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Libertyville Independent, 1 Mar 1923, p. 1

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J "gaet a- ~panea" etU1i- I N DEPE i My-os BgWeekly iaâouo" DL. es Secoli N t wls LBEmriYD, II EAY mRH i. i. ~ENDS SÂTIRDAY, ~~~YLT U IvT TMX oCLOCt P. NýSAIDAT, KM 3i jTv. i-la X aylud t je ^11ailorer. dda=mozl@. and geoti edafss the. Tis n4s,.na~aEl$$.M0 Auo flng wcoispet. eoodiyte datouM Eeaan tim t"rne. a ic uvM e àWM etfe. oursis cndiatevii t ti 4rà. dthe aPI 0»&e* faus~aIcal =1111 ntiw4aigisa e eepeaf E î.ýauy sx m i t un tan alag- us =a sthis à. *6ecal>- Tic ig irc mtinCampalan vili joyablae onét e bas eer contct- closp aiT»( 0O'LOC«I ATURDAY eti. We feel tbatirwe u cm Mhlm ln moNitT, ]MAil $Y& ? tbii.feeling ofatW&ataiaandi la the] Just gas advertw& th. Ativisor? kno*i.dg i* aI uh*la1d*P.Udmft bas aort viiimai. ticheai cota n i uaoUtille4ad éhandreds o!fne. uh- ample thsIoi. t 511v lia annoae- seiptlpes.but lisbu C g aneti - »saice tie VIMMers iti tel r> v ftilena*itb the opportunlty tb -Ipeofte vteu t 9 mi.tma ai? ur m secme. North SL Iu yovam an u oifas elto the. manie 1A sigesd afatement er tisir svards la vb1Ch Pm shotitId do jour 0=nalvOt. viii 8 poatet u t Jti n et he! ki« natufs -e. o- alYtUufg a01s110M- hiepasfiofflsaitaoe ag ntti tsininq ta thé, cotaitlu genestl on boa. Cempt"attitagelet e! 0s"fnalliitiecepaigu managr, w-bôd wM rujilla with aa i to! thé Prise Win- gladly esplain Il U ,il your etiro 5Mt- 3"14 sMyu Sex lveu h ulm Isfue hin fection. Thle exremcely valuail. lutispenisaitiatetiThuzsdy, marci . prises offéoe.4 are not t. b. cossitseti lime , w lbtne deviation from the. UghtlY. AntiYM hoaltiU" u vtry 000- -riginaletabIiisisti les o! the ocant- tIe n leavoltiunt *Oukidg "y muaa gmnau advsrtid MMmre tWUrne. vhici might dIsquaslly you f oeéany TOU FMUwT POITIVIULT DXPOSIT credt lnluany vay.. .AIL TObR SUBSOBIPTONS NOT ".Au" gthe Wlaasers LATBR -THAN TU!! O'CLOCK BAT- ThmeIcau er anidate tu tie URDAY NIGHT. liARd 3TO RE, atire luti at elligmion"es vieunet. CEP/E eÇMii'. t. a vinear la ibet uIat iy pus- rxaetly "atht's bour the. c"~m sibgn the ýt4i-p. mmcnescthc rnb, docla"detclad. as"atplaced ti tobe he tàM IXUlagrani-ae on- te lo lu the.haloi box, and &te Thismn> M"F -a brouti ese. am viii remai ntmiilicheAdvsoryibug tu ta, vo&oeu .a fact. 'Th. lbard roealit to maieté U4lmaulo <i Curate m ceunt, t<i datemine t.wlners t l erwu gas- the gr«~. amposliau 4apoit e t&at alï MU"1*l u Mdcentsl, sabcatmo..se=»&ti-104 ~- ý maltsi- e"edt*rn mintbied avr boutt rie bellot bbhat *am sPIaoedlu tacluinLake conuct or mrroune h aNti- %IBà», w-ereyon do ina erTirlbe. w imvtn - m_19Des0 f f" Open 9£v.enge Fritiy ami atarday vnU be the bit- Asuuai thie oai c ào leaicped- icstdmofth altrece- lu.It la eottviii bp ci-loaeveuigafor the. om- net Uluasasifor mcandtm tes t ln hvenicuce cf tics.w-ho mai wihW ocal mers soubscr$itiom