~T ha uace membiSs am uioltyrap- Come ote i It o ... : "n la waiung snd gnaehlng -f teet. The cornpl&Int han been that by th% vau aud they tOak Ih Mia*4-- t<dtElsIsadtlgdstricts Up -jota "pooket bar- Organization Was er ed t S, hitmol S augh amnia member han lit in 88.a$q A ft banane&?. u~l iS bU~BOueo ie st viien.if the votera had a~rta fà hw ariettOte I i ma 0m iiivuv Vin tltoaoy.any paver a! slection, they ovaulcour+, hont~k a care *ffm Sttone*tel bave put hlm cmite fla pow te uthe supramet court AeJIn- 8*ale lvh. ita ibis The WD0 dnov caiitttloft v, ere elated and an or- iteaS et theIi. ' - - 0009 a Omoerandliit $19 s. iane mproveiii t bat for te-..taquan raauofa M f lntcm id vich asvIpes out Ciuulative valsU ,uganizatian pertecea4 of the Lh iO .plne rliill' tlm « ~ _ ~oaeaauth va t ti.instead provides for 163 rpedeit* CMty Leag»i et Woman Votoes t the Çi MOaUZin amethin lns ýatttuit Fortas eci tram oian. aritves distict%, aPPOoOleSaccord- u ameeting held In the Chafib&r M l u'cur ate, etc. a lae 'bi ed utC liai lutuBa JaisaS thre Mc. » A ncmgOe u hebuofa abe1 Commerce auditorium ,e ai n, MiS tr aile snid snd douthoÜSè Tb*,A hSbeau detaiiied *e QemMbrO tebus 0tablkegau Thuraday' atternoon. Repre- reddeilts Who cauld 14va coe e T r 4 hVith hus tel"fylected. TuIe votera yulai Iaast a wlv omen wve.prKs eet tron the sy*tu*. are tilïe and tiLi. te8 ex OrUm tb"autn hol ttueu 0, ce becaÜsae rt Ot a ejith fhln tie et boaus attia a b Otai iade b Orinni ta Ca*boue Or' bottr oupre court. vU p Ipigiml1te, baein paali ii ii ouea r The UlMoer5 acwver.:fwuVa tter the dls3!ÉyCrad #tat olonel , . niut i bM E llt inbr-ftIa, fl k un- ciiCa 801 cuetr i- Preident-lirs. H. C. laits, Wau- thiW- as tmareremedy for tiient that of the BtS Jyvi~teld. '(~acoin- b nana te Cty, counil a! Ohtcw>. o . _ ti ý s.v iheir iM5btàjt. ThorxaSa W13v .S ti'ILTt rtb Chicago. lpoiS a te06U frih h oýT m db ffl 1adaaJaatia uteeloinifvihteit ViaPesidet- lire. Pran C9ýNelton had e£ Um-bd td tuA84 i itllt !i!nr haveye t &-o t r !ohnice, but Iliglnd Park. I ~ ithay had iven thons bail brioi.t» a gdebut t 3has Mu Car! I. Chndbkm *ui ni vh a iteo om utr e' Treaurer-lr. .1 I l. t4ai had nat liuties t haqatr a i.B UlAuty ona tgtpresetativ'a tram tae leglsatiire. for braise or ability. Bod a e euta u ti 4 ~ » 5su ~ iagr grMet hau beanni ie5e te Organisation Commtia-lire. J.1. l.uý% i tent on this uarticular lit bttmilnan r taidaet S he fart ta Ul on e ailiV*I tu il. Phelps. Mmira. EC. weIls, al fi. tdan.g1 p: tisa Ma fai ta remain la t FMp14u 1 if. C. l'attersixi, lira. WIII Pa*qWl , M ht~Th a b cat 10.000 inataad , Tatai strengui s at. IoIY L M. Mlre. Grant licArtitur. lira. V'. AL Of 1».80),. Thé ttalbip#tr f th e .Pont la -la PolanSare terrible, ~Kellt. ra.mR. 10. Calirlvel, Miens1 $eq4-,&bout a do= a-1fIles $6 oiUael 8 ttserd nS 180fath kayvrete ta ber Slst5r -K IW 1f1I Ida HBlmmirerch, lira. M. V. Allen. bave nje sever Connectos at al au ite otisluuu îacheiuabb -ffleage.X they deport 84*8ùF f il 