$1 p uer m. no ________ I.14844 (Kt Count>". expensS> 016 par Ma, Ne ME WTM COURtT nous£ - Oenwootl Manuel TralainaScBosOo, 16 WM7GA4, LLNOI - NO. 8sus 15 pet me. Ne. <atLthet's expeume) - Na. 84îAt $15 pst Mo. To sPo.L ~-(AtI Çpnnt!'a expeuse) Ne jau~ EETmGNo. 1m* - 815,par. ina. ___________ At fathgnexpepse)Y - p*li 17, »". fl, alsupervisa?' ad Amulut (Ae couty lep 1)-meN. 08e S«pgo b leniOrst ab o DoU- Bupe"îrvi as o eleOP* beibàC. E.L N. 820' "~1~o 0<in a Secll son is laAustin. 0et snoV,)'td Ki-hu(Ai stxne Busvsssoom ai UNe court et Cuba, Athtut W. Vercaiet£ Dn-.Ne. 850 15po 8na -N lW&Ukpà. hiluis at 1:30 LIeJIHua!m ichi«et 0f DcSelIe (Aàt Islhr'. ren kp mn, pursuunt t eta laLiov- MEilA. Fichu 4t< »84.WP4 , 1 irt- N.730$5prme. N *51. - i~~~on etc Gr4amt. H r*t ton 0 li (t altr' xppu) - auegu.Minais, Vil-la 33557 etgg <Ll'~vll.No. - 915pi? amuoiA. auef .uuy Cigtk of Tiomis V. mphy eoShnlIK49. "X«es 488: Ao stae) le oui!,IlHuas.K*lw> X*héla Arl ~Mthct Ne. 8444$-30 psernma.- li uMinis. bn ee0< rxkls'VIev. GeorgeT. ftnI Atither's sipeuse)- 14 li uiie we NMit nieftWtre.4636P Z i <>5 ,No.84 M.1pet ua. N etsuur 0 eCut>;lçiiwsidl4 j amea eOqqaeor - et WSs - (A ctate>- iuyroquet yae- ta sU a se8id.-PruaiA. Val* »t We Na149 $l5pet ina.-m s-ataget $m id '0ur1 ÏMkea -r -.ElIIléof Waue. - < Atfathe'a oxpènuc) 10101% te onveMilsa* i t iti ual., Phuk i Srie 4 "W*brga. Na. 1281 $15 per Mo. Tt iLp.A. 1.a51, i1:294a *'-re Clati saflelUtelWd ie (At count>". expia') -> p. i. for lbe punpoos 0<-or. olel uprisi eto nuesti No. 81 1 5 isp& mna. N tee necInSa hullnu-md A«thiýnomaletee r. ooia Jik, (At iather'a lexpenue) aiin sdaalerIulusaasCrupa, crula.mElhiet er, NagptNO. 7844 $30 pt ina.Rosi 1ewtii suchos ebeLn.slbaa4i>i, oiueuHol1Iï -iut(At tuthen'a expense) Kew"Klrhmr, iîawm, 4kaBluff-S ais- Town - Nyer. - ouahAn.- urphy. hiodul- No. 8336 _ iliin . BtatonGrut iugi. Nabet. Ob"., O'donuor. Pl (At iathera exponse) *,ni A. Webib, Waunegan dock. ltlnghubl, anuo. erttonoai N.4B.R. 10 .perpul e.lM Ný.Mculougb, Warren Grant. traltan of aie VillaTismp N At 491 910-petn na.) ga trattou, LI4ks Villa son. Vrca., Web,-u.(A autm xeae 4. Vice, Mla Absent. Supervisons LrsonandunI No. 7550 120 DetrnMa. X V. Murphy. ShildIsMarutn-Z. (Ii.e'sepue ke. HL - Crapo. wsaegea Super-vison Webb movel tisai un- Solllcr's Orphu 's Home N M. Timpsan. Bouton parisor Neyer act aseTenlmnr> Soldiorsu' Orphuus' Home-I2 Cll W. Meyer. Prarnt Obairman. Notion carried unnaimoas- Na. 83i3 (2) r8d Krsehuer, Cuba l>'and Suparvison Moen Ttack tie (At no oxpense ta Coa aiti, cane) A. Brava. Avou chair. St. Mary's 'Training School--1 0. Samon. WauiesganBperier Muetiser moel Iba t an Na. 8513 - $10 pearnia. T 6s. H.L Burstw, Waukegun Informai hallol bu taken for tise 1n- (At ather's expense) - J, Obe, Deoeloîl lutton ai--a permanent Chaman for Chicago Industriel- Sciool-2 Burbe. Wuukega - Uice eaing yeur, anI tiat three tell- No. 8068 810 pin me. RMU >urud Holitein. Wauieguu cen bu appoltel te cavasatise vote. (At lather'u expense) wmr>' B. Ret, Libertyville Motion çuriel unaulmoual>'. -Angul Gurdian Orphunage. t aie Odaonnor, ileeritel- Tii. Chinnun uappolutel Bupervis- (Kettlcr-Kasl-N)-20 , artiticats, at maills nties of ars Muther, Bicisier und Webb tau tnp. 8811- 950 pin me. M ~lui Meeing.