- L6ctt1 and Personal f Fecial intereat toLibertville Pea' Give Yôurself a' C hristmâs Present ~Â T is more wise than self ish, if the présent 1 ea Savings Âccouut in this'strong bank. It' -vos preent that wil, not only last but willg9row- lqext Cbristmas it will be, worth more. Some. présent- A gTowiug Saviugs Âtcount means independence, freedom froitworry and. power to take- advants.ge ole.pportfLflity. Trhis be.nk xuais alisolute safety and helpful seiv- Again wesay, some preseut! Lake iCountyNationaîlBaI" 501 North Milwaukee Avenue LIBERTY VILLE The Rliabe Laundry H ilad ui a nd mâ ibetyllie -Dmi Of - Fine Lawidry Work Dry Cleaig, nd Dyeimg DAN? WASI t 'ROMGHDRY $2.50 25 U». for- "25 IUs,'for _ q- m4F 4MMYL WASH FINISIFJ COMPMfE 2o cents ptr IL We 1)oieutil Work on, and. Carefully Handie Agl Dry Cleaning and Dyeing, LbIibeyyh Pou 67-R IIJJauslPak C1m178 **SEND IT TO THE LAUlN[)RY" S NOWS 1u ilJ" Give Him Something Useful For Christmas EVERYTHING FOR MEN 0._ Carai ---- - Iand STOIRM SASH SAVE ýCOAL NOW hs The Time To Order Yo en sbrWglng lujou e ansd w. cuiffplY You HARD WOOD CHUNKS MAPLE BOAR~D ENDS Fie foigFuae«o Cook Stoveg EGG ANI> NUT COKE Beat Subtitute For Had Codl Ail ind«of ýGocd Soft Coal Phone 47 LIBERTV LLE CkwwIs A& la Iun hdsii.deo acure rumb& Q. e.Ma Mau wvi. va1»1 $vw là .wfflv@utim0CoUL. Uiossbme are the baçop lIghtes Thet che. up GIoOUy' day and nighta. DO yon know of a soul slk shut-lu tbat nieede the cbeerlng frienti. s uap of the flo'ers.0o!R btrthday thai needs re- inembrance, of a.,motiier te wbom -memorils are r. Ward's Product- OTHAT ÇOUGH OR COU)D Fevr ahesutio- Cmplu. Oiulu.t P. .UG . 10- -- L Ib.tyv. 5eph P. May was conflued ta the 0Saturday and Suntiay 'slth a se coîti, aad 'sas compelledti 1 ,o bis duties as conductor on tbe abSoie Une. ke hie no competitor. Notice 1comüparing t thiinferlôr cosi coke 1?rodtlces long asieh as you &et lhe maximumi heai. eySotr der *wfL tus. W. . rai-j aub«er 4Coni- "t -The show Hom,çt)ht D.13ME 5s41 Drect fromt is thiet week's ruIS ihoing to over 100,000 people at the-Rooseveit Te- atre, Chicago. THOS. MEIGHAN BEATRICE JOT --and-- LOIS WILSON A 6d~ld5 Kajser was a Chicago i e~t~sy.bol sel Mary Carçl was a Waukegan for Tu..dy~ -No .aud *rS. . P. May 'sere an Wau- Tueddal.wb Leslie Acci 'sas a Waukegan tiu J... W*Soù andebidren vis-!ze1 aturay 'iWaukeg". t- Titus. a0,'lues Broc. 2flectrlc tiasiacte business ln Chicago 1.jjrieýTaylor jM improving wur lSootlunee., caused by a milr.3i~ WbItuey and Mr. cm.WaIt' Wlley spent Friday, s. ied »*mger s=d Mrs. Prank body 4"Me b*leuso vieitors nu Ling iiithe 'world ia really asý aa cà etopB'Utl. We locale mmd ttheý osqA t *;d vlen the cause soue l#a *&uMed, the. effects are cto is~ 3. Hesiu, Chi- 50-lt ml, la Chi ctss, on Monday, De-' r luih, tà Mi. gad Mrs. Harvey, a danatÀr. I. Colin, o! the Collins-Dos.ne iment C@WpEwi>. 'se in Chicago usiness Tue% day. .and Mis. Richard Wller and hter, Âd.lîuê. speit Saturday a! t- on n Waukegan.-.i s Mate Carroll of Cblcapo spe.t 1 week exil wflb lier 'arents, Mr.: Mrs. W. W. ZaMroL se Alma Churisll and Edwin Bix- of Gr&ylaké*, visite at the 0. E. tualil hoe. Duday. . . s.y, men left titis week Phoenix, Ag»toa, 'shere she wail alter T. Umartt and fsinily of' osua, Wfla... vlad Libertyvalle rel-, m andi friends Sunday.e nt t tot# a tri p te the. eke mT?