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Libertyville Independent, 24 Aug 1922, p. 14

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Pon. OMlO hr h~ ~l l mndlýtr mother. Màie.PjrSaudu, De aO rhrWoas an&WIat'the d and Ohio. t M î**t bt alus o ani ad 010 4,~ fn- ~ ties ahIDietmeyein 8 rsods5 y5d - I brIeS UIu. enth- - for atio tans*G tf TSoN 110w TOUSE ITIard <>1 ok d'buty W. M ra.lWIND MARS pRACTICEC i ýt th ,Agh_________ l Gurmee, and Raymondl Bottger, 0f .Waokoultca who have wondered Chicago, wtt) ho compe»ed to ry. Qagg*. ad Christan -woaC '»qV>tbr or 0ttheir empt? coal bnamtaUnee iti t" get nme tbird -r oun f tbir ýMle ile iiswntrMa f repatra frime Oitago. &Aime& d ame meme hoflildths lne my fthey -_8aturday Mien où av. ai. '>y t1sed their,ï **bIrà ~U ýforent préservez gain aimee Cmlii wsnberg- unite In lumarséage Carlwitb one tariet botter tîaONthe S t1)eýUnIted States departiment o age- Lundberg aud PMi" bttis Ijrysi. coUBOWOt. Out 4 the, 50 hit-B Tr f '-çJzurereport on the beat value of li.IO.botof Kenouh,& Thse e oeî mm baa.s Qwuto nBU, C N C «Qds;eomparcd to coud. The bu- flOfYly ook Place ait 2r. Swaaeoae48 sud C uatn4e a --- l" sya thata ton of col haa about home. ,Tlie. groom la a w.» ysm of 93 Out. Pt a <'» Mible bhu Onmsie heatlng value as one cord Wauken youag affl bcbig » C> mae47 Iiù4Dltmeyer 4 of hSbevy wodd. one and a liait cordaetc mer W. H. B. saifls, l ie '- elel* anicp -j mtant welgit Wood, or two corda 91070ed Lt tishe N b. plant isL 5'41Id handicap, fo t uget wood. The number of corda osa Ma tool -and dis ,.,e. 3yrite ro es ortis cf ecwasoued wood 0f varions ]Étnde They bave gone to tise IsSa foi ~> OL ot ies needed te gît'.'thse nme amount of their honcymoon. ..-~*l tVP;a» eventi weim .itas a ton nf noal, as dterulineil by ZMoni, 111. Di4 M Ir anu t od ,iüd distarb the tlnited Sates forent pr9ducta lab- Ruth J. Holingebead wve united l e shçdtere. tniIvdual score ET RWD F SAS *raory leas oftwinlumarriage t ts bae ftie veut ID1 Jm ot23, Dletmeyer One coid--" bride'& parents, 3210 5S~ef avenue, iePlua lbdeetl Xilekory on Tuesday lat. i'i i ato ho ,JVCI -Arties 21, Çisltisfl 2(L. iMMM 5 te4 in th -tk Oa. nother weddng. Thomas E. Ho&- 11ve:t 1ii-Aimes 24, Quggle 23. Reetlngsisead. brother o iIt îî ýJEJj~mcy, Eveft tV--Qulggle 24, Armes 22, 0" JIntet-cilty sele. ye#ttsi Chieen 3 when Bacisman strucit out wltht litres. la to Wedl MisesJesse -PaTulineChita2. 1Herd mapie. Scisolz, of Chicago. E-' Ient V-Quiggle 24. Jembeson 18 tying ruau-Andl the wlnniugr Agit. Mr. and ?,Ira. F. A Matteecfl of Event VI-Quiggie 19, Griffa. 