Yoù ;ky's FùMe As you W" »wli »a o udsing to acOol day after day >muarni~e with a pang of regret j. Wtin a few years he "I~j a. & :bôy bot a na», ready to cool- ~e~c .53,~IBown living or start off to Wat prM«g a m O ieyo' making for hum Yeu bave the . omority t1" mak biwbut you vaw là s wfflmwlil dqmed upbn the fonda- -Ji=Yeu-bave laid for limW Rmio*>nngtbat tritis the keysmto ail «ood fortune. you ulmaulsSe that your boy is fonnig tue saving bit now. Teach him 1 ue bi bank aumd show hium dhe benefits he wiII derive by haviis backing. Lak Çunty Nationl gBank LIDERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Count TeCost If Yeu sili wash at home, die "Old Faahous Way." have you ever senously <nsided the gemmie economi of sencinâg your lo"es to to ftie careful woekm sof dmislatin- dr y-u i.'nsisfacion and clothe conservaion. but in actual dollars and cents? DAMP WÂSH » 2511,s. for $1.25 BigMI-FINISED 251bs. for $2.50 M4TIRE FÂMY WÂSH OOMPLW~E251be. - for $4.50 [j Thé,RelIMbkeLaundry LAUDE ILAW N YE t' ~ 23, 1922. lx au Doi 8*w, Phoesa06.A new j Loc l an Per onal itispet bus:at ;our servi". Taxi- cab cana aanwered day or aigt. Sî3ti _________________I Jim Wetmare bas closed bis auto ~, repair ao* in the Durand building, Sot Items of EspecWia aurest to LAortYvile N OP'e and ta naw ofiployed In the Robbins _____________________ri Woadworktng plant This industry re- Dvid plsgg and Donald McKay vis- L Ibertyvie Chater 0. r. an- ports a rushing business snd 15 gotng ited in Chicago Sat'urday. nuuncos a apeclal meeting bte i i ui Ppiy Ft'd ay eveming, NO Z4th. 0U ,er Mr. and Mrs. James Babbitt return- )ira. aarry fltti ad ltile àoný wero o01 the Campbali Chaliter wit tr.sîde. e<i Ttursday ta tiroir home In Ctpein- Chicago viitera TuesdaY. C. p. Wrlgbt loft laut Wednesday for net Ohio, after a vtslt bore wth W. UmesAd& Relfer was the guet of a suy in St.jouis It riends. Froc, W* Carrrç1t and famiiy. They weri. se- ienda tlu Chicago SaturdaY nigbt.- there ho wli go te Omnaha, Neb for a companied as far as Chtcago by Mr. vieit wltb bis son, Roey P. Wrght, and, n mC-U Mrs. George Baton n 5etetaUing îamîiy. onyBmtlavrwie hier aiter, lira. Lina ilsw. of Frasik-1:JhySmtinvrWse He lin, Psa. ]very »» eprlsoitrealizea the im_ bran in large for bis ormai aise. Now Mis Harit Bleai lveeî -- ~ portance or gond Mh your helt]b novel thisige he sure dld know. Ho igniss Harit 80 o Bvret WsFre1- V d~>s i flly ffl p the conldition o;aoe h fma oMthse radto. Buy vOUit nust of MieLU'i l" Ceyr fast r your spine; if »gecaal, te Chiro- boy a radio. It la an education.- Lib- day nigbt.1 practic vertobr4l adjntýuints. Dr. J. I yYilO Dtury Station. 47-lt Johmn van p>10vof( Bloit. va, o!.f He* J, CtA *" 471î A. C. RSe, et th$a R.. lotor Co.,,#as boe viniftaig bis nidiber lira. Sarah I~Yeptlso iegiolL une' been granied a patent on a mree VanP~V.Coners wlu give a program Xnd bas- shock absorber for automobiles. The lira. C. OmeronoOd balas lber guisket Social at the peisOol Friday eve- -t foM tnctions on tise hydraulie Tbursday lira. Dvdgbt Trim, or De- [Ling, NOV'. 24tM. 'INeia<es are re- Princl*le. and la the only one ofIlis tri ue.I ' l t rtbset rcae. knd in tue fild. lir. Boahan net de- tr i ,mis i . av n e pi q e t d t b u g b s ets a e cided u te w h ere i e In ven tion i ii ho lita li Haems emloyod lanîte Bort WlIU s IM tg At te Dre18t B.vd. manufactured Or Wan It.will ho piaced offices et Hawtho ram. via a Chi- goXernmont bsoa">t la Chicago, re- on the miarket. s cago viiter Baturday. coing trottaient Iûrdfiabilities "e Ras.ust- he ..