HlSbth uo tte 714, î-ïWr ton. Éarry Rose m etb ese Junior Roue. R.OY Satk. PGrtEuif. r11101>91OIs, ~. 81w FL rid:lgbCREÇX OCROO-Arth A t Scthumrcrker. Helen Sebumacker. ROUND LAKE 8CHOOL-e1i Ar:ann. lldred Hende,440 416n; m.£l o lirene Feliing, 1Francis VDieiz,:IClisa- bacs jut bëeaeg mpetM or: beth Davis. WllmCaaOhmnor$O h*heavy bard 0f tre iaw de- I la lm4be rural Pc*oo1» ortnfl Wtý o ja 4 râeies~- o e ND oi0 u aht- who have bge ezýPrfeatwaI'da,, -Sther Winter. LtlgdvMuhor of *e.ifftowy 409 rtte e u* t Tku"~ fLThom esIB 8<)RoOL -t- 1&,4A sk* owI. il41v f. TOVýNLINESCROO-Dortby . Dbe# t .ermnledthiefr tu* nwH AnScd imploe, Mei ,1 RO ABRSCHOOL-t AndrsfW Wlorg. eoretr0 b tbl MoQire. »stalle iive V 'IJauniée roek. lt=dldpb btal at Fox £Lats: w&B WGR'H IVOOL-ldmud DRW -son, E.~>Y~g tled $600 snd aentenced to servei Hele 'r'4n-ý,40 days ln t-be Colýay jail. C,,l~ ashmOte.., Mica LONO GROVX 80R001-ArtburJ ahWozah. iirobieter of the i. ditb phetd y. Grace Wemesi. Luella leracbbr$r. iol b« L tl aï Foèx 4à4~, wag. $jiL=140LsiZ. larriet Ray,. HAWTI4ORI4. A1M iM0 ified '$600. sand sentenged ta serve W mgb Kuitar, Harrl0t Clleter Weails, ItarsliAU ÀWolldeys a inta tii. countz' iîl. lxAz gyhave bêta perfecti.nu GRAYOLAKB 8ÇHOL - Ri," 1 OtoMtali ieeutDamond l LX6.. ce for tliee >earo and 3Idith Geltç. Sbelby bMaoaid.Joeph wa» Infloo,$600 %sad. sentenoed '10 ii *0 ram - Wlcktsbeio m ucs it. Iaoa've 90 days Lu cQenty JaIL. IRY SOUIOOL--4Jara Neye- BUTTERFUMID SOIIOOL- Marz'I WlbqTg and Wtiaîk were ac 1c- vard. Nepeler. x.rnian~ WeUa. Ceba. Amella Caiha. Jenflie Oel.lw. -a o1,tetiml givea by dette- )0»4DA SCIIoOL-_ Vcor ' nUB SOHOO-Heleflnil5h505. Lves in the.aeploy of the, .ýtte. Gruce Jack. ee wltnessese tastlfted W' lavlle6- 1SCIIOOL--Edwin Under- WILIT E ICHOOL-Dora Holliater. ,,Lrcbgged iUex aI tbe itwo pisalis. Char'les Lytle. Lidu J&ynd eziorwas >rre- anser detc nclOoi,-.oa Kngge AI- LAKE BLUFF SCHOO-Âifred . ives round a "Inom*one ifl li u are.Sphi. Dorôthy Buris. Junior Milin quantiîY W'ra luas nflus posses- luxl HALL SOHOOL-Doro- er. Mldratl Atrldge. George Muta, s-o.n Th tlashdennth *, George Rud, Mary Beek- .FluedPiel, Martha Birckson, roof o! tiie dhieken houle, It sra W' p-eea-'.13imer Pubb. Ralpb Cole. - bs second ffenSe e H won c<teren- ~2IE 11* OLonitended lt on acconot of hfi' B ur!tO'OL, NDorti re and ebidren2. sub. Frances Furiaai. Mary1 11LtL L D I LL['É0 11A1414eve nties0 kose Podboy. Annie Dol- appeai5r Tte motions for new trils Lnk Saej. iD IIVfDCVi were made this ongbuJu- filed lie h irno , e pftère. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . t l un.ras rA tollmee, Who FAM BRvU AIDin:TT blil Ptidivorce âainat William , tF dptuprous tarmer reslding: AIR PMCI,=EXT MTU kD lac- sast of Lbortyville. and was - I ~ j grautud a tamporary I~uto1by' <CoUtnued f rom Pitge One) ýtru f1osman train dispocfihes of hIle ro't7. taklûg thaeahidrm onSt or -pair, a"*h Wo W111-flai11eutertain r'tý uttCt1 and fr-m molesting ber WbUetle Qu"smds ibis z'ear, have agreéd 10 twdivorce action la pendinX. Sbs. give a courlhenta progra of «Da- uIk X M UN W NMoM ÏK fi stated sbe feared he would. ta l ,*wrÏUeti *t. ISîlla going mîk natteropt tbnjr her unleas ho b. wrorth oqealega 19ire tW a" m.. 'n$nntie a~te a-* r u'.wpf- ~i~R ~ b'il6wtàia Ol.Iga«thth weother l. a it.ettt~ fle5'5 <4reprooe4a a reconclliatlon Mseo'a fnaous crc ~ éte~ aablia. 0v s±e.4a01<fla. aretbae ex ~UOTED Ath a-- r. op"ciat -.-39cto $.50 wths t doeIoe ou - -89-- ê ë~ef $Uo«me Bý1ýLOW, rr 191TEWI~ FAfIN Ru" erBadý ap&--.