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Libertyville Independent, 8 Feb 1923, p. 6

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b- -sie WPn.adi Pau, Edwrd fio rank Stue .ohn,,ou. asiJohn ltin Jbsobut-a Jon on lRlr Vehnon, m op, Auton Wla. Jouoo, xici on. Ilar> WUnc. lioen . Bon. Loui Jo>', TFartJoy' Jl. lfaard 'Jilin. aets Diallaa, Joal ar , Frenk, lean. JiorobeI Staîe. Jotiion, FN:CtOck m son, W. t. s sonii-. Joh :n rvin orhn.JmiaJ nz.lon, Mi. Arhu mmirii, Mau'ice a~pn. hrt ,JoncsoTehevaler Johnsn, ath aklE KohaterWm. E Julf, oneA zoeh A Sa. e lun, RedriiidJoep ilies. laisty P Joe,uant . Joncs -wa4d ttu lue.r, wll.r Jordoc, ILJ.i JaW Joy Tn. Joe JoycIe, Joniclioas KellarRehenr Keiîe, X.trol. 1Cle,FrnhkH Beulle', John F.aki e > , Joint P. Jlly.aJoaeph Kelly, John J limel, PsyandcJme - aad FredWm J Juease, 14 con E Ju y,bet'Sanle $dy, Ga 11 R.. joi ind,Vitoma Jsn, walird J. Kablec t, Paul A., rý e.ling. Prc cae, ra- Kae,aFnAl. mIat ,:tt-mrt.c4 r Korrilgan, tom#ph 1Cettna, Wrafk l<ezlowakf, Bm W1 týCPlloSGgeo. 3. Xick. Mark sta»ley Klehitman. Otto l KIPlke, Andreêw Klifr, WilarI4 ' Kinisey, ÂrtlUrL King. Chtas. Ga YÀ Ktn& jýnaAndrews I Kis* eu 0 . IA Rinug. I.osl K.IL .):lgs., F. icl1De. Inilus A. XKIrb. Fte4 * 'iLeby. Jesse XW4 rtFnk Kirt rred m~rtinger, G. W. *'(rff, Harry M.L Kltourcz, D.L gbeJohn A.L X3ager, Emil J. L Kiammer. JohnL Klirltowsl. Alfred E. Klarkowskl, Wm. L Kin,. raanlL Klelnacholdt, Raymond ien. Ilemma, LesterL Içiemola. Ferdinan) Klemg, Athouy C. L Rlemp. August Kiemp, John KIocknow, tlugh C. L Knaick. AlvinL Knaack, ErnestL Knaack, Frank Knaack. Oto Knaack. Rudolllh Knedier. Ben. Knletek, Josephi IÇnlage, Claude Kniqge, Clarence KLnlgge. Glen Knight. A. Thomas. I Knlgbt Frank B Knlght, Joseph r Knoei. J. F. Knop. John D. Knowles/ Trumnan Koblan, lia Kohout, Edward Koînseer. Aron Koehlman, LewIn C. KoMvstu, Ilugo l<oncon. John KondIz. Frankt Koniecziy. W alrer A. : Koop. Ueo. *Konlenti-. !dîlte Kopia. ?rnk J. Kopp, jUeo. C Kopp, John S. Kopp». %Iartn E. Kogen, Frank'Albe;t Koskl. John J, Kozar, ,like Kozie. Frankt Kenir. Frank Kovlste, Ilugo A. Kozina, Fra:,I; Kragt, liartellIl1. Kranz, Clare.nce r. Keana, lia> mond L Krauae.Cuns. }raue, Stepli(-n Krejl, Fank lirieg. ultn A. Kr8tian. iSanley Kretoff,.rsou, Ras-nus 7. Krell. Statnl<y Kropila, Aeî, Erueger. E£ilad Krueger, -Nlarmi.n Kreuser, Joi)n Kubel7lki, Bra. Kucler, 'pl Kufall,. 011< K iiiia i. f' -o. Kuhon. RI l > Kuînetz, JO,- Kidl,,r, LIi.