MUtS1NTS À ÀRT APPWAIN( p#atdbylock Mec W. 31 Shut Off Ater Midnight. l-The 42 oruamelital six vlli were to lilgit uca paved liait mile Of r Sthe City of Zian w d ou Wednesday nlgiit.1 Kefeated a reafly amati ýc tnd ZMon. s-fa" as and llght$ arecon-ererld, ecod tan» ciy o the.OU bot vide street and thxe ef 00 candiepaver e-Ah, tooka n1e % nev City er laia fel deigmt n$v ubrugli, asud eci te ofet iroad viloiu ksovu amthe. vaut lA 1' b« 4hmkla luno* ils b oie" ette a tri uwualiy the . ma n b4 o-14- o iir< vin - memar ý4*IeVrd, c" lg i main etréet.;or tha*in etreeta, lu Itoally tumua ib* I»Obli. on -or 09 Iat vbat.ver tff. th. r194 13 set.ý Tfhis sye.iulu auvage ai AnKdeos ta set Bc50 aito-a Jowfor ith.e omuge MM ln the. senset and sOuris.,there 1e no need, ai furtheritéfrenCe- the cdock attends triCeYtly a uai- ne, a nd dees the vark of the old-tlme lampllgiiter, Wbien gas or kerosene lampe ver. used everY viiere The street llghitng system aetZMon vas done Iby the. Zion Electrical ret Depariment. snd vas supervIsed bY th Thoase lanagsn, chlef, eleciriciifl r ai fhat depatrmet. The 'te ste. 43 mi ti ouet in. Witt mgiià he 42 liga. 31 o!ten o4of aN aimidulhixi, sud tU eleven bmruthxe rest itU tZIne.apttf aMADDEN-SCHOOL* W. bave finlsbed aur tri-monthly Mm' Wni. Wobml. and tva son, Wu. and Walter and dia~hter. Minu" mptard frin Chcs~o visit tl, relilveW. sMd MMs.Abert Schwandt 1 -d kam-lyWed*sy. The. A. L. Km fmlyave moued frosn Out dio baving moved ta Lolirtyville on Pi m tret rnk ZeanOlosky i. Ohlougo, bau enrlielulaoe lu co. a* ke no ifvicn eot ad FrMak LA&M ue Ttyrcle nsnoy glfta. Beale Mviletrecelvei100 per cent in ber aritlmetlc exarinstion. I Te follwipcUs oe abent lst Dalton of uird'grade;AnlWiln of= guoradeand John Dla isxl *MlfaseLydia and bIre .Schwandt1 Yutdtheir ousina of LaVergne Av&.,1 Chicigo, Saturdmy. *PONIEROT SCHQOOL Wp*ren Ne*wna (lays Krpp m"uti the bu4,oft basellag r&e. Txé. nev ucholarà entered aur acluaol lut veel. Irma, loue, imd 0e. TInn.0Orpa. à-Morlo& k vlited et h«r bom si louecrane over TIaIs- givng. lft.»ad XMS. OejM lEer and fam- lilys» *mner vlith *i Wi ev. urttoion Ot- vfe tthe XMfler houn. mn unO a. Thursday last Day for FlinghosdItta ptQlated te'*ia 10l Appliation But None Waht. the place. Redd!8L < Urtele Sam's ofti ta apoint a ]Té ie cmatinad], potma ter et Ashetas ue rpOelt_________ City oet theH. W iu-MaOvIté C014ll»Y. nort)x Ce hkgn par tyiaU4 tbt.lof M0U t LOSNG GROVE retelved ,*y applioàiou. alhuit Turvia.twutrou,,I Tiiursdày wu the l10t dAy ff - wS 4n0 oIl . lu order th insu*' the .lob b e 'i.Lot Grow udai scW"l ar mmiof il. , OM*oce vilW il teputisi g tlulr ÇbxtnmprO2wam serve the haMlvI4emptoy«c'i éii 0 l hrsia Thi.eary a'tiaeod ta the jobj *£- îday etiwruotnat ZP. in. lin indffhte as «,t la mtý Iflb aoil 1>oe vit Ibow msuy Parsons vou4d be oeri'.n u orrml, 2 thei saisry beins lbu"ed 9POn use 'Thq leochilduenSameSOMDÈ Rath axnotofci thereépts trmthé,stumpe 10 a&W tIc taberco cra- sale of senped piper. , 1 e, -.-1 It la p"Ssil that applicatiosz hlv e wwwiar m . weogeUibd been seat dIrect to tte ailhe! posut wu$i, o4ivo *. ma ômeie laeotr% Meti n vhiclago, lr.~b f UmtvIl.adlr but appllcalitç wygeiutrueted te.. M~~ltsrmdongtr.Mau- ale at the iodai postoile. 