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Libertyville Independent, 12 Oct 1922, p. 9

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ra ai* e, altuated southeast 5011ev, 212- rounds, ln 1l churob e by Iden- adi. cal PIGEONS .L. FAiM, m 1eParaE Vd drive; 35-4t IU Y. M. le 181. 39-4t Ford rad- ood cai>. Wilson & i honograpb. hlgh. Uko r $40. Ad- lit. 40-tU. for farta lat- M.C. or phone 40-Zt Adu 40-3t ENDENT LATEsT Lt. THE car; gond >rt Round 41-Zt Peord tour- Ille 287-J-Z. 41-lt 0 ssen com- adtubea. m. Sterling- g. E. lvyer- 41-lt bodte Ilandt May habib. [gs. R. D., 41-St farrn sar be a good ani bwe anstmg. pendeat S44t good stock 41-tf rin. 4 amu e- George 4RaI! De". lir e of IMt L 41-4t KS any frienda npath1y dur- it; aiso fer H. Smith. TICE gives tisai of thse last ert LUI, de- Rmty court ithereof to nle in W511 vng laime fled and re- ime to sld liecutrlx. 41 42 43 e fans. 1 please s, have 1 of in- s. Oue en mile 90 wml do hiis mider a an at- ike "li ÏVOL. XX-NO. 39. JOHN A. STRAN6 FACES BANKRUPT-, CV PROCEOU Uabiitie s" ktto h 76,00 Wltti M MorWe than $15,000 Assets. AN INJUNOYION -4S ISSUE &peUition La lnvolnint*i'y ba rul>tcy bus boss 51.4 belote roder Judge George A. Carpeiter luaCI cago in the 094e Or John A. <PI»f Stress. Veil boii., e.tiebuyCr Wadswoith. Ris liabilitis mae89 to b. appcmmaely $7500 and la charged UMtis a tesiiI m M ta-a«0tmore tisa"s$10000te 16 1,00 The wuit r vsfiled bit Atty. ro-. Waukegan. repsise -9creditora u-bo ciled tisat tra tu ladebted to thons W tbe 021t1 or $50.000. Jutige (arpenter immediate graiited a restraining order 051< Ing these herlfl. or any other 051. j~from aelilg or di apioflirdu aI Otraig'a ProPortY. ramers living la andi ne W#adwortis, praeticaUly !If* 10 fricflds of String, comprise the- lar percentage or croditors. Trom lii te time. acoordins to tise pett tht bas been Oedi. hr bave 10a, Strass varIo"aseam, of money Un Dow thefr clama ras betweeî $2.0 ad $5.000 aaCh. St;an5 han made hie borne Wa4l5W0th for many year anad on. Urne wasaon of the aroSr pauitcai fators la cortb.wese Lake CouIty. urlas a greater P or the Ulme ho bas been *nai in tie, calle buylng bouahems à spprstly vasvet-y anccSuai.1 frlsnds andi asigihora ad great 0 fidience la hlm., trusting hUa piclftil. As a result ho bati dilffeulty lat borrovina Practlcali tihe money ho wanted. Just wbat reverses bave eeinm fered by Strass bave not bosn IM kuowi. Hita credItors, bovever. hb despaired of getting back any P of their monsy except tbrougi bal ruptcy procéedinga. on tb. butis of!$1&5,000 libtl iritis but $18j.000 agueta. credit wflj rmolvse abont -twentY centa tise 4ollar. "ý-* ATE MIWAIJKEEÀVE. AS STAtE uni Rîht Of W y o U Up-I catiooadtof Con"u crete Hlghwy. AFFECTED BY TOWN SCt The =te to hway dsparts1 get buay aie or tlus. days te-loCale vhbat tla nov knoWv Milwaukee Ave., leeadtg tbroughj ertyvifle, asIL11.ta roborted th"a atate la beoosiag IMeved bec aap qof tie readents la and aro IAborUmfflllandi GrayaLake cait n ni> tieir miati vhatber tbey i te Cive tâ. aecesaary riat-o!