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Libertyville Independent, 24 Aug 1922, p. 10

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UmbllS ~1- Pilribbed; i f in,, me* a5a cr,,oe, m"ise 51>> ,,$3, j 4i STOReX PENS AT 8 OLOOK TûÔMOýW-DOLL'AE DAY Tu scan Nets $1 yd. Genufae <,ukler 'ruscan, aise seme oihdr i ty 4nets ýare !Ffored for Doluar 5 -S-- --- ---- --- Marquisette C u r Curtaina Bwlss 4 tains Si pair. Pure yards S-Dotted whte, mercerised and, .Sfgured pst- qualiti very spec terns; pureO at ..$ white; 4 yds. 1~ ~ lit .--Draperies $1 Yard Drapery 2 k Q-11.5vy mous and yfirsi e1. Plain sudt changeable celer fkncy. Redueed te materials si close eut ait yad----- 2 yards M-----e$1oMa yard. Cretonnes' l sri I..1O( 1l5d"i8 g1-Spieulled celer- lob, and hematitch- fuit; 89e value, 34i ed; 5 & ycr4 ----- $1 (Second PIloer) First Floor Piece Goods, Domnestics,,etc. sILKS34 I n. WhiteS ultIlils à yards One of tihe high llghte of Dollar outugs, h1ghly fliished,Ofr Day wIl ho these vonderi ni Y"e t *lit valus. -------- 9A silk at 2 yde. fors$1 51-pull btehd greati>' à~ .iheh Shantung (Rose. J&dq, onderpriced t 8 yards $ Otfw, B015i), 2 yrds 81. -- 27 ln. Shaker Flaouiel I Y"s.el 38 lt. 1Uh Papp (white osly> Bav til » nt, ur 8-n latnoe" JaeWsd ach) -White, SyrS. 1 ff lat Si yard SmII Dieu. Per-oe7 Y"..#!i- 40 ls. = . 1 . -ýL%'hlA sud darks;; futt oiors 40» la Copd Mhine. "esimd à1ty elotis 40 ni. Charmeuse. 7 yds. ------------------fi 04 la, Chilie f fou T4 a 32 sd 97 1lGlugliaun 4yard* W5 la, Al"ilk *oe. 1-lncluddar" cheisapihida 38 ln. Shirtine Silik. and seondScolora Il~~~ la.T-elte ardis- ----- ----------si et Sik ponffl-32 lr. êlnghsm 4 yardssi j.88ua8lkPolOe5i-.-81 eat q"ut>' demestil eveT ,oeioaaligreatyî splpfspl patterns aud $1. tlu Sàfdtt*eibtn, '4 yards ---- .. Wi 90 la, Brown Shmetlng 2Y/2 yds 3.W041rwetimahe, known for SI li. a.fuSati-Af41& lts engqonatties $ gunait>' Md, li s eoctien 82%yards --------------$ oftU p astlbadee for ntslame 1" n. PlHtoweùTbing 4 yrte. 01 a" e llgue.,,i -'Ê%11 blecheitWear. $ yard -vo----wlt qualit>, 4 yards... $ wxM m PilowCases 4 for 41 SÎJ.s at 1-2 Yard $1 -Splendid qualit>', pure a 40 la,ý Satin Charmanea. i$sched, for for -------- $1 j40 I. Crepe de Chine. 81MSO Seanileas Sheets Il- 40 In. Fancy Crepe, lalached, free rrom dresing, i68 le. Silk and Wool ,lersey., veR huov bran, 33 ln. Shirting. "Ceh----------s 36 ln. Taffeta (S'aisa Finish) U8 la. Table Dsmask 2 yds. 41 Woolen Fabrici, SI-Flutobeit .seft for tise PsU voolen offered ut ver>' needle; of firm cloe $ Worth viie savlago. veave, 6 yards -08e . - $ Woolens at 2 yds. $1 U ln. Engllih Longcloth 6ygis. 3te 40 la, Frnh, oet Srm close veave, Fanc W à$1 38 ln. Lonsdale Jean ô yards. $1 Woolent t il yar4 1 -Whiteont>', ueed for mid- 27la, Chaulla. l'es, chldirens nsansd a 60 la Wool Flanfiel (Navy). bloomers, 6 yards..