Stein. ovacti b>'S. 0. Deis, broui- dsfl a of Mp.Uvd »)op e ant LAibni couant>- fermer, nov 84 ber buaPe e-09Mlvuebold hotteik anti mèetbbs'odoc- &V U X4a.m irs. Duoper tien for bath ,allk and ti tler la 1 PLq d tell 4luIM MdanteOeio.e. Pieatteinet i lrstI place b>' -"l'Uber husbai Ant Imtm- preduclnt9381pounts ci mlIb and. YQ«M 490. sOi e aor.»f»3 PaU"ent -autter la oni veek. -lef 01 a. and &,306 panaids of mllk snd 122 ber abeil XM. Doapir pounde of btler la one moulb. ÔlIrea LoIsGeorge, _________ -r* 'wllm Ariol Cather- "a" r1 and -Mary. »Dq il 9:00 ocleck. stand- !a>vv.exinterniant la MMIlCv.. " m I U RIR 1). EK Wink,, er NIO adnPp-k, il-latated omit fer -150,00 dam- 'boi village of WiAtlerop IHarbor ban MOlS, a&t et ElghautiPark, esteea>' ilet lanlthe county court WIEXaU IO" ltbA t *'t 18due *»Scia] saiementI or talb ina fortmluasoaip pu the mie iontroction of a sever system on ot r mal estale. KeMfetbe ipraipe qî,tLe st-eut.Tii. estlisl ateiSt Of the ai pt Wvis *1.4 lulX b.circuit it tic propoeei improveenent la curt bere ahd! the. titails ag the. tUut.24. allegodtm&tra oloas e. fot gîvîn. SEINGiAMERCA FMT e Wl4* LOWER YELLOWTONE feeti gravan utier Irritation la used 9 PROJfiCT le ftnigli for market the. range stock. ni lise Lvuf yellowatme eproject tii. nie. succuent alflfattogetberw JO lo.eatdla iateru Motana la vila a litle grain teed nom puts th Jtkblandtand Daïraon omrntles and the ceitle ani, huep ln proper 11 W cs tchue ela mcKerale shape feri' CQi4lS', North Dakota. It He .11 The prIncipal crop a l allaita, tie Ille wetaide of lbth e elowstone acreUt baving nicreeseti tram. I th River ai= m air Effmles soutbvîst 284 acres la 1912 tac 12,000 Ia 1921. 10 lo ide« ta the moutb or telb. Ti.vaile of the. alfaifa erçpswaê c YeUwstoneOfopposte Buford,.N. D. $50,M 0la 1919. Wbeat la second Id Wben complieflt he prolect will la Importance.,allier CrOpa -belug ht iogely vter ta, about 60,00 acres. oits, baiîey, corn, >.Petatoes, bàs a At Vrilent waLt la ava.Uable for andi sugar beets. ln 1920 there w 4&OO0M 4tt. 22.000, acres vwere lanver.900 &acres of sugar beets viacb Ir 'CwoD lu'1921, andth te nuinber et iersged Revit tu10 ine tons Der f lasef* OPertOd vas -370. acre, for vblcb the. prlce paid was ta l nteIvater supply ls îaken trosa $7 Per ton an boardi cars. ,Jest lise Yellovtouc River atithe main heto ver. shIPPeti to Billiags in lieSOii ouly 62 miles lonig. The vtierO a large notar plant le lo- lt ý*«tX of lbe Irrlgateti land ranges cateti la 1921 an lnreafet acre-til 1MMý&bout oas mile ta about five agi fut «tOes vas grava md the s 'ýW*Iet tiflb. vdiet poInt. Adii- surplus shiPPed sat tlbmarket. C 00"1 tandue*111i hOsUPPiet wItb Di*mMeflb arainig andtisdarylug fi imtaifo tbrog D umpng tw higier pr-omise a good fuure.for Iis pro>-Ot MI"% bY a PUMP. Ne question set anti tairylin la nov- inereasiao tlua talied as ta the -supply of comelder&biY, 0004 market& are s- w Xoras th e ovetSee 1Uvs suret for a gr.Aty Increaseti dalry n far ilae«u oet le.output. Suis- beats offer a profita- IP iq~tumcmt irri&Abhblç ta retiansd Lthii, tagether wvjhhi the t&Pte prodUets of Ile stock ai ¶ltirrlgateti land len la