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Libertyville Independent, 9 Nov 1922, p. 7

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UUTYVUJE wMUMMe?.TUSAYe NOVEMBER 9. 1922. atlMrs. M1411W, v-ha waS formrfly Cd 'tiIj AKIOI AYB nBlt heortng, aprung qulte & surprise UK K ANIOI IAN~ otri:end:wheu the n:wa of thel RE STONE O MENT COMPLETI3D; marritge camne out lait Tisur5iay. We NWCIU<Biu ~ S()()NMr. and lira. Wra'ker, Sr., art spend- WILL OPEr ON ig&ýe ees jtter!fr during LAI) IN DEM IE Mir. and lira. Fischer weo n Wau- Part of Pavement Ready Now Iaa n dey an stIc 'Cburch Sunday, Nov. 12th to be But-HeId Rack by Roadway i nethe"Hsli""nexteSunday moîinin,, Day for Prebtraso at North End. Vneelg sUULThsmaaiersyeiage.o The corner atone oft he beau ew Presbyteran e:.tiic wiil b< ext Sunday, Nov. 12th, : 1 2: 30 /.inp g amrn toploPeriy celel th a momentoua occasionl in tha try of the Presbyteriafls of De- a s t Peen p rexnared, and a litrgec ta expected. l uae Of aclt weather tise services connrcted le event viii ho lie'd In tieesi audAoriurn. The. sert ce viii be perpe'uatq m n pîcturea by Capt. E. F. Wq frme-tv on the staf' of the Ci Tribune. A el. earture tramn the order Il liylng of corneratln, la tais. Iitial b'ock wl' b. aet la p'ace I1t1le girl, and lis a'gnlfcsnt 0o place a"bich chlldhood and youni Muchtisthie regret of many. tie rik .aun usa hen luken o- ail-. inaling daiiy t. pa aine- L,86, nI iî i lIe ase , onie iuiîowtLi%%vi1 g t a.ong aithout ItL Ray lieacbarn bas aocepi cd ,îoai -ILLon lu Trevar, W.s., as day opera., t, and 1lis pci as bren fil ed ilere. R- 'anti issanlly mas edt 10heur nev- b ti at a%. -k. W%ýe are soi-iy ta 1, e tiem. but oui- 'osa ie T ea a gm n Misîs A lcr Galdy vas s guest af tise e~ - mily otrer Suodsy. Hi-a r' M. t'iu'las 'ii t a t-o P e o. laya ;'ast veek vilb ber son, D. O. Douglas. lu Waukegau. eti-oke of paralysies earty Suntiay sut 1 ulsm of IIhi-o b- or - e-, lois'-taird f'r. A radio sop bt-s bren ouetid n 1, i a paît of Ite andiMr. iniqulsi. lise p-opîlelo -' s a soii ' -t-'oxy R he e ratio ou fi1 i-o tssemibledi. c r - D.'. o t -i to's lx it week from is farni in Baiurday froni a shrt wedllTI smd on r -,Ile ' n Mut1er, spent the day in Ciicag;o. Mr- v 0 i l'O--~ M-.Wi"im-,' Lake G-net - v-sa the g<es o' I.e l'u on 'Pirsil M-s . i'mmt'aK riW*n su n' Tburaday Ir. ""oda'-eck. Ms.Abrl Kaiihe b- -o-.î5"a tcr liaiet of W uke'-an v sîtedth ie fo-nie '!a Ps n's Mi-- -urt Mi-. John Wpl'on o-rr 'is v-iek enti lira. R. V. iicb aujda-' cM i-,i Fl-i--il "l"'îir ,,""-t'- -i at 1 t lionday -l'h M. anti 14-1 C niît on M-s3. Jscoha'n of Mas,,'od i- viol' ln- bur di ugh'cr. lira. R'br t Vasey. tsi-t we-k. vice ai 2"15. and oc-n- --1'qo'5ni ' fl ýt 7- up ni Nov l'Il,. Tise Vol-i Lad es' Aid ii.