D Myrtie orton., Ssnker, Pet Axuen Mocflensen-, Sentinel, Ray-lailmni 1 nadtl ote-g suevieAlTbomp non; 1Mluatn, wftL%>of Un, an M PalieVan i>usor. LJI sxhe fM~aitMS 0M P ilN Suda ded Sept. l4tli. WI*Wi'I~ Bon -Qain m A*hur atotterand 5 YSIt3RY =; .fý Kemp ettertalled Bat- DOUIed oSChcagiaentruayy n ntloch Local with rltvs ota n a n r n ,M ýE ig a fIvn J.ercy Hawk ea privdlirrNmodWthP t f1 wore the guests of Mr. mnder Public Affars Co'MMMe of w M od 4 e day from Siherman, N. Y.. for a vîbi . H unters Who Slaughtered auz"3.A. Frafltz r-eturned Thjianigo Buy. jwtl xlaiva.o!WakeanMay u1s.Iday from î0t. Luke's hOaPitaL Chcago. Kolds810 t MTQa h n (i U, wait rayls-or j Rs ayf46id Dobbinq s ladoiln . 4410Y 4u*iuti< fDSatÎlXdaY Aitiooh cealoer 1<lday. Ha, Ha! fUvi 1 praina uePeb ydfa o a b@Ag--arto b. mOre - Mia F-rank Drom of Genlou Jilfctln severai more Ha. Ha's. Iterma »l tSt IChicago, Priday. loodilng cdabe, and4 scres of pa'1 sevéral bn4 Win., opent enierai d*fl the pont wee~k The mitlla ail ov5r the In"- j oWrqGbbs of Htghwodd wuaie Ic pirbtdlndtviduak are Most-' ai nimrama via> turadiniAnotit vtth ber aistar, M R ..tery of 1>0v Wiliam Daizie, Wou. 4iBta 'h 8.C, l3ldertadt home ing today' vlth the Publie *AfTfr I * tiea o dah. l cy iw àd i.Arhr ohIeX kegafi realdeUt and Northi hicago SUU&WP. oennittee or the 1tnin Lo n egue te t ht MadmAturBc _of aýbarsker. lost the wi'id duck hlie aht Umi5.aniyOlendoif! in aubâtitUtlflg club of! b*iao to' discous.the ne- S" that toithe Ont day or uffd5y for a trip througlithe easteru early Saturday et Fourth Lakze. totthe li e ere abolUlliane mLake o!as a lfn&V tr IX9Reao "mna the hwiluag wus rxeitates, aztoppj»,g ln Penmaivania for 4 Ur, çslziei as one of the ma- taM f iah eue.a edignvltaon viait vlth bon brother and "tfMUiY. Mxs. bel' of a f&thwr and Boa Party Of Mt. and lLya. Carl Anderaonl vere staicuand te protectthase aflerzk- 0 coe, a.the. hthIg 1110't a o RBbr n ate ronK n oinroda. Thera vere aleo bealdea the. genêts, ô#Mr. and Mm. J. A. Reidh- mee Proi~e t *n toe iadof L 1 as it vin be luter In tueasaeiphldemnte Urp M. Daltiel, lRoy Lakze aid lies Ia- at, gr, au±flWlmette Sunday. <apt. WXldo IUans, commandant il à bitt moemdUdRt MDut tt," M'.14Ma ra o iet illerho, Herbert Lakze. hOile Hoola -.0.--of the GQ«IsAtLkea, vas to tiethe a »ê chariot Qglgale. Who vitil Bd Mis. Weidmatelt and daughter, Mis$ansd lits fter; as weil as Mr. OBITUARY guet of the club and to present KÈdu returnebd ',th belghtenM#ajiOlet RogOra Park, neveraI daya Daizieli liroghleri. GEorge and Lloyd John Caslinu. a iiglily eateemed and bisa viewvaof lthe Prfesi atuation,. 1"1%e duelâ are a Utle a=1atht* put veet. -Wite. onaeO01»>ezCeld'a oldest cliens, Duoa- antd E. H. CUCOPrd aecretary maan- l MM~ su Xël! ted as theY W111 Mrs.Cbarley KeUloflat Frlday ave- Wlien lhe left lita bind for a ed sai' Bwiday morning,.Sept. 10, at eger of the Wàukegan-iXorthCMi- fat the. ducka that fatteiln lu tor SL Paul, Mini>, for a viit few fomenta, Mr. Dalzieialiwld 8-80, Mt hie homDe on Telegrapli Road, cage Chamber of Ooimeree, also I4 1 to el"a o the xorth blavsnwt wth bi later, Mns. Wmr. Wipper. . duciz dseappeared anld a mudlieit viierehoie viaborn 75 year 4fgo ÂprE lajein