thres ant grain, assur, a permanent anudto I-ifrqt bein; tbe river bottomi proserous future for ail of!tel. jr-e - cf v'et ich sûIt formatIoni, ta tlflLtOd landi. Potatoe eare rapldly Sa e-tat subiect to early sprnç beouilnt a leudiili crop. » '#rnfdv ,but vel adepted for pas, 4 milicnber ef JndivliuaUs ov in and for allaita vbkh thbe xmer-1 large tracte of Ir-igatid. land, some a O&W 'doebot dama. mitertoy et vbieh hei bienonly Partil de- al '* Oeu= r py inctpally hf tre lb .loped for Irrigaion Snob lande o ý-i k eifaon. The second bec anti ther inimprevèd landi ceeheil ý$ttrula «Mly ia fe et igh. Pisrc*aseti for fromt 130 ta, 160 perb OUY «ulte levet, gpaie cov- am .Impraveti tarins vilixbuilti- Ï«4n o tIftber or bruegb, te t romlagie reloit etprIcis ranglag trem f lie». Th, bIglr gandt tr The aise of lrrig'atîd tariseWla i geaI ft tensiméve tireao or lundi Ilmitedti t 80 acres for landi that S prictically jevel or geifi>' lop- bas heion bbmesteade and 160 acres i ghî risa ,covereti prairie, trie fer prvte land. Irrigation districts i ýmrnklsg deep loin or ciA> QI rIe. bhav, bien fornieti au th.project l 1tewa colar. l e4lans moltai-re snd contracta3 made wîth the. Unit- tu milandt reeponds rdilly ta cul- ed Stattes Reclainattan Service vIthOlil foe-mng ciada or wliefeby district% gedtartr The sali o! 1h15 prjet la ta the Unted Slates thie coet or!J rida and productive. construction on lheb.lisof $45 c "Thce levatlon o!flthe pralect le per acre for the preliminar>' con- w Uy leis han 2,000 feed alove atructlon caste and $1847 pr acre c level. Te clumate leaspe- for the. supplemeiital (or future) i y eiltbfiil. The drynes a! Construction chargea, wltiuout inter- s air afficts the calti of vînter est. beat of sommer ln a man- Watir la delivered an thie rente-JI te produce lus dcomtort then balis or for the. actual operatlan- actuel temperature mtght latil- andi minftinanci cast for lve yeoa Th average grovlng seasoii preylaus ta eetimati on the. psy- tMgm 116 ta 125 deys. Thi a'-* ment for the. primi->' construction ring monthi> timperature chafge& 'liii, prulmlaiary cou- ibo hwn for struetion charges«si-e te b. repaid -t _e4 another section 0f tIbsisnla2o snnailatailmeuts asu lt lowe: 2 per cent for tour year; ?bJa-sectiOn la esaentlaflY i stock 4 par cent for tva yiars andi 6 ,qsgcountiry'. Lrge arias a1 per. cent, for thei reeanlang four- ý ,eebott m lanti rout brokei land teen yegaW. The snppleunintal (or tiese ta the rrigatet land and future) construction charges bila 'wObap Dptra.. Altaifs ha>' ai lhe endi of lhei epaymint of n'm mts latr f ~Ii> i-andti vi in uInatalîments $1&.7 ta ge Yllde. Thc clImat per acre. The. amotint ta be pad '-M kuptisllyfavorable fur caIlls auvai!