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Libertyville Independent, 24 Aug 1922, p. 16

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Rcued toý' $0 thl* *pct*bly la one -o!tse mont reuwiaabiie drsses ubmd la môstits We bavie a number of -prètty Étyles f4- "81 an wool. la a wlde range of sizeii. lu black, navy, k, an, caioen, perlwlukle, tangerine. jade aud gray.. that basamauced fro. to ¾of their former prices, foz Day ouly. Everylhsng hN plain Figurs-." ~Oue Pdce.t.~1 !. awfeea. t trop@. W~5tIW 1 awis eTwel1s to $2 .1 l uche >rov e 4extr pî$.0 ah. R fer Doll5r 2 'or $ 1.00- ~spciai lot of g004 ý$lsd T.rk à 1wels, extra quall4Y', feêj*rly eold -for ýb eath, and uaw- Prlded for Dollar ýAy only t 3 for $1.00 ~ !urkish Towels to 50e 1 sti another lot ar Turklsh Towels VIkh -la a part of thia great spectl >tirçlsase ud imade ta selI for 51ic!'.ch uaQ réduced for Dollar Day to 4 for$10 !urkih Towels to. 35e Asamsrtmuent of emal and medluiu l~&TurkeTowels, regular 36C vl- are offered lu ans large group for aç.reat saleaet 5 for $1.00 snirsto $6 i'Wp«oen's 4>k PobiUn and Wool Serge d teto w bmd, ila avarlety knstyles and colore as riel ,%a 580tll5t of pleated Prunel- 1s krts. S8 claly prieed for Dol- $3.00 sport Skirts to $10 â,& >,arbi of rare Impartafle lathis #Xerlsg of S11k sport Sklrta lu wiîte. cotstlorsa ad plOIda. lu* a variety Of lySe. Haiue for Dollar Day at $5e00 Womeu's Kimouas 'VfeMMS'sCrepe Iimonas lu watedl @,ad colora, preftI styles, good quai- Sbut g. Prlced for Dollar Day at Dr Iesses t»o$5 brtmet of 50 Was Dresses lu àtystyles;, ight and dark colorlugs*; a4141end mported glushama; lu mixes 14 -te 42; s reduced for quik ae for Dollar Day a- $1.00 SWashDresses ~eerack of Wmah Dresses tht for- joU for tita and four limes t!'. %uot,4 beow, luciudng glnghams. ,sud comla4intione cf giugham aud y, lu, aIlcolora, ustly al siles. *W.hDreMsesto $10 - .fiuiasasOrgaady ftnd lis tuplainvwhite. checks, polka *P pda la&I l aues. Reduced for %teMnPticoats- *OMM à5 8aeegpMtlcots, black and " w aa;ted styles me £aLes. About b tlan re"Wl, fer Dollar Day at $1,0 Khak 'Pla-y Suits tlIde*'* Klskl Play Suise. tue. 5itwantsd ases Former vaules to -e.4 Speclal for-Dollar Day 6100 Sateen Rompers Chldte's Back Satesu Romp- 7eg-top aud trimmed wilul tcolered cretonneas,îzez 2 t16. Day at F.-$100o A Jersey 11q& Petti- 1coats A apecillot,o! 811k Petticoats lu al Jersey or jersey topa wtthudeep taffeta flounce, lu black, navy sud clora. About hait price for Dollar Day at $3.00 Middy Blouses Girls and Misses Mlddy Blouse. of excellent qualt4y. lu al ases, formeriy sold for about twlce the prie quoteci. For Dollar Day at 0 $1.00, Chfidren's Sweaters A epecIal igmdpiug of CUIldreg's Waol Sweaters Iu tuxed ansulip-aver styles, lu ail aises sud lu & vailsty of oblors. Leu than hait prIce. For Dollar Day at $1.00 Sateen Bloomers Wouue's Bateau Blootners lu back, navy, purple. brovu sud green. A lirait- ed nuniber lu wsuted ises are affered aI the greatly reduced prîce for Dollar Day ai $1.00 Middy Blouses Girls' sud Mimsés launel Middy Blouses Lu uavy ouly, but. o! exceleut quallty, tuaail aises, pretty etyles. Re- duced for Dollar Day ta $3.00 White lYash Skirts A lot o! le White Wa.Is Skirts lu gond looklus styles that formerîr soid for $300 and $3.98, have been reduced fer Dollar Day' ta 2 for $1.00 Women's Sweaters One large table o! Women'a sud Mis- ses Wool Sweaters luntisiedo sud slip- avec styles. black aud colora, lia. been arrauged for Dollar Day at about hait price. 