attendance. te arnive hem na s et. The Mua. U .P. Crandal o! Mnneaota. vas loft in> ta place., accordiog tà 15, 1847.,'IThis farte was tair»en tir heThe cha.rman of bthe comaittee en get nov are the. ons arnived haiSe last weair for an extended one version of tle ie vry, but an- 9gvermlian by liea father, Patricir Car- liai the folovina to say eonçeer- ke bM l eeding around hars.."viilitet the home o! hermaother, Mim. other report- je tliat Mr,.rieluiel Olan, In thesari>' fortiai. iag the matter: llut the Oor it Il outi' W. Taylor. trad'ed tlie duciz for the nrndhen. Ut. <arola'r pent lita entireIlife ln "The Public Affairea Comiuttee ali4àmsowsa ablg demand $eveal 0 ithe Young people Ifroinneyer liavtflg lunted muci, rand tirla cet =Iifty. wliere lie sereed the o!r the UoniLeague club, ajb" ua È 0 ictestbat.year. Atic and vieinity loft Saturdai' for tijougt lie vas drivitig a good bar- publce « IWgeara as hghvsaycommils- more thonr two Yeara W&tchf ln- Id asm Wuln .bnr iern Urbana te attend the State University, gaini. orier. Under lisa influence the. State tarent in> the Great Lakea naval «q»o ta o imum-tus year. Along the otudefit;are Tlie tact> la the calte irobably hInad,*as bailt tlirougli the towfl. Re trainingstation and repeated con-I O fo a tmea.tn Ba eiihub Droln. Edwinl DromMargaret viii dievin liecome iziOnwu. alu O arved as drainage commleloner foemona vlth govnent i omfe fo .trsseu htDnom, phyllis Morley, MerAl gSabiin, o f tais Wbellng tini Siole distrtcts i~igJnrgndn h Ia~4 ~~e~aoenIe, o~lfl 1IIPollockr and Anet% lHuoker.Thita * * * *********for stOriti eara. carrled on therelihi CDn>l 1teh xm~e th= athe legal lunit., ta -the tourtbii ger or aret Dron. *RHa vsa liard w orking and Indus- conlualon iha, the Great Lakes ~te&tii hater bi thir' Itr. Osonge Kubiaupt vas a Chicago * M ILL B UR N trions fariner andt was alwaya spoken station vili undoUbtedi'lieho aban- ";ot _««k 1a unt ié go VWsterLtaiefIast <Of taie w"Il.******** * * * of a honnit Lln isi ealinga aud hilghiy doned uless thli governinant â5lai Mi»a Illa Anisa hoereiied ber po- reepOCtedl by ail viro inew hlm, Until lie comrpelied to change lis polici'. goijntg la a lit o! the hirtera ai90M b haWOUisMaPO . store, tai#- Mr. and Mra. George <irocizet of Chii- a. tew inouth ago, wlien lie heaith ho- No training of rêcruits ln novlie-, Md by Deputy Gaine Warden Ing affect Sept. iti.ý cago ipent tlie veai end with their gaa f4iling, he alwayâ; -enjoyo igood tng oerried on at Grea ekies, and. L:Mr. and Mns. Frank Wood snd son parenta, Mr. sud Mns. E. N. Camion- health. About a rnontli ago hoe aont under thre preacot policY. no gaich Il Algea Chcao.Cavin miotored toeaistoii Saturday Mis Madge Strang Of Waukagan vid- Ivo veeks et the Highland Park izis- traning viii bo carried on there AlreChicago. nrornlng, returnlug Mondai' morng. lied aven SundaY vith bei' parents. PLA, hoptng to regain lis nus[a vigor. llereafts'r. Thle station ta nov he- iy wbmml. l 1 Mr. sud Mns. A. B. JohnsBoni ere1 but bis condition was bttered but lit- îx>g devoted axcfusiveiy te tartain n WigntÏa. lcalled te Elgn flnt Tûeday hi' the Superviser E. A. Madu atta»ded the tjesad ho graduaUly grew varse until trade sethoos. if tire la te hé C4l~,<btago. lnea" of Mr. Johnsonts ulster, Mrs. KEnkaizea Fair as tho gueit Of Gov. the end caie, ne training of racruits tiure, the ologke. Vllmette. Di. W. Moore. S-nafl là&. week. 1 . WX mared tu Miesa Elizabeth station ',viii be cite&d as a matte? Cbleago Mis indsDroin loft Fid" 'to at- J. A. Stran gtvs un lnb1;san atOMyo f Belast.,Ireiand, 43 years of qconomic neceslty.