LUUI ~NLE WL~ 1I~AT5FEBRLARY 1. 1923. VICTIM IS Loaland Personal IR4LTAoINTo hM ould ou G e Y ourShort Itein8 of Especl steet to Làlçrtyvie Peop: Eugn'ý %le, for se-yen weeks a C________________________________________ patient ai the Vlctory Memorlal 11ua- ce;Mrs. c. Gotti le numbered wth those Feb. 6th. U. T. H. S- 11s. Wauuean Pitil. hreh sf trda o Short N on the ulck lilt. igh achool, ani the Tovil aem s tio ihie rlghoca lraudeacid hene 14,« Y n. 1Lake Vlew Esmbleg5. 'The entire Pro- a h, eresu th a raiiroa acien r ~~~~~Misa QuInta Gotti wasa aChicago vs.cedot the twogaeswirn b. gien ati ecDc t udyvsds Yourinvetmefts ay 1e sae ad ma 1III ~ $tor Wedneeda ttornoon. te the ligh neolSl atietie nd eritdluuîlhi Y Mrs. James Bradley le Quite litIat Gilbrt T. Luce'î.ft Tue Boih twsuthupr aio ot tHe y an jucome at withtm durhig the year,ChcgNot OÙber home east of Libertrvilhle. frBllneM na, to look afler hi8 as 'hicao ch stern a a eache some moey on sort notcefoar Bwalisni'chMonntaafreight atBec but if you needed to yo hotntcA. dàughter wsbr to Mr. and Mrs.1 extensive tand Intereets there. OPera- kben tii, eiginee-r lacked lnto hlm it oud 1e ~ic possilà tW liqildte owRimer Wllham-Saturday, Jan. 27. toalnh o llst~ mb esd ci ushed is ieg. HP was badly W meetthe eeflcY Misss Orsce Diere won, and Mr. Luce bas mSny hurt and le-ai for lts lire waitenter- invest1its iiû o ne heeaeny 'ff rceUf and Ada Heifer acres of oit bearlng lande under 1.05e. tained at the time. were Waukegan vîsitore Tuesday evc- 1He eqpects 10 b. gone about tbree- te moc o itg vks. . The Mystc Wonkers wll give a mil- T W jtw sipratt aem e nLambert Keller of Chicago visted Riglit or leIt aven Gag Range for itary suchre party after the business a saviffp accoqul atanhm You can get -- Sun at a the home of Mrs. Mary $3556. Whte enaimel trlm, broller-a meeting next 'Poesday. Feb. 6h, et the very daY-Yes, the very 110111tilat * Bdr guaranteed baker. 27 lonih rag mugs, Mystlc Workers' Hall. iwith fringe for 75c. One-balf off on Mr. Merrit A. PollaY O!f Chicago vas waN9t . Mr. and Mm-. Raymond Nutt ere our entire stock of framed pîctures. a week end visitoisait theborne of glest frieuds in Elgin Satiirday Schswartz Furniture CO., 136-138-1404142 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Warren. and Suaa.g. Genea.. St., Just south of the. On a savihgaw.coaflt YS oI1 UO1y is lot onlly Sundey. îfrad iaAa rdWaueg 5-lt tMr. W. D.Clapp vas a Mlwauikee rayfSr you, bW it is camning more i the form Mus .L one .dMs dh Ms ayTie evr o tbrbusiness vietor one day thus veek. rayNicisolas motored te Waukegao Mon- Mm aiFle avr o ibr!joseph Mancz l spendlng a 1ev of interet. day afternoon. home on Newbe-rry avenue, and leaft'daYs vitis bis sister, Mrm Roueo Gris- Mis GracNi Ulfers and Miss Char. exrpected Io survive many days. 8h. wolId, et Dundee, Illinois. No inatter where else you may have money lotte Barper were Mlwvaukee vistors h" eena seicsn oekeurlsahment - ivestei part <f it should bei this strong banithat em