- ~4r ~ ~ t, t- * £ IN~~~~EKI Lake0 » p t-- '~ VILLE, LAKE COU c- _____________ - TRis ~usy *~~'B Nev.paper Wn iMdg I*wer, Fomw kefor Coro Ti.he n. johp . Pope, aged 66 s'sa, t auega. ne Oas et b- ena trong figure n DUntenlpol 1« ormaay years, tied t et *49 a . 4AM& 2u. 1nietAIexian rOs. J *'Otbefbrelest effort te lave Ihebdben eg&uilM pouoatoiiy er ine@ lie nndsrvt ter. Xian., vhere he fermons' va .4innmo of e h bgb simoo. 00oe efthe teall or iir. 1Po9e r brîffl since regret te thoqIuans pf ftlenAnWau feganla» oucit and âate. as ho ponuet a tSe per- fenaally and.vas a" U uqally la- terestlns mas. quiet eut uaa mSinAnt b. attentod sllel'tebI* fiourtluagpvoeuuoilbijnnbut Afflnaaa 4te- "nd lmete eMt vltb ii elnor bu»Iees eqgan- tap u A ehogreptAy mlased la ibIs nnty. amsies bthe rleusaeusofthie liu, vbtinho fombtt hart te elak 911, m . Pope turing thes Pa fegvdotap d14memborq et bi* feuil? fttbtg -Périodes. eput the anv"Mt.&ho aaedmiete fr bus tuas. Et vau prouhlont et the Xob, Ceut 3eBar "ontt= oaegt yesf 'ï" te attendthe stuerai serveul An a body. Aoa a aicber of Abshev t frm a< CSe Pope*t Po"e, hoe vasaniat. d vitk Attomres Rmer Cooke tpi- 18 ruien stha"edulmont eofAi trA" ;y - M . r- c. 't- '8Big Week ly ~,THUI~DAY;AUGUSTIA192Z ti .,J. toý4a)£Imm -eMtt o boollu 851S .1. 13344. nesstodiet li et Chtogo muatty tlvua dMittedto te liar te188 se~e=Sd w et Fila . Neb. frof te ber oath Suaa*h la Nelam ai un38te 1lm ne vus un nouIb*i cma ànum ftes tu tbus stdbtfo theu ý1o0 atl*nte vire s a mber t th Brieof Gouko ep t qý&Pope ho bosue a »M« uaet the bar ef Laboe euM &MvSmaurlaeemtationfo fr luewu as eretMays'. ', 1888,te Mn LAllen tC. MCDcegall vbe su,- vive. bA@U r.Pope la>ai»s urivot by t» n ons, John Pose hwâ aI420 Jla strmit, sut Duley Po. t bc" a sudfl, t Dartmil - 1'he IOwinOYUbrocliera au& Ilsior aise survie: MnouMary' and lubel Pope and toHum 'Pope et WhmePo, eut WIlliam Pope, o 'W#d0*e-stA. M. Popesw. JloeedISM made hlm a mmeoef eo&UÀdutsa- ftunoS. Ris falier rzaekot cete leaders emliug Lake -ceunt Pioms At ho teok a keen, t Anbalbtu tRe probboi of tt e oaty, sýi*andma natien for ther dteeeopw. The tanerai vas hait Mondas atd hurlaiwvasin Mlburu cSmetèrY. Car CmItMiIfhI4CMdroa, 2 Men Stni*k tt Lale Zuie- Long Grove ressin' Penr chidreu "batwtvam4n Wére qutes senoul i4Atinet and"t*o pie- chines vers vrreked l Ina colison prites, sfteriteon aethle crom*Aug ho- tveu LaesZurich sut Long Groi,& On Oscar, cotainleg Jacob Titom. vWhe nomde, on tAie Henny Whitrsnberg tarin outitwest cf LihartyvAlla, sud ea hret ma, vho eccupled tAe Mfont seat, and four of Mr.* Tbeni' chAi- tren, al lunAtsereer seat, vaS coin- pleesis' tuclisilarouud asad oer-t *turnet, pnning al tAie eccuPailli unden t. Onset the chidren, a gIl, la believet lte bce ntrna.lY ID- ure.- tUet othen car vas occuplQd by F. Brocisqau, of paatie, vite vas on s vas' te a fatanheo ovi4 fai Diamnt Laké Thora vas on bis vay te Wieeling. Dr. J. la- Taule çcf LAhrtyvil -wu scaffl t tetlioeeof the auci detoutWt- 10k. atler thbIAilam, vi verrese~ et.iti 44L4~bltCi .