-i Aoled ceeevnntag te report C. E. Ruamel, côuty superlntem of blglsvays, aid: "If tise a can't Celtihe rlght-of-way tisei tbing Il cau do la la te-lo thse road. There's one tiins al §44. 4*1 a't *oln as.t 1' ndelnteli." Tise hnted re-location appilee Ste tise part of Milwaukee Ave the village of Libertyvllle vi a Deinéag tgin Da ov la prog over thse asemment rol. (iFO. NI(HIEMYER Springçfield, M., *oct 11-A hearingo tisaI tti until late nlxt thee tate division or parj and -Paroles loch under adviaer lb. Cases of nue or tise iliî Greeka .convicted at Qincy o! lng Sierif! EMdward Lanlibrool ai outbreak t Frederlck. Other cases taken under ad, ment lntluded: John E. Bunn, Wabash cou murtier. Den Chasteen, Rock Islandi e ly, murder. TlmHEchols. Wllllamsou do>d murder. C. U. Gleason. Peorla county, fîdence gante. Floyd Joues, Madison cot criminal es5ault. RobertI Keelng, Champaign ty, burglary snti larceny. Etivard Long, St. Clair coi mnurtier. George Nlggermeyer, Lake e ty. uiurder. Mô6ntgomery North,. McLanc ty, musder. ak- o ki I e), 0f ont tu rot- 'l tir me t mut ted Wbaa New Brunswick M Y .) obabaia. dtldy b b àu exla an s clame luthse oisur0 f tise P.". Ulvard Wbeewifr au iM .mN»W»S Eeisbu& tMina, kbs coir lede. veeW -atioe by Cbarq0b .àig. 14 libuoveL.daugiter cf tise @wuin vern,. strralboocim m 10 t setios CM hbaiunceel tesWb4.15k I. LE N0~ Lak Con~;Big Weekly wuin iiCouity Counhwn LtBMRTYV]Lý LAR KEE OUNT, J.LLINOIS, THUfflDÂ,Y, iudge EsIMWW«, Ajxious fo Clean èýdoot aetiSMany Law C"ses s Posible. FOLLOW CRIMINAL CALL An extrsusely bu*' tesm ut court il expectesi 1h15LaU andi Antes- Ju 'a fo tb tt i. tk ol ce i R D-PAITIDEE DEAIIiMlMulsE bout part of tvoataflrnoons a h 'd' IOCKS FRIENDS IN voek te run off thse edillon o! suf-about 3,500 copies. (Thse Sun'a presas - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i îz t î nî'v sn f .0 o prlnted in 20 tave A L A E UI Iminutes). part "Tisose vere tise daya before tise nk- modern folding machines isd besis i1rou d tiste ordinary couritrVy ,toe Passna of Lester E. Partridge oficndl had beau tthe habit tors Foblws Acute Atack Of tW gel six or elst moils 4Fomn lie on hisgh seisool te core ne 0tise OMMc Appendicitis. andfodtise, addition andti mal la tise mils JUST OCCUPIED NEW*- 1!511.4 leto1 WaUkeg sed la ae çcuIly 0- t .a...... v Pin gbè*igfl*ms- ociseà 454 it lltÔthse vateid dma"isa un ciel la Ithe Delly. son lm é0<ôdible anti sutcastu savsg TaeedY- evessas t tishe lentts la a &buaes ocr csMOeeWl m«. 