é .18à«5. lbofl$06. A a»W Sspeed ffltt 'tr service.. Taxi-j sllsUn &»"r« dey or nigbt. SStf Su ad XM' . arry Olendor!, ofi f11.Iam lIworth and Mie p Root o! CU o e.beres8Swv vlsltlng M . s. M.rvic Pqt [is Katbryn Petgee le vWtsfifg ber ter. Franik Petges, et Struble,' a. he arpecte te go te Mlnneap- ýMlnn., for a vasat wltbh ler uncie annt, Mr. and 1frs. Peter Miller,a re returnlng home.1l lw that tlie cold weather ln here, ý houghts turn to bringing ounabine the home. An artistic sélectioni of nt& and feins offers anterest and uty for the horne. LibertyvMle' rer and Vegetable Co. 50-lt ubert Mack, realdlng north of this ige, ban returneti frein Vlctory Me- taI hospatal, 'ebere lie spent a fes' es taking treatmeflt for Inection. lowing an lu.jury teone of bie beels.' & pair of stockings for each chld et' bL4ke Bluff Orpbenage for Christ- a. The Ladies' Aid of ithe Métho- eEpiscopal church bave cultge of acollection. wtth Mrs. M. IL Miler d Mrs. H. J. Hagerty as thiesoin- ttee. Your co-operation le needed. everal friends of Mrs. An=e Deith-, i.ga've her a surprise Party et ber me Wednesday. in honor of ber blrth yannlversary. She vas presented th a beautiful temembrance -of the casion. 'A. delaghtful luncbeonwas evpq4ni ~4 had q;nojýableli"e. Thue Teamesters' Union of! Lîberti'- e have adveikIsed a basket social A dance to be4glven ln the lhall. on ethird floor- of the Pirst National zk building on Tbursday night, De- aber liai. Admission viii be free id euyerybody in invlted. Ladies are :pected to hring baskets with lunchi »ugh for two. Nothlng in the world le reallylàs, mple as chiropracÈIc. We locate anid neut lte cause, aýd when thie Cause disease is adjusted, the etfects are )ud to disappear. J. B.RHelin, Chii- practor. Phone 26. . \ .150-lt The Lahertyville Woman'g Ch*iill's1 Id is next meeting Decemhier 0t the home ot lire. L. P. <iOldi, on lm Court. ThieIote- iechrwsuies rty, and each one in requs.d îne rng a email glft. net te eXceed teXi Mis In cost. Ai par4els tbould, b. irefu]ly packe1. Snta Clatie'sal ave te guess for whom each hlift. la .ended. The funeral services for Mms. 31len avanaugli (nes Mo'sers) w0a beld aturday afiernoon freim tli blanc~ lrk undertaklflg rooms,'5¶b urla tthe HeIf Day cemetery. Thoew 'si tezuded frein Lîhertyville 'sere Mr id Mre. Peter Mowers. Mr. and Mrs im Duha, Mrs. John Dollenaaler an( on, Jack, Mrs. Agnes Spelilien an( Vlllam Wighamf. Tue Qr.atst PIaY of thq Sea«09M DECENIBER17 "TRI FACÈ 1HTHEfOG HOLIDAY SPEC;4LS Suadq ad Mumdy airistmas E',. ad Chiaua llt Biggest Comedy Dra of the Year Frlday and~Mur DECEMBER 29 and 30 "TO HAVE ANI) TO-MOU)» Niew Yes E'e-Suday BETTY CQPSON 'THE GREEN TMPATION' New Yetr's Niglt--monday JACK HOLT, MWAN IJNCONQUERABLE 10% Chiristmfas' No, wc don't refer ta the rate of ifterut, but to 100 per cent membersip frow your fam- - ily in our 1923 Christmnas Club. The memberships are gnuded se tatather, moffier and every chikiMay ions 4ya"uIct'og convenlent payments, which rangefions o*lyk f ew pennies UP to several dollars per weekt Our ClUb nakes it easy for every mMe of youu f amily' ta accumulate Cbristmnas mobee by fifty weekly 4epoits. Just before Chrstnas 1923, we wiR pe- sent each with a check for the total auaot milui he or she bas deposited& phus the Wueri caredat 3 Parp t II SMETfl ~~i n histore Fmm today untl Jau iy 1.L w ig yoll 2 =etg on eveit <bla Qa 3 at tlu stam. Tbt wig a;ve ion o Aima give the cld di~>ndguoa 541 N. WLWkUKUIAYL For- work in PéiOk Làight woirk,g pleas3aut workiug Foulds N Caps, 50c to $1.50- Wool G" Mîitens, 25c to $2.50. Sâiad, Linen - Ribbed Ifose. $1.00 French Seamed Hose, $1.50 Lace Bertha - - - $ Hours 8.00 A. M. to 8:.00 P. M. W. W. CARROLL & SONS' CON Ione 29 M IotvD~I. PH ONE 306 4 A U e ý 11