>the m For a à4b fme D'tire ri r$ as Ca ~re PrE be t irther t] I le thIri prob ~lan »ige the iii> lai Xe polit' lue out L. iecas, Rt la il = aten -t ai bley p 14re Da aI he ie e v' arm noet tgo i 41 1* up M , Ing grer Patk Women Ready se or Poitical Feki «at ay1 kNext Election. spc agatioru of vomea tramn41 Par sud Waukegau tirt 1uo Rvarions sessions of tire a 3uperi-teors lest veet vas ha, a number of reasans. The lesi m bth ciles ver. In- n tir*I part of tire aPPrO, er ,I& vielh pertains te tue home. Highland Park delegatieri for antirer reason. Tiere supervisera lu Deefeld sud aitue nextIeîecti ieu wlthrow tiroir la ring wthrtlie men's >der- mdidales for te offices. rsent supervisons treim township are William J. rain RlugdhiI, chaînman of Fý d, sud Harry Elciler. theee mon wiii Ire candi. re-electIi s uaL t novui irelievf,-e tlt 01Super- crlen sad Oiee vili aeek on again as they are senv- pr iraI terni. Superviser ac prcablby vilii mn again. Ui >aabiy wviii ie Ivo or irees a ae candidates, sud tirese Hi least tirnen werner' candi- md peraçismare, vîli w] epeititcl situation consid- ln tiraIt vuairlp. Tire aile A ical dopestens admit theY oc v irow tire contest viii cc Sas tlrey can't figure out th Ry tire wones vole WMiih8 se of theeivoiren candi" th nted that tire viit 0otîle ar 1o! vanuehto tehie super- Ii meetng ceuviuced thie-ist rcauii canduct tire meet- te ei intlligertly tirai>1h.'al reil s0 fan as panliarnta--th are coucerned, aud tireY. a he opinion tirat tlire n si ponklng tliemselvez ta desiluth r. aial of thlie board.. e mauy short sessions ai u-pmentz te sut tire veu- s ether they went imb theiii r vorta phase or nt eus tic .efi, but anyvay tirey are P 0ltke the loba and taie. dl eon 'tire asueut ni ork kg AREA mmo Wm Eddy etetalned Kwwbavetire veek-end- 1 -mJ. L Mitd" lientOt- X"pn Ma ugr t Mthll Of g wm WeB&eas aChicago kýPj«a.ojea ovins mb ber UftTUOIMYafterncoan ~MUffellandfamly lu IL Roderwuva Gruq akeii. k. Toms. aud lira. Chou 0 qMrof Long Gi-ove , spnt - St E. L Roder home. 8 g Mum-Rabt, Niekoley sud sousJ »d friindm sud relatives int lui ber a few days returned ta »e ln Conrath, , Wrs1 ier the G. W. C. dance i Tue,dsY, Oct 10. d Mm E. Wilcox entetaiued friendsc on Sunday. ià Krà C. G. Snanlspet Tri- digt ir.ansd Mn,. E. J, .sc sud iamiy of Gilmen. d IK lin& ha.Limuhi vere vWrtors1W.neady. A M& at. R- . L'Smithr er. vWihttai-s bMada>. bIene Kaum a! Chicago, vas the. pnd goet of lin. Johnu Blets. vmt ere Wieeling .AUCONDA - ad lits.John Spencer -o Rd- ýi', »pemt Tuuday vItir Wau. anrlirs John Fard visiteci over ek eub i h rWsucaudn relatives. rMaiuiofetWaukeanms»get i I*Îdurray o! Chicago vis- us 8uaday t ion homeblie.. &»Ai linsJohn Weîcfr sud famly ICgO apent Sunda>' vlth Wau- 41 ltiaanvialteci relatives lu u71 Wi>taeda>'. al>. iuirmnasd Misa Marie Lis- t ldlopspent Sunday ai lthe o Joies Murray. % 1 «$y Malmatn returneci home bodeV tram a veek's visilt i El- SIre homne o! br ncousin, George qcAlce Geany sud lilas Marie - 0" Vlutllg relatives lu Weuo-1 bail lurphm' spout lire veet end. "eIsres ta Chicagoansd Highllandt Roebet Judsou returneci ta ber ýý 4>b10«O laI eet. aftte bW tbo'a mirer viber parents M MmC. LU Trat. *P UEM -aeM7 Geai-y and lin h* 4U. Xmaaspert Sursnu- am t aitire home a!fUr.. snd t, WH. uer le "iai ord et(liage apent etevii bIs gnaduaiuts, M. IL K. urpby. ,.' igi b wVavry peasall±y »Md 'ruraidayerenun*bvini ib WMers lare s.mue -'8 bier fiend, Ihere ta tender lup a 7 îta99' î tenc. Vrise paa-y. Artienuiai greet- - But iieon itcarne l dsclS ngtue a anl veresoseaubusily playiti pro, ta,00,00,ton In o rcle vas,00a ol ssii-e etichre. Honari vire agurd- jyl t $taxed on ncthe oramwu 0l0u0 ta mr.Maethor snd MISS Gls