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Libertyville Independent, 4 Jan 1923, p. 12

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*1e ndepïeNdent paui.t Wuic I a n kty &m '4 ______ Nrnia.îI _________________________________ Leeaî Mmeagmt Oum* r*bpbffl3I*aWr 1. UsLarYO4 b .aml. AVALiTABLE MANT ?OZ TME OO)INN Rey. G. F. Francombe, -who la now serving bis third this time in promoting and co-operating.wtf thurcbes in their comnmunity activities. TUlder the. înWuef n ot hcga enof the 'r. M. C. A. ie lia visited the industries 1 alo the homes of tii, workers in the. shops. The. eau Mutual féderation in its activities ls beingi ted by Mr. FPrancombé. The. forum whieh lias been a alo bei'gdirected by hini. H lias ùisoj MI ý 4U the co-operation of the employers and employees ,ý'an educational and reereational program wlixcli- is Woùw w0rked out successfully. fTbi year, Rev. 'Franeombe will have assôciated wfli hîmý Rev. E. L. Sondenby, who is director of for- eigz speaking in the city of Ç'hicago under the direction dt the. Chicago City Missionry society, -,,itb the assist- %nSo of Rev. Sonderby a proÉrami of education and social- eorviee wiIi b. inaugerated seceking to inte'rest the. differ- kxt foreign speakiug groups in Waukegan and NoTth chlago. In addition Rev. Francqxnbe directed the work the. North Chicago Methodist church and lias lu every wysouglit to foster and develop a coinmunity spirit. 1>v. Franeombe is a mexuber of the Rock River cSiference of the Methodist Episcopal church, and under du direction of the department of "evangeliaxu of'the Wqrd of home missions board extension. Tiie *ecent uveoftiinutisadco ntwre did ofei t ei a uspcs ftheehrl oxniyou d *ounty nd oes abo t bs W rk n a quit sd ye t ~~~~ ofcetwyaomplishemcl frtheensioth ~~~~~~~~i onitri cag fapuptt o 1 e w rk lu tig onm uni oria b ena n nu ua 'v0~~ ~ ~ ~ % 0n o hicsile at re A . uttnd nc har- ~OsratieQf bs wok lir s wa le i vrrayt th~ tbw su co muuey h r ve po sibe. ty a oo n iteyii Mny' w ý dha c an t b b»Î y tM d g es abeout a m an O f M . a u coet ' eticety a c oa lstlahoped thtothe responsube t h Mi see c e b r . i ls d cr w y on 'e pm u a ig xfleme M n e nm he reaxohp ~to -anntei chrenon upt to rote atfaéti Ua bs doue muit oar rninghasbue e an y feel- nd~ wof en atoie nau e Anotstantinscar , W=, io his wpromiene s tat le îatter ris force *Uiy is e uefct in îy at a thaetn otate 4)W#ed in eopriasecut morfA. . Smitlio e$ LM,'jtY a4 oneuof t i principa serteing ii.e te s pent horew to senetii r wy ti.aws u a teemmunityarnd then alopngleldat tii. a boaigers' ee i upereindethéof Shl i p- su hu d4ounhty wardnged ambroafriedexeue- big beoxunite o ate lisup a nd e.O thei. .testiie baizdpesou onat te ft tat etin ls a eOtigLof an: Ony u neofth pinil pa kers, .