4V' a .AS IathOne, Uli. J. RZ vherfl- ad thay ual oppoaed lthe et thOe tt- eate qaer I Srswa yseif su ta~ ~ anes, lire. Jinea. BReeiue sili..prîOjet tI ouland have-be" au i stèr, or4eMUce nauerecraw t»i aoceasuon u a li14 Antan BeiUi*=p, lits.G. r. linèr, adteutag eto!the ca"elveuat a uategstrp. the way s sewM lra. Wllim Schumanand lit* i» ot bf4wGu LGiae. V. R. Muse P Va parentsdied viie h. - MaryPalmateer h Ls 1that ail o! these realdelts lux0u508le lmtalutaathe i a s yal 015vblohmade The tat le empbiied that this ar t #' IuhLvexe aTm'bluBIiWs"adlSPont. Ha bualtoe, ohsl W e hlm ta gai Say Nev Oleens, Oct. 80 -Alvin M. le Striotii a non-partisanorganisa- t*kýtbu position taey diS on aSsice SePteiuhe',commaS the Si#I4eeM ;8 notUve "y ibis accoluta (>vsey v"* today elected national lion. The Intelligent ta une-te cg Nejimon d others vhase r*Wioq Corpw Ana. TIbe staf f o tteIM ta 1 -lwut IIeracy. MB i ie commsudqr'o!t theAmatissELotion haloi, the support a! varthy Can- auraly wata prevent anyb"ay apo.Brigade le ba!ug oraiseS s&"nov ha 9'x 00 so d tioli, tuii o o*Yn IL ore.suceedina Han- didates and tuhe amai-Bng of inter- lutanytbing that Veulveansd bis felks lIoosMajor J. Pi Vace~n, lui kev ba" beu toIS about tue fardtI*aNlder ia national coin- est tu poitlcal affaite are aime éfet w vjh ta carry out. f=ani! sd lut Lien. John . Wlnn, Mm CI b a nsd bath ver. Mgndet !cii iBl5Sli- the arganiailton. Field Artillary. ha la aide-de-camp. soi riavard vlth ranch, autici- Caupeas vasw» elleSUPOn bY the The intereeft manteted ThuirsdaY dmItative cStaffa O1 nkn eihoeILointarta dmna'M nieaternow eaa a uu el o E À The posiadmlabitrative staff cone 1qua Umm.a tfix" polira'for UtIaDl POuc uthe future of the Ognston n1 Eo t e toilovng:co cetepiaaj&dýeO lze o a f rat oduPec fo t . Rmae t b àxecutlve ottlcr-liajor H. A. Boots bae ntr" temlflsu dflmnbult owr roecslarge number of meenhers as ibis UMedto&tElA . lu-M*3or I. .Bachard Maven la S ertim oeyIlas a eerbt sl ome, POja., - l5 meptaiure i Wsuc . JMan11lViIr I 0. otIi4,N as.su ae eerth a e ie 1toai aiMbsca lhas lsan vis- ipt Qnatermaatr-Captgiu William cas- _______Whoco esur e R0BEWT u.LOCKED III> LSO R t ii< a ffîcer-Mlajor R. B. Hr actinug irector o! the AAeticaLe- 0.RO ER t Vso W WiUS'Clwn manlcanbsa Commnission. A Pont Excan e-Captaifl H. D. Birks Ovly rèceived $47 vtas, William ' Mike Klimas andWife Both ASuts.t-int Lieu. w. B. collette s aDeesau abNav York tu CloelA MQOrdgmmpoe-Capt. A. B, Aibra « M AUhmponai Coslnel, IN Fined; Leaves He& as lest- OducCaalI..Cita Sa John A.IlicCormick af Clorado, Elag to Raite Fines. Tarlat amg-a* . .M hain a LAW 'aleina te aunnncemeut t fOv- - Whe Nika Kimas.48 eara i. J P ibn laVa emlecia, Deefan moved bisi elee- 8M7 Sata Sheridan Road, went ta ths tion ealea inada naious, Tiomwsa Truck Came 50 Mies to Move police station sundai attex'naon to nid f~. M~<> b i eoadd tue otion vhlch vax car. -Il st 9)j rotant hp errent a! biswvue on.