' -Rave Yeu heuoule actb mhc-Party tb&t gail tmeo itgh Sohogl.kida -lit ~ TaIc ~1ss e lait 4iistlom NIghtl Vo didn't! Wall, 1 di& WhI, M3meO= .Yuke --t f~an Ut sdIf he did.'t bave a 904oUO» lie- ~1kÀ.body dld. Wa1 l 8U v irst thh Ilg ho dd ho cois.hosto ast 'çWmd, ell Xiyaold heruho'd hawe te baye a Wowxif= 1 )t0* mUtate tort bt Seétum sthou* i t wu a q«a udltgry1 mbua Iovn Lester et iir and the -vhol& building was 0 4anceartint a"4 4.ck.4 IthIMs. Ysal WbY Jak a~ ~ ~~sàb» SUCaroe nvr~ it hl iotel t ptg eM&MLetr b 1 prisé steM" itaYs% mentwim numchld #d rupo ail' ieôatmmte luriot mor ght t th ut Chase$t4b, tee, Bho J t a u=U' ras lg 'th h "t m. 4 ..-a iabih mth.S Y.1o o men t WMa .nouc. ase tatthe 414alng pie > oher Iit » t t twffal sthoYka tÔ rpuect talu"tin.1vie païm tutlçi,. 210 ko ho ot o aigu Itvem otla A*~" i~Raçlares lb ld ho.0ud "*-*t abt totbý e terie lu (MhlIim ne K- ,Pbye pu15ý .a51»nwh* oir itwu uctsdmo, but 1 ad ôf th. eV edi l vas watexprouf &Ili it. *tm bu M, nO0AO te tii.t-wsIl, oves fle aie ons wuljl s IIt ien the lent grouy te Bt he sait 101 M lSoItIr.ho dldn't care, *cmnm ho mal thtt In htéebMésoent stair. ter vas plenty -cf do«giauts sud u bar 0ané,hi$e lr eft sw *ai he drink three Quarte ~taIl0S!.ot iter tad atéU sovrtdoUgnut! ytorday. thé boy Tbmja» d4.50., too. Sois. claggy Wtoro. for a lvIi And orahotraI oasi. And Yakk maya that 18' lirte vith't e tal1. Wti.th irat tinte sa ahoo.1 Orchestra Sacias 0 fOtIgi pic' *Ityed ut a party. 0fMoUra. aSU arc oekd U luberthe toahers worm thore lodklg their 1010t@d et Oromanc bent. Woil, corne around asala *Wh0n ba& l e4ovOiiyeals yeti want t ber sont, more about ret 0011004 pll-Ymlatés vba±'s«Ong Onl Up At odL . let.cbrlmMetho.-L 1. 10150 - - i-J bl ýCcoh G. ILM. $hoVo nborti cf Mibo si t» 0- A.ugh ttqetvégbed4, trom rive to ton powu De pr mae .v» = woyfigit, m-kl geu .o~immlvea"esta 7un up 554h a socr. lai thé tiret iator tb*Yl shovéd ovor the, »oalfûoreatoichd*YII IMltbey oDuItnot UMXOethé maIre. point bfflusset faur -line bro du tiu and huiTylflg the pussr. A440à la tho second imriod t>ey 511hover * athor, but'&osthls he tiey falet -t leit 0fthO tr li tt le id ~è oUI 180e, - oua - aUtla*d -~~~~o -Phlbiin cf- *sus bA 5 41 ialten o51' Wbaou au S cane rn , e;ho aoaéteoat wf hq vre inusieaea~are. IL Sg 04 . mineoiuté the second 00oeb. Ro71D58 Q*Iu"bW o oêbs f~-4b ,,Wbhem sur theyl 411at ~ f~ 0001 bou tiort dvagus 1116404-lo Ad . W. Watoyt& Tbis ire s e Pg lut Word f 0 1qo~ IaI bwO as ein. » 14 e1ro ~lao tm or g<>oe gnM 09Mg 1 , ao thé a 4- 0~'at ain o ret am- raoot a peoof bout týv *th made ore oon.11 l.Wh* i laaa rm ruevRnIo.t. Whl ny.Oh li, la fofl hmtorverd a&44aoebu17 idotDg .pt S ii..ww <V f But liii dii ot put bu put 0ftheae a «é hbo 0 89w" ka**~1IpNi1* Ite o laéO t'a matquater si, tuh ocas gtonaatll Su aao ! o it.0 1f Mas.dt stbvemueau1 mios o laitTu*»d omvUtr M M !