tannlite". Lut for auy information as ta vating, etc. fsv day. lia dung aIuthe paut0 *Vecis« thec esastiLgu The uagui- LIT 0F. TItI LICISLE taide et th. whole aifair. the. enonmous CANDIDATES valus!li.rssof therPthie vy Blwl ne Hto l m clooce o lthe atriconutanla up BIWhgvnatta!ilioewh toth tim e of golng W ptsas, maies It art e fuit tob.eéligible ta vin a prise r«Uly anyibotiy'race uD tW liivery Or #ahane theii. cmmisslion feature Of minute, the campetan. If yaur namin n mt To even try tW gageeas iwlna rtiae aid y0u have reusai10abelieve vouiti i-e cheigilato! ab.urdity. The. YOU, are eligible.taie tii matter UP Olt î oieswho realise the. enommuos value -n.. tti tiheo-Valgan mangr. e; t of the long term subscrlptlons, 'te x&nOT-Tliis 14 MOT a standin-or ones who organise their rends lun«-- tie regRl5 order Of IstandWlinl fie fnlg rand drive for the voté*-!tic race. Merely a list of the ELIGI- Ume w ill b. lie reo ointens and BLIC Oies-* th* vinner .111 b. tii one who b" Mm raGeorge Graéss.Batilgton. »id i resourcefnlneu "sd ability lira. Tom Bronixton. Lâke Villa. aloug tiiese lines. Mrs. Wlliam Lohms. Grayalais. Thini Tis Over lra. C. licCure, G0cme. Hdi- i5glii lai laS ! what C.J. Rerachierger. Prairie VIew-. B5 eallya DO: n"da fwht o- i~Wagner, Drayslake. Oie tiree-year aubcription la eqiil FrailKennedy Iaertyviie. to eu t six an ti o ie-ha it on e-year saab- x s e l e S f h r a  4poNL àfivoeiar aubacription Ipb Ne as muLau iy vR oeucr uimscrlp- tioaC, ait alter a&l ft la votes tiat .ouat-aUohllnuse. up 9gthie leaders (Iu tact, the. 11PaInp Mgn'aaa<r asaurea us tint ln alU reslily tiioY are ail leaders, stuc. thfie close o! the .*cond vote petioti .btuurdny niahu. Pcb. 24) -flore Laenci a Ulb 'difference lu fie standing o! fie niany live hueflera fiat n rosi et- fort ou the part o!fsnyone who may be .o famunuate as to have thein naine on thle filto eligile ou.. tha w-coi, cas w-t a s real effort lie the. vhnnr Thie hours arc groving short, the fil -cbosInget tii, grand $8,000 prise tisi- filiatJi ne very near, and tIll It la -en*r'lr poauhe la do ad very much ln fils thpe, tbai you shoulti maie Qvery eff th t.06l-Up the very largoat vote scM ore pcsslu thiiithno omain- Ing ot Mi-t fli itaie 0« slow--i 'Dga p nov.Dba't * ui-litaiViti &ni stori.a'-you aY a ýtFs hat fev days; tuere w-ltbe **-5tla t elvaye th. case. IlOn'$af~ w Itxg anl the pui !evw -ot. Wl &Ppt*ag abli aeo train golug «Ore iitopi- ,ne t sii -vny lu th i te lran uti. FairfiueUmqeasaf4 rTe absolute yTeire, ci-cAanti abovo board dellug and tisAi-lemafi odtet foperation "d ti olai Itasc 'whIoi laveeco n b ige-ateti fn*" campagu have been lIe o 7111i=caaf ninemous people.ait. feua tié, 0*» tealuta, via Who tli 4 #&Mr ti*a etta'are fuly piotetefttAi lieta evey ossbl naiser. -Wxwth.in baris bm = d a Iz Et Murphy. Waaiconda. lira. Fred Gavage, DeertIeId. Mrs. F. H. Meyer, Deerticîti. WOMAN'S CLUB ARRANGE FOR