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Libertyville Independent, 31 Aug 1922, p. 13

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Cbildren's Hour -on ig Lhiw ' MI R m*du Hit Watb WSe Folk VERY SUCCESUL Ail Week Session Here to Pre- pare Pedagogs for Work Next Week. GOOD LIST IN ATTENDANCE owsr te kme- 'Cbildren's Hou?' on 8. S. George Washington Th annual Institute now ln eses- tilon lunthe City for th rural and vflage tuacher ibas beau woU sattended and andi ba been n verY profitable session. .The lutereet lia been keuand thet eachers basve expremee thenriselves as Weil pitsait -wth the linitructoïiL thet halle ri- affeailu the mettlngt. Tht meet- Inuie. The meei«logootiînue untîl Iuge Contiuie untll aturdlay noonu wbec tht teachere yl return to tbfir homes pr.-pêi'd ta, taie Up the sehool vontflet Tuesday. Lr. J. W. C n.rsou apoke on Mou- ,day and Tuesday sornings; un rural zetitl supervision and teuching. Ht nomes frout tht Blatte University of Arizona sud lo spetialist bin his division of sehool tiorit; hie tallit wert very bleptul and siiould hispire lu thetouechers thé Importance o1 tItis vrt Inthe training of tht toya and girlî in l1h ootny auuocle. tir. W. S. >ît .e lan Unlvtrofty, Oxinîd. Ohia. le taking 1,r. CarsüaosperIod for thet Ct- xnnhader of the ticeit; be apot ou thte ubjeet, *Malalng Education Praetlcai,' on %%ednewlay. This rnoiug fis topif;wa4,.'Tht Giou»- 4 g et i 'îid, anîd tomor,-ow mOrnitug tail pat on, *Educlloi 'for D»nocrdî>y." 'Ar. Coler lsaa pleîising g arit cd presettsis Ides,.hi ia r: actical ay, druvîng hIs conclusions istr a manDEr that unaýe. aau ImfrteioIi onli!s lao 'lie teachera b ave Ibad ae s- i potunihy to lîtar l'rof. Etri t. Case or the Lrilvtrviy or (*iieîrtn mari for three daY.I-He fi! a t-ich- ,er o?ý.fegrajhy rnd bas the jeoult) 01 briaging bu-m &uil -ire 1solo a ir."d of n~~atum..nd aiprt- Clationuof what ho ,ma>v. jM1s-s Nancy G:' Wrignt 0f tàe _jXdge achot>] nhar l4mand -Park je irucructlig in primary ieatàage ,woS and iîarid varý. . Bbc10a site-,iist Iliuifich senol vk an>. has ruade a barie for berseif lu the v.t ahe lait doue lt Ithe little ont vrxn achool. Her -onis; te at- prtciated by the Veuofie Of ber Coin munty anti she now bas the hencr of Wbelriie 0. thte iighst raid rural school tache. ýs lu the tate. if Lot thte ititi. l'chures et ber sciioni tmd Lie werk la t bmve Lten mmcd i.y thte tate De. paîlsiltut in iiuutraliig rouie et tht crculars prird by the Office aidd escriptionis bave benusemd in cone of the tarin ptriodlcels. M. F, Gitason ef tht Jouiet echOOls camne today te raruala for the. ceai * et tht etlte. Hisecisity la benu ,s,15 ont and he la rectiguized a1141one of the Moat efcient l ustttbh i tht country 1ii is 1brandi. A nunsiber of ,-cir0ii Meeriga bave been btid anid viii continue tn tht end of thttaet. ,raarnai anud langue e ort have beul dis- cusseil ty Principal I. B. flltley of tht G;urue lgh scbool. PrInclIpal Mary Deoin os tht West sChO<l ta Waukega!i. Principal Gertrude Wilson ot the Central i out et 'North Chicago. BteedaroL-zed lests have been giv- en each day during tht veek lu differezit sub.lectmi. these have betu Coudectttd by Pinucipal F. A. Hudý *on of Libertyvitif. Principal Emmha Studer of L-ake Bluff