-ji ' - - ' " h rap' ortagket 50- unon anti eneri. M'-lue sentih-- iou tiu ."o' --- b-o'b vl'h r'v-a euh ant-id a" kuti' Scisool boots; huas Emuai Per, - - - - '-'-t Camp Pire Girls of Waucontiria ý'l g - lion i do" te'- --un- to aItn' andi "km ibhis the l1-Iges@ent of l-i seasois. -'-IrttiIcl i t -nd h' 0,.in av tb'-ppr ti b.n2w"c.lt meeting. Tise address w- 1 by MisaeHHead. State, Presideut. The M NN II orhsr0f tue Evangelical cisurchis IND EEN1I Be fura.sised Boni. choies mnie. 1 W ed Stura fon h ti 1 ~NOT EPIDIMAIC; lategusat of lise Math.evPhilp LD Mm. Ahex Wuîlmasu asbren ap> ONE GIRIL DIES po nted chuilrnaai of the Red C(ro-ta ln___ tib ivclniy le aucceedsir. IchardLaotoyTsSowdTt DBig Suimpte, realgned.1 aotryTsShwdht lira. Floyd Ganckel entertaunedth ie Marie Nauman Died of Df V<iunL Mciicns -ast Wednestiaý.Mrs Sia ennii Briier ll;,np. wlll le tise next hostessS ialtnngts lutlfui )lald p. M. ebrate bis- ,ment 1 lth school ed lu .1igb, hicaga ln tise tt tihe eby a f the g life 'The vok of cemilleting thse new Our choir las grewing vonderfuily. Let vka completed Saturday ani tJlachor. Cerne and he'p. Tise su"jcct tise pavement wîîî b tisown for uert Sunday in 'The F.nu Art of!n ta thse public la a short tme. ettlng On." n portion ofthtie pavement tisai ruas Mr. and Mmr. Walter Atvell apenith Ubonit tieuse issa edistrict ocftheail. y lhf week v-lu lMr. and lira.to W"larady ta b opented nov but Wiii Sheeban.1a #t1IM p.oitU4 tiat tise freas concret. Mr. sud lira. James Atv-e'l vîslielet e, tis end et thse town viii de- Waokegan relit ites laat Pr:day. W Z-nsie for penisapi ive veeks. The. lra. Rarry Strattan vas ln Chicago th abtreiui et pavement la one and t iv.- ast veek for the. removal o" ber ton- au «O.hissMalali lenth.. sila. A nurse returnesi home vith ber The tate extended an elghteen fot #co b. bere for a few daya. pavement tlrough tise towa. tula b.- Mr. midliMra. WiII Fiaciier. Henry f, lag a atald road. Tise people in Tisayer and lira. S&acers apent Sun- Ti f» taln docded ta taire adivantage day ln tise cty vlth relatives. El ssa8:" lhehavet wideaed tise ira. Wil1 Walker. vise la lnas Waul- la pfla t tte, teef tln thre rsi- lteg-'a saptal, la recoverng lowly in te strctand fifty-faur fot ln frantlier retient eperatian for appen- li businessdistrict. Tise portion dillltia.Pl us;the pavinag put la by thie tava la h ci brick, la t iis respect tise paving la ose or thest a unique la tise ceea- J. M. Dougaa vas born lu Frankln c il. couaty. New York, Peb. 19, 1839, andti Accrding te reprt tram various pas-.ed avay -t it.is borne ln Lake Vilsa1 PAM .Of tise connty tise wurk of put- October 31, 1922 aIibe age oit 83 years n tiSsula concret.roalla la pragreaaîug 8 monthea and 12 days. D ia flue ahape tnd Ih la belleved tiey In 1844 lbu came ii his pirenta te nl wiIl h la taîl good condition by Illinois, setllng !n Avon. visere be s tise tinie cold weatber arrives. l iad i snce madi- b s home. TuI 1865 b"ý * * ** xv-as marriedte l Cornelia E. Smitb, wha dr * ** ** *w ** liurvive3 bîi. He lestes tv-o sons. * A N T 1l0C H ,< Iret O., of Waokecau. ;udI A'br' M., o- Lake V'ia; four grandclilden V * ** * ~~ ** *an i un g-g'agradiidaiseonne iol Mr. and Mli. William Davis iud i-e enlsted for service lu tic Civil ebl trn uf Chic. go moîed oui Sai, war. lu tbh' 86îb Illinois in'antry 1m ,wday mornln.