~J~ Vtu.g thel Mbgude wa reety iiiti. imortantheenty s h n tas ~l~i teeseeôtig uer iportant ofState-meeispI ,~slo ht Lake cou asntyfii ais heroldngthee imu- Rxgsions an et. Tesuggestiouniade through the. Sun by the presi- dMof the. W. C. T. tU. of Lake coupty to the. effect that ~boehounds instead of speudin.g tlieir monfey for jbootcii, etc, put aside that xnoney into a fund to be b=red over to the. poor and needy, the islck, the invalids, 'vipçý agod o ne but too Utopian eof execution. Wouldn't a fpe, tgif men would rei$I1ze wliat a lot of dOdthey could do by following out tbis suggestion? J: tb long run tiiey'd bd botter off physically and tliey 4 O. iud coefort in the reahlaton *lat -thoy liad done *Meoipgwor~th while, liad broughthappinims and eom- to umny a needy soul-and tbey would get theïr through that kuowledge rathée Abun wai fngor .onlreward that la imeertain'to tiiem iu tih. ore-, n in said tiiat frout ton te twel*ve sailors are amrving ' so daiIy at Great Lakes, to enter tii. rado1 *t the. local sltion. Thig indicates titat the sta- * gain gradpUyoenn up te a pointt where it À damond aUckplu u s omuS m .~ ~ CIe vu.iiruglt to Wauk.egaai ~awma ~au va~urrined nfaé JusIL N.C. coul- ec tudymaded 40thefla stmiy of IL j1 lsug e erlgtifor 2ZsaPUayi. -UG RY. L~E lis tiie Allngton batei havlng bien n haitelr>' ton hall a cenf'ur>'. it aisa necesstat,. tue removal ai the tva flat butiln; nov occupieti b>'Mr. and Mrff.- A. L.. Nebltt andtihle Lud*ulg famlles, as veli as tue aId reshdence, an - Count>' street , nati O! the, Algitton, an.d the. Rynlsel cOa compan>' anti Collhs & Doaneq offices. * HALF DAY Y Hello! Whoialait HItDay *aan-t going ta have a ralinoasi The>' are laying t4iTaint aireati>, have tue traclis laid as.taraiu te «Bertanin" anti a rAmI eiUiu anti vr train op- erting os. ItFT.omu tuera tii.>'are 4,, igto " flci's gý opers"andt teg ativu Mhlauke avenûe ta old 'wheeun & *biei* aul the prett>' ad ionui. hta t'piovottbe Lin,. *aliU a- choit oMt lasd ouscting viti"Btyio'a oto Ei uie" at *theélI6gtor Chiucago anti intemvedi- bavela ons ~aproipatons expm oet The incorora. nme la .'Whtw ai i14 'pransit S 1vies àas,!?anti the>' e- pecitto doe a ioug bus ioesa nexi pijeulid fomm ebie oo Lin, offies at., Prii ivb>'Openaton GlUbuan, oun genws agent at tb. junctlon point. Mn. Davis la coiepuninear, Mn..Finie>' distric Supi, Mr. Murie>'. roat mener =4d Ra> 13tubi stravboss. Mord par- tilaslater, SeveraioaiOur ambittous 'Young b".o& 40ak tuefr Wled>' fta ta tue ta 'atlong Grava lait Monda>' eve- g4r. hal Mn..PL O. Hntanoai be- v>'s Iaitei relatives ati trient. at Prairie l'Vew anti Hsif Day Satunday anti Suada>'. Tovuer, Krzeger, Witt anti Hersai. berger are Wa ervlng on bhs petit Jury Kt Waukegas ibis woel. maklng the tnp dalY tu a 0014 air.santnin. Misa 4AnaGerbert and hen mothen tôo lr4h siMuat Ohicag o Mod&Y lta ~ch asoperateti on for a:- peudicltla et Lake porest haupital lait "eak (W.dnesday) snd Io reporteti ai Ana Gerbert anid Alc. enrcuier- caflt on the Âbr.chts andi toocln l the aighteA t WankegauWedues4dy. Horne baqk, riding 1* ,ttliig to b. Quito a f atil tr little barg. Nev Year's day several o tour yotmg gent>e men 'wlth ther lr'ady friand" vere seen iXanglag up anti dovu the strese. ItRobOnt furleycu. anti faml0y, ho lu oonnooted vith lte White Construe- flou, Co., la living in the Stanley Fote