daughter, MISe AilleFuiler, aud Mrs. A. J., Hapke, of Chicago, sPent otiier monitors of the famly are lu Chi a savings accoIEtethe week ef 'l wth tieir parents, Mr. constant attendarice aitlber bedalde. AUDITORIUM sud ~~ il.Meck.George- Haionuand his son, Stanley M r. ajt sY. A. Simoson cof Wau- 1Raton. left ible moruing for St. Petere- kegan, -,, r.'ueesaSaturdey of bnrg. Plorida. viser. they wili romain Theatre Lake County National Bank i Miý and. for a mntits'or so, if tise cold veAther eThe Show Houat elightful' Tel&on 15LIBRTYN£p ÜD OISq1ri 1does nt force len to return inthis Teispone 1 LWE TII' e Paiul URay, big chief of tise Ray Fur.- 'a climate Lakue county la experi- cilu sudPalt Sime, r-nnctlnbu ibis winter. They cranked "ip Friday, February 2nid: in s,,i i Chit-azo Monday.- a Lzzle Fîrd Ihia moruiug and hieit L esterm B. CîtIb, of' Chicago' spent-, forth. A complete log of Iheir trip wili ,OUTCAST" Sîîîla ev-nig h-rewih 41s prente, ibe printedl upon their returu. *u he ral higr Mr. aud Mrs. Byron Colby. 1 îtev. H. B. Gwiyn. 'if Naperville. Ili. like us have a chance."- Elsie Wile of! hes acceptedl a cal (0 St. Lawrence's Ferguson. inu .Outcast." Jolhn Enriglît and Charley Epecpa curisaubrlvli1a1iifeel ihat 1 have doue h _____________the ii. J. Fareker homdae. wtlg t ili assume.charge of the cougrega- hest work ofmy career on th(, h i Esukue hom. cou March fumt. Tise Re-v. Mr. Gywn acreen In ibis 1icure," said Mis s., Ltuele Fise--g euffered a broken le editor of"Tise Dioceses of Chicago," Ferg{îsOu. TUE INDEPEND EN--ONLY $1.50 YEA car houe while skatiug at th. Liber-'a publication devoted to tise interesta tyv;i.- Grammar ichool Monday. 0f tise Rplscopal church. H. e a'elo Alec "lBuddy"l, s Chriaty Comedy correspondent of "Tise Living Cisrch" ______________ Mr. andti Mm. i. P.May sud daughter frtseCiao iticpi1ihdl Nancy, sen' Suinday In Evauston nis .Miwaukee. Rev. Cwyu with his vwlfe- Saturday, February Ird Mr. and Mis. GeorgeB. Winier. i sud son wiii move la Libertyville, as - - - - - - ~H. B. Mack bas returned to hie home sona raemnseuli ae ,IGOWNS in Leavenwortu. Kan.. arter spendiug ITise case- o! Fred Towuer, as guar- Stai ring flube Laniels and Con- a week wtb hie brother. J. R. Mack. dieu of Frances Towner, aganst tbo i-ad'Nagel, a lighly dramatic pic- Eclipse Construction Co. sud tise Vil- turc. The production la massive. Harriet Ruby sud C. Zognor ver. tise trial last Thanday, vas continued un- Anher FOusCRl[IE"Cmd gueete of Chicago relatives Sunday. ti l onday, viien thse uatier vas set- nte aosCrsyCmd Misses Mldred and Cornelius Rov- tled out cf court, the construction _______________ ley of Chicago epent the veek end at company paying To-vier $350. The tuehoe o M. sd re.G.E. Legate. suit aroe from an accident Iu vhich Sunday, February 4th: YOU Came EfjMy.Tand ProgrG. the Tovner ohill vas lnJured isy driv- Peter B. Kyne'e Thrilling West- YOU Can nloy Tiù Progn mMu. and Mrs. William Schley sud lng loto an open dtch. vhlch DiainfiffOotoy Ai ayln adfa no