SMil, Wis. Eu-a Mller, 19, lUpon. Roy T. TIsiliug. 23, Mtl Wis. Ellabeti1D. Dubrow, 80, Nelson P. Dram. 27, Anti lina Richards, same. l'élis lleéep. Il, Fouidu I. Ia Iton. 34, siaa. Louis P. Miller,- 4tArm. Auna -Cohuae, S& Chicmi Mari-y Demuls.$0, Kenèsih Rose Bérgmuti, 20, WMil. Wm. Ni. Ielisoh. $1, Chic Margie Wéls, 11. sanie