Mo a=J RU ' 'i I-j 'i I A Il ti -t at.. httal sretbti éf0m wimeu to imetmI dh uaI 1e 1 J3V«1YreiM te l 4bus nuilb t* oet tofe» lreght. teg t"b Xs u. tht- b" beat ttu *Mt, Wou m&lce t t bemt litS là* mloe dntmote de i'ummss* a* Imb et te hteior tbé b.1 timat alt n uh be=hm e Iltu'b" bteIecejpLd htmtnotle-e owith tinipo . l-eth 8-«. O ttlnger euptoirt if- "d eredi ne is mrcedeehi Mm gedthetls sd tht chatas Ilpe ti e uh me hIeAuiM Me: there ba sw tIc e ht th" tisPrla vher pixtytiW MeHale. vlthm eutIn orv 1 bu teI ave meltet dueteesl - abe' d t l.rdt i «ams kueivew "» * pYomi PhtnuU &Met t.Lorgnes, a&t thoir chauffeut Jules; vlth ttbe pehet thtt Ducemlu couit bave mors tbt t ned y«e ttot heevuma Act madame la Comteeslea m btt(tbat tet momori soa d row & bI<ek. but rémalnet un*tat& Whta0"teethugm cdthW t* mat@. fatuS ebeat aioc lla mcac -" IbyietM " umnied, but never tue detu altethem tht ibt tt positIvre smal Wh"± ethiu resa ouitthut e e rth* effot te teuton ufft Buchomnu mpeslq icotult W"ltbthT ae Lace woitt A deishar cousderaon tla. f Mt Mmte. Duchemle aupecte t n-i anmeetvth tht mueb4amlkm eboU teIela et b me d et:.D Ant thon. ptrtly te MI the, .ý re4M bizm t mcharacter lu th autem ni'teok th@ toit lu th*t hurt ef paamrie oppr«eelvthen Iea la th* vaflsy et' tba - à- a tt i Vase mtmt tIlI>e Start' Dut Today to Colleot * Spawn to be Used in Propagation. TO r0RETAIN FISII CAUGHT A~ cteg u-der a speclal '--eiett Wàlehch perlts tem to ftsh urIng <->Ovenb er, wlcb la a closet mentmon 'tAr.troutle.g flaing tu ake lth- ýX*tisWaukegne'u cemmerciel ilsher- MU evnt eut ttday teIntake Ibir e0liat catchez of 1mb, rb wYsi ere acemwainet hi repre- $tentatives of the state tsh batchery lUtte v iii supervise te mtrpplng of ,*» ,a.sethet tsh are xemevet rcqu the vater. Thenenuiliolî and M>lilons o!t fait eut vi» e We -iMetd very cerefufli. Tbey vl be #Iîeet4gi caa vhlch vîli ho packet F' W*tb i e 10 ktep the eggs ie thr - pslble condition. $ÏenM'time te Urne the eslans or -fll beh rove t tethe tate -lateeiy St Uprint eve vit ',<ell luncubated. 5ext aprlog ue .gSgastchedl lutq babyIr ot 1b b sah ck to Wauke&Ï~u -doote altt% e 1lake. 4D feviui ltrit hi& heen tbsa C th stâte te award the cont- et'tcoiitctuithtepsavii for ~ aictf mo Ot eemnal s o- 49cobcro. This yar <Il telocal OnheriËan are to e -o -,tau, eppoî- 4.uiywic viipielts t S$Idtie it t s, m ft ls autl Z aa en lte bLt ls nany i-. and la attributet largely 10 toc tatmilieu t MSel. re un uet de toc tbeUitlake 'mach v. ~ rsulitare Slut ho- dua mot egi ofe et D u- i.W tgarno te ieteut la W~tiittnce . autl» be«iêIt Lihredtoteco*VOY &M onlelalte n to ~r:~uu mtawrt- D)uhmn nmk' omlWu* ona btut il4m the door et tbe > eîu4 lesttht voie.« ! gc rmllni*ade peIl%'Sewht 0~t h capot t WoatLo a droarianimal, nauntet, lui rode tif lu the tlre- tien eai xt. , Ieu Ducherilu canunte bis d*M -MID.ret judgment. wblch pnamet lu thilns te nt boeter- M4t t»ek ~tair on the heigbte acrot. ti< river. Accordingl h. creseà tht four- bit. réacet the tep ie a bath of gmttamutest dame te ceol ant brelotobbuiepIi 1T.