gier. %j1I c uJ[Jj leity of the one ilnoln vira vas Mr. whc any Ueio a :ti-e Who the tortunate On. vitu rved. Miss Esateila Grace thon prro- -12,000,000 te $3,000,000 annueli fortune sed Mrs. Tidmarsir itir a gttt. asi Waukegan Iurt "Non Com- la dlsclosed only iu tire beeke. tD ô et esteeru in whlch aile la heîd 'a"Bu rOf the total Incarne t= Illinois her finedi. Mm. Tidniarsh ne- mlift - - t F nds Say pid 868 per cent, helng thmrllie ruded lu ber gracions manuenr sud He's Interested. liat orf statee. led by Nev Yorkt vith a tew vehi ciraien vends thaniced -123.69 per cent, sud PeuusYii-1a vith for thein kinduessansd good vishes, Pire Laite dounity Ban Association;,12.13 par cent.,Qilo sud Massaciru- h I said sire vnuld long rememubr tire ired a iPecil meeting lItire court- Bette vire uext. is enn soetftue pleasanleit sire bouse Moitday oin for te*roe Nm Richesamile. i-n I even exent. Ml-sa.Tidmar4 vîlI of, nürciag delegates sud - aternatea' Juat vire are tiere icirut familles in hes, I-e soon for bhonenovhore ne aiRock- lteebar association rreet l inl%-Cicagoa aie came lIne ýintensive der d, sud tire boatvisa e honernuni- cago îomorrov. etairîhcir ime tire 1 Ibouglit. Il la rellabiyreranted tirat in ue fiènds go witu br. br neabrso!.1 eSire.th Su,; the. lit would go something lIte Ibis; off ---pne 7 - -tt 1.1al1etrlct viii .attompt'J. Ogdezd AmorJullus Resen- este lu agnee upon -Xe placing Ilulire i vaici H"ld F. McConniir, Inceme.th M E S O K N field ulsdidates for tire supri-ci $1700.000; Cyruz H. MecornIck, $le- UT U TO K O udgeshp adit 1is*irelleved, hii6,0;Ms eteF COrikio FÀRM SDUEi TO trt tipae Judge .ClaireC. 025,00d0 he. .F.Swftes i- eti -»fldyads, o a lu - n h rn 0500ask » ftIDT.I)Â'Ii 11, ning erâ oseLik o anr tion la abore 1100,000,000. ludividual t Aqs~ ocit-nber e expraied ount -Br ncomea aeund tire $1,000,000 mark p tseoleteu aveexprssei tmm-are asacil>d ta Marshrall Field mI R. -sblves as h.lug lu tai-ar of bacit-IL Moomicit, John G. Shedd Ilud ýarmers VitalIy Interested inl iug hi- te tue lml, u lîysdMrs. EdIlli Rockefeller MeConnIîck. i ehs rkSaeExet alange nuraber- et icagarus irai-e ________ ThisWorkStat Exprt -urged Judge Edwands te matelir' Shý ~~Judge Edyards ls a cormaratve- Kii ,LL&KIS -AND h Co-operetive 1v. stockt vont rs ly 3-uiman, ambitions, sud re.-t roucn bterai sl i llis, grdedas alear inlucourt ir- 2elNS0 M O cles.Ris ènnectonwlirtire triai PN SO IO rnlvesilty oft limais, viredelivered<o! Gai-. Shallh«iasgiven hlm vide d a addr8ss here on tire subect. ptbliclty, sud tue urafler l In W"~yTj C le aldc: bu bamdled tuaI case caused m.çeh R(Po "W. are passlng thmu a penloci favoale comment by scores a'OfEAtII i rheu fermer are v lteiîy taterested nevapapers sud indi-iduels in close Mg c co-peratîve enterprises aiong live touta irvtir it. Hia ambition te If Fox River Isn't Grass Lake ac eck linos. Liv. stock breedens as- stop îutoa larger fleld umdotibted- e ocaton8 are fuuctlonnng lu many iy prompt hm 10 accept th. ad- iack O'Conner Wil Be ti eunties otftthe stale, doing tire vice of iis ftenu ete mate tire thOBttr-Of ings vhlch fanniers sud breeders i-ceeton tire Supreme Judgeship. $500 - te f . b> ave been unaiie tu accomisinerî Jucige Ed-wards was "non commit- W h. past. tiltI ts aternean viren asted il18etu1er exiribit 4. a irreetrriter pu "By yanling tagetirer the breeders about tire malter, but close tnitude off 28 fou pinîs off airlitey. b- r, ahi. tu hld co-operative sales, are of tire belle! that lue viliicon- longed te Jack O'Connuor, pilou o! la ie stock shows, sud genenal li-e sent to become a candidate. Hie ae and viBre Ios ieIGrase ar Loct meetings, ail of whlch tends frieude d-dace tuas is hls epper- Lae n- htê o ie aa 