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Libertyville Independent, 2 Nov 1922, p. 4

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-i -- ~ -a - ~4UVD5PP 1~. ~yvl1éIndependent; i ~~efle~ -WausqOn W4ai &M, ~ tL èotyvw i.,as oeë-d chsm ailMatr. W______LocS al ag»I pRSC#-41J0 PER YEAR STRICTLV SU ADVANO. » lrtaeo- Number 1 LibortyIlle fEnchante. POSIIONON STATE BONUS W LL KNOWN buol *frlmdly enemits" cf thfe Sosi te spread a report yez- b&t lb. Sun was AGAINST the bonus plan at the coming 1 a 1inois fell flat when in LAST evening's Sun, this edi- lx yfnted. howlng our position in the matter with force: Lthe combaýg November election votera of Illinois te on the question as to whether they wisb to give diers of Illinois a bonus. There seema to be little eut against the proposition, in fact everybody to be for it. The tax to bo placed on taxpayers '" as the result of this bonus plan if it is carried ery small, so trivial that it is not worth con8idera- »mord"gly everybody sboiild get behind this mn1 and encourage the'passage of the bonus feat- the Cooring election. Surely Illinois, one of the states i the union, can afford to put this bonus eros without any hesitation. The boys did their &(j Illinois cari do its smnall part by voting for this f«r them. Ibrmoreï ik was the editor cf the Sun who, on last Monday hwanlsa Club meeting a! ter some niembers b.d suggested Qub avoid *"getting into polii on th& bonus plan, rose ne: an dd Ir ih positivenesa that the bonus matter was .~oitia1m~t.rtht eveqif it1was then it SHOULD be i t saschasddini ordler ta niake the club's position certain. mWion moved that the club endors. the bonus plan at tic ý« election and is motion was carried unaiiioisly. This Xtbet wtih e editorial of last cvening shows aur feelings »umtt«r despite the misrprescitations circulated by these W i mis I METUR DEAD -M SlED'AT BOXE Mrs. James Johnson, 59, Dies from Heart Disepse as She Split KIediing Frlday lira.'James Johason, 5à, of $17 Powell avenuewvas round demi Frida>' aiglit b>' 0cr daugier Agnes iu a amailished to the-tsar of the home vhere site itad been citepping vood. lItant discate vas thie cause oith al eaili. me Co.0fle'w s j.r, decided after an autepa>' vas he, e>' Coroner John L. ", Taylor, oi Ubentyvilie. sud Dr. W. d. Belov titis morning ai the oHliand undet iaking moims. Site bad gone te the shted abOn. 5:30 o'ciock sud titen gene inte lbý bouse an instant Inater vitt - apranfuill of kindlDi, lira. Frank Yedniond. 321 kotut la.venue, .- neigiheor tatifieti. Titen site bu returted te theshsied a te,, mt- ments later. site tald. Agnes. lber youngest daughten, re- turning ftrat ber place ef .mploy-' met ai the National Buvelope tac- tory. tound ber mother l>"lng on ber aide l inte shedý a baicitet b>' les aide and a tev piecea of aplit kUnd- lin about the body. Dr. Belowa sud uettsker Hovard HeltIna were cailed b>' nelghbbrs. Mute testimon>' o ther devouttieus vas tound in su opei Bible on the table in one of the radma vitere site lid been reading before she vent te gai te kindling. She itad net heen trouhled hy anY sickness, or badshce even com- plainieS o! not feeling weli. ber uaugbter iestiled. Besides ber liusaad, James, ai Racine, site la surviveS by tree daugbters, Agnes, o! Waakegait and lirm Lena Thor sud Mr$. Minnit iKemp, oh ofo!Racine. IChu- eh Services. Btm freqt*ntly has urgcd tie support of the state bonus MiST ?LZTIODIST SPIGCOPAL spurn berr en. the national bonus bas assurred a neutral stand, bcing Charles J. Dickey, Pastor. sbe alegei toi challengte President Harding's conclusions on a matter Jack trdod hi .retr ie h. M anua aturafly b. vitally concerncd and on wbich he sLdyeUH f!s, oolai a Bm . A. e Op~inions snd conclusions onfly after deep thought and in- Young Gen. SuPt. Morning worahp ai Il. Sermon by Ms The. tte bonus is another nmalter snd while we bave 'thepLator G~o'd muic hy the choir. umi mwords with Mr. Harding on the national movemnt Pastores Epwortb League Cimes in esdEvangeU eare p .All ebeapci ote, bonus or position RAS BREN TOO O . Ofte Eexpr Laru e. AU mnta I5»y cotrt*of fellova seek te iisreprtseiit us and ie aayinvted to ho present. Epworth League devotional meeting et 6,30 