- Kyd.,Join Kyndte'g, WNni, W _ *Kehoe, l.Fîaik Klogg 1, A<%io 1. V-- --' %R e J.!,,, iKratt, i4od JKI>Puîzh rig, 0-to A . LaForge, l", idy Lagerholni, Oliser R. Laheschulte, A. I. Lahere, EarI I.ahe>', Richardl E, Lahey, Walier hi. hahînan, Chrtiîan R. Laiman, 'Iiliiat Lamb, Burton LI. Lansson, Knlght Frank L.amson. Lu caer Lancaster, Jo-e-lh bander, John Lander, Thomtas bandera, Httîry Landera, Richabli Lange, C NiI . banglie, Nilu bantz, Merliett Lagnnja, John Lagson. WillIami -Larnee, Edwsardl V. LaRoae, Jos. bLarsen, Fred Larsen, Hent-y Lersait, Victor John IU. Larsun, Augusu Lotson. Hugo btssou, Lvrauts bat-son, Louis (. Lacaon, Lloyd h. Lasson, Rohi. carl lat-son, Thot-al « Laska, Jacob LSsktskas, Johin Tasson, Ese-ettt Latas'ltia, Ueo, Lathrop, George Lathcop, Hacsy Latlnen, W, Latrelles, Frank Letv aiis, joseph Latvitz, J. batvius. Ueo. * hatz, Leonard J. Launcmann, Jus. B. taucent, Rubhen J. Laur«eu. Christ Laveess, Peter Lawr-ence, Guy Liasrenta, George Laseson, -Carence *eb&bgbff, wm. X. - slaCir, *Ibert' e.t, Chartes3 LM. Hlerbert E. Loo, Herbert L. bLe.John ,e«ert, Louis tdsoka, -Jus LégIer, Frederle âgler, Henary M. Legler, Jotlks 4ehman, Guy' V. Lehmann, Gndmund IL Lhmknbl, Chas. J. Ulebert, Engene saisit, Carl H. Lemm, ErnEi A. 1411C, Fr'ank ..enercltz, Mike L$nhk, Steve 'Leasen, Lennard Leeson, John *Lenteil Arthur .,eanard, Join )L Lerol, Cari 1H. ,,sronawiez. Frank lesknskls, Aritanas Luster, Frederi*IM. L.eulit, L. IL Lb.esuher. Rudolph Levin, Lester ..ewellyn, Frank Lewis, Bari Charles Lewis, Ueo. 5. Lewis, Ral Warbef L.ewis, James M. l4Wis, Bey. J. Elwwos Lewis, L&gprence Lewi s, Raymond Leslie Lewis, Robert Oeo. L.ewondasky, Albert 6eyavka, J. Lleber. Chas. *Liglnski, John A., [Ai, J. W. Uindboan.John L.lneean, .Anthony .Unde"ineyer, Alfred Llndenieyer, Edward Llndenaneyer, Jiàsegh Linder. Conrad P. Llndhalm, Reuhen P. Lindmsay. Robert Line, Oscar Uppert, WillIanm Làigal>, Morris Ultbgow. Jne..ph Litinskas,Jug Little, Frank Uile, Arthur Lltwller, Frank tLtwller, Harry Lit-miter, Rail.ts13. Lita, Jacoba E, 'Liadai'. Mati1n Liyod. Lion-I J. Loefrr.Julilus, Lopnis-ha,, Jo;ýn 1,oezzo. Frank Lohllnk, Alh.irr L.ofink, Chri, i,'-r J. boite, Frarâl Long3, Claîude Cb!.. Longhnrsî, Joln S. bongland. Fiaeuh Longtand, Alhtrt P. Lord. Russell Lorry, *Siephen Kabai'-e Lotterer. Chais. Lounko, J. Lovel), Harold Loveil, lKenuelii Lucas, 1.eon P. Ludlow. 2Michai 1M. Ludllow, NMin"- Ludwig, Leis i Lueilke, Jantes.- Lukas, Adaai Lukas. Josepyh T.ulas, Joliti Luka, Fied W. Lukraszius. John ILoke. Fred W. ~Lulewicz, Alexaaodr *Lulewicz. Chi rh..