1(I $3.00' S5M1k Fibre 'Sweateris We bave laten about 60 Sweaters ln- cludlug tuzedo and buttonatyles lu the. fasluîouable Icelaud Wool aud al vool worsted, sud slip-avec sud tuxedo styles lu eut fIlbre, ln black sud a comPlett rangs of colora sud stasean sd reduced tliem b T Chldeu's Hose Chftdreu'a R1181.4 Hase lu bact, white aud brovu, smade ta vlthstaud a lot o!fIard vear, lu ail sizes. Dollar Day 0 pair$10 Châldren's Dresses Chldren'sa rgandy Dresses ln islite sllgItly solled, sud reduced for Dollar Day ta .$1100 Kiddie Cars A special purchase for Dollar Day ou- ly brîngs these automotIve KIddle tara 'cil! large sprlug slioct absorbera, cay ta aper#te and very eamfortable. A rcgulac 2.06 value. Thursday at omn's Suiets ~$eres-7e4~drJe..tys-rictines iir.sa lasaortiuent of about 50 suite ln a arlety of materlals. styles, Lmý ad lm ad bU.e there are mont a&U sizes, la the. lots ther anéare lt L*mmt Ustyles. ùx isan assortmnent «oi odde and ends and broken t es vy if~gu priced suita., mee are 6 al wool Jersey suita 'aIogod si.eeI jip and coat. Theu there are 4 ail wopl serge Ita, mud lsyuade lu wanted sizes t $5.00 eaeh. Atq$4 M vOlîUAtweeds, tr4cotluesansd serges. ln wanted tyles Aopaboet,% ** .réal ,siue Women'@ Corsets We have maide speelal efforts te- Pro- vide a corset .bargalu thi- " Id sur- pau alal other aid belleve w. bave Il lun the8e wauted styles. Foi Dollar Dny at $1-.001 Women's Corsets Iu thîs apostai'prleed gr*uIý ,u ivlI llud a numbel' of very dealrable styles lu about all sîses that have been greaily reduced for Dollar Day ta $2.00 corsets Here- are *Corset. lu front sud Bsct lace styles la whte aud deish plain aud faucg materlalà. aIl sizes, mast ssked for modela. Greatly reduced for Dol- lar Day ta $3.00 Bathing Suits Women'a AIl Wool Bat!'lug Suite lu beautîtul 2-plece styles. that toruuerly ol P ta $10.00.,luntWu, uavy, black, red. Amerîcan lieautyu-avy, offen sud combînation o! these colora vit!' white lu about ail tezes, sud reduced them for Dollar Day ta M5.00 BatingSuits Oelot lu a vsriety of vanted style. aud colore lu aIl yod. About hait Výrced for Dollar Day, at $2,00 Bathing Suits to$5 Mises Ail Wooi Bathing Suite lu good colora sud styles. Reduced for qulck clearance for Dollar Dy ta -$3.00 Long 511k Gloves Wamen'e Lonsg 811k Gloves lu au ex- clent qustlity. la black, whle sud tas. Speclally prlced. Dollar Day $1.00 aud aises. vartls $3.00 sud-8.18. Au asertmeut of long 811k (Haves, vcry mue!' reduced for Dollar Day $Z.00 Womten's Hair Ne ts Great Dollar Par Speelal la thIs offer- lUg of x à t-AMa Iuus.I 1n,. -_',lu cap *ud fiage sisapes, et 10-for $1.00 Silk Siqrf s A special lot of Womens sud Misses Waol and 811k Scarfe lu wkflttedcolar- lugs. Leu- thitu Hait pries. For Dol- lar Day at $1.00 Uoverali Aprons Womeus, Coverall Aprous lu lîghet medisum and dark colora, lu ai l azee, msade ta sen for 81.00 Saeeilly prîced for Dollar D '$1,00 Silk Blouses Womç'811k Blouses sud si)%, Gleor'gette. crepe lu s varlety o! liglbt sud dart colos n.aiszea, Very muet - reduced for Dollar Dayat $100 Baby'sRobber Pants_ Babi R1118er Paits lu regular 506 values. 