LRMON JIZEtMWP Tii, Womans Club o! Lietyvlle ha. mappeti out qut, an ambitions prograniTom 1923. ,A"ide Iromt ils usual chyle activities. the Club han de- cite-I to put on a courae lu ltlsenship trainng lu ici tessons, andi ha. ou- ggetion, of the beu kuowu ustruot- ors ln thc:etste-Mra. M. H. Lieber, cf Winuetka, 'chairman of tic Appieti lilucation o! tielitste Fetiematon of Womcns Clubs o!Ililinos-to gtve lie tassons. The. cours, w-ii b. open te amy one lu Libertyvihie or vtinity, and I w-htb. eitimely free, tie Womnans Club fluanc-1 Ing h. A partis-I liât of aubjecte ta lie tiscuaseti follova: 1. "Arnerica Cttenship; What Ddes lu Meau? Who ane Citise?" 2. "Great Charters o! AmrenISt" 3. "110vw to Vote Properly."' 4 -Boy Ia Governmeut Oarnled On la N;ation, Suste. Couty andtiVllag*" Tiihecsmons w-lU b. given ni fie Vil- lage Hall ai 4 ip. m, on the foltavina Wodfesday, March 7th. ?l msalarch l1tU. IIRY MOTIER of. AT ZION MtIAY Impesie Servie .HeId ai ZinHme os RMaIIM s 9 Plaoe<l In ML.Olive. ZMon,. lî-Ti. rcmaiu of! ir. Re- becen Voliva. motker of Wllbar Glenn Voliva.Overseer o!filion, vers. laid aw-ay Priday alternoon. Tii. service vas blàidtu fie parler o o in home, the hotel wvlier i. Voliva liveti. anti viere lie tiverseer bua asuite Of rooma. Relttues anti friends gatli ereti ln the parler ai 2 oclock anti ad- dresses ver. iclivereti hy Opostles Carey, P.ckhaW anid Derma. qppro pite bymne were auna undpr the di- rection of John D. Thomas, conductor-j of Mion clir, anti a group et floyer girls tireset inluwhite carleti beauti- Wfttl v teuia1 b. plaeti on the. cet- Oin as it vas borne te the cemetery. J I his- amireas, Apotie Carey 1014 o! fie fithfulues. 0oflMra. volva- hov she lad ca1mýe te the. city et Zion ]Pabruamy IBid. 1901, andtihie hati btflt for ber uof !the. lhret bouses in lie citY. 80 that sh. md lived inl zien 21 years Readinat raM a brie! sketch by the Overster o<f hie motiers career. Apos- die Csry naiuouuoed fiat Mme. Voe Uva had neyer broughtu ,à*r0obc subher on te church or on MII' Inily. 'O1 ail tue love, anti the purest, la thMst a smotacr". sali the.Apostie la citising. The tbrme aveeteat yards- la tue bhllh lauuage. saiti Apostl, l)arina e&M 'Imotier, homne and henven." lua a lttio cabilu, ln tievootis of nIRaIn. <iiitic huulcst suar- roaÏndiaa.tlicf vas bornita Mr. andl lira. James H. alha, a son. Tint son vas Welbuir Glenn Voliva. n. leader and Ovenseer of Mlon, t w-ns the. motier, viiose litse md ust de-- Parteti W-ho hmd shapedthe t.deatin> of lier son. Sh. had been a Chisltian ram chltihootiant il dalwyss ove-I tie Saviour, anti ah. eanly taugbt her non Wilbur te prsY andtieWreati his Bible. At the. age af i v. years, hP reat the. Ncv Testament timoîgh. Quoting * ram Napolean, Apostie Carma sald. "Thqe testinw of a chlld la hit inhtihbrof a amothe-r," andl no the. destluy of the. mai vho w-a ticafhned- ta b. the. leader of one of the trougest and mont aggresaive T.