19, C. bOth On thesa sek.. A single wo F1n2. Joiet announce tie marmlage of Hiiftmiai 17. haveW% tise gain@e. Locuet.. thecîr daugiter,. Elizabeth Mande- -Th* Ii gui was played beforet Longleaf pfne, ville, te Olaàni . Ellils, wisici ock Thee neit big évent Of tisewaike- largest ftrowd that ba witnecseil îCherry. Place Tisursday and thse éngagement gaa Gun elut: wHIlbe et the Rtound l Fortbàaiebali gains this sec& 11 1-2 corde*. of tieir daugiter France. Dvida, Lake trapu, Wbere Manager Renehau ruaut iell >upt thousandI n1 Sisorticat pine. tO Janttes Har'old Ayree of Watike- ha.,made spécial provision for tiselitania Of botil sowns. Western liemiock. gan, thse weddlng ta take place on gueste. Tise Ells e' înic wW sec Tising broIe liveiy in thse op, ~ tllgum. .eetber jffe o'tise bout sisots iu Lake ing 0 thse, game and then seEl i Ibuglae tir. lla Capseoel a fiue of $7.40 cuMtY lit the trapus duing thse after- dowu p t, bard basebali ganse, w . EWdamore. sud cote fur driving on te wroug noba. emong wisom wyul be Bd. Mc. botaides playiug tise air tli i Sft Mapie aide of thée eafety Islands Satur- C(*inick of Lîbertyvîlle, aud thse stam. varlety of performance wortby I ~rd day aCternoon. HO was fined biy cf'tise Waukegan club.teUInam s ghrtnd iCýdar. Police Magintrate Walter Taylor, he- A specilievent leaan bcbeig Pan- TheI5olonta club seoreil frat lRodwood. fore wisom ho waa taken. ' neil for the gun Cub shootera on a pair of Weil pieced hits, w! PWpar. A Lexington automobile helaugli Laltor day. t h Ibe t tieir EieC- ts oetiawr lnebtsa teH.J.Eludof547Brada trio Park traipu. tise 0fteinb5 .i1 Ilanesak,1 ta H J.Edlud, f 367 Boedwy _______________Norths Obicao tesa secored ag C~yres..avenue, Chiîcago. %lent Itito a dItch, lu tise- becouil, makbng two t ~~55Wo0d ~~~on Bevldpme street aSturday ngitTR D U l> A 'bcntfranayrueniw su ad tise left front wtieei wes smash [-E AI'MIR A D Ct oecr a a rou e fouw t ~ttepie d. Noue of tl4e occupants. o! -1 the 1-afIes loolied as thougis tl 1.fuel valui of Wood depends not Uic car iwere InJured. C AN IN Îhai ompf tao* iupon lis heatng power, but' ai- A sou was isoru Frlday te, Mr,' ha4 00VII i1L Sd tely banked tise Sc A's if sc t iS eas y Igni- and lis. Chares Willamrn teali â@e ncd.b ui&tedm fOaa hi oe 2 tnsre qub. BIH Siaecialweakened att ,amd uuig fedottrmaitei ~me,01Jla tet. . £.K I f E T Junture and lRogers was pis4 eI8t, andunafdm i bat Softwoode W. Stueîey complaineil tisat bis ia ~ e~More madily tissu iardwoods, Oveluî -utomobile was ièlnfrmon tse, moyiidnot outil tiselh IgtWoods more re&aiy tisnbe dance at Elect-lc Park Satirdar adIn alhensae sw woollgb T hewon fgie quee eesug ad the Forcters crossel tiser wods Tsepîeagie qle. veiu.C. 9"manud A.. Trepanir o ebe r the U im..tes. Thsis made li1e re and, arc conumed lua&à-Lyle Hrter of Chestnut treet 1bif-llilubing vnshl Yts a-sadn-44 sts ak * ortinte tm isabrch.s Breisgives :Sent thse week end lu Chicago. -. ke9an Ô&,mcyle l bthe M alstr stlianding o 3utc s e We ~ intnse lame issuosk, but es. Robet Walton of Chestnut bh, West of McFfenry, yesterday vow s a stea4ler beat. e reet la visitlng reatives at Lake at4esiion. Thse cimblng wua tougie, BL.OW PROV ES COSTLY ~W oo neede but one-tiird to one. Zurich. but sme of the ridera made ercep- It took titree bits W g eu àari tegrato surface tisat coal dons iM. and Mirs. Walter