&uc au tuuprls. (At taicr~s «epee I enom aRiisialballet bolug b51 Super- Na. 5435681 er me. 1 j svison - Iingbl- recouvd 1le'(oIe., Su- (At -tathet'i expeileel o 3 ut of lais J pcrvlonCtpo receivel 1$8votes, Na. $491 leu petrnMa. t UvA. Ruadel.. ouaI! Clxand alSupervisor Neyer recelvol 2 (AO.iun Nt Ppuii »M i 1 emOoaty, - minois., "d Cekvoeus. N. . 90pe a, ~9 arIOSSupervisrlar. UtsaId. ueru NeMyer slUiMtc is (t8 twatzeu) hebey ccrllty fiat on UNe nanie fStanaomnation. - t. Helvta'îkalustm 4She hda0' et Apni.. n. a 2l=I mawl-soperv>mot -ul'hy iaoel batltUeNe.181" ,0 . 150 pet me.1 d« ooya-la tuhlito alI«otUi ballth. nl de toroëai Md (Attuber' g expeuse) à Mo *8ctg-aumil pcsom -euthleft.liaI t. sbë dugui h eclat- (Rmiaued tva manths) ~.<-eaddreâ4 beli the MM- Ged ectel à$ Ch&Uirua etf LiiiBoard RecualhMIcn th UNBoard ofSuBpervisanu aofartIhe eiiuuldg eat. 1 (Coltth bCpun17 la Court caeaua iKt 1a. ~>.mni. oinorilounnmoouly, ad - ubuv% Itcolletions ane uule 91 m. Aust. mai . notio lu4n Blugi ook tie dhuI.t. as Itreotl or -payaienau asor.- A.Brya LT.drin Cas T Bktw mvM te, ad- dtrenia frcel b>' Bltes Ai.- A., Brwin,1U. rbetS a ee .810k i n. an tanne>) M. ~eA*r* Eflagot . L A hulelu>'. àta«;.Vt*7b. 12. Meton Na. 8844 (cuis per me. $15 te, sgru Rolist lm raHold- uticf i-iiMlforiu-.. lMMot ..n. '..%.. .110.00 go -2 A ioto. Fred lutucnot. W&XU&14 , IluaIS, No. 892 cure pet mo $15 1$ XArson, A. 0. Mue , Bd- Apll87, 18821 If ot 12 Mo... .....1180.00 e,~~11a. d-aail4. artnBoArd mt purtuant teadaJoum - Na. 8437 cur petrina 915 êWe.5' Elard J. mahua, ment vii Charman Rt o - m tfor. 12............180.00 Edor Mupy JGog . iou]e,- uidtag und the tollovint inenbert No. 8281 cure em.$1 qh, RU y'Paddock , U I . F. N bew r. presentu Superisons A sl, E h. ifr 1" na. .. .. 910.0 0, Martin Rlpgdu.hl- . W0O sain- 3"1&1 ier, geliger, Fc.,gHal- Ilfor 12 Mo a......... $120.00 ~ Wiu. 1. Stratta.Hr> ea- stla, Hlîilge. Hnlo .-Kelly, No. 8509 cure petrnia. $30 W= C.Str*tnpuou ar"tihhu, Mustiser, Mawmaua.,Mss- ilfion 12 mue. ........ 500 A. Wcbb.- A.W. V00r61 , , Neyer, Murphy, MéCullough,- Wteig Wbereot 1 hatve bre. N*bOt, 0110 1 oatOPadeci, ToW tal f Wrd* -reinlnc ~scma1hs m ~aK, , - '. RB,gd'KI iaoe.B trttno f osant , u yaepur ..o,. . .8900 tk sul of alle Coiýt tbt>' oàtt. 5 k.W*bà-8Lt, REOOit bit lAftn ios WOMiC ofaI.p.121 poi m1Asetm«jra ru Z.ç Me- COUNY FORt sm12. LBW A. H<CDE han Bsitof aLais 0(515-4 Supervisionl dlerk. Mnute Ofp<ealng m-etni roid Chilîren supirvîsel -Iunlng yer- Waukegan, Il. OW dupoa nI5pn of Supervisen Mur, 334.- Aprl 2t12 V - p>'uaulodosiy upproyed. , j B-y Qurten, th ti elcobenuaiflthe lourd of Pcrry LU Persans, Caunt!Julge. lutaier .,...............264 petvsno teti Aie douaI>' liuols. adre.cdthe Board sudI -suminttel luI Quarlonr.............. 79 iou re ias'.by mallfletbt pur- thte f*oioing ropont. rd Quarter................. 213 Unte ea~ requct la wrttng ad- "FORT OF PR0BATI«N WORK $th quarter................ 