~ Vaapleetlt. almeet Wortb h. elIbW. Duclimin eoult met fai moetît* davum the valley. lAe. tht im . nChemsta tlicafethe ta*» *« the t lmglrd. oetaftlal dt e-W the inherge wllh mes Ï3À ett tboe Ibrust out on a ll41 wu bitete: Uth et.osetfa mmn ng dld-gleee. Xavint ttetei, ho pich bus up. tound is hlotes. a mort tratd et wagon iseils.and nlattul et lihe esplng drinks to be linl the Cmft d) manvu-m P=t hig bul foot fre- Atr a time stnthieg, eai il ln- elle.!,ÎMPOItI04bon a te»kolbmakthe waM. bat terneins.a aMlle dit- ttunlaom- the figur e teapeamet felsivig th* mme rest. Dpchtmlc eteppet ant valtet for the suer te Uèm p. But ehen b. steppet the, ý»a» stopped, emt hlm teve upoc a 5-,ok, MWle a pipe. and conwolciioug » bmngave an Impatient ges- tl M«~deoêton. Atet anOther boh. glsce Ovrshaulter Ugslu. -rtla#ýve tistance frem in Lm lu tusk etfeveing ho tumbiet 1 oWrn mb the Valey again an ietuck tériver aestabout mltvay e>bolvemi the Cbatuau de Mt"eisi tn9In At t juectien sevetai heet. n at Do tbogght but te alop'at th* flit bou t ted ea, ou; of vater. à A am"lttta bme te epehit tht 40*1 ho lmtt atta&i with ne mots warâtoî- thn t eu, th* igelfur tht anullt. th*- hiputdes - cu=ftiblé 09 ofauIii' huit t hoa ruot- la4 U iet menw. ansd -lt S~lohfevMa ra tIr U Of ctý,l' thdée rdgr*> ils m- me* lh*4« am .Th autmItUtglahi thét metio hi otmfeverd haie vashue 4mwb. h. hon, brakti phr42ei l trow th* l oekcet bun-e h. vid e 06--r le. ~ ~ ~ h worff* lm i the, 10 b nttsie *ver th& - ui m epu toi!s bis Mldie te alpis ec gthe armidt. Balie ht Uthwm bthe knite elee~ mttthtle effort, throw off oe.àe 'n his chost, got on hi* %nm M&ed.rit sbtaw rlght and loft as tht, oUrer ciosed la mgalfl. OMmehow mnagedi to scramble te at»4 4 uite troe, lb.e eata Of Ia lit O<uekrteKu aÉ.umlthmwo tOvatdt g ave hlm lime tu whlp eut 100 pleL.But beforte ho couit lavé, & a I tton b111hit. bit WUlt h oea et triumph wtt ehoet by *eiatltamor alerni ». dLsermed. DuCemmln W»e atgalo lft t ret. tho, thug OtlWMg hack te 'let tbt pistol- de M swarli. utbat instant a hvttt eword t eulght uwueg round a near- hy eornet tntdametthe group; thé twln, glans oyez cf a nioter car litatl wlth hlue-whteradlance that tableau cfetinç man et bay le the midil. et the rosi, lua aring ut mnevulleme enemie.. Ducheruins m'ry for heip ws ut- tered oeil au lestant hefore hi# pis- tol ezploddle mUten hante. 'Th* husdllghta thowed hlm dWistlncU th* taue et thet mme who Orqd. the 0me fac* Of ft t etures black wlth toot thm.t b*h. bat ea bynoonllght Kt Montperett-Vft=i - Buthtbbulistwent W,1 4 the aahmatae dIýt w».sop but êftovt dinectly et thé vouep mat m wunty *itth» t aab eOfthe ahbt wa*s afl ebt m.