Xcii andl liGnai tume. - acroese Mr the Polonia club lu *mAs furnaces or stores, tise gate sou o' Cicago are viitlng Mr. 1$am won tise 61-incisclIns cuIs saeventfi, wiih gave tisc tiseà eJd h. bcpamtly covereil by 9apneensd lmra. IHorace Geriv of A515 lu a record of 9 seconds. Trepanler, tiseJowc eaimig vtelythe sxAoet trou or limo brick to reduce treet. In tise 8-incis Cias, made a littie *verteFosirshvg any i 41softwien tise wood la isurnel. a. w. Wallis bas sturneil t» Ibis. Tise e weme alue entrants and agOther. rally lu thse sixtis. wi _____________ bis home lu Milwaukee, iftei vi'ascrOrmewcinwsil el fleu it aftem u on u balt itung lis son, Charles Wallis,. ci camavau of automobiles linei tise bot- scores. Cpsnut treet. tom of tise hill. Tise criais or thse gama caee WAUKEGAN LOCALS. Francise Zlmmerman of Giturne. fa Malstrom was an pîeased witis tie a »tory7booX inluthse nintisJIn 41 '. vlmtlug bermsaunt, Mie. C. Rice, o! evet t ti eh promisefi to peaeHgrrand Repas truel out,i XïLr andI Mrs. Pred Hluf, Mr. andI Poplar streel. ganOther -lilîl witb 'a tougiser grade ýIf tbng- twO, dowu wheu PLerCo- 5151 ,.Lec, Huit, front W&ukpggn, aud Mm. Le. lardt ef Asis treet thé'motorcYclo club wouid etura to paft Walzak and Lux walkedt, A nd Mmr. Jo. 2Miller, Mr. and aud Mise Auna liait are vilting is place lu tise noar future. Thse tinOlig men on second aud Il rJe. Scisetfer, Mns. Fred Dietis- lu Denver, Colo. Ofttwsw accepteelsud tise club Muay liacisman, dlean-up man of tisej -W. Jacob Wlnearii, front me. Mr. aud ?lIre. Lester Bseciseisen go out wltiutise née t wo weeka, esters, Came to tibe plafe wiseu zPeeli Smsday et thse homeof Cietaut street motored W ISiglu aitbougli, nodegallO date wut b& Z;rang *wgd bave wS u fr his te r i. briefu. Jco R.Jtnudy. until a meeting, lu calieil sud thse He whiffed le the. MigisyC ,"M steet ]DrmISiesd, o! Wadswomtis, sud omitng dScuseed. or DeWoi Hoppes'légans- ode. - F. Hutand C. A. Hoiotelu Rose Moscoto, 18, of Chicago, Ob- NO s pins or -accidents marrel tise T . ogala st"epd lalto thé Ift, toMcHenry Saterday on talueil a marriago Iliense iseme today. events yestemîay. f6r *1. eraSSe or tise PobonbaC Mr. sud Mm. A. R. Wollenhemg and________and batted, but ldU't do autY t l*baeuspet Suuday witis two ebilîdrenof Portland, Ore., iOW N Whros lef ft ts its inlu Zon City sud Renoshs. bave bieeti stlng t tise ismoo!Mr. age. Hienilix, a iub, pîtcber, » sd limae. Ray Lewis have aud Mm. A.- C. MoNeill, bave pne >usAR IIN Stancza wa& reileved luiitise seve - front sa uto Wtrip t1 Epis- to Chiscgo for a short visit befome I-m>.,>.hobal, lwe k -Win. sud Minneapolis. hey retumulng tisteir honte.555S MUSUD5nrn pu ien h bail al ROdtI geIow"Seqertary E. H. Cltfford of thse FILM IIIZE DI en- a pieo .scRo lice, of bbc Security Ti- Waukegan and North Chiscago Chtam- comeig offtiste IniIlrner -Trust Company. leaissel fom bem of Commerce, andl hi. secretamy, CfE IEUil A1EV Rogeasplus witb-tis sier.u I 4vacation. Marthsa Pîkiel. went ta Evranston y13fEL St'L Rogbeetheîplatetanee pLat i X)r andI Mm. John Tisomescu this morning to attend tiese acre- Stroisise se pla t ofdtreri -d.