- hlons movenienta to-day. vas shapeti by ibis moflerhtuharnel w-hoa hd luet departeti. Apostie Peckhasintolti o! the qiet anti unasouuing w-ny lu wiib the Iste lirs. Voivi had i Ivei and wori. et In. ZMon. A prayer by Apostle Jordan endeti the service, affervard viias pro- cesaou of the. fieutis anti relatives vieweti the' romains. Pour niers of the ZMon guards ln Unlforaù. under tii, direction or Capu. Jasper IL. CaPew, actai as ps-l IVt Cometcmy. INfB. P. RESIM Raslug a! the- Id Harringt st ticecuti o! Bell avenue. Paa'i. la now lu progres, by Courson Construction coan Arthur Wood, the present o Plans to\ere-cf tiree resud the propeaty, an exceptions lot. Thes hou..elias anlm hlatary a=8 la anc o! îEý li mnark, a! Hilghland Park.XIt H9- yems ago by a capente tor nameti Bosco., for hie. Nc odIti Ilthie ilarin ater if w-ne bought Jay W.i l'île bouasewas o! brickanid si roon.ie.luwas 103 tecu anti about 40 ln wlti. f w-rcklng compauY las taien 240,000 bricks from the wvu SLAIJfiITER CAM AT tiREAT]1 Razing of!tho desrteti at Gris-t Laies la etUlu npn n yery large sosie. Tio Wrecklng conpai> 1leia appnoxlmnelY S5,0000feM bar eci- moti lhintket i frout buidig to-tmr 'cdio1 If Wsuan lfhdsa s thiq m "i s-*= ebul dolimme csI. - I Neuw buâtff -the Lake County National ý) Bàko* iw aukee Ave.j Wednesday niglit. February 28th. dent, andi C. P. Wr4tit cahiter. Caeb 1 the. bandemie new building of the. Wrght and IL W. Pvkbnhrst ver. a1" Lake, County National Ban u vs<0li~. liii al tiirwn oen ~> ui~ piiu. 'na ~ Prier ta tiist, t e i.peMîe of the thoicaospenltg athe pubi. Taeid kvillage tiepooiteti their mo. and Vl offcias hld r4eptonandprati-noble pepers'yitii the firme of Part- cally everyoDe ln LubrtyvOle andi lin- hurst & Dyrnunt or Wkigiit & Bens. mediate vlolnity aecepted the, Invita. two cl the leading business fl oati tbon to vlev lthemagniiost nev home.thait Ume. oif this )oDUWs financullinstitution. The brick buflding ,-a<ted by the. Ar ii noengWenesday nlght the bank tii, wfek vas eretetila 1894 .Zn viitora v'ere presented i vth a The. bankvas laoorporabe u ndier niee bill folti snd the.ladies a aisu the faderai lav a In 908,andimade a ifttle purse, Wftii dis boat vishes of National bank, the. capitaltatto. being1 fie affieis anti directors or the, batik. plaoeceta 00. At tille the fi Ph. building ta or the lateat style o! naine vas cliangedt t.The, Lake Coin-i architecture suiteti for the. conuctlna ty National Baenk, thi. Crut coflScrs o9! of a modern bank. the structure belng ti.' new Institution tiengP., P. Dty-1 composed entfrely of steel and con- imoud, presidnt; George A. Wright, crete, vti au extterlor of brick aud vice preesitili'and-iQC. F.Wrigbt. frimmet i wti terra cotto, thereby mak- Cailier. Ing tihe buildtag entirely fireproof. ln 1"es, oving tii.h large lncrease Massve tire ait..burar proof slIn buals.. IL.B. Rm vas na*mmot depisit