~so Mr. nd m. YedEnv ofWauega plasataiusi qerinimrchait, advertisind i h ndeped- iir. d lira&i. red irtC.of.Wau50Ul pesutssswth efh5i'nt luit w08k orineo f ready made - ride aisttio unta. lireC. H. oal- Ietcbua, and Misses sud taller ma"e evercoats. Tueaday ridg, lit uii~Y.Marion Fiseber. haUte »oehm. liena mornnlg ho called te peort that ho Miss Flore, Tripp of D1>- 'a Grave, Miller. Ada Heffli~5 Grace UtIers had sold &Ul the girmefta except one, wassbore several day fasat week vis- f f Librtyvîlle tlook part in the pres- snd hadt a prospective costumer fur lttng ber brother. Francia. 7tttIan0f the 'N<tti Shore Foulies- that onie. The osly way ta reacb the, MM H lýWilsn ad daghtr 1at the Majestic Tjets at Waukpgan People af Libertyville and Lake coun y DixieH.of.Milwa one vsntd dauber.Thursday and Wrday uights. ih through the columna of The Inde- ville relatives Wedneaday. Dont rosi around, toWn i h a crop pnet GoOdte te let !mp bcauB theô0.*htskre.s that tale Yeu look 1k.' Thts for 'the benefit of Ernest Davis M 1 a od te t-)In cci frm. Cubeaauuedthe and other Iibertyvilie piuocrats 50- coal vo handie measures up acientifi-ahuanoncblf.Ctrudth QRUYte he ighst tan-rdof riacorner and make a bee fine for t3rad journinl,- in sunny Clm?5s The flrst .ally 1thmOertgbo ustadrdo! cas ford's Barber Shop for a clos' -~aesOow af the Yser came Sundsy nlght. bepern retrtrolxs .nd 11The fouli no OÏ"Unjted"cigars. 1î tThe ful af the beautiful lastod but a1 hoa erann Ûstme. W.. short time. lionday and Tuesay Franzen. Lumnher and at Liberty- Tue North Shore electric lune is mornings were clear and frosty. ice ville. Phono 50. 47-lt plannirâg ta give Libertyilile eveni bel- fh. in'. ;nd presonttng a generai Win- Mr. nd rs. hares ernad wreter service than at tise present iimc. try appearance. The rabbits are mov- ir. ukan lira haly nard WtersecAbout the first Of Decemsber brand ing at a lester gait, and brings morne th Nauei hroisd igtta new cars, of a ligiter t ype ihan noaaries teansuex-Hoozier of 'posaumengi 'Norts Shoe IoIns.turuc, WI ho put'la service. These the serimmon trocs. IMisa Grace Feeser, who bas been cars are the latent tbin4g for short tits__________________ visitIPg al, the A. Taylor homc, return- ort toterurban linos. ~ed Thursday ta ber home in I li r. sud lirs. Gus Krumrey enter- IWhat base becomeof itihe aid fash- tatned Mirsdlr and Mr . a't Kinar's andct iianed man Who used ta tbinu& tuere aas lira. A. M..Broyerret Druce Lake. an nu-one on eartis vbo coulk îkeMi«. and Mrs. J. Whitney, of Ltberty- FOR THT COICH (OR COLD bis own wvue? ville, last fflrday e'renlng. The ladies took lu thre show, aid the men folk8 %Muad Olitaet, Cld a»d X A._B Dougherty ta nov ompioyed onl playod cribbage. îÎtr. Krumrey and Mrý FeVer TabIetS, MeMto- abig jbi Lake Forest, % hich ho Whtney won 22 gamnqe out of 38 play- t saya wHIi taire until noat ApiL or ,%Uiy ed, rai are now cbesly enaugh ta issueCapoOluet- lat cofliçM1te. a defi te ailtish experts ins the village.Ca 0 w e Mas-.D orem wr n Harard Road CommdsLon~ier Mlooland bas AUGUST RADLOFF ( lu ee istngte uOklasMiMade a Ms olmentWIth the owners of Phe15-R --turyve or, lira. M. W. Holibard, vbo las been the lsnd tI the siortlwest part of tihe P 5- Uit for somne Urne. towsahip for th is 'gbt of vay of ine- Mrs C.Sprngd EdonKithencernent road. The Peterson cornor oent te Appleton Wis., isoud..y for Sassidtrha nise thln etitn rouit tiait with relatives. Tirey made the N O h ny hn ht o oan trip by auomobile. t the vay of ll.tng a contract for SO W autombile.Route 21 ta the LbertYville scrap. The Bridai baqueta. . Ta mqt becommlflly village couacil leSt eek psssed the net Qu thtle grace or tise lbride,. the ordlitmsiee autbort%-tt' t ee9cotnstrutin haquet la sosiitImiag '5110.. un y a fier.eof ise ,Oaviment i & te wthe~ lit Whoe l a true artist cmi croate. We cniruv ea>rt for confirmnation. It le ciii provide lirai vba± yonweat destre. bôpe<t th'nz iga veIii n shape ne that LAbertyville Fiover & Vege.bie G, the cnntr. ct m#Ly elet in Jannary and .1con."rrction vork started early next lirs. Harry Calkimis oaILong Beech, oprlng. SCalifornia, la bore vialin.; àusr par- enta, lMr. and lira.LU H. Schanck, and The F'stl Festival aud llszaar ta be ather relatives. 