ý LUMY, Edward A. Lund, John Lundgren. Oscar Lu inFed 1 uitdstrotn, Hilllî: Lonlians Cial ion Lois, Robert Lymnan, Cha-. Lyon, Jan),., be. I! Lyoo. John 1. Lyaînnd, Ene Larsen, I-tarr-> > l.ars-nJaezohil-. ltsOJohn Linco!n, Woodruff V Lineen, W11mev W I. Lucase, Josephi t.nbcrg, CLaîs. Nlacek. rukJ M acek, Joseph Jam.-sý Mrachas, James Mackey7lca, Waclow Mackey, Albert Mackey, Robenrt Mdackey, Walt4r -NacKinnon, Atc-xander Madden, joseph Mladsen, A. -. Madqon, unr> ,yC. Madson. Ra3 nîond A. Mla-c-I-le, E. T. Meeaýchtie, Mîýton .,la'îuire, 1:1v. rl J. Mahen, Illly gahen, Joseph Mahen. Williail Mahon, Go l.L. M4ahnIrs, w.cIter C. *Mal, Idaiion D. Niaiman, j,. Maliman, '.%j. .Malcolms, Ex ar MNaîdrus. Char]. s \tslicki, Vaîcîn,' LLuke Mallatt, A. r.' Malînquitix, ElIwai:I Aug MaIn, Fimer Mfalone>, Ersal'. Maletroin, ttaîoîd, Man, Carl Man, Harry IMeitt:e.nPomas Y. X artlnalie Martn IMartinson, Andrew Marquis, BElebarci Marvin, W*it« MUasehinskl, Jo6eh M.ùIlaï, Antan J. Walis, )IlIY euq, Frank- If. 3Mas"., wu. H. - Mason, Wvà. M. masSntck, Anthony Mgae", Frank MAuiarson, Walter N*ttheus. itm>'N. Mafthewsl, ameç Matthews, Moro Matthews, Oliver ldatthews, Walter Matrlckr, Louis Maison, Çharlea . W atson, E. -#aison, Jerome- Matton. Waldo Matzek, A. Mau, Fred Mau, Hars'y Maucav4,--<hos. Maxon, Walter T May,. Foret May, Ueo. May, Paul D. Mayflld, George Maynard. Jesse Mazîa, Andrew Mazmstan, Kimkee -McAlsier, Irving -MeBrde, Edgar Mcliside, Edgsr Westy MeCaffre>', Arthsur M. McCaffrey, Leslie B. McCaffrey, Lloyd McCann, Frauk Tbos. uccann, James eCcann. John P. McCartis>, John A. NfcCarhy, -oa. MeCanle>'. Edwin McCauley, Tracy L.. McCleIIan, tlny 1. McCintock, Lloîd Clt mecCooy, Max McClure, Nathan D, McCowle, Home r W. XûcCoy, Homes W. McCrady, Tierait mecCe, Elmer C. Mel)land, John iJoFpetit MecDona.t, Ce'. McDonaîii, Eier E. MDrtinald, J. j. M.cElroy. Jobn W. Mc-Gîrva, Iranci5 MNcGlunn, L(à N. McGragry. Wri. 7fies. McCrain, Jamîýs E. McGrain, Jene, Paricît *%McUrathi, Jans, s MeUrigory>'. Marc>' N-lson Mcltrigor>', Norman 1D. Meintosis, Carence MeKior. E.lnsuul-l-loîîEr StcKinîock, Cro. A. Jr. lMcKinnely, Donald Mcbaugttlîn, Edw. G 1Mehaughîiu, E, J. Mchaughlni, E. L. .Mchaughln, Fcfdsrick McLaughlin, 1-ary Mehauglîlin, H-. A. Michaughtit, James Mcboui;îiin. lRay b. MvrMalait. enj. P. Mû.Mahan, Morris B. MeMausman. Il. J. MeNlllen, 4Il. MeMullen, Joseph A. MeNaIII. James Hi-ni' MeNaniara, Edward MeNamara, John Ml. McNanly. Wm. J. McNeany, H.- iert MeNeill, H. J. McQuiad, Basi, lt. 'IliQueen, Harry McQt, 'et, Henr'y MleShare, Edwacd J. MeShane, Wtîl; r N1cTaga-z rt1,î [aîl Mea .Frank Meîg. hr, i - Meýinjiar, 1Ir.-; Mekua, A. M.elodii tn Ilia Melilta. Ch. HýI-bd>7, ANl.