* al 1 £a dE Ma m w fo iniijviSb iêaat#charte of drunkennassansd to*deail M AJ= . v n Mmý * lis Ot wlty-imtain bofne ta the Pli, ROsUt of Triok. ber rèasse, be vas so intelcatid10 tSoth e x1.lo«Uers ut several Ti orhMlmsean#u4became so abusive tant À'IOA" as lb - at.b viilebtithe AuditorIUm Crgini tatsame o isOMO hoibn vas locked up in a ceii. In1M lIRIrI - tid wu qbcho.. lu ziwas religions vl VWietili-iapolice court liaiday moaing theî I« 1r*aant&AtIa, iana te- Oitalq, ivlan barely thituy yax beau aaneige for tvi veaka, triaS 14> ye f lueS $7.40 ascii. T M i~h!I"f 141 awthe i ol . atui nii lX 4îàrmpC4aMajor ai InantiT la mpve hm5 han5ebox effC<te ouit, Klua 15nteaeth mn ta ll IR M TiI Oaîu -le niai- u xI inaeum ituath e t ut ir bisthe Cityv o! tue Wbie aDore Y' e>pay 110 leqyDg bis vite as a hasiaga. btii.propaieed niv eMogrrmpartIcpat in l te WattS ay, the ReY, RobeIL 03B. O lat d C bauredmoSamon bis trieuds ith tô 'Vtoi voeWas' . lit *WWleS isovu batal*ak toid asu ndueeffl i 8M IneS- hsu tâarouiinecsnyaoito ot u.UiosF eal il t'eave &99 14 bOcMre 11& ailatta porti»nfet.edivi. paudibU tl a ai 12"O 7 o011Pt01 nd m'luitah o ared t ot sDita- aaofWs Fto Met lm >b" tm. Thre ate ip AueNarh«ian a T iso n uit s u7. atX04 t» t a - d W'riii' gupn mdpai bath lnea. jBe sud bis 0111 laie itaI htfigii tse Mto asa diisionlueu- Camai?,CaIhISO. aChiSUP t 3115w loi Cithi station arts in atm. tR erPak ~Poliein volera ltu &»»ot set =4 ,mgdor ntructet f teldnci u t)»e drv ers er-tRe are wi'baS a iii - etponstn*&lnk <,hÂ.l ~~ ,- ~ ~Tb@s ltiSe trouble etarted uSas' *t- the poay veutlv1se aaxwivid aonte MO UeorlvianMoIdOtrCs'ChaPOlieasa Tii.Bravas"tuCricle viii bb oa- f» vsbs iiaq. tva . Y IWIMdoce t hat ho ffle- Thom»s eu80S vwas pasigthe Mi- tasses ta tae l I&ai. l eentian av distictmi.e.' e ii. uyausuéta rgu vis ta uuvaoatertanmis'ins baic n4 sav PaierShaibai, 42 ofWomau'a club.*ai lthe Rogers entasoltésateardar, et0MiChartes Park Club Houai Meuday, Nov. 6,t. J5;~ii ta.tae 9misce this 271 ys aid, lving i 7U$ at 10 a'aiack,ý ta bastia.det - ý ý 1 --*-T SouthesSAtt nRon. d, 5tueaS Thei mosugmntig viii Cade- il , bèdbbWtet the saw i.ntio~sr ~ ~ eayoad 'b catne h XM uit 11Q&'voi e t t buslaflet !tle dia- M WC iat5as'oa: 40i rasso itbo psunior a i m Tii dives em ilsta do tiBid.theaInfluhence of! IQUOr. H 196tbfith. Honinems Millet, dSeeata ared s hUtaIbidiSdttl-Ol4ll ua-l arg nts uin oi i d canStue tartid lt. the bole te luvesilgata fr091 tai BeveceStBenatral iDist. tbe Iloutofer 70015.»1.51 sud.VUaflCidg" sealt t a- CP~7baS Umevm a tlopien.a sd W« et by lin. KIMUasvIs 15ta t theConsiitatioei5l coveatlonIi. ax0 thea repuiblicans 4ft toueF ge»n etoTaxes. ,Aun-ai ale klau % t taituavnimael.allpgqêta have bien Wlutaoteil and viii prnant the nev constitution, deàdlSiStisas'ad a o e t g lolifslative cannuitas taib at Rai. OBe'*PaC i4W., oiwbtte' 1ihit the ottier ta and an apOrnnlly VIiibegivan for abant tbroi snd chai- lu tat stt e v wontlu a flegt tatae It ta Chicga.tacsstheutaiS Mm. kaop i=a eut of useplace. Bth aho questions