I 'I 11111 lu il I-I U~Uget h ciýa~ a *nUmbe3xý eeaao'in a' pleusant gtie eiver Soft anwer ,whil lurneth-away i#ufa«t'Wbolsglad}when they.bee a ntir mr r put the bsaby toc thé nI9uthpiîee e bear, jéîblIýt- ei qietiyï 'no paty- on your lUne 4wnï t6 ereeoe 1 Vi'iR ), dsaimomdat you; to 'ý b 4owlod st, denoumned- and derdd, and yet &ba a*ays .tbat you are ýa publie. servant and ' your tesiper 4seip job. y toerîtmIeý but 1 woudcer if there is any he6 sîupeiir to ,our teIçphôûesric.And st4, ot -well té remember that these girls who msdIàter ditighters, young women of excep. ~h~tn car.They muet be- to keep their tubiber, please,' they say, but VII ventutre ,e your number and mine." ry Pord'à flinancial stateinent shows that he lias ý0O(.$OOO-cash M-1 bank, so it's no wonder he t-h cmlt a-fford to buy coal at the impending es soieftist says that farmers wil soon gerwork by electricity. Well, they are iU.feer 1U.*t % àe ï W.ý N-ffi e us~e 0f l% J* haveup rin en len Verse, atm, f t oStrip to a~ t *vý t x=let. fltl ChicagSo wmneàmdsV41 a nuiner or! Uirle ea Chist,ots~~~u beeoa t»»g *O o= *1 Z' i4C*tte. amoAg vblsk Wa the o st Of t« »L* oa*rfr1V *tue , ree"ae1 ~~~~~.Ne ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ 4rtd B*aI4 p11110f0f*e l- hsain,"Di7 ahoWti ,rNax*dI~.th #y ittertd ovvlé me. b .ing atette te-QW Dtwxe Mnos ta er bOite 1ta IltuApopo y yçO Git aasitOO4vidO UROiAtjk111 toktY0bu*11Ut84 .he s gtle. 'Tho 6=tzO84<g the 4 O g -', t front of te thgre b aoie Libf~ibvlie -fair lunt woek. aMdIt fild da té .. M.W. . w.1#46bou qe, Ksllapi the ffu lÏ"otf*flt * *"et rad bs ee so~ at~ta vý ii make a dean Swesp 0f tte CoUn 0f resMwa ««výe % 0fA 8bg vaig1r elevl1 idp wf lat t% staé Mr. ez:tile w utait a é. - t«ba mt X-bd, u The Righland Park bb*I ta .V lttr m , .S l-OoZvt aebeon laWg *. Teil4.1&r = eU5doat,* tUNobiln&d te ~k VDa es, iee'aud tanifly, iienjamn n orMth 884 MsSOg*lï bça 111 metr to df.r i0800804r eoUebenairdeê fIe cbgel- Ë-WWas linait f Miwauke, cme *OMM" or lt& e *0 ed West 0f ff ~I~bp of La"Ire nt f192Stp a J1o'ilaiÇ l , nieUelt'alleunil th- e "letIéguety .t* MD=taattend theUfl0Xp.lof M1100111 Ç. Mg1bu bob<ow, gr4.ae Ro 10fEb*ert liq who vas a nepber. M« bly N&PPCWPbMt a4IOOSrP IO4s ïft 1, Park.,*,* '7 et L"e , kiOùUevaûfle w Il k!ow).va.m Curchilli 1, Sept. 24, tr2d18teol ville b$"o beeuA-Ade& ~ 0U feiti'14W, la expected boestila 1UaVO e a qA ç&v MM »Ç ditgroj 1  irrae ~~ ~ iuu~i~I .1f !I4* ls ibrother, Har7,rb O 711, but *8v bM e #M .gUt A marig licou waxue P 0f O*ýW«ite plant'of the Amèr'tS. tu M _tasttOg da oCi, oase t ié4oe l iê1,pence Cornpany. * te at h I bua* l et781b ________lm_____________ Sowatzke W"va omeiy an emploi e of ?aul Macoffin, Charles JpbbsOM i, p the. St. Paul raira4.but Io nov voit- J. N. o r m mu ai 0tDr amB . H mmth 4 ag kTs In u te ir miiti lvolage. No OdoWkl'a business trip <o6hel m detalla or the village could blea& &en ~~e one for several gays. i "m"1III.4*tri o <laeaNhA o Mrs. Rtay Smdth iand three cbildren U 4 fig gbefffl îhey returu, Davais U#iwt 21100, b 11beeli lbeeufi Lcue go to Mcnenl> tbisaternoon f0 re- nimg romuea of flalidefivenlea to tbamn, retarned to htber l20 r ula main until Saday vitlting <.thari- t rienft,he, >«fil bave to fulfull. nati Vit thta.i*, ~ ,~j er'é mothar. Mm. Peter DMIcI. IL J.. voîî *llknovu iarmer-vho MkC ;*Genodm n .B ~ ii S. 8. Sargent of Chicag a uLb ele er niud.hssv4adDocker pets in Warikogau Tbur*day a a -S ertyville ona busiess mission today bis fors Impem>ents and to* for sale eveclng tn attend a meeting of Wi*f .0 -Tuea) t public aaffloî on Tburaday, Sept. ba<UU Clapter, Order of the ZUstem (Ths'say)1slt, r. éVli rouglit tf0 'Ie- Star, sas î'preseutattres of the Liber- b Dring yOur Xepar wor'k to us; fair pendent offie-Monday I. nimber of tFVIlle Chtr.TeWuanlag pries and responsible - avlce luasam.psIes that more nearly reeembled entertained guests f romt aIl Chapters D oa?.T f .SB sured Yeu. Wben you bave your re- YOlUig puMpklne. He says he bar' a !n *11. oounty. 