- Ciaotend the tte.Normal at Bioomington 3aturday rnrnng andt town oult. bu ago e louvi s1teaurviie tin liea "'pia presients a ttro uh the comi 3 vinter. scaped vwith r. llgaî Injuiy 'o bhs a - sM Bai e Caoar;erW t!fatc ttiuMis BllaThe saroln; ceserofa opnettofIi.peope o th Qn~ oin. tuxn. Ta aoics a on o!lit but-Som Urswilim and John, and nine M14-ewaat vaee. coording te oui n., Chiao*** ** *** t'wleelsia voa rutled. dasghtens, Margaret, Grace, fiorsuce. vevi, thora ought te ho anr active ýAWYél w o hamgd wth shoot- * LAKEVILLA * Mita Berthe White liai raturnord te BestiiM.AgneZsud Mns. Molli' PfWt-naval traininfg station. tirat va have Wl -o a motorlio.t. Bsma e, 'LeILAhr dutles as na nuee in Chicago, after ter of Deetiold; Mm. Ia"elMoCaf- dpectded tÔplan e a miaign in> bo- laiusd A 1thotles w«e 4*4*** ** taingCar o heCmothbrnfor thrpe try.,of Iighlnd Park; Mm. FtnnlhuiofaocangSeof p>iiCi't Grat Uç#g cens tura n.tnd n.F'nkCaug o aCii k& 'Barrett. of Wbesling; Mn. Elizabethtk.. ~ ove. ~li~- Mn Konli agp ver gueta oCal i er Chi- An auto truiz lord and aevez et]o'- Menas, of Los Angeles a. Ps., and a 'aea r uattendac i t$h cap"" Bile owcai mnerlu nersofcaur citimàini nierdEd the »i'.,:' t 515er, iis., ebo. .of Waukegsu; alg' banquet sud meeting scorea of tief Mi Id neeog ithl adRts aaSaturda6y ov-9n. a bruhr, Thomats Carolan, ofCli- leadera i ic affaira frn a *bktee3" bhi- *V. dglubter et Chiefgo speutt he veeiz Miss Ruinsai'of Lake Forest, vho cage4M1tan grandcbi1tdren. 1,pria 0f the sMats, atludiug ex- * * * ****1 ajMesrena. t5recentli' retzllled fi mChina, gave &a 'hie tueraisrvices vere ld on governors Lovd.n and DeCBen. I 3g ad 1(is. oo Kpelâtra an vte OVY litereSting tai0t u ffbumu BUlt- Wodneadar mornlug. Sept. 13, at St. 'Tie ,club repreaentod hi theird lb ,wety ad eeattiedayo! iilalofs, d ebibt~dEis cu0eSW. 1. ehll sd 1ev. Quinn officatlus. Banke~ro; Cilb faiffl;as lUIld- 4* *** *** vi&tras.il -tlobav reenti' nturt trai hin 511 ~A Pi5~54lb"ters Vas lnthe famlli cemetery «ran' Club; Chilcago Atil«td Ase- asi on psen it c>iuant or ai "v *. otto; C hi c ag o Club Chii- - ~ m~8sset N'ets lus gset. bi-a eceet ayr mn.> iem be *lt Hlma nsUW e lutnerai ilBaa evidence cageo-womarr'a C 1 a b Obicago t.ti.wb ouBi*onvM:liv a tIiSàket th* hlict.o! frienda iho bwo met y s c Iut C I U b; C o0iM-t ~ ~ ~~ ~ -~ ~ ta pa> heur lait tribut. in their de- merclé Club of Chicago>; lecuire pawtd <-ted. lii; D i amillon Club, Ire- Ibire niotePote Doereld, esBila- 4 *4 *4 *** ~ ~ C4,M45'C~ rt N*(ss,' bu i gta Fard C" - ~ RlA.tsMuete - lub:Naval Ponti ~J1l~v ~ sielathe near tà-' Thre WidAortk Bclieol opsned septof time &xnnian LMeIODp; Amode- qti.rIO! 18 iat tre. 6. We c0100d on Thuradai' an~d a&Ut of <hmmne; IUnlio bac>ti ~ nqel ~ ~,~ *4**4**44*4 ~vent to <liser, lber of Coamerc; Illinois MenulsaO 781'k~getI