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Libertyville Independent, 1 Mar 1923, p. 4

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T=1N?4 TRYXNG TO Rth tM EPÜBIMI qPÀRýY IN' S1TAT£ lu uewt its general. policy of opposing saythint Jâ9çh Goi,- Smror8M might accomplish or plan the Chicago Tribune naw.st- im~~k vicloculy the mova of Goverar Sman and hi$ cabnet ta pro lioa $Iooooo.ooo budget. The fact that the governor ilt urgint ýàm sum for abond issu for bardrtoadIsponted but hithe Tri6- une às a ove- ontirely for pliltical purposes and insiste that "nov nmt the tme ferbimto do le bCaaf ch wold ns*the good rosi! movememt as a means to influecePrestige for bi«patin uvirlot* tlmnunlties that ha might w" tw <iv new.bard ronds to., If NOW M. NOT thet ima for the governor ta do a tblng af tlie ort we would )OSetaou*àthteqmetion jmawHEN SHOULD ha do it? It lanaw' Ib 4idl-of-hiurtar sné-the i.il tutoit u auui- Do.. the 7kibune waut hlm taywsit unitwo votits béfore bis terrm EX- ~S aid lwu trto putovar a proposition of ii l4 l:ýI* Tribune*Wh i anov trying. to upsat Reipublicanium- ln lihols ta tht extent that it appears tvident thai tht Demacrats have &"~od chance in the caming tiection ta tlect the<gotrnor anid also te fl2ayOrihp af chicago. The Tribune waultl ha the firat onetaoicriticireGOuvernor Small or taothar governor in case a move vas NOT made along the lm-' pae et of bighways matters' Nov the governor gots ahtad, outliges bis progrqin, gives it out ta the public anid the Tribune aays he os * pohtical idea in mind and nothing thse bas made him try Io put it serons. Tb4 s acmse wiie ha vould b. "damned» by the Tribune 'IL be tW md "damned If ho d"V't lu this c4e HE DID and thil>uu. damned, hlm vkkmWy alnd althet ime s npsetti±ig Re- puliIcan poicias vth tht ane, tbought in minda i lecting a Donio- cri1*1 gaoeer uad a De».ocýatc n Mr in Cblcapgoat the next oip4n ~Zowv.rth, Tribune caunot fôcil tht people aul thetlime ~ au k as issa taa point vie. the dochartions maie by tht TU baion xpoticeam hin. téke red rage waved be- ' talleOb oye. Mofte *ougMul citl*OSL' Àftiuaqahe Trbuneif NOW la NbT tht proper im, for Gý $0 S11 iteurt«a ailmraam uçh as ha bms beec vork- tng bàfor a ln isi tel, WIIE would TUIV sume st that b. do it îitord4at th* ot ten the Tkgbne could do e Is ioi sont deta desire to attràot intmeset sudypwer to hbinue it îeceuldn't do It WOR2 Ibc su of ofice~, ha caul't do it lIst at »beauso dfeTri une 4 »undae ab.d hlm led up uion r -sud nov that bcs »OES Muat NOW. the Trlihunethinks'hhmbs Uteior motives. Irtis. aabe iwteotng tbxng ta ibote the proteste apinst the prpaed esi orIwfrwommeuthat art coming ta repreu- -0ha in s mmd. &otite districts. Accordng to tht e rosoaitatvo des lq.otesta are oonAng frouathe wçm n sarut doxq the cta work vberss tht promot ion ofthe bIHl nquettion inaéta lis efrotu Obot wbo re tt otactueily worklng but froN26idl.Me vOmoiWho dolmot en do their hbouework ind