homse, vblch, Anakas Ifmo ocalI Dou't 4t Stanley, lustqo ivin x1p Petsson gave a'Nev Yer'î party laut suuday evenIng t A a 10W choiqe friands. A swulimre vaàkati. Chul mywstenu trotnQ th vattumanatratonq SW. havre nunieroue orgagisation anti clubs, but let's organise anotkbr one and cW.i l the1*00o taChufth Club."1 Wonder hom many charter men*ers w. coulai get tus tait onton. Lêt'es GO1"Ilsad try if. Whai gay? Choir pmoUtIe nexf sustiay attet' noon et 8 n'aokinl the chunch. As. 445 il.te*u tr aining cdasat 9:,46 a. rn.: s&Uloih ohol At 10, anti evening service etat cloc. Durngn ibis service .or previons f0 the service AUi affiCer. of the churcb, SundaY BabOl Andi the auxiliaries viiireuder thei -aim ireorts, andi the Annuel electlcsi of officens vil b. heti at that tUrne. If You are of officia ambitions, nmake Yourself known to the Modera- tan. LaYlng AUl Joles asitie, Aii mem- bers andti iendes ad everyone aise, ought ta b. present., Let us see hon' lnn> vilb. mableto attend, ,S Parent Teacheri' meeting vill be heid et the echool bouse Januar>' 12 (ve believe). * PRAIRIE VIEW* Eleotrio Raltroad Buys fuArl- ton H*t Bfook as Site for The mot senstIanai reaIty tisai. vhilh Invoives th».cosutruction o! a lisng alraad depot snd tertAulns la the dovutov umcto et n- k«=sa, Vas 01000d, Sturti.y bun the cicago. Norti h om Q&Mlautese electnlc rfrai ucu i=ta Frauli Eazy theb nii5t1i 01i bloelt,.-and 44 feettmfru88 o Cauity setteet frein IL ».SajuIon The praperty *pSircbaed &frais Ms ~D"y reua from 000f>' ty ieet ubrugl teUti4 besidea t'h. otol *'a tha sUd niSrh Ctebtl su'I v-ttyta ufdu'o lu tih. rear ofthebhotel. oneo0f vhih la beiBa rased to aeiiiioons fa'r the tenuiluni Tt la amisostated ti adb.ie raa company bas practlally closei 'a deai with W. T. D01947y tpr a 22 ft tract Just sputh of Siamon-0 hold- ings, but otiièr reports ver. that Duniytahheiing out. vhlii vouit Smpel the. company ta stant con- demnation proceedingi to acquire the propent>'. The reporteti conslieration for the SaImon property Je $26,000, a record price for County. frontage, as tiiere jae ouly tvo smmii buildings on it. the offices of the, Rynlisel coal coin- pany, Collins & Doane,, and a amal bouse. N The Dady propert>' consilsteOf 200 feet of frontage on County street, and the samne amount on Utîca street. it la underitooti that the. des] approximates a price of $500 a foot. vhich vaulti brilLg ta aggregate of the. aompany'î purchase up, to $225.000. The. Saimon deal repr.eeente 'a price of $600 & foot, a Itit la under- staod that Dunisy ta holding ont for $25.000 for his 22 feet. The, Sun obtalueti information some time ago that the des] vas pouding snd that the, North Shiore lig, vas nonsitierlng the contruc- tien of a large depot and termiinal to accomodate the. rapidi>' Increas- ing business là and uhrougii Wau- kegan. Britton I. Budd, president of thf. Chicago, North Shiore & Mlwaukiee eieetnic nsiinad compan>', vas lu- tos4ieved ibis aternoon but declineci to mike a statement concerning the matter. Tho terminal viii necesiltato the. company ciiauglng Its traclis In the