i i vti au attack ~Âa<tto;Ctra i Mail 01 idlo1ta.!Bsh > DistrIct Clii; Kivanis - - ~ rewgMr1ay for D E E R F1IEL D Mm =m r oster ln attsrudlng Club0f OQbtago;Ciamber of Ccii>- *bth o ty mom ,, ~~acol* lontn.ine o! waukega ansd Northi Ci-i- , 4cMàR«N ha.Fr eis, vholb beauon foego ~~ kê o *, esu Mn. and Mn..C. A, sentgreturua i.ali sla eiowly lproving. invitations sent te thre fOllowtD thes City'. e Mondai' ram Waterloo, lova, vhene On Sanda>, m. Andnev Petanson Individuelsnt mmeobra of the Un*' **- Wsi4a>»onut Behool batt.Ilewsb vitb ail te t lb.>'had beeu the guetta of Mr. end vwu ver>' pflatty auprised, It belug ion Longueclub Incltdd: i 119400- seat ful. Work ut the tichooil ground Mms.JuIe SeUg. her' hlrthday. Geuerai Abel Davis; Hon. E. M. " *liat hlOM I n ' Tie Ma dnse aile udM. George titicien la attndlng the On Saturda', Saptember 16, EdLarI d14J; Samun iInsul; Roi,. Ed-1 W" t* 100*P9 o' he amerfamlle an Mr. e ekat, ahrdlucmfypmt>'i>fw>p Sieldsansd UmseRoae Moacto vers y&rd P. Dun. mandothers.1 Anflt Otli; Mot-DunXe ae entertalntng au aunt train convention of hickmakera at Streator, Uinted lun ariage in St. Patrtcie_______ s eu7 ej .M., tuis we)L.. -Rectory Rv. J.B. Foley officatng.* 44444** *** Tlue CrlIb achool egan ttas veek Pallier Quinn sud Miss Auna Manie Walter Lahei', Who la empioyod nluF A with ktarriat Miler asteocher, and Quinn spent Wedneoaduy vith their is- Chicaga, la *peuding hie vacation et HALFDAY M=11111.e achool lias laut wve Izvth tor, Mna. P. J, Duffi'. home. Genvtve Walibsiteuoier. _ . A.3. Taylor of Chicagohautmoyed idvard Gu.enof Chicagoaenjoyed *44444444444 IN«tSuds>' viU h. Promotion Day tas famnl>' tutue a 1ev home ln thea 5 eeizs vsatioe i the home off tas Tovn Clark C. J. Herseliberger arid ut tbe SadA>' Sehofi, andivve hope ta Von Linde Subdivision. uncle, John Ravllng. 1lRnd Commlseioner Pxsnk Holtie loft lis.,,.l evenX vupil ln place. Spsdlal Miss Zva Pattla ot Dlevan. Wls., la Raymond AdMania ieli arm. broiz-Tuneadai' for Springfield ta- attend theS iervclc ui forhtuSudsy Seiocl sud se hlgler vacation vita lir itenr, .a veaiz mgO Fridlay hi' a borne state convention or the Tovn PIerka chaurelir Everyous llu valoome. bsrs 8M" Predericiz. klding hlm, ansd Higlivay CPommiasonera' Aitodi- - E M. Merricir vAs l iun nOold on1 Barman W"issbas lait the Daanfteld George Lsse sud famally are goirrg te ation. lut uek andwi v edertand Mercantile compan>', sndIe place lian move on the ]@Wkiee tomacon.- The-VernOn Pemeteri' Association -' - --4~A0E ~ voiron thre road:south o! towll hein také* h>' Artie - fiiraoi-.m'ossRuth 'Ba'vhluts of et Cfrto *ti- me LaI' iieo! Mroa. tlees ii le diacontiaued to aliev tue voriz Misses Vinginla Eanton and. Dorothy 8aDent Sunuda>' at .1. M. Lahey's. Helst, lu prairie Vlev. nont ThurtdaY, 1 %» 202 1, on the Fox Laker nd taelie comple'ted Reichaît loft Sunday fen Urbiena,and 'ple Wadavceth Sekool bl a rSept . Akfull attendance8 la deslrsd. fuis vinter. viii attend tirs Unversity Iis inter. nev ainiri inataiied duiln the dt- Mr. sud Mn. eBn' Cook are visitlii haleCala, he v it iamade bis MisUlm tiel Ray la vlsltlng Mr. sud mer vacation. *et Taie Dlla, WI.. .Snd tourilISthe bene at E. A. WUtoW& for-enererai Mn. W. J. Gallova'. 