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Libertyville Independent, 1 Feb 1923, p. 6

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~'Ri 'rIlfl AM I o., lut DEIJEI'> ie .Ju". 81-Revoîntlen.. un- sources». Met aevlet. But a apeedy loosed b FlC fvaleellse ai band rayOlgiNla TtiW ta ' rmaa' obo Tt e pnin*~ inlureprted Rrassin v 11 ebhortlX ta Og»ÀW bSrdin teOPWMex-b. roalied te -Meacwe o ufle toa bnitar hi IAOi it mua. Lùuau a, ican cfthe Itusaan tgev- p»ab4 eco r t NîlcohalLetune, »M objet et ti*0 Moacew geveravment. ýà " gave the Impression that 1» mollet officieI madle formel -b la t h Germons are an mon. dealaltbAt the compact aild ut r Cbtitlc t beart that they Wili Mnyer tut thse QOùM o fereuce boum R'w- ,,aèu.* e lOinhevnm ne matter aia te Godmn y a uevent ofwu.- bow b" 4preaed hi F rane. 'Tihe United State, net Ruasios boldo thse key te tihe *«boisu'rld ait- unatil24," suld raln. "Il la up toe theRM~SON~ GIM t(alited Sttes te lutervene fer pmeo; EE< I.8 . Lubtrab net up to Rusaia te Intervene for Wer. *9 eai. hi bywhieh à greiipOftGer- Rtasis mante ieace; not war. We 'in= iueiSlaa* m-40ed4 hHugo want food clntàMgrawmointeriaât, iilW4Sple4ged tbemselveste Sa- we)rk tor cgr. mou and homea fo.or la Geralm indenmlti' payjniss hi familles; net bledshed and famine r>-bullduLg -part of thse devatatqd re- and saterlng." tics of France, has tissU cancelled Kraaain dld, net have the appoa-s a result ef French eccupatlen, It ance et a Boblainlt. He leoked Me w as tated by Rhinelend newapapers an Amr"cn or Brtish'buinesa niai tes.y. sa ~ti hst i e LtIiiirlOUS offices i Disrdera are reperted f renMay'- -prench invasion of the Rvhr la a1Fench- ermer beoccuationaoetheb menace te wvend p«es" jqid krusn. aTrec ri fecuaino h *The visqie vend knews IL The T&oinJâ ieln apraye whele sltuatiofl In Central teps en- s- wTe.ffsainithaiRr.ô apaaye phasises the thint wehave ibee , vlias iitis Rhr lng abbut lai Ruagl-thei dangers taiTFrench trou e cuuoled the May- irise from the greed -of capltalitlc Once railvai station and terminal. goverameista. 'The French are net Âccording te the Trench the Rtuhr getlng reparationa hi'invasion; they [villfii h itefeel 'Iaoîatlen" ai the vent get thezu that vai'. Thel ane end et thia weeL wereli' brlin Ii ona 1ev var. Rua- )L Letrocquer. French minisier cf saib sidoa taàare-ettlslnent la nec- public e rkseand Genreal Wey'gand. cessari' under thse reasi' et VersaiUOLe have arranged wltb tihe Belgian gev. We -bellev. tia paci viii net stand" erament fer a subordînats civil mis- "la It yens positive belle!t thait th sion lu tise Ruhr under thSe ordera ef French Invasion vili lead te Germais Goueral Degeutte, French commend- revoluteur' Kraeln as asked point or that mlii prepare *'a durable er- "VS udubelinera rvIt gasatln." Thtis lndicat.s tiai th Yezu»dÔibtelY erma revl Treh are officialli' prepanlng fera tien lernas up ls.the near future, butayo neilelu I heetate te aay viether or net ît la mii f neidt en ch i COmaunlat 14 charater," respended It l eheeitn. rnh mi Kraasia. "Th, Chancesam aretaie "tpilen jine the Ruhr filIbe sUceur- break wM aprng lu Menarchletic1 aged te *"Frenchlfy' the district. gÀmR3 FROM U. S. -M UERQUICK RULUI AlrtqSituation in Use of, m 'ctos and Govt- Takes Summary Action. TO REGULATE PROPER AMT. necssary fer medical and legitimate une" cl?' and tissu ciii'under auch regulatiena as thSe board mai pro- vide. Tise stoppage et Importations cernes