and SuPt. J. 13. Clark Of Waukegau. Mmr. Eva Brand or the Wst scbool ln this (ltY bhuie lt Orns splendisi dtmonztratlOus O! Prliry rtadlng durîrig the week; ehe bas bad a rieur or littho folie vitb ber each mornlng and bas showu vltat may lbe doue lu dramatiza bion and baud wort ithi a clase Of litile toIts. Tht nlase have re- fected credit on themseties by their dilirgency and ,cetniîug udifferenct te &o lar-ge au audience. TWO piesng speclal C ture h ave ben inirodmîced. Que vas th* ume ihiat may be ruade of tht Viotrola là th achooir. Tbls vas cto5Iict- A d by Elsr 8ia Stein, the dlrer ter et thedepartnitt ut tdntatlon ILyn&Healys, in Chicago. Tht other vas thet PhYtîca CI tecimmeaby a lasefronthe South achool in NorrintOhicago tndcý, tht direction o f Principal Mary DancI. Althougb the pupils ha!flot been brouglit * together during the suinmer their work hoeiuvd very piaInJIY tiat thias kind Of o! ohuas a decled "bang over and Us Pracicabii.ty vas paîssly dtmontrattd. TEACHERS IN ATTENOANCE Ifle teachers attendlng ar: Bettrice Cotreon, Praldet View. * Maian Kunnewurf. Waukegan. Edlth Raes:de, Waukegan. Esitre Hodge, Arsa biargaret Fitzgerald, Round Lakte. J. H. Turner, ZDon. R. R. Lowdtrnillt, Dterlleid. IIIlan Btrgfltld, Dttrfilid. Arta WltOD. Laie Vlle.. jeetie Id. Wait, Grayeakt. Ida Runyard. Antloch. F. A. Hudson, LlberiYvIltle Auna lirona. AtLocb). Mabel Falch, Laite Villa. C. W. Coneon, Laite Villa. Marlon Hepburn. Mcl-enrrY. Ruby Peterson, Hunticy. Clara Nelson, Artu. isary Jack, Area. Mm.. Mahel Rose. Barrinton. Hlen M. Beckwuth, Grayelaite. Mary E. Boo, ZDon. Esther Mrloci, Ver. (Ypa morlOcIt, Zion- t .Àunh Edgeton, IZon. Mldlied Teeple, ZIOn-. Dorcas Fe, McHenry. Ale.Holcombt, IZon. U Browe. Wadswérth. Elvie Ella9Oul, Zîgu. Katheittîe Johrp, Zion. Aices1. D1340. *Aon.' Mary Sheotbmn1 > AntiOcb. Alice M. Baiter, Dtvunalfle. Mande Rotraintl, Round Lakes. Mms. Josepluire Povis, Waulsegau. lieatrict Carolan. Hlghvood. Mdary Sneddou, Deerfieh. Hiattle Paver:. llarriugf ou. Mergarct Wlile, Norlt; Chîcago. Yatry mcCanu, lýaieVjll. Thetuita DawaOn, Ncfrrfh Chlcueo. Julia rhee. Lbercyviiie. MIargaretptaseiekie, Wauk.gan. Naraha Huglit, Wasconda. Dtmotiiy Shaw, ZIon. Margaret Powtre. Prairie Viey. Ger"rde Dorett, Waukegan. EUt-nu M. 'lmut, Grayelitet. Flos-ence Roane, Gurnte. Mlî-. C. W. Corsas. Laie Villa. Freda L. Knox, Wadilaortb. Grace Siocui, Wadevortii. Aice Sveeney, Wadmvortb. Elimer Btckitii, Wauitegun. ifuratl Friagg, Ubes tyvniie. Errua Merry. Gnnyiaaht. EliitGreM No&= tLolcago. Ida Coîtyrove, Nortihîcuago. illiari Angentetu. Hlghvood. Laura Ferîy, Zion. Jeàui IUnc, liaratron. Mrs. Rucbei Morton. North Chienj go. Alvin Htaman, Ai*ea. Arthmur Hasardi, Guineae. Ilîrté. Hogiond. harriîîgtont. A. IfL Smith, Prairie 'arcu. bertba Brantoat. Autioal. Auna licCredie, Wadswaorth. Prances lrocaay, Wauconda. w sliapa Sheeban. Barrungton. Dela t. Sherwood., ericelu. Oral Oe i.Wauconda. Alwitia Napes, Ziou. Marron Hoilngbead. Zioni. Wavie-SwueSo. Nortsm Chicago. Dorotry tlauten, Wautegaii. .Nellie DeLany, Wankegan. Fenn Duriban, Antiui. ltuby F-alch, Laie Villa. Marri et Mien, Lake Villa,4 Neya Toyntun, MAauconda. Elizabeth uRoarme. Graysake. Nellie Stauton, Graysae. Luela Nichlillen, Graylake. Marguerite Sheeban. Ingieiie. liorothy Harding, Northn Chicago. Ite itiaints.Aiea. Elle Francisco, WaucoSda. Gaevlve Walsh, Lait Villa. F«ly Wk~hIkm. tIngidp. e2tUn ceapeon, Paon OtszaM BW, Fis. joutpiutIelhaie. Koeih Clileag. liraý ..IL H. Wrtz, Ares. mory Dawr. NoettM Chaa. Wllms Puddle, HlaadPai ava Bîmtud, WatkaI. 