>uhelnmvision vhepthe, car gwept betw-eee hlm anetbthot ethers. mcatlng theni Mmkmchlck- tlmultaeeeiisiy the brakea er. et tht tt'k bulk hegan to e11da Mwth locked wbeelé te a stop. and & volos criet: QulehlY. monsieur. qulckylyr-the volt et Eve do Mon- e Intwe hounds Iuhula overtook the csr and baera It bat e=lk te IL gtanttluulespetupon the runnlng- boar d tgragped thé Bite. Hs batl >ou* gllmpse o! the net White face of Xye. as eh. bent ferwsrd. manton- jatuun the gear-ahift. Then the pis toi epat agaie, p hufet mtrnck hlmi a hlew of elckenieg agony le the aide. &wame that ho vas tanvtrousiy w6tnomtr o pt aul h1athohe final effort. throwint hie Lody a&OM tht 40cr. Au teleu pralng Into th: tonneau conelousesmdeParted 11ks a llght wltbdrawn. tCoauet lu Ou Neit Issue.) AthOUgh Mahatmà. Omeiil ,U~inmltleaderof IIa8, 'le bahnt tebers, hie son cariu fOtee hblm. Se le standing on tht lof t before las fathe'neiloU rovlng bIt advînt. On thetînmedXte rlght las MoU Nelir, the timous lesterfront Ai-àaade. EDISON TOO 8B.USY TO made IbIs known today hn e DEN THT E i DED poke for dieon lu denylng reports thett gd netor vas deat. I sked If he bad toit Edison of the re- West orange, N. J..Nov. 1. Tboh!lS 1 »~ ht aecretaryrpedltta- A. Eiso. elctrcel lzad . Aratflv and ald that hime eployer taled over the teleilpone- for 835 years. Iqal1iS a Wd t hoitbe"wut too bufy ýMIs .earîng la bat. i111e ecretary j't Ml Also Endor=.s oIIor.Bnus and S4t; *r TO CO#*VMNION -NOV. 8 gaies and glttsnt" t.,' Judcl convention t 1e80t gfor the burpoee t *psl*M anddt for the Illinos, a bencb. rhTalto unaliinO t miotion or w. o. m, 4.mdenorse tseldie , Bongo BElt- &*- veli as peethmtl. 1 otIhe bo hnd tIpel. àè4aaddlllon The Jadicti doeadM t led are- rad Holltlfl, Chau. 0IL W0, sallaon. IL M. Ru%;?"rt. r. . Beau- b ie n . ' 1 Nortb Chitgoý-Msx« 0boml Laie Bluff-Bd xietn. Aàrea--li. A. w#m. tAesZrich-le* 14e Shels-3. J. geoXài*Ul 1,4brtvlle-Ben N.' - illet and Hshlnt Park-W. ,1Ohee an([ lobe Udall. Aterntte-J. V - .. ~ukegan, 4W J. w", astot ett «rhed H, X.ÎPcluy. High- land -Perk ianA claits Logeman, Winithrop ÏHerber. COMMI3E ROAD The state division ' f htlghbays todai opene bis and ihneinced the low bitter for the Reute 20. satM. bond Imsue roat. section 15, between Voloan mot Memeeytht Illinois State CotuctIUon compny'm bid of $96,074 belng the lovest. TWs pro pofitd improveinent ilu.4.24 miles lu ltirgth, of whicb onteand a haIt loges la le Laboe Cottty, and la Important because o! tht tact that It vli connect Waubegae vilh Mcxienx7 coUtî vitb i cro.m-couti contrete route. Tht contract vltb the 1ev bltder prohably wviisLesignedthlea te.' days..« Boids vere opened for a total cfi 120 miles of hlghvayo la varions parts of the tamIe. DJST. NI3WS ITEMS Tht followlng ihlldrtn hat p*erfect attentance records for the Moeth of October: F'rank Meznanjck, William Smith. William Moore, Chares Slobe. Ru- doipb Slohe. Edward 810h., Arpen Pirslgian. Lavwrence Thiele, Rotte Geellen and Frank Gatma....... Li*tt eek seoun to lie movieg w6ekl ln our district. Tht foliowlhig peOPle havlng movedtote différeet Places-. M. C. Jensen movd i nta hls nev home on Lnin& venue, Frank zell moved f rom the DatY farm at tht -gold grounds te the WII Lyon farni on Sheridan Roaà. C. ChaMberiain of tht Bowen home movedtrie Rocktield, conne"tlcut-Mr. ant Mrm artener of Pulman, 111, moved loto thet nover home snd V. Bruntsgard of Chicago Esther Ester of Chiengo 19 vimtli fr1ends le Ibis dittrict. oy tte ay&MJohn Chichian ant John Plrzgai calied on V. pirsigian Thursday. Mrs. Capt. Win. Semith aet son But. ne VI; -W. B. lngyoldàtsd'Sd- vit t Mary Cr 9. Wlllie, lot 18, t. Pài euh où Long to La e.. « DV I it24 . W( R, H. Edvtrde sendvit te R. F Malltt. N 4&-fn. lot 7, Udwurds ub or - Gîe ock avenue. Waukegan. WD) R, . F.