>'-for ope-ratian anti mainte- dulr, cve. Tbe Ut+ 8tdnance la the actuaiefl st of tht. a8&a&=t ta the. Valley-iC~t servie.lue-ii tmuted collt of op- .hM grsileg turing tb. samet eration ud -maintenance for 1922 5-la the fafll1 and i vntai'Ibels $1 pqr &Cre of aIle whethez state 1 prison; dietion tftir s oer as teue, 9 ln ..As I a bypoi t'as loi dignaui bande. fendant jurari- eam i the ai the otl and eh Insane to relu *l 1 Murder Jutigîs aimen ant i a eretion lng vi sane. "The, lUlly 1 vision gal vi lesfactat QUI: Ti froin The b. th( ORTRCIICAGOfouti NEW S -Ton Tii Methodt lLaudie'AIdÈoaci- iy re pilan ta whol thLr An- qsPimic t Pose Park tosow. ngingat noon. providiLng lie wgatbsi- la -favorable, if il la colt r, gsly, ==bers -are reijuestedt t 5 ir lunote as pleaflotand vlla mme. .akolal on South Avxene. Tiieian. progrea lie oarrieil ouItiat vas plga- for thee Park, lancase tii>' lla Mn. Jakelat. lx wIIy o! Pista, vas a tleb. me O! - 114155 Crner e! Elgbhcenâ l4dgl.tbueau.AMr& Sanda>' Sebool a-t la malte ar- rangements for a Sunday Scbool' part>' tae b elti on liie iua'ch lava. WrIte>' evening, Septemier 21; 1Q22. ITis pînt>' vîl be la libe nature or a picale. ta take lie plac etcfthe.Analial Piule vildli la beld b>' liai ciiool aeb yii'. Ou accot et o!,sa nnofa!the, oMiecesandti bchera bein& aut of tevu hýlber part et lhe sun- mer, the pieute vas net beidti IbI ~ i-as vasl, andti lsepartt ,is. bolas givei a Ia mliii. Commit- tem es ford saittys-l' e2ae ecteti aM foliova: lheuratlaç%; iussil Miler-,esirmas, lis .Lamean s&8i MIUsm isiabohlâ treet. Goes: l& .wei-d buBlibe. cbal-uiný . W W. INM* :MisszIsgabee anti BlaS 'Watd. P-s, Rose Nelson andti 1- Mteodta« es is LIeson, Jr.'W. r Ooob. Chas. YMte. lHeurletista t anti3MIYlle Ferry.' PubIlity* Mas.1-ele GS .L Mleit sM4i 1<. Da» 60,W atlddlng. PiliIOng liai basa- s«ai eeal, a 'icry enjoyabt e 5- liew boer- vasipeait.andian .1db- orael. oncheiasaiservet hy Mm-s. lx%* regulat' u41.ei tance, glv-' Peu b>' bthe ba*vin Poo* vîli i. k, àwwibis .vmtigM tlb. Pus pai pavillon. Tiihe gia bas eetgaed PW bl> eCormicia Orchestra la fuir- nIi lbemusic for tic balanto cf lth, seasan. wlalihwilI no douit he tut a lçv veeko. O- UT RATES iii., v *UNWRITENLeW CamWagn 1 tedr4est -uer Laws o Cr e DEFENSE IS A HUMBUG B>' GENEI ColIN. San Francsco-Th, "insnit>' de. feuRe"andtihea."unvrlttîn 1evw" tlosu incihasedtwin avenues of escape ta murder cases; muet go. Sncb l e 1.fiÂt declaration of ~iChrs D Wilbur, Juatice of tue L0* IlarnaaSdi-cm. court, la '4A liter- viev fôlltivlng recommedit#ce -4 lià efeebefon e 6juerla iem'» association., Justice Wllbikubé* out Of au uxperieiki or 2000trials e, inaauty" cases anai ysanr 0 v- "T he ctode af msetstates boia Mdots, luatica and, insane pencaoû îot capable' or clfattlug Orlme,', le ays. *'No malt.- boy in> people are killeti by sncb -persans, or iiav man>' bonsesa s-e lunes It se heltino crime et n@ U hs em commItted. "Tbe tiamag6- tane b> #- an Isan mon la *est as r'em anti groat Us if he vii-. ane; but the kklllng et e îumeu bing la néofdense, It vobe mmen, hecause tii'. bas bien »ô' alati capabl, of! nderelandlng the rramigulnes. Rain$ dtened bhat a tiefendant la luini th, ciin unal 1mw tisacls ahIl. Getting Over-Cbnfldent "Tsi put, It direct>': At present the ditense of iusenlty le a tral 10i theinane andi a megnsa ofce- cape for thei ane. Sa videly lis e dia of the. 