anS Infarmai - discussion. déocrate or thse dis.r-a flfOls,0,0haspitai ton dimableS 1ev. O'Brlen Iter wus taiS bs'the sud Kamiskas' ver. ameteS anS _It la exiacted te prisant te eeaougsvoxte sesirica, min, tiii.bR N i ang ead campin? aticials tuat tues' vould taken ta ta0 Police station. pol4ulas a! tae Bate, Pederatian as s.adtue epublicans vnwo unn UImou vole, lRe riigued give $600 tor information couceruiig The- otficar returued a short tiMe relating tate isaltrlci snd the lu listaS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h pff,~ac u ispstata sisatsire a- lpesn vho gave tuexe the fake Iter sud found Skoibea, vho Bisa v*tadivldiiii luba ait the afernoan ses- orli ireai 91 ta become s rdr arrested ou a charge of baing tatox- sion, sud lira. Bdvard B. Bslley, ýjSza, challenge la oui iis =lilt diritor ' o!ftise Leglan aiona Th. eev ChareS A. RaIes', pasior Iated. stnie Pederatian President sud Wole tpultlics n snaineS Axurlai Commission, o! the liethadisi chnrch ts Wnnkegau, In court liontiaS' marulua Biobes lira. lirnsi B. Griffin, lire. Samuel ~ebien1 nomntead duns iviles'fi a. membr a! the Arihur was ta have Seivered an addrass but and Komlakey vere fineS 37.40 escis, Borner aud aihersaioft. Blta Chartes ayes Seba ata liNiuei Pont ai thse Lotion aitlion- h6 alieS ta Put il u a a "'"oe. hlch ibsi palS. .Fedsiation afficera viii ha Our -1e egmanuc voes ai In ton, Texai,, ba birthpisce. Attorney John Bilis declared ai speakers sud guoas. W . -1 À"thé ballai ta name the command- the meeting tant tuee Inde1iendeIts Paul Mallori and 1h. Brovnsall thle achane vblch Illnois er got unden way, Oiisley'e usas. vas vould filthte action ai the scIscl ITEnnlri Arquartette viii turuiah the musical loc a bal a century the tînSt ta b. placeS lmn oinatiôn, hourd of District No. SI ta close tue j1jIR lT ~~prognem. ifla! vo- i. re eected )ai jOUChmgreeted temention 21et treeta h0 oPlini the lu- you are ail mot earneatby .In- Bacis voter mnai eu The tabioing *ere eieeted the ta auother echool. Re declared tisai IIaloms t*&-e Ma" iva ana vote fIve vice commandera af the L. the action vas a maie ontue Part 4bàegcandaesorhegiols lu the .numericai ordt et of i te VoII,ýtes ta campai ta. Inde- JeCsaad-vrfr h o va41 aw o e eeved: pnansteated-Vlvaa piai o. Caser , ader frChicag o-, uj ualv 'e on . ~Edvard, J, Barr-rtî, Wsconi, echal ud aitian or 1e«»to .ts Carning ii.. et $16 incago vas OU R c ffl E) IN for bi tia "lââmp-778 umbit 14;Bn aclWemastict.ofo! GecsMeinr hucsl tise Justice Caifrt o! John Nelson, uJj(~ j~ Yt4W tisabla the mwJorlly 691; Robat . Blood, New Hamp- CoiS oeo tr llgdId li-~oa Cghicegaruch asge !over- 4 thsisrctt leton î4ra, 668 'and Charles B. X'unmer, îles ta visich tue Indepeiideniaae ialghetukviepegae Wyoming, 680.. been sublected. a tate highvay. luýt I hie first publie depiaration as assan vas arrasted hi state police LJfE chest'oy Secidna4liamf. national ocoamaniier ofth me*.6BTt O EFnlday at Five Pointsansd brougist Ine h siu io ea u cnLetian, Ovi