davntovn district, andthetidîne- ses and Washington itreet lines wiii terminate at tie i.lt* of the, nen' tiepot. This viii do avai vitb the. transferrlng of passengers at the Wasington-QGenesee lunction. andi vili aifo eliminate the- necessit>' or aldetraaklug the express trajp on 'Washington etreet, a teature vhicb has beau liseae t-.cit> canunili numeraus Unes. The Company la underitoodti tahave interested iltseif prlialaiin uthe. obtalnlng of thie terminal ite and lmproveenit have nat been vorliet out as ta the, pro leicaît of the dépot andti trmln!a, but ittla s certaitty that the. tepot viii be large .iough to bondis not oui>' tbe Prosont requlremients but for a clty ucb langer, and i vii6e.astructure costlug not lesâ; than, $50,00 and parhaps mare.. The. information recelyed.. la to the. effeCt that there viii be one- hioCli tias squarlng on Waahing- ton, Count>'. Water anti Utica streets ta make a iOaP-to facilitate the hadlgof cars, bath ln the- city su i.North ,4hiiSuu xrs il~ ment aatvi -f 9tai» 4ttornev V. amhw r taxin a fomnost p*scouUes of the at*4= 5o lq iQ< viola. tneus. M ' 1 " ' , doul> lu; bondi. tth Dr ê in,,* ma- ~esl.vestie~a 1 oeu orcoJ ment up ta thi e vermuent. Tic> a"e $éuti ta, brins &bouit a raConi Sa q1o i, Dote.33-Teen- forcénent o! the, national prohibition lSa suad the. ptosecutlot of odentiers * ahauld b. doue b>' state. cousty andi aty oficers rallier thas 1»'. the ioder- ai goverument. Unitedti tates isatrict Attorney' Thoma" Willfausoiubon deieres lu asidng tbat jhe federal Court tocliets for tâts district b. liept cear sai muciias possible at liquor cases. Tii, passlug of boatloggins cases tram ioderai courts to ait>'. count>' and state prosecutians vil b. braugiit about gratiually, WlllInson states. RHlm ove hlalielleved Inluse- cordance vith the Instructions sent out b>' Attorney' General Danahert>' recenti>' lustructlng federal officeni ta tlgbten up prohibition leais In their comaniuilties. WIblamaou sali a mieunde;otand- lng exisat u ian>'localities conceru- lng enfarcement oi tbe dry law, lHe a130 polnieti out that invhere local af- ticers prasecute booze cases t fib-ea collecteti are crediteti for thein viiereas wheu the. federal goveru- meut proiecutes-the mon.>' gaes ta lu. ANDREW LUZER SI3NTENCED TO CÂRE FOR FAMIL4Y Antirev Luxer, o! West Washiington street. Who SUrrendereti binseift t Sherlif lEdvin Ahîstroni, pica4eti "gullty" lit Frida>' lu the.count>' court ta a charge of manufactunlng lquor. Leizer's fainhi>'.a large one, ta greati>' lu, neeti of!us earnlngs. Tiie stmar>'am la iioverng about the Luxer home. For that reasOn ittie P. *i.. Pensons "*sentencecl" Luxer La taliing cane o! hie faml>' until lie second Montiay lu Apnil. SPECIAI, ASSESOMENT NOTICE Notice la hereby- given toalal persans Interestedti ta the. PrestieOnt anti Bu-arti ai Trustees ai tue Viflage of LIbertyvhle, C= ouf'ai1"se, and tiiate or Illinuois, having orterethte c-- atmi<-ton of a local Improvemeni con- e.atM'; af tue Improvement ai Mlîu,îu-. liee Avenue tram tue southu lina a Raclilanti Rossivblch lu a line