à Jack, of Renouba, vîsiteil taries' animer acisot t Nortliwestern A nxotlili tr opi Box Score. 1bm e ek eud wltis Mise Mati- unuveraty. iunxetdhg makcpd chmêe, at Guince. Mm. Ward sud son Myron ofthe trot iigi scoome prise ortee POLÎJNIAS AB R I. P( DagarMobrggav amis Nrthavnuean Wate Wirdby -thj lRichecleu aleys l)aumday Gros.,1b . ........... DagarMobrggae ami- orts veue ud WaterWirlwien Augle Edisoînttippeil 241 plitStroishe, H. cf.3...... 3 aboyer Saturdjy niglt sud famliy o! DeKalb. have tarteillt iegte.wsos coéu edic..... of ague w.odotrlM ise aloylulisi toso npt i e,_W TOM Krchnuer, lea aremarlahie Rogers, lb.-p'--....... 4 1 1 Il Hanau, or WofrîThie 'Wpolia ir a lynjuîgment score.,, aoeetîert.ng tbst Inwas madie Rogaba, If ..........6 5o 2z ~ ~tsw c auee. ie ilia lska~wsivu ~-on newly finîsiel alleys sud wîîls B. Stanczal. pP-lb.6. O 00O qus- it o a.114)r recetred. mauy uae-r $Z237 dollars.l n-s' uur tý ew plus. Walzak, Se......... 4 1 2 lft4 sud au nloat vilsiZ, b uiyaantbi.vlae Six consecutive triles. a spare Rybîle, r! .......... 4 1 2 Y" 1 spent br a largoeumuber O!CWlnhrop Harbor. A lmrywaso-luatse eventh,. a double lut th F. Stanezal. 2b ...4 1 2 14r;ù1ends. ~~~~tained in tise case of JoissfD. Muray g$ ad1Itan aspt e. ooen *.......4011 P F'sriBreptOmn lt today againet William Tiffeny, but Attoitctel' i -u 'lti uda-pit-av Ol-m-tc.....4O ~t ~in-ukee lon E.V. rvisleblieueiltiseammr lg'tiselatit pin account for tise ànmu eë.werg mie wIlljin 9 .Orscbllue heary ore. A 213 rk cas misacti39 6 12 2' .'~~~t Bpt ou ale River, wieje a tise jury wam dimissil. tisecase wiscn ]Rdiolm ffl, tise 1 4 and 8 *,i~Iipendl a week. tissu gong over ta tise October ternt. Staninlg Ilu tise- euth f!t'an sd PORESTERS ÂR P. H. P QI Ra Huton of tise Lakte Miea CcIl E. Nusale of tise BeItheis, u 4o ie ee.cf-..... lsayTItI., & Trtuât Company, Mc'Zton, tai&y w.a>,ecared Icapable 0 seond bail. Hie score would more Pierce, lb ............ 3 01) 1 '>hdto worx todaytr ~a two attauding tolitem owu buSness affaire th"u likeIr 'have mounteil Wtiste Lux. 3b .............4 1, 1 ee'vacation. and a conervaîor wan appointedin lu260 mark bai ho maids tiese paj' Bacismes, c .......... 4 1 2 %lm Mary Tyrmelet fChicago vis- tise Couaty court. Sise le bise owner o!1 Pipkia won Uic second prise Sun- Stroishe, p ........... 4 1 1 -tus Wakegau yestarday wtb ml- propety s'alued at $4,200. -dy -teuc wtubis212 gi.A0rsn h.....4O2 IL C. Joisson a fannier living,.ue" A clisan ruauwltl a pair of double# Scisenll. ase. ........ 4 0 1 1e4tck willlsuss of! Racine spent Wauikegau, sud Lawrence Oison, 511 sisowlng on the Sisoot. Tise tact Blrmett If ..........4 0 1 V io4dy at thé J. A, Kiema homo, 38 Jackson street. wemo arreabeil by tisetat200 scores have won tise daily 1lagerty. vIr. ......... 