- and visitd v-lti Ii,- 1991. sirtug ountil lise cose a tise -a i'mer's niaiSer, Mmr. Margaret Davas. Ht- sered under the famous generai, n Muses Lena sud Via,- Sike.i i-"Pst,)" Thomas. ai Il-e baltles o' Look- ilou iunday vîto i-eates ai Grays coii Mount lu andîl Fi-c w %o'-n Il, la"e.. u'i ibrouzhout lise Alanouilaiano Mrx. aid Idisa. John Woodforul arvi Tht' funerai was leld a' the M. E. Nm.iy motoredte laE.anston for an, churcix ai Lalis VVIl on Thuraday afi over Sunday viait vxtb relatives. C 150 Il Pet- Kl.n o' Iplie iVI'a c't Mir. and lira. liraik Dibisie moioreti ductîng tbe services. assisltid by thb" te Woodsi.ck sud vlated at th re GA.Ro!5'a1kxn Brililok b ShWal 'a beme Sunday.I place lu Sandi Lake r -sut"i- -'<ratiens Vanuhiozer. vise *M living in Waukegan, lvas îbu.î , « **** hl.. -11.och iinuay. c P, ,,, hlimmniasand frIendsufo * SAUGATUCK Mie Ladies' Aid gave lira. 5 rab l'o 1~~ .. The occasonC tf * **-Y a beg lber S4tis birtisday. They p ' Shirley Tt'omas. Edlîcr;,Lbayd $,- -- is , t a i firti.day calte ut Scbrei-k, Asai. Editor. a beautîfot Coi glass di-b for alocus& 'Ibers vas a large Littendance. Tire were tenIrupurs perfect in i t- Mir.and lira. John Hlean are ru. tendance for the firsi1v-o nmonthea of Jokng ever the ar rival o a ltt e s-n. achool. Ilý -1 , [uihome Bast T.ssday The fourtb sud 'ixlis grade g rIsT Mdotiser and baby are dolng fine. tartrd te fix th - sl-nd la'e u, as .. er - as a , - 1y laiîge attendauce the 'Arrivai tof the Plîrîis -' TieyV aitihe commuulty soci..i hi-Id ai the bave sticks vils Itavs as liCes, sndli Metbdet aichu.crisTisursday evening. tones Io r"l'resen' thé, larrg. rn-i'. A mont deligisîful time %-a-.iati il Thev airet r a b-uxuser douas anti dres Lla Lp - .- u.d oauu ci tiiesi .' o-;,theni as pi'g-lma 'tme a class vr: tv-c veeka. Wr recelveti oui- reilori corda last Mirandi lrs Wason bave- moseti Mondsy sud sot'e cf ulbave iii> cx i--i La(, t Miss Ei.. Acés bouse-. oni a gical d'ai lu ihe pal tm-n'is. W- Main trtCt ope to do as toc 1Inluthe n'ai mon- h, li.. anti lra. Xil .arn Bavscandl Wrart- makînu books of Asia iu thef ohidi üen. INra. M. t.havi. andti MN Go >egbhhgrade eîa'.s. anti beeile-, litiî-g die o.iî'iuturt-d fi)K.n ,sii4 S. ii- lunsur ace. cini leanit ýp ciii. tsi-ai,2 day site. noon. Ca ing coi M., ud Mr,. -i-Ou"" tir- 1 lusiral- som> o, ~.cii l'ltil o. their modes tif livng. ,iu l.n ai Ziegier ha t-eu 111ilt'in, - o--'. niMatie V'Iike, aitlier boni the îî. aI wetk. v-ert-abri-n, Hootay. lira