1 -b if tIser.ameno applimauié tiseDp Gsa1 w alt Sbe, H. poatalie. departmnint ray dmyeuy r og SuuS*y. petition for ith.eetablishment utai enr vs postoffice ai Asbiestos. j borm r n er Bnuday * * * ** * * *e. * The sebuiba Ir therex i Mnd Iotie tlf l Wt i. =arks. W. aHUEBARD SCHOOL* . w8hpmfotheewvqm@- * * *'** * * ** *~~t mrksare; MaienLutIe vas 0< and Fre Walter Nordmayer visited Rudolpb bc«rolr ioeaerg i 0 errbnamTuepMy.W a,..,s.5 .- o.'-. IJeven pupils relved a half holidaY -fridgy for belng perfect iu atiendauce for November. Exanagilas ver. finlshed flday. HI.tory of Tovu ai Ela ît naiauniltavn M mg185. till town u sorganbM damcrdlzug ta thé prvocf the aa oth e Centera Asibyof thé State of inoiolu he Il of Neb. e~18 n ofcieaaiAddlsoin nwés ««ttour sud TimalI Ualtes, leai fthé meetIng. The folowvlg lusu an 04repott Whsre tweietrof ils luvu af Dlu~met ai thé bousee niCharl ma iMs.oidvr eetl o, Peeeaoce coi*- 0"A Ottl 0 kRor hél ai *0b ii.uOl %tb Pis.. Sau7 uke awokingfor William Orffl1È,Keferls-on tlwutk lIi tPÎE Pred Meyer ut Chicago, visuted et the QGea home Snday. Mul. B. Keiler and daqgbter Mareila »md sMovi spent Tb*akseint Elmer GodiwMfer aBn]BdGswitIer and Lavrence Lomis vers glators at the. Moldmerborne Sdry. :ReèV alkre<moeai* iemily wve. îVwstlfg a Is re eckimn pýae Sunday ovmni. Supervlxor Harry Ilohlr.of Hlsb- lind Park, vwu eleted omwamdFllpt et the . Ajneiçw ~tlooan Pool, or. that City, * veek. Sperviuw, UlBler vas» auto» tu iii. uAV>Y sud augeed WigMOed 2ta=w, vlo Îerved lunithe armY b=aah O!fM mlltary service duringt the vorld a w",r.lff _____________________________________________ M ~ -- - 'li M 1~.*) 4.'? tR MOST: APPR.ECJA TED UIFT! qI ELECTRCAL APPUA ES are, a boon ta the busy house1eep:P-yet how ^many homes ýare jing dvices? q "ut the thù!g for'Christmas," you'l1 agrée, and Yeu yire right 1 They'ye arnamental, toc. and their mexpensiveness is an added attraction. Ç Ail the newest and most impi-aved appliances are here for ycur inspection. T"am. anl oatLamps S Toasove Toasers Wmffi.Irous GuistuasTe Decomatians LIBERTY ILLE BATTERY & 9LECTRIC SERVICE STATION 551 North Milwaukee Avenue > '~Telophone 400 LIBERTYVILLE/~ - - - - - "s ý iffT.. .~ i i sEekn ta tklAg im cout t teo -99 14prey*atomi uko te tia 1s ea Chif Depu> y Stuit oo P ullmut l Igin ryafsrnoo' n. o c to O RO WE SCBOOL The Braveseool bada 1sivbn pegra Fiday altermoonr at2% oe .oeh. '?am tpswere: Miose CltI MstnaPrlp, Mis larkm.y mm a . mmriapeonsuda$lthObls lu the disttict !ltaeprogramin m a foilova: 1kg drlfl&ïretSn!dc .tIArd'grades; recitaion b ,Mart «IUs rctied by Isabel tbws en C ortrcitation -l>y rsI, sudmiit grades, recita. tien b1 iras Dhtreyer sud AUce Ames, toeutataour Meubersand Dais *Êt second and ltai dgrades; composi- sin hnk 'ging, uppe:rade AiesAnses;rta ltre ez Ti. Jjabet eacher. TI%. aerb wetsvre pop coruasd candy1 soePresd tbembelve a us oen l peasde ità thée oternoon's eutertainnieni. !