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Libertyville Independent, 9 Nov 1922, p. 3

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LBMTY VLU E PEN<DENT. TIJRAY. NOVFMBER (). 1922. EL D. R1UGIES SAYS ST. ANDREWS,FLA., IS FINE'L11 TLE CITY ,Wrbts in Gl owing Terme of Hie Wnter Home in the Flowory State 8t. Andrev, Florlda, october 29, 1922. mdtor Lbertyvillie lndePendenLt, D«r 13,r:-J'rom BasstI, Arkre--, vh»M 1 wrote 'you a woek agu, we 4tattl sottb t e et mornlng. tnd over quaeto ýod, and very level, roods. and agprçaoelg the Mississippi r.ver ovOt a blgh wooden bridge wth lgh fememi on .ach aide, vo ran a m !e or two over the river swa.mps, probably twulIy font above the giound tiliI v roo " h bgber to the fine iron bridge tbat Saçetm t..erailroed traekz and te*01rends serons te Memaphis, Toam = .This bridge fiaflot no ar beofld the famous Baut River bridge tIbsA usda from Manhattan ta Long We had expected te bave ta cross m éB femr. but vers agreoaibiy diap- luit as we dropped off the bridge ud := atet look for a way throuigh the caty. -. oung min pasad un snd emile out, "Hee o go!" and, folio w- lng bhiead, ve vers gulded through the. busy streeti of Memphis ln short oter. A"I as h baited some m les ahead fi. ponted out the Cbamber o' Com- merce building where we aecured lu- formation as. to the route. We went tiroug Oakville and Cape villie, Tenu. ad then crosed Ipto Misaine »pi. On throagh Olive Branch, Redbanks, Hli 'y Springs. Hickory. Nev Albany, Blue Springsanmd lta 'upela, Mina., wbere vo camped over Sunday. lrom Mompb a thé roadB vero very dufty. But Monday morulug wo got lust enQUgh tain to lay the diit wltb- out making the roa#sa lippery. Fruo Tupelo ve rau th. augh Vero- ns. Sbannon. Okalona. Egyxet aud then jogged off to Aberdeen, and f romn tbere tol7oIumbus. Mises. Fie bore w vers advIsed to iun northwet over a longer and muc bobe- ter rond ta Vermon. Ais. Thon ta Fay- oit. al made camp 26 miles nortb of Toacalooma ln an open cburch yard wbere vater vas handy. la the morning a good ceai 0f fiot v9te h aysldes. as w. can thi-u Io.m. oo4Ravana. roensboro, Mar- ÏM oî esmand to vithin 20 mile. of Mo&tgamery, AIs. vbere we made camp on tbe groundi of an extensive iplatrlMr. McCurdy, at Lowadaboro. AUi a lovely piace te camp it vu,. WlIVIAUl convetoencei aihn. ASala tier. vas frunt on thea ground la the morang, Lbut the gool miadi i4(p.d aoug behind un s uv. assed Udeugh Montgomery, Brungiage. Troy, bmato. Osark. Nevton, Plncard, Do th" and lon te Casnpbeflton, Fiesida. oft KUmIe male te tate of fiovera. Made camp behind the churcb. snd fcuad thse Sataims orangea--homne grav-ou sale at, 80 cents per dosen. And do flot forget thore are no bettei- orange. than the homne grave Satin- ma varlety. On Tbnraday morulng ve acon roll- e over the tblrty miles le 13L An- drev. Pla., on the shores of beaut.ful St. Andrew's bay. - Tiie goldenrod la blooming ail round snd la a lttie more golden than we -w.lever sao.. We have aeen many poah trees lu boom and houoy euckle olenader and may wilid lowet'e of dit- forent kInds. And thousauda of ai-ces yet toc, young for boarlug. There bas boon pIenty of rain tbs seazon aud evorythlug la green, ln contrait to th- beantiful blue waters of the bey. St. Andrews le une of the beaut fuI places lu Fiorida that tho fashiouable set bai nover discovered. A hlgh, well draIned ltile cty, or village, wlîb good watei-, good roadisud good people. llahing la the chlef lndustry, asîde from the iumber ltorests9. Many f eh !V macksaxae fltied oui here.ani range over -tihe Gulf ai far as Cz m peèhee B3ay sud the TortugasIlanadq. Thoy biing i catches az i lgb as 4,000 pounds. The Red Suappor le the mot sought for fleh, witb Grouper, Mackerei, Mul- lot, Trout. witb thse bigh toned Pom pano flot lnfrequently lu evidence. lne veather la tbe t-nIe bere. and àunsblue abundant. lu the ten years tisai ve bave wlnlei-ed bere no d sas- trous storm bai ever struck our land- locked barbor. Unle Sam could safe ly anchor hia whoi' oas-y ln the bay anti thonnme. Water planes are of ton seen on the surface or saallng overisead. Elgisleeu above le the loweat vo have ever seen the therummoter. And that oly once. The atmoepbere le dry, compared with many *arts of tlis diversifleti tate. living oxpens amareabout tbesanme as ln the north. Mot chesper; flour =ay ho blgber, as are Irish potLtoes. But seet potatoea are mucb lover. Renta are lover and the cot o& tise lt- tle fuel needed la neglible. It costs us noting, as vo use drft wood. H. D. HUGHES. $57eOOO ESTATE 'WILL RECORDED A large nuimber of estates vere taken up Monday in ptrobate court, as tolovi: * /// j.