Mary Adamas,ii bax bt'in Mn ani Hi-i I. F,t vesni o (Chii ve- lit -, .se.eta. M n is, s nov- c:go Monda% Io isil flenits. ab . lt il ai> ashorit til- tac-ilda,. SevrCi -cf the fa-mers ini thei-dis- Mis. Geirge Kuit uc visie(-tirdla trict ai-eaBhretin' crn ihis 'ai-pl tivesa ut.ligsci ..I -k A 1-la- p' ---- at'uvon 'i - A t. ,iaitin j,-niil',- hielisi tht' hope home ,Tuc-cas, -Oc! 31I s e fîbi- v-eek eaI Waukts.au.biing ca .edlAbout 21 oil-i,,,.,resi n, tinonl the.u, bý t. e saltous i. i-e. s 0cib-,wa pnayet. and J,-linFox 'r andiM 1131'1. *. Vu-ýnu'. Van i'at-cke wt-e av-ardedi M ia Peciy Ilav-kin'i . nil c] i dii n the honora AI ieliO'lta Mostlci- ere' lais ammontI., d - e un 1. ~joyabe 'venîng, Yi - . - liJi0. simtcîli' .- Atgus lPaie-e f I. ke - Fre t vis ted Gheis- t.wl.o is i Si.Maigaii Ishu-at Mat-k homi- Sîunlav. Jouai .n flt i tly. 1 R E Ttowmas ,' xn Chicago lin a - . i i IA. - ris w'as a Wauk - bu iness tri,)'Fi ii y. gan visitei Fr.day. A baby girl v a-i ho-n Snl ý,i. s. '%s-'aari utr m'as a Chîîc'tii.o ', ., > ' I îî fM.% aut Mis. p. - .î il.inse. I)-minikVa Mr.î. Iawa.d Rigga cf Lh faiI-. MsesV-cnaanti Enui 5 Imd.. laisiating-, ti-r mo,hler sout Li î 1-- o-i.n- i-ibiam il S;untiaY towu. - inu Clilp0 uiopn- nd i l.iu' Il-C r n, is îaî'ld the funs- .i sMl-a V rzinli nayeda'th' tion for_,liis uew tu, ter on Ma.u'-n .pffl-1- il luM"'. F'i'. Itiat noi-ili oflftle hI(iN btkeri-. 1,is A birîtiat parly vus gis -n Sîntiavi te be modetaun iae y v% 'i'% ao" uî w i-i" r" ~ ~ ~ i - Ic '~iil '" nIliemnn * 4 -k - Mark ant i lowad Pc-tner v-i e tht- * LA E VI L L k ii'<ts. AI ieîîorleti aa vrY goo(1 LAKE ILLA ime. G- i-e'Goodtin mnoved hbi; faniuit Tii 'drîiThe new borne he bax juat purchaseti'n Cisicago. The Gootiniana v-iii h g-eatly niS sed, .as yaun-7 folks bave graîlnuUp be e sud i te manY v ai-n fiends.lira. Goodman la O-a- I, a - - ePo ai Ni'iglibors anti Seci'-" 'ai-v otuflie Mis ilonsry Soc-iety. G c -ne 1I1 -ge if Bei-vyn, v-bu bas bec-O in juoi- isais for actera -,ar", -1-,ine af bis sou Sunday antI vas buriet Inb he North Norto f ecd i ciuni-ryTuet-day afe. n-mo. i. e lix , s.'e. Iwo dutgiste.s anîi on- m-on, Mis, Plilip Ronimel eiIe amind .- , - ' 1' . rn Itisu lhierBu-sait', %Iliss Vivian Pattenson ant ILhiJ.All a nidlthe Rt-v.HaIt gi!.o iocosungt n Suindac. I sJ A ht-icheIt., c E t 9SL th I- ,1--1 ia i n ('Il c-ugo. Mrs. Mary Hubu heft Saiurday for ! . Ilii liii W 1I s berh-i suat ig.e- G orge Bt nz, and ti ccr M.. anti his.1). L. N-at ci Norli Chicaugo sacrt lise gre-iss ofMi.anti Mra F. Il. Meyer fioni Tuî'stay un'il Fi-Idau. Hi-s Mary Wt'ssin-- t-n'î-rtaunî-îil ii,- W%' F. M. S. o!fIthe Evanigelît I1 c-hurt-b Mis. Ed Becknian cnt ,rian'-ti lier h -î 'S , li - r s aind oueh 1 drin noc Chicago Saurday. tii I. LM.ETii inasxw aies ti) an- nm.uuncc- lai fTisc a i-i Cei -iflie Pri- hti iIan c-Su-c-b Sunda' niornîn -wv-l e -1) -' aIls or the "O'd Fo ku Younc in '76-'*i Snnouni thtie bi-lh'.oî a son L.. at a urtiaý 'ulîv Sadit' Ga"o, "tut tnie lainu- theti Ne e C1,b Tî'eutavallie noon, Tise Aid of SI. Paitilqs l'ieran chu îbIlCeeenteiis ei lTursday sf1- prn ,n1-v M -s. lu] uo; J-I'n3-n. TIC Plort-isSot-irIscof t1h.