-------$ 54 la. W *l lais. 3hI. l mPdrtod Glnghsm 2, yds. 36 l4.9oU eatlag. -AIse fine tissue gingiÏsm; 80 »u. erges.Beautiful colors and pat. a Wooleas et Va yd. 01- Inluterns, 2 yards -----------i Voleur shlrting. 68 jl. omespuns sud Tweeds. 40 ln. Prlat d B5ttl5t 4 for 42 Il. all-wool french Serge. S1-A sheer 4ress f abrtc, e Athietîn Tow*e 4 for Si- tait celer, 4 yards -- p Mediim ise bevy uaity,45 ln. Imported Organdis $1 vueit ae, hayqNt' ad-Embroidered iu attraet- pufr -h---------------- $1 i. designa aniS dotted 4 orpatteras, yard . 22ffl . TurIlah Toweia 3 for 45 ln. Plain Organdis 2 yds. *91-Ver>' beavy terry, plain $1-Imported permuanent finish 'white, '$ organdies lu stiulmer $ a for..- ------------------ ashades, 2 yards --- Line 33lmporteii-Madras 8 yrda. 5et leIn Face Towels 3 for Ç- - euio hrigmtra et linen huck fuisesiz -A lu uti'o u? str t-n atra for .----------- . L' n Woe 3 yp ard . 17 ln. Ail-Lihln Crash 5 yards 36 la. White Shîrtiage 2 yards 51-Crash toweling, bteached or $1-Beautitul wvyo stripe, iublwached. - a$1 plaid sud jacquard $1 à for-----------------fi patterns, 2 yards,- 17 la, Crash 10 yards Si- 1U lnpo&ted Jap ChIpa 3 yards Teolitg crash, unbîeach- SI - Fast colors, attractive e8. 0 >'ds.~. - $1 Japauese patterns 40 la. Uublea. Musiin S Yds.9 S in l. Crepe Plisse 3 yards SI -111gbcont mualin. Weili Si-AIe siik lingerie $ fiuiisbed, 8 yards- $1 crpe3 yards.-----$ Dollar Dayr Shoe -Sale Broya kid *hm swith militai>' Women's Low Shoes SI psir- cf back hu iS hte canragî aniS brou hld; high heels, e values te $7.50 pair--- fi.J Fet Bippers Il pair-For vo- meuand children; cuahion soles. ail colora, ait sizes $1.50 Value, pair $ Child 'rene Shos 51 pair- Brown sud blac k ld leathens, baud turnoi soles. ises s te 8Bat pair ------ fi. Boys Shoe 2 pair-ot black sud broya leatbars: lace styles aises te 6%, vortis 33.50 $ et (eachsshesl> pair Women'is Oxfords adPumps I2 paii-n higis or 1ev beels, sold op te $8.00 (each $ altoe 3l) pair..........- $ 1 4li WluIte kit'"luess-S- choie~sI ---o-------- gev *Toitet S6*0 go Ba4 1Vr' l o ut w1aIl 80 ýbarp -- ------ ---- <FrIFloor), '1 Bu E RZ E ARY-xÀâly BÀEG.04ms IçQ1ADVERTaS Iievy rapr>'Volour la From*~.bine ot' etamped PilIow, Monk a Cloth 81 Stalnped L u ..cl aleth-2 Uret 5- (uinint DpsIffl stamped ClOUAI ~~' ~ linn filnish mater- 00 lais, 2 MILL ENDS for Beut4ffUl a Nt a 4 Setoa uftoinng roan th@ Zion 'V*a tihat or 81 Yali-wr.h' Mil al>' sold up te $S s, fer --------- $ Second Floor W-ash Dresses $1 This isea8en's dresses vorth. te $10, mada et fino voiles.a Cheice of a largo seletion Dolla Day aI.