oeil> beïstet te ie commit-1 ofiswe IiComo- FrnIuc41- 0.1 .Stata Suerwwwmdat eoPU eu«1014 Mm Lr. e 1mA 'lIse lapat et theDUgf &iéAw5it4a "110tUei 0116 1041, wu liaSMle vaspriant Rad ni 1h an et. Ab l* i W&owemfataf sbu clit. i mt ssd c lftzaufuS e hie 4umi eb Mdsa 0 do * lr r opr ely" maue keeeat t01 a cou fs-a colm «01h e la ud t.VIarVr.la oucu ôSalpImot i*ice0»m e pulalofl thisi. "' M"ma1 leon ue* y the m'rd hlm sufflele f V«i i a gusorai tuteveloao id yal*zaleoft bt tov paesix M thea vonztieu lnit fvél$tt etret. fr 1nur. e tm 1 s'aithe m i L yor Ihe .. ?e £110 a <~)j 40 ELam bIt » t8 E<rOd lutE ~ s e torovo23 s *oêli Icab o~~f 1. a n-4 ed &p- tal etzneet, ortt. va t eb t LTi it lajsC. le ' ~ orgirl ClJ~$na Mia ers Ir i oit ber', ira#selas hievid Witae.s< for 1tout.lali MI. fo 04 11W atl the1IJ shpu. p poweer téu* ~e blu ,,Ilbèll bu- 6 11 a JOlirre b222a.a» Sberki ot al - Tiieed azrde- 4*ei muet 24 »W hm ýe Mdforh a F t. b o01gmia" l Imk Cefae Total Ch.toailaOptCesa V;. lXe ' tser Ktpe~ -090b >zet oaetbii lag tir 1 fM sit W«04-ailUt aa lAalIibont am fa fosu* cl - Al .45.. 0 gte wa 1e4Iaaeve 1O« l "fe tsIl'uet. < I *Muh e j«ree li, pe uabc wfl flhtbtlésbyig .K e fl JtS l. ie t a b ' rf3f&aos oie te 1W0*t pe i Otl fult?1wjU ~ ln à'it*w- CW'AK 'rWU mm 1 b bol i vh=m nesrq bès jsatOdg ud uk Ate ur» soebv- la Cooper", tU. j scoimapieuaamter arrti9"A. ho was but b7rPrveS ln u& W thé g h a.et cident.ad à oo!!e 5O0*810 èbOl. Grafettneba'atheiss lp1 L ev8 5¶5 *19- 115enp c plaiti acla o Ocl irclint'.# WliUD »te "sI ow bthe0' reaml-te *hvl Coper ut 115sf Md tu a» b",lahan *fr 01Y . lbu. nah i s 1er.. p eib ber the _____Jitheetgave ber am e r putide h. te bo ovr elf si i e lug10ii. poîcebovvr l.Mad 7 15 poeoIbs t ru'On t L S , jut LAS ciuta vo -forctoe ৠed)W' U ' héd*Uf4 f P a Ilsit 41! £ dr1s, uitaI le Bth.-Csbd trich e t mf ~~ocrchd t bknp Olaij bg*WU f vl au- tIPI w b«o £*Ye omenJecly te -N 011iuo ugen.*... yaen!l. blldlupok wu. Crs f*iat tor-Âcete ais04e oUDes cf14b. vom tin1>Xhi bela pa4 ntt cf0£a baiadb A - gecaýLlon of ti. laseomvb é" jwl"eay are oh.! cieadt xo t V144lard cil.. or leeplUt ortLt- su mlulb. d h g*q t -timveres o! "râ e aerseou.M battba tIV" liett cipi S uumTC61Q81.Y." lb.U iai . U $U t li té .hi tu :00utfl aeprobeh> Ib ;'opa .ty u m*b j'g J I e" ti.dm1 Itjtey ot net Ilvs. JO'"SLnatIIW I~4ae54nthv kfl qB Ir ed w oûla secAOOS ?. i ba l i. th dmi Md ibgptavneflsha au Ue u-WUii nt *.Wait >uuiy. cia 4* rsevS W at chople barev.-cmO >hS(r an-ea ___ ___ __ lujathse lnettutitheer 4 «h" Gret etore coin - g bue aid »t moal L PJg..