cincidentaili' vitihthSe recent Investigation oethtie dra situation ln tiSe United States, inaugurated aten the revelatlens cf drug nevels lu mani' large ctles. Seize Narctica New Ycrk. Jan. Il-Narcetica val. usEd t $350,M00 ere selzed teday hi' Fedenal agents lu a drab tens- ment a few blecks from police bead- qtuters. Befere confiscating tiSe dx-sgs. pol- Washiuen. Jan. 31-Ail importa- les arested narry flUWtU andUJahmes tioa et narcetica ietiSte Lnted Martini States vas ordensd summarlyi Detective» liàui btained tiSe con- ieped ioday bhi'the customa dlvi.- Iftdenccf utRosen. buylng an cunCe <Of sed tteTenr' eaisn. Jheronlufrom.im and made an. ai- ,k3ried at tiSe seeuilngly large jpolntmeet te get semne more liter. 5uaL--itiea Of "depe"comng lto thSe Be tois iiem te a restan'ant vhere cSintry,înx'.tisoethUe varions porta thsi' Met Martin. Of tise Allaatic and Pacific seaboards Alter thsi' had arrested the men, Treasuri' officiais erdered al impen- ROesutecok tise detectives te liSe tos .StffpeS util the Federai hone,.viere a truuk tnU et cocains aurotie ctrMai ord delermînes herolu, and morphine vas dlsoov- Set vis lsa preper amu O, re. for medicl and legitmate nee<le. The. ader bAltlng importatons va, uc Lre issueS hyIL,.A. Hayward, head cft MW supraos re cuice the- narcetie controi board. EM aid ul, seaiis;e lonehla thci e nin ldnet he rsumesd util te t __o nsac, tl tUa- ofice la able *te ascertain thSe t ugisiunluckly t e put eltber ahc@ aLMOdt cf epiumu Wnd cecea leares enu Wih;sig faot. Recause A un that are necesry for aillegtimate (aemr w" ea-lr asasanatelhi' a Purises Suina tise yean 1923. imutin' one dai' wbeno b. put on bis i !amn vriting te ever importer left âb fiat, a aaylng bas arisen et nrctlcs.' said Hayvand, . aS-tha t-rljlut "shoe s ut bcput on rlesnlg tissm that ne more applica- Broit lis eïien wiaisesho court Cloua fer imports wml bc appreceS mIafxI.e.Pytlikgcra, 05Oasisree hi' this office fer tise rne belul. and sg. hmdliieêe te put thir lett requetag their cooperation lu aur toot i tbein bathsatirai, ln Angle- tuvestigatilen" Saxon marriafeglithe fatlser-ln-law Impor.ers aise vere rýquested te aupphi' tiehearilmeiCeî aethSe bride's aSoes .te tbe bride- a report on cornent stocksanad an groom 'lic Icilciseti ber on, tics hend estîmate of ibeln needa fer 19.23. wth <enoiù l i.s ordly ntrissinti. TodaY'a action vas taken under thse nw Jenes-Miller Narei l av,. oGaie Have Women Prie-U. pasaeS lai Mai', it pro¶'ides *tiSt WoulÎe prient$ doinais the Du. i la snlvful te bring any narcetlc Sm a clodus trliie et péople luiSai- dru îlaie, thse United Statea, excepi tîî-a secilen ce't"is ot In sticis moonta asthe hoard findg a ot AGLOW with health, still flow- Z-6ering with beauty, se greets each day-with a happy smile and with cheerful thoughts. nhe "Blues" have vanished. Tise glow of helth and radiant beauty cerne to yoni if you are cane- fisi te follow the advice of yotsr- fiends or relatives. orever 5o ycars ago, Dr. Pierce, tsnayoung pnacticiug physikian rd that a prhacntption mnade up of barks and reots, witis- out alcohol, would build Up e bo4 aidpunify the loe. its naure remedy" ieclled hi, Golden Medical Dicoivery, whîcb he had pre- scOWi. for. many years for th ti> tonll, liver anid blood. It db"intes frei thse blood the lemeuts whicis çernupt it, and wiieh breed and feed difease. It actes dtyon theflod maig lnds. h=*Wmuag "1ir 4aS- tIvity, a dse uncrusalag thse siipply ei ricis, pure blood, which