&Iligteobta"fl-tqut 710yiolettwo p~lm età 'oaloOk uaiRO* H point.ebtbW f M0 fb L ~ ~ ~ ~ t T.4.S1«MNI Ito the dedant but t:fo làefed LT Ch r h Jeriucer J'ale LO-. Sa" 0 Oion 04011 RT Kuf~ A TUCE * 1IIT *1O P3SWOPA Oe RT ea tt SUG hantoasJ. DCLOkY; Pastor. Casey R * *.* * * * * * ~ * * *- Je&kBradford, Chofr Drtor; Mr, Fitageraidd QB Webter Weharo pIilOb5ied two doses' pairs Lyell Morris, ergmlit WalrS RH, Hof cim ofseors. two doson ralera, a unCh SiLdtSy Sohoolai1 C. m. D.J FL U&MtaS papOt dutter vlth par~t o te YOM&g. (lersi Sept. inglebrocht PB un" we eoeved front our basket MoinglaWorahip ut 1 i L n.Se meéll' o ae usimnS ~hise monby the psstor; good imualoby tt bos e.t In 10a qwi SetNorth Dakot, vason' bis vaY to itew lbrmrybooksasnd records for our tU* A rm I e hr urlstcllZl y ET-C N CT f OR Çorho lvya %Uulabth VanderWerff O h hr »rhoLIM&teea lo ieiroulmucl NI m.muImumwuwut m poL, CaIrne Vanlaecke and iiWlbur Sgoutt tisntino s pite. si botervas nd,.M acou M a-W.'A4 Mako f the fourth grailo veto perfec1t-f &%dWfAI À iesplb h Ana ro e A Pelllng lUt veek. le igibacliol and te. louve the hospits! Sii&siid that ahe -howUNtV lasetItawelu 4ç"MY-Of UO » gingto hein. of hér tAugb- I11'WA Dl EA Ï91ae- artit vitb ter. SlaOrS. ovojoyat a&bout 1..qg tQgaé r oevigtli R=e«y 5 JvNtv Lbhi, lna sgreat tOtcy, itol?5. it q tbeisltoilub . of- fi lat h bit pend ber Plans for Addition t5 be Coin- MmMIs ired andJohn Hope vlited a ~L tlo jiamlton cub. lu V* s td ua oiy tougiter. 'The *0 lath aughtror0fa on ousutenidoy t b: 20 Ou. Tuesday pled and- Submittedtoi hie v&auicl ooneon Suday ch ira 1010W. eoOl, vthoat atrMhl. Rer ývj*bpi beîors. Mr-Uii amne a(e Ie -Bada e.Me . eilu wu4 sstakén ho thepi ~'s~oeoo.une.t'-Mis. «tntd 0 trou-Je I. _ama___ ta Wo I Viukagaaon Tuealay aflerAcoon for 041le u QTO11o, 1glt-Nort 1lkoa; Mrs. Viol Ver »sd Contrant for tho comotih1son. o oala *1,qKelbt a0J0-ri.atsIlas v gad le3Mr00 0te o Vast is. Wlka vent 10 Chicaga jo"il4ýta1 M tw grd' he 0#0 Aditin t th cort-oaSsbueday 10 attend a party' giron in the W"oeowu l'a Iz. iir a s aa ae ou.probabl 1yvil ho lot ltheflRut bossai- et-Mmllrter, lire. WUkes 1 3610 Ritmtber * an llic f tho year, sud'ee Ytblng la ho- motiior.9 '.j. ak ýliaertt.V 'db l sa&ailber IVIN 5bo ~clas nruahM o tb t ut oth le On Sonday cvenng about »Yr«no'- vil1 omy$ddte btO4é hia laiot.4,I&tOf t vrkoea te coiuplèted, ta 1923. ock a Fort truck vithaut iight* triot -~d i a~ ?pulgw"Vo. ont ouM =410 1»1, 'FTeplian sud apecl*oat=F lttuene l :a bil w rthe home of Mr. 40 ailis <~~ *at4O<'M"théeP1t**lot il b.cpte t go tittheycah «________________ 'O itIy. Oatol iiigmoe bri u ilyIl.llssubisttedto 0the Board of Supfr- lt lvT. EKiu 13pbt». hoVMionai lb. Decostier mot.u <>14.