4 010 1 Ceny.police Suuiay cvenlug tM dlaturbiug prise w-lU tot Interfere sitis a-- Tb~e Amendeas Légion auxillary ins reilents lu tise uelgbboriscod, sehO 10w 150 coplebug nmn te ler day - i9 z ~ 't.*e-bcd their régule.r meeting touiglit O! CarY avenue, Police report. Tiser W*iM hîgis bines are roostlng Score by tnninioa. si 1 t nuli's bil, sttrtug ai 8 oclock ceme ittulg là thier car, bots lutoxi- aouiewiere élse. Poloula... 1 2 1 O O 1 O,0 t lor.Burton Clif and tise GI.. club catel. officere cisc mate thse armai' Hitse...2 2 2 0 O ? 1 2 t> * neti.TeBrtiday CDn eprt. Tiey Witbe giveu aring oStyy i Frets .0 30 0( iice wtlii eir*e rermîthmients. Ae 29>s P-lice, Magistrats WaterL S ~ ,.jii r Hitle.......1 2 o01t0 . . .May of Minnupe la stOp P" Tayor. - tIRASummary: Homte rau-J. tu g lu Wauîegas odar on buapeaS. Have Thoma, 221 Nortis avenue, sea j'riiree-hase ite«-F. Stauczak, J. $1»lareiserd a te en e o-wbome automobile wolont make tise gaa.TMAI(e jt>BALhan la efleeri e tseGe-tesh-taliOunghti an , pO1À as.'Base on ball"-ffW. Stan Oier eus gctsaI Madise nstreet bil las sdTdI' la Tnia b-ac'an 6isotel luciole J. Spear o! 01- Iacel lto a ltgbt Post, heakiug lb -1; off Rogers 1l of Strohis tli materta he olie tis ornng, Arrangements for the regular SU t-b>' W. Stailzi ]ecar Admirai and Mm. Moffett etise mate blb. plige thto pymorlug, ~'sht aj tise Lincoln Park traita Brobe 6. DoispI las-W S 4ieUP fron Ciicago to speul the epeeu i bluns 0pyfryeaeent!y were cauclied.- cybug tatF. Stanezak 10 Eoszre. at Great Lake. totiar. li isedaw«e.tise dats ai Tom Mendiai, worid ImTt riait aetIthe station shehis ine police report tisaI a Ford car ramous traitmon ana *wtte. Ma"> R V S ~ I Won intchage l1yforaalongdtim.even-Iclu , tiaougisout tise country ~s bucharg o! or a ong inbg. Tise ss et tise Wauîeg&A po- can__lied tier arrangements for tise >eeddexeîe1d0Wtiink tise lice wcIsfor tise tiief. - gmy sotl rsett ie PIM % ia Rl r Ô' meniat tise station bai Charles Walls o! Cisenut stiet v sia spot man.revpecat Wuo. the 71 SL eddoen n amati lu view o! Siwnt tise seel culdSM Racine. tgro. mou liapsn etalg art lu J. R. Bracier'at WliantastrOs lthe trop eveat aIlis.Cicago laIe- 'T. Webb, Will Stewart, Garrett 13 vistlng frflcde lunGChicago.,-MngrFe Mthl !ts àud 1TOM Gra>' tarted tWday Tise Socal Service Clas et itise ___________anBaes l net ghii5' biste Wllaua cr omAlaaua o MiJodit pîsopl nudy cisol%~'5uu'i!OR Bo Otosi ianhr !biseP tnp. cHI holitisiranueeah aryai - , * - 126,tso ue migu ! ai OW - <lOlgns. MeCrti>' sd tse ousBeah Tleedy, u; aIa~sszae ~ fre hie o! kiseWa fgegn I club - - -- - - - l BREAKS TI14E RECORD ~ Ciu.two4foot mmI, iLooî ea pm t s isputtitwu nul up lt --E t t tisaI, Mr. CTpIs~a score 18a t"2 b estl htisbasevrenma' on tise course sud many' profeaeas bave ual played ou It Hie score was: -u Out In 4 4 4 '4 5.4 44 4 4 'Dr. F. L Qiurley wll play Mr. Cooper next Sustday !pr tise C. L. Doilge cuit for 36'ioles.