'Florence a Geigaer, vlio la emploi'- northveat. Ban iays the rnade lu Wia- - eais, vas takt te he ke Couty Maurice Minler bas nturaed froe ed in Waukegtsa, epent ýtaie vhek end cousin are nat "uliat thai' are cracized - hoepiailast -wek (Tueaday) sutfernfg Waabuiiaten whene ha &pont thre patut atloi. Up te ai." trô ain psgiland ut lait report ver>' gear vlth bis abrothen, Raymond. Most of th U=nnen around liera are The Petanon familir visited relatives 1 l oe a êdout for biseits- Mn. and Mrs. Linoolu Pettis are fIlg thir aile&. in Chicago last Sondai'. are mpsndiug tvo waiia at Tlrae Mr. sud Ms. Boet vialted over tue Mr. sud Mni. Erneat Sclroeder ne- hvsrst Culven venat te Waukegau Lakes. 'Wis. veaiz end at thi. home of W. Waddie. turaed tat vaek frein chair automobile lus! vfek and on Thtureda>'="-orvnt Mis a -iet Glyncl of Chilcago via- Jaflo Gutie viii lave a sale on tour tlrough hanses, mucli retresaed a znbensenisu opistonbut la re, teti over Suda>' vithr er ister, Mn.. October 3, and viii then leave bii with thelil'vacation_ Ernie in again ton ffveling sleey. MreClver la es'-toArteuttu om !Mi.L. ai tWadswoatli. the job dellvering mail, sud ch. girls tn aWkgnth lasear b> h is B Aol,. ttehoeo rs .C Miss Alc en" inteachilagthe aiong the route are ail glat tita irie ge Sttzrger bula bisd a part- Biddlecome gcirool this year. isnlusci. At laut, 'so the>' sa>'" Itr. ad Mms Weber iver. called te ment liane ta GeorgU Border. Mr. and Mns. Chanles Cashmre viited vlth etsuley poota le bus>' thea» daYj0- T"W # c4ilago laiwt vir 'thre deatirofa!mMn. .sltauer viii niake thoirbhone fer friandslunKEnneaëi, On Tiaradal' maklag camlent cuxblug tor lis drive- IhsyW'ibrà mother. vlt a vas2Si ears ot the *Iiter vttb Mrn.sd Mn, Lester MW. sud Mr#. Pack-, cd Michgan, vis- va>' aroi>nd taie lavaa sud Park-Dtiui- ~~n&oeL ~ ahd 4utte active up to tahtm. of Bttonge« at lbhiand fnk. 1tdfinsbestiavealai'la tlyint upbis place no chat b>' X»ýýR jea ti Mss Wob« e r ma n sa6 -O E ena M.sdtire time the taIr orot!te EarilgtAI the it>' ten a tew dags is. 0.Dnh u te oiieo * *4 *4 * rond lo cenentad puit bis place tour- ~1Ire audy forH«rtfleit Ladd, wvibur o lias v n t ilIbunaer. pumstora!UM. and Mts. *Vo .olais viW instairst fer the Amour Murie's store ail suamor, lias returu- P. K. Meger Slnda>'. V palacie. Neyer mind, chat'. a gooti a- .4 te bis home ln Kecesha. Mn. mad Mm. C. W 1Baaney announce ~ 444444 ample for taen te f 0110v. Locai ueo- the. btrth.O! a_0E pouird boy, boni on pie, as veil as touriste, lovýe te se 4* 4*4* * * * * 4 4*4*MondS>', Sept. i ti. Mr. and MUn, George Sandereon of cleeii an dlretty homesteadsansd sur- wp mo emS Mra. Sheldon ast iInfant non,. vlo Chicago ara tue g»censaoe the tonifent roanina stoe Cli- FREMONT CENTRE"'bAve besai ut Mea Jasephine, Wcod- mother, Mr.