---------------- i. Choice--Odit lot veme's Capes, Woe l,' Bloomers 2 for $- Ceata and Dresses I 8140- nsd regulatien styles Women'a Mats Si-Aise chul-lafelcor------ $ dresas t. Priced for ai Chiliran w eaters*ad brsw clearance aI, Choie ... Lmues Si each-Links sud Wcmen's White Wats Si- Somo are stightly "sollei. $, .Worths te $3.00, choico.-- q Gils' Skrtl-Serte sklrtg wlth muslnvaba atiachet, --------------- $. Women's Nlght G.wn$sSî Made et Windsor crepe, with pr5%tty desigus cver piuk $1, or biue groe -----, - Corstesandt CorsletttesSi- Latoat modela, vl a mUde. Mighty values----.. fi Infate and Childrea'a White Dresse& SI-Sizes np te E years. Cul from fine sheor wvit$3 matemials, lace trîmmeit Kitchen Aprons 3 for t1-WtÇtls sud vîthout biba. bIke - oftfiue percale, 8 for----, Undermualins Si--Gevus, petti- coasansd chemise et fine $1 quallt>' musiin choie--fi DresAproas, 51--O! Gingisau sud percales,, ricis rack trirn- med, $3.00 values, s ail sizea - - -- - - - Linhrnt e't n-ne, ailiwoel sahi yrn, e$1i infante Caps 2 for Si-Linkisud Lboka huIt oetfSue al-veel ai saphr yarn 2 for. ---- i. $ Bloomners Dresse& S-et Pong es «ate«0 sud glngisainman>' el are luafliembroidered tfi1. [inf"t Rubiser Pants 4 for S1 -5maI, medlnm and largo. ropinitiSquailt>. 4 for---------------- $ Infts eBath Robes 1Si-Bine or puk grunds vitis - $1 neâtai figured pattern$. Girls Dresses Si-Neatl>' made glagbain dresses, $1 aul sises ---------- Bcya Blouses 2 for 51-75c .Values, mate etf ue shirt- lag. strlpes 2 for ---- 'Boya' Hat* and Caps 2 fo4l- ,Well inmads of vool sultIngs lu attractive coloringe 2 Zl----------------- Boys' Rn.. PantuSI4-bIae et veel suitings ln fancy mix- tares, kulckorbocher style Silk Camisoles 51et wu.h 1iovratis $1-Genuine Royer- satin sud Crepe-de-ChIne IaIls, et heavy materilas sud caetuly i>niIslSed $1,1red tlrlmmed------- $ Sweaters Si-Women's Slip-I over sweaters. XItIoefa fine woel yamns------- -f Bathing 8ultPI-for men, voulen sud chl.dreu,- a large lot at choice ------f$ Brosslers 3 for 41-Made of serviceable usatomiai vils slhk stiplu Inflesis coier, 3 for' --------- $1 DOLLAR DA.Y HOUSEWARES Sharbet GiaeflI Dosn-Of good grade o! giass. Foot- $ pCaErvinl(sttîo 81-8 quart Weae"r s.lninnum; a alightiy Inirred--------$i Dosibe Ratmer -O! heaàvy alwmlsum. ,sel! bastIngm i Pergolatoras 8-Al *1 uni;6 MILa4i-'ii0de'o! esw P4, f or t<-& Wear- aver Uumuma; tvo 1-qt sud eue 2-t plse, Worth more ai thia doqde this i & ColauderaSi4-ltargeaieu% d 'e1s"IIw Day ------------ - Oorvine Tray *- arg ise, *tmev-paSina Tumbiers 2 dosen 8Sî-Opfle shape, usuali>' selI for $1 a deon, 2 doenea-- ------f .tro oOutflt SI-CanneiS boi sait steve. a$là $1.50 value------------- i M ixlag Bowls 4 for SI-Broya Motîloit. Varlad sisea, a ?,.set et 4 for water Juge î.e,àaie VacuMrn -we* pise - i. i Liectrie Toaster S-Choie, o! mrgtor fiat stylos, a Dollar Day ----- - -,----....$1i Beverage Dettias 12 for 61-1 qurt sse, Patent Stp-- i pers 12 for .