who are trylng ta "'bette tht ooedmrof " ithe vomen 'Who vork. The latter, m"ay o4 *hm edo po wérk liait fill net b. satisfled hy being rastrict a egfit lianes P p ë"da w.p te eau make that much mort maney by work. Mug ina- or tan hour sas the preent law aiows. ,la other words j, ttaey aossum the position that there shouid ha n tate lavwbi'îch Sprevents their selihsgtheir ability ta vork on an equai husts vth mu.1'by pa9t ot that a mn s ea work as msy houri as -he ï Wlii01 ad yît toma places would bave a liv ta tell thetn hat thoy comott work o0fy a Iesrtaun xmber of .bouts.. They are argu g 1hat voin are *%kÎng for çqual rights as men and therefore they desira ta vorlt par dey. judglng fr-oth vhat can beh td ovor tht protesascinu 1t htlgielators this buii. golug ta have bard ledding lu, Bprlugflald because of its radical issue of making lt a penltyforanybàd ia .aIw a wo.ntI;tyQrk. as =*nQoiX"Fs id the vomen Whoart adv=ctng this law have seau ta it that the la* ia ots not affect domestic servants bacause if It, did that would interfère wi thir oyn social lii e and therefore thty woul4 mot advocate a change of that sort. The working women arguq thatif h l nae to apply to them that it should-a1so ha mad to apply ta &thame workting ln housaholdswheri the proposeras-of this law started it on its way towards Springfield. ýFreeLecture First Church of Christ,, Sciera jat, of Highland Park, Illinois 4mnounces A Lecture On Chietian, Science BY Dr. Walton HubbarI C, S. B. of Los-Angeles, Coronia Memberof The Board of Lecture ship of the Mthr Churcb. 'nie ist Cchàor Christ, slentlt, lu Butai. Mass Ikidy Eve., Mar. 2, at 8 P.;M. inuthe Cliulmh1Ediroc Ott* 1a*alhm iee ts* e toui1»to 0saf 'W e puce .ud.ý ON' 9 cutlts eleulmet ares f te ilste muh on thet ^, utl2ar1ýia. It 5À11"4 rprted dyth9 o ntema 2 Mayor Wlesb bua haxt trouble willa a rnunber et thaee mn nhaore. sud varlaed tbin ts iti tty wouîd et a **R-lmd "tript'0 Wankegan" Il tuer didntý 'Âne'is e - -hbi,."x vas aieeatt by tle.rob- as, i v.*~ cn taae= speetalle pbe cf Riajh*omand Por fro» beap Vntý csins tamse it trigh wt 0 DOit~ *O ail itopor7 Mayor Wel*aluld. Bàprne-..gd h is raie_______ to &M n' ibeS *mII.cal iaicourts bon.Mrt U S ezug ia 0ug a vtth o LiWwý CAUSES Tht 5ulqwbq pjair r*Ipssaltm b=.d %g*nçqWs ~~Ili Patmiersaa urgd taqPppose cos> JonTa. Wajtt oo W4 ttain liter leslation noW Vberons lhe JonArùm, rack De mm.ruo. k ni>eieatuM~ la a circulai hlian~lo4s -Cous, AmUfltA- l vm I dolb manubetelrs'asooiatü n- ii nd Sud & .URobOin. , nt ody.Tht eWcArrar partie. Thay i WMbe givepa aheaumne St ularl7 teta h. easu0re 4whlcb vouai a date neotset ystl. P»XW, Ip iglit boul dey for omeup e ~and! bills deslgned to lucrease vage hy estabuihlgainliSani mratte:,Il fISF LL W ti ganlaed labar. thetiua éd. - "Tb,.t labar bills do ne ot he vorkmen ln the cities so- mudý as LONG iILLNESS they de tefanmera, for the Ciy wQorkMen meet the lncreased cnet al tjauçihter of One of Men in ivi nguby dernandng increased wages. Charve of "600"1; Ageci_8&~ Mns. Harriat MI"' 1Baker Obs one of tht oldet tt iter. a!tht uorth short, maotter o aiSpotvisor W. J. Obit o! Bigh4lad Park, 4ltd SatnLrday MOrnlng at tht agi of 84, atten a 11h. Dtath came ta ber et the hon. à! bier on Frtderick 0. ahi., t Higli- Mr%. Oble vas bora lu Bemrt.d., near Baidolone, Klent, sa.Doc. U. 1838,. 