-aD.eary fora ltirds>'s Work on the nav creait bridge to man's bome, netumned hoim eWednes- tht. voaL brgressings lovîy and Ill iinot ho ru' lictt * * * 4*4 * ai. Mr. and Mis. Fred Proizer of Liberty'- completed for seume tIma. The prou- iBr, te Mr .and Mns. Frnuk UlIricli, At tue congrsgational meeting of tic ville spent Suudal ut the home of Lee pacta. are chat chers vii lt ho an>' in my oo ' Tueida>', Sept. 12tli a sou. Preebi'teriau clurch hield WsdffsdaY Huson. ,. es cment pouruti on Milwaukee avenue ÏRev. Fathqn F. M. Bay' attended a evnlng. It vas decidad to keep Uev. Miss Orpbs Russel lapent the vair tht. fail on account o! the shortage o! conteraenca of pnesilu Chicago lait Thomasiuntil the 1tc!O t.pili ut Ieut.end vitI lier paIstn. matenlal. Woa for trtvelens on tua f«àotte famly 'ruasta'. 'Tie P. T. A, leld an Iteresltlng Mrnsd Xà. John BEirontmus sud avenue tts vlnten sud fiait aplng. *Min Joe Titus and mother, Mm. meeting et the ochool luat Priday aft.cidren of LuIre Zurich «ipeut seera tls a gneat disappointmont atter being 6#tMsSli'MdO81- X =tMhln eeWuea rÉody h u *ka h oeo oDdv ewudgltepvmn aisaintpl isierbas Aanbée llng <ùun th"e dark nightS, ani a toe liadPntnk didn' t set uv lu diae P ive hi= a few buck abatta the bar- xi. neh.graina'>'of!u . .BttebilfP ra aism been $tled cO! coma gr=1b- Vaid for thns bird, boya, sud uxaaPtItrIr dm IL possible. He%, a bad clistomer 'The Ladies Aid sud inestgBSit O! eo dlning room sant eeghwm standi vci uw»operated at the tivart me tkis 0tinunitg ot th-an aui sembena, se vaL as outsliers, wnia 4ter donateti belp sud ovil**ui. jt ad tIthus bythir cooperat0au IsP$th i 0 nXite lt the sUeCesa vlit -vuse<l ad -t he al lousit th fed Prenlu )f i nderataid tiiere il lie a vote th aboa as toes tu1*"s tut"&na ie.t etis: at;nexi SUdÀ1>' èrl5's Br- la Le.Let eveiitudyatt" &b oir.,s orsud bea acotPlee OPrt i'Bd "a than omit y=" oite as te vireSti irpoae the mous>' v ib.ue&, C. B. IKruger bas heIntilas in lo40r unr Sprague chia vesk, - -PRAIRIE VIEW < Y, Mis Eleanor Prlaat apent Sturda'f et home vilihane parents, Mr. and si Mra. Pired Pris. Edvin and Walter Vos$ pent Suns- a a>' et home.0 Austin Wolf and A. G .Maetlsr vere an Chicago on business Thradai'. Miss Ruth Wolf and Miss Flarence Maether glu.»! tir eek andti thome, Ban Ritzsnthalar left Monda' for Naperville, vliere ha viii attend Northi- western Collage. Austin Wolf va sin Wheling on bus- a netse iaturdai' nigît. .t Mm. IHutdhins cf Arm spent Frida>' wth lier parents. Mr. and Mns. Brocz- Mr .and Mn. Gus Stoerp apent s a t laya at 'The DaIlesud inotored on te tiarahfield. Wl.,tu, apend a !au Omys villitlsg 014 friands. t Victor OSuer anid daugîten 0of Long1 Grove calied St the A. G. Maetier4 home Sundai' attarnoon.1 Mr. and Mia. H. Wlliam apent lait t Suntiay villi Mn.P. T. Maso» anti tamle, Mr'. and Mn. Devereaix, senior sudi Jouter, sud Mn. L. H. Kfruger and Lot-I til o.iled at A. G. Maetrer' Sunda' aftQrnoa, Mr. sud Mn. t. L. Maetier andI son aud Parc>' mtret t Palatine Satar- ilai' tternoon tu tire AUi ans home. Mn. sud M. ras. rafte>' Md fei-t le' an iMeLent eouoirnaaent Stn- Os>' villiMnm C. T. Mason. Mr. aad Mns. W. J. Saner andi ad, and Mr. anti Mm .Wl.bLaSt Il!!firS-F toret teD" Plaines undi>' aiteixcon. Mr. anti MrIsH.D&VcIl Met fltur- dier aIlit and Sanda>' wt»brelatives lu Cbloago. lohbat» npavasa business alla- at prairie li'ov YliMa>' *tesnoe- Mr'. w14UMn. Cliatie Trier spout Sanda>' mvsaIihlu Mn. *ast M. SJO m«r 0401il M &Mn. i aNt mshl>' asti M. astiMrâ DfEfiaier andi taaUlg of Des Pisse, calieti s! Aý. .Maetlie'a nda>' sites nom FlJorence retanet