wO*têe, vie 8 anhlie iras m ai4 Wankeb;*. APe I 1= M431 %aev noMbig abott Uil, m tAý stub"o. w oittd0 811ensI=Met ,09 nmie . y Judo e bse iacclt çoairtai Mawvanke OdaY.ý 1 UgRvY 'talaid .Gehr a ta i ,ot -i Roui Woo- At wankabathe1 ,Ulgbt of AprIl 17,and tUntit iter , iLtm tof aroadb;lioi n ille iho. dragIr mucb limier. mWtred ta Wen- k.a.n viiere, lhe vas la ter lnforMOd tti e bad lien nnirried ta Rpuib. .ne denled knowledge of irbat-latt>' yeneai betueen Apli il and Apri 21. SDiaRavy wloio la benl boy lI a Mlwaukee liotel tolai a very graphto »tory un the viuess stand. 'the crt boireyer, could flot eutelve am"m-a-ancoulai enconter mich a long distance jag and felt that the yoftlh must hav~e been avare Of irbît "W 1as gamg on at leazt a part or t b pt! rAe. tiOLO WIL iROW OUT FROM ChAOS 0f W L J.BARNUS ~ montc mivi i *a Iestnal Jet 1-IL Beres, iresi. ofb.heClhiner af Comterce or t U cixied lte, tali the Inter- fatIone aeivSice today. 1 ispte 0 ren m eetof f~ti. nbç eiwl lir linga vr C4003 s ot thelie teast arnias Otr a il lu *9isou"e. "Berning %tl res llstroplic e tii. d a s #Ol et b#ïai itiienEurope»u ner- bOa? baa, à» U<bir busineef WM ord seiltiec l- e"adatonpertilciar encurmg-7 m ithe Erittaielt etietiana RaiIhe tat batet n tu t sEteiteefliJ*ýa»Rlfterlaïd, Reno Rai P-d g lei4 tirebaux, tu the I~4 y iiOrét itl ekter y eqsgbuhJa ' mpt: tv4tu *00s0, àka A" obomet 1Ii th th id u tda ofth <pou tellýx=e b. isiali 4T 4f go'ertt4, flni reaifrenb. M't<sI qb çom it *À( 4orw(4e*vàt tomi. aeoqm&w -$et lb. c*ie ais<a rse o s t e s alit to e csalç1 rseelr nle i o I etoei p nfre t g el aUsnge M.l$e ~t4.a4nsv-çsXrs iasdlseed uee te siGre etýtft*Ibn pmte4ly for the liabz #ltbesttBer oe *4Ela eM à uiIsta dgam CAUSES ÀREST 0 TALE Of'TIT HIenry Krkk ra nàdsDaugh- tes, Sýtry pt idnapMing by K. K. K tfraud, WANTS TO LEARN TRIJTH Chiego, eli.-Dp»unctng ler tale o e t K Klx Wb* kldn*pp4n md toture ase a fraud, ReMx Krlck todey obtslned, a warrant -for Ithe autmt t aibé,4anshler, Mlldre<I, 24, a elirok IgUl 011o a dlsorderly UÏ ISikearlier la the. day bad rmpoed ~olcethm t Irea hooded =Mfldeue e. stripped ber axa tiarved lix.crogsses lni ber fleseli wtl aaborp Wuie. «I-dèot bQlleve ber story. i venit the. treb' Urlok "Id. 'TUas ly 1rm.hékffl my daaghter erreeted." Detwwtlys ver, sent te Rrlc'a hQoni. 4~ ra the s %#% fornierly & musse te pelo. bm~dart«rs fer "ft. fnt the0Kuen,"' Rrick cani mmied. "Theres somethlng eite be- bWIOt i rm poing ta Oind out irlit Nl 4 »pck. s*iordlng te polce b.*tIa*pglisator3, »taauifd ~Ur~1An lire. Rqbçe a' ines- »m *Imaê ber father Mmrrled igtb, 14r~ «« a ,»itr mi o à"ab Iy tbte xilk bom&n1. mI iiIy aai tlere vers crosses ta tii. patou e i lls Rriews band ca eon Whream a nd ocq on ,But bli. #toe.lie add"dvuaideep '.. . y 6ý1 ÂdM.' W. eA4att . *hio treateai tue organist, "lie voudne re madeltier, wltl a m kutrfhe ar large in.' > «ef coild bave bee n eiflt e ~erIe 2iCor plu voumds 1 can- meleus bul la a dueeaionditIon, <vo wd4ux e. z«e eued altre et 10 400a itoma 405 hin o. 1, of th. tep2MA*6 ePIqA n dCUred late yeste>' -fty b% le =e. Thxe vecmed m e ý' Uiealiràniy indlceteai bel tee edPtr ntvere-osAli ail?. tn the b040eJaed mine.