'iahvrttin lav' tabe'. salti that ve bear constanl>' jO- iPectable citizens aseert liaItbtey waulti expeect public plaudits o! thuîr 'nantdiant i mmetiat1e acquittaiIrI llaey comniiteti n crime under cen- taIa cîrcumslaneesr: "«My proposai tien la lbia: TIhat unSanIt>' h. no longer Ireateti as s defense ta a crlnl ierge andi tiaI evIdeace an that euh lectb. Ielutedti rain lbejury trying ai trinlinal case; liaI atter convie Ion. the tefentiant, h-ou suggiesllan aIl>', be exemineti b>' aboira ulule; liaIt ti>' detunmipe Ben Jenon and Winthrop Har- he spittplvae o tlor b«rBOmter Club Bring tiaI the state relta viurs- -Si S agi o ove, liithetdef ant uvea ____ an tpiiently complet. cure Tomt o aae eeàe Slôngr 1as lb. muilmum son- TonIsfremgsvr i qbtais. sintultiiicOiil7IXoda>'lulnb.hecircuit uenit>' Difse tumbug. court agatnst the Batigur Concret. It nov sands rthe defemois ri apewhose olllcers It la chArgeti, l a a hnmbug, a pretense, vn th le winhrop Bs-aro Crs>, an lavltatl o amortier »oserC pI ut o! 11,000 eadvancedi )frequnnly eceptet g»' 3ealfothi- lii pli-ase ofa! a fclar>'site, 'oers, tIsa-ted baleli-esses, la- sanise150fori-gaînin i tti, hiraui,ý 6t fathe-s and autrageti lius- t lacharg et. ta flue acres o! landi belouglag te Bea Jense. B average'Jui-ar acquits tiie de.-o!Tii heURcheges thattlbvofficiais dtW o. e«essai>' aus Ili the COMPan', Otto BlelfeltI V.-bU ould ha- don. coder the Morimette, andi a.M. -Mcvlior, se- dlrcumeee-an thliupan peareti biftaie i.Booster r.lub anti isti grount af inganity. on tld tetliuiili the>' tle adîti te ici- bond the vir> barbaiy hult a large fadas'>n' lWnthrop acklng druelt>' a! thi eau>' Byarbai- andti laI ou lie iliengthi man causes thet ver>' jurer of lie sta.tement the club ativanciel ur a verdict af guîîîy. $1,000 la cashi,-wicii vas paldte l s8 igi true for a change. Jensen for lie Oive acres tract an rle becomîng coxinplee. ich the fadai->' vas suppoiedtie1 Santi lavycresiahulti slnb>' llcateti. al as veli as crimnl a1v cTi. actory vas suppose tetabave houlti ezercîse intelligent 1l een bailtlnla1921 but lhs bIhi-tates 1anti a defilie poile>'la dca,- lie iromaters neyer miate goodtiur lbh h l inminal and tie la-4romiae. Jensen la euîng te have lihe dicO C ni>' va>'ta contrailieheval- te lhe propert>' slisîide 50laI rieketi felon le liyflIte super-.1111 iili revu-tte.0 hlm. lie aie subject ta pardon or tilemis- charges that the compan>' sîgna san geftulai refarmallan le at- Promissory notes and isSîgne tetistc )ly demonsate&" ,ta li-iandti tat lii oficiais falied _______ta meet lbe obligations îi t ch nesuit tiat b. la la danger 0f 1on- mng everythiai he biu. Heato FÀTR R INchargea liaI th. club lu threten- Ing tTI ER 'N -usuta agaithlm n. HE DEATIIS 01 la inpajaient for liai propomed lbite. -~ ~.--trust - agnt tite a~n t- fre001 th las City- .Mo.. sept. 12:ý-pIlice ng I Lnvetlgating the mylsterlous Jinsea tueries liaI lue compan>' a f tvo Young girls bellevet isna et lt$ regulrmita tO! 1io FI Dinello,, il11anti Helen lieIllinois "Bine 5k>'" sel, anti that le, 14. learnedti oda>' luet a bc-belleves le>ho vlagl>' 854 t-Si.> girl membir o! tie Dinetie dintiy eutered Into flai agreemeats Y.Julis, agti 20, dsappearedti li im niei>'%or tho piirpose of be o@on tie lisio! the acquua-ing bit lnan* t i n. River lbuiee yeara ega. tention oft iujldIt a tactory. 