-Wr1em x, s awthor police ite loa lcrtImle t0 aud sUfflo~ ne utné comm ad ie oIceof ing posedetaId En a «M fo b" b l la» hlu elaS gtoaai tnah olt cere. hctl o -10j< l 0~s EUi21 ub.tas ~r~unte wanted hca n bandlacieîd U e, lruays t31 tb« littar b 11181125ableil"er les t aal uS cI. e lte illsi IJWT correcnS a- *ctIIC rous1. Itessltaudii. in h@pud e , e we the mtlua~ta 4 e, sri;t e e<lspacirecvd nbs eo otsn. r- a Apt Çuipal$.nTii.Lthi Meslan m nis merle .8 45 $15 . i.iU. ged &-teted glu t it arrv 01o ~ bt 'mtsWt , , Ile eota l îo& for o IIR~~ Ans o'. rp? Oi ,Sh. yack "liean 1 ier of couveaOe 1er of T.-alDedi mort- B.Dlscbargt a 3 nlumber af ilfuMMeiltàmlýa LI &ountolans $i9861S.1W-' be follovlng are he more u eut deals. &l .Zoras boitt19%/a el im à14 atWnbl>gtoti b. from tAUfllsi for nominal eu llaoe. /W., Foot. place It 0 U a4Sheridan *Rd for indcati liS "dSgave iiack trust deesi liW.ieteraea bought the Fretd M-~WIt4ey property on soulli 'Wgs.*aiiuufonSt. near Juitl- ,Court for licateil $10,W00.00 gÏve batl trut deed fur $7,.00 eci Neleeu sud:vif. bougli thle W. Lyatlllnd propes-ty on ici-tI b ay St jst outof Lincoln Vm. Bi. U0fta uéndvife botght A. & l. SQiéproperty on. eut BOak 9t,_ IMst'outh of lBel. ar. eitfor lndaffld4500.00 fired J. i)ove hougiit tiie Wui. IPlace o M oItea i S. Chape! 1 uit ffont> 4« Ulmeu ock Avé., ni -mbtJobqmubouglit the u4,Water 8,t. laser ~ xà ~ i.adGene"e fpn19tcae~"ISp000*and gave 9* tr- éseSfer 1.1,600. L. L Bmiu uu4-t IUed île car- Wa- 'lu # ~'au 1r botWe.Ave, ~sçicnb c fapie ii cuBb.u- anS vifs bougiit Nuasi sletieBàPk place ap urf AVe%,-for M0I.10 4u00W UtWIM o Mâ ad-vfe bo«Ugltbe te6 Z. BuIs u is..t -lSelet W10 V. mussa Ii un ff.lu io. J. Kofoky 40oisejsalI83 Nt 23 for- indic*àdIls4,000.06 a vre bmk trust, deeS for $14,600 lIn WIntbreo - aro v. C. Anallu -xamscbiài Co. betight ie sy" C. Austin pvopolty for dicated $10.00,.00 ranule. Moto bouit ltae lim RaB'. 46 sCree lun2Nt% 10e.117 lpditeisS1.00.0 In West AntaoPh Harry EL Tibiiets bougit ltaerI- au propenty of 1» acresla te. suad 28 for nnle onaldnAtàOU% I&fl gaa scii ttiat 4esd for $5000.00 in LaiicàVinla be» Pester beughtli Ilots in Woit l'l Aàdition ýat, t edar Lae, .la c. o PM Gri rdemhbe fer 11040.0 Thon. bougbt 118 isef àgt of 1<054> lu e. 3 a atGgal alci frocirnk B. Rimatingion tor -lw Cuba Banal Peinait ând vife boti1 a lu Narrovlts.Sulabtà 1c.-16 affli River fori M*60.uU S .BlgU»»àuhtt lit e flur- t- MiSiý&ffl 11000.00 aS " d iauge fproii.rty. unddOi lbé.= nlto!Winibut Glbua bol5ae olnzc ui p ist ue~'. blgj thelr vcy out el e..litorSon. o rlqV-Ib cougoution Mmd' rovthbuonié~su ad incres. per ce4 - Y~iàtt* r«*Pty purcita-- sa lta ' fl -. ictâa-elanîst at Mion &IM4 lla W l esto-ed to' Ils. >rigifiai. 4 pé r îAde thé boise oz theZo.W1n dt PubIlîbuts iouse '4t pre âuii -ho printiaS Boiilig .