0 extend the use o! btter bnod iunity Grass U*11e or la Fox river. ver-e as nrimai. Tire countles o! the stnte Au attempt viii ire madIe ta mate tue mtouoted poinLg in tire atatý1'eth at have active breedens associations lihe seliections uou-partlaair. Uuder case agaJinut Jack OConuornThuya- Iv ne makng progi-esi on tieretims e ev constitution bile district day ulght ber. Judge Edward ud are gating sunacvantage ai-en viiiirav-e tvo"aditianicî surreme Shurtleif. lu viricir Srte's Attorney ceu e uairgslrlsod counîles. Judges, Cookl ceumty te name eue A. V. Smitir la oiargiug tiraI OO(on- tig "Lu-e stockt shipping assaciationisud tireetirer counties, inlfing Dronle in conteniPt o!coeurt, sud <d, Lr aise perfanmnt ant important Lakethe reaer. Tire berrlstercsubje ta o fofeltune a! a ,85,- cc terIceIn tire co-operatIve maret. freni lie remaiuing comnties viii 000 bond postei te keep tire sale t ig of lie stock thaI la produced attempt ta detenmine upon one ro!fet ooze hbere, sud far their legal mnmre'oroe. dr th ie ludges In tliOr district. possessiono filicit liquar. el ian su apportunity la glven to re- Judge Mazzini Sînsser, of wieat- But dire. vitnesses ver. an th v Itc. tue cota in marketing sud ta u.n sud George A, Barr of aJilet., stad last ulgirt, Cousale Conrad la oep thumainer botter lnformed ou wyul also be candidates, At ls.- A Brune, h.sd off tire booze squrgd. w, iarketlng problinis. lleved. tire latter lu tact iraimg hua hendamar Ira Bactyili, and tt doclared hie Intenlion te.--n. Constablie Petlair, vira vas dong se ______ -Judge Ben H. Mller, president SPOOed utydi>hM it it hlre U KWIM Afi thte Ite Ceunty n.B~ar ssca- sPosige aquaad.W DP N IDS F R lion, asrpolnted the toliovrua ele.- Brune v"thie finsI viueasita -W gates sud aitennates ta represeuttestfy. Me dslnred cliii h.raiieri w AIEtihe Laite Caunty Bar Association thre Jack (Yo'mnor.place at 7 oclock LA EB fiT P. uttire meeting tof delegateastram -On he . iiiliiofet eplesuber 16.w W TC M lire bar mesIolaee f Laie, Du- Notirrg vus round lu lb. bouse., t IY1~IPPage, I suad KankakeeS cun- but 8ttaidher ta tire pier - uva alo TAN s, ta ire beli i ttire remor ett rhbOtile at vIrskey lied lu a A, onBg ~ t1~West monroe Street, Chicago,. en eod te bis tentioay. round a c Prindergast Low ddrTesdayOtbe r, a qy numrber itbotmo vs« t OnBgSeWage Disposai eioct A. M.> ta consider viiether lt a 55kSlu tire veedo In a e lre ate., on nul soeil bar asaaclt*fl m Il ttOfleY Geor-goe rM, aftuba« Project. preseut a candideate or canidmrae for the detasie.drsttered th pwiy -for an.e oftire positiossor lue. f et lii RUul,, sad b>by lugiaael TiieNorth Shore Santary District lice erthte suirreme court of thre tifr as.eion tOm t 155Fbdlas- I board epoamd biisThuusday for tue Seventh Jedicial Diaslri, croatar i bberi la a 111115e more tran a toutc contructoni-of a large aeptlc tank by tirs nev conostiut4peau d vilcir drink of lihuor. AMl denleri i*Mt At Laite Bluff sud a omaler eue for vii b vobeti on jatihe g uns ljrù. tuey bd druik toazot0es, but tva Higlband Park, sud th bidaetfT. the wcuiltrtIon #9 ptesoute<i for a4m1tteui u*M ieu- bdtv-a drinksn J. Priridergast ver. tue lovest one adoption, ta-vit- r..mben tvelftl, fer tiaite ttire Pace. snd core -hci PrOPUItIon, tuer. bmlug biddci 1922. drink on lire vay home.n ®rs. Delegstes: Acc<riiiutg ta lestlm»oiy they hari Tire bîiever. for the constructlin jurigeC. C. dnrüs. taye.dSt thre home o! "Saoit>" Of eage disposai plants, sud ver. Jude Penny U Persane.Sirevilin. aSeros theriver tram'"Bis>'- s foliovs: A. Phelpa & Sons. 1 92- Jucige Ben H. Millet. ney laielte u*tt bete tire raid, t, 757 for tue Lakte Bluff teug sud $29. Elani U 01er-e. Brunetesind riQ ei ort e t