09c!M fLester lEut Parrle. Lester Partr$tige vs me o!tOs a et tha laIe CharmesIL, par- baya. »W &ubeatwli- yearsl=_.d et,*eformer Wauitega 'fvii l sitd0IosseanI par- ilfs.sr Z- e 1 te ie " ua kff- ueaWOUs vos a frmer adjuf ail mai sole ciltodias«f the ndn 9-"ner t otlie Mule eG. A. R. lepartiasut cftistiseshon imIaid Ur. Pars-p', deatb tbob pIgce.oeil Guastte. Aller <relutioa ho Mi âs b -la aueluOaksPark me *ScçpWeda cliloiI dike mitA vas tise mter alfecla of as opera- tise Elsil Plate 0I1e c, vl tim tforAPP"citla.'Mr. Par~ iig mAushobebld ,mmay reapousilie iah euMalin but a loev days and 1postions until lie vauturet lots, hi das.fi wus asa resut cf1lise houssesfur binsel! - mas-e y-r gsay apendlx bavlns brokei. mgo-and bubas iseoa V mSu0055U. aid Mfr. Partritige vas U years id «»e' wuvasuaiexceptonally fise as aid mas a memwet of tse jIsm. boy. Luis- OBiaigo. P&rildae àCo., large gloa. "As 1 cas remembe- tUsm. Ôlier tihe masuactureri lu Oicago, andsild b1>074 ril - vet asdrdmbr anse a u hetise .cond largest handilerof!tise Allernca fowjLtasg Paita tui of!Sama is e country. il wva atin t a oisbly Io tea ishe Mr. Pitritige vbo organlsed 1h15 quatert et adollar - vp est oala. ranm om aisa n go aller- bavtng*aid vbo bave imd a credtable rai. )ell a Position for aas-laI maîy Or enviabl career for theinselvea bas. yru v il lise Plttsbui-gh GluasCO. an-s: Wtiito O sc ago. 1 "Gm-a-ilLamnt, mssooedd Leeer as ltIAl Upon reaciing malnrlty Ms. Pat- - iiiii>l&i0or ,e tis &e alr r. OI7brdg voiewet te vwos-k la Gisios fer Lu*ib0isegnhi&a eariy bieu.ce- Ott tise Pittsburghs Glus s mpesy asti r5Os- "hAtise amne pato gîai boUlvasassclaeti ilsMr~,~êau ompany ihat Lester diti, but lie Àirienc. tisere rcali h,t na vils Que or" the eadln tfl etu 21» ter tise glanbusiness fot himal ts b ~urgh, Pa, Ll n hJie bis s-a.biasboss von rapîi "Sert EPlishte véa alto consoct- rbote durlag lise put aeveral Yomr. iHo Od miti tisenosaieglusa campais, 1t05 bat Jiut flulsbed a fie novr-borne but »seeal Juara M9 vent visa in. Oak Park antd iedatmoved ot e 0 0grnW witthlie counitry andtii lbnot long ago. thse tleHonovr vesides la os- 31r. Partldge'is deatis lierefore. neat Chicago. canse as a &bock te iereftve "Clu-lie King, formetly a ps-ani- aid frientis because be waicono- iout lavyer inlauaesan, but nov E aderedte lab. invery good bieails fonia. hrisins ciisens lu Cmii- rigisl along. Tise !amlly isasfri e na EÀQuetiy vieteti Olti frjonds la Wou- "William 0. -8trOM g, pf5it up'kegax. drivngup aioy a couple of lavyer in Chiiabo anti oie 0t Wau- lUImeea 50 0 cll n tsas- cquinkegWai ading acptaliste. 0 ancz Charlie K*Mier, viso wva kiing Mr. Pattitie vas tise eldst am a remarkable reputaUion lu ie At an5d no famly in Waukega£'a h iscoaci profession at Beividere, vas luttrr a lydamr rmnn cl tidovuearly iIcar-b! lcry but Dm the d a or e -promin e i l-devourng scytheo o! ime, m o n" p ar t=l i sasf l ie as-h o d e a d a n s d W lU ia m B Is h o P , o s e 0 t ie t151 faMl&44 f uis an ex-brigisl boys o! is clans andilaIes a teon Hoe atteidth Ue Waukogss lav pas-lier o! W. G. StranS. met laal- ecsoolsand receiveti hi eelscation a ment tragle deatis early 'in il k In bore. He vas a membe o!flise casser,. Waukegn Iigis atiool alumni as-- Ivise- accatianse idbas fraqueitly% at- ~ Uf teideth ie bouiques ni>te a ev PL_1 unty, yeara ago. - ~ nI "Reading tise notice o the. sud-A ÇIt ours- den