~ ~~~~i ihu*tnisi Sir Joseph Paue leiept veli n tbe OMuIl bie ifuetr nilat. lie munit hav"ertuaa lwwAs, w"V godeai.vall a matertul bntu biet, liabaa-b.ad hMm le ulumber But the geai vaz't Vsnge. Van- gis wau fer ln the syrin vilda ol Maries, tiveaet, Fourtli Lake. Sr Joseph badn't àlept Weli foi the lestfev snights. £ver #Ince Vangle 'torso.k hft for the vooet bMU» eof rt tbaes,heho bhe restus.. Me batedxgrevase van tnd pae Ihat hie brother criminels bell begun to wrry ove> i heaith. ÀAog sea id te bcsecured-tomne Whers., hi 0mene' 50 tiat Sr Jo- uaph cclii set a rest. Then, caeehie opairlbüty. A tray scat as feund ant enchorsd bousIll a*-Joe!sa beyal*ndov. h.fev blessand les ogu et a.But net se- vlix th. otiier prisoners. Tite hlbicbekepI t &m vko, soe sgoat bat te ho i eo aa. ar 10.58h ib kItart broken. vheu hie avoke. Td arAleg goal vas gens. Ylats mtepof hlm bat eviken l " a sb" th lb. ng-orsra thatt CM lg bi lgs lquer 6e oece id mette Agave. lueSorhat man ho ton» vlhhlm nov, meta ha effl, et. >ýs tp , la prteln. t>emttw 5-ùgAlre -beér- IP=on x am rorMrieor e lok front VuxWs bail aigit tbrins hIdi 5155. 'Ans'Was. ou. pfr tsseinietbode wvii betbiet.t- AfIen Ceit;bles Brunse 4t RaI Titoni a iaseau l100 glasaff t l1oa dravu froni a tavces t thasloc of oes Teni nd ut Era MarSÀI ecks a1IngleahtO. Frites' aglt tites decida t Ilwvastuner te 'strihé'. 6o Abes' radte i plae iA* doOsB- sa barrela ot beeut-Id, 8"su accrdn to U* Aii'imttfs lut u& i drt lsbty I¼ ternly A. V. Odtà, et vlict a.te- iil iare ,tonkInK., Tehae ihPma resaité 'awtb lita.ni et ths Georgejeunuer'cbikan er Âat ob gqigte Abs - or I1.% aM ase. Telan ep c ns' Do M a lu,. pt olm then. us &bout1 SMO b~*s*on th. tarin. Il teMi matee 0Wt the bot chléens Death of Vet«an Team8tf - Occu roe i*éaty V"I .lomePitSnsssby, B0 yoara oIt. 1124 M.Jackso qt,,Waubsa&. .5litespa ceident et tek. conlts', roppe deamis -Ibis ni about t«e teieo* *hile valilasa aoel m rel user 1ev avenue. D110= 4= llvstoe have beeo i e. Wer ls Use bl romains vers re»0sedt10e o Wie and Tobin fuserai bme, vheno tho coroners leomw el&14 Mr. sale*4<b mr1ei Henry' C% tvi4,4#Mott Ja Son streOt bhasilis soPppston bis front Porolb te chaib "him lie i ciuupialedeofset feeling <oct. - "I teu'l teel et cii- gvo«mmau« s' eyea seem to e hotghlidl tin-o I hetter ls be g, lie snid lé Mr. Edvants. Rê sterted tw vaUt ovu 1the teet ant lied goeegbs titan s bun- êrdet wte heli-stoppedt. Sied dta holyb crunpW. t te wA e #Petoi at -w vilebed ushe t ouet ' wt" a]testdm, tdealh i hvlu -1Ï- Alufflt ntanlanens. Thie po- 9l tur acliltend Asbo1 XVr wus b vsbore-lu, Gurs and t ha<d -tu an suegau, about IvepI' ole . i%ýRl ialed erli- ed hei4o*Ravng -lisse ewtesipeter for I&-ei b oret Yomrs 111 iteill hadliad mg.l mosbeti lte. ,vonk - 4#uthé- let tlb-e eku, b~t ho M ent rb s d cndition BeqAtes bit widowvbAi " jussby Obift« a'ùp ui e O %- #w- "d-"tr hrsioi 'Betwme 4 and 5 0h Rom$s. ii-valtapý Be Surlied aod Gid-7. negltn M I haglad.* tbet 111 ttien focrnlme. RFir 0f avnng Ges iyghbd the contract upon e 33 The reaAIn te pi ce etructet o!fgel i bo founAImpracîcbve b.Ord] nary ros!a t er on - AO msu- tem dovn. TeirA t Il proesaI line is ào Aat tit, are almost Apusambl, Untor Abs contract týey viii i acacutet sedthlen i&_b. gradod »Mse nev matenlel leaddw vharsvec 111a nsoe ~vt l yack haepbeen ro" ~I ce vi in he Abs hat - bl#.cem Thaçslmtoied la ad S b-ot ra li -r&ra -As s e nie Lae reglon. TAe ie l reets' dha bsêu start. 