a utliled the 11E4uu mia the court as thse fret case ta =7heeta erIlinistour "xet prlnclples orw ih re be .arested under thie 1ev. BIB Tried to GtMISS Dina Bosma orgnistio stod s:case vas set for Bondai and car w *gast-ý The southann par optaliOasin.: PT Rrled aven until todai *hen Caàser to Quit Sam Doopier f or Sie - te4t wl Land represeniatives a!f iie Company Béri Asma, Cdaim. tI; tise ortierupart vas 2 Rhailtainuboastr-e -s U ppenned lu Noth Chilaga ta argue Repbicai m wa 4 îAmeriCanitniloji. 'KIl IREVENU ON WiLB ie etn.This Nev Wanid. vhich Mises ma Issiwohaves of Ovaiey la leader ai the 'prO Basasa, o! Leenmer. Boliand, 515ev- an ueswstr nobna r* nteLto.H toaR rd.a tevsveeks av,,*van - h. WWeseton.Te popul~a- addresead the convention amid a Opponients te Sewer ImProve- MUhLLBjJJNSMfl)(L came ta 'Wankegsu ta =uaver tae xas lfimut uilsa stanas td t at leurs ment Find Themisescaii rlacuean sd > txtýo!tuahevotea IseCt0ed M$-6-'--- --- ier troublas p1lieS uno rpii? o! ioa isosea.E 140 li Al4.J Oùt inhe-C<ld." fMlRfj'N~ Slondsy liai 'Thamas TYMrel, asistent eAvWa ura st ua hu"W 5.SR W chiaijet o licýevs cailed ta attalgbt, ,an V4w3.70 Itupn Us the Thai V>nta areci a Roosevet lie- That saine nesidinis o! Zion anesenontuiaste*'maitters I lu ucli he ttu sud min' r9paan- marial cabin at Oystabr BayInlurepra- theîr face" la fOncefniiy iiîuâtrRted 1In The Sixtis sud Beventh grades are bau bacome in'voved.' You those dis pyrpreicaldutioluofo! taiccuplad bs' the Col- the sever carne vbich ended lu the. having ireesudy on t'nldays. A fev Says ag0 it vas anneen-d ý luts±1andvas iipur uil ta ansi. vhen hoswva nranchian lu fhe supereasa court aine day at VOOk, The Fourili and Fitu grades are tuai sa 'vouldSMo hbe Wd te, ý"4 Pohilcal ide"s. As Chiat badiands af Dakata, premulgated dur. vuen the court heli thaisantaIn vos- %fluig Halloveean posters.BeS a oper, viss.fathas JiveS 0an 04 '14 hel John Siuat 211IUltnt siyear'a observance of thse Idets Cannaitfance tue Cft t iil alav The Bevantis grade le studylus a tarisnttiv.eSt O!Waiskegals- M the Il.orld's mratent vrl±- Roosevelt bîrtudas', laa illi gaina for_ iheasta cannect vuS thé sever Isuder goura. mediatels'tisere aPpeated upontce I ~ ~ ~ ~ u anIle u oia cec.Lsd u a tae uheci at much fe, controverai nean thè calliegabuilding. The Seveta grade girls cleaned scéne Ber an Ama, sai ta b. a e Sgpavautho f 1870 Joseph vcralebieSacusqjeuneathe ncantScout And, incldentaiiy Il la 'o! Allet ta the basement Wednesday. sultnforrtasheaboSda!flilas Basis. r, 1~ »& S ponsar sund Chamt- -xcuIves' Conterence ai Blue Ridge, tatOv liai tusse anme ablectave vWho Merle licCarthy vas absent WedI' DeaapoW',as biais vorkina for tise Ifti bôth America sud Euirope N. C. The prjec i viii h put turough Iter filed iseir aeppel ta the suprema needay. gavei'nientin uCalhforilaS a OW et inciela vasheraided ta c-aperailon vus the Roosevelt court vhere iheî ver. beaten,Ilu tue lira. Pearce laeaxpected hack 5Ion. raceutly turned ta