- lre--t- teilan churcli bcd an t Il day meelin ' --, asaservetil y the c.ruitIt-e TI- -fil o'd *bu- a'In nua] bazas r Fiiay evenln., Dit-. StOI. iMi i B- nufle'd, teuither o'lise 6'is anti 11h grades, lits bei-n 111 toi- ses-enit Haroldi Plagge 'sainiprovtn'i ;a v-t-l as c- îîTd St' sx'ecti fo'owin.g an op- Mrs. Sar:h P'agge re'o -ti Saut day fi-ci Lela lo-a, v-bie be artn -1 .- ' --utS'-w ushier daugb- ter, lira. Butson. -' K O --bo-n -,ndson C' ailes. or River Foiest, anti lra Gtc - - .1 - -' -ft i- andi lira 50ovd Stinuger sllalurdav. Clford Sianger hi i-ti sti-uI's e- lilas Joale Woodm- n flniday. -vlSf;lg ber parents ln Indianapolis. M- Aam --I 'ci -,es~a- the I7-r-k v-tu luM-.ui Mr". P. Kim- c'caedIhelr ihomue oIrd en- to thelr wln'e' h-nie oarurtl-i"e AR. A. H. Muh1ke sa convalesclng fr01 -O---Fear that an en )demie of infantile Deerie'dGramir ohoc Nots palyais or ep'dem-e meningîtis wa-i Deerle' GramarSchcl Ntes pIlreatened lu Madden achool north- Maroons Gsiity. Reporli r. cas t of LIbertyville, atteuded by Marie Naumain, dfaughter of Mr- and People ln aur commUnhty are begin- Mrs Emul Naumun. 14 yeans oid, who niug to reaize thse value and qua'ty dipt-d (ie ,tlier day. waa dispeledlet- P. T. A. inutiea. As yet the village of Iay b)> Dr. J. 1. Taylor, of :Jibî-ty- Deerfld bas ne regtilar show house. ville, who has r.ced a report un a ao the P. T. A. la la on the' ground I aboratory test. wh;-"ishsows 'but the- floor of this populat' lnduStrY bers-. Iîîube ot taie girl £ ue'îLLî vas aPt1.: Tisere vas no achool bore Fr;day, 1 moîîîîigiis. ad r.t ep'demie îitnin Nov. 3, as tise teachers teck Ihat day x1Ii- for vlaitlng oison acioala. It wass eareci thai tise girl nàIgiît Thse pupilsiamprevred thse day, froin b-.îtvMc ed wis'. ntsiti'le paa"s an educationul t*ndpotuft, iln waých ug%'eile8oth bar dte thse variona road-buldlng machinery îî.alîî-r uîp vîti Dr i->«.or, wto <'Oi iu operaîben dit. Leu il thorough hjjvestjg;ýi-tg)ii À red iavement lgist.auch e ilua a.rr. ~ ___ use inthe large c". ill be instlied, ****** *** ai tse lalermet en of Deer-ield axtuue* MIL URN * and Waukegan Road. TItis males an M L B R Imprvemen of neitt'o valueaathe* *********** îrafflc bere ln exceedlagiy beavy. Tii. P. T. A. of tthe Deerfielt Gr-amn- Mr. George Low and lira. Wilson mar achool will hoidlils regular meet- of MeArre Rossi. ver. viaitors Plday lng on Friday. Nov. 10. From the bus- ai the horne orflira. Bessîrice Peaici' iness ai baud. tbia promnises la be an and attended the bazaar. import. nt meeting and lise atti'n<ian