192 Med W& me. signol b>' moteth" i IN couNTrY cou*vronF1it. 6Delîn quet ir*d 0f the meinhets cfticheSupervieloi Beyo-2. Gilrs-85. Total--55. Wfi Ut snpervier% of Labo Caot>' Childrena upe-visel urlng yeur. -epenîets Ula ' pdu etlg-a B! Quartere. Bay-PS.* Otrl-s-186. Total 279. , M aSperiar aietie ofutae lit Quarter................28 Total-34. ý*11 bebohel te coivene l inte -luI Quarter...............284 Mthew 'pensions. (Moutly>' o. 0»«Igmu' Boom aitUiceCourt $rd Quartern...............310 caots approvel adcul 5h01 ith laWucs.Dlas u 4th Quo...tun ......... 208 çnuty, Cl-ri.) ie 1f ay ca i AnoisA.oD.Deliffquents. No. 7277 2I.Chlîdren. 935 pinrnia. the 17p.ni, an et prpose D.oys--44. Girls-SI. Totl-75. wauiregaa. Ar l lecting a Chirman pdI. te pplla~oeill ltgat ~ -ràaadiugsuit thn bsiess- oye-188. Glnis--127. Totl-265. ed' (4). f~mu! sanie the l r usinssMollcra'Pensions (Montll>' ccaunts Misciuanoout ~I-.rngtns ~approyel cul ild vlth County lHome visite adue b>'Probu. - e A. LtiWM Cioni. Clark.) .lion Officen..............870 PiBLuIIB'BCETIICTU No. 7277.-(S) Chilînen, $11 per nia. Pensons lterviewel .......... 845 (WbnkeguuERTFICT» Wankeguu. Nov potilions fied by Bltes Mt.keSmil la,*> Sun) Miscellmneaus. Attorney'.......... 89 0.- it-ldo- hcreby cosnif RHoeineviasiteb>'Probation Adoptions nef errol 0Pro-b*a- Om* Lake ConuWl- ublishiniald officer ................. 623 o Otir. .....2 Srpn> Pu oroatiou Nov petitions fulel hy States Wor'k wvue scutul ior .......18 rim, ipal offices 'lu the -v-ityorny>-.............-105 Chilîren rfnott e aiho. prInipa offce u th Oi>' doptions etrrel la Proba- Cuses on Probation tsa cal-le) 264 auicanm la tho dnyouat' iLaie , tin .....e.............. 12 Cases ou Probationi neportig Sti Bate eit bllniansd tUat Medicl Al vus gîven ..'17 ai Court ...............-;.86 Lae ouai>' Pub#*iba ndl Mental diagnoses vers mule* Mold ailvs givon .........26 Comipaylu nov, antI for fr ....................... 7 Mental diagnoses von . mule 0e ycslut peutbau Returuel la Scisol-.o.................. S~c beeu the pubiabuhof Sourcofe ue"fr ............ Wp Îy Daa e lly Bt>' un. a d"y 'Appiel for assistance .... ....29 revOPaper. Pniltel Kualpub». Hunano Society'............ 40 Tlis an Child Welturo ln lie tIa11y dluI& ma1 te l is e d. Supi. of Scheeles...........8 Count>' te Wamens Clubs bW t walkegan lun ss" Lake Visiting nurses.............. 8 ad Parent Touchers Ason4 tm-bvig a ganerai circu. 1police Courtsu..............is Souroes oi Cases ~uti maldoaI',al irs'Potclvol,au .... S Axuliel for assistunce .........30 ýt »Id p«per unler al nonis, Trouai Officers............... g Humune Society'........... .... 7 Oi 0 S a itel ud publishel b>' BpiUM................. ..2 Co. Snpt. of Sohools ...........1 W6 ComanyOl t uid Cit>' ef Wauu. lrwell Club ................ e Vlitiug Nurses............. Il = WW ion a couiauaus pitaof aispition of CausaPolices eurIs ...............10 ~gtian SIX mouths Prior t10 UN durel ion ai (Jackson St.) Girle Protective Bureau ...15 bli publication lu a u1l).peit < lime.le......... ...... 7 ZIiqnPoliceo................ 