- Can ovthe OU thati scarbc out with «the exhaust MIS ERTAINLY you don't need talking to about goodolYourmechanical sense, the advice of your ~ car maker, the common- knowledge of the motor world- ail must have forever driven out of your life ail notion of getting along on carelessly bought oit. You're particular to get a known oil of reput- able brand. You buy it for good lubrication's Fl the. Pro"f at the Nearst 1EMS1 M AYBE you have not taught yourself to be motor sensi- tive. Then there is a new experi- ence for you - a conclusive test of Tempered quality-no farther away thpn the neai'est hii. Take the pull as your car now is. Ttxen drain out and fil complete With hûI -: - of Texnpered. Drive Up again. Unmistakably, dis- tinctly, the difference, is there -real and feel-able - a différence you have not noted with other oïl. You will need no words to tell you that your motor is pulling better, with less effort; saving itself against former strain. You will know. Wa&m»Mn.1mp.reMotorOIisnmade0flyby Ettablished 1879 sake and safty-and doubtless you're getting what you pay for. But there's a stop farther to go. There's a good oil for maximum lubri- cating power - plus an important quality that you have never expected in oi. It's here. Qil that actually fights the carbon nuuisance which costs you s0 much for fro- quent cleaning and disturbed adjustmentEL Fights anidxives out the thieving demons of destructiveness that rob you of power, scab your pistons, make your valves leak- and bring the worse evil of constantly scratch- ing at your piston-fit with emery-like grit, burns to a -minmum adhains ening -so Iighat andi Temp ered flaliy that It tends TeMpOred toblowoutwitlstle 'AAotoir Into ibis boîter oih, the exclusive Tom- poring process has put staying powr- the vital quality of separatila the drag- ging metai surfaces of your motor with on unbroken oil filmn-so tough andcl ing- ing in its oilines hat tons of grinding pressure caninot squeeze it away or expose a single spot to1,wear aud de- struction. But uts duty of being btter oU does not endi there. The Tempening procesa brings you its extraordinary quality of séif-car- bon-cleaning. Think of the wonderful two-fold under- Down ia the crancase, on shaft and rod and pin beaninga ibis oùl soothes and cools andi clings far past the staying power of ordinary untempered oi. Its îoughnoss resists dilution frousm OtOr fuel dripping frous above. Full bodieci, it rushes down every oil- way-clirnbs the flashing pistons-eals theus against explosion ioss-wraps iheni wiîh a Blawless sheath of safeiy against the violence of friction ad terniflc heat. Thon - at the. deeti-line abovie the pis- tonts, where thie excees oil must b. brni- eci away to avoici fouling the combustion chamber, that wonderfulTempered heat- resistance surrendere Juat at the vital, cntical instant, it flashes away- com- pietely. Ia carNmon legritiess, nos-adie- sive, self-cleaning. It whlaks out the ex- haustinu soft, invisible, soot-like O.k... Power, cleaninesa and unixnpalred motor heulth are left behinci. That'a Tempered Motos' 011 for yoa- brought bore for bettes' oilng uervices thon your mrotor bas known befome Starting You Right with Temered Let's fot make the trial by g g empdumping in a quart or two on top of the black, grit-laden, heat-weakened wash now in your crankease. Let's make a dlean, fair job of it. Why not clean the motor bright and fresh for its new company-get valves and compression right? Then drain the crankease-flush out the old gumminess-and start right. This Draining Service Free With Your Firat Complete Fil of Tempe"ed Ree -Motor Com-pany LIBERTY VILLE ILLINOIS

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