t ngt ti araoudyo9afo f daîgiter, Mies Mabel, vislted Mre. clalmed the. compny liait alîed in ropp- cmSry Ma c aloi.ure., Sport nwa, 4lateat aewsof the. day, Market rpot, etC. Rber Gnle l Hbbrdville pays ne part of the damages. vîtis Marjorie Day sud Bon Ail you nedt ring thOfmrsIt your home l. a gocd Sradio The vork vas being doue for the court- Wlson. recaivot. The. radio Mt w. OffOr i18auPOrior te *Otta now elling for Mis. Charles G. Elvehi, of Higisanit ty sud property avisers of Park ave- Also "Zero Love and "News" $Ms or more, yet viteOffâr a Park. spent last Frlday night -lth lier nue at the time, an$ (ht. village vas _____________ $1 0grandparenle, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. not a party to the atrthcosue CnmnetePa.Ikhurst. ML fon cmayfillng no bond viti tise NEXT WEEK-Wsllie Reid In company o ufi $0 1«TEWORLDI8 CHAMPION" Th,& l5 the faMous Crogley Model X Radio set. it wUll brin8 ln asa- tiens 1,000 miles ormoredlstafit. Yon can tune Out local stations, such as ChIcago and Mlwaukee, anid litten to ProgTaa ne rom New York Atlanta, Ga., St. louis, and fven Springfield, Mass. Local and mot distant stations cau, b. heard as clear snd distinct as a pbonograph. Appioval Off c You eau try tue set out ln "uur own home for a week on tria. wlt.h no obigation te boy une«s you are entirely 9atisfied. The set icom- pltewth piiones, batteries, tubes, aerial. tmd everytblng necessary te, comiect up and "listen tu.» W. have alreeily sold a number of thms sets to Lake county people, snd the owners are very entbosistlC about the. Ireslta tbey are getting. FUIl out and mail the attaehed coupon. and wls will send complete de- Itale of our offer. Or 7011 can. telephofel beityttilO 235-R. HOLMES EL CTRIC COMPANY, Libertyvîlle, Illinois.. . lindly eend us furtiier detafis concernlng your trial ofler on the Crosley Model X Radio Recelver. .............. ................ .................. ........ HO.ILMES' ELECTRIC COMPANY LIBERTYVILLE., ILLINOIS. TELEPHONE 235-R Glendora Lump Coal THE SonY COAL WITHOIJ A FAULT Frankli County Furnace Coil 10W 'IN ASH- HIGU IN HEAT "Washed Egg". fOR TME RANGEOR HEATE By-Pro'dùct Coke Hardwood .Chùinks SCRANTON ANTARÀCITE PhSW147 LIBERTYVLLE . cinnati, 0hio, visera b. attending tic directora' meeting of tise Society of Ameican Flerists. Mme T. A. Simipson o! Waukegan andt Mrs. Walter T. Msrlatt. o! Keno- sisa. Wis.. spent last Frlday vith their motisar. Mm. Byron Cotby. vhislIl The- Ladies' Aid Society of tise M. E. cisurci i li meet at the parsonage vith Mm. Chares J. Dlckey Tuesday alter- noon, February 6(1. Ait members sud file-nde are cordially invited. Ail aboard for Waukegan. LaSt stop et Masonle Temple. Ka*pa Apha Pl raeity Valentine Dance. Arrive I t ib. And you dont have te go vett ertue Tivoli Suiset Orcises- jtra o! California. Tickets, $2.00. -lt Mme. Allen Croonberg entertaineit thse Bunco Club at lier home Moday Ievenlng. Sixeen guest e ve present. SMm. M. Trltt made tiseiigist score. Mme. Suydam second andt