-1% owmtxeRazori, wrth 1 ba"es-. -89c Uàs' Summar pks ~-35c likum sPowder,, pet-boa I5c 1,IetwTOims for - WO C OUR2M1X M' « lu~ta~drkIn shirts, Peàrft'ig, dée> 1 lirs .id~eouy-.. -~ I. I jlied f bat7 &.ea 5.0 S*bD ime W for eld 1041j e,150 l rd.W. fruib dboorn> iw e W Be~ di~E~* lion ltîoos& In tWbui J. Qpboe- si or49 ' **1Ir jmN 9'.W1fT1% 8f'W W. colntek$1.00. t POSnýIONWANTED ON WAM -'________________ DI~0a~ $200 a 'irld<sw ite 12 75<1 -oe, sA. Idie_____________ À.L Mte<rMen'a lie. gautr & Manus, cigare and l&es PbU SAL- l ara faim. 2 m»a -4+ «h gae.- northeash of Libertyvtlifi. e.Pnat4e4rrA N Xeol.rBros.. kewpie doll Numsrb. 84 à og ~Ià Prqm *ld*. ou., hsinner & 011 eu. - «My SW ji(oth Sm Dalry and le Crearo FOR SBACE-Ou. Bell Citz' eUsi40 m Fm n -Co,, 2 glions of brl0k creae. cutter. 1-lL.: used two season. Two, Â. G. Gotnan, $6 box chocolaae-sose udvt 40 fM.bRMwer pPiM 3 f., AiL*l 0 Veterans, andtri<fl4 ai es publiag --ditrbtir pipe. Couse tiid sea s t.th -mi Chine et Our faim o.e4,alf Mile ss.tU< u nsiUlLl Thbe Rould Oak la the pride of its of Rwn=t. Arcady Ferus. Poae1l3. uvuare. Ne guarantee tei t o th e ~ê --.e-tA(U 1 'bee 1YI~ ve ~vr pt o hmarket. Thbe -udreds nov binatua eal ouiFORS4A-Turee -pufére R<' OI""ea à*ousliout t.axe coimty'wvIiibas. Uni' enim'rbudll astes, vhis Peia; oASAE L b0a le tIbisboast. Ilb»le a lr»teeGd thra. bàgb grade balfer calves; OMe baker, il wlll reuder Indefilite gOod pura bs-d 1*01,1.10frleabull. wtî* 6. aarvlq.10 zo f; easy t takecar. of, paVers- Ihbapure liredI Bletela M&: ~ w~ me mou4 ôn cureasy paz'm"ut planu. eskn; tue pure braI Puroo ersey boir S<Ü*hruFurulture Co., 216=22 b. pIM .wittbpapars. Old, Mill Wava. Caw'oet'"qI M GoéeSt., lust soutb of the. bridge. Dogeed,. TIL eleisbSh.4 à" oeL ~ <puim StgêN#5 WeUegWAXCUJ~Y~Pagents, 92-t 897-Y-3. 831 874Uaie tgvka-4deàl for batecoin 0u n pys.rsvaiut lm. l- or WIloh»ajsasortad patteras «Ul < oe. ý. a-VWÀKWR.Ir IMotIW, c.,- 2-U e. GemmBe MSt.. FogSALE-Baby oerrlag. M am& a"Wa in nei *Daum ji' soute aithe. bridge, Wahiegsu. ueh', a" cap ie â# 0bai lr. - 01-t pfneuLberbyville - liti Mens Rubber Boe qW s ela.~-29 "Men 's.Colars, speciai t Mems. Caps, Pr,'Weudup --- Mcas TenSff %o, up Mens Srs, spi l,' up fia m .69c- -Meu'à Beautu *4~>ei qifom-,pO Meix'aRubhprs. sp4i et --7 Mens beau" Ifu W «sted c1r~0 Men's Fibrm Silk T", ecia-,-75c Mcn's-Silk lies. specia hi dssale $1.-00 MEIQS F0i( wPWm(D £WLDR Laes' Shue4 wlilebey lat $ $ Gâ1' beam &o. xci a.$l.25 Pus, er ~advalue, 4iaaL1.25 C1iiêoe' T>sud.p«, .white muet black. #essa, lat ~ ~ uHe'r i st4 wc a An all-steello a fiis CoIp for cvic 8ALE ceart Invitd augubetbf . .... . rr. hhg nu. - - M'Y ~nwo~ - roi~~wok;Ka Liohbrmo&"dbeu M "&. ru. oes.k to4$.4So ,7 $daDL'RSE' B S~k lie~ pecia $5-759 Laumine $&Ils È e aL96C VhooiSikIot, specw laL-$l .4 tARUGOMO ere .rd 1 & Gbpal"im pet yard l /c ~Pe1lt ptyr per yard u rL.9 $Kg 01%wa cwxty, Pls gvey. 04 plat" thp Notbbg barai be* sbe wiii b. i1 mWa t»ti au POU ) C. y- 0 b~al, '14 n%" L té Wb O" Wip, 1 cieeSL *1Ui 5 Sewz00 la t - us0' et e' thé »0n h.adw seuantAt u LbI. ma& tefteel Cot a dandy matresa filed 100 Per centCt on aitbng. $eavy icling Cove; ,for tbissle $'7s cunycouïs 17c~ Blankets .42.75. $3.75 and $43Q0 'Ptp TCOtO6 oe Uxkwover, yeclaied, look ike new 35c JwmIoo, special at _ _ _98c N k.a spdeudôdvalue <t--- 75 PQtIWvesof fine mattraL. '.. ~3. 25 me"s Kits Cr tem à%tii.tin for calupens -.25e PLXSÇjîrS--W. madie in bke i nA k "~ i1."'ae. -un fioù.L79c, /' v i. ; M~mey Refu»ded FE CtIVE DUf t*(ÉG oT Guar monommun OMM 1 1,