&Maiott and vite tao14. G.lBt- ler andt vite, lot 268 Beimont att, Waukegan. WD $10, stenlP 60c. R. R. Etwarts anet vifta A. h Hall and H. G. lantier,> loti 6, 8 and 'W 6 ft lot 7, Edvsitt sub on Gien Rock avenue. Wnukegan. WD $10, samp $1. Peter Dahasineklms atd'-vite te Fraek liurau and vife.,lot 14. block 11. Wasbburn Springs, Wnukegan. W G. A. lagescbulte set visteateI..F. Litharîke and vIfe, part lot 4, block H' Barrington. WD $1,000. Anna Augustinle ta Magnus August- ine, lot 1. block 43, Highland Park, Wl> $3.000. C. W. Buckley ànd wife ta R. F. Gray ant vIte. N 100 ft. lot 3, block ai, Hghand Park. WD $10, stamP $16. H. D. Hart ta Ide K. Millet, lts 6. 2, andtB1.2 lots 4 set 24, blocka 4. port Clieton. Hghland Park. Wl> $10. ttinp $1b. j. A. Bltteri"t and wife to Kath- ryn O'Imslley. 80 acres E of Village ot Wintbrop Herber. Wl) $10. stamp $25. T. B. Krutz et ai to Emîl Reluer, tract of lent bordertng the county Une o! Hghland Park, WD $10. Brabara J. Douglas and hubandt t A. G. Tur. loIs 4, 6sudnt6, block 10, wlnthrop Herbor. Wl) $10. îtamp $4. NEW RADIO SET IS MADE 0F OLD PART$ Waahington, Nov. i An lnveutv0 r-adIo engineer af the U.S.J av tank. &part an id wieleesset te- ilgadt for use on subinàrines. 51.e mata e' !IIchanges, put the «Ml together again, and now the nV hb.t pins for* a long distance SUt ltatils reported ta he far suptrilrt ta the on& from -ahich. iL va mde. SoýMpressive uts the perfornse etf h nov outfit that the deptk mept bas ordered fftY-nine sets. New apparatus vouit have cosft proxlmately $5,500 per set, me twt nevy la remodellilng oid sets Mt a coqt of about $500 each. Thî con-> titutes a smving of very he*rly $300,000. Submarlnes equipped ww h the niev sets viii henceforth have a- day. Umne sending radius o! two 10 Ibret bundret miles. -- COURT O. K.'S WEDDING 0F BRIDE VO, GROOM- 17 Westfieil, Mass.. Nov'. 1-Tblis citY boarta ,f the youngest mai-tl6d couple Iliwestern Marrachutettt and posslbly ln the Staie. :,1 The comibine-I years of, the touplq who have lust been marred cr4- only thirty-two. The bridé- le èl videra E. Larrov. a get fiten. 't -the bridgegroom la Arhur S. uÙeit-- ina. aget sevçnteen. They W.rt marrled hy spectl content of Pil- baie Court. 1Yen o hae f oi a Laie,"mi. "Yuncle hene "Gi fIiva me. AUt munle la Enen nouah 10b.îika'ào mure 1b as sb freon 'f o a lk aieot~ Walh.lon Star. The Living Proof. Nohody believes more flrnli~lu l. h visola of the piu. people tItaII a thudîddate who bas just been uected Ô ffcu-Blrmingham Age-Herakti Tht Exception. Thet Moqulto--1 certainli Ôen't wM, rt e nt anxy1o oz. x î~4g Jr 'W hatThis1 n Done For Humanity The piçture wbich appearà here of Dr. Pierce . -Buffalo, N. Y., was taken inx 1910. Ar a young mian Dr,- Pierce praetised mnedicine 1lh «Pexinsylvania and was knowrt far and wide 'for bis