tuat internsec tiie ceuten line et Milvan- ke. Avenue 3185 tait (measureti along the center lin. of Milvaukiee Avenue) nartii ar tue Intersection of the, Boug~ ine of sectioni i1, township 4« north range il1 But of tue SMd Principal Me- riusu ith tue ,aiticenterhUe af Mil- waukee. Avenue ant having a hening of north 78 degre, anti 14 minutes esut ta tue sauth lin. of 2111. Avenue, vhlch la a bine iiaving a bearing of nontu 75 degree sud 14 minutes east jwhiah passes through the, IntersectIon oth. cet li n, of Mllvauk.é Ave. àthut-the s 4ne of MIEaAr'engWiex- te,,1d d <cepnt f.ýn - Il- .4nw*& tai (rayslàke on'Monday. soutueni>' raii o! tue Chicmgo N Mrs. Hoint viehteti tniends at Hait Shore anti Milvaukee kailroad' Day onNev Yeané di>'. -Un. parailel-ta andt tv (2) feeeLn Halt 0ay Cluunch Notes eni>' ai the nortiieri>'miai ftue Tii, Ladiesid viii ment on Thurs- cago North Shore anti Miwaukee: day at the parsouage.. Ail thae ra- roind, anti also except tram a line bers are kundi>' requestedt t be prea- - allel ta andt tv (2) feet souther] out. 1 1; tue southeni>' rail aifb.heChicago. Sunda!k sabool next Sondaa 10 0', yaukee & St. paul-Ralivay to a dlock, pr.aching services at il anti paraliel ta andt tv (2) feet nont 7:30.1. of thie nortiieni>'rail oaiheii( Happy Nev Tear. Why flot meke Mlwyaukiee & St. Paul Railva>' nev stunt. Came ta church. ail intersectin; streets, ave, it in not bow lipu Yau lilve, but iiaw rondsa, places anti courts, as prod veil >'au live, thit counts, tram the roativi> of Milvaukee Wear a amile 'bu ftein ocbock anti nue ta thei.is bUes tureof, ail Ir the. reet o! the day viii b. easy. Village oi LibentyvIbie, Caunty, of1 andi State o! Iflinois, b>' gradins JOHN MARTELL AUCTION saiti atrecti. avenues, rassis placs - court anti bsylng on tFÈs, rnd, Tlionsta>'. Januar>' 11, at 12 M., Joini theneof a reinforcetiPortand çai Martel, having decidedt t uit !armlng. 0o4er ete pavement elght (8) in -.11 s»Il t Public Auctian an the thutli. conotnuatlng a Portlandi ce Mienhaff tars, an tue -Dundee rond, 1casicrete combineti aunianti i à14 =lieeuat oC Wheeling anti 2 miles («ept tuat the comblnti cam iotweat ai Bhonuervtlie, gutter shaU b, asitteti betveeo 9 tous ofnmlxed'ha>' In barn; 50 center line oi Apple>' Avenue ext uiioclis aorghws; 1» oatis abretitiatiandtihtuesouti i n o ai s Ave foodi lu'bans;250 buahebi goati white ecotniUctngandi connecIisg si cats; 2 stacis tfond corn; 700 bushels ter severs; aonstnucblng "ndi ô= corn itnck - 1« catch basins;, contructIng ý 10 Hed Cattl" 6fresh wlth caIves *U --hes, djticach i b>' aid*; 6s pnlngers. 4 yearlflgsX 2puntencos. the. ordinance tor vori orses saaeliiung on fileIn theoftfice c May' andi Grain village Clerli of sai Village, and M M>bOU-Clieter Wite Boar. jufi ld itllage bavlng,%ppiied ta the bipýot; Cheiter White Sow, ful blooti; cuit Court of 1.mke Count>', TU 20 Chester White Shoats; b savs vltb for aa a"emnt.o! tue cois o plu,; ý brooti sow; 100 chickens. Improvnuent, caording ta lien * Tools anti an asseimment tiierefor hi -6-éd1L 7-pais. 1»17 motiel Stutiebaker