be b 810 for their.lthiaud Par ankT. TlsuiiMacGuifin. eoenthe, but d red e t f ir e P J.Prlndergast, $79,921an $26076, W P.Weiss. eeig u eidta cke reapecllveiy, sud Wand & Welghtart, A. F. Beaubien. of them tatlru as drink. Brume $87,165 on lire Lakte Bluff plant, 1h15 Clarence W. Du-en. hecamle e silie lu aiiwerlig quies- tinm uat submttlng a b14 an tue Aiternatu t or meututh lund tire plate, Highand Park lob. E. M. Ruuyard. vhen elud, opnes In4thegi> vitir t te oxpectod tirat tire cotnact Aberi L. Hal,.we il ree togywt yull b. avanded etahtie next meeting Col. A. W. Sithi. quetion&. et tire board. Tire board lt cen- dorai T. Reydecten. Thei cage viS bu tatou up again tracts for lire construction of septia Mertin C. Docker. Weduesdey nigirt aI 7 o'clock be- tanks aI Higirvood sud tire Sicokie R. W. Churcilul. fore Jucige Siutleif. about a mentir ago. Seamuel Houes3. r * * ** * * ** * n Saturday reteiveri notice Urein G GRAYS LAKE . E acir al-trnate viii act ton tue S4T I S I dielegate opposite hie name in case aud .acir delegate la requested lu Mn. anud Mns. Johrn Wicknr apelv, tire case off iis inaiulty ho attend sali w'li endI et the homie of their claulrr- meeting. te natify tire ateruate op- LAIE C JAIL r--n lu caga. posite bis nulle sud neijuest hlm NI 11,zA. Wbitmene, \Irn. 1 m:i tl terattend In bis place. >,iis E2ee Smith wre Wecrkegau .ls- Pi-eident Millen urgec tire el.-e-a edo - hre ttt-s Sairday. gales te ho tuere vitiout ft, e-ilh-Man edo Sriu Ch gsf .Nrs. Wm. Richandso-i ; peotnt . djy cause trie matten le et great im- Preterred by Ex-wite, f tviLl ber malien ta CLîc;augo. portanuce te tire bar. àrrs. Fenk t ox sud daug«otm, .Lrlsi', Arrangements ver. aise maie te Gets Bonds 1 end -ou. Frsuk, caled n frleruris.hure irelc a bouquet o! lie Laie. Countm' Sunday. le sallom du-u ievst ROscoe Smiltir. eld On a seriôua R.LB. Godfnay apet Tueeday lI Chi- et Ooceher 23. lit viiihe a "lIa- chrge pne!enned by hlm ex-vite, vas cago. >11e' oligirI" eveut. Altys- Max t.. eleased ft om,-tire Lake Ceuhy 1Jan Mrs. MaNsuara andi sou, Kennetu, i'rzybonsl, Okel S. Furbo sund dorai Tueaday viien ies $600 bond. vas pro- apentt Saturda nu-sd Sunday vitb Chi- Heydeter -,ere narnec an tue coi- videci hy Josephi Oltuat>'. Jucige Eci- cago fienda. millee.te arrange ton tue dinner,' yards denleci Smlth'É petitioli for re- lira. Kinabal sud soi. vho have entertainmenl andi prognanu. Au et- Ieaae on a nlt aofirabeas corpus, but sreut tue arimer eithlie Josephr Tur- fart viii hoe ma"de t gel former conslPted te reducesbis bond vuicir ner home, have returnoci te their home Jumdge K.M. Landts to dliuer au vas ai fIrst fixer at $1000. lu Wshigto, D C.addeu.Me. Ale Smith, ex-wie, chargem lue l5haiesfthe D. C ad.Gu d ne _____ _tirat Smith di-orced lier in anatirer Tre lades a ie epîescal Gutlth ily anti thoenretrurueci te Waukegau voef entr.Faan Wenda et tu e TUI IÂVE PdhINTV end ivieu vituhbem vithout ieing ne- ome f ra. alm r audiett e I uiaa 'lV I~I mamieci te irer. Ontlins contention o lfi r eniehos roWicau al -aimse bringsa aserilons stAtutery charge ou eci rloda ereThuada>. M M D V 'A REUh against hlm. blrs. FTIl.Kuebter onterlainec lte IKENI IkYI lI1X ON Ou the changes oethiIsex-vite Smth cemetory sacloty et hemrlieue Tiurs- ."m waiun vetairgrdjry day o! lest we. vudoent iIEM ii mt h re tIfhe gvasdjurîy Mn. aud lira. George Burnham wmoîv Smiîî~th ciries mer i e as uil'guil- out oft ha vaiters Thuraday.ta i ore iewsqal ul Miss Meruh Neville et Cicero, spent -ty for having lireci vituhlm. SUudaY athtie homeLoff hem parents.. J. Ogden Armour andt i lus He souogirl roas. froi the counity lIai. Esetagiran, tue nev ;pastor et . au u nl o rt *habeas corpus. H. tire dongregational