1.6ma Webb, TAle Bluf. AIs- Jctruue. wàuumda. Las WhlI4eutnmw LeCttEl 1-"WUI ld Jem@*. LAkeo url. xvegyn tiller. Mlgtmvood Adeatt illGer, Ubertl'vIil. Mar" a je$eoa, North Chleco. ElIzaboéb Andeatuml. Deerfleid. Esther G1a8, Libtatyville. "trvella Kelier, Prairie Vlew. Frances Clayton, Zion. Elizabeth Slber, Deertlelai. 2Itlldrtd Lyons, Wa¶uigarl. Mrs. BeatriCe Pearce, Wadsvworth. Mary )<ugh, Evereit. Gertrude Kcloîsgh. ArIa. Emma Studer. Laie Bliif. Gttrudt Wintds. Lae Vila Hiettr. Garland, -Antloch. Erlua MNIWL]Y,'7ou. Nora 'urine, Zen. Eva WllIRms. Lihetytrflle. Ile«tIa Lee, Lait Buff Ime s -anney, Cîao the ordlutary shonid lie doue *for tht, cblîdren aud so.came Intc b.lug the: "eilîdreunie our." The tith» bm' ta fer thteee.embly et thte ldne&ý le unly »et for the latte part t tht aftersoon trItonthe captai le fret tro udty on tht brIdge. The! chfldren are ammebid le the emlie louffge S-guidai by ste- Warta toi th eaxalu'o quartera. Att er shakiug bauds ail around the capthin groupe tht chli- dsu about hlm and regales theut wlth the tory o! Davey Jones ansd hie faemons lociter et thre bottoni of tht cea, thteshory o! the Utite' Lott Aih.±ree, tht Oou;reut1on or' the lehes, the ll'ylug Drtchutal sud amethere f row hie ilmît- lm repertofre. The "ebildren'a houx" liaz beea «of o!thte mont popuiar Innove. dions lntroduced *board t the es- of thre !ntd States LUnedl.. The cilidren who bave been for hunatt unouglito expence tht tb-rll ci meeting tIbemitard.er 01, tht big orge Washngton sud llsteulug to bis torise hai-ta memory that vfIiiner leave theni. Afler tht torY stasion thre Cap- tain aBoya the childeen 10 ak hlm questions sud lit le thîs Part Of~ the 'cblldrae uerthattu moSt: Irytug ta the oamiander, Iffre are mone of the question, he lu aasied: wbat maie, the omen bine? DO they kem a ci-av lu the trousseatet? Wbtrado th e @ guele sitêfu Nfov eau08 o. mtoteeteer the lhaSt ai >igbt vlthout beedlgta? G. W Whaley. Foi'lake. Kathesisat Sheldon. Round Lakte. Pearl Trieger. Ântioch. - Hase] HemhoOk, Greyalaite. Vîrghda a Hutay, Deerflekl. Margaret Hembrooit Grayelaite. liarriet Kanpert, Prairie Vitu. Ailira Hybeck, Praire View. Fiatella (arret4, North Clilego. ,Suula teLle, Round Lake. Merie Sheetz, GraySLuke. Mary A. Devllu. Wauitegan. Mubel Bergiioru. Barringtost. Grade L. Gurie. Barrts8tosi. C;ioet',Ielson, Crown Point, lnd. RELIC OF SPANISH ARMADA? Ancher Flulred Up Off Scoftiuh Coast la Ttu4Kteh SeThrtt C"Ituris 0O1& Net long ego the ciý@w o!faEng- iiah travier engagea Inl lobsrten fishuL, sean Riatle, brui grent difficulty ln getting their anchor aboard. It vas Élrmly ftd l n came massive, bard subystance lunflue sari>]baut. E Whoe, et tuet they succeedeai lu brnly lug le the surfaethere vas = attacheai te rtavcyantauo, Sove tous lnt WeLgbt, tht alran belna over ten. feet lent &" dthtboni det~ equal proportios. N'amtned to tbe J anehor vas aa mli(-aunOIL = Thisanchor, vhkb prohabiy, be- . = idr.ged ta ont of tIre ahips of tht 4pohpeth arme"a, vrecitea on thtae ecui b»s. heconte toered vltb made malter, end] thls, ln thethIret centuries dunlug uhieh it irsaibetri tubtaidea Le tht said, had been couverteal loto rocky forrii substauce.