been matie anti returue teto nidC car; 3-»Ping vagon, bohuleti; -sec. tue final beailng tuereon vil be tion drag; creant sparator; bandi cul. on tue lOtu day o! Januar>'. A. D.: tIvaton; tank heater; 2 galvanizeti va- or as scon theneafter as the but ter tanksu; vh.elbanrov; pulvenizer; of tue pourt vili permit. Ail per 2 sets double hannes anti inu>' tuen testig i>' tle objections la articles. .1 cocurt befare saiti day anti ma>' ae Terme: Over $25, 6 monthi. 6%. at the bearing anti mal, their delE John J. WIck, Auctioneer. Sait ordinance pravidea for theec Wm. R. Lantivebe, Clerk. 1-lt tion of sait aseameue lutan an Instailmenta, vith annual Interes xo5oxioixoxxoxeo i xthenrate of ix p& cent per annum a THE INbHPENgNmr l e e siDatedIt Lbertyvtule, Ill., Dec. 80,1 smnot vidai>' road nowmpapmr lins OTTO BOEHM, e lali eeaasty. M, Persan appointei ta maie se Xexexexexexaxe axex asiesament 0 PMU=ia X. Wood, 804 clasl 11 là 17 14 4 a 8 2t2 11 28819 10 17 241ID' 1520 191ID 811l 211id 1117 il124 7 10 22 17 1518 28824 182 9 13 10 1,6 I p 2518 vin ProbieflNa.818. E>' 0. Im.Rlch. Wbite-20 M629 80 K3. Whlte taepilay anti vin. 'ProbleinNI. 884. E>' P. D. Petenson. Wblte taepis>' antidran'. fce Blacli-2 5 6 21 23. Whlte-11 113 17 30 82. Black ta play anti tiav. Tbe above gaine andti tree problemi tram P. 1, Wendomuth's Checlier Companion. the, latat lbooki on ciiecli ers; a goot- guide for ail classes aif ;Payers. Pbbliaiiet at 642 Sa. Doanberu St., Cblcago, 111. Solution ta Probiom No. 380. By Wbi. J. wood. Black-4 6 K la. Wite-15 Xe 5 19. Blacki ta more anti Wbite to vin. 1317 6 10 17 18 1014 14 17 151il 5 9 9 8 19 23 2318 Solution ta Probiem No. 831. By Wm. J. Wood. Bai-1 15 20 29 Ka 4 919 29. M te-11 17 18 22 26,28 K 12. Il 8 26 23 17 13 183 6 li1 411l 19 6 26 17 1 10 15 22 Solution ta Prablem No. 332. B>' Wn. J. Wood.* Black-4l 14 16 18 24. - Wbite-19 21 25 -Ms 8 K 9.- BIitAIo tla xisd vin. 1 1 lu , 121 -11P 4 2_7L 24 27 9 18 1~ 6 22 17 ÂLL PETURS DAMOND Mceof a~i ± r tb Out by skilled workiuen -An sold iinder a Money* Baïck Guaraol Of -Quality No Inatter wh@O« rYou want a long wearlng, Co able work shoe or the latest thing ini &eu wewÎ psy you to b. fitted ber. J. B. 'MORSE & Telepholie 14 Tii. boys ar~e playing basket bail ut Heneclibergers hall. That's iglit boys yours lor healtii. hl(r. anti Mn. George Long sud vee son caileti at the. L. Maetuer home on fnitia>' taklng Mm. W. J. Saner sud Victor bajue vitii thein for Nev Yeans. Mir. anti Mrs. H. J. Mason ipent New Years Day withthte former'î iother, Mns. E. Krueger. Mr. anti Mn. Epp andi daughter Cor- lu. ver. inu-Prairie Viev on New' Tears Day. Mr. anti Mr. U. W. Willilams enter- taineti Mrs. C. J. Mason sud Theatiore at dinner on Bungay. Ben Ritzentiiaien. ai Napervilie. IIii, epent bis Christmas vacation at home anti returneti again on Tueis>y. Mis. P. E. Maether aftentiet a part>' at DesPIal4es on Frits>' ,venlng anti returneti home ou Sonda>' mornlng. Mr. anti Mn. C. M. Gixuan andi chil- tiren spent Sunda>' vlth relatives at DesPlaines. Mn. anti Mn. Fred Priss spent Sun- day ln