cirurcit bai charge Rosenwald Both to Be In plana ta fight the chargea o!flira. of tire ervices tat SOnda>'.ThsCa .Smt o li. nsdlins. Tovnsend e! Font HTisCll. - iitr BMpet FridaY aItue George Straug Ail Chicaga coniilted tire oracle ie 55 hrome. o! LaSalle treet Tuitsday intenesle"' Tate. Alien, wiro birsapent tue put specrlation as ta lte identit>' of! ý CANuE IS SOLEN; OF SUI¶RVISOS Delegation of Hait 'Dozçn womnen Atted Sessions But Misson is Vague. ,eauirersf.theii.board of super- ors of Lake county tansesala'n Wauleegan vere mcratchIng theIn ds lust voek . ad began van- -ring: If lheir loba vould h. taken tire fuIture by women. Tlie cause the exlteunentvas th. pres- se of hait 9. dozan vainen St le board'a severai sessions,la sd 0"~ mission was thie sour-ce of raih conjecture. Before the. board àiourned, Superviser George Bairs- r' plucked Up mirougir courage ta sk the - delegatien' off vomciif ire w"irrany Mitter tiiey vlsbed )brlng bfore the board. Tise poeuvoman declared LhaItithre as net. Tiis# aueed stliimort urioslty On the. part o! tiie Super- caors. Tii. curioetty off Sup>urvlaor H. lEger o!fli>srtyvlle finally got e betten of humansd foiloving e meeting Phursdey ire biuutiy ked the. .vomen viral heir oh- eci vas. PTie ePOkevOm In tro- uced hereeif asM4- -urnkR. 3alu. president of thie Highlaud crk Women's0 clipb. Sire declaned. bat the club had startod s ma- eut ta ogre ail women te botter quslnt tir-eqnselves vith tihe vork >fmunicpaP.coOflh>, State sndia nai gvermoent, and thiraIBmocs he women have the, Pawer Oethéit rao t-hey ahouid know Boy snd iry they are votlng sud a-bat t.he iirllc servants are, doiug. Mrs. Cain derlared tirut the club Beekmng te get olirer wern(nas )rganlzatlous taelaite up tirla ides rs su educatlonal mo';emeut. file rsured tire supervisons, however, rat th-e, have nôaspirlains te- ward holding poiltIcai Offlea. Afler tris conessin galned cir miation tire supervisora boit Par- culer peina te give tire vanlen>.' alegatiori ail tire inlormatlon tire> cuid concernluz tire' way îbeY rut te county's business. D«pite tihe announdeent. 1mw- ever. tst 1Lake cçunty vomer 'ould ual I. lntenested lunirecein îg candidates 0fr surperviser,. I ras hlnted ratier strongly uoday Liat the.. omen of tire catntY vill eS ta it tuait te superviai-S d1 teir dut> and If th ec er p lhe . nare maiIngdo.. net rmue with thelr appai-l tbey -Y Put 'aen ta tire flnd. Tihe delegatim Oa tvMen Frida Wus Mmb alarger «aiThnrmle> tbn. being a daenor Morela auearnce aI ther. umeg58514 ,MOng tua ver,*lmma- es. i Bead. aItf . u ftkeseflWomawd lr*ý Aao&th.rCOvn, 4wl.hm at tesded PraraIesE> aul th e mmi lai. veek letaire-C. W. Balum et Hlnrhsd Pss*. oamm muin Eagddri de obl Fm timi. vola i tirè Suny Ai -lkinS a grester lits. .nt lu thea activotiee et publc of fckhl and fini Ie sa" n--Y 0*i aiuubers of the bourd »=t die te miaki inaulvenw* qai bmatnal îeeting of the board. oW5BrYàmil~. C. 7Th£ofnpearr0 Bmitolidealareri Iflat wcsitef ha" se kee ansueye for esueoy It tre Managemenit of thre public" businesasud ,*he vouidn~t h.sur prlned tW sec sanie vornen on tir board vitumu tire next few years. WATII ORK 0Fi 100 PER CUNT ROtM) OUTFIT Of ?ELSO? Contractor Doing Concret, Road Work at Lake Zurich, ..ExplainsDetails. Tire Board of Supenr-von r Fr day afternoon vere 'gIven an lnsi< vtew o! lhe vorklngs o! one. c the medest rond construction oir lits Iunlire "tte o! Ilinois. triez toilovlng a fine ciriciren dinuer wft Contracter Nelson as hast, vira1 building thre staite aid road Jui South of Lakte Zurich tirmougirt Wlaucouda, they inopectad 1h. ver at Lakç Zurich sud Southr snd nart ef the 'village. Mr. Nelson tenir the supervisei out te Lake Zurichr for a fine dl