ce The baza r, given undýe r the' au'- of ail menubers lat uiged. pices of the Ladies' Aid. '%,as veil ai- Ch Idren especially fond of ochool tended. many being fram out of iown. nowhav th unsue oportnil o Mr. and Mmr. Lloyd White and molb now ave athe untsu piunîali a i. M-s- W. J. White , nd son, Mr. andi cornig la chool flo eniyfixe aui Mit Ichell and son of Wauike- week. but on Sunday aso, vînt-e the eau aittended the bazaar Prlday eve- P-eihvtei- an churcb la holding ilv uer ning. vices lu the :..sembiy ball, while their npw cborchIs lanluprocessar o! nstlîuc IM -utiMrs. Fenuilekand rr ends and mir. Vernon Gerred of Liberty- tion ville attendeti the bazaar. The' Girls alleket aBl leain ha-i W Ilum Pat'eruen son of George' long sinc, passed thse stage v-hee tht- Pîbterson and brotbur cf Mmr. Marga- cenivra saop eacb other ln thw face ret Thorn of Gurnee. vas buried lu the v-heu the b Il s losseti up, aud whpre M'-u"n cemcetpra aturdav. Nov. 4. rniaisers of the opposite ide cliw Mrs. 1). M. White la gottlng aiong' cyes andi baîr. In fact. they are lý- nlcely, altbougb stîli couf*ned te her c-mnine,, qiite exie*t sud expi-ct t0 bcd i-e, d-"ister, Miss Berthsa eniu'ate the dalring exp'ots whicb the White, la witis ber. bovs' îeam h, s set u pas lu hlctvî Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Truax bave The fi-at Ltteambas is<en selecle i alih ninc'rd lic ie Pave Vijue bhouse. tihe fo'ow'ng "Inpup: <'enler. Luicie Mr. James bas rented tise Young Long; rigisi forward. Edna Péeeson; biaeksmlihs amp. le'1 '""ard. B'rvl Taylor: ri-iîgi-d - 'a"M-.u "arren U-olienfer- Pan's Greer: substitutes: M. ynite Bqr- talued tiseir ebîidren Sunday. Tl'ey P-'- -ut1h Pptter,-wn anti Jeantte -lu souri leave for Plo-Ida, maklng Meyi'rs. It la a v-lil nnwn xaving th, trip lu tiseir siutomoiit'e. tha' "be i'epm'e ofthtie spucîrs I ie010e Mr. and Mra. E. A. Ma'tin rnd son d-atlv flb n lthe -maes'( ls hoei Richard caliet ILt l"e Lake B'u-f Or- that ui- girls' tram -ill adi t-I iii'-pianage anti left a treat for thse chil- gi- rs of riift- vbool by liv ing Uli. 10dren. * -«, * * ***** * *1 EU-ANAN W. ('OLAY *EVERETT SCHOOL Ot()flt.esi ilome nuCork Aenue -.*ý * * * * * * * *ic. TPeejhune 163-J! ri . iio,e pcr tt in attiidani- îo, meii LiBEnTYVII,.E. iiLINOIEI etT.u.5.. z, zig - iaaflAo.: il - LYELL H. MORRIS ioe -n.i lîOi,,~ii e-, j-tii uAttorney at Law bc-ckc-. Cî iyae an ... 2Mu- ,d .,1 11IETVif I.LIJNOIS b- ,, Dosait. K-sUî .C-5at un (jC-i L'CE BUILDING Aiiiiae ~.