* Dr. Gourle>' lu tise sei-Uials ypstcrday defetol lqkersou. one Up on 18 ies, sud Couper defeatel A. A. AlfoI'd, two up. of ho Gien Flora course, aud breaks Clayessena record of 72 la tise par tke fomer record of 73 bell b>' Win- nie Hunter fom ibree. rears. Firsi roinds o! tise merchants top we"* playel reaterdayr CAL!4 TO f% TBALI" L'il AT 1111SClIOO Paddy Moore, captsl-eect o!ftlt* 1922 footbballti at tise Waiiuels Hlgts, hmasil a all o Ilteldi- dates. Hoe s uathOns la report ever>' evening between 7 sud 8 P. i. for a bit of krouud sork g ±hst thse lads wtt) gel accusboue tu baudllng the bH ansd le _l tlptup »ha"peithbie tume ltecoack arrives.. Regular practice for tise elevoit yl- uaLnet oatteieil unt tise cossh arrives ou tassefaccus att*et lu thise aeaon, whor thinge wffti ioa.l e I sIe ir," etut I Io MW"rgie nil~~~~ 80 =Wh~ '<ue meor yosr Son&. : aanl~ -vtUgiter or tm bouse whei - w losst "d l t$ltsd Apisbed lber tmoe tI ock ine- back 10 ur.çbiIdbonddly Sdlt 1. ederi wmn sa olei0a Etfti"am:plwueI15 &sos. LStore UJmlrella f or Men ........ :...$LO0 .Flasmel Me's Shirts ......... $1500 ....... $1.00) Capas ............... .0 Work Shrt'2 *for......$LU0 Men's Ieavy Sweaters....$LOO0 Athleti Sits, 2for.....$1600 72x90 Bed Sheets.-.......... l0 Silkllose, 2 pafrfor......... Sl-00 Boy's Blouse; ail sizes; 2 for ... $1.00 BoyW Kuee Pants .......... $1.00 Ladies'ShoSg .............$1.0 Buy at HERR BROS. ECONÛMY STORE 10N. Genesee St. MiJ( eSt SYO ois 4>athe %x7oe'e"i DollarDay In.-the B-iy Gro<tery J Pneapple, 3 Cams No. 21/2ý cans, Farm H1-ouse brand Hawaian Slieed Pineapple; PoUar.Day, 3 cans for .. _ Corned Be~ef Evaporated MiIk 5 Cami$1 12 Cam $1 Cudahy Cooked Curnà Beef; Savoy or NonoeSnell brand' fIve 1 1-2 lb. cana . .......... $ 1 12 can ................l ...$ Angostura Bitters Coffee $1 Bottie ' 3lb.$ *Dr. Siegert's.Ge nutile;, b 1 $ per bottie -... .$....... Our Elle hiend; reg. 40e Syrup 5IL can $1 SahIlOI Log Cabin brand, cn 6lb. ean ......... . ...... yacht Club Red Salmon; &hUM ~35e cana; 4 for....-------- $1 Can --M-tadIf Richelieu brand pure Sorg Prima brand; hum; No. 10 eau ...........$ Doltar Day, Z for ............ Campbell's Viri :AD*r~e soupe M $1 10ie-2 #fe Campbeàl'% well knw - 2 ç BW1 0ttlesDi,, Mnato Sô#p; 10 cana ...... $1 ý2lr..-----I :D la .....$ Big Soap Valides for Dollar Day LAfeBiiov Health Sap Swiývf t's Pride, Latundry 16 luSoap, 25. bars- for Brooins .2 for $1 A splendid vaiUefine-gewed Car- pet Broont. 2 for -------.. ... $1 Mazola Oil 1-2 Gal. Cans $1 A blg Dollar Day value; oe- bal! gallon Corn 'Mazola Cl0...... $ Tea 2 lbs. £1 Our regutar 69C JaDon e Te&; 2 is ----------- ----$ 5 pkgs. $1 Farmltanse brandL meded ors seediese 16-oz. package; 5 packages $............1- ops% 2 for $1 Ging'erale & Rot Beer, 5 botties $1 Gien Rock isaul. large bottles; S for..... .. Sweet Cider 3 cans $1 Traverse Cils' bratid; Noa 10 cane, 3 for ... ....$ Fruit Jars; Bals: Mauon Jars 1 dozon quarts unI 1 dot- en Beat- Jar Ringg..-....

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