- Mentdor, C ecil Melodi,, là1" Mentlo, Chci.l- -Mercille, Jhesn N ilo Mena gt ., Thn. htenîsi, Alobii MK Mentor, t ccii Menssian, AnldA Menitor, Ci-cildA -Mcrchan, OJamles W.îi Mercua, Tonuas Mttera, Wi-t.rr>A Metrc, OJou Meyern, Alns Mease,caos. . Mesais, Arnr . Mesyer.,Ot siel W. Meyer,SErnel Meyaer, Ottoe Me-r lvin F Meyner, CasG Meyer, Aihur G Metyer, jBanlilW Meyer, Et-niai Meyer,IRaymond Mteyer, Raîmould I MflsruyWeton i John E. ceIls~ John Samuel Miller, Max MlflSr, Pei'cival Miler, Robert )Y. Milles, 11714 P. Mill, Walter Miller, Walter Mills, Riswortia V. Mitla.,Ueo. Mille, Wm. Richard Miltimore, Oea. Miltimore,. Ilar.>' 14fltlmore, Jo06011 )4ltmore-. Leo Minkhoff, Joseph MiçIrinI, Teodoro Ulusky, Lareu .Mlneek, Frank, Misintias. Stanlislati mlsîft, John MitchellFed Roman itcheil, Lewil B. Moberg. Lester Mana, James Mogg, Robet Mottrmttn, Raymontd Cyril .MoisiS, Elmer IMolhack, L. E. jMoody, J. T. ,Moody. Merediths WeteY, t Iolglrd, C. L. ýh, Lewis F. MoonJ. Met-hast Moone>', Josegh Moore, Albert O. .Moore, Raymond E. Moore, Rsoula L. Moos,Gunstave Mosan, Asilion C. Monan, Chas. Mosan, Ueo. P. Moran, Rut-brt J. Moran, Thomnas X. Mosan', wnt.D. Moraza, Jphn." More>', Cb48ssJ. More>', Et-ria IL More>'. Fred C. Morgan, Williamt -U, Morley', Johil Jasi. monnan, Wiiam H. Moroza, J. Morcen, Thos. Morris, G. Morris, Howard Morris, J. B. M orris, J. R. Morison, Ehl Morison, John Morrissey, Thomias E. ,:rr", Geo. ti gh. Micro-w, Richard *moî-row. Watler 9, 'Mocco5v..Warden Il. ' -Morcnsen, Chas. Moion, Thonia.s Mcun, Jolin Moseley, Ucoige Mouela. rran Muilimnas. 11111>' Moss, IBarye->' W'. Motu, Russell Moughmnanfl, Freanc-s; Auglis lus Movîs, iEiward Moaelowski, JoFclit Mudast. Elmer B. Montler, Carl John- !duetîer, IL. Muelier, John Muhlke, Ornu Il. Mulve>', Frank Il. Munkitoif, Juspitl Ilucdack, David Mucînen, ('art Murk, WalîEr w',IlIam Murphy, Joseeph Murphy, Lymuan Murphy, Martin. Mrphy, Patick XW. Murphy, Ramond R. Moris, Clifford A. Murtha. Thtomas J. Muscîtoti, Lco O. Musil, Chas. Mntaw. liîary Lurine Miutaw, I-aroid Mvclck. Dale .Mytinger, 1I.l. R Mandes 11e, Hîsîi te Molidor, Otto Xiocnahan, .eon Xfonîgomecry, icaii ,Nînencli, Edward Murphy. Alan MSuto, Frank NagadoazyI, Jo'îî, !Nagode. Frank N'aie. Abert Jr, Nar> uskas, Jos, 1 Naltgbton, Pittc T, Natîman, Robit H. Navacdasky, Chani *Neargarder, Ruseel Neargatdec, Williani Netîchoif, E. W. Ncedles, Wehsii c C. Nîele>', Walter C. Negoglass'lait, Oý .4Ntl>', Wiliami tC Nef, Ca.J. Ne-ff, Lt i:.t Nei-ha, i. t Du i-i Jo--plis A. eio.Allen J. Nelson, Aster C. Nelson, Arthur N-eson, Carl Nelron, Ueo, A. Neson, George Framont