~i'5~ - liiau- 'Îl es. Phone 136HM Office Phane lik 1, i . ..t .l .. an %i -. A etkLubeüe s a a O-Si lii)i in .Ut MARTIN C. DECKER selul. Mirs. Gcorge i ou -,J.. iisiled su-Attorney' ai Law blr ,ft-ti u ilt li-S in soiI AtTKFGAN. LLIiNtli N. t itan ,i iii ti ilie scisoci ast Office P'hone 8-18 FItet 'hi"5r1100 IX" Tisursda. , DR. O. F. BUTTERFIELD hI.ini n %,t-telu- XX ednesda,. * Wu ' F7"F1lNAPl'.l SflTfiEN bîpe tu Îho îa id iai a.ii iii-sloo. Ausltant Stase Volarînea-iso lu lise near fut-Iei VILLE. ILLINOIS MisGilscei l'aii~o a îitetis-ios Frida>. Conîî ttg . rGiate. ~.i DR. I .TYO M'i. hîni îîtc 1. îxliî lii II.Is.1 L.T Y O louci-i jiîoîîd and-siaud abocut.;Office un Firsl National Banki Building M . l;oi-sc- hwqliai i-fli ii the 'i i iioîu1 11 oi iii- 1o . 30 Ia nti7 1 S p lu ir v-eck. RsaoîinieP on B odm %,il y iop pui. l'iaS fIt.. liiis i gin. ls -e a-fo IBERTN 'ILLE. 11,1. 1N il S bis ni-, I ois- 1(0n lii.litEe, c e ti-ac,. he '-c nîIýluime w.îdinea..Ecieil pas.,v-erk ast-t Ln, o nSeyi, Corne F. 1BAIRSTOW isosiuizna igo n ilelli Doriot- MANUFACTURER 0F oc, sIl nn, ii G, i-g,. hon I MADDîIE AND GRANITE iscz- ElizabetIh Kostial sud H-i ri'-jt'1 ~" Te annual fooud hetween tiselmi,- ers and i ber ,uni lishe bount ro:- Cemetcry Work of Every lias ht-Cul. Tht- liri - btilts of lthe y.ar v-au foîght lin NI - l-essor's pZvni Descr ption lses ast und . huntere ono u tirst lo l, is 1,v iot d twv.tcked CORRESPONDENCE SOL1CITED booking cannon tîîfî againsl Depuuy Shrif-i. ned r suiet-aT.andt ld bhmii 116 South Genesee St. le elevate hua bandsasa- p omptly as îucs lb'. Au île aaiwon, no guns lu WAUKE 'AN, ILLINOIS tise canin o 15e di-nde as viz: Kes ___________________ i-o, Suition niltlMi .1Conway, every- hi-ay obli"ýeil Te lung iisem t 'keep Ck L)tl eni ith 1e livnîei s ri Ieirdbtl iD quetdan 'n0 -mi ti dictai he'd get llxeni If be bati -toap ctn heu- trail for a AU IilNt-kN moib !ce flloweti heini 1. Fa--I U THN ýR -Sher dan anti M. Conway caugbt up ta tiei lierev 11h ('bief or Polc' Gardon. Tise ni., n axeri- t ken to Lake FARM AND STOCK SALES tFoi-est anti heat y f lieil Score : 1 A S?:ECALTIY ta 0 lu faaor o! the ainiers. t r A contrai v-I he Sel lis e Evercî 547 NO'ýTH COUNTY ST. - chool ou Friday, Nov. 10. ai 1 p. m. WAU'<E-AN. ILLINOI cThe Wiliotsc chooa iv-l' c enip-le ag-inqtî il. -n sa.îî- ng. iihnieic anti wriîing. Wr lut te parents ant i fl.,nds1 PHONE 2441 la cone fo- ie afle-nonl. T he' h dr lu a" buy t kcsg pc Rs . I.s'onIu.o. . ga 1erinir T1,lu1 c r i i ee tiai-t. MWe av oîî'tihi- iy s lad o g' scite Il nl- -,-o'qs o lith -e- -,n-I bush a nit tbisdiîstrict. If nynie h ilany extr-a: A R LI1N CTO0N pic-lui-es. bin- t1ii ni iTi hoscisoo . ___ __-- ~ ~ '* HOTEL ' Ir n - pit; h perforunedtw vo v-telg-a il 'fr-t t". W, Clik entertaîneti Satur- le "I .- - - t - . , :- , day anuitera- ries c' ber diotisters, Lo t andi Sisîrll". i 'r-'-e m'as meelfiýot thIe acisool ervialon aftie W. C. T. U., vas a very 1 Good Meals 50c WAUKEGAN, ILL. Gas Engines At Prices You Can Af ford To Pay' 1 1-2 h. p. Wo thington- 2h. p. Wa/tt Ioo Boy -$6 3 h .p, Siover - $9 3 h. P. Woîîhington - - Ail Magneto Equipped, Schanck Hardware C( Phore 39 LIBERTYVILL m odraH urst, Prea.dent Wa. Bmlth. Vice PeS f; W Chu,çhi. Secretory and Manager. 