- The anchor Id, of course, consldi'ep ably worn, but Itit eu presents a very imimoive aippearafice, and muaI 'have belongeti to a s-euy large sluip. Tennis. Under Diflculties = Tennis ln the South Sea Islande E is nr.l as digbthtl as it tiight ha, alibohugb 1 bus lis ardent devotets n p'lay uaualiy commenctllu inte ai- legeo "cool" of the evtatdn. .Tihe Plsyera v-rMiesand a vect naoth- jugs lmsMW vitte lnch-thick rabber gissai te the soles or their shouby w"7 M protection -exainat tht heat and E habar mor tht courtSIntri de MI-E MM etvtrybetly wug elalea UM WP Mreorprofume Perspirateon. lm a 'be Matterc I w» enum tiomuli seau mente narffo am th t se seecie>]thte pluyer's #trotga point. One t e it relulted la a bet as to, vho vould Ia! a gaine ployéd u ine~a lmet a&M Wint, rempectlvely. Tt vas put h48 * test lth thei. tmnoat gravltY aud reuulthd l i a demd heat, thtenr la tht helMeutt ?elngnable ta et f hroughbhie thire glans vindova guicklî enougu to faite the bal, sud tuahe otal coipetîtora .balng uriabîf CsVw.>, i. Bavap- -> Ii- uialgery or f liii r4tvin, 0.1Y li- ilil m-îelrt sens. (b., fîre'At].aril- -nuiel of -îiiii athinkIF Iii iedi - .-ho, et on the gui! couit it la dner.ureiBIn tt e îcx-nie. 'rhe vorkt ahnrks arei tiiose !wuld Off TUmujticu, iu Mextîjo. TRWNm, These procks Iare Worth up to $29.75 as4 ofetoie. #nt Brilai mtto 'Dteu et Non roift"<Codl and My lit> 1won frt uned "lo fi abattlery by Rihard I ef hmet!tle of GMsors ln 11W tof0Indi- H Cure- - 1- Ig..t-0--e lren --t--one Mrs. P. H. Noble, Mdig nantdIhat 'le ielt('] ot bol(' liAs emPire South Mlwaukee avenue. Llbertyv'ji' nl sig ai uy one, '. F d III11 fractured one of ber legs Thur8,y ev1 îI t n1:340 nhen he asserte>] night when selle ripped oni al lardun ltsrglit to thle clown of Fruance, siie hase. Mrs. Noble was wAlking trou> ,-hlh tnt i as Ien Englant's toi the bouse to the ba=ru tloo0k aftl-r biter lirItaines motto. Queen Ellza- a day and stumbled over the h(," blti,, iowever, usel.I-iem[er Endein" ln the darit. j alway thie Borne) es di>] Queen Anme, Fier buaband la a wbolesale - n w adnti wiiîîim III lrouglît over troni eler In Chicago. j -bIlan>] 'Ver Maintien (Irai" thie mot. 1ho of the Netheriands. The cdaim et OMfCIM Waee' Tesai. EnSilaIt soyereigns 10 the kittship of ItiPo. F-ugiad, hbonsR 5 ' a if m rnce vas foraaaliy resigned by I.000Yem l l I. Every alht a -'lak, George 111 lun1801 vvben thle Freucl ima," ettired ln oMfeW e stuin, ai> feur-dIe-ls vwas remove>] froin the Peuro before tMe mayoàeIbouse andi Briltih ieliL It remains on the blows Ibretpassase moUtes on th*. ('surutautest of farma s 0tohetiof hboen of RIpnes" the French origin of soute Caenadinnu Tbteelutris fr orée speakIng, Natrel Cravir.g fer n:tytbm. thereecre, tu: sytffIt6Ihig t a InFOU u <ce snd enng andi ragtime 4«" r à indit. 1. Tg)e";ec(nd there la-a i"rrlng for rhythm-tiî4 tee. ln: Alwayp #MMX Ma 'trtural ritythm «o!tht e -crIa tbat la 11« lanC key. sPM lu n tmmmslathfImariner. pfrY s-d freeduet.It l. au ugly Z e il et POPM Mditilicd edo- 1b0.17., îortnn-d rlvbm-like th( Suetame go"ne a. »S4IU tas per- dancing of a crlpped ecbd.