'BOY NEAR01 ing Cake F John, aget 4,.Ison 0 M. W. Spoor. reshtbug 1betvAe.was neu - beracce as a resmit £ lange quantlty ot tactsi bat. been placet An tAý U e be lis îsniothen tAn otbla.ck enta,Wvi fetns.he place. T' plcta cake lne i eut nmornethtAe front latp tAie poison Ailov. Iag te frostlng Aiseo poison. TAie bey v$ siens ant vas nemxrA J. L. Taylor vas dail Thte boy hadt liii qualy e iepAt ticl utetu tuin hici t tmqiwS flie boy cout reeql'U kpiulxl eib WAUKEGAN NiKL AT CINaIJT 8-9. ConsAdrable excitement vas caeadd ln tAhe office -of the coUnty Clerk Thuxaday when a digaret drmpped by a local attorney Ino aý wicker wftste basket, set lire tote J aper iMur, Ifaufio contents. Th e aiket wD.5 on the atone floor and etough the beres ti..Pr*I wiet three or tour teet ln helylt I there vasno damage-. Tbo fr tooli Dlacé ln the vault where h . records are kept. i lflfi r ____________ feuglev et eele Johnt Merson Faits14, as Steani Is ~td b Jry mei afre ta ,ou\L ~ ~ beez me.9, o! Lke Buff,~asbeun ove tethe y' grand~ ~ ~~~~b ferifde od e 8Qh iv. si»mt aus teC B.mesol at dlury ue n dyt- etm lng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Hr ore am, éy hrgfe.Lgser Ioltlîfacn heCharge udihl , hecafflI:, 41W '-A~t ik netpe1Ccep~ tt a e, etey Mlor l ez e e ttv rthu. .rvI Stastevss iih hf vase tocffAiLe vas ed oerd ,te 0- Wiü n'ebrsd geandry vlda er hiende d of ld te0Qr.nuAIU liek4c totlt Te e a orglnalo va te.le pelA oaly butors Jtecehar ithaiztaTeC l ig cbiet oeme!e n va ae l&ttcel hs bb Ins t the&atre, Ibrother etMn.C. t we.et m W B. er e. la e. oi bonsevt T berocstlttee.1h be BéshyOu pry o boPO113 caledbdr ever i <UEete=.t a 4v1 ,, ,IL there a vhiAg.eA *cglofh bLeas t leg e Itothe »*ào 1 e.arhvComiutry ve l ar lotiu f, aL etveliUi y k 1 Ale,~ tauon ofALIL steeglw *bey- thatt hohaiAt«0. qui14W" UI Abt ~ htho a hit5 atp ey4 SM limes te>wAa* tipaiAr"ia.,vou* tra oaisWlB. hUA i , Wi W thoé:b 1 w he m E. V. OrvWte4i *fWOI Be !ftàrte at Oiw. Féofowinu cour tretin That thie action qf the appellate court ln. revering the Judgmeat ln the eas ai Stanley bthop or Nôt Chicago, vhlhad beeti coneio ion a charge eo,.vilatlng the probblito- ry >w and Wmi ld been i ou ed tu a long ternialn thi e fflty jali ln 'addition tu payAng la finle Of *00,- pulls the teethlPfrm thie smebl aed miure l1gw was the tatenment maede Menday by âtty. E. V. Oivlm, counsel for BAshop. The court le ruling on the case, accoidlg tWMr. Orvls. held thai thie warrant on vbhbBAhop's place was raided vas, fleai on Its face. Ar, a result IMr. OrvIs asertsd this atternoon that on hehaîf of his clent Aie proposes tu start suit for $10.000 damages against the *sponge iqat" who made thie raid on Blahop. wouit Ae started tomorrev. "The appeliate court n Is rulesg lne ie shop ejue asserts Ibat lthe searchr ara seizure 1ev s inextra- -ordlnary remedy and muet' be con- strued slrlctly,' Mr. OrvAas ait. "Ift proiendsonly tor the selsure of n toxicating llquors andt t.ere as ne case agaînat a man where obly the atill a nt mash are round 4usd tliese cannot 6e Introduced a$ éffl*nice. This lass, moat ImportenIt rfhiang asý t appiies le iZliy 4vs huntret c9MS flfty hiave been appfalet.... .PullY flfty have ben appealed ffrW Lakî county and the maJertY are '8q4e upon thie selsare et maeh And stlîs. The rultag bas the plaçIW 10909tm