$&.OO deaI, old Lake county lým te st a bonty 'tjhpmkiing Isas suad river y x bgSlde of grain lTo' bt ta alght for evet sweet MexOsIus shallremnalu. e eooenty, dear Lake county May goodussu, peso. and love- tee. W" abmdse by li . B SPRAIRIE VIEW ' Mis Ruth Hansen Speut Bunday vitI hér aiter, Mm. K.Lenuin. Kra. Wilson sud Miss una'it lzen. thaer are spendlng a few days vitb lit, sud lis. J. P. Uizethaier. lira. lat Wagner ai Grmylgke. carne ta Prairie Viev, Saturday erenlng- rnotored ta Lake Zurich Unùyo spend several daya with ber mothet. lira. L. L. liaether sud son *'ere business visitors lu the city tva days lait week. W. J. ESuer made a busicesaeaUlu Arlingtan Heighisansd, DesPlaines Moan- day. Mr. and lire. Lewta j>pItje af Wiieellng, spexltiSunday viiilMr. snd lira. J. P. Ritaenthaler. vas a bWsk.â cahier Tueiday. lirs. Gilman and lire. Chas... S$i attended the. funernl oflit. lietz at Wheing, Tiiursay. Mir. snd lira. Davis bave rented the. Hsnk place and wyul live uhje.. Mr: sud lit. Mack Mu. ilan i..mVa ia u heir flat tic firsi cf the. veck. Frank Tulley and son, Harold vore callers aitih. Maton home Tueaday afiernoon. lire. C. T. liason sud son Ted spent Sunday vlihlMr. sud lits. *liin-a 14r. Flnley ha& rented the. Miss L. L. Sprague place. Jo. Kelales vwas a busýness calter at Lhertyvilie Wednesday. * MILLBURN lir. Dalymple ai Lake Villa, lu visit- ing ai the hoe ofa Dr. H. E. Jamisoù. ur. Wetzei vas called ta Ohio Thursdey ta attend ithe fanerai offflsi father, who <ied Wedneuday. SWm. licQuire returned haone froin Waukegsu Saiurday havn spent soluetirne witii bis brother, J0hn, who Mrt, and lir. Dueil entertaineâ com- pany frôa Chicago sud other points the put veek. %Lilas Vivin Bonnet visited relatjea and friendsinl Chicago since.Tint sy returned home Saturday evenlug. lit, sud bliiR . A.Martin 4et Wedneaday Iu Chicago shopplng. Tiiere vilIl e as scWaluai lienhal unde théeauspices of thieC.EL socleiy saturday eveulug, Dec. 16. Chriatpusu-lnttainn.n suc CAntaisa wil hbe ll aS tbe church Bsioaday, Dec. 2& S<Irn by ltheBxrdoysebboOl sorne&6iggocd; Everybody velcorne. Sp. *~iaêI - J .11. i I*j *i yonrmooi tù» waflbor cIo( yoervalves. Wma YOU bu VS? 7 RSEMOTOR CO,.. UBERTYVILLE hel niea vhel Cam Tvit Ilt vkeî ssc la. Msal and the I i 'i i -. a t f t Teebpone .8 The art, thekili, the discrimainating taste of mnany crafts unite in the construction of Electricai Appinces to. pr9dft thei--objeets as at- tratie i f on as they are effici- cient ioe in-~ieIChrist- mos Preswuitswhà - saisfythe giver and «dth te receier. qmm EL~RCPORTABLELAMSwrougt imcopper brush brass. v"rd antique. sivr. art iron, wicker with shades in ait glasilk, cretonne. qEF.rR co~icUTUSS, qciixd". toasters. v;&l. disc stoves. percolatara. 4J LAMOR lBES waaing machines, irons, vacu- unm dlenr,utibitY matou. q ELECTRICAL ARTICLES for thie toilet table, tbat increasecSorot and multiply conveence. Au *. great- vaiety at ou Sales Rooms, Waukegau Prices the Iowwt. Mail order may be sent ta the Sales Room named. PUBL<I SERVICE CO. OF NORTHM 11N IuNS. Collis; & Doane Co. Monuments and- Mausoleums Down By The Electric Station Phone 200-J bas. DProctor Il Insurance of ail kinds LIBERTYMVLE, Phone 154-M Thoodete M. Our9t, Pr5Ildsft W. a. Smith, Vioa PrsIiI F. W. Churchill, S.orets!ry and Manager. - 1TELEu ffl E Si SECURITY TITIE &. TRUST CC ABSTRACTS 0F TMTE - TffLgSGUARANTl WAUKEGAN s iA~TADS~SU~ . -Ir 't 1 LikeyvMe, BHnýis capital: $1 ZIOOO-00 Il 1