-th* 'Manageniela le arowdeS io '~otor bhIe il pros- e. Thi.8i*it.'ioetber vltb lie vlon O9lows- 8cspt. vlWU locale .itu àhl s im eSut. 0f lberaîffosil trac, ad thé moVint et lhe Offige' 5u ' w iiiall e -vs e Congestion bIn t. A&dmilitliMa BuIldinx. vhere' lt le n0I# odâtéd Yta aehr Zion Bàllug l'ttei aailli plant luat lfeina«Ukl g-,ploo pite. Tihis Coecertti isbiitu % leIOur apaite çrjlh ZIbun Hlaskeroilèf andI Aprosi factory, sud th. latter vitli il;s battltetu'o! usckh iesll have' ,te mo-v o 1 i th I7 H411buildinig, as soon a he . rlîllu;plant cmauils moeved tô t"7, M u iarters, Thèe- emolees wfl "Permit ItO bgk-ý e put lIn é fnsal te lu- .Cr lis outbt A* 4typer Ceut. tionas beei;,Itee l il'QOves- Réer vVoteîleaby in short a2nte. Thé boy lhan ;a-oWn> setItic Paut have -to be lssrtiioned'tl e -e» , vitil -the mltàreet lbe boy. v 10 Now lni progres ORE-AT LAKE$: NAVA CAM?8 LUCE, ]PAUL JONES, ÂVIÂTION, AND'YAIM If' -Ail Nouls Withdrw.lie 5/lx4 kL Beded C"iig $2 Paper- OU er Enrmus4uity 01 lye BWut wbiowr t W '. eotaci ...-. ez = ... ... *SeV qïdklerlaev.33 poe Tho~d forIm 1x ellqw pille. 106 sq. Worl3s f a aes 4.59 doodfrZê l itùm i -2 8 x Q 4 . z ita iaels1 fIgLe ,' 7 ft., and i un Y o0*«- r slmat a tremeidguBsalg* OLrie upS Menet. NOTE: The quality of Jumber and millwork useêd, ineIbo trwUtoi 01 these camps was generally of the '~eY best -ide. The, buildiuge ane <ls- mantled with the gireae8t 0846, ailnal are awn, ana the good fflt1oix of the. Imnber is preserved ini everTy way possible. KEWANEE BOILHRS! ;MI Stac~ Ceimplota: 5 --- - ~-,..s tj~%aa~L~ .,.}a~et~ioi $nvItOL-. t- -~ TaPPed1 per m5 Up to 1't garai loy. "Orimitlwm& " trsloset Outftls wan WallRadia Icludîistvwillechina lova SOvI, t"*1, <5 for stelaxand hot vtti, lu Va'ltl 0f vitil. lael Improad neélya tI lerIsmIpp andi units.- A vonderftl valuae ma"uht.vteoi lisi5l0 100 5i ....a..e f.....t. Speelally pricet Hot Watur-Taniks euaiysl eva 5@ on, 30 ln. x Il tt. good -for bi1 p - reda of iG-gallon tanka and.larger ictes al cmles ......-.. ,00 gallon capaclty. Prices upon requost. 'Vetow î:o.oo Roof Venulaor- 'Vasha fl -. Wýa Pli.0 RevisrWral I itype, varIons sIres, ouiltabla fSr barvas" u e17 Ita. x i 1, tld viti tvo 'Ies. etc, Friced remarkabll 75 cqiprwaslen aufta sand. trop each ................ ...................... iip at i a st.......... Enormous 0Quantity of Pipes, V lvïad. Fittilgs, 1i i. -to 6 in. _ _ _ _ _ itUOU8U"ns -of. iWma to bel&YOU BIILD M .~?QR prioe*-ÂVIPXlX.4o Pýer -n t 0Per O.af oàI3lUW44I i came nhmr Etu eaCherfufly frl By &U méans dOÔXI TO TIE CAMPS. Taire 'electic 1196Itec W* st., North Ohicago. Office &cross tracks tW the eUto~Seta o4 OW UNDAYS FOR YOUR 9QVU~E0 CsMenWr~ Qr*et I..ako s, III.