dentb of Lester Partrîtein luN ISU ffi, te viviti remembrance Us. early days o! "Old Rollable" OCaultgai Chasles B. Ruamil, couîty superi- con- Weçkly Gazette," declared Dew'ey tendient o! iglivays yesterdai atend- Hamlton, volés-au ps-Iter, today. cd a meeting cf litlivm supes-laîenti. Lnty, "That X. tise das immediately fol- ente o! District No. 1 iseidti Itise office lomlng thdistiposailo! tisat once o! the. Cook count>- superlntendent. oun- vaimable piece o! nevapaper prai>- Tise district superilandent alan vas las erly by Chares A. antiHores-a . E attendance. Il vwu announcedthtia onty, Partrîdgs in tise laIe Senator R. W. DoPage county, o!fmiicli Wheatesrtla Coon. tise county seat, Yb planning te vote cor- "Tbe office vas lisen located In 1on e 31,500,00Q bond Issue t a speclal o-tise second &tor-y o!fvisaI is nov election In Noveusher for tise puirposo knovn as the Hull building et 125 o! building isard rnde. coun- Washinigton s-et. SNIPERS ALTERNATE IN 'i'*ll tell tisevos-Id there mers no tgom moernratling linotypes lu those USE 0F IRISH WEAPONS deys to set lise typ-no eiectrlc . unty, molor te drive tise machInesy-na Dublin, Oct. 1i.-ArmEY.and ammun- Ua-p.rfectlng presses to prînt lise once Iion are se %scrce amonglis. Irish ev-a week edillon whîch for meuy rabels now tisat omen are employed isn. yars gave ail Lsak2 countty ls lat- ta cas-sy atm to a body o! Irregulars, cu-est newse wheoa e "niping job." They têetus- ..Type aIl stby banc-paves- lie uria la liewmons. vholabo lhem es-son firaisetiby' auanod dilapdated. 10 anoîher part o! tise dlty 10 beo usoti vbmees Bl eu9I one-aid papes- by etiser miner&. sdglng by tise ici- number of mas that bae sbeew placed on te court cai. Judge Edwards la euxlis 10 resmeve-mach0of tihe ngestion la thse coUt <tcket andi for that reesos L turins attorneys tprepare th*' uosqsfosr trial no liat tisey cam boeIls>oaed or at te earliest pou*" e aimeisl. The trial of edsisai cases ln cheduled 10 atarI. ,Oitolser 23. Il te D0t kuovi luit blong101911il i tas t0 dispose 01- l*iem but no li jela lab.e wte@& Thse law casea are te féUcvtihe criminel SàIl- Poliovlng là a Ud o f law cases rWhb ae ou tise «Il: OCTOBER T5AM, 1 Thompeen vs.Docesr. Lake Villa co-o, v& western )aixy 0o. Castor Kator 0 * ASiiPPIICe. va. sex:ton OU1001. Dis-. Gen. o!fR.IL . C. & N. W. t. R. va. MOran. Marsoif vs. Decker. L-ouisvs. Trayacff. Werner va. WWO et &aL Jacobsen vs. Aille & Sons. Bender Co.v&, Plni- Fanta va. Petirs. Conseibam nvs.,Badelnan Heukel va. BrOUli. Bebu vs. RUtis Dougliton va. 0GUi. PosUn Igv.L Fanti. HocfLüey vs.Jyrci. C.. N. a &. EpEILvs. (Great L.ake$ Fruit Go. KeCGOven VU. Cohen & Serlin. Gr'esnvad vs. Stone. Erlckaoa va. yeoman & Sarvella. Daveon va. Co. Eraline va. Morroi. Demo va. lHauser. Mass vs. I»oisiiani Snydex -va. ot-Usa Smith Admît. lit, cf Cooper vs Morroir. weétem n ocfoste- 00.m affl Ikut iBai-rail Co. va. KMai. Ramiet va. Gwdmma. ToUAnUn Ageaçy va. Thaman As drews Co. EPENýD WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN OCTOBER 12, 1922. $1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANoE GOSSIPI GossiP Thaf's Whaf Asa Chandler, Multi - millionaire Declares Crnased Hlm to Abandon the Wedding Aflter Invitations Were Ouf. Noole Prouses Large Number of Booze Cases; Many Set for Trial. CALLED OVER 100 CASESj More than a huntireti erimInali cases lu tise connty court wer. call- Gd Tuesday by Jutige P. U. Pet- sous. andi Stites Attoriey A. V. Suitis cleared the docket o! a num- ber of cii. by ha-ving tbesft nolle psoused. Many casesa, moat o!fIlium allegeti violations of tise probilbtory law, ver. set for triai. The cas, chargea, and dispoé!- ttons wers tbe fqllowlîg: John abecl, alk.me, for trial John L. Petersoî, sale, for trial. Clarence Noffslger and Amend Buel. disorderîr conduct, nolie pros- sed. Josephi Stolorik, manufacture of liquor, for trial. Hienr-y P. Suhiung. tatntory charge, for trial. Win. Scimldt sale, noUle prsoed. Philip Pink. sale. nolle proased. FrankA Gater, ml$e, for trial. Mre. Jerry Wanda, mie, for trial. John Stolorik, Josepi Gobricli & Biarbara ltoiarlk. posesionof 0! tilI for trial. John Jackson and Clana Olasi, sale. nolle prosast as te Olsen. Chas. Schuller aud John Filmer, sale, for triai. Fred Elter. sale, for trial. Gus Dullecli, sale, for trial. Geo. Cessar. sais, for trial. Gus Pasiewicz. salle, for trial. Louis Purseila. nolie prossed. FrankA Gogglns. sale, for trial. Peno Favelli, possession o!lilquor, ucîle prossed. Frank and Rose Petkowsek. pos- session of liquor. for trial. t èecl Hfole, allas James Duffy, saie. noile promed. laiz Machnicb. Possession, forl trial. Valentine Gelec. possession, for trial. U. B. Pacewlcz, possession nol.. proffoti. Frank &"d Jchn Morre, sale, o À- tiueei JURY STÀTEIIET A TIJCRDN for O0o ol Signal Honor Cornes to Local Circuit Judge; Supreme Court Acta Today. IHE IS AN ABLE JURISrt Signal bonus- came 10 a loca Jurlat todai visen the supteme' court aI Springfield elovatsd Circuit Intige EDdward D. Sisus-leff te tise appellate court bencb of 1he third districIta a uccsed Judge Emery 0. Gr-aves, of Genesea. deceaaed. lise mopreme court aiso named 3Jndga rhomas M. Jett of Hillsboro, as ludge of thse appellate court for thse second district tea ucceod Jutige Dorrance E. Dlbbell, of Jolie4 deceaaed. In tise elevation of Judge Sburfir--. leif 10 lise appellate court lise eY. smteeîth judicildistrict, compset, of Lake. ficfenry. Bonne andi W1a. nebago, counties receires a signal bonor. l'or auny years Jutige Shurtif was a state legisiator fs-ais the elgistisdistrict. 1-e served uas ai er of tbe houa. for a number of- year. Upon bis retireuseut ho waa appolnted by Governer Srntall ai a çp.it utige of the local district «1f ift. the vacaucy causeti by tise death of tise late Jutige Charles Donneily, o! Wondstock. à year ago font sprlng heovaU nnanlmonsly nominatei at a cou. venlion ln Rockford te aucceeti. hirlel! on thse bsîch. At tise e»b~ lion a UtIle ove- a year ago,% Ie rttqlved a * inanimoue vote at -lAS li e. bas morsto aMon, gp - ir.ooud*nco placed la 14m ,ýb votera. l'or nme lime put il h4 ýb* m-mored tisat ho misht b. ism% a Idge .01 tiseappellate 0coMuse nefnite action vau tak=> g W ê suiprême eetitt » tome ay. Tie latoe udge WbUIer. 