law lnoper&UikY belh IÇqf ture 'Iu.th rZif muiil saellé gai <mit that juries in coouty court mi hea ru fr'tt*m te box ratther th"1 belng soietet'bY thé ,hdiS and his depudise. This point ef 1e bai been eattacked menty tftees fa loCI& cases bupttisiso-thift t1 l'e& ruiýnt.. thtseoffet bas heo. aud trava trami th b0X. di- e. ho. en eto ik di- h. YO tas yof at-e 4d basa 1ia2 ither hall ry i*deov "'id fplet bos' net- t erved as ,AI heur, belera vuiet n r I t O(ane t ltse oxsiln linge etltse pieute hlt SZ unas'hiSt. PatrlcW8' citurcit et adwrbh vas tRis clasht vbicit cerne ligîveen Qeater oedue OlIRet LAM "Preet ent It .lAnQie, ellMll Mapt ýtâ vaxe4. go strosg that flueilsbobli mon va"q gotute it vrrbly for alilAey ve4- Werth et thes mme tiais. UxcfiomOnrîra Inth lis tbplace Senater Bvif lied spobea about tAbs Markqtlng côou- puas se ateketthe pices maaket;» fa act, nlppet tsevhiele Prepomiton 'Uw eut dova bhe beck" , id*dt bars . ie lousCamesMn.rsoM , a tpreulbtlve of lis Marketin compani. vhc hall se able tefonsa Ad vite vent atter Senatar SVil 1liter rông. Thi e 8hattercold net stand listsalng le sncb an argU- meU and tolo# tq iM etest la ansver b M r. - Iargbe Ant tius lieY vere ,rguing hack atdforth on lia Plat- fortu vhile lie crovd ccsxhnuetle gatiter toenJsuies'Asunoxpocted te- bale.- Repreentatire Wei"s et Waukegan folovedt lAise'-speakers sud ho dIt net teuch ou the millisub»le-dla tact Ae xplalilef Aat Aie ied otten. times iteard tebates on "ilquu Mati ter*" but ho mcv n" e- s-te- gsi excitet onen anytiting ike MUl; lie had sean peopeiýesalis'excitet ovar tAie otèr ftrernsof lquid thMb lid lisse befoce lAie publie for e long neti but tat wam lthe frat axpsrAeuoe te hat hat oet Astning te e crep au niik. Accortingly teho lied clous anether lUnse oftitegitt reler titan along "hIquAt ine&,'" The picule *"I lA'attentat ant proeet a mont tlelL~ittul affaIr. PéopAs camue frein ailthe surrouat- ýce cuntrys'and Palier Polos'.heau ot ths parl, va lte busioat man ilu thea ceuns' tRalt ays. A progrown o! sport s uhsld met the rlaitores te ucitea unIon Risu troeustcfWatCh*lis Grors. Tbis Ale- nie proyveto te o nsetoflitsboat 51er hoht. james nax*r, e Bhoe Bac'*o uap tht ho avmeso oset boakMA ptgitla- Ihe w th.e u r 1 ; *» »o r<b0b - a 7en 1he i ya.tadaytra Nia~s~but Abt b. Omili, lias la ne- peit tigt*0 uarats. buS Appeuranas. les Ohtuky mdel%#lis15 bont for *8*. .30 ba.t PÂTÂt ACCIDENTtJ ,Verdiot of Cqron«,# JuryShOW abÔuti300 3 geIT wa , eft aro fie iïs ta Whtsffe, the hff TAie lIge, JoQUet e and tsr raIl- Josepit ThoauGin. £%Iec&t go vt met deal et« parninglon -«km a trelgitt train crapot laIth s4Wuli mobile linvlilcb-Aie w»tvs n J)eutCocer Wtvev% , tis* 10e silet etttit#ýnquast ve odvas heMo strack Aiy ý, C. t . .'englue, 580. train .»; bilaI ront teeys'ai- tww dae4 lte 041noq hlew tlIs-hAste oead« RW lb tI -roUlng M daei, thebell lttre aî, vwu- elginfrea is eUime lte train vdt te mo$ litI làie . - 1:00Ite - 4o MrMi' %rtanotbc-in-Aaw t~ u i e . Inn. uret In te oaepn c01ali - ev tas a 1er p5s b er hoInquet la te-o rt*hl becaffle sho OA oooupanta o et Is a* reui t - - itRi l e orI Rie,- ei4 dlaI the autmoa-f~ bile 'appr - te eelng sai t **f 10w rate et.Tbee pre lt .- eir vho dthe car vwu ap.dlng aI te 411 Mil . . - . ý17- - 4. ý 1 Pd=*