Mme. M. Smih third. Mm. George Sturm re- coived - consolation avant. Remember tLa .. the high school gym Tuesd ay ,vening, B3icasoma au-e the beacon Tr-hat c... up gioomy sick ehut-in (bat needs the cleering friend- shlp of thse floveme, ofD! kO f a u blrthdey (liet needs ra- meiDbrance, of a motiser te vliom memories are Girls Wa-nted FOR' PACKING f OOM Clean, Light Work Congenial Surroundings Steady Employment Good .Wages Foulds - i ýr Co. Cali .i. or ApplY ~ yOffice Th~e easieet and bist vay te have your isaullug doue le (o phole me. Il vili b edone Promptly and at a reasonable coat to yen Big Jolie aud Little Jobs solicted Successer te Jas. T. Davis, C. LCOONFER LIBERTYVIL.E ILL.INOIS SNOWpS, I _______________________________________________________________________________________ Other Valuable Papers 0f' course, a safe deposît box is the place for your wiil, insurance policies, abstracts, mortgages, and securities. And there may be equally valuable paper in your office which are ini danger of beinLg misplaced or destroyed by those who do flot know their values. These too,-eases, patents, copyrights. notes, contracts and other businels papers --sh.iild 11e protected froni loss and ini- qtiisitive eyes. ~Yealy RentaI-S$2.OO First National Bank LIERTYVII-LE -- -ILLINOIS. Resources of More Than a Hait Million Dollars IWIRE 'FENCE You are invted te corne t our factory for yeur fmSc TeU*rfr ments. Yen ecm select frein our fui stock of a large 19 of sayles at te following prices.: MEDIUM HEAVY STOCK FENCE Per Rod: 8 bars. 32 in. high, 12 in. stays ........ 8 bars, 32 in. high, 7>i. stays-..36 9 bats, 42 i. lieh 12 i., stays . .-..-... .. 9 bars, 42 in. high, 7 i. 10 bars, 50 in. high. 12 i. ty.. 10 bars, 50 in iigh, 7 i. stays . ...... MEDIUM HEAVY POULTRY PENCE 14 bars, 46 in.,'high, 8 in. stay-s.. i-ý39½/c 16 bars, 58 i. bigh, 8 i. stays...--.A5/4t BARBED WIRE, 80-roi! SPools, Per Spoo: 2-pt. Hog .................$3.43 4-pt. Hog 4.08 2-pt. Cattle ...,.... ........ 3.22 4-pt. Cattie ....-3. STEEL LINE POSTS, eadL .---- ----------_- _ END 1>OSTS, ech .. - -..... . . ---- ------- ---_ CORNER POSTS, ecdi .........s.» ADJUSTABLE.STEEL DRIVEWAY GATES Painted- ,1-.ft, $7.85; 12 ft.,*». 14 ft, $8JM; .ft,I. Galvanized 10oft., $S9; 12ft,$9.70; 14 ft,$10A5; 10 ft, $11. PLAIN STEEL DRIVEAT GÂTES 10 ft. wide.. $5.65; 12 fr. wide....$6.25; 14 ft. widle-.$7.2 STEEL ?POULTRY GATES - I48in. higk ........... .. --$2.10; 60 M' h -- 15 Amnerican Wire Fence Libertyvili., Illinois, I. CO. Send The Independent to I Absent Relatfre o? . 2lsesfr S - - P H 0 N E 3 0 61triai sud jon will e cSvufdm l a Y«l wI àsust For January EE We are offering 100 dozen Towels at WholesalePrca '*~hite, $2.60 per dozen. Good Size, Blue Border, $4.20 per dozen. ~=Large and Heavy, ail white, Extra Laârge, $5.50 pe« d9oè MBlue or Pink Border, $8.50 per doz4,. Hours 8:00»A. M. to 8-.00 P. M.i W. W. CARROLL & SONS',O1* Phone 29 ./3 e-Ai Ofi' sment El MS.O' b p lb. reuly eing.- ENT OFVIC j1RTIM MM'Em== Umm mmommmmmmom 1 V