1F88 pair voit doue boe. you un feel tbat busuper crop this 'ear. B. 3. Sîmen. agent of the Ot. iYkul of Syy&cn, W. Y. Sion doerg.LbeyvleatsyIo Miss Effle Butterfield vent to Gary, rallroad lu this village, left Tueuday Meero lbDod0fLtrslpoTblihrOuC StAtiOli* I d.. Wedxueaday to remain se'veral for tbelstane. Wla., vbere ho 30usd Tbe Pluat Oburcit of Christ, Scieutiot, in Boston., as y~a .Ncoî.UsLbryii liigfina lia, imnu ad daugbter, vbo have bandinaster, le In Wsconsin this veek Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Dymond - eauvstin ~ fes vbeore Is organsingandalutructlng Blue Island Sunday visltng frienlds. Miss lltbeI Titus vent to Dekalb iYUUULY E et e , 8 t8PM Mugie UcHo f Chcago., »d la tlnaklnig Byroa iSmart buas ben bore the asj mal Bcbooi ibIs vinter. ~ it bIs headiluatfers at Lsdysmlt h. Ieek 'vlsitlng bis brother. C. C. Smart.,. *Aa etno-t MsiWrks Re'nnd?4tb4 KtcunonSu- ron laa a ebr of au orchestra Ata te MstifWoiSr age of thoir daughter. Marte lavia, to 1 1ý et Moitor; Mary (',arey, Secretarv; *euoshlEboku f t onsA. RAmd athwKecum n a-Mag'arguerite Woulridge. wbo lias1Mabel IKnox. Banker; Agude CudabY, 1 TL nhu urday, feptênnber lftb, at 8 cd*lock a. been vieting Matives bore, returnedi Marsaa; Toutes Cudaby, Amit. Mar- Tk h c sCordll y Iovited =., &titopb etJWBuiÏrc flOHwlng iunday ta reuma ber dutias at the 1 abat.Maffia Beunett Warder; -Wi1i tb. -eemb tberew-il! 1be a reception Hahunemtan. bospital in Chl, St Vclke, Sectinel, Md, Edgmr Swan, OPNINO SýAL x YARD GOODS Sbectin, per yard, up f rom 19c Percale per yard ............... 18c Giugham?,- per yardt.......... 181/ac Ptsdbroke, per yard - ...... .......25c %àdshitn, per yard-........2/c chudefI - Sehoo1 Iresses ankets 69e anclu ý$3,75 $4$Q For 3 fl.ys Iy, tut(action Guaranteýèd O'Me6ney Rdiu2ded at Our Stre BargainsFor Men CANVASWOIUC GLOVES A heavy white 8-oz. canvas glove, with blue wrisdleî regular 20c value, for this sale oniy, per pair.. ..........-.... s GENUINE ROCKFORD HM05 This hase sella regtlarly for'l19c; in this sale, two pairs .for............ OYERALLS-Double stitchcd, blue denim; a waderful value for. ....... __- . Ladies Weartng Apparel 150 APRON -I>RESSES Sizes ta 44-, while tltey last, sale pice ........ 98C -WOM »M'SWEATERS A splendid gdMnent for schoal 0or.1 offiie wear;-,$3,vîhte.; Sale Pice_Vot WOMENs A* Mm 'WOSWEAMTE in button firn We-ac styles; waist lenih in fal) weight. austd colora; spien- -98Q did $'4.50O-values; sale price Up fromW A.v Bloomers ... ....... . 4&e to $1.50 Ni*h Gowns .... .... . Knicker Chemise --. -------.................. Middiies, to be hW....fo...... Handerclhiefa,- escalvalues 10e and oc Garters, ai the 4a4. -. -- .. e Corso!Covers , . . ..............-. O Camisoles, for thi sal....................$1 9 Silk Eloiery, __5p9c... Badhin & Swta dm moseoutat . .. ... . Towesa fine lime aL,...-....... 15c to75c 0F ONTEREST TO MMENCSOUER Men's Rubber Boots, special at ...... ....... $3.50 Mens Collars, special at ...............1Sc; 2 for 25e Men'sCaps, priced up from. ................ Mem*s Tennis Shoca,,Up from ....... ....-.....7.....- - Men's Shit,, special, up f rom ... .................. 69e MensBeatffulHose,mp:from 1......... # '%&«hoswwp aat........... . ..... c Men'sJBeatiful lies, aseored colors .... ...-58c Menas Fibre Silk Tics, speciat. ..... .- ... -69e Mens SiIk Ties, special o! this ...........95c ~ Values in Shoes -for the' entire family TYVLL DEARMENT, STORE 545 M âwaukee Ami. 1 4, knkkei tbing t) 2 steain 4 ffic saz 9"s. Tret-ti Every ard ne 2.5C 98c Shoes, for, Men Up front 2.95 Shoes for Wom- en up from 1.50 ,Shoes for Up from Boys 1.49 IN su Y4 .1 Shoes for Çirls le from 1.85 m