-------q Preserv!ng -Kettie S--m gro> lqnamel, 14 sud 18 $ isee « h - ------- Wasis Tube, 41 - Large nuse beavy plvanisod; statiensr>' baudlee,$1 led Band . motb.proof Baai>&Tai baga for ,mtatU ngctoihei. Sises 3Ox 80 sMd 39MS. 51,40 MiS ai , $1.55 raines ------ -------f i. Bath Soun Stop; îWst ~d Cho,0er1i 'l'%~iyie ~'S. 0. S. eSte Wool iwth Soup 4 pkge Il-1eet for'cleaning aluInansd other mt-$ Iâ, -56 ga ------- Garbege Con S-aro ix. vith coer. WOU aeamed $1 A blg valie -------- fi Wslste Baskets 51--O! gonoue rOBiS suameloit In vretty color, vo<4en bottein Dolar Dy --- ----$ Boys Wssh 8ults Si-Made et Duretta clebS, lu tan, bine ai or white. Cisice-- ------ fi.L 72x84 lachs Crochet B.d Spreads Pure white crochet apreado worhed- in prett>' tesigus. A vonderful ralue. (Firut Fleor) SALES--Thfird O'C.dsr mop adOuater SI- 0Ce 'r =op and chemical>' treated baud daster. 81.50 'p$1 -- - Wlndow Shsdqa 2 for 01-40o0d qmult>' Oxuaue ahadea, $1, peint,.Y Gaion Si-Oui blis grade.hoiehod paint, Han saflo$- Wall Jinlsb, to 0b1lgsS; AU iruoloran>'oe tva lIb pkgs ------fi. $ Tollet fapVr 20 RolelS- .., E isviS e repepapor. *0r yI roua-ai Crib jIhets4-is OS bia amiS»ftih 6esigus, heavy sèg tltobed *dge, 9 I, a>'-re---------$ :oor metta fi - Cocea door masgood stas, a3 Bac----------------f$ Firat Floor Men's Wear Mon'& Rlbbed Ualeanitte- White or nottled ame>'Wear. splendid for early laUJ t Wear ---------------- --- We Menaà Fleece-iled Unleasulte 81-71eavy quallt>, sot,$ varm feece --------$ Mews Kait Tites 8 Wor1- Attractive coter affette Bi1k fiulshed, 3 for ---$ Man's Musln Nlghtgowas Si- ot hetvy qualit>' mualla that Wear Wol ud"waak excellently ------- $ Mon'& Dru Shirts i->!atli ef'ohlrtlng atripea. Cut tran o teize ---------- $ Men lsll1k Sooks 2 paire S- Fine art silk, blech sud a colore, 75o vaiue, 2 Pairs$f$1 Men* S1lk Lisie Houe 6 paira #1-Black onty, -hgl'S ai mercerislz6 Dain ---- i Linon Hsndkerehiefa for Men ô for SI-Pure linon, large aite. Jiemmuit and hem.-s atitched, 6 for .------ Men,* 81i1 Books Si-Loather bill bItera. A remarh-- able value at.----- Firat Floor Hosiery Chlldren'a Bocks 5 paireSi8- Mercerlzed sochosud % length English ribbed sport si Riose, .5 pairs ------$ ChIidr*a'îs Rlbbed Houe 5 paire $1-Black oui>', a splendid ei vearlng stockiag, 6 pairs f Boys' Mesvy Houe 4 pairs *- Made with triple kue. sud re- luforceit hesi and i.eo; Black sud tua, aIt simes, 50c value, 4 pairs - -----$ Women'u Lisle Houe ô pairs SI -Black only, 250 value s 4 pairs.............- $ Women'a Morc. Ligie Houe 4 paire S1-illack sud colora, a 60c qualît>', 4, pairs-fi Women'eSli1k Heu. 41 pair- Puall fashioned, Phoenix make wite black sud cotoe , SustndTdpair - $-- Firot Floor ' Underwvear Wlnter underwear neoits sheuid ho anticipated Dollar Day, a big saving la possible. Boys ad Girls Unlon*uIts Si- Heavy volght ' fleece-tNÉed i and veU madeo----------i Womei's Wlnter.Uloasuits Si -Kalit et fine yarsa; par f0ct fItting; pure 'White s al sîlzes .