4d vlt ber huibhitd the lare William G. Obl 4fvObi- rau, came t Ita melc l 18,2't'- ling lu Hlghlaad ýpa.k htrteh* ep6tt niet of ber lit4 She vus thtdaugnte, af John Georte Baire. sergeent-=najr of tht fainu lght dragboas t liit de tht gallant chuars. aI lais Mr&. <liitwva apuomieaties- IRigblmd Park. vhere thet fuerai. services vlll b. huai au soon as tht arrngements ane oempièea& STht aiothen er aim&ne dldea,%ho la »=,VlVed by six-WIam J. Owit.r aiguaadPark. Mes. Edvard a. Qlrk 0£ Waahlngtan.M es. mm Woum lW. lAcat ofos AnAelt es. m uant I. Obe lat ihibwood andi John G. Obie oS Detroit. Tnte gnanuldUesn d tbrte gneatgreudQmlren.aieasurvive 15 QUELLEDBUY Seven ialied Sunday Ater- moon Afler Resising Local Athorities, Charge. 'tliotlng ln Hlgliwood and deliauce of the local suthanitles laie hlunday attrripan called out Sheriff AhIstrom aud hîgli depeaiy, T. J14 Stahl, vha ar reeted even- men afier a baffle wnth the affinera. The, men srrested ere slleged ta bayejatlaret. 'the street54 bloçki,- ans tàeide stré&si, -ilhet6g -chars ed that, tley wert dauuk snd disord- erly ani that they uaed profane and obsceat langugge. fi is cbarged the men defitd arreet vlien MarahalGibbs attempted ta Ïffliue Oive o! Ilism stier havIng tocked tva ila the village jali. MAYOR SENOS .AIOT CALL. Mayor Thomas E. Welah sent a riot cali ta llhenill, Ahletran about 4:90 o'clock-ahd t a.fficer withbils de- puty ruelied ta the scentsud tound a large number af men had apparent ly taken possesian o! thetolav.. El- baviug their vsy thraugh the crovd the officere atter a brisk tucoier vih streral of the m, sn vhom atiemptde ta strike tht of. ficene arreatd fve and gai thetwtv alliera tram tht village jail, briugIng then to-.Waukegan vhere ibey vert iocked ln tht. caunty bastile. Tht seven men art: Josephi McCaxthy. George Ropp. Jacob Summens. Walter Bloaniquisi. James O'Ntil. Alberti Duudy. John ArtIat. ,~ utt ehv Tht outbntak,leAlf ehv stanled Ovep-*tbe actthat Constable C. A- Bune. and hie ralding arew con of tht office of Ststs Attorney A. V. Smith ou Sat-urd4y nigit svoop- ed do" upan tlghyood sud arested elghi n'en on charges 0f gambling. they vert ýkrauglt ta Waukegau and released on boud. Thnee o! tht men arrested on the gambling c4),rge vprs avnong thote taten tht followlnt et. ternoon toorthteiloed dlsuiutemot. GANG DEPICO MJ)Tl4OIT" Mayor Wtlshbaiblhis heuda !f ln i efforts ta litp Rhfl bel oed 'MD af tt havieu . tienient. it cIsinid 1h5aven w»t~ h vhéq71 u~ efforts af Profmotor Su*th to M" up the isom Wood. there IA*1111su abgtdt. of u11Ycarfflrs lAi UCWnflUU *.OUan hour after Junt . Bribklayers are nov recelvlag $1.60 au roun ln Indus- trial centtns. Ask Êsrmers to Oppot. bill&. -"But tht tarmer la flot an tight hour man. Zlon a $1.50 an hour min. He hian ta vork tsniy aud late. A twelve bohm day on a eitetu hou.