P. m. Topie. "The secret 01 $Ma utands on i% record during tii. wr and on is Ircat- Mai= sthIAQ. Attractive." Mr. ~tl.co.of the wax cf the boys who servcd for nupbb5i-d, Leader. Il Evlng worshp ai 7:30. Short ser- 4 a= 0 polgY te niale. Our record was neyer ceti mon by the pator. Good music b>' îI'X newaPer or individuallY-whicb is more than a lot cf the choir. We intvte YOU to worship wih tus. cm " sY. Tues iay, election day. DO NOT FAIL T ___________TO VOTE! Tuesday evenIng at 8 o'ciock the Suntda>' School Bo..rd meeting wiUl be '= WORK BY NEW OOMUMI held et the home of lirs. James Davis, P conité f hemae ha hVe227 N Firat street. Al teachers and j ging by the c oninc od hthv offîcers of the Gunday School are urg- %.Jbe by the supervisors maintenance conilittee ed to ho present. WEIa nO OMBitte whch hs dnc btte wor ,,wednesday evening at 7: 30. the mid- ~naano ommtte whch bs dne ettr wrk eek meeting for B.hie study, prayr ýe county on road work and road matters in a and felowship--a good place te he on hie than the present comittee The appoit- Wednesday evening. Try ht. Thursday evening ai 7:30, choir r-e- ifthé maintenance commiittee was a sort of an hearsal. The leader la counting on mon which has worked out very satisfactorily. taprsneof eery er. e osie f road that this eçmmittee bas had placed lnstitue-a meeting by Young people ~gv sthe district in question about as good. for Young5 people. m tey coula have without concrete construction. ST. LAW ,iW' ÉISCOPAL .4 committee bms Sn to it that the Yoads have Rey. Bennett, Pastor. $derled to their propr,,width, that, trees and Sunda>', Nov. 5th. C4urch School ývy hieh had grown iodt ipto the highway bvea '0-In1 a. m. bae Morning service aila.'. mt down and that the "Ilyôaelhes to _th varlous to bave been ti4hd ii.>uch a way thât hvô car%, OBITUARIY fun.Ei~L la. A ls'M>' Browa posibe s We AM th eivegα . ¶ilis lkas1 , RS. im 0- mB a-ayBtIOIN -' " osil at many culverts in t1e -côuùityl Ôfr. ing vas helliai ber late resîdence Sut- = t. urda>' mornlng. Oct. 28. The R ,ev. Chas, bewoe, he hol wolk f t ýÈnMLteedurng J.. Dickey, pastor of the Tirai Metho- Mateason reflects creiit upounum as weil, as oti dst Epiacopal church, of Libertyvlle ép.ty bdard and in the fiutte, judging by present followinvas re$by Rev. Dickey: Mîs, their work will bc even more extensive and jmiss mis May' Andrews Was born:n WtM because cf the experiene they have attained. "oll"ty age i, en smoe jtbepresent sefflon's work. 'a 9yaso gwe lemvi cf ths coimitee i xnity inevth lier moher tnd brothera ta Case té peration o o mte sa mcountfine Noth Dakota. for it cari keep up roads that otherwise would go Site vas unted Iu marriage wiih Mr. - ¶ . Joseph P. B owning on May' 6. 1887, -- ail ex - and ibis happy relatilnsbip contlnued ture as iii being done now, they can keep them Up., for over thlirtyélive Fears. loit, a small outlay when the moade start breaking FoidaNorth Dakotithey mqved Io à economy later. years. Af ter bief residences, n rEvans- ..-..ýton and Wiimette. .the>' 'ocated on a fai-m at Lt ke Villa in 1917. Threo Y.ars ago the>' moved te their present home. S lra. Broiwning hadl every apliearance M 0 , S 'R A N S of bealth.. But on Wednesday norniflg elle complained of a pain In the reglon 19 OLYMPIAN o ehatadltne ocit( M.op.-]Dlwatkec-S Paul-liinneapols-4ettl-l.Off5. LIifrtyvlle to a iphy'c au In the artt' IONIEER LIMIITFD stting In a char*t lgt ar a-h- 0q1p-lulvaukee-L. Pau-inneapolis. trý", sie suddenhy passed t.vway. 151e leayles her husbsnd andl four cbittdren: PACIFFI LIMPEDAbert B. Mrr. Miid-ed C. Steadman. lo Po-OaCuFIC LJFrncicodward P. Mrs. Hase' May' Brownl; 'y 'go one brother, David E. Andrews,. o" $OIJTHWEST MTDNorth D: kots. _ A ErOlior B*rlflgfkr-Le5A5City Mra. Browningý enjaved the lilgi es- -C A A C IAOLIMITED teem of a' who knew ber. One rit the ~~AHA CHI 'GO heetiful fio"I pipera ait te ruevirl lis.Mo t5sO~aiiacame from n ibech ld"en cl the n"igh M COPPED OU TR II<TD orlng achool wlom ahp hall msd- fit 12 2 ripnds. 