vaulto bave beau Installed. il uassistant caier, and Jauuary12, boliet protected, by tf etset eleet o8 0, r. J. wrtcht wasaloo elciesm alartu devices. Tii. gesters for the *eat O eaier., bauk' business have beèn coumctet Jawâary 14. »»1, P. P. Dy="nt re- Dot eel lr wb *xi.w t.e tci.mcy. bu i tle,4*ep'pasel asi u Wumadie clifo ulsm piSns w as t. -reasu et sty z uw*otbe ligat. G. 7, Wmtlxu t lia and oiunueutir armugeti for the a5Mite puiitinofil iO!liQsiei; G. pat-o .A. Wright, vice peeieant; BPair. Aside frontthe rocina for the. offloeraWright, cachIer. anti W. B.om sad an" customera. tiiere axe aplénditi P.J. Wright, aitent caehler. waltins andi reat roms fdr gentlemen i In Augliat, 1921. loy'W. Wrighit. r- ,aladies. tastefuily urnisheil tii sineti «acashler anti vent i.omsiia, all tint goes ot maie thl place invit- Neb. viiere ho la Sauecteti witi the. Lit. Here fauta fbonithe. iÔontrY MAY 1Livestock National Boni, P. J. Wright meet their frientis. reat from thelr vas electeti oushier tu ti t e aoancy. sioppint, and ti tervise inakeune of Tii. Laie Oounty NationM al iala tii. facilitiez offered by the boni. regarded as oie o! the. atronesat bank- me laie Cmmity National Banik lisu11lngntitutions ln nortiier» IMinois, enJayeti a ateatty growth ince its es- andi the firmbas the confidence of the. tabuishment lu 189&3. The- bai tiret people of Laie au4 aurroundtag coS-) openeti for business lu a tran building 'ties. It la on a tirai. foundation and on the spot no waccupled b? thi e c business la grolng. The. baik la building. At tiattiUme Il vas kiuvu wn be cngrtulateti on Its fine mev athe. Lak-e Couaty Bank, and as homp, aidtii. polof hfl vled conductei by Wright, Dýymouti & Ca.Lbryui na point viii pride.tW the afficers being P. P. Dymont, pra-tuis batikas. no! «ýthe shvacee 0f Mdent. George A. Wright, vice pralthe village. COUTIIUSEADD. ITP Aw N iliLS TO hAVE MEMORIA ROOM, IS PLANI MAN AT. RONDQUT FRIIJAY NIQilT ýTr4mlues et Lake eomi tv bi ndi- ,lôt.e-m--- ô\War toBe'E"Inasedl.- Plana for a zmcmorIaý roorn and tro- LINIR puy tlsplay fom relics o!fiheCivil, Spanisi anti Werld w-ar ln the* ne. S830(1,000 . additioin te the courtiose wIl~~l viiie' preseitedte tahticboard o! isupervîsors w-ion they meet Marih 5, gton hanse. lu vas announecti toia. , ighiland Whien the. tentative plana were F theF.C. matie tisiMes, w-.not suggeaftetibut .pany, for fie, Grand- Amy. the. Spaîlsh War w-dýem, w-ho veeas n h Americai Leglon hav lmitued movemneit te have dencea on a mn et oside for tfia urpie. the ially large courthouse beàng centrally hocatet Itereating ant ini dait: y by itandreds of per- Idest laid- sons, andt ley teë that the, hhousands t vas built o! trophlee fiai have accumulatet in ter-contmno- thie côtI!aty would h. o! great Inter- govn usa. est. «tons and Itlu lase planai ta have a dupli- W. Flynn. caeslt of ns-mes. whi-h are beiig 1 outs-ln.d ms-de for Victoiy Memorlal