Chicago. missCaine Epp, aifCiiicago; Helen Speilia of Wauliegan Haroldi and llarriet Tuile>' of 2verett anti Mise Flornc~e Maetuer spent Manda>' mter- noon vitii Mr. C. J. Mason anti Thea- dore. Mr. anti Mn. Heni>' spent Nov Years Day in Chicago. W. J. Sauer spent Mondai vitb rela- tives lu Long Grave. Mn. anti Mis. W. J. Weldner of the. Wheellng Station yere Prairie Vien' coller on Monta>'. Albrt Staul vas s business casier lu Prairie Viev an Nev Yesn Dey'. The. Wootimen are planning ta give a bunch the tinst tegre. on Thunida>' evening. Mn. and Mrs. H. Davis spen$ tue veeli eut lu Chicago. A numben f ruebere attendedtheti diance at Long Grave on Manida>' ,v- enta. Me, anti-Mn.. Magli' Maou pent Mcida>'aiternpon vitu Mrs.Loitils. !IM!M The baie WuliaiF.m ap»toxlmattoy t.Of a Obtition for fthe prelute «this mitr M 16 sle gais, Nrs rsoutate %M .p $3, Pryenlr. ýTue mast rut * 4 port *Mat Mi. sE» au lx "ialmela traits. mltteàd te Probat. Ne 1wý taie but %* AUts vldav siets ftol tast lie s»Mal tnoenatInludig sec Cii. vlu %Qto #,d:lhics ntta di hleutt * Wifî of unhrmproved lProt>' lau1 t or NOWiort and a ho" b the heinesteatilul Waukogaa vidov andi three tiughters share lu the. estate.- Th ii.viifaithie late fient>'L;,- Schuhmsnn of Highland . Parlt * Seg, tieath occurei Decenibor 22, va. mittedtotaprobate ln probate eomul. thus mornlng. Hie estat eo*XU of $35,000 lu 'personai propat>'# I- $15.000 ln reail etate. N4 lit 1w entire astate ta bis wliov. $3,000.00 IN RZST N GIVINRT (Contluued front page One). ticipates ln tigs great campgiuib greateat passible asisatane &" tçW *roperiy handie the inbaorhp0las, en that eacb iiqv subscruber viii Mi hi paper prompt>' vithout confuIol. th* pubiahers of The, Idbertyvlle befio. pendent iias ecureti thi eie s st a Circuiation manager *ha ia thoroeghly. expenlenced lu tilinhe aovf t.*04 h. -*lu gle bis entIrlune SuE Etpu- dlou ta tiose vbo déirue toa slire l this grand gtft-lmtnhbutlcu. If thenrenla a"nt a ilabeu tb entire prýôpoaittodftbat la hoi podeptlr. plain ta you. came ta ti ~orne., or vnlte or telephane Na. 1iàmetress fi1sf band Information boy ta go abogê' vlnnlng tho prize ar your cie*è,. better sf11, clip ont th aoii coupon ou the. baoe a Umiist*b andi sentior bring It ln» W. vii slz= ses that you are fuIt>' nformied regegi ing the. entire plan. 'The Damai of the ontestants viii be *ublisheti in The LIlrtyvhlie 9 pendent nerf vei.'Be sure 70 namo la lu th it. . The election ih nov open. The kli vote coupon appea n lu t*me- Cnt Il ont andi start yonr friands coupons for you. Nammiste or some friend ai once. 'fou the, juspnp terd,«yi NQW. Office 00M Evmtiem '~ -the day, tihe LibenIlle office viiiromain apen w sv4 ý until 9gd oëoL Bel) stabi af KecSsh a bretW,ýl T. J. Stabi WaxilegalTaui* opened i bs nev $15000hm outilde ithe aity orit c 1vlth a mammeotb part>. ? tooli four yeam nslcoartai bult entirel>' of atone. lIt la, thatft lathe oui>' bous, iu the tata. finit 13e ingtrnctvd 8ton.T. .3- Subi d n'VifrÀ- be the, in o azepnaive ?116 nouha.

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