ner sud fotiovlng, vaxlous mem bers gave short tlis viti cele eue ta lr ad vork la L41 couty lu the paut, ai present ax what te plauned for ltP future. Oouuty Clerit Hendee aisti toestmaater. Tirer. ere about1 men' present sude excellent dinu, va. benved. Folinwlng the. dînuer tireMI' entered automobiles and drove tire point Souli th o 1,ke Zurir virere Gontrector Nelson iaads b sand, gravei sud cernent, Il v tire. here they env tire up-1 daté method lnstsiIed for carnyl on lthe wvon sud it dld net ta] tie board long ta se. ow It wa possible that Mr. Nelsan irad b.o eble ta make suai rapin progreE Inu tt i leclaiuued tuat1 hoids tire record lu tire fatet Illinois for iraio laid tire i WAS UNKNOWN Whan M. j. Doulilt omplied a sur-su- hast ,Mnday 0f tue prapetu-0a tue Bacirlors club, vbich ba uat heau dispos" 01o!ta IndIvidus-imem* bernbac"»setire club mibets avlet talion for tue viles et Dan Cupld, tire fev ,eraalung bacrelors Bnci-C lug Ih t00 lenaame, it vas dis-c covered liat tue club avus .500 Mt1 ert roulage on Dntce's ut. tuat tireY dld not kuov tire> posseaed.1 Tue suri-e> discloser tiraItue dîsg-à anali boundaru- serons the uarheast aide runs loto Drues late a dis- tance of about 1,900 feet, sud tire diagonal Itai at the Sautivegt Satin- dat>' ruais about 1,600 teel no tire laite. Tbhigi-es the club the. ripa- rieunI-irIs to severai acresaofa!dc- ditianal landi lu Dr-uce'a laite tirsu Ilii-- nid ualt nov tie>' posseised. Tire club propenty vîlI ire subdi- videci sud City' lirgineer Dauthitt la mtireylug It viti a il o aMn- Ding a Streelt tiro4uig I, gi-ing _a rosi- eutrsmice te tue propertiy front- lug on Tlilrd Laite as veil as tirai tronlina- on Druce's lut.. ADOLPH HENNING AUCTION Baturday, Oct. 14, 1922, 10 oiclocie, AdalphIr Henuiug vill seil ai public auc- lionaou tue Hogan Tari, au hil*ati- tee ave, onue mile nanrho! WheelUng, 41 HEAD 0F LIVESTOCK-Teamu of blacta, 9 yeara aid, wt. 3,00 Iba; teeni o! grays, 8 yrs. aId, et. 3,000 Ibis, crlviug hors.; 22 heaci of caIlle, oe witu cal! by brer aide; 6 aprIngens; bai-- suce are iîiliters; 6 helf'ers, 6 moutirs eld; 5 baga, yeîgbiug 175 Ibn. es-ch. MACIINERY-A icdomilctaran .bluder, uearly uev; licdormicit corn' blader, licdanmicit mover; Interna- tional aide dlilverY; Keystene leader; 2 self dump bey raites; Buciteye seoci- er; tva 2-sec. irrove; 12-di»c pub-en- izer; landi nouer; 2 sulky anitivatons, 2 hanti »iova; 2 isuci cultlu'ators; i gardeq culîl-ehers; suit>' piov; corn planter; gerden seeden; 2 airovel piovi; 2-ton Republia truct, neariy jnov; 2 sels double harnegas Exp. han- nese; 3 drlving herneas; piatori acale; Iran vireel truct; 2 ir. p. geso- Ue englue;- 2 gardener wagons, yltb boi, neeri>' uev; 3-lu. truckt; 3-aprng wagon; 2 miik wagons; 2 iray recta; bobsleigh; 12Xilitcana3, nov; gai-an- Izeci vater trougir: hay fort, nope sud f pulleya; crle sav nearni>eaw; forti suad sirovels; 20 hot bell vindova; s oie honseiroic fumniture; coit aoi-e, t nearly new; 200 chictena; 12 geese; 25 ducirs sud a Calle dog. FEEO AND GRAIN-700 bushela et enta; 300 buahels a! harle>'; 60 busheis of vireat; 36 tans o! baled tliaohY ilst at saugir ha>'; 20 acres ut s ill corn, 30 aras veet corn staits; 125 baga a! carrotansd 25 baga onlons. r Pleut>'la estan sd drink. !L Terns: Ovor $25, ô montra 7%. BJohn J. Wlct, Anctioneer. J. A. Scirmunke, Clent, la dons one could staritraDn Wai- keécan,- strike the concrete raad -at Blviene sud Mflwwukee aveaue snd go onr ont ta Vole thon goulu te Wauconds, te Lake Zurih Md on ta Cirlago via o! Rtand road snd Milwaukre avenue, snd lttaCic&> go. ail on concelo. .