- »DO t ie eaOsi* « boe areouoea bv te pept cgncetSothle tiré At the té soujif<le ia. cmpsny *of- "claiu ïkprmffeaithe belle!tetthèee vWas 5517 111<10chane or. tm eto tbe 11*entonabefl n~ta sufrvive thie MW4d$ten ebaubereo91te niUdxi. alise o. the buge -pu"e0o!de w»it "d1 <lie deadY ui fme, work i fie reespeIo ote baaiyloered. A gpoo <bey bedg»ettr*eted oly e a oo attd -A qusrt luo thle lnait v It b= ~ vI tlte etuai epiolouW ccn -ednert a. mie tiiber ou., au~ SAM lui. reecuse rWowud prl %bly i. i'rulongi msvai deju. ; poFe it le aes tbodlegnevrm up ~ç sbad been lden*led ii ~ a nipper; Alliert EngIel. lis peu p forema* ; A. zE. Blel, a nieternMsaandl Arthutr Trzillo. -e mtttker.,:Tbes m"n ver. li egeUr OWu IL-shoart distàance from ti4 Par W tae uemine vheg th blasat çama Scntinuel Droeetlipn ofetw0Me» ai d uaren inercheai befor li e -=Jue moutlila the celai ebuany , eatiier, biopti iglt hope tliat :ber lured oses iiglit be rescueai but the cord e u guind ltilte * Amalety i bvi lie ungoxtebdme aRre (Oreleeea d id t heir iodle vere Oavr breuglit frein tlio mb- ttransea aeele, tilir Bd.fece< tearful irmonisak horered wbeiei Mulne 4srtaL. aid "the temnpar Mofltrguule ti<bt eci vas the bo*y et of4r i UU!' Thë t tle neIllostatioù t. tD .o, tbr i les ufrani lie #C2ne0f the tregeoy Dl'Ostlid a glIMl ih *blen the iraI ûeiinemat e! co0=n forth <lie ctima irre pied 111 1 4r*a=Ui ienisof th ae.>4Pm-#a ' Rovernmefttwaeeta LOida todsy oie aiwtit>I leos <inkfi4 vitb the ,Ixispeniiegtedtattons., Tte Dssys'tateisSnt "44 la part. 111I tlionllet' Xl-béat" th iavtà M coniresiel t>agrer t& ternes ~# 8Ble. 40rmay 4i3bez th" -mi the countact, e»Y etidI4 the1 nov vs airat a f&Yorl portunlty ta rne1w rtith a o9n It vas reported tbta Prefldeût Ceerave vas aceamp4e ite Lai. don by Rubh KenedJ', 1.551 tdailse et the Free Ste gq8 rwnet n Ravin O'Higina, b .eg tar. Large numbens 0 res eî, gre ries in fthe for triapart o!eotmtT Cark vte.reporte t tle sure- erlng thelr ar=. freeS t. r znitagr qEct4ie al 4bey lied teceivei *ord tbt jrrngp. las bna vert breeklng l'ea4tba nuiny £gbtera ver. returMiîg Wflai'.b Reporta or' train wx'ekibg continge tea ert.- In sorte l «tÉste lIe -le regulari are coaflula tel t4ùo Laretta -Itorda4a,3oim tielir, Rod. ercrAk ties, UKa llaLekbaura. Otto Amen, Tommy )Mwardo4 Lirteirh1Me andi Merrln. Raiarde vr. pwtent In attexidance during thi. moitit et .anuary.' VrinteRelir sam the KG"l ebidyca have beeu aliset ail w on &ce= t o!luleas. Lo.neiie Utrdmi. Eleanor Ketter, AuisPeteoolikmad tolmn tIeble-' tendeai the meeting et -Llberty'vle luat taturday. h nuabLackbawm andA Der Kdt- ter- were coaka jao4 week., Clement Rordau rlslted Waukegea Pri*ey Atternea. 2C. aid lire. R.LEZ Eddy i'lated atrtrude Tooung liaq acceptedl pWstion inhieOchindzerchlef factory li Moan. - . Mir. Lockbàxi ltbu eu n Uat his bain, for the put wcek. Hermnsu Stielir visited Wukegea on bnsinesThurfldy. Mise .J. Eddy oe Kenaeba vielteai h home oiSover tbe wveck ead. ]Dd Clark bas started. morista the Wilson Tam In Wadoworttb. Ignats Pot«. canvcted layer et Mtocycle Policeman Willia Pet. ju fl 09 iibthuîi»Ceie s itat. Institution, accordlng.ta State Superntendent ef Prisons Rimer <re.n. Patz vas ciied