Nelsont, Gideoni Nelson, Gifford Nelson, Gut - Neson, Gusalao A. Nelson, Hea' Nelson, John A, Nelsont, Kart Arthur Nelson, Nets A, Nelson, Raigît Nelson, Stewart S. Nelson, \Walter Netîterctit. Williain RiCh Neuheci, Edgar J>. Neuhsri, Fred Angisat -Nevellier, Barney 'Nolttn, Hiam 1;y Noll, John P. INordîglan. J. INocdlng, Melville 'INorenherg. CIa tenc4 Norkls, Frank Norkowlca, Peter Nerlander. Beveret I C. Normant, Hugo Norlandar, Walde Hx. Norrien, Gustav *Ntorton, Alfred *Norton, Ueo. ]Royal Notungtiam, Harold J. Nowak, J. N Ipbert, Walter N~tlH. W. NhtbanVincenti B. Nailsen, George Niholîs, George Noel, laude F. ,Non ll arold L. Obenauf, Bernard Obermller, Oewald Omoyle, Joseph O'Brien, Jantes A. O'Bclen, John O'Bren, John, P. O'Çonnell, 3. P. i OConnor. Franke Oetjen, IX J. Oetael, Raymnsd P. OFarrell, HarOtd Ofsalof, Jake tO'altagiser, 1Dan!êl Ogleshî-, Aaroli WeStey, Ohîson, Axel R. Ohîson, Carl E. Olithli LtacOtiIL Oison. John O. OKeefe, BanjOe OKeefe, James O'K.1îrfe, John OKeefe. joseph SO'Keefe, Thomas Oîafson. AxFl IO'Lr', Jamss Olendorf, HarT>' A. I O1idge, Clayt to Oliver, Walter OIkle-sicz. John Otîtey, Clîiiton B3. Olsen, Clrentce Edward Olsen, Cliv rIc-s Etg.,ne Olsen, refd Olsen, HeîIýri nC, Olsen, H re . Olget, .Sophi-a Pu7.Cfl Olsen), Swan T. Oison, Adolh Oison, E. Oison, Gi-o. N. Oison. Jobn [l. Oison, 1-nut i. Oison, OP, oison, Dito F. OIson, sophXs, Onfi;e. ,tl. ONeil, (cha-s. ONeil. Edîal ONeit. Francise ONeil, John ONeil, Thonian ONetill, John 1'. O'Neill, Johln à-Neill, NWm. ~ r s-Oleka. Francs Michael Orefice, Salvatore Orati. E. E. On. 1Lu'ki Ociossi, Adam Ornshy, Olîls oztmï.n. Enuil Ortquist, Oscar. Ortwltz. Oscar Osbun. Cliffosîl Osbonîne. Nick OYShea, Edwald ozstett, tlaulite Ott, John C. Oviair.Exe ttFari:.uni Owen, W. E. OMaef, JeS'e B. Owens, Ralpit B- Owens, Otho Paul Oxman, Muril- Ozeses, Jacob *Ozss.Jolt Ozuna, John Padot', ct page, J. Il. Page, R Lhai 1 Page. Si01 1'. - Paike-, Mini. Pajnik, Atù, Palm, O'scar XW. F alm, W- '.r- Palmer. tuý-,rgV YW. Palmer, Jol.n M. Patigborwî, Pa.ul A. Panzrain. Joy .. Pantille, T. PPpS, Ueo. Pagp, Cotiif Papp, Johni Peter *Parker, Fiauk Parliameni. Clarfici Parsons, Rutus Pasclual, Fred Pasque.l, Gu n Pasquesi. Sivio Palm, Ilago Wnîl. Palm, MW. L. Palmateci. tYns. s> Fierî, Allen Pardee, Ge-rge Pergome t. AI. v Park, Mitro Parnienie', Et I Pariq. Ç. ot Ce t'larry, Wl:î, Pateli, .sa il. Patten,Baud Nen Pattr'n, Dehriis Patioti, Hennis Patterson, John T. -Peiiteis, Owen L. Patton, Robi.