%r. Nelon hss installit a won- derful equlpoient for mixng lire sand, gravel snd eaIment. At Lake Zurich the Pnaile-Wauoonda rail- rond rune over a treille. MT. Nul- son sav 1h. possuhittles there sud accordingiy arrangeri a sertes of chutes throuaii vhIch thre sandhd gravei la d=nped fi-rn the cars hauled by tue rallirod. Thon, tire big trcé sae backed unden the tr"e leasd lb. chute lah opesied sud a cousain ' nrt of sand la drOp- ped firn sce cbute..Tii. truckr la thion moved la the next chute sud the proier emnounit of gravai tg dropiiid. Il la theci nived &ver ta tire point ioyen tih* cernent la stoned sud 4 given smlo*É la dumv- md lnuaalitre man» nte t fr.truck. Wlth tire proqper qumit> af c- ment, @and snd gi-aiel lu the. truckr, Xl moyeues n riovita Si. concrets mixer. Plier. itla edumped lintO thre happer sud lioted fliraugl thre gravity praee. sMd aUl hO mixer bas ta do lu mix Il UP and thon dumv il in thre iri*ay. t la readlly seem boy much tast- er this melhod Of OPeratieiUptissu viien th. mlxlng of tii. concrets, s and sud gravel vas doue by men vtti sulivele. lu ail MT. Nelsonl iras&bouit 25 huge truckrs wvOrling On thus Place. zof raid around ILake Zuii. Pliat Is lwhy vîti liis big equlpirreri sud the very miodern mellhod of operation, h. viii h. mabie If ire ican gel enougir cernent, te fIish the job hy vlnter. Tii. officiais vatched vir Inter- est tire mariner In wvileir tire coni- crete la poured luta tire highway sud then how a traveling maebine mai-es along on the steel rmils tirai iave beau put Up on the aide ai *thre concrete and tiretRcr&a>.the> cencrete dovu.n oet <-ien, tirer a .tsjnper ornUastt'Nsuperi-v150 *sald, "shimmy apps.natis pauuds tire concret. dowo. 'Men the mn chine moi-es along again and a v ide plece of heavy cani-as la drag- ged over tea miou off the sur- r.face. P h. vay lie viiole Propasition -ý la irandled indicates tirai Il 18a h. ýt li;g dane ta a most effiienit and y tborougir manner. lu la admitter Il b> supervisera t tiraedi.virlfi piU 0of construction as foiloed b7 Mr. a Nelson seoini as near perfect aà ýt oouiri b. attained- Il ls sald thal kt mer. Neison bas been averaglna abata 600 fut a day but mode lia y record Sonlimeag"0 of layint Tire concret. road tra= Warcol Lda ta volaeiha&sbeen gfnle ibu le MtI yet Wop er acus-tva veeka a aot. lit tire imeeset te open lt IS ILISCU nev. Cour $90,.viii m»i for $40. Ad- drus"R. S.'*Cie Indepedant- 4"-f. WANTI2D--Mannied mnfoan fa vot, ta boa-ta Norember lut. H. C. Ban-ut, PraIrie Vlew. liM. or boue Lbertyi-li. 47--.4.S FOR REM-T-Oolagerooni. Âddoe.b M6 N. Mllvsaita Ave. 4"t3 W A 2T UE)-A o mi; refere ire se1% r e; Protonta" ; ail y muai- r LiakitestmatMs.Goai-gichssom MiouseLaite Pmor t U 4lt AI,.WAYS QET 1141 I.ATNST NUEWISAND OIIKT AIL TUfE Publiceaioice la breby givena t tiie subecrber, suecotor f thre lut vill and testament of lia-y 0.11erde- cesed, wii attend tue Ccunty Cort f Lake County at a terni tuereofto b. hlden aetir.e Court Boausentan»- keauIntad County. an the fixaI Monday cof December nert. 1.922, viii and viiere ail persans baius daims against maid estate are natltled sani re- quuted ta present te sane ta sain Court for adjudication. NICHOLAB GALSTER, Executar. Waukegan. iI., Sept. 18 1922. 38 89 40 PETER J. ORRE AUCTION Tueeday, Oct. 10, 1922, at 10 oclock, Peter J. Barre vilI 5.11 at-Public Auc- tion, on fanm, o&- "Xae Zurich roari. hait mile vaiof Prairie Viev: 22 HEAD OF' LIVESTOCK-Teem gray homeis, wt. 50Q th; on* 12-year oid and ane 10 year oId blackr mare, le yr. aid, wL. 1400 b.; 16 COva, 4 frs uir h caives by aide; 6 claie, À apringers; 5 mlkers; 15-m.oad ol- w tein bull-ait irigh grade Holateins; 3 hogs, wt. 176 Ibm. escb; 200 chiciens, young sd old. FARM MACHINERY AND TOOLS- Deering oata btader; Deering corns- binder; Buckeye aI s eeder; Deer ing