- day l te unusual ullita m. Ir h.? Hurle i4to Cmk on mitwalfr kes Av64-south of Amree Sund4ay Wight. Thffemmnbad & mlrauaoM t- nlght on Muaueatvei. aut e G0=00. vief thirAutomobtlle lunckh &#aststiy skldded into the tOMOitt abu*leU t a brldge, ttunt4a a0na1 sam*ult,"sd lad eot- Thet accdent oacurrtnet aI tht bridte near the Canpbeil t=a The, front Md af tht truok' vss briled h mud. aad boy tht mon u.#àpm4 vth theïr linte leamlolU*CTht Mn" o! the mtw ver4 t et urned. Ther, rturd te the- ior tith accidenttant, Iy qUy rta osant th* -Thetrtuck vie 1'esdd sath aMd vheu t Staeteti sipping' s il d.- aoended the h% the driver vsa usable-a ktty f<t Uo m ab tu the brIdge abutimont. Tht drivai vas slightly injured. $50OO,OOO DEED IS 11R IR Prohabiy the ll*p.t martgag,- eyen flled In'lake Coutity Ywaa ueo"l M litre todiay vien Arnour & cm,' (oy 13t laware) .rrêd - $50,000-000) deed of truAt n, (a,,ro the Continental & Commrrial Trie' & Savinçrp Banik or (Chtago.'lh.. Chase Nptional unk t o!the E!tv Ne, York, ami WlIIvIm P KOpi truet-e. Tht deed lx for the rur.- pose otr mailu $5)0000 flOas $5o,j 000,000 as 31. Ogdeu Armour rprf.ntl', declded that he vas rarrying tooa Oniy bildta jerk tu lheurs lie vouid tOSiLu cousider thai lit belonged te ýhe leis- paClilng coaceru. ýwe, Cians. - lan't It about lime tht tht fam- OBITUARY ens OfT illlel tld hem representa tinta lu tht IlinglBs aite legllature BLUMC. YOUNG ho, ihese tiglit heur sud ailier labor Elintr Ç. Young vw» bonn Sept. bilî-there viii be a raft of then ber Z8, 1867, at Cumbtrland. 01 beàare tht session closs-affect With hie parents ht.moved te W, tliem? Meuibers eitt he lsiatune laçiOn, lova. There b. <ne, ta zn are sensible mien. A gaod tnany o!f ud ndOuNoveaaler 10, 1876.. 1 thent are or have beau tarmers. The United lu alarriage vhth Miss DoraI fanera nepresentaiImportant pur.- izeHtidemanhi. Teo is union wi chauma elemeat ln Illinois. Wbhy bora titra, sans and twa dau<hter ahOuld * they havt te psy more for D.A. Young, Mrs. Wnsnk Apiuy, M. the " tbY cnsum, s orgnitYouag, Mns. <Dr.) E. A. crans, ail tht lbods=-they osixue aorai- lhetrtY'vlile; and Dr. C. W. Young, .4 lbor e.n ut saaeting v la Iâk e ust, These, yltb tht maOt -~ tiret bnotbtrns-W. E. Young, or ( case; U. U .Young, o! ah1 >wviigulovXand C. R. Young, af Oukis Cali.; one aiter, lire. MarlounB% dere. Goldendat, Wash.; thitenu ÂSJ R RMdaughters sud tva grandadus, surv FRMARILLRMr. Young camete tatvil lugion lov ,ansd on February i1, il T1he Sberifrffigeliere tod va s wutrnSherred te the Firsi Metho( celved noie aYi the desetilon of Pni- chuncli a! Llbertl>le. At that t] Vate Daniel M, Haste, of MOUn. fron tht Ban. J. B. Robinson vas