-Ludw4j bilibilWendeillPhililpa e han ny- Lewiaolbgl. bodeltse who put sn end 10 it ln tItis cutrY, snd ulstittd a niii- For Burns, fpler atYle.-ThOMa WetlWorttîh lg i5 Ç r ci Io oltilai o be a goti 91s<n-> "Ma~ts o4180eh-lluDng." d~. o-îîi' The insu vRai believýe4 aIlha heur ln al lot better off tllan lte:".e hoot aiperience bas caused hlm 1o trust DO bir.- nnM. ton ow finit ba bs flpUCindISt'41 be Unibl <w MANUFAC'FURERS' TIRE SALE Eighest quality 3OsB% big cYtrzize COR!> Tires, 30z3%,. PÂBRIC Tires *ad pare gars tubes will be sold for a short time by the umanufacturer direct to yon at manufacturex's price. Tbesn týar ae al uew, f resh stock and made by me et the most niputable tire manufacturers snd fully guaranteed. A postal tard wiil save you several dollars on your tue equipmeut. Send your naine and address to MAIJACTURERS TMl SALE, ]P. 0. Box 175, Waukegan In., and our 'represent&tive wiil deliver tires to yoxir door for your inspection, without oh!>- gption te you. ::u:su:,:us:.a.s.s ---------------S~ZOZ Shop at Waukegan's Foremost Store and Save Theue are worth Up tw It's a pkmsue indeed to select an, Autunin frock, from this won- derful array-they're the cream of New York makes ,huie; secured by us at a price su unexpectedly low that you get focS that seil regularly. up to 29.75,- at about haif price. The-Iy're wonderfu frockcs ,the very last word in Autumn styling and the igwides, are so attractively,ý. varied and so tascinating, you'l find chooeing. yoiurs à delightful tasko. The materials are wonderful new silks and woolens such as Canton Crepes, Satin faced Cantons, Georgettes, Charmense, Messalines, Poiret Twli&and Tricotines ini Blacks, Navys and Browns.. Every New Faahion Is atthe Globe SFirst L AP"Ne :Nl t atem s 081luiettutda a 'il- #-ea,$ x6edurabout-a i vessel he 11111 remilzed thetfurc"e thteln- vaLtIOn vouid etat. ne le todey belng souglt after by a number or Publîchers vho aSe urglng hies 10 write a book, or tht short %tories Of the 5ea vlth whlch ha bas glad- dened the literte of litte travel- ler.. On is recent arrivai lu port CaPtalu Cuniugham vas greeted by a pli*eef mail that fzlriy BIng- gered hlm. The letter, came froun 'hildren and grovpu vwh. 's desîrous of obtalulng oue. or tht 'Etorles bold by tht goulu taptatu. Iu creatlug tht "chlldrsst houe" aboard tht Steaushlp George Waeh- 11i9, vbichbhy the vay, le the larg- est passenger i-tee.! lu operaUion under. the American Ilag, Captaîri SC-ntUlu m antad te give tht iv Ye OYagera eomethlug they voi et vr rMeMebe r. IDurlng the "ebildrtn'a hor tht llte tnavOiiers are coulucted to tht eUe céf the captalu ta ,arkezi untc atorise of tbe deep. 'bine sua. Ne grTovnue are Permltted ai tt =me iIion. Il làe eutrifor tbe itti. 10oL. Captain Cunninghram bas a i gmtt king for eilîdren snd bis fund of se& @torielu vellgh l. e xhaustlblt. *Relallzlg that evqrythlugg j b@ùg doue for the canifont andmttrtla. Ment of tht graunups CaptaIDOn. * aingirai tfit that eomothla g 4tj r - and wool riced Think of It Madam! l A Special New York Purchase of Glor iou.s NeIw îFr<><ks For Autumn ini a--SaIe at l' 1

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