4 ýW 81exed notice. Padl rvt oe rfl fies... i 1 lurtlaur certif>' hath he b.annexel d al nrt hms--Tau ficn....... tie vue publishel lu galA Wuu- other tiiau ovu ......... 25 BeldCrossga.................2 fe Returned ta own homes .... 8 Subgtvlaors ............... ,Doi>'Sun onco ach vesfa nbl remut lucouBuiveilClub ............... I si.uaid o icet afi ppublwis- - home.ý.................110 9 i milnoicehisaI ppe vn'To State Institutions ........14 - ti-duiyl>isue ai mid papitdij oLniln State School Dsollno ae lbe UtbaorApnil.A..92,n1 - I Cal-ou>'............. a Cumulfanetai C.0. (Jackson tMlutiaIpublication e al neu-iT te ntttos.....6 Udon .........5 lb mid per vuas lu Ue ic iiî a theclatiutans..... 53 a"ii,..........5 e<t i- &paper lated the11h - P-olm nvaeohi ia 340 avu homescu ............. 22 et April, A. D. 1922, ald I iun- <onmtmàents (inalltntleonal) Enubel ta romain 'p ovu oertity' tht 1I uni - llu> au- Delunquents (out et total 76) home..........12 Agent of uil Laies Canot>' 14-I plus % Enablel te reiunuta ovu ald Pinting Company', Dependenîs (cul cf total m5) - home........... ......... 41 t bl a i A n l . 0 T o t a l ( o n t o i tta l 3 4 0 ) T o L i Si in S t a t c S c ito o l 4 this17th 71-et0 plusA. D.Colon>'....... ............-.2 ,77 .:Ipmne oR fatimi 1 8911 (9o t1 pet mo.) (At expease a of Z ms 00. M(lispet nia.) (At expeuse of malien) 0 aie Bluff.............4 t. 8997(840 pet me.). (S«etr ta py $20. Count! 80per Dia.) - VS M ar!'s TruJ Bboot efflupese of CO"al!), eponuc aOf athet> inuds tri SbOOI Ci-~Grle,......? ... '45,put a».) »0 »Wr I Kt expensh 0ofRtise?) *penue of futheli (Us par.. MO.) WM41alr 8 ut eoalof etCoufl!) ro Kettier Manual Training 6012001 Rb. 819 (sasPe 1<1 tuexpesne so fFtbe)- (0it. ta Couant>'tlu Court.case s -W' ubvif colleollng are ="O as lireclol or PaYmiiiais *O> lord enlorcel b>' BtatiesAIm Ne. 191? Cure per a80- 1>847Cure pur nma. 110 If for 12 MO.140-0 NO;. 8431 cure rernia. 415' lf for I12nMa. $90.00 Ne. Ml11Çaro -;Or ma.-8M uf for 12 nia. 8640-8 Total If volds romain anse pu............... 1960.00 EPUST OF PROBATION WOR1 N COUTY COURT -FOR 1821 iblidrea uperrisel duona year ilq uatte.........o lot 'Quurter..............S lsQwwwr :.............. y-I.Glrls-17. TOtal-«. GilIs-U14. TtlN athV~euTam (onUl>'accouat anioV d aled11 vth Cou ~ty BleUi.) ù«S> 4 -chilîren. $45 per au Xe. 9190 à chilîren. $25 Pet a - Zion. Na. 222 3 chilînen. $85 Pet n illiladPark. No. 9401. 8 oblidreiL 5 pet n HMlind Park. 01155 applications lled nt gras iseltuious Hiome visite b>' Probation OffIce? ................ 10 Portong iaters'lewed b>' Pro- bation Offic.r......... 14 Nov petltlouu fuiel b>' utate. ...re> ............. Adotltba ntenet taPro- Wonk vue securel for... Obiuren returned toa choal.. .Cames on Pnobatlaù (-0 called) 2 Cýases on Proation rcpôrting gt court.........P.. Modical ald vue givon ... Meutlilnaes vere niaIe Tulis an ChilI Welfane ln Cant>' ta Womousa Clubs ald Parent Teucis. ors Assu ............. spure of Casai Appliel ior assiutance... liumna.Society .......... Ca. Supi. ai Bcboaiu.... Vlsitlng Nurse........... Police Couts............. Supervimors ......... Girls Prolettve Bureau.. Truant OfÜer ........ Vocational Scisools . ..... Board ofi 1htlh........... Privat9 Citisens ........... Disposition ai Casas Carel for ai C. D). (Jackson St.) Home.............. Placel ltir Ïii. aethen thun own homes.............. Enublel ta rçturU ta avai homes ......... Enablel ta reimain lu owu hornes Ta State, Tralii csas. To Lincoln Stai. Schaal- unI Colon!............ .... To Horne for Crippled Chil- dren.......... ...... Tcoather Institutions.. Comnmitmcents (Iflsltiiiioiil) Delintjuents (oui of total 46)1 Depenlenis (out ai total 135)J Total (ont of total 881) 42 Cogt tu Couatty. (for Instituti Curese":.pet court orders> Ta Geneva - . . (No expeumetaCnufrc Tc Si. Choiles............. (No expeuse, ta ouai>' ionrcar Tc Pari Ridige ............ Na. 8486, (814 per At 6»p0»e0 of Coni>. No. 9194 (M541pin N.At expegaset aiuther. N.9241 - (lis per L At expeam of vand. 5 To Gleunoo. .............. No. 9194 . (SU5 per e At expensc oSf athor. 4t eflusi etUOOWL14 *cause At spuet Iltbuç. M8b8 4 >Oriéu. flevov.v i ué0 eI e Ne IN 7" q ,poir er n.), vplmy thomise x- bortsafei N0oay uetne (18 M ed. te woVXr o M> JilVPW»U îjdJ-» a4Qdufls isnAIE ont of h4hw«70 n oa mms wbic1h il ToeHae for CrIiinl O1W -. 4kurt. .lie musdu"'b1,7tibias Olq.Th-s u4cutwwo%, 460le. T reports ul show tue propeus et this At ~po~ue5 o~ar.Audt;fietention ]rani.; *0* aa the,. àmàxet ioe>t te. Toefiu M2ta*te Seitoot .à OoiS ol Nty PU= ni dit. eri! entu UNjobt lurng eeek veek. -L ~14 Io a ry euuetiui tbt. "@.nur (NO ±p4* e to ox1ty t.e*) ,UN mleidginAudit; JauI Mme l rotu I uauo Coltou; yla CuuCéusin i .,umuier of hirMb 1xA sib S l o Il iOiIêOiOiSi St Duil a"..ffl4Oa; sàý --dr tisat v sma eo bi se ~el ?i~i8#* o.f~slu ua~l esit* of eut olak Xe. 84" effe -V' MUh Cigtm 6 b ma Pothecrn*0w9ll4*I No. 8186Suret V., an0th.tii .U 'Otlurn4Nl$18 portiUN, es, t w eoR t tis 1 -'trI l s'1 rnp. -* -PwmiteW. a. amcuar ui b ouueoc 15q». & z5ptr No.*8 carip s prxlti PI dt., -q peoIoti, o l a tk81U Oe li fr Sil n Mo ~t. 1w a t Ucecét'M t t oat rJ -00M o t ,tINjonir b«. 0* No.Sm curt.e sut,*ê lu = 0170=l 11=il. itOtfûtt-uq mi. 900-66, ' Tic liste ii1!tant tant ~ ~ .Eej~lU~.Juil: iUBb.#laU. I 1h. islitr *2boxaent iut tlwq plat iTotal lit wurds romin, W »%w, .ý on . .........1. 1 sipallvticoouty. Clati 'W bave ieufep»totilMs&Frange P. L. P'niOMm'Ililt L Oi.s% iw 1hii ela est tu ji1pUb42 o01n SupersSot Up utove t~ Sh ~Cbuuy ~rn& liiueelSiO oui W *t eds iltaou reor o eetu 2-UNStuVu,. Okn; Msilu -Z AdL sAe~uOZ l e urn*l loi ttie <mltu4uum ec4î)U lAirasl WA, *luw* .«A40m"I* bloin s taoudii Cl *%e ls U y snt wu atm« -ip1aýim'tt5~ bci u's'tt -lb-tbeau$"crn x-' otiC ,Nyr oto ure ao Oe. tut vý ps weish 0 oop rs vl e elseli 704. Mmm' sudBrids Audit. 4u t 09M* ..ie * lu ecOxat of S TANOw5êàGioWmtmt lu l ;omvbm .EistW merad A *ts«> u.ln W 00Mai&O pair sud P Va *fn..'t u.tliMtl' acton li 0<lhe Chah"» ie 1 p'W*veu ih 1. ouailet49 fil )o cuty F4oMe 'Iy. tae tuiée aat gisainluCuorylngOi '29'n'tesM n tttou, Wugcr, frvimaiWebb gela tintt 1$dox$ruotloe... OCinyP"r Audtme, . flEnJ i ffl b14 y Ieo Very triy YOur.. - ron, Wtlougi, luaisL pour i adoptai t friiie leu 'FRA.