pastoi Fart, BenJaism a H son. txid.. and Mn. Young bail aé( heen lu eý elrorts are belug mAcle ta loaitfe hm htalth fer "sonthuei. Tva vi, lu Laite'coîîniy. aga liefell areeluylilkReadiv Hanon haslietu miaing senre Feli Iagolie (tiI serioualy I11, snd on 8 1. Ht vas a Memaber of Battry C.. day attennoon at 1:30, with aIl Third Pld ArtIlleny, and .enlisted tsmiiy about hlm, lie paaaed awiay i% tramn Camp Grant. out a atruggle., Privai. Itaron's faihle aos- In. Young vas a madeat, unasei car Hanon, resilng ai ?023 Gabril Ing man, unselfieli, vth s deep aiý Ave., Zlio. H was an electi-ician by tiafl tan hie home aud tamil>'. Ht tràde.partmoularly, tond o! hie littît ga Hrae. l e ie ebigfv etclijîdren. Hie home vas hie pride. Hpsu cnbd se hs ill.bng be, ntloved fnovera. Many- bulbe ot sudseva tchs til lavig bu'plantmug only avait the eprtng tyea and brawn hair; and being thir bunat forth Iniohbeauuy. BmhopQUa complexianed, lies ssid of John Burraughsa, (de g. A $50 reWard i,3 offprpd for the naturaiiet, tht "Ht knew the FarÊ çapture Of Prisate Hanon. Ibuat hie neyer tound tht Gardener." -Irald-t ta»-b&e O UtMgr. YToper --mUw .utvte gardqa. butat Ae à. A A --t% A found tht Gèrdener, sud that in ~5 UT £Jd?~,rVlC'Os baur af hie exiremity tht Garde % fouud kW mand teck hlm te the Pi dise or'God. PIRST PRESiBYTERIAN With hie paasing tht bereaved fi Tht Sunday Sohool ai 9:45 bide you IIY latta s kiud huabandansd ft ta study gud service. A tint group of sud brother, sud tht commutait>' a g, teachers t9r evtry dtpartmeni. W. G. man. Wells, SaPi. - j. The fUnerai services vert ixkel At lte 11I Wlock hour of varahip hie lits resideuce ou Maple avenue tht pastor'e aubJect viii be "The Lost 2:50 Tusday afiernoon. Tht cas Sheep." as complettly burià itd vf>centu At 7:80 P. m. tht sermon -wll be tl<tweis. Rt',. (Charles J. Dockty,1 about "Our Hope.,, itan of tht Fini Methodiat Epîsci Gond musicansd a heariy velcame. cliurch, a! ficiated, sud Jackt Bradtc lins. B. IU Saint. onaganat. choir leader ai the salue churclisa Frayer meeing Wednesday eveulugi "Rock or Agen," sud I"Beautitul at 7: 36. I of 80mev-lire." Tht Interment i inl Lakeolde cemettry. PIEMT METHODIST EMSCOPÂL -o Chares J.-Dlckey, Pastor. Pliant 112-J BARBARA LAMMEItING Jack Bnadtond, Choir Direotan. neBaarCroflLmm liraye.L el N.1MarI, Ds. A. vasI boni Peb. 15, 1854, 1. Chlcago - i~udy Ohaoi a 10S..,D. passetd tram thua lite Feli. 21 19023, lioalu woshi aIil ~cock. Tcolc the sgt Of 69 years sud 6% days, af '"tht hunoio! s W oagCndoccet aniliesa O ntenontlia dunstian. Belg.h inl mnlu te es Mn.. LAmiueaing vas s vaman oni «'btSen Churches." mur'le by stingi Christian charactet, a fc the ChoIt. fliahen, sud vas loved bhi atlib BPu-Orth Leagut Deotionalsices and friands. 