0( - xesu ie wsa*a lte cf Utise pefirnte court:Fumge 81u4 W pobinitdos nt ressaya tram tis, local beneis. BY IIi GE 150-t. Strip Condeinned Sb-- tween Five Points and 1 .L Uimits of Waukeoan,, , P. S. CO. IS GIVEM PBRMItr,,ý fIe eCommission. gtalvn- the= ub. lic Service company tise'-rialslte construdt an electric tranemlataim lino. froux lve Points 10te e au. pansyP pocsed 825.000 gsee. atlng plant noribeait of tise ti! of Waukegsn, M iPnt a arge erl# or land out o! commission s00hW as fts u8efuinees for cultivation àa ooncerned. Thse line wll be conalvucteti on large steel tovqrs andti lsevoit. age la no bigis tiat It ina es. uary te cendemu a mlvi> of Ia# ~0. f..t vide so tisaI no o0e w1 40me Us contact villi lie vies t% caju ot accident Thistr i n>vll cultlaIite. tis" Robert Dady farin at FI-vu FaiBlià anti a numbeet M! o tie a4au et" of il 'wvll b. damage4. TIsS vinin s-nnos-li 10te - on Mumiord rad. vbur il atI "&lI.eaout Ilrougli ts* KothsMdt Bluusberif aaitiiion A Sacp te tise generatisg plant it viiiCont tise Pixaie 8«1$.o Company thonsands t 0f olaw-*0 rigist oX vay for tihe lino, anti condemnatloa Lbas boon 51.4 h lb ct ty * for tise purpose of ar ona i equllable price for l.epo 1y»m damagad. Tise linoe viiirui lut te th. omet of tishie *0Coust! Genes-al isonpital. M'HENRY ON NEWEST R0ADS FOR STATE WORK Springfield, Ill., Oct. 11.-Bida SW 102 miles of pavlng anti 85% MIW o! beavy trading vll efle u1d bore Octobeos-$1, lise 4bMaI of hlgbvays announce t odai.?*e ly-one counil e o sealte .M 41 3affecteti by thisevrk. Thé se 0 rwork la on raods tisat Viii ý0 ed mort year. Tbe paviug sectiIonsI«Oi>e 1 Route 9, secion S.6,Taaw5ls' 1-4A Above l Usbowne..Qaama tl.ntaso ltybeleutZ ~Or- jean, below AsCandler, lh4 . 1 rnarry ber. >Heo daims that h. heard gosslplng tonntes talk about. bis bride-to-be andi therelore b.--mea- flot OM$litently *Marr. heflObe demande the naines ortlï .tir be talkSd but Aua 1» u-eWl' ta*k any more. uJniY LFÂStIS. Ernua i Mug Co. vs. Tri».a3 P ItO Rom ivs. c .1a. & M. AIL .proILtOrs6fl e t to Ropkis. va. Wagner. rwuoll dUWU riflul« ON, u t~ I Stevutt vs C. N. S. & M. R. R. from Jury. Yrbes v. Erhat Kari*la v. SisslemSHOWS CRIME WAS CRUEL Pa.InfulY Injured While Wa1k- Wslcs Y s. Miller. inîg twHua Home iBeach waiiht i. Kelley. us yEeig Dulla, Ville vs. Waukeffle. Oc.. AÀpetiticl sigielby Itl"17 rea18esayEvnrg, RocAaeliow vu. Dov. visa round George Nlsitg eercf Eockaiellovva. Scisuaifuésa Fo, laS. guiiIy Of mirtiring Jolsi KO ED U CNSI pigment vs, Moes . UJohson, sta51tisI tisath»mus-derI NC E U CO S OS Psool»,ex tel Mutdock vs. BulL mescolti bloofesunid c-e.si- d Guerriert vs. Bejuleuis. , - iu'glg tise State