1-11A' th4f ".-k et Trovn Hall for itheO N Mr.andMr. J W Brwn benefit ai St. Joseph's churcir. prom- PH O E 306 lir.and ira.J. W Brw !se- to Ir thre bie,'est rffair of the rmong thre Lihortyvilie oike vho ai- kInd ever held In Lthertyville. The ____ tended the "North Shore t'ol.its" i bazaar '-I ieho aten bath afiennoosi Waukegaii Tburaday osorng. and eronisiz each day. Lusicheos i vii * Tb coi snp tbs vek bs ~ ho served snd d: ncing wl heonoe of quTe os co al dp hi ea r lia r sd the chie' attractions. Tlrursday, Nov. OMIin iffcul teget .hougb thei- 23. bas bot-n named Ladies' Day, snd inat latdioficuit tal g de cke. Friday. November 24. from 3 ta 6 p. ta ploty aisait oal ad caL m.. aheen desienated as ChIldwesi'5 Jobumy Smth là ver ywlse. BsDy I ktuds af Crstmas gonds, brain ta latrgo for bis ornai .zt. Nov oelis candies sud bakery gonds naveltitbngs ho sure did 1*0v. Hlvi ho ou sale each day. Numuoous boira them on the radio. Buy' yOUR1 vauable articles, smong tbem a Ford boy a radio. h tanan education. Lii>- tourln.g car; have beon donated for the BlOMm are the besson esty'alie Batiry station. 47-lt affair. ndt f record breaking crowd t ala fih sure ta attend. Ta ht peom Mir. sud Mlira uniHics vers In -days and nights. Waukega.iiTbuzimrdY night te attoI& Da't run around tava vith a crep the big show, -Meb.NorJa Shsore Fat- of vbiskers ibat mairesyou 1loo k ke Do You 1mev of a sOIi liesU," the at bdl*g cem»i 0dol- a himman , çi .ccshton. Cut amud ith alid sbu-ni atM 010701 0. thse Noth Slfre lectrla corner sud make a hbe Une for Br3d- nedée .oisolug friefld lins& A number etf lbetylàe trta ford'a Barbei Sbop for a close iSard. sbip of thse lovrers,.orf tS er T- y t- - z'edw mi -I That 'Home You've PIanmed, Evcry day you delay startng a savings accounf potpone/ that much longer your happinesa in owning a little home ail your own. Open a savmngs account i is strong batik TODAY. Add a fâed portion of every pay check te the growing sum. It will be easier then te build that heome. A True Statemen To My Faînter Customers The Bull Milldng Machie, milldog over 2,000 cows inLai. Comity, in a satifactury manDer, ha neyer heem traded l b another miling miachine in the, State of Iflis, or a1my plae, to mykmowledge. We do »sap our casM aly cu and harnever spoiled a cow in im Xearu re BERT FINSTEAD DU-- WANTA% GUElu 'aR ,QUICK REPAIR SERV.«ýý Prompt Rold Work Wehig and &ko' Libertyville Autlo Repair Shi. Chiarles M. Behiard Chas. 1O 'Proct' Insurance çf alkinds Phono. 154*1UB DQwn si t Electric Staio Phuone 200-J LbryiiII.ê You Caiî Build Now C.HEA PE R Than You Will *This Fal Don't Wait W. ame i good shapetýo take cam c Our PIàn Serivce Is AflYou Deire Winter Foo twear. of you SlTîme WillSoonBe Here. Get YusNow. We Seil Stave and Tile. -VALURA 'OPEC Libetyvile ~Lumber Co. ALLSu DOQRS. Prepare now for the cold weath er while our stock is comulee. M' Low Arctics, One-Buckle Arctics, Four-Buckle Arctics Snd Six-Buclile Arctics, Boys and Youths Four-Buckle Arctics. Caps, 50C to $1.50 WooI Gloves Mitttens, 25c to $205%. SîIkaud, Linen Ribbed Hose $1,00 French Seamed Hioseq $1. 50 Woaiens One and Four-Buckle Arct:cs. Lace Bertha Me»'.. Wpoees'aanti lltre's Rubber.E M'.s nd Women's Feit Sbm Mes adippers. F irst Quaity Footwe aa Moder ate pices.E Hour W. Giv. mmd Redeec S. & ILGrme Stamps. R AY N. SMITH.W . A LIBETWUILE ILOis sit rs8.00 A. -M.to 8:00 P. M. 'ROLL & SONS' COMPANI No Di thse e rds- petice dte a fte ber to A4 ber aside DISa ln et tise enta Bing playeS mtch vtebel .t issd a ulad aie," a dtctueta OaiIdA&a.in Ibo ladepedent semue remtz.- -Ci" (hem' àulu yuwa b. cusvecd Md wU n»Ver ii.. i.tout. nýýl Libertyvîlle, M. g 29