Wiukaaa*. Dur- * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e rV i~~S? itaiti Assaciatian. ila auggested very firet Place 1ck nthe l M-mlreJoues bas substituti for isen. ngtofa h baqthé iaele r T*40 l' Itisai'tise loge tramvwhitb the cabin provemeut theî nov aeek t ta1ke ad- Tier0 anr, tour nov achobare tis anS rancheSd istant PartsaIts T"resîe"r aa t a emods shalh be supplieS *by vantage af and, that opposition hibarsoî n iesrvc !Unl an Rt brouelt thie niai.teIxCI outs tram ail aven thi cnuti theai b.city of Zion about $8.000 la -Our iree ve planteS let îeer je When Aima boni-S uni Mies BoBia Ir,, an insalai me, Split. rdsntinga oeyn' tato lu the Un. , C Id cash. -w~galgncl.W vi ln aivst ed Deeper he .' veUt 10 i.qa ega hI bacante a piay- an arrangement ,amnently eulis.ble in uthe eariy daysDe e bibdtila bulbe ni veek. ban, tha' other dey, itle saiS,, and poilticlaus The--or1am-ement-vhlch-bas-lia me- nevrna a abg.Ai nf i t.Hak, W oa- . ane ,î tn ta iecaurag ber. Asina laM = 1ba1e tte i AOWMiS__________ x b m 4 c t a S = lt i o e ô ! t h e P O U B à J4 -y ýe a e m g a z 'alr t ail dV dpr-PoR-RAL--80 hW ofgrae Hobutel a b r , v$t h IL bo au ai i aa a h se t r a s d tv » st oc k m U al. 1 .aM M tars- . S a it e lao a » M ta a ve n eR d im d, D a. nlc l d , D L d m , 1br 1ti.hob.palssa me o! tise_________________ MS'a P04dat4à Dci6pe?. But tuai: xl'i Offl te, mkeinah et su '0 .WT-15 0sltin. 1155 D= 151go' te ber slatins Bravmua u. Ws'tateAie C. _ i.~Slte gsebu ar1474ibiugMt Tise 141 hà0MQ 1 id, A utd Ut the oaa o! tMtiei idbatu tr=i Thipie BOX 1M0,Lbort"I4 M11. 48B e 9Jlfip e 5p 5 e8 d as gt ndir viiola haie; 2 140a u= >a e te lie,& 5and l&sèmreet l1m ffSa p i. m"fl 've, NorthCijCagO. IDLIJ îbàn4ubbant hi s'as L -Ahg4ltais iiS11kM 4évwit ý la - xath# Clam.eSowu- itd' tu t, ., 10Ua ADJUDICATION NOTICE PlaRSALU-at rThp obaS (l1< - . tabora, b? -c NiaiserMW M pubiea notice la berTgrvantbm 1ban Junior Ysenll110Boit i 1 e* Ak e eWbcS-ber, flouôj the Wui . aiCeuts' ale ibis 7Fo. M#5Baia I tasu iegt t !Rebunt LU, de- Grantael,i Phas e"0-. 4»8 laid vIlI-#Mdi thé coqe sm ort I LaieOouaiataritbnwia!toiFOR SAL"-miSEDING P10G*NS bodi a t. ou-iHomeluWsi-ANO SGUAU. 01.0MILI. PMM 114 l *Claa t?. ,ou tbe tiraitDIRIL.,IL"~ bd vb mAUe ilpasse i s "ins dame OR BALaR-Bmplex Cre s p"ùa mi.1mt nid '*"asarctifliS san e- ion, Na. N-9. viii plies' adrvf 201111t. 110P*seut h$*saine tosaiSaia" ad drive. Vers' riaonble5 out tors'&djIiiCioiL miMli Taras, lierm ad, lII. âi MARIA LIL4. ____ Wnukgan li., Ot. Racutrx. IFOR SAL-.-"Restou-bi'PaonPaIl% Wauegai, ., ct ,19t 1cablara style, 42 luC1W ill, liM 41 42 43 nov. cost »0, vl m e r la$ . : - ELMER (L 8TAJ4L, AUCTION i "RS.cIniatit. *. - tdfl eeof TtlINOESPKND<NT Batutdsy, Novamber 4,1922. ai 12:30 ALWAYS «T THE LATUT as., limer G. Stahi v oil ali iub- MoW* ~Aso ei- r TAuJ. THE eAncties an tcRimer Esitn Faim, Tilde Prairie iVev: 21 IAO OF' LIVESTOCC FOR BALW-Rbni Ceeu Ris lajais '1o Hoa" cai --Tvo 'aStiscalies by l d cam eisiA DM u n Ma 