ane-horse rake; Emrson aide rair, nearly nev; Inerational hay loader; near> nev; International ridig cuil- vator, nev; tva-hors. walkng cuiti- vator; 2 single cuiti-ators; pair of -drags; ahovel ,tlow; Deering wlling piov; La Crosse sulky plov; Moline mower, nearly nev; 8-loch truck wag- on; iray rack; nrilk: wagon; 60-gallon acalding Icettie; root cutter; pair bob- sleighs; potato spray; butter churu; kerosene steve; 600-lb. scale, new; pover vashing machine; tron bed snd Lspring; 9 chairs; Wisconsin Incubator, new; Brown lHen Incubator, 3 brood- ers; 25 milk can; 2% h. p. gaolie engine, vth truck; 3 belte; 60-gallon gasoline tank; pIInpjack; vater tanks; 2 sets double harnesa; express irarness; horse collars; hay ro;Pe, 160 f.; iray fork; trp rope; tariraoyes hees, puiieys aud many other thtngr tno numerous to mention. 3 HAY AND OR<AIN-2 tons of hay In atack; 5 tons of timothy hay; 25 acres of bill corn lInsirock; ,15 acres of fod. der corn ln shock; about 600 busheis of as; some grain.'acks. f Ternis: Over $25, 6 mas., 7%, John J. Wick, Auttoneer. J. AL. Schirmnke, Clon. Techer. "Johnny, nov mucir ls JOIny.3x3 le 9, Tacher. "Pretty good, johny. Jolinuy. "Pretty goad;. Bell! that's perfect!- 'L, P. A. O INDEUNOUITreaders are al- @ thetsrsil he ~ ews«S Tour lut clia:nce Uifesai ti dance ut IRay Brai. Pavillon, Dlsmond LAke. Masqueradé bail Siept. 80. Prises for bust and most comicai cstume; aima for best graup. IF YOI NED A <IOOD UMBRLLAST calilat Cahen'a Umbrella 8h01>, 101 N. Genesee.fSt,. Wsukega». W. make them and aiwayo have w' good stook on haud. ltepairlng snd recoveilog. FOR RÇNT-91 acres.60 acre. auer eultivatiol.rust in Pasture, Situated la tovn ef Vernon, 2% mile.s omtboat of Huit Day. Inquire H. B. Seller, 222 Tbird Strt, Librtyviil. 39-3t- FOR SALE-Seven rooni bouse, on Idncolu Ave. Inquire lire. Hamr Taylor, lhbertyvlUe. Plios M2-. 3-t FOU N-Pffse, at Pair Grouna.tan Hait Day Congregationai churcb tent. Owuer niay have sane by 1dem- tllying and paytag for tbis a& Cali J4berty-dlla 217-R-i. LOSfT-An sirdale doa wserlngta the an-é of 'Bdater." A revard af $5 viii be gien for hi. return ta John Camnpbell f F.v'rtt. 4-lt FOR 6ALE-BRERING PIGEONS AND SUABS. OL> MILL FAR, DEERFIELO, ILL.8-t FOR SA&LE--Simples <reaiSep&raý tor. No. N-Q, viti poiley ait drive; also band drive. Very ressanable. 01>1 Mill Farm, Deerfieid, 11L. 35-41 FOR SALE Oiver piov for oda tractor. 1. S. Dennisu, one-foui1h *mile uortbofni llburu. 39-21 eFOR RENT iii acres nder cultiva- * tion. i>,5t lu pature, ituiated tu the tTown ot Vernon, 2% miles sotmdmt eof Half Os>. Inqure of H. B. Seller. a 222 Thîrd St., i4bertyvllle. w2-t ORDERS TAKEN FOR CIllER. Y. M. Braseir. Phonne Llbertyvle 181. -FOR SALE- Whle Lezhorucockereli, $1.60 each. Inquire af E. 1). Hiib- Sbard at Morg<-'a stare. Tlepircu 14 ,or 382-J. 38-t dFOR SÂLE-FNM rused iord sud- Ssters. Theonasmare In gaod abagre. àWUI, &el rM $45 ta $150. Wliafl& r. Oban, Uberty, l.,. 3941,tf 6 »rovins ",e '1 tue Voter t.ne, U uaofey, -sinp * xplâtalii ' a- peiori et igriri $15,0 liter-est.Il voe-d flot Ib te lireé15Kp plaine" tiraI agie - tu.t eael à a mulkma 4 go badir ci hvi remtir te Dnerl the Oeiy tomainarun visofls au tlbe cm 1Wb1 la Ibjtat U i.clared. empoi they arem the wbol. 1 Up again. effor t inte B u qbti * otr eh&c"ai the butidias le mel Il geneatitiui, lng vii iha tire neul FIIi irai-e -i * fotiria ai-en Ifi.*k buiding no atontet atirea ant C..le* la ibe natte oje e or fe the, thc enOlty la coatn bol *. V. on one4flr debedff EXTRA - th15 attest f Ake Cour out ef 1 ludltetm port su. WOSPOL. ;obn Cali bond. >ra ]Phi f"8ainuq! 8Ptr .f irft IrcX« wut. oSâ Fanit Gaof murder. Roscos 511 Jobai *01 Fr»nk Lic Fraix Petu , 1ongiX 1-