---- -- Women's Sommer Union Sui ta 2 for Si-Oddsansd Ondii et fine quailty garments. Bouse extra imses are Included, a 2 for -------------------- $1 Womea's Verts, 6 for #i-Regu- lar 35o seller et tine ganse qualtty, 5 for.--- Womenasi81k Veste SI-Phoe- nix make, substandarde. a Flesh color--- ---- i.- $ Boys' Walut Union Suite, 2 for Sgi-Sunmner wight sarments >einforced 's-th tape, el I for -------------------- lot creaniFroeeers Si-2-quart sise. 'Works tisesame as$3 other, freeveérs a . Cotton> Batte 51_-8lbïbattu fo. constortera, BIse 12x8d JIncise. dean visite cetten. a Dollar Day -. .--- --$ Boston Bage 01-14 aud 15- toch six«a. lack or brown. A w'S-d4elint aue ... .$ JUroome 2 for 4I-Itegular 76c housebotd broon.- The best brooibi Possible te offer ut a 2 fo --------------- fi Rue Rueasl9-27x54-ildh baie f nov muatoril. a liear>' QualIt>'--- fi.- .Teedy $tare aud Dli.sI-1 Wortis te ;2601 Dollar $i Day ai...........---- $ Kîtchen 61001 Ladders Si1 Shoulit ho lu ever>' heuso- a beld. Dollar Day ----.$ **4 DolrDay ln lji J3argain Basenient Womenle Wasji OeesBvrl udred dresseofetvoiles and singhams vil b. cksedou~ t a*LO00eacb. yh>'ame ail hu unison 'a dresses, And iau 4esam are 1.lot. $ Choe .---------------------------------$ Uadertns,, 2 for St-CowmaSy'Wlt,2frS-ik and envelepe chemise. Cut fllt colora, shirting stripes. a sad crefoli> fiabed, H]ue Bell Make, 2 for -- $ 2 for----------- va MonsShirts, 2 for 8i-Work Childrea.St3 Biames 8sirts and dreas shirts with for 81-Sf bighly mercerisod lAd vithout collars. Bob- maleen in brlght colora, eulatUe saudars, 2 for --------- $ to for ko..---- MoWsand Soye apa' fr à.a' lneo fer $1 -Sample Unes, alestu8150 WomnleStemer, 2forSi- Golf style, Regular and asti mises. Made à for ---------- of fine imimpook and oeckb Saniple lunes Worth te '$ madra, in fflahor $ 1 3 0 t cholce _--.--$ whie,2 fr -------- ý_$1 lMenis Khski Ponts e -Ud Womel'a Nlght o»w,,s I-of of bsavy khakl clotti, eut foîl fine nalnsool trimined with sud strongl>' lmported ihm.sorgaudii, seamed.................1 and sil.k ribbon --- ----$ Corsets 51-SamnpIs lines.lit- Womna Bloomers 3 for %1- eut medelo. WeU made, a Stop-Is andS regniatlon styles choice -----------------Pi of crepe an" mainsook, $1 Odd lot et corsesmouti> 3 for ---- ----$1 amat i ses; will-ho closait s Soya' Play Suit 2 for el - dut nt 2 for...........