11101410. ie; 4 clime apninger;baissaimlii- 1.5 oaci; Nilita TeSts tisai a; 2s'er aid balte-. draho , "..S I 0. la tlU 100 Uas-s-d Rock Yens-016SHam sdndavanots I&L 4 lIeuS of Horees-Gzs%'t«as7 & 8 WÀNTrr og oS ei» ffai tm »Ma r.. vi. m e00 liii: bas' gaMina 5& ira., L brt v W ýM m n as oa a o M10Du.; Ibaisk aeltams-abS., vi. ame ;a eai acci a»dnS iws A150 lb.; wvan tss, vi. 305 145. ieaper. clive rafiranoa la ioW VMIKI MAbH INESRy IAS5 Tw'Carm lsiigia4 <ib*Ppiqn grain binait; Nev Id".;> ieii-e epteidir;lMoitiemover;. oua uiklng pjpv; lia l stili - .;.one IF YOIJ IIUD A 0001) IUUi aSe? gugtaoi egdn ultivater; sma- eaU astficens Tubna 1a~ ky odivati; 14 dite Dpuilhr; cmoN. 003011M St., WsUiM .Wa ia Rociug e 'bas'ladSer; Blackt theantim aivl' aviaybiae RavSr poli pmer Ias- viM 8rofs virae-a an.Ropsinlul mi reoVit »w; bas'ras-a; o&ta8-iirgea;3- _______4w! 9pg vagua1; tep bons', ass1'4ncv; v oodn ailo, lM M: MsetdassilO ba- FOMSAI-'a V uoe !& M b 4 i..; PUMP Jack; lIgSi h Oumues;,nos-lVtw o !0 tzàb Slila. le Uda se...; vai er ri, l4ierinvui,.M UmTnus: onsr 85, amotasnMW % Icaie lecivpoetesmw John J. Wiei, Anctionsen. mack, atI oeet Prie«.,Rivas-S »00 J. A Sebasinke Clati- 42-lt Ubatfllhcnii. 1It 4M-B ANNOU NCMT H'ALLOW 9 E NýD A NCE Satu*dy Eveniog, October 28, 1922 nJappele's Baflooun Orange Hall Rad EVERYBOpy '8RIeC PARTNERS GodOrchadra Mual- Alto oYRTsAIIJRDAY NIGIITAUL WII«U. AUCTION SALE.ý ,ne nndersigued wii selai a publie auctian vitiiant roerve, on tIi. McCurdy F5nn, lacated 3% miles northwest ot Grayaake, One amilee north of Roilins and, 1% miles south of Lake Villa, on, the cornent roe4 vwhicii v1ii be open on day o ale, on WEDNESDAY, NOVMBER I1,.1922" --41 HMD OF PURE BRE!)IIOLSTMN-21 Tube Hard Witt b. T. B. Tstsd Price' ote i.als, an* Witt b. S.M à on a ODAY Rtt. Il 211k C0va, alYdue, to treshen this winter. 2 Hoifors, tiet caif. 2 Heiters, 1% yoars oid. 4 4aives, six montb.o aid& 1Calft, two montha aid. 1 Bull., fouryears oid, a son of King Begis Pontiac; Dam. a gran4 daughter of Pontiac Korndyke and Barcastic Lad. With an A. IL 0. record and R~ T. A. record af 14,000 pouinds «i mlik a year and nearly 600 pounds o! fat. One eau af milk a day. for 100 days. Bore la a chance to get tour daughters and six granddaughters Of Kini Begis Pontiac. 16 Hig-h Grade Eolotein-8 t resh, 6 forvard e3pfingers, balance mnilkerl. "-ORSES--6 1 Team. Baye, 8 and 9 yre. wt. 2400; 1 Team Bianks, 7 & 8 Yre., vt. 2809 i ray Mare, 7 yrs., vt. 1200; 1 Black Chunk, 6 yeara. 36-URE BRED DUROC JERSEY HOGS-36 6 Braod Bave.-. 1 Boar, 1% years aid; 9 spring Gils; 6 spring Shoats; 2 Bava wtth pige 65 veeke oad. The. Boar Io a litter mate ta Bnome tirai, prise vixtning hops of the Lindenbursi 2'arm, ai Lake Villa, Ais.a LMt of Maciaut, TIr" mi andGi wiflb. <Md. L.H'PEP EProp. L.ILFnuim 4 .L -W, ÂdPmmER Xo 1xx Un WO t! he. ta JN]VOu ath hh p "Mls ~ol P4Mg * ir~1 ar.' T:Lm eanlaf 1v.Thom Hrae VU a eaa Batg mcady,'SZ TU W*i juy 55 "tIlh -mi ta~tkl -'TamiSe, Mev s-an, SE oi L'et-a