1 ELEYHONE 81 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CC -stSIACI OF JITLk. -TITI.ES CARA i aliaul: $IA0.O.O W AdKE<.4N -NO TIC E CHAPPELL'S NEW DAN'tZE PAVILlON IS NOW OPEN Que Mile East of flruce Lake, on Grange Hall Rod. IS NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Select orchestra. finest cdon I'or snyvWhere. 10c daneu«. Orehetv*- everv ,aturdav Sunday and Wednesdsay eveming. Motoe FM~ aV Court Hous at 8pm, and Edison Court a 8:15 p. m SN'OW' , ArTO LIVrRY SCHLOSSER'8 AUTO LIVERY. Liber yvie. Phone 306. Grayalake. Pglage U COME AND) HAVE THE TIME0F YOUR LFIFE Intoxlcating elr marrlage rît Jan. 10, sdi,. la tise uslngs dmIR9 ed vi lira. York in that. In& rutot' ot e central dl- UT » tho reON O Nla -i0x . xa zig a la sa a a à Ki-lui LUDENS h.« lnd vi oe utefuture of the ".Sheldon. o' Chicago, la thse archl tect and lhe entire w"rk of bulld- i.e 'l'< new edifice :a in thle banda of )eeffeld mmn 'i'hp lnqtrurnital malrvi'l lbefur- nlshed by the Deerfleld-ghieldaiq igh seooci bnd. wth P. E. Boite. le dir. Tic' corner a'one ilm a eri f th ie clii drp n' flbe Ciurch iRcl'Oot. Fol'ot'ing la the cumpiete progrm: -t-rho,' ' rucossionai -Misi Vol-. Po(ukmnhs<'b, leader. . " 1 1b'. -S-nd. Invocation--R-v. H. J. Wtegpnd. Pl- Q"'-""r bv Pav sud Girl' Scouts P w n P'a'-ge and Miss Allep Peter- son Le- (iCi-a 'er p"î',e-- tv. "r,i F111. (1-"- ' '1- im Peu,e'- andi Se- ig, Meggrg. Sianr P undiPit'n Prayer-Rev. Hrrhert M. M--orp. 'tii(-y of the Church--Mra L. C. 1",8 "'-s of G-o-lh' -Rev. GtF Magili, Moder..tor Chicago Prea- by lerv. t.avin gof Corner Stone-Josepbine Loikm an. Plac*ng l-f Hietoricai Ma'ertl in Re- -I-e-M L. Thomas. SI r Snanpied Banner- Th, Band. B-nedicilon-Rev. W. Clyde Smith. D E E*R F*1 E*L adbee* 00. --- - If wifc, thtiir or daughter is 'Il and youi , arc obl1gfQ w -cb absent, what a comif.i it Is to w!-,--î c vcry evening l)y 1i.-r distance telenîîono! Your own anx!'y t relieve d a'ud xour lovcd ones are checred hy the sound of your voîce. "Station-to-station" long distance ser- vicc,dce&î p(I cdrintly by the Bell System, a nmeets situations of this kind exactly. Just cali yotir home bynumberand tell theoper- ator you wilIl ralk to any one who answers. é t NVWhcnt the cail is answered, the "station- to-station" rate, which is about twventy percen t le;'.. - thant the "person-,to-person" rat-e, appli-,s. You canntalk to -iIthe on the one cill, if'n sh Evrong rnes on "satîon-to-sation" acll)@, whch are about îrhdfle day rates, beconie effective nt 8:30 p.ni. A.fiv- midnlght the nigbt rate, atfr'ut one-foîrth fihe.iy i:iii, appliea. ILIOIS 1BELL 'TELI',PHONE COMNPANY -AUCTION SALE BILLS PRINTEDAT THE INDEPE14DENT OF=I ARE THE KINWTIIAT A1TRACT ATTENTION. AN ADVERIM MENT 0F YOUR SALE IN THIS PAPER WILL BRING TE CROiM' r.

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