great suc<éess in alleviating dise. lie early nioved to Buffalo an~d put up lxi ready.. L to-use forin, biU "Çktler K Medical Discovery," the wjçIl j I known toniec for the Bl.ood. This strength-builder iswade formSendfrom aformuila wbich Dr. toni andpurfies Pioerce tbis os doe, ia *An go th d.isases hat a eases of1thea sick , t n-a f yOU are gracwth ofur te'otl i tpthdéy diordes htlaitly s'tvt odn L ae sre o fllo ifyouthenfothsAlatve Ex r at for &beautful knflowhat f boçi. r. eat oîeyo Goldn MeicalDiscverycleas awy piup . nY., and sstp ttiay week. 'rhe, Marter Brothers are building a LBOK .Y OK the CltY o! New York bat Unir new homne on UAncoin, avene COLBOK N .DC S torage room, for tour or live daYe Jesie habelino! South Dak<ota AWAITING WINTER CALL suppiy of fuel and that the bins isited with her father. C. Chaniber- are filUed with Brlti.%h coal alid aln, during the past week. other sott coal. New York. Nov. 1-teara coal 19 In the Mind of a Wornan. biockleg the docks of New York *For It la easier to disoyer a white City and cold veatber la needed te D#W lyThauelt. crow or the print o! flattes' feet ibmn clear themi no that prepared staed It ln tt emimd that =uk« the ran. t> know what ,le ln the nltnd of a of doinestlcfur andhogh stont vigor la eur Imicortal.eufl. wownan.' L. Adains Beck: ln Âzt. lnte the cîty. ft was malt that -(>)VS4. RUBIN'S Finit Floor RITBIE'B Firit Floor 2HOENIX UOSE-Purc tÎread silk, ie Black, Havena, Cloud Grey, '4'd 'Whie, Titis number in a medium weight mlk, serifaahioned hose with Q/s luth mer- cerized lise garter top. They are very spcciaiiy priced at, pair............... 1.00 _______________LOT NO. 2 to n ob a e lciUSctOel aaeBoe Slc ryadEIX 1 HSE-Semi-ashinned, fnihed with 4/ inch mercerxed liait gater j Navy. Thia je a very goodlookiig ana splendid wearing home. Ste priee,' Tburaday, Friday and Saturday onIy, Pairx.......................... -----......... ___LOT NO. 3 ---- 8 inch mercerized lisie garter top. This je one of the most popular numbers in the entire Une ot ]Phoenix .Uosiery. To lie had in black ouly. Suie price for. Thur day. Friday a d S oaurday, pair.,................................ ________OT- NO. 4 PHlOENIX ]OSE-Â fuII-fashioned, heavy quality, pure silk thre'd hom e 2 1e4 5 4 inch merceriied lile top. This la positively the beat wearing si]k hose made f I by the Phoenix mils and equL te any en the imarket. For Thursday, Priday and Baturday, *sale price, pair ................................ LFistFIOO i hVwBW tsy"or- 21w heMth MSq - s W4I SRRMEN j-Ctarring nforGandhi in »Ia SARE WORDIG3Rj SSTATE FISIHERII31L * SPECIAL SALE WOMENS- Phoeni.x SIk Hoey At Reduced Prices Thursday, Friday and Saturlay Rave you ever heard of strictly "first quality" 1hoeuix. Silk Rosiery at reduced priées before! We 'belieenioL This is indeed a rare. opp ortunity- brought about only by tÎhe f act that we sel - by f ar the greatest amount, of' Phoenix llosiery of giny store i Lake tC yAlag 'sbiýdpmemýttf thlese specio*ly priced umr 4hçi -received for this sale. Eaçh pair is gu=t# -perfect.' F ýýe4A, Il 1 -LOT NO. i.