teDes Plaines vitir tueu LIyd and Perey lMeibher motoed te PalatInes Sandaateraon. Ait Bans. vbo la doing tire carpenter vank on Llo>'d'ahoume ,returned ltu the=i. C. M. Glman as" taile' pent hm day evenlug at Whflîbn_. Mouds>' J. P. Mtienthaler dolivere thra iLal, sud about, noac» bit vitr len f'je 4na-rnilie ,eturnlng tn tlic 'o eut te» shockso0fcernbefoyn allpepr. liow inu>'oftirebc Ys dan bhat thia Mina Cara BodgIurs sp-at 557<' ai da)i Plaust reek vlth xM. B. Wlcox ln Arcsa. rrtting Mns. Wilcx Robprt h-il 'lia niatorture break itsii cîlar bonn firlie plsylng fontlili. M"' end Mis. S. E. Knodlen and M. and Mn. W. Lochiead wvaie Waukeetn cillera Fuday. Prairie View Church News Tlie'Lailea Aid Society'batd e ver' anjoyaee lmeat tire liaeoffbm Eduard Gls. phare vaz a goodl>' nuniber present, anti Mns.Olas enter- lainaiS the ladies royall'. ple>' almost forgeote go home sud gel suppan ;or tliair husasnda. The làdieshave decld- ed ta, bave a baisai and serve a good supper ln the nean futue. It de ta, ho a sysIl aftair ton che couult>', Pur- then auncuncomenkaf the vent vilii ha mile. F145>' evenlng at ':30 tbere vin ha preacbing services anid quarteni>' con- tfernenuGi-s. churdli. Rer. Bt.uiop, o! Bensonvlle, vili preaci tue a'emon. Be sure and come te heo" bim. Sunda>' Sceel at 10 o'clock aud Ro>' Communion services at Il. Ail are cordiall' invlted te attend tise services. Rer. Biehop cotlieusouvle, vii officiat. lu the aseence o! tue Dis- trict Superintendent tEv-ulng oseralce at 7:30 o'clock. Prairie View Soho*[ News Elgbt o! the cbildrn i-re absent test veea afollove: Male Foot., Lucihe Savoken,. Norman Hanse, Havard Feote, Gudren.and violat jan- san, Nforman Sciroader anti Dorolli> Stand! tf. - Mr. Gorbekr., la painting taie selool house. Alvin Stahl i-ai e» the silk Iast Mon- da>', but returnad toa sebol TuadaF. Mr. Smith vas o nthe eteir flot Mon- da>', sud the chidran vers dtaimissed et 8 o'cloclr. BADlE BUATS FA. IME NMN"Y IAYS sit State llospftaland Ame iiReweved" byOne of the Membera o! the Wg=>eSa aceg- on vha vent ta the K&ukaNSe ir luat veek, lnelienmt&UY'ssUd s aylin ortire Insamsdv e =re a namer o! thein reoMd etmmin* "Inormation" relative, 10 u. =OntIr o! thos, untcrti5.te5 4 tue aaumfl U90AM ItaeTed OSub i 04 pt uov untu Mou. !tue vcnen ad- bmse liii. ha! b» ovnod a «levi 'y star. lu Waaksgaa. Il vs viWbatIse>'were passig a, woanhat sire peiptetber OU«*i tt Stahl sud uid. 'Wlat aremii&U ru 'poiltolis 'nnig e iliat are gou. n isn ru rumbnis for alderman? Wbat Io you vant ta hocherabcut Ibat ®r, you eeed taovuwn a Jevelry Sal locired at lien. suiied sud baid, "I vimir 1 did nov". Anothen voua pointias taosMe tr the mambers pociiets said 10051 îystsrtouslî "ffUp me a -dime". DBIe probabl>' uni heen nome i-s'a Wi%> There * lea aothên patient atilp asyluin vlo thinlhain lutihe "Un- prose o! Amerlos' sud the viole part>' tram Waukegan valted for an audience vitI lier hecauete attendants aeeiz ta humer liensun therefore the visitera vers heîd ieiidlu lier decisici> toa"555tie Wiren tie>' entered lier prese tle asaumed a moat statel>' air Mid aukei tisin ta have seats vhile aieÎ iusied' hersai! b>' telitug tli.n abouti the affaire a! claIe as porttuMlg to -the