Board of pudSs H lens-y B. FasI, or Nos-th SIh.s-- Bogal Ys. Lake Co. Board e! sud ParglIe toi deni bUs requet for daa roait, vas palafulîy lajured Agriultre.a pardon. lis expeetei te keeP the Wedneaday eveang misen ho vas Acee Notos- Co. va. Faits. slayer f nom «gais-his liberti. -ThesO sruc and kuiocketidevûw by ai Karpen ms Kroll. prsnatstlo f tis petitia 17 A automobile driven by John B. Te- Verisovic va. Rîblus iDeeol» tOM alitant 1States Attorney B., Ef. BlOCk tienn, 8101 Enooh avenue, mleu. Bisg reois Goale. lue, vs.lm. Bais-a-miseapieisd belote tise Pardon Ms-. Futlisatibeau hielphsg Ibreels tom CcQ. board onTuLeidai anti fouglit Nigge. On tlis.Fred Zoceslefartan au as Kurlis va. Mes-tons. ieoyees request. acted i an Wa h otu turnlng 1> hi. borse ou SiseridaS pomilalft vs. 5t2-aka. blov for *Ropea" OBrien. lb. mur- roati sboot 6 p. mn. Wr. Detionno Kelly vs.Ca . & Mllvaukee detet'i attrey. il mas 50 bIn«- wuirU sving sentis anti vison i.41 .R. ~ ~ ~ ~ -p4e$ t I t "e A' bapo fs-otu 5a short, distance or tise l'ai BajttRot vs.Stszsde. M ., . Jensenva. Paradise & Co. Ms.,-Block presentesiii$ casehlunlutrous the - Suts and dimmeti Sulil vau . C. N. S. & M. RI 1. a niatenly waY. Afler Ilena 10u is ligis. The approicising auto- CO. liseargueiso! O'Btlei andtihie mobistallf5114I10di bis lights -j0beu1ca va. Bôrtigino. hysterluai pies, o! Niggemoyen aie- anti blindeti Mr. 1-ltionne. Juat as Jebsaus v. Blisop. ter vho polateti ouI Loy badlYhbe"tise nos-lisbôudiitcar chol past anti Cobonergl vs.Hosuser. leueedeti by bis faml, anti hovMs-. Dettenne suddenly sas Mr. Mater D! tise Est. of Ailes Krg- thor. asu h. Probabilty Ibalst om usFt valklng lis front.- o! lieicar, gem- vs. Erlalus. on,@ 0150ibai flietitise isot, andthie net more ti"saiax- fest ay. 'I liai-fiord Acc. & lin. Co. va. Mfg. further argument In Use for= O! a vas nt, drlvlig more Uai et lise Tes-minM .Ca. petitlon cootiantng tise naine. o! 200 rat, o!' ton mle.s au Isour," Mr. Se" alAv. Desling. people vbo asked tisaI ho bo freeti. Detienne declareti. "au 1aimays POVIIottia va. NevetddOil5 . eWmukegan assistant statesalA- drive vos-y care!uily on Shidan Bamumsisvs. Melodi. Ierney saIsi thal ont o!flthe 200 names m-adlepscllîy et1igit. 1 lurned Kssbeisky vs. Smitis. on lise pelition oily aovon ste resi- my missel sud at tise nla me n Baisel vs. BoJni-"vic%. de"s o! Lake CoontY. fie prenteti Mr. Fut triedtoi 10ump cleai- off Miyerisof! v. Aeny. a countes-afftavlt algiesi not cnlY bY tise maffine but lh isergistfender Barnisetit Bs-os, vs. GherlnstonusLke cOunly tealdenla but by peo- struck hlm. Hie mas knocbed domi, Mfg. 00. ple aIl oves tise state. te tise nn- anti mhen beasrucb tise pavement fllpos Glass GCo. vs. Netar Bey- ber o! 2,437, asklng that thUse & .on lise riaht aide of hia iseati ho orage Go. for a pardon le denîsi. fHe adiled wvastilunei. Oue o! is oeye. vu woftew va. Gavie. to i his tise proof thal lise lurY cul andtihie aide o! bis fac. bmdly Glucks va. Lebov. visicis