0O a P- nernus dispoton ilnd Wj&su-- XilsJle.HoCighto0-HafOockýCaIun1et kindly spi-it pleeasId verv lit-le of ler vwn troubles. but vaes always rEî,ad>' te wS owd and opersted bY this coSOpany. ehare the troubes of olhe'e. Blie vras rytr.ln attendant a Iithlni employe of ibis compan>', cager to a faithful and dcvnted wfe and moh- r-r, as wel v an unfalling friend, and i haes a large plae effipi>'. Ber sud- »ffl4 a'e trains arc remous. den demise vas a great shock ~o ber fienil>' and Irlande. They? have the 0. oM lwaukee & St. Paul Ry ls3mpath>' ef the nIecmuty 70T PIIOS SOUND EL!CTRIFIE.D FIROT IN L.AKE COUNTY -.The PAR IUU~SOK IS IIITBYAUTOI - NmouS-MOP Stukb> an automobile owned R M L D U by_ Sanitary Truutes Morris BIler, 1301 Sentht pearla sireet, Chicago.- driven by ..lKase, Eiler's cbauff- Ruh nt eside e for Pro- euG. W. Bremner, 67 years o eUfiOnytoFndPn $09 park avenue, Highlanld Park, eW.d t IdPn nuatained serions injuries YeterdaY. Danoinil on Stove. Bremner vas attempting to <1-055 Southt Clark sireet, n-arQuItte>' utus Johnson vW" puttifl street, 'wben h. vas sirUck. At ,tacio on the bons.etO IL 0. the roguls hoapital Bremnter vas Thompuon, 1165 outh Park A-ene. founi te have suffered InternalInl- Northt Chicage. Sathrday, viten sud- lunles. d«nl>' a tremor veUt'*tb1ogb bis freine, amiho dropd le the gOmmd ~ j ~j~fi3~ IS frm àliar. Tii.éba.>' lisi wok=turned whtite, "Buater?" bse is belPer. Ebensser Bmmmn TIIEAT3NN(i5UT er Johtnon waked boJwb tiqrrbe'aparience. Dot bouseas MROROADE3R HMfl ck. yu' bauUkWWU - ~"Glmen.dat Mbuoket" ro*n ollmbs She Chares, AttofneyS De- . te *der snd siapped on aatrowel duae,,Efforts Have Been sajla , hou ,onutte rumd, b.. Made to Break CourtshIP. satrvash tco.Eê w Suit charging sander vih thte hov#.b, man, dat bouse am hantt"' complaining vitness miss lorence The>' rusbed lnto thte bosse ma MeCamei >, t Northi Sheridan rami, sa a slght tit made theI ir bl tbreatens ta itold te glu-e o1 the rua coid. lira. ThomPeon -stri. scils, ,"Ugbt In Wau.kegan courts, ing te try name polito.. Thte lettons sent out te possible de- Ispuda ver. sputtering but lb.. lard fendants shov. ,I vazstsresked vitit siooting &ar. Unes, states an attorney' vio The. Pans dance4 and rattled. Brown lias bean detalned b>' misa Me- and Johnson sp.d avay on sah-. Caflny. the alleged remarks made lng pins. b>' certain praminent young woinen Henry Larsen, o!fith- Warner lu waukegan are stopped the suit E1ectri CoC.. heard about It and viil be started. h las up t tem made an investigation. He discov aioet t evade a suit, lie declareoi. ered thai toe- eleclrlc vires leadlng Accordig te me story ield by into the house bat' become exposed Miss McCanney, she lias been deep- and the vet etucco had caused the Ing Company' vltb a certain young house te become electified. man living here. The sister o! the young man lias objected to their Commercial flahermen of Wauke- companionablp. sud ahe telle ihai pan nmade their lurgeai shipment of the sier han been maklngunopleas. fiahi,I pem thi% City Mônda>' vhený &nt remanka abouf t". - Folowing lb.>' sent ten ton oLlkeir Wtt ibis she retilned an attorney>. te Chicago mar-ket. Fishermen Miss McCanne>' leaped Into the asseri ihis laite langeai shipment glare of publicit>' several monthS sent oui ln the Lster>' of Wau- age vhe sue brought suit for tcArt kegan5 _______ balm againsi a Chicagoan wtom ah. charged lad vooed lier. only 'te lire. James Laycock vas ln ILake Bd ho lad showfl. LMysticWorkers Lodge. £e u0nJ> fthe Beat for, mer dada>'..Me too- wlao taiep pride in Me. kId of food u Z bdsore her'fmef. to waate hSe good a Md4 h« good Fow,,eus am 0 ithe a" #)Y usine amythia.g buai ROYAL-the bu*bc&- bng powder made. Bd h i~m NOSuia.h, uilhig over 2,000 oews inmA Couaty, i atisfactory Wa»w u mha er hb ab asother uilhhgaduiaein th. State of Mii, orMy, .ép place, te ny kaowldge. W. do mmt dap ourcap$sMoMa ir'S, Wm has mewer spolled atin mlà yens »e. BERT F1NSTEAD- Harrison Tech Va. Libertyvill1e Satuîday, Nov. 4 LIBERTY FIELD ý3 00 o'clock P. Mi. Admission 25c & 50c' THE TH-IS 8PACE DONATED 8V A LIBERTYVILLE FRIEND OF THE AMERICAN L.EÇION. 14 4 STORES WILL CLOSE rhursday Evenings l~e following Libertyville Stores will close every Thurs- day at 6p. m. 0. CARLSON J. B. MORSE CO. RAY N. SMITH W. C. TRIGGS -I 1= Ms ~'tt'i kiaL 1. 1. 1 ------------- dp -

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