> Paulos ski, Mieclîîie Paul on, Ar:hur 1. PaLit'on, Frcd Paul-on, 1.elloî- ard DaoRaymoind l. on, Frank Fî arce, Clifford Pearce, Pet ce Peursn, Joba Peuars, Thomas J. PetErs, Richard Paterson,. Jabannas U, Peterson. Arnold Peterson, Elias IL. Petersols, Emil Petersio, Floyd Peterson. Iiarry Ipetersoli. Henry Pet.erson, Ralph Peterson. Swan O0. Pelerson¾, Thorwald E. Petersoit, %nl. Petkos, John Petr-alte ,s. Jo."et.h Petrof. Nooc Petroshi, Gi-orge PetroNicli, Jùe Pets. Olto Plannenstell. E,'sard Pleffer, L- ander Pfelfer, ,Lço Pteiffer, Claude W. lÈhelghs, X'ra Pillb@saio, Sarkis Phllipson, Jame s1, Piacenza, Enrico Pccheîte, Eoca .Pierce, Ralph If. PIerson, Cari IL Pierson, Harry Pllbosian. Saris PUSRtant, Harold E. Pillîfar.î, Raymond Pincoffs, E., P. Pintcoifs, F.(IL Piiscoffs, Ni. C. Plnnell, A. Il. Ploughe, Bal IL. Piquette, J. E. Piquette, Waler Nelson Piscator, F:ýngtll A. Pikes. lz, Walter Piman. Rail1 Pis. Melin Sherms.f Tlagge, Auqtin Pîage. Harold Plukac, John Podboy, Joe. Podzune, John Pogloyen. Franke Poirier, Dav id E. Patinas, J. J. Pokoi, John Pollack, E. L. Jr.- Pollack, Woolsey Polmateer, Williama Ponzio, Tony A. PagPe, John M. *Papi, wiliîaîs Port-ous, Pied Potier, EsrI Frederick Ii'oocher,,teo. H. Poullr, Titos. P. Pouisen, Luidwig Pound, E. T. Powell, Cecil Powlee. Laurel Pov.crs, Anscairts T. Powers, A. 1,. Pow. rs. Thoms Prait, J. Otl-,i Pratt, Merrtt Preder, lHoward Prehm, Albert t'renso, Vannazi Presherg, Franki Pre.ston, Fred Prevo, Ahert Pric'e, William Johitaun Priesi. William E. Pringle, William Proctor, Morris Protine, Paul L. Prouiy, Charles Prouiy, Errnund Proweî te, John PrOxniire, Theo. , Purdy. Eair Pangbutn, Waltêr Pasdelouîp, Frank Pattison, Don Pear ce, Chartes Pierce, Orson Pitt, Norris A. Prinzer, ChIss. Queniln, Airthur C. Quenin, Vlliani Qu;nn, Fiank J. QO:nnf, lIvîancP Rachoxv, Gu-LaS F. Radke, Frank William RaîtI.e, l-irr:y H. Rdltle, 0110 I. Raeide, W [[hart G. flaffo Rtub.-n J. Itaffïrft, W. 'A. Rahling, Jolin. H. Raidtnf, Friénela Rari --Rajina. Felix Ratph. Gi-orge E. Rahton, Chas. Ransakr, Eugei.e Randaîl.l, krald Alviet lIatidall, Ceorge N. RandqIt.GUY Bý 'Rankînen, Victor S. Ranne. Geioge Ranson, )Hsrold P. Rager-, M.rriiI A. Rssliov., -Gustav S. Rasian, Paul Raskanska8, Anthony Rasmussen, Arhiur Rasniusben, Montaguje R. Ragosuesen, Owsen Rl. P.atajczak. Alhert Iiaupp, lBernard flouse, Gerald Rause, Jerry Raymtond, Guty B. Rechtenwald, Clarence E( 1 ward ,D Recllng. Ratph Recktenwaldi Watts Rectenwald, Carence E4 w'srd *Redding. Carl S. Redding, Chiarles il. Reddipg, Jay D. Redding, Clarence -B. *Rseldlng, Router Reed, Thomas B. Regan, Egne Aligutus Reid, Huais Reid, Martha Reilly, Albert J'. Rley. e iIey.lanndT Ri^gnTn Rise, L4uî RhtenîhalseBT. 