convîdtet i Nggeusoyos stooti bruiseti. Tw m Cuosisa men ilsove Hawkinse &Ioomis 00. vu. City il te, i for issnging and ti lalli ni> about Ibi lime andi allen Mr. of Naa~S GChicago. compraushsotion 25 yearsl In tise Fl' ailitst omevbat recovered from Poienis vs. Leczkus. atate penelentias-y. tiese hcck vo iselped i hm. inta my Wausbegan Dally Sun vs.as. & Tiseîho spneng hieis rump dard car and I100okh hAnsta Iis bomne. Lavis v. Laeble. misen lhe presentet tise sigusetistate- fi, retusedto o1t1us tais. hlm Call"ani 'v. G.N. & MIL. E. R- ment o! tbe Ivelve jurasa visaoundti ta ahospital." Jobnison va. Meyer. - Nlggemeyer gulty invisicis lIY se , M r. Fait. mio conticts tise Pies Gsvln vs. Lîcakus. sers-Itil oulti be a mistake 10 Lavis refrealimont stand on Nortii J. B. Colt G'a. vs. Hastliga. Ire im. Sheridan s-aid, vas muchis mprovesi Flick vs. Thsomas Atidreva Ços-p. ÂAtty. Block also isointet OuItishAt today. *'Ms-. DoeenodIi very- Wankegan Fnance Con>. vs. MII- Niggeiueyer bas servei ls tisanIL 1 tig hecoulti for Wr. 'Ipt," de- 1ler. 1I year o! tise 25 yesr tes-m. claked nembera ao lie lier.faux- Vamdes-boot Es£t. Conttal Trust Tise board o! Pardons took theislly today. "Thory retosau toie ave Co. of 131. Guas-tilenAppslla)st. nattes- undes atiseusenî but tUse out Ms. Dtenea isme issasuse TRItAL BV COURTI office o!flise Lakse Gounty prose- ithe declared hé mas not la any Mteyer vs. Jelfere. culeir Is couvIncei tisat Nlggemsyen vay to blame. Jackson vs. Vil o! Lake BInff. vili flot vin bis freedous. Dr. J. fi. Bilîmoyes-. o! Zion, madie Oiusky va. Heves GarAge. Io exainiabions antid dlare Sciram vs. libye. 'Cook a Coutis Ooc." tisaI ho dose nol believe auy boues Roeiner vs. Luyter. several yenrs ago My auî son andi vose broken. Zutkusi vs. Cumauskis. 1- meoviating lu tise Ozits. Tie Lax»sn vu. Luttrell. rhilds gritudmotiser gave hlm e beau- Makela vs. Vacnea. -tîful white bantaim roostes- sud iseu MOTHER THINKS PRAYER Rdakvs. Dudek. to, take home. -V\e lrarcled luneachair GAVE SIGHT ;r0 INFANT] Jaisraemskl vs. Dudeis. car anti 1 put tise tluy chics Inkl a pa-~ Habel As-mbrs-stOs- Isen va. pe., box andi put tise box 0otise cas- Grimsby, Englanti, Oct. 1i--Tb'e Dutiok. fluor, lhiiking It would hoie ste fan the 1 power uf prayer bias a fis-m believer niglît. X tos-got lil abiut thse posai. lin Ms-s. Paîchett. wisose chid. blînd Peraonal le ark. blity o! -le rooster ctoo'sg. Enrly since bis-t , bas recoves-eti simis Wdieieau s-lnBsarr wrolh uIn iii i-iîig lît uttile hantant incesthe Rer. H. Cotton limlfii Oan-shut thr popl.-l9soui clarted Inllong andi loud. I have novliha$ calleti for dally psarse'for 1the àankabou; thor .pe Êut ortrlc.lsince 1toi-ansport lIt-s stock. obiti !rous th isasenbied Issotkari . -M--I aschnrip- Iof tise village. LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT LAME tfflSTATE's ATURNEY OP CAS- IACED CLEARS CRIMINAL j ON RLCALLi DOCKUT Of COUNTY 1 1

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