- ative, 1071 e ed la bar l t na id, ast t07 vIii b. odr- W N ' e I euru ttefia Wobt I fl almi doet thiiter.'W $ It 9 Uo F lSUte r04uiar sloset Tie ruripu# "ïiA tyohisare OUO *âe b010 - sUt lie bsSa YL mt-gou4 uuth o thé, bute Ili ont inlatyarone a tars ue4W 8b"Sobt e hlchisat.ie *sat osUe pouse. thon a>a" ~&bave 9004 t liber 1 10p Àaat -aIbee ba boid tiuOano 0f 30n10 ond aêRopirini sMd reèoffvYr Si, waho a Ag latoey spiitu"i voeu. vs oubiseýnt Ott.là Sue h 1 'teIréh WoUlf'U, ik Sm agreat confoit aSm balp lie m vi*ii ébat iaore thus ov el anoy 'it4luU'rn#-'er. Sié loved, on her ch u b hr a1cl but'if t =cab6iabulitFR L-ul ptRlaosbuS "1 -Landut1Iob=btirc ilouailier sonthm* ia Sà1.8 0. au esthmatedil,lbWU t ua I;g lwtla stgaa Itto!1 he Pualmlst. -1vaslad vltei sot Ipe ry 10 et te the M -tfflu for soryle a (ibert1I aM4 u. M L4and bs- Mtt e gla sa nto., usnegolalh l«tO $50,000 orth oh bouts, saites sphone '46kosn U-Y-1 ',* itrs ý bcy tuW" ousi oftheI»r," iad'l bad rthe; Lw-Â. Routes, cousty cierL _1 *-. l bave Wllda 'bea toorkeeper lu the bouiqéorf h; O àý-'n Tlue<00 o th -Mtu Na> or-Ibm. dieltanthe tente et vIck- FRED KANE. AUCTION bred . LA. Sableh I. 2 Prairie> fr$ oi.Sevuinna halotér -Vl ie . Phone làberty,!ila,469-R1-L. 14004Ilb nI for u- ah u t hé v le oy f iéiratofl, ad lonftay. Nov. 20, ut 1: a0 . ., Fred 44-41 -1 tee- or domestI Ue *0 ' taon t On on Occasion SOke ho Kanoe Oeil1ah pubic auction ou tue au O li v Oisb ' p e-iub ait catrnll the GOOP$Of0 0004 place knovu as, RIchard Smlh frt, FOR SALEý-Ferty oefrt ie bbell"IF9e (1- ter t not&Uatt ouAW.Lielob-MIn 1mle l metof Okvoat Stock Farw, northveat o tLlbertârflle. Otorc nov lum --i oet ber bldren and toiro te 10,0i on tli t limartout, 3 ailsa veal of Penn, LibeihysI luII. 414i on M, . & Charlos thons lu Christ. lt-vwas a great deay for Prairie Vlav, the -follovlng:- _______ w4oe d olar pont h o 'harIou.ou December 13h. t -tue 20 HEAD LIVE81-OCK WANTFID O WNT-'rvo on tbree ýImStbe>' bult a huingu- pansonago. ebé vituesëd hon tlel 7 Fiblh 1WMIk Cow"-4close apriug- furnitsited roenafor Ugit u ,keep- "bas- ratcdelisbfe 1ylIeVry.baptIfed snd ersý 2%-year-olci Holstein halfer, looe ng. PRaYOy zedobum. IAbertyviUll. iss t 8erV5fhO c adoiti sprlugor; yeanln oaouhur 6l wk -1e an- "au-011 Wot ' cerne 'un ne atheflitenlUdnt 4 Head i-orsm--Tearn bay hors eo">,ot-W~~ fb »r i ti"cmomt, téfaone unto me and f Wl. o it2M0. 8 yrs,, aid.; bitk 14a ne FRtA»Wit adtt o 'rseve olitor e - v tu the kngdom ofheaygé." o, t, W.1100, - nrg10y e itdrk ers and yor-cld bons. John F M" heZib"Sh>w ak.U, 00 wX»n ' Websyihorm,wt. 1100, coming 10 ýr.old. DryerL Teléphose 801-J* 45-t tgcdn te d.nae cred ogo h as Chestér Whlt.AND OQUASO. OLOMAILi.FARM, goir qat .5r'0 >-it stoarIbo., due ta pug tiismoubb; îslow, cross IDEEtIELO ,ILL.. PHONE L.AKE Fish etaertt,1- f30as b,'ck ta(o ti ber sPîrit.4 15ho hhalo bied by Poliai China, wt. 160 lba.. due FOREST 897-Y3. 3-tf IxSuatil or y=r. truseto1 hep loved oases ber eartitly ta p& noît inontit. ________________ wt iflt s taabeer. i m e ta halaid avay vitit toV 1Machnery-Nev BradloY gang ,»ow Po R BALPK-4oe acres of gooui tin 5&1v#M ni> e c ar. But 1I encesud love, ItOolngfor the tOtit- 12-loch, comple tit coulfors sud lant.,vutitout buildings, eue-hait *il h#"s te have iaOan forI mg of the resurrhcton. Site ha% efit ,veod ploya; Doornuliha>' take;- -fl. mile eouthb0f Âtaklslc.