'Very oeclaliy *uiced for Dol- I.r Day et Flowers tor BRats A special lot o!fiovlwerslu a large Rassrtmeut o1 colore, lu YOlvet sud silit, Specally reducçd tfofllar Day -10 for $;00 Flowers and-Fathers P'lovers, YFesihers,'Podu-Pomg anés" Wlugs lunail abadestas well as bise aud vwhite comnblflatons lu vide var- etles. Sweially palpai ot'r Frda At, 9for f1i~ BoysW ~t Bey'$ Was. 'Suiats lu pretty OlIvt lpt s4tylesist vinwite snd colora. ln -about- .11 aise&. About %udOr regular price. Dllar Day Womens a -union Suits womeaalo aIl and Wluter, Wlgbt UnIon Boita. WoMer values up te, $200. In %il styles. Speeiy prlced 2 for$90 Organdy Dresses CblllreWs' Orgndy Dressas that for- -inerly sold for titree and four times thse price.quoted, &hmeS p to 14. Speclal- lradus.d.»plar.]»y ta ..2.00 VéâleDres Chldreus l4hstajl sud Dotted VoIle Dresses la eeveral becmling lîttIe styles,,bIset. e.avy, and elors, la waat- Od sises. About hlaI pries. Dollar -Cov rlAptn Apfouslal sîses Iueludiug airaI!, rme- dlum sud large alano, have pockstean sd trlmmed wlth brîgitt colored cretonnes. HaIt prlced Mlr Dollar Day, at $11000 CoverailAprons Womeula Coverali Acrone in pretty uew styles, trlmumed vitis' rlck-rack brald, ruffliug sud ts.ucy -11111e collea, seahesansd pocketa, la plain colorn. plaida,,checiF ts, ttie ftecta, polka dot aud two-t0ne combluatious. Very muet- uuderprlced. For Dollar Day, ai Children'sCoats Au aaeorta3zet u. dds sud ends lu Cbldreu'e Cas. While tlsey Isat, for Dollar Day et, $10 Châldens CSots Hlers la an assortuilant of Cblldrsns Coats appropriaie for Esarly lrail Wear lu wanted colons, fair range of aises. Very -much underprlced. For Dollar Day at Cldren7 ' 7.e50 Coats This lot of Cblldren'e Caste Iucludea a uumber of pretty styles aud asked for matrlalsansd colore. Redueed for Dol- lar Day ta $4.00 M.ildrenf'$10 Coats Th1s5Inaail probsbllty la thse greateet bargalu offored lun dotth Pretty lîttle Coata lu a good range of sizes and, col- ara, lu becoming styles. 1151f price.. For Dollar Day at $5600 Bloomer Dres Chldrens Bloomer Dresses lu aises 2 ta 6. Pretty colora sud styles. Spe- cislly prlced. Dollar Day, ai $1.00 Children's Dresses Chlldren'stllgbamDresses, Just th thîug for echool. rà plein colora. tva-tons coublaattous, plaids, cheeka. aud stripéd efi ets, lu ail sIzee ta 14. Reduèed for Dollar Dar. $1W0 OvejaI lev!s4jits Cblldreu'y [hki ansd Blu 1e0Dessîm Overali play Suutta, trDumed wlth rad, la ail sizsa Spèclally priced 2for $0 Ifa*nts Bonnets tut sut. Flua Crepe de Cline Bonnets.. daitz-l444l styles,, beautltully trimmed and Vary speclal puleed for-XDollar Day ai, only Women't; Rats Women'a- sud Misses Veivet sud Feut browus sud black. For Dollar Day aI lte rldiculoualy 10w prIcesaf Handkerchief s Women's regular 16à Handke-rchle!. apsclally prled foi',Dllar Day at W om -oie CieBn douir Cap, lu a ile, Varisty of colora, dalurl ly trlmimed wlth laces, smbioldery ad ribobus. About haîf prlced for Dollar Day at ~$1400 Men'Bathng Suits lqls .! AtiitIe -Al Wool Bathlng Bute, have white ssirtimd aavy trunke. Made ta mli for f5.00. Dollar Day StepIns p<fllomrs vhiIte, usii sd ciseked nain- O vm"7 selilly