0mutllatetibhoius, liellevîdtiet aOs. a! Flora andi Bilen vire 7d E lW I 1 fil in latheMissouri River. 1 1A EY Dînette. Who ta- coder errest Y detlldbçhgirls as bies UE eVu u u htrs. He dinlcti- killing thum. SU S IM E would hie she etil do sncb kng," b. '«Id Ila a trainedi 15(M j~ j~ Jjq 0. Dinello le prostrateti. Over ver the. repois:- nus I vere de4d.-' SavS He GotaS 60a Mgnth.and Is Ampiy -Able t Supp<kt »N(iRESMI3N oîi. 14 year FAVOR TUIBNUS In her aie e ML"tàà Acek 01fIlinuoiscngrosuloual her 76 >'ear candistfes Mo*eb>' Amerîcas Le-immncre a! 8$ gioslrai a"i ohi a bavt oi>gal. ta o Pp tvcaly-ftA ve hav" anosmed for mon> - anti se a etiuez' bonus. Crasoit>' sm Of lie»,. meo laeetdtii 8quall- lic tivarc fielles, "vbip lue- country' 900i uiliraus oce back te naeme1- tv» i'oemM"uteti aargeo, hi« liaI 4 lue pall tra a Profita s U grablet b«, andl anc b>'revenuefron thle au- Sefl>. 0»ý thonisil sale of! liat vlisansiihe sait sàw Il vua sso feun tlait ftelen - canatae aeel'ed tbemasIvesIMvt, 'tstgemsn, - saven dry. while fl, saidthle -dr>' ea nw law vras ual an large. b!cia iii tn rfilrod. AL mWjAlsie willa tb. uplit fevis gruntet an1 k4li. 1webeeffu-.But c-amuitof e- uhat t mor huamtsmcctir or r'ru orivtra m ldm =coitantane trnt' z-< r h . s>. bi .k ac île.r 1 thccie, ft7 . ;- a-- --'liC nof auy cliu-..IIou fo bu e»ala, v if) theli tde îi i'i- - -otmu,,ýýt nd ,- îIýklw -5esha - ~ ir... .........1,11 ....lates............ S4o other fac The aw r ju wLeu aafl. 'leee&Wîbighe m MM aWU0»- 14 peetes,, la O asbgd'OC D IRcUM - -ti=êsf4y ttPmi* eah, mationpr 1 L&fe ety ie n â m t f.*Alon G talaiU forn00ammntia Wuae ub ulicOeaq lua. on00 0. esa p0;*ugwie. vasui1 aate tn*4tier, ea4lsirl hie io-8Qulztheh1 coeteSauge ae s buna' $10,- Jeag eman 1. Joncs aI Sprin aaowt>'lu Sabe t u mev' aAlnSL Gv. al fr a. cchouI. bd $Pdtg d 09 n*aP of -gbet the, neci shoiti le tuued 1e At e of. aa ", lai-cmf. et c"4r tmcôvers At gd0.9pe cent of u* -lun erc4 am atInea 'l:ise se estato hast tram serse ta sïae 7qiare fol*u- lb. -eroo t0ie dietb. NinOt>' per coul t f 0- titis orirs 16,000 became dulàtAt .la. Yom,7 per cent o!f Ume "8b~Vlue et Anaeicea liav" la, obtiÏed by lte lnsumrance est am0 psvewuelghheof v3ýe1 Amiri- mana isgm et deth lu la lisùa'ncc. b ateem'ont o! tventy feu te PWtbîîr aItagn or for m e~~In vonien muet yack - ?ffi%>'-viâper cent cet iove are int te vle 90 per cent Jack ~tW' -ioma on amorts. 0 txta'i omn aut of . r.Waiblt geo f 65 vîtiiout one , h:m t«rpet cent of cilren vha iMte tcbeQlet th. age of 4 bave f»,r 'W q lork belte tii>' reacia EI.~lemen out a! one . tii'.t lo,*aaest ate eaItieh. Anissicuer Il! e Isurance ieu ro sIlice 3 3 - perce t'cent of the eshlimalet *Moato0- value of buman Ile la Ablogcu -IWcovred by 'Ife inanrance. Tl~The ds cotheb.New York durrOgeltip'o ofilce aver a perlot ef ffve ycar 4iov the. folowIi facte r0fariUng-lb. estates lîfI b>' adulte viaO tdWi urlng thattlIme: 852 Pet cept left no estate. 4.3 "er cent loft f&o= $500 ta 11,000. 6.3 per cent lefI front$1,000 te $6,000, 18 pet coul left froin 85,000 la 810.0w. 1 pW cent leftt ram 810,000 le 821Î.000. 