-IlquirO of 1a t tardes. for 1-8i hsit to10thot sund ta us ber liemotot>'b bu Ierjungmowet, comiplets; licC0tik Malt Wlckeobelm, Âpt&sic, nii W,îa tblIe.tbUM Meti.atse. cielbeda; and tue Christ, vitoseablecoru bludor. complote; brand nov Et- 44 4"7~ drawlu<Pl wrs. as mandvitor ahie eerred, o b etrusl- esoit dll, 1>-dise, complotes iitlte j,at. Atgeil"'t=Hild,19#n e. obeyed and benotot. And, %borysdo, ck'oo uPhlpeBRN &VRRW FURS 10 W- B. 310be rstibene Deloajil. poiups, lunttis da't* hirù, wltb hneo surface tltlug cultit-ator; sulky tenk, Gtysiake, ton hlghe8t ,crIffS. bletvitin ~ lb dukuaa e tetitabotn«u. ie riin~g cultirutor; mtub wagon; 2 walk- Telephone 34W-1. '4-t inembs1 thoAugousle h las 1,1 t the ure hpIf205011n g cultlvatora; tai-niwagon; 2 sets ar ab« h« *MDal siat-O, Ev- 6iItteansd a =etnboyand tshe arrowa; 14-ft. ha>' rko; mrenieel FOR SALE OU fENTi>' lai-nOf m ie&ve ton Picadt em ie grave Whitre partlug in ne o re-- tnk von; llock Isamd bay loaeo; 153 acres. locte la the vllagl> Of ,W au oier h«- Itgcre titore la no emr or a. tDeitUg wikiïi plewI1-l.; shorel Âutlnch. For psrtlulans vnle on tel- lm spm&tg tl ia1r Igs1 d 5 01M Id utplow; Rock Isîtut corn piauler; ~1-ft.eph Josopit Turner,.On=Ylake, I11.1 à lut lm 'tua i AnouVreOod1i4ip,,sah i-tpe iaY,,ater tank, gQzirazet; pmrp jack; Phone Grsylsks 94-R451 Wlb=Ca.Mhoi1, t blt ~ya ak etr 0 g;1 t~WÂNTED-MoM w-it Car 10 5011 0DOM- ropotet 10 hbelugaat . - Wega> ot tuaI ba o tls &areorer, 2&Mpane asu t stni»s-.alàMul tr, lt i..e rls rsattbs Waepnet itlgr.roela - 14 2-boisq $,llvtorer nglue sio 10.00 paret v- s rone.So Il fie our vOiS, 1eêhémIoadoue. st Illil heusa a ek, -tingvortit Tire o 75Io.fSL Uverpool, Q. moralt ets litaoneDe"la 111- Tititio e v ouid lave etIl 6M. t irnope; noV 150-fl. bey fork46l Cvlm boit t t e l1-t Molie gladteastope; 30-pgilie Utnk. COin8131,611- #hl lbrtm a2wook Sar litiraTo KeP o a u "da oYele; bthus lepclw«-FOR SALE-I 919 MOUelSix Cyl- jýj prdefflKtte ogauland ~gvh iaLoe 15 I bugybuareàsa; munocarrier; 1 <004 inder B"IkkTournmg Car. "Rex prsdta o nr s or vo may lruov thibe, yond theoymtdul 01<04 ~tt0it'~i stars 1~'nt;botrbu0 ,dUl ,e oT. fetolowlui le a love tlit a stsrongen titan fate' focu, vlh papo n ubetWéen, tar p5.pér Libertyville, luI. . ~ ~-' ~'Win tte nornng nloka on O outado. 6 vindows; 1000-chic lia. vas b-in luCiti- bf tor; 80-egg Rockford Ibcuitator; a o. plyB ilas L 'ltnessO0 )0e a ase lm-sut wQ Casi watt. ;rabroxandstor;20eor Loi! mou- Winîe ly, " ý1d br ftber1! pugaoldFirnitdr* <Teruas Cash) FOR SALEM--'b50 <rde btlen. méastI 141w ~ ~ an a0 a 110 u iO ADJUDICATION NOTICE * -CTWbourd. ebe«. 