3 Riley. Anree C RiynsRaymond- Roer. Wi Raer. .I. Rrion, Edw i Ro4nu, LAui Rinsn, AriCr X. BlI Roceneller, -Veno I Rogbirs,DAidew . Rabbaits . Ban . Rockllg. Wlteijr RoeseLleB .o Robertson, KharyA Roinsonr, Alernd Robinso, Ftran Rogansn, RJoh L. il.' Rogaen fellrserh Roga snrielJ.s Rogan. Frnkm. Roganin, Rliflha Ronmeil, Car P. Roeitel, lui Rompe, John Lr ln. Josephl RogaOss Chttes0T. Root, Guy. Root. Tnony icac Itame. ECrnesiP, Roqlr. lJuais »mre, Oar Rose, ViertW 1coseLlod ILr Roos, CW.iG. T Rose, orge Rosen. Jrnes Rosener, JAl . Rorerhlored re RorenbloMry tao Rose, t.Bn Rosen Ewad es Roseu, .ohn Rost, Geren Ros, Joseph Rosb, A.3 M Roseuelteri, Cli.. Roseuthe, NFtaniA Roieton, Arn.i Rouenae, Loeti E Roqans, JThnms Rosqi, Mrine Ro, arry Rossa, Alo Roupech, oni. Rsero, Arnrd Rouse, RS. rtK. Rush, AThonyas. as Ruasae, Med Rusll, IJarry Ruasll, Raî mud C. Rufftellogn Ruter, TLyoR Rya, Alored Rus, W.. Rush, nn eorp. > nuits, rdoad . Rytero, Edn Rd. Ryan, Johnp. Ryan, i. MJ.5 Rynkaneo. . I Ryesde, ADali Roerta. Edwn<st Selan. JonM. aanks. MSrtIn Sackrnan, Leo R. ,Sackman, Lesli Sack, Oivil11e Sack'rn oloert Saekllan. joniis Sage, Jamies Salata. A. J. Salmon, William P Salter, Jantes ýV. Salucka", Antan. J, Saix adore. Paazo IC. Falviino. Uraghero Salyards, Wîiiis Samiiion, Franks L. Sanimoîî, Pit Sanion, Williasm SSanîpLon. lllllp I-L SailualisEdw'ard .1î. .Jr. Sandera, Robin B. Saîîdeskus, Williams 'Sandrost, hi-o . Sanslne>er, fhae. E. Saudmieter, NVns. K. Saîîdwîct, hutliter Sanelmoti. Leo e andy, Arthutr sud>'.Pere>' *Saîtdy, Resîhen R. Sandy, Williani J.- Senkanakas, John Sannowez, Jopeih - Sonawltch, SaraseL Sarltis. ,Bougnas Satterfleld, Ache K Savaglo, Harry Sas-agle, Sil-fu NI. Saxon, WVit. Bayle, Ed. Bayle, William lDai ratil Sayîoî, Esect $caife. Robert J. Scarpellina, Uiovannîi lichail. Bernardl E. lichaeeai'.Oliver P. $chaffer. Clarenice E. Scisaffer, .losielli E. Sîthaffer, J. O. !chaffer, \Valtr ScheIk, Arthur Scisalla. Albert Sehanhie, Arnold Jr. Schanffter. Allena . scisauffler, Bentueit S. Schauffler, C. F. Scttauffler, Goodrlch- Schautflet,', JUoty' Schatiffler. LOele, Scheeclhnck, Fflltnkt -Scheilich. Anjl1vei1 C. Sceolfetter, Hecitie Sseiadorf. XinfiçIl Slisenk, EdwicL4 . Schp.ining. Henry Scheppesn, C. J_- Schennsan, Johîs . Sciseur, heu IH. Schiak, Rerbert - Schirilan, ilettons t7! Schtack, Art-htur Scisîricher. Eintcr J. Schlcerts, R. W. -Sclilunig, jVhM E. Schisidiler, 0. r- s iii, Sou SoloitsjastbO Kr21 SeiaVs??eos- Joiseph il. Sîlbretlmus. Hermnsa Sebsleher, Charles Scitroder, Paul A. Sabroer, Waller