~NK T. SIHTU, flt éi4?ugi, urN. it li eO.pttcU of u ttu ap elnent eoL Hlgyu -iu, *.Mz 68a Rete. »r"'%'WhS.m supervtsor Murr m noyed tii peteniono rn Iem.Audit: verds -Rond O«tMt -giits U , theUNcomuction lhe reterteulet CK Keller. 30icke, Thom son. sldding the *ordo -%Mu tiUlo eUn ROM& ied IBridge CommnUe uAl Edbaetloistar the word' Rcoti Dtitetwa i uecCouurty Buperlutendent oet33gb- Kiraciner. Ohee, Hollsteln. gnp 25 orfnoie 4. moton afflod, ieys, N.tiosà crrweluunm»uey. Ulettons: uflantllUOuy. Tie Lolovlag communlution Wiae Harrt!Staitton, icke, KRoi 16Y. rvisat Murpeyr no-el tINttt UNreg sud rbr b te the R«&ud 92 orrenoouu Auseuu muft ~ Eaii xe iwm lh u bermtewr<1 à-@,s the C 2 ,Cruin. Larbon, W. J. gtration. tie Bledtions Committ9cwith p0ovu uwI'atomet. < ElghM U m- 70 Finunca: bteit . . tien et Buerveuor )durpry« r49 Neyer, MuA-mua. Vercoe..Aye &ad Ny vote bete ~b"dlii.won crriàl umanmonuiy. réese MdWSalarieg.: perbm uo utpIyS-* W5 w u er- Drtmog t oPublie VerS rEgw~Brva Bu»& nl.by lie - tàUowlug vot: adB«dwl ilouspiu: ?boucvotiusg A" teSDivissois et aBis'yu Murtl nation. Webb.ti. O 4 B9Ir@ioW- Broo, Mpwu,. .xu HeIopiuAudit: \ Crala. Uiciiet PlEus?, pin1% »M tis NtColloug i 3lerz Crain. ]ltte%, Kelle.rer aur, NU-Cý suusct. Deulgu, lai Il,'i. 19xrair Murhy. Rbe. Obus, O«C- 0aygoty ueraL. 5j S Murphy, BarTi Strettes, Naber. non Paddocl4.«-mo.n. lLuA. Reudes. [e. JudI.iry: Vae«o. Webb-2l. <Çodr- cleri. NauM&a. Uger, Murphr. Vln i--I ~oMiuteol. D. jury: Aiment alleait OUXI.Luperul I- butIl .,Muefthur, Cruin, Nartln. ors Crspé. Hooiut. Nodtllge. Z- 1t viite. gdviss that, UN ruirdu ao. miilne.ui Cilirthein. avusu, OSa Mami* 4ka-à adeptaIhy UN ouord of Super. »»,Wil-il Thompeica. Austin. Culhogh. ltaut- t OR rt, ýStrut. i" etaILake Cent". Nuei tâ, 1122 né. Poor 4Wanoe5fl. hi ius &"-Dec?- Iotaxi et taeVliL-lO. nuuestlag thei lugrofeturu fiel) . Bupe-vsors Babewtv moel thlt Bilan Iljl 0< leb cerlRond A" AAtil, -Crpo, MariniL LieCousty CWles h.aithoeia" Iride At e <'«O et -Stat Am Poor talsac of Counti) directes -tel&&W a -*errant on tbi leotou 4, 4'. 1. 16; 11 4" I12. vere mit- Holiltilge. tinger. O'Connoa'. Ceonuty Tniusutr la favor 0< t aM *p À* *VW 17,192 Printing: Doua. pruilet os IiiLake 000*11 The rsulution rsqueutiug lie im. Kichier. Haîdridge. Naber. Rndoul OLfi uAsaoclstioss, osa prvela«it a poution of Si.te- Ail Purchsslng: award ta the itighwai OommluslO»- BaSte Né. 22, boghlaisai a peint 010 Webb, Obe, Hol-ltein. on vho kept bis rowl uIsthei. t uthe lutersectm nVitb Bta"e Al Public Builings end roundu: condition. route 7. sud extending in a »Fils- 094 Chue. Murphy, BultavO. Aye aud NAY vote bêlug ba'. Su. *rl- direction for a llstaneeet f trec Pubfle Buildingsu'ni Grouledl Audit: PerirulotButrtowvu met= OcuriledMille», morurs leg10. te thicalea 94 sasoni, Austin, Paddock. by tie nom ia ot:julRoute Na. 12, -ou approve vie =-1,gýn 'yl ii = UN ,imdMttaullum that tlIes 12 KimihetHuan i ai o u*luusi "711101N i& abo,'-ie ouut.nuletOSPolaId l8 a . lot, Uger. liZagr. ilC)iE tconent .».Mrte 18 tect vide. train 27 Meisund Bridges: ... lUe>'. lrgchaer. Mume, er. he