- Madleetofbeauy bIne chambra>'. Sweaters S1-MAen's, women'a Red trimmed and metal but- su childrsn's sweaters. Knit tous. Ail aises, $i et good yarD. s1 2 for -------------f Close eut ai --- Boyae Overalle, 2 for St--Cut Bronlier.. and Bandeau* ô for fuîl o eba,>' denfini. Weili 4 1-Plph *or white, front or made. 2 for ------------- $1 back fasten. ample Boys' Wah Pants,2 for Si- linos, 5 for.......... Knickerbockers of crash, aise Bathing Suite 1S1 - -For cf Khaki cloth ' vomon and childreu. Prie- 2 pairs--------------------- edieo close out nt.----$ Underwear & Hosiery Savings Womenle Veaits 10 for Si - Women's Summer Uion Suits Gause vests In. regular and ex, 4 for SI-Pure white, of fine tUs iies, ai gase qualît>'. 10 for --------------- $1fA 4 for-----------------fi Women'a Summe. Union Suits Women's Vents 4 for Si-Regu- 2 for Si1-RegulaLr and extra lar 89c values. Ituit et $1 ises; f9c aud 76c values s select yarnh, 4 for ------.~f 2 for ----------$ SWOMEN'8 FALL AND WINTEi UNIONSUITS Two for 2 FOR Si Knit et fine, pure white embod yarns, tinished witb flat soam a"saislk stitched. Low neck, neo i aleeve, aukie aud kneo lengtbs. -AIl aises te 44ý Slight aubstandards ---------------- Womea'a Wintsr Union suit. i 8i-.mnsing make; light fleocy fintsh. Worth 32.00, bigis nech; ne steeve sud shrt$ sileovoatyles-----------$ Soys"and Girls' Union Suite Si-For tatI or vînter; floeced lineit; alse huit waist union suite. Al aises. a 31.50 value----------- Lf A Boys' Athietie Union Suite 8 for Si - 0f fine batbrigga qualit>', ceinfertable sud seru-iceable, 3 fer -------- i Boys' Uderwsits, 4 fer Si-' 0f heavy mualin; reluforcoit buttons put on vith tape; a 4 fer------------ fi. Soya' Rlbbed Union Suits, 2 for $I-Peoler celer.À Asplen- did weariug garment,, e à ter ------------------- f à Boya' a Men'a Athietic Union Suite 2 for 81--S madras or checked dinsît>, cool sud el ceinfortable, 2 fol'--- fi. ChlldrsnauVeste ad Pants8 for Si - Feeced lineit; Pure vwhite, 60c vaines, 81eor-----------------$ Mons& Heuvy Ribbed Union Suite 01-A grment made te give long service, perfect- el 1' cu nsd flWlsied ---- fi. Chlldren'a Bocks 12 paireSI5- 0f mercerlasit lisle.- 1toebl» plain visite, a 12 pairs----------------fi$ Chîlitren'a Socks andt Hose S pro. Si-More... socks,.. beys' heavy hose sud Girls' Fine mlbbed houe, a 6 paire..------------------ i. Mena& Lis Houe 10 psars Si- Fine lhale qualty. Blck $ unit colora, 10 pairs --- i. Women's Mure. Lisle Hose, 4 phkirs 51-Sligist seconde ef SIc value; sssorted cotera. t1 4 pairs------------------- P Gil-l' Morc. Lias Houe, 4 psire 11-Black & brovu. Rogular Sioc quaiti>'. Bubstandards a 4 pairs ------------- i Women'p LiaseMoue 6 pairs 01 -Fine quatity; black; eai tirat grade, 6 painu- i.qu Women'a 811k Mose, 2 paire $1 -Pure silk hrsmat; snbstaud- ards, $1 and $11.50 value,« $ 2 painm --- - .