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Libertyville Independent, 18 Jan 1923, p. 11

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T~%~AT,~ YM J~~J# 18, 1923. YOUR MONMY, GOES-- gUT WHERE? At the end of dthéinonth can you acceunit for every ceai of your iscome. or does that ever- present qustio,- Where Has AUl My Money GmewV" remmain wawered? Iff bo ave paid your ÉIinhithe ,uahxss-like *-*y, ycSl check book willauiwer that question Cary your accoun ahi Is bauk andu pay your bilbly check. A check is always a rectipt I LkeCounty National Bati Tdq&.. 15UBurTYVLL, &mINis ~l TEINEPENDENT-ONLY $1.50 YEUR I * ioeoe ,oerUUiIUINWAIUthe -YOU Cati Enjoy, This Progîam Ail1d"y ln10 d a noth qt the air arowed You i4 fulu matie, lecture.,sprt 421=1tet " f htdy, markcet reports. etc Ailyoa m.. tebrn1 icsef.surr«ito yoer home la a go<>d radio r.olv.. l. rdiosetw.offer je muerior to noe now seIling for 250 or mort, yet )v offer a* Compl ete Radio Outfit $100 'lIs le1 the tmons Crosbey Mod el X Radio set. It wll brlng in sta- tio,us1000 mues ormOredstant. Tou can tue tout local stations, such as Chicago and Mlwaukee. and hlen te pegmt- frern New York- Aat*.ta., e. t. Louis and even Bprlngflal.Mass. Local snd met ditant gtations ta b.eard as clear and ditnct as a pbonograph. Approval Offer Yeu un try this set ont ln your own home for a week on tria!. with no obligtion to buy unies, yen are .ntiiely satlsfied. The set is cern- plote With phones, batiese, tubes, auni, and everythlng necessary to connect up and flstn lu" Wé have slruady aoid sa pr wf those sets te Lake couiity people, sMd the. owMlr are Vary entbuslastc about the resuits they are gettlng. M nout sud mai the atteched coupo nsd vu vIi send complete de- oai~ ur offer. Or you ea tlphone LibertyvMfe 285-R. 14OLMES ELECTRIC COMPANY, Lîbertyvilioe, 11llnis. . Klndly send us further doteils conceraing yeur triai effer on thse Crosley Medel X Radio Receiver. .. . . . .. . . . . .. .. . - -- - . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . - -- -- -- SIJOLMES IELECTRIC COMPANY .IBERTVVL.L, ILLINISdi. - ELEPHO6N- 235-.R I«WMMMe STOR,-M SASH-, SAVE COAL NOW Ih The Tine To Order Yonm. o in lu our measure and we enas s upye HIARMW001) CHUNKS MAPLE . BOARD ENP>S Pi'.for ineor Cook Stoves EGG AND) NUT COKE BWstSubêdtke For lard oal Ail Kds of Good Soft Coal k rCo. an i WANT ÂTDES-16 Local V.AA~A W A N TE Fo60rde whlch need oer-sizo pistons lnstalled. I1viiilaP Shot tem o Esecal ntres t Lbertyville Peope in four ever-size plstons, fit tour nev Shor k« ofEspeialIntrestto À wist pins and 12 piston rl'ngs, taeouP ____________________________________________________connectlng rode. grlnd valves and WlimStudor vas In cica M"s.A. Xrby. et Fox Lake, la visît dcean carbon for $32.60, 0,11 paMin-la lu' at1. the of Mr. and Mr.. Robert cluded. Libertyville Auto Repais 8110P. Helteli. ele,-.one.202. - -f. Ed Scbley of Aptakialc was a bu!,,- nets caller in Libertyville Monday. Robert Bayera la confined te hii bome vltb a bad case ef la, grippe. G ourge B. Meson bas purcbased the 'Barry Mason bouïe on Suanyside ave. A daughter vas bora te Mr. and Mrýý Thoodore Vanderwerff le-t Mon- daygJaue-ny lsth. -Mrs7 Albert MotzerorfetCbcagb vas hiere T7buraday vlslting ber garentsi, )Ir, sud Mns. A. Huas. R.L3. Mack. ef tavenworth, Kensas, le here vitlng bis brother. J. R. Masc. and bis niecç, Mrs. L. Huppe. neunce the arrivai et a 9% pound boy, bora Tiiesday January 16tis, et 4 p m.1 Mm. J. A. Mason of Waiikegan la transactjng business luLI4bertyvile tbis week ad le tht guet fMn. gera blason. lire. - alph Peteneon bas returaed te her bomne in