1.5 pi- cent lefI aver $25,00. RUR ~iFRAUDI1N WDI6IOPJARBO PACTORY DERL And le *s as li in le br. kWwad Itl0ia 1 4tvfc go" t4,"tz.e ai- anti va. I>nJde, C g bis aie' lefr ]Floor 1WOM t~ru theAttormv gemeraî's of- 9qO and b »u t Ibeen abrosateti Ao=9~emeAit' vaa t. e t tuie Graex* o C . I KL Mer, dirctor et »4116 warb. Md buflorng, &L ýpAjfié.-ofet he Y5B4gliou ef Rwu, .anu, Imbo *1.4 as mana4cr for' Ga. fmail 4[liit - tlo 8k*.Itri a nd 'Who beu bea. azactIve uecretary fer Col. 111e. IV App.ered ln Ohueitslà calico. In Mi8 "aapotOi t on Itttvapiceln drue. tii. w= Im.. bers o e M;.1181IMPM t bireb .0 NaubvIlla, tn.agrefi te dispense' vihU *U uiiry mSau en,ým a te appeer et cburçh ln Plain calle- 150E UÀxxkOualc* Leke county, tarm, lasires, waU tillei fe arch- qgrd, Plcpty efgoot vktcr:locatei 3 mlleus etti I IfUUfi Io f 0!Gur- nie. price te 1"sl. AI flton, Gurnee, Iit. 11+ Thfrd Floor W ÉTI RAVE planned this e vent at this time ini order ta TVgive you the advantage 110w of sente special purchas- es we have nmade. The fact th at Blanket time is only a few days away makes this sale of special importance. We urge you to personalliv inipect these splendid values. -FineQualty.WoolBlakets lb.>' are thasi fieec>' Wool Blankets vilci afford atci comforIInz vanmt--an t et lii smIme marteDcuafrtably lîgit Iu veigivi. enkeîhs-tbo sort yeu, appriclati en a coiti Wlaler'a aiglat. wooI xed Blanketa 66xn0inch Wool Blankets 70z80 AI-Wool Blankets $6.98 pair $9s85 pair $13.75 Pair Thiai pteîty Blankets are alonIana a hautiftel plaid patteras. the Plaid Blankets6180 Incites Inu l ailterahle colar camblnallans Blankete bave ilIk bounti etge. sigc. Tiie coloriage are ver>' at- and ere ver>' apeciail>' prîceti aI Tu>' are o! unusuali>' fine quali- Iractive andtho>' are reduceti for $9.86 pair. ty-175peir. qulcia clearance ta $6.98 pair. Other Wool Blankets Are Priced Up to Fine Cotton Blankets $26.50 Pair $4.98 Pair In plaid anti slit colore; full site;, sii lk bouat etige; v-- i nîsieti; soie lîgbth>' solleti. 14,08 pair. Ueavy WoI Flnished ibh-ittebeti cige. , A-spècîal purhasi briage liii et$1.00 c.J B~83kSt5C.Conifoters Me re isily Priced $U.91pair At$&eo4 Gi-c> 'Blinkets et a îucb hettq# Itg surely kloo e l bave a Cas>' cugnter aithle foot orthelbbd rend>' gafliit>' than tie price voulti Indi- teéereet a barricade helveeu ycn'and th. colt. cale. "lme hhmnbets are salléd au thao uItoItol, fro adiatlng. The oOom!axti- are i-nil aise, vîit eatractive eoverlng anti filet '.ltb *8.8 »ar. ' fne cardelaCtIon. A big vmlue# it 18.00. their *1$lU xeh1er.lbese thelicvaines aleni mernlt the, uying of atveral lu thsh i:. lESOi Ja4WiI 1$~j hliBhait ! oo i!eCr11 Blanketa ofîtid Bht aribl-loI s WiI tktve ri qplai ee'blIp stit4ee ; alas;tsk et Acolores! horions, a blau>et 'liglat elers; wamplît attrastlaI lauciteri per- 9 'eai*dsile si W$oeIhi v Ye-u* pu, ... 59 Opý veluld of se la et bn Ti fallo Bond Burd 170; Crm' Doit Bdg etl. Pul Ian 1.17 Raai L.i a )d[o Ma la' I 2.54 glu 1.7 W' 1 61 bil roi col de EXTRA SPECIAL!1 Plaid Blajikets $100 Each - Tliese Bllenkets bave liest arrîved la lime for tibs speclal selIng. Tbey are toN site Elankets la Plaid patterns; filLneed viti neat. .P I.. ri