Ilo th Ie main o"J Aice 'te se S upt -Green, +4beî made liii oeil ta Jolet thila vcfk, and the. prisoner ira speit tlirf ol ln tbe local jeu beors wed ta ria it vilthMe man Wbo iras IAn chiar"e of Ain ler.. Pobu besome. a fait leaigeai.o maker and la eeelgypaila *t thie rade. TiierSk'pot4, une de- tit mark esatat u et tb* e>e ltetiy. oordlê e. ius s Grec. ettaa tiinurtw'IepS. alil1ot, th* 40e de1 M MAphà& » ie o.oe kp er. -w ùxc l ter ale& th le j trea a om<li beai utiAne bie teat-Ar te re»«ing to'le ts' qlIçW CÇobett rtiinses ta talko! tte beet. ýWlInzipeg. MAsi. . e, >-Wr for th v-e 70 mej.. la the nuabe .uaft of Numbé-r Tbree =lit 14= »laid » lre~ ouobia. »a tba M tiediolwiux an e poduin tr* daum ai,.aotding ta telebn a ~hwnWi or ~ $Ourh"e h ut *w '1IowIoutat 1ower price mîf &oi boyse is ready FIuoie -nGood Fumituro e118 lp b. Nv ?un#ue w. ow have on ust1.. A viii' fgu1àr $160.00 Three-pkleai ane anid Mahôgany, Parlor Suite, Velour upholstered, $114,75, 'with los ecualuonÊ, toi,- ~- - RéÉuar $159.0thre-p ieo Tr1or FSuite-Solid Qpk>*frame, upholstered ini genuine '$9800 -Regular $350.00 three-plece-:Parlor 8ult& OÜarved rame; very-massive; Trinsel Tapestry itpholstWrig; I, eul ions; .best construction. $ 6 5 FerurySle for Regular $400.O3-piece "ute, upbltere4 'in ibebest quslityof 511k Velour; two-toue, faney aT ls w ïhair,. Iayenport andcI igh Cbair. ÏCOMPlote for *Éu]ar $3iô.OO three-piece oarCihnto $ it thle newest &ades; 16-w Chir; Dvo* 09rIE Fire8side (3hair,.$K J) MIAL ~~~'eb~~e vue ,eSae orYa- * beo b at i ieu lfini mat irat You vent n Parlor tiar iUr'er-t«the <lie ap rb lg nm"d. s*$a ffdutlens tbat peltilirouigiiuit thei, .hoion 1iebrnîry Inelude ev-- tliuagx of rfqm Right o? le! t oven GAS ]ÎAIGE, complete with broiler, $ 5~ Self-lighter, poreelulin tini, and à guaranteed baker for -o 45-lb Cottion Felt.Mattresses, fancy ticks, any size. T w $ PongrphRfl____atsthi$,dobl00ce 27-inch Rag Bugs, with fringe. Rit or zniss patterns,75 Tor ..... 1o-Oup AlUinunperSi1to I....s...... . .5 - RUY ag lm NOW ~ ,~.ing&flroioulTitiStore la it LDesigi aai n Regular $185.00 fout-Pièce Waluut Bedr&oom Suit; Dres- $ 139.75 WarkanaiiP<ba ,mlntln er, 33ed, Dressi.ng Table, Chifforettefo vida niagln of .pen1ni- -1e tue ýopAlnery. *rtl 0(1p«qlçegaie hÀIV Bero eqModerate. lIAk«-»r lo& A guaiz ..e. p iec WlnBedrooUSuite; Des- iBirninoas lied Outfit, -coteiplte o4~O orpoe~atg~ ero ttlrePe8r villi toire h mcl otsteel aie omy Chiforob4, beautiful bo>,W:end ]ed, Vanity; very d1@ catOi~eltMatres,, i'M exellnt ~o trictintwo-tone 'effect. ])est iih iheelftanu ......... . ...IM SpeiaS~Ctl for Eebruay 5le eo3bination 1 anges witli porclain trim,' .As. low as $55 -00 $1250- atha~hoogrphs;. upri'ht models. Any finish, 6 8 ~-PieeWsbi4 ~l~pg 8t.iite;oblong Ta.ble, $ 147 Réglar $&5 ,Rcikez, sana spfctal-for *e. el f r- - .O!-pee lvenport Suite - Goldenl or F»iUd; CheI~J Da*veup rt.- Our buyers have show" splendid judgment in devel- oping this diapmJy to has present epnpleteu, and' as a resuit our Living ]OM Suites ste' in g"ter - 0 msnd titan ever. We eXtend au invitationl to, eaÙ snd loo>k uS over. -The latest ini Mohairs, Vei- ours and Tsapeq- trie areher for y a r lctia .