011 aose. cook tays; onê-»uobred Holstein iel'on' awhnte.Tiéc cild 1'store, 2 tuvklng chairs. onga, styen- vitit papere fti3 dite day; twn *uTI .ba pxe't a sx UBAC -NOTICI la hctebY gVIr nport, atmy cot, -tancot, 2 vooten j itet Holstî6 bottons, ta o te b vltba, WDa e ciamont lut -yul snd testament aof.Jacob Lei. vlth >aintand 26 records; ltbart col tegIetered Dutoc Jersey ,boin pi0. <e-g- t vomuioothui, t«eaned, vIE atteind tue Ceunstaheatlng tore sud waahlng ntcsou, vithtpape. 0111 M I Frt, Dortield. sb5qae o 2atv Court et Lako county. t sheittero- Pid ntOrln31 aoctyll 1. Phono Lake Posat 97-Y-3. - ati >nel Itt-0 t oiiduu teCusqom 1 oure conlIf 2siocks «West cors; 25 4- - , ~~Waukeganila lu 814Couaity. On tae r;tii-s oges108timothitiay asogine 10e Xwav moabeelioutay o Januni-Inert, 192, vieil iltf a>' baln bars; 550 bu- ye 86bmdLTI li ns. as QrisnSeU xer0 o us rasdaIa O5*s0&& 30 bu: iterloy: 20 b'. *ItenrUQt 8,P lsIV"aganOMu au OMdbd hoat; 15- fI,. et elage lu a 14?l' aile.,phonse11-R, ify'10 4 Voroivté osqustedto DmI'"' tuhes. 10 O 51 Ooed lunch vIlI bo ervet. FOR SALE-Oiue 1-yorzepover yFie t~w~ o.t.Court for.adWuIaiL Trnis: loyer 126, 6 monithi. %- babk i, onc a 0eqillw. used bot ). fIk sal 115 euti o R'y LUim"X.. o John i. Wlck, Âuctlooon.r-em. Planfeot com s Mee uWof i-eloqWU and oWA-j.tJ f uémi0 donCir. i.' . ts ouotShi 41110 Sà 4 iotbees v-pag ft e tîceli _______________ ggltm bo ue iwt 'b~O ukon .Ghbn », 1922. FImnal u Lz» dCge9hy - Tihé INSU le itr " , APt.'E Toi- moawortu Le*gué dovottomi serv et 6.:80-p. m. The. olMudin sorvit of "Win My chum" week. Subiec Partmmei'ai With Christ" ndr ti pirst floparbnt i"as lra Wl1lla ryenlng Worohlp at 7:30. $ho sermn by the pator; <004 stagini. -wim bew -pla0é 0 to mu le 86&bda7s Tua la liot' Ron"e Mr --rhi Frayer àmat praine. Wepeiauda ««diuln M t7:30. MI week. ,IueoSla r EWMutl. Cmo "Smear ffl cnit&0" «Bwdy mbow oenev0e pprovetato Os Thmwsty ovoulg 04 7:19, choir1 hoarsa i .portout that «i7Me ber hoo prouftt'ftoIo rssbOas1 aud tu iartipae ato 5lh» ptaltY lir, mut Mms.jack Eadtoe.who w enbtta t o et>n&r *né rébearial4 Tb=rdileolaz ~ .Sr p~q t*tutatlm~ et 791W 0001510 ottixoes.ufiaa *A iuoff vie Orolst wha' o144 i4r*r*m w ith 0050551W= 10b? thuqU la th busneSs, l A st Md omtee it«Msio batroms t reue,' tteas e ireniait - 'Fio~o ast ulli i 0517 <tester bluta aiç.go~ TO ~ tée bo the trt nid- me. te w. te- j .1-o yor Wi on a'es& s rall~t'Wltb 'nué l~ae' nialaximi ai rfr144h il la SuRit, - a L.~OT RIFlE O No"hig R.oed. Ew.thies"" dat Yo;w Owm Pdce New is Oê. tiiM. te et "w Xpmau.mt A a«»B 4opoui wiI hoàd amy artide 36 day. ROY$'S IEWELRY O 12 eeta Gis.Wm*toit.*~VIU mUTI SAU-L u Mu TAT TlEis" magiT O ff% in. nUe 11 lFAIIC An 1TOM LAu AOWVEIT muf rr mTu mAL m TAM RWni mmm»~e w. Groatest Eenrt i ps 1guu"'Foù!rth- Great: MUMNITy waukégaW'foremost stores are. making etaborate, plans to niake this Bargain Carnival the greatest value-giving event ini years. We' w!ant you to Com here Community BarPMi Day ýexpectin to sce te greatest- array of Bargainsyou have. ever seen. There wili k barins galore -for -ýeveryone. ALE.X HEIN CO- r a 'I I o I L ais- -'he Of tue Pilat mIttf sua =ani çbi -on- 1 1w rem ohe apei 41p OPi