UcIntersection vlth Blute -Al 267 Ficke, »Cor, OConnor. . Mrphy, Nabot, Ohee. VOoflhatRenote No. 7 ta Round Lake, aud MOud Outfilland Maintenance: Paddock. Samsuon, Thonipuon. VercOe, Portand cassent concretse1litesot 79 nger. Relie>', Paddock. Webb-22, vile trai on" iLake tetahebendlof 88 RM#ud- und Uridgs Audit; Voting Nay, Superviser Bnrk-L Route IL. If I uni vrong lu niy in. lIcher, 7Rcler, Webb.' Absent adflot votliag, gffenVIS.terpretution of ibis resolution, pieuse Staite Chanitrue:ors Cnspo, IlUtuin. Hffiidlgt, L1- aduvise me. Lanceirs, mner. Maether. ton, Nawman, Wurtlu. MW«âh&14n. Tha resplution requcatlflg the fi-. Settiemeont Wfth circit Clerlc Strattoli ai Grant, Sti'tttOU Ofa Lake provinent'ef a portion ef Route No. O'Comsor, W. j. Sîrotton. Bslretov Villa. McCuloug.-10. 8, beaauiug ut a point ut the Inter- SMttlment wllh County Clerk: Superviuor Igur moyeiltibnt Uic section with Route Na. 6 and exteal.. Io W. J. Stratton, Samson, Vercoc. matter ot Court Conte la UNe trial lng fa a northerly direction for a Settîmnient villisheiti t at Goxeora maW ieh.referrel ta ticn distance et lie mileu, hue been cor. ai Hutton. Meyer. Maètier. *Finance Cominttiefon s rcuort. recial te rusi, "etending. theno( 8 Settlement villa Couaty Trouuurer. Motion carriel pussnmmusiy. aioeg guI route in a goUtherly i& 8 Paddock, Monahin, Muvian. Thetollowing communication vurtnrâtion Lfo a distance, of 5 mllesq 4 Settiement wlth States Attornley:_ rend: mor or lcsu2 This rentilation la 2 Vertoe. Moueban Larmon. - Blte ci Illinois. further approvel vfth the ualen 2 Swarmp -Lands: Deprment et Public Worka ad tudino tisa the proposed ImDrove. 7 Crspa, -rpwn. Holdriîge. nBliiuI< 1»et duelguatel n he UNroaltia 9-Division of Hlghw&7,& shah h.liea gradul noadwuy' 30 "A~ 5i MEMBKMS AND TItEIR Spn~Iield, April 18, 1922 la wldtb Intaaio 28 Lest lu wldtJh 2 commiTTrEES. To Couaty Clerks sud us mrequeil In the. resolution. Tit 3 Austin, C. E. Couflty. Sperlunteadenta 'Dpteit ha came -teto e ,Uic 6 Poor. (Waukegan. Shiels sud oa iHlhwu>'s; clu that a 28 fot graded roacé - Deertield>; Publie Buildings sud Gentlemen- vu>'la inadequate anI have adopte 87 Grounds Audit; incellaneous Thig departiit hue contractaIed<or tic policy of requirlg cil Blute Ail Claims, a seficieft QUAItY ty cornent te rosebuli nuder Section 1"-4ofithi sukstow, Go. H. take cure of the neels of the ftate rend snd bridge laws, ta hoe 30 foot 42 Reslutiena Settlement l 4 viIs, ale i neels of the conflUas la wldth tram shoulder ta ahauldex,ý cuit'Cktrk-, Public BuildlUks fa ithe constructian of titI Rondsu- - The re3clutia reuen ie lic m, Z8 Graunuls.der the tenu oi Uic State Al Law. fr-eneta a portion ai Route 4 Brown, Edw. A This arrangemnt viiienablo Ltheftoiii poit the Intersection xltl 62 (lounty Purni Audit; Swcmp Lunds; State ta give the Couatlos the ad- Wasbhngton Street ald exteadlng In Fees and Salaries. vantuge af the State contruct prices, a northeri>' direction for c distance. 