liospital, ti tulengtut. an d t Ilsplay theni lu the main goa far the corridor o!fi.he Mrtiauue This du- n out aven plIeste Ilst eau eh. toai n a vemua dis. gmaîl exi-cusëan sd thi, room onu be furaimiidet ipractIcalz n aditional con05 ta the couti anti vIit litte PS change ln the oarIalnai plans of the arcitece. f 1- l*Mt. 4 mhers ir. à liuiniet- a!rellcu ai thj fe P4iie loxay w-litai vulti h. 4 J trat>s!arred toe trop: casesetn LMeg the t eint. 1-' thi lgi ai-tM t, la'. w-a- tid i reasb ha OÙ94tlun4er Ut-the. BAttie o! o Gortion r44 te f*i-i, I# tbe' -1' t u "y N1 axe#"=,latW.~. Railroad. Traoks. Chrie Chirstiansen, of' Reptille. Mici. w-as killeti by a frelabu train at Rondout lut Friday niglit. - Tic ibody vas bndly mangleti and Identification was estalillshati y mena a! lettera ram lits chiltiren. The bodiy w-as brouglit ta Lubertyvillé by Ilîdertaker Treptow. w-heommunuucated w-t thefi man's relatives lu Michigan. Their tel- egrapiiedt Winry hlm ir., vbici w-as doue Monday. The body liat been draggaslong the tracks -for a long distancc andi bcrnpe a! blooti-soakoti papers lu tne pecicta are the anly hapea a! iden-] tificat ion, accardlng Wo Coroner John U. Taylor of Llbertyvtie. The point ai whihtih.deati mai wae f'tuuti la nmlle norti or Roi - 'tont tn tic Milwaukee division of the St. Paul andi tlie large umber of trains fiai travel bis section dally maies Ih lmpaeal»le aser- tain whiicii train kîllei hlm. A braiemai on ee<h the frehght traîna diacaveredtihe boty about 7 î'eboci HeIe mmetilat-.ly nal>fled <'mir-TaYlor, who clle th ie Treptc-w undsn±akfiug parlor inlu Lt- er,>-a-ie. Treptow usarceti fer moje flan an hottr befare lie duacayereti 'tic body. Wragmc, o<if Csh tomn &fom lie bcty wS-a oum t. the grv mint ai&thte bIcec saed elatie hU i aI.. frosen. tudtattg tiat tue nia mgit thivu been tcatifor -my boums. IN AD RECK (htrty-fîvleth viag Fot rdg Oe m, Cree -Soth o UbetyvileAItii ut metain vas laa* LIVE OF n No 24.sothoAgheCodutoe icagoMilvake & t s Athe u?, Erssof m paaoi erso "a ed train Fiant or«. aulorpou# fr lidu Vu i. ire a diseerilg&u rne *inO Wbuii TliyIWTMAi. OIIU lii iiiges na w«e~ un tain. %rabu M914n TileberI. vi. s «W CeoUny trm rogd, j.st vWouof, 1 k les, Md m ati Pu 4*6 ou bertywllk ea Mlie»svltch ir&ska lrUIsas *hm a stxulath* li firl vas dlscomd )ytie é: Tbiengin...useavo ai.. o! a tl f«4M bit âow4 assacr N-. ' XOi tra V"e l 9lm Ub*at4» """0' -'j 'aa11Ua9u~ lei. -Tis bridge *»a avo o..ý «ma~ train b"s abt 8 et b fmoawU*otMu ok Utrm erdd1*th* Né" WWIblà" i Ro8dot. Ou thé *lWasti triain" wiiy Iseve Wg 1*1.at 44 bridge au4lb tinm e am irW*ad»*tseUr8@ ,d t. otiar trnaat theedmies' a UL .r eCr - »dé bride* 14MasUa»898i«4»M lge8tt If l bniÉvc tin cider mUlai =t tbê*%m Pt asrly. frulgit trIbnetas t bthiwm 4a I dff bride* coeniuleU 0i0 susP TOCURMNTIM *9lgat Tic tinsbrio W-s - antiMd 0laie -t 1li»Ge Dastitbe paeitb- pmoprty les. Cash aid i-yDr. Mgrtin. qtZ Unden the staiseoiri1ev in a lev- , yer la Oug a ilu laceurti»Aacaes ~ fl.i f lte "lIedi-y nai-cor pë9oâOIto. mmnus ft tla eeplnant 40o nt bv o pay the boutccsfa-tip tom-I1111. AU Andt tereipre, If la a standing <' about tic court bom"s1tII ieo! lA !TO T the MaM lai i-y Ulme Oeils ire deelanateti as "Biled by a i-ocr Plr sien, 1%ute =rtnttius_ w-i-c hoisg fithetic eclaistlen on thc eve houh ho w-asfil ihe b hlAtu X40dod PaJ riwrf4ay lu -bis -cvi hehaîf. del&Uate ttlit ouples t&MM zlate M vas fiieti liian oon persous'and tAli a H ay. Ttic afl si- carr out the sy»teinatie jplan, loin laofthe aigliW-tplefom u *ue chargeti by tii, court lioim cattaches vumen. indlcàte4uiaàt he h fa lis.va Observet-lnu4wi madstoi-bai., --MN-wdubu use,<ut. çbeent ihh "ei payer,. (Tua probably ta free aive re er e en a te» tlsins for nr bbtw-e donlt mmnd coût osenit t . ie that for Rlmer~s lie mont ativertiacti ally «ad Lootbg lt t lsvyer I he i. ty for yeara anya- uh9m, hmi-euhiy wveat lte < andtie $cun gave hlm a lot et il., v iW *5 tier U 8» i-e admit hi). fde SdtticnditIou." He *Orvis goea y f0 4y lt a u I ýb1tic? werc not titorefy494l as led Ftdy uiba e*ie fore no i-m*ue t bi pai- II 6-19222, h. w-a b of e!ooi vaut ou obein ýw si' Ssci1 usine, credif anti.nuputaliseand, de. Tltexadmittedti tey liatn ervedly .nloysd ithe ptaêaua.d gooti exaitin uaiai tHgi ar sy opinion <of nelabis, antincver ha 5>tic "h eO»W " wu aon# of- beenuauspeci et mlac«Urnai, andpar. lpua diutlon. tianlnrly fie cime of!*sansait -uiea ateadly vaspon. - : 1 1 1U1 17 " Yet, lie défendante, w-h.ete W JJN £L thci snd thoner. egniti s»f toua businss as nieluber !thu R KIs KIsu, conrmn>T»«taoii ,th vi*- cible »MiifeM andti ieking to Injure Auw ra -agat- and dermne thé. plantlif lu tice eteeni A by tialvuB.tÀ anti gootiopinion of hic ne gaoas ontractor, agaittvies." anti destroy bis repuistion andi ta1w-as mtumneti hi.a1 brlng9 hlm tut. public acndal sud dis. count cotant w-cwsi trace. tidthoun andt ter.. ftlaly and et MielRo»"Vw-e raitauly, pubilsbanad caUse ta ha dIM a snperint Il ea pubhIsiedtheiii. ollovinsarticle.- b4à, on teh ae 0VM ', TicbilIl then goes an tg reprint seeal dgyastsmmr an article w-bei appeareti ite Delly asked #M00damaggea, S3un, anti- whitald ofai nvisîttho Or-. clainieti licc gcI vis'% ofce of.Thams* gray andtihe a mtn. baiutU allegeti altercation ltai follow-iLcd. O re ns id i h et *ïs contends fiat the prtnting ut 1h15 cotda't isUento te %t9ry, daMagati hua, eoWiato. The article r.T erredtu wu w-a iveii Mm. Gray, after fie incident lu O rs. office. tolti a reporter gf thé 9un'o-id othara liaI rvio w-h* e h.atketi hi- *'iy i-ao atcalet im, i~(am) >a M-aer, pulldat m. s g ui, eit i-aaonoiand i mnei, bui e*of tic atc.Oriretï ard', te -ice * e ticu sudstabneat lai-tai-W *4 xl - -~ ~ - *-~: ~ -~ - . '% r - - WAUKEGAN WEKYSUNI SL3OAI t - s 4

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