is tihe life eofAIme-body. Purfy tise blood, and the skin will show the effect. If yotî need geod red cerpuscles, strengtis, sivaciîy and heailh, take this "Diacevery" of Dr. Fserce's which rnany of yoîr' friends ind-neigsbons, have successfully used. Read this: - -Chepalgn. IIL-It Dr. Perce& remedies can taise a isuian vs-soI* ie i vas and suais ber appareusli as oMia and hoalthi' ne 1 Mas ioda', thosuneo c ee ed deaair.Tiaus ete Dr. Pier<e -f**tvis and bis medllnese.nainel' oldeui medca"-DMmvey ý*Wvôwe .Preacr1ptlca. IeWu a ceil voman odai'. If disse la W y bffl Itla la Dr. Pierce'a. remiedes."-Mrs.lois Pain, 10%-N, ~'.-îv'8ee*ý'tc te Dr. Pierc's Invalids' Hoiel in Buffalo, ~ IÇ-~,. ~trial, package of; the tablets, and write fer f tee r I A Timely Offering of New Spring suit.o 11W arriving daily-àeý& ready we have a good tion of two and thxee-piex garmelitteawuitlXg ur '. iipeetion. Tbey area&il thse newest spring uxaterl by tailoft of thse highi INew Leatiter HlaRdbags, A ttractively Priced at $2.9ge $U.8, $4U8 We have just redeîveda targe ohipmeint of thse nw. est style handbags in guede and faney leathers, alzo fui-. Iy equipped Patent Leather VntCases. Fas biens Newest- Siug.,," Dresses StyishNew e in Epdesfthismelouis-a style of&Wdout- I ataadoo% chari-ina higkexcellitcof 4qual**,Of ,maeri* Md Wffeolw ag m w0 btaiued h're ren ob riis te*ullat.ts'NJi ms Ifrt p~ug ese a on.esion. he hvproven b -et* e tfo v -OUR ENTIRE STOCK 0F RADIC ALLY REDUC ED REMARK ABLE> VALUEIS AT ~i-ftfiI ./ , Ai, .toi9 Ë ow is the time to buy your wmnter eeat if yott. want te buy a high- grade garment for a small amount of money. We have mraked our coats down, regartiless of their former prices i order ie xhove theout te make room for Sprmng Merehandm8. It will be te yeur advautage te inapect these offerings and make your selectiona at-thése ridiMuougly low prices. *The greo#-of tb8s> ode can s&ieseswe have, .sold at these leW Pr »ilyiW-JudM dfreux theai&untity Of lem. There la ,go sIcieu MsyW# »i eg, tricotine- and.poiret- twill &oe u i eto fit every type of fig-- Di et I Beautifil new Prumeflla ýres Skirts in pieated ýyle» and in ail the wanted gors await your selection. Wh waiM t ueamure. ~i Ir r.i~ ~ -t Xedued to $UO $50O,$7. ansd $!9Oê Our xftire i-tocIi of ohiltdre'z Wln- ter CoatLs hgve been tfeauoed f êr quick, dierame Coôme in aiid hiapet the L Ex lateet W the oael tiSe votes p are In effe day ngbt, lve one. 9 Di' geti jing for thS BIG VOTE sibie for a vote score ed ln tise f ezansmely Tiseew long term and 10ye Cc'itng ? resrLges t acriptlens ) thea. vau deciirsd t! land six R thirlll et i bu' bihnd ls b m tune ef a their -trier votes. THIS là the votes. cau' mite and unreli next vrai sew entra If yen h * campaign -vîtheut d. at bweye votes are other vai' Thia won fort yen i Ing thSe f canilisig malte, bu duct et so performai exnbedyln -teund oni: Bulît hy Mosit avi and min If yeu neadily 6d at a figuW far gret, apent th&u cculd bei Grand C0 il dora. Identîcal Tise are travt prises In dope lu New nailng i Tise as te jus Thse tiSe veau yen sgç~ lmM Mrm.C. Mrs. Ge Mrs. Wl Miss Nt Mrs. Tc Frank 1 Fred B. Cbas. J. PhHilme Lucy l Mrs. w Mn.. T .L. P. 1 ma mur~ ms. 06 Mra. Re Mrs. C. Mme. Be -:4 Rs4iwO4to $7,0, 11.OS17.00 Thocse thre griups of womxen'ff Winter Saits present- the -gratest val.uea of the Xer any of them are lms than hRlf b f fore selling Lt 1 Anivint

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