207 Burke, Frank. and viii eliminute UNe excusa cent of 5 mil-eu. more or loua, ta the nati 9 County Pair and tarmera. Insti- ad the Idealer'is foc vhlcb the cou.n-eo f Section 31, lu the Towa ai tute; Fçea und Salaries; Dtention îles mlght have te pay. Bento. bas beau chuagel te rend 2 Home. ln riew ai the fact.tbiat the Blute us Lllava: "begiunn at a point-ans Cruin, i. U. lu ohligcted te puy ultimnatly one. UNe public highway desIgautel au, 1 Erroneaue Asacuements; Hospital lhuit the cosi of these l 1 owiIs as proposait State Aid RouI Route No. 801 Audit; Jury. Stute aid uppropriations may beconie 4, outlI pointhoe an Intersection - Crupé, Chuis. H. avaulhe, ve eel thut it ia entlrely xith Grand Avenue cul extendlng 381 Swamp Lads; Settiement wiih fair and goal business for us ta fin, thence along sail route lu a north- Caunty Treaturer; Bettiemea' i wllnaisahili such cornent to'thecoauntiem cri>'*direction for aisatance aof 9 States Attorney. providel ve oua do seoaut reduéed. inSee, mare or les,." .20%/ Efinger, Andrew, price. Therefare. w. vii Luralmi The reaeon for thi8 change lu thsl 33 Rond Outfits and Miuiceice; aIl cernent for your 15d oonouciou a Lke Caout! ha, prevlously cou- 101% Cunt>' Furm; Pon (Balance of lurlng Uic coming seaugon ut aur etrocte a 15" rouI runuiug be. County. Stute coutruot -liices sud recueil twoen Washington Street ad Grand 11% Eger, Henry B. hiait yon prepure your propesus ad Avenue. Thereforo thon ila ne ueo. lonai Fees andI Salaries; Judiclary, loads recel"e yanr bilsa ccordiagly.. csolty for pusiug a resolution cov- *asid Bridges. The letalls aifnrnluhiug cornent crlng thc portion eftich rond wvieila 3 ElohIer, Harry, wlIlibe bauled lu the olowlug mua anhmaircal! besu Improvel. re) Prlntlng; lRouas and Bridges Audit; unir: Wc have ioniser chaugel the de. . 6 Hospital Audit. «ipon niotiication tramt pou ve viii sigiation of ibis sction ta Section re) Fioke, Bali A. - Issuce suthorlrattons ta your coauirct. U2 ilueal ai Section tU aiel 4 Roulsaund Bridges; Dateution ors no ihat lte>' mu>' rdert h. ce.-tlu the resuituton. Thc roagce for ma) Homne Audit; Elicivs. ment direct tromus th cernent com&- ibis lu tsai asu mentionel abova, th. fildridgiu, IruW ..............pnes. Tour notice uhoIl- sbucl*y proviaeir ycoasruttel section lhe- nia.) Pon (Balance ai Countyl; Prini- tUN uppraxlirnte cnauut oi conent iveen Washington Street aul Grand ing; Swaip lands. - tliai viiilkeiy ie neted « Avenue vus dosggutel ausSection nia.) lolistain, -Conrad, month s uevl 'Smauichegnose tumoun tU. adIf this. the proposel 1mW -Mlucelluueauu .Cluing; Parebauing: for the entire Job. Ail bila% for th uection lu given the saine deignatian, 4 ducution. comint vil- itien corne direct>' ta this thora Inhible ta lio nom. confusion na.) Huttan, David A., office visons lbeyvili be chece lal the records. 1SettlÎjueli with Shenlff; County carefuly suad 'raûober liaud «an-Tic éther neslullonsaxae salle. tien t eu rem l hure b met ut1 TEXp. htutu iymi. 5.51 si Part- 10s0p1 TEE Iusti ed.ct tus Si acnd y Coast Uton 1 au am Stan t Sected for ts AMI BD lb T. Ob wuys Sap the Rt GI. Aye pin-via The Etruti Webb ot plu tat BSa Spf Mnr. the i Toi tise i Ors, tient Bau fltoe mures ln a tcn Jurai but theli tx,