8h. vws bornisud e at 6:30 p. in. Tepic, "Wlisîjeans cttd lu Ohctgo sudlilved practici 'PIMght About Polk. Mise Caroine ait aoflier litfslu that ciii. Tv. Buttei'i'id, laader. -iieana ago ah. aaovtd te Liadtlyv -Efenlng vorehlp at 7:80 aclock. sud iocattd lu thtelhome vltrei Tepic, "Tains." Special music. A utti.ed ltbe iY b h choire, nets by Misesee u litvasluanet teJohn H. IL UV*,ansd RubY Wiliams. .mtriug June 16, 1874. - $he itaves YOU are cordisih>' lnmited te we:on. Ouru their Ionsa ler husbauti,f si villi us. 'daughttro--Mro. Rase Bsumsuan. f- Tht Ladies' Ald meets Tutaiday af t. Plainie- Mn' Stla Becker, of C erabaon ai lb, borne o! Mses ila pý%. cs.o; * 4ins. Carile Kranig sud Y kur on Paort Place at .1:30o. Gertrude )Kunke o! Lihertyvllît; N Prayan mettig Weduexdtv gvenlng Luchle Mralrity, of Chicago. One a11 8.,T h e u a o n h e t a - H a rd y L a v nm e n r g . o ! L ib e tn l yv lle , à Of Pr"Ofi a'âad ftn ryo rd$gter-in-iav, Mus. Thaeeft-Li % etg U mesuget a .uenlng, ar ChiaS.>. Ah, oialyOIe prm«t Mn. Heninsu Walter, of Raai- -P wOmee Mlisny Sciti d an. v eua t ell ehtotigh la posst th lle b,.e cflis. 0. à. 1Eatoi. t«4te.tnà etteon et 11.M', lht4 - eshln, l ni ir m4ee tor rtbeim1 aittrel, vh telu bi1 -IONOT -#AD Li-ertyille Aulto Repair Cak4u L rMad .P ARE"U'SH ORT OnKitchen -Itenîdo DO TOI> keep the fob waîting at mopi aime bocauseymn -are short on pais or, kettks or o" ekitchia npis YOU CAWrT make a few pans answat amym --àeau al get a quick meal.- Yodre foolish ta try àt wfen hittt utensils are now ta be had at mch reasonble pces. Our Stock of Kitchen Utensils is complete. W. have smny littie time nd maney saviug devices on w"ic housewrives chita may step and ten4>tr. 4 Mka ligt of what you'd likejo have-the briwgit in and * let us suprise yau iwith our pnices and quâlty. J WE DEAL IN HARWARE THAT STAMH AR WAIE iSchanck Hardware Co. Telepioso 39 LBRM Mr. Ailvertisar, tht LIBERTYVILL NEPENDUff is b Y Mm people and covemor oot tSitory ta otm Yor pope n the C.uoy. A NEW YIEAR RIESOL UTION Iara gomng ta grow foika- tlaat's my remolution. And every day l'Il change a lit- tle-get new ways snd new features. My baby days are few $in mnber. If youê woulli always keep me as I1 . am-if you would hold vivid s mçm1onies of my babyho)od, aend for the photographer who, knows just how te make 'beautiful portraits of babies like me. Phoue 258-R2 or Lovefl Drug Co. Today (or an Appomnimant Portraits il yonr home by new and original methods. t' Why Do You Do It? You buy an Automobile or a Viârolaa nd puy a lot of money for the pleasure you get out of ti-it., You wilI let your wife do -the. hardest part af her houselaold duties, Waalha mi Irp- ing tht Famuyly auudry, sud thik it is aai' Why not catasider BIER and send thte liily wash ta THE RELIBLE LAUNDRT for the lit- de it wld cast you? Wewleldo i »AP WASH, ROUGH DRY or FINf HED CMLr as suits you bes. - Have Yon Ever Thouglat 0f h lu This Way? Thé ileliable Lalndry Laiunderers, Dry Cleaners & Dyeis U.bertyville 67-R 1- '1 i net f GA Samp Mark R"c La Date Date Raysi No..i No. 1 Fenai Ibasau bespi thaîr LP=IOý

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