pilcea for Dollar *preorird lusxÏ eca¶ t h alal 4-for $1.00 WVomen's Morlsed Lido. HSe, light welght snd very tim, bas the e w vIde French msam. In Black only. Dollar Day at $1.00 Womnns 511k Hose A speetli anortcssut of Womnea1j Si1k Hoe» la bl, wite, brawu, gray. cordovan. lu plain or vîit lace clocks. Sensatlonasly reduced for Dollar Day ta Women's IHm Womeu's Cotton lIceslu W"set.wiIte sud browu, ta about all slieb; egular 60c Valuas. Dollar Day ably Women'-fHou Womews Outatm seCotton Hosé la black. cordevan anA vist& Very mueis underpriced for lDollW. Day Mt 2 for $1.,ffl Chldren's Haif Houe A assortmeiit :f CitUdrest "&Ili Hase luaIl aisées, lni varlety ef colora, are reduced for Dollar Day to 5 pair for $1,00 Chidren's H[aif Hou <'hidreu['a Hait Hasue lu mercerimed sud ailli bre tops, lu a varlety of colar eomblutoas. Bpelally reduced for Dollar D"yt;oc $ 0 Shopping Bags Wonmens Geuine Cokide Shopping Baga la blsck sud broya wltIs sewed framnes. alaa linued, vhs trap and buekie fastener, are very misci reduced for Dollar Day ta $1,0 Jlandkerchief s Wameu'e Llueu andkerchlefs. Sol& regularly ai 26r- Véry epeeliy prîced for Dollar Day ait 5for-$~ Woinen's -Blouses, Women's Blouse. lu a varl*ty ar pret- ty styles, lu plein sud striiai voiles vît!' plain or eolored colea, .lu ail aises. Splally prlced for Dollar Day si, $1,00 Soiled Blous A special assortment et Women'a ]Blouses, ligItly oitaI theougb i dplay- log, iu ail aises up 10 44. itegular $1.00 and $1.50 values. ýRedisce4 for Dollar Day 2 for $Lm0 Wash Blouses Wameu'a P'retty WasIl Blouses lu plaiu, striped and barred di tles sud voiles vîit Peter-pas and Tukeda Col- Jars, plain or colo trlmmed, lu ail Bizea L Very mue!' underprîce4 for Dol- lar Day, at Women's Kuit- Vests Wôzuei' a Kuit Vtet, baud top, ail ases. Véry spectally prîced for Dollar Day at 10 fr$1.00 1 w. &ffzes to 53-Ptatd P Fur,7rlmqd i res.t mur l! wombd ra.sed ,V~..illbe an élt&la tâtes Uapotausllw ai D a e-co lt 46 10-11 ' ay edca plcsquote4 for~~~~~~~~~ * uuDroil.~tr I .0p~~a, pleto fsye lu *d polo bl"&Utà,dolrsK e bo»f, aaaor»aa7fwlckrLtIln $3.00 Chftden's Dresses In -printed sud dotted effeeta in a varlety of pretty clon. aizes ta 14. Iteduced FrW&ly ta $4.00. $4.00 W1k Camisoles Wemess 81 Camsoles lu ail aiges Qp ta di. prettîly trimmed wlîh lac. sud eusbroldery. Speclally prlcsd for Dollar Day -$1.00. Here té,as apecal purchare o! Messa (lotiton Hom» lu ail aises, lu bIack. gray sud brova. Reduced for Dollar Day ta, 10 pair for $1 (0 Children's Union SÛiRS Chlldren's PAU sud Wlnter Wight I3siQu Buta.Excelent qualîty. About ýi th. regular prie. Dollar' Day At 2 for $1000% Woien's Night Gowns Woms - repe Nîglit Govs' la vbiie suC lI%h s-Ailaises ta 17, peetty Ïuei styles. - VerY isueis uner tIse regular prkes. For Dlîse Day aI $1.00 Wqmen's -Petticoats Wonien's MWuslu Pettîcoat. vitit plain bottoma aud lace sud smbraldery trlnumed -founees. ail ises. Bpeclally prîced. Dollar' Day Musin Chemise Womu'à Muilu Chemise lu pretty styles. nlely trîmmned vîtIs embroidery 4ud lac,, u inA l aisesta 44. lteduced for Dollar Day to Won men's'Blomers WoMen's Steju-Ssasd ioomners of muslu suÏd cross lu white sud colora. Underprlced, Dollar Day At

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