A, lichryver, IHenry> ficAen«mann, AlOYFiU# SchtultzLeRo>' Schultz. Louis Sehuacker, Fred Schnincker, Lewis Setium4ker. Louis Schluman,, George Schuman, 'John b. Schwab, Charles W. fie4wab. Panl Schwall. John Scbvarti, Abe Sehwartz, Albert Schwartz, B. H.. Schwartz, Emanssel Schswartz, Jacobt Schwartz, Ottly C. Schwartz. Wlllatn Schwelser. Victor Scidmoce, Douglas C. Scîdmore. Henry D. Scott, C. A. liCOt. Homer B. Scott. John Soager, MihitW. $earîas. Meryl Sentier. David Seavertîs. Louis C. Reoat. John 1. Seemmeca. Jacobi Regersoit. Franîk Seifert, liay Seleh, Phillip seller, Berne>' Semin. Melon. Selrow, Rie Serkowski, Felix Serkowskl, John Seckowakl, Anthony Severson. BEdward- flexion, Patrick Jas, Sexton, -Wm. J.,, Shaddles. Lee! Shater, L. - libaffar, Edwnrd Anc&rew Shank,lHeschel v. Shanks, Jan>ea Shannon, David4 Shagland. Ueo. H *Sharvin, liai-c, 'Sharvln, James Slaatswell, Milion, Shaw. George $boa, 1Iaruld A. 4hea, Leit'E. -Bshes, Rula Sheagan,. Har-y ý ibeahen, Rarry Shieldq, Oliver 'Shielda. Rohi. M. Shellenhtrger, Nef£ W. Shelton, James Shegerd, Burton *Sheppera. C.. J. Shectint, Ietons Bherwin, FraInk Sherwin, F. J. Shiel. Eduvard J'. *Shields. Constance Shieldls, Culver ghîclulen, Tetuns Shoher, AI Shober. Chartes 'W. Sboher, Josepht Shoblia. A. Shormtn, George Shultia, Clarenxce Shreve, Clauade bf. Silînkas, Gore Sidrock, Peter - ISlehurg, EdwinJ. J. Siegel, Chas. F. Siegfried, JaoU W. Silvan, A. '- Bitumons, Leowreitee T, Simmons, Rasc E. $immer, Wasd B. $Immuns. ÂAisd 1. Slmonlan. -egaretlg . iminason, AIlfrd Simpson, E. 1Siver, Archie Thonmas Sis-ar. Warren. 1Sns, W., 1Skeisens, Bocriard Skeisans. Chat-les .Skehens. John - likehens. Richard Skelton. J Skene, George likoldieki. William .. lketranel. Henry EmnUel skptt, BIna W, OIack. George. P. 1 gadek, Anthony S)ates, Melville R. elater, M. Lelto> 1 Sleéman. Batti liSsile, Edith Stuali, E. A. - lmati, Lawrence Small, Walter John $lteiser. Chas. Steger 1$mth,. Albert Bennin Smith,. Andrev 'Smith. Arthur'.L, Snilth. A. V. $nilth, Bnci ,Fceiik Smith, -C. W. Smth, Ctacehe kmth, Clailde i-Niji Smsith, Clifforet Smtith. Dwlght Sîiith. Fred if. Snmitth,Gibert Smith, Joseph C. . "Sith, Lawrence Dufflag Smith, Lelanct C. Smith, Leslie Smitha, Laraine Uoild Smith, Leu B. SmIh, Harold - Smith, Har-y -Smith. Robenle *Smith: ftilltp 13. 3mith, Russell ChLrleg . Smith., 'Ving9' M. r0. cI V. n W. .e et Try i. Scott t-y NIillord d V. e orresi A. tld Daiber C. sEdwarf. ph Ki LaencO Marshall Dairid er aas hall si C. ionU C A. an sol atles bert Ili 1a bax Ir.

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