klngdoin cbf Amerlos". Tire *"mpre" 1014 the litols tbat aire vu goIng to citasgethl . . cmpnletel In luAmerlos. tuat abc vas îOlag to prodpee ecen>rmn# lu chia antr>' t t le populace t'e<q1r5<i for suatenmce sud voulti hav, a ioad of oveni departmnent. Par lu- stance sire already'hirai cked ont tie "*qusen" ho vouiti 1.04thre 'lt departient" la Ibis conrm. Shr a ire m tev te "voMl' van vu as Ooatuesuas 1iras o toretold la the "voriis raib" in Chiteago hé sait tat w as vIr> they rm haih" a wv e odrai-l ordsr to haue a venid vas lMWr ne , empreusamisaen paintet at tva yemrs ago at. Clunlaisus lIa sire married GSeerai Pui'bing b>' prox>' because under tire ruis o9 thre ati.. miie ha te ahave s Mas aà irConsortluin r'AieilS5 AnetiienMau vho provetid rs " --- mbth e natives 1>'tolln tIssi tiraI ireeOMMdta* tire )Mu ~sio aIvr asti tum t ute do»a $Ut as easY'&Asir coulti bru&r a £Y «,' tir, s4d !big »0o.ne Be sud ha DU eud ras' a line dov a r middtle of thér. rIasanti 1h55'.ber iredf tis L. Be misa nid he o mla ete Jack Deailse>'$10,0* iei lus vouti stand up bef ore hm fer anea romnda, ire sUd ibecoult i p Dempsey' vitiout trylas. Ue Mma tiesareti Ne oouid taIre a rive font Pie" o! "land u>'place in tuee 0 r t>' ast immedatéy e- vert ut lato a lot 50 x g. la tact ha d eafr t hat h. vaatrufled .ca - tlng., At chat Ted Stai nid he vlsbed ire vauid coins t Wae- gan sud coucert renie et bis amt lota iute higger placeu. S GRAYSLAKE Hello, Orsysairke! Hope you are ual lsing Out on ch. gooci limes et Rai' Bras. Pavilon, Dialmot Lake, sauve- nir dance Sept. 23nd. Prias for oidst -ee idansig. Pleut>'- C: ! MnI. IL MCHUgh of Chicago cailed ,, On friendasliera Wedneadai'. Mn. an"Mn$. J. E. Bixia pent ta' Put va. kizvth relatives lu Wisconsln. Mn. sud Mms. Richard PCocanhao! OaIr Park spent -lait Wednet6sy vith ira Md 0Wagner. issesAice Strang snd Gertis Hock apent 1maI vek t the. Hock cot- tage et Loong Lare .- Mr..'and Mnm. Gui' Thomas are riait li;g relatives tn Canada. GL E. Btr-angand John Meai vers in Elgin Wednesday. ,Mis. JOSepit Sclamer vasa Chicago ahopPar Friia>'. St Andrev'a Guild wve. ntortanei at tue Loftrahomo Fridai'. - lin. Va%7 Drandstetter vas in W$Al kegan Trils>'. Irving Hock left Sunda>' for a I-o vweekm' auto trip ta Denver, Col., sud Otuer points la the iWest. Last Tirurada>' eceulng occunred the iarliage a! milford Smith, youngeat an O! Mn. sud Mm. Wllia*m Smith,-sud UmIs Margaret Harrison, o! Rlngveo0d, -M., et tue Ob of tue hntda'a pareints. Bath are populsn Young Peopie asti c hair min>friands entend congratula- lions. The bride wvA a lachar lu aur Pubiée scia tfor tai i'ears. Mns. Jeaie Drur>' O! LtbertYville aled on frieuda sand relatives haro tht. Week . Mm. Lttietleld and mother, Mr,. Moora, spent lait Saturdai' vlthia- tiv«s 1. Cb1cago. Taie funral O! Mns. Lalin mothen or laCOh Lelir, i-as eld et the ?dethodist ehurcl i r15>' MnS. Orson Washburna a i Chlago 4e. veek tà ma Abc yam eItith aw aneth .-pskE taslia to iii -Papps accon' latter polca tie huai lirn mi"s Police vtied anti cleela for M10 Hegi At be é gàa vs gIiarc getut Baye aged te tirei netj dimc of Bc a sIJ riap to b -miS icm Via met Mm tute ove mmn A the pat] nez vtu dS, dii ene put tire dei Me