------$ Piece Goods, Towels, Domesticý, etc* Iluck Towela 10 for $1 - 0f Curti Sws And N~p 4 ydae 'ehito cotton buck, 15c'-raIne. #S-i-Ct trous piece, Fgue Large size; red border; and detted,' Svlss Aud ai 10 for -------- --i et nets, 4 yards ----- if i Large Turkiuh Towels, 2 for.81 36-Ineh Outing Fiannel, 6 yards -Finsheit vith 511h strlpa bor- S1-Heavy qualit>', pretty el der. Large beavy qualt>'. ai celer effects, 6 yards ~- i 2 for ----------------- fi M arquisette 10 yards SI-Pure Chaillie, 8 yards i-Comforter vhite, mercemiseit qualît>', Chalibo lu short lengths, Caluiches vide, 20e yard, a 8 yards -------------eVa L 10 yards---------------- $ Turklmh Towlis 5 for il-Hea- Cretonnies .4 ysrds $1-36 inch- vy double tisread terry. Pure os vide. Pmett>' colorings, neat white 86Ç value.'3 patterns, 50e Value, $1 65for----------- ------- - $ 4 yards -- - . - Fancy Towels. 8 for 51-Fane>' Vols and Tissus, ôyda SI- voveu 2'urklèh toyels l lukh,40-laci Dreas Voiles la light or bIne or >ellov, ' ai dsrh patterns; aise 36-Incis 3 for ------------- --- $1 fi. tioïues. Cholce $il Curtalin Cornera-,-4for - SI - fi yards ------------ i. Bome Mrelu #lit. Pteom the Seamiesu B.d Shete lbl SI-8x Quaker Mil. Pae> nets,.a I bches, bleached sud unbleâch- 4 for------ . .f. et; WearweUl$ Foifther llw; -etltd qualit>' --------- pillewss featiser tIllaiS aud cor- 27 and 52-lacis Gngham, 6 yds ered vls heur>' tiek. dai SI-led Seat brant; ise plain each ... -- ---- p .... an sd tripeit suibing Aud a 89-lachsUnbleaohed Sheeting, remper ceth; 5 yards.....$1i ,0 yards S1 - Plrmi>' vwoven Table Clotho 51-01 pure visite qualIt>'; vil »Oon bisant, el mUereed table damesin l 10 yards -,------------- ç..$1 pret>' deatins. Hemed$&31 Chambray ad Giagham, I ydeansd hemetitehed ---- P 01-Plain sud atripod patteras Dresser .$Scerfs 2 for SI-O! ý-«lse a tev smal checkS an lnnnflishoitmatamiais verk- Iucludeit,--------. ed In blqe dealgus; t1 8 yards ,.------lacusedete, 2 for --------- WA B11k ieas2 paire $1-W(> * ~, ~,-. te "ma 4r Pil E bau ben Il dirc * lue tir thr lai oi lt t ant da' l aei Ob lui lui * ov tel w 1 d u ta b ti Dollar Day Specials Coats, Suits & Dresses $5 10415 Comprisiug themýe groups are coats et fiue set t naoles suit.et fine trIcotIne, poiret twillsnd Veieur; drese0e beautîfol silk sud woolen materials. gaxwente that sold tIrom $25 te 1$50. Divided mb to ree lots $6, $10 and 115 Skirts, $2.0,0 111 et these iskirt.s have beeu received wîthin the sstfew weekispd are ment desirable in style, wrorkmanshlp sud fabric. Skirts etf Me serge, plaid velours, homespuns and tweeds are Included. 16 and 16 values, ]I~lar Day Choice-------------------- ---------------------- V00 .Furs, choice, $5 A lot ef fur i o svlU ho prioed ut $5.00 as a Dollar Day SpeCl an d Stno oether tinte vl yen ho able te Obt4a such values. Hewever, as the assertment la lijuit- ed vo advlse eariy soiection.- -nTie A'èut Fi SaleFeature., Many UI;nal KPles Dollar Day

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