Cuicage, atter speadlng several <aya wi.Lh hon perete, 8Mr. and Mre Ber t Austin, bore. MW. . Colline vas In Chica-go Tues- day ad Wedxesday, where be attend cd thc Monument Dealers' Convention. lield at the Sherman liotel. A chjcken Lie supper wil l e ser-evl by the Ladies' Aid Seciety et the Pres- o) Leraîî church on 'rhursda> ivnn?, Ljanuary 25, frein 5 s.ll 9 o'ciock. Sup- pr5U. Thse Lbertyville Leodge oi Mys-,ic Wonkers viii give a dance altei th(,' [leigiarlunssemeeting Inext Tueday e',en¶ng. Jaauany 23rd. Ail mesubers and -nie nnde are inviteil. Mir. and airs. P. P. Dyrnonil leit ituis Fhureday) atterneon for West Ialm eacb, Florda, wluere tbey viii âpLad ie reet et the cold menthe. basking the Plorida sunahine. James T. De-vis, vIse receatly sold i tre-uuster business te J4 C. Ceenter, )uid net stand the loafing gaine, sud as taien employenent vith the Amrne- au Wlre Pence Compaaly. Mn. sud Mns. B. H. Milier sud airs. W. Colby attended the Lske CeuntY ar Association banquet, held atthLIe Laenic Temaple ln Waukegsu Satun- y evening. Clarence Darrew, the -ted crininel, tawyer ef Chicage, de- venod the principe-i addresa. Jacob Wolf, ontetftihe ploucoors oi cL Fratrie Vies' neighborheod, vas a evn Monday, andi .-lied e-t the lu- t-pendent office. Mr. Welf is geLttvg Jucg tu jears, but ho ce-n shew a let f lit youagstera a tbung ex twe in ,;dunsncej"d gettbug aouud iwjItl 2i yet #a tht metropols ot Lake Thie .ieican Legion le me-bing blg ans fer a grand dance te b. beld at Le Auditorium Wodnesday nlgbt. Jan. 4tb. Tbero vili ho s business meeting X tue Logion botor. tht dauco, ad >oau., blanks *111 ho given out- Ail ex. srvicto mon, whether memben eot thE Loglou or not, an urged te attend. A uo Ume la in store, sud tIse husdiei ar expectod te line up for thte<dance onuesud the eats. Morgan X. Grudy, of Dano, Onte-io, FOR SAL-Army gooda, ve-rlng aP- Canada, la horo visltlng bis brother, parel. good ead cbeap. Ed Scbluy, A. A. GrandY. sud tamIIlY. Aptaislir Phone Libertyville 28"-. H. j. Bock-Ia" sd amlly et Wau -___ ___49-5t______ kegan, were bors WedneedaY nIgbt to) attndth duc su crdpatyStthe IF' TOtI NEE A UOOD UMBRELLA Town Hlall, given by the Catbollc Calil at Cobe' mril hP 0 Laie' Cub.N. Gouses St., Waukegan. We make Laie' Clb.ýtbern and always have a geod stock Milien HOveli viii move Saturday o au.Rparngsdneovt to Waukegan. whore be bas purchssed________ a berne. Mr. Howell la emplOed t'!i the Chdcega' Hardware Fond1ry in FOR SALE-BREEOING PIGEONS Norili ~AND SQUABS. OLO MILL. FARM, Nort Chiffl.DEERFIELD ILL PHONE LAKtE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helton bave ne- FOREST 897Y3. *tf tilnnud troci, Sheibyville, iii., where por 3AL-Iyo passenger Overlmnd, y vero te M e t of Mr.EWSO * 1 86-B model * lain god londition. Tele. mether, Ers. Isaac Belton. 'The eider1 phono 118-. Ao7fl. 4t Mr$. Beiton recently underwent asu O AESul obRid eus o p te r a o uth we lived te ; slnd Red cocierels, prise w nning be o tbeross te ecovry.pas; ase Rufian Orlaf! cofflralp. Charles D. Nicholle, vue la worilur Svtnney Rua Farut, cerner Milvaket for the Dine Music Helise, Chica-go, ln Ave sud BelvIdere Read. 47-tf Wisconsin, wltb boadquartorset atd~e<y. 1 w WR OB FRCB-0t sflîls, vas called berne Saturday on ac- 1WNE OB FRCB--0t count of tbe Ilîneeseet bis litth on (l 60 acre tarm wtt good bouse. Ad- wbo was tbreatened witb pueumenIa. <mess Buyer. cSxeIndemedent. 1-St Theyoungeter le now muelu btter,i MR SALF.-10 tons irst ci-se cover and' Mr. Niebeles returned to Lady-,by10tn rtcaeafiab-. srnit Tueday.Chrîs Hodeir, Gurbo. i. Telepbono 10-14 1-tf! Ra-y N. timitil is becomiag grcatiy _______________________ jnterosted In literary pursuite and LOST-$10.00 bill betweoa Lake treet laet Monde-y gave a nice lttie yellow e nd North Shore station, on Frijay =4ak book a close inspection. Chris morning. January 5tb. Finder ploase Petorsen aise fell for thc wily book rletudn Sc Independont office. Reward., agent, wile John Lester was s o iei- 2-St. ested he te thnking of starting a spe vial bookt departmeot Pull particulat- FOR SALE-New Koflastene bunga- inay be obtaine d.ro mejther 0ne t low, on large cerner lot, roady te' these gentlemen. mnove ln; price rigbt. T. H. Hemn, Lib- e rty illeIll.2-6t At the hlgh school gym tonighitt heetvll,1 Town Tearn vili play the Famous Fivee'FOR SAL-Balod bey. Jacob Wolf, basket bhail team of Hghland Park. Prairie Vlew. Illinois. Phone 258-W-i. As an added attraction the Foulds 3-6t Milliog Cenmpany quintet wili play thec Kenwood Biidge Cempa-ny off Cicago. FOR SALE OR EXCHANG-Yolg ;Firet garne at 7 'cleck. Atter .lanu- ýtborouigbbred red tunkey gebblor. Ad- ary Sth ail gueofet icFoulde and1 dress Vitor DeMeyer, Gurnee, Illinois. Town Teamns yul be piayed on Tues- Phono 941-Y-. 3S [day nigbts lnsead ef Thnreday of each ~ WL IOTA H N weekas breteore.LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT IW. I. Colline expets te beave Friday IS1 REAO BY MORE PEOPLE fer Bonlder, Colore-do, wbere be wil' THAN ANY OTIdER PAPER INI spend soveral weeks witb Mrs. Collins LAKE COUNTY -nd hie danghter, Virginie-, wbe arc lan Colorado tins intor. Mns. Collins nceailed a -dte, the indepondent, ro- e la ts rorning, whicb showsa 1picture etf"TIse Lodge," et su sltitudqiD R A Y IN G eto 6,000 feet, a short distance trem Bouldier. Mns. Collinesasys tihe veather Tht taulsteansd beat w&y te have fla perfect lu thteSlvor Otato sud tisat your hauling done la te phone 9the beys of tletUiuvrsity '01 e -Y- ýme. Il viii b cidons promptey ibesebali the day the card vasrnsiled. sud at a reasonable ceet te yen. i s I. s t, ,,aahom are the. béac DO yen know et a seul si0k shut la tIset nieeds tht cbeering tiond, shi sofethe flowers, etfe- birtbde-y ibat iseeda re- membranbe, et a imetben to «vbom tnemorleare music, AUDITORIUM, Theate "The Show« Hou. Deiightful" FRIDAY and 8ATURDAY. JANUARY 19 and 20 Rudolph Valntino . with Wanda Hawley andi Chas. 0910 THE YOUNG RAJAH S3UNDAY, JAN. 21: WALLACE REID "THIRTY DAYS" ;u«4 Week-Ja-nuary 26, 27, 28. - THO.-., .-- "BACIt HOME AND BROKE"I Doq't Mise IL SATURPAY: THE 00W BOY andi THE LADY Mary Miles Minter and Tom *MOORE S UNDAY: Debe Danlel., James Kirkwood and AnnasJ. Nîlison i'INIK G00"- . Pipe Organ Accompanlmet American Legion DA N CE at Libertyvile. Auditoninm Bonus Blanka will be filled out. Bring your Dis- charge Paper&---AlLEx-Service Men invited. Plenty of Eats. PHONE 306 The Farmer's New Year Just as this bank bas stood l'y the farmer whern crops were Poor, and wile prices are low, 80 it ba$ resolved to go witbh im every stqP of the way tbrough the new year. We mean to do ail withîn aur oower to hein each farmer, wbo wviIl use thIs bank, to benft l'y the better times w"ichse= ito 'e jus aheaci. IWant toah A House in 'LibertyViIIe t-' Muet be ini a Good Locat*I4,ý Modern ý Cônvemences Barg <4 n for Cash. Fine Laundry W Dry Is -'ad »yeng 25 U.-à.H $or. FAMILY WASJ*FINIIU*ýPL8E We Do _ _ o auighiasrPark pfioê lis SEND IT.TX ELA-JND rAU For_Jtuar We are offerimg 100 dozen Towels at W* *h white, $2.60 per dozea Good Size, Blue Border, $4.20 per dozep. Large and, Heavy, ai white, Extra Esrgeý $54qr Blue or Pink Border, $8.50 per dozen Mèone 29 lUot4irj CE r car

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