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Libertyville Independent, 1 Mar 1923, p. 7

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UBMrvJY VILE ) OUNDNt THUtMSAY. MARCH 1, 1923. -? h ~ ofum»Wewoe u-si&nttro pont week. but at ii writlng are on j~uin ~ ~~of Mrs, NiipIethorpe'is parents, Rev. boe paeuetiol Ur. and Mms. Jo. Pester. K J the road ta rewoyw. Uj~l3JA JI adMsS .Pfok -r.Wl eudo eundTn A. G. Maether was a city visiter east Miss Mahie Van Deusen la 111 with T¶!1Iweek froen the boSPltal, mucb imwroy- nA rr Frlday; alffl Monday. i lApi, 1 ApCE scarlet ie-ier and the home ts under bif 7ý ELE TOI ed héaltb, 'W H L RAFFLE Mr. and Mm. Fread Priens spent lant A f A IE quarantine. Ms otrsetBda ihbrSunday ln Chtcago visiting with rl-Dr. Lutierman was a Chicago pas- liIGI ST COURT son, ai m anl t ubr NBf AD Mr. and Mr& . JP. Ritzenthaler spent AT NAVAL S A INen kdbe pkcm.c Mrs Carso wsver pleasat1y tiue- aSnd flh r.en a. dMs et itteps ek ot rwi»t prised wlien a nualber of ber fniends - roltje sit Wbeeling. Mrs. Houle le I litt çiast week Court to Revlew Evi- canle in't helq celebrate ber bIrthday Two Barrlngton Men ArreSted agamn. idraWfswsetr Recommendation Made to, Mis~s zeVan Aistine of' Wauke- 1 you about or64 n in, Chiannel Lake ontTNl547seig Charges of Operating Mie.nee elswsetr a Denbye tht Ths wreek at the home 7 Frt~ R a 75«I Zellier entertained a case olOl ainaitby Marion Heracbberger at dbn- Secy. eb tat Tis of Mr. and Mrs. J. W~. Van Dense..7 FrM tgp d Ro adt Case. quins»y the puit week, but ,, liproV- Gambling.Den. i Mend y r n erewr Action Be Taken. 1Charlesi the littie son of Mr li Estate Serial QoEJt C=tUtekttle Sixx. ,waCiagbgs h1dri titee acress ond Gergand l Mrs. HoRs'e ter who hias been 11with Bonds and seid- yqu crt a rt oree cjedtorr vWt. Te. Esini as ais ChiaPt Bies Swooping down ilpon CiaoLiberty-ville onbusiness Saturday. , Sxhnrdife aesolndpneumnonia, ta much better. îf~ra vit ! cruoorlvlstot astPnlay:als Cat. rad Highlands, Uxd~ergheriff Stahi and Perey Maetberdla homne from Lake lYiBg west of the Northwestcrntrail- Mrand Mrs. Chas. Kelly enteitaitied "P ,ornetnn ~W. hpll~, ~~ RAl« o f ALllendale Irarm. Aiede deputies Harr-y Ahlstionii and V'alte Villa--sick lu b.d. road et the Great Laktes Naval tan- Mr. and ',rs. Goggin of Waukegan I-ast Ma zheoE rPfs Gennon, ta revlev the Mr. aud Mrs. Peters of AlnaeStark, out of Sherlif Ahlst; oni' o!l Mrs, 1rm Krueger Mapent fort 0f* n saiodi. . F u nv d una. 0 apelatecout fr te int the vol. kesad ln the clty. fice. arrested two Barrington rOi-n <iii Tast week witb ber daugbter, Mrs. 1)-uttLieni during ' , ar as the Io- Miss Bernice Forbrlck visited ln 1 Mortgage Bd Bu ye aela rmn cu th Caiss McClure of Gurnee la moi- charges of oIpcratJng a wvil o, for Harry Masan. <.iiton foi additinal navy camps Wankegan a few days the fore Oart free for six months. JO~ IUtn and getlng thînes In readiness for tune and conductlng a raffle. iWilliam Meyer was In Chicago on 1n2J1 hle týýiîîd . iii t, lie original of-lasi. week at tie home of her aunt, 0lc dtsse d fici or t f thte opontangof the bakery soon. 1 The men ariegtei are, FIivi business Tast Wednesday. owners froln whom It was commani. Mrs. (Clas Mffluire. the bill of Phelps and otbers W anoce ametn ofb Brandt and el-ne ilobein. Soo our'lck folks arouod ber.eerdb h nt- tts Buitielte Johnson o! Chicago visIted fo a njncin esnnîgBuoy Bees Tant week. but It wa% pont- The officers seizpd a phloîiozîaph 'are gettlng ul-5eby one. At least thia la the recommenda a thi- homne of bis grandparents, Mr. fa n'JntO etllgponed 0 naccounit of of Mrs. Faich's a large number of dolîs, a quantity j Milton Maetber ban beeu sick: Off tien that has been made ta serre- anl Mis. N. Baker.WG L I!IR O O. Wich an Ifmm Wbn1 funerlI on that day. The next meeting of alumInum, keities, roasters, andI and on for tbree weeko. but bis tem- tary of the Navy Denby hy Hear Quarantine on the Ernest Brook 158IaelSCeMoo ake i n t e t pm fav tio h O1 h Ivil b me n ous n een g t candies. the total amourît o i priî'es * pera ure in normal again, go e bope Admira l Rodman, bead ef a board o f home as lifted Tluesday an dI Bily la'I Ou s t e lue lb i Of thecb. burh baee onWnesdy li ciin W seized valued at more than 11,00Itiit le over. ;it0u3e2nvloicrawohv gano ltstet.ass bs refetred to a l elo!ted w7b hve aofrt tanl dîne ad oon. We ita nue the cu~stody et the glheri LaVerne Glirman in on the sick lift. Into ch. situation ln great Mrs. H. A. ladtke entertained a et tretà c t at O nbas &eof vii taveo g cmeaers 10 îletaei ottte When the offi-ers arrived at ihe Mrs. Fann Han attended Isatsun sinc thend Misse ofnitt thaeer fro 4eot1b f nubro ok *.scoeadeiy the plan- they fourni a large cod thr a tPltn h uliof ber ld-Rne tecoeo h a Honey Cneek last Monday. ~ ?* .cl~n ! hesulremle ner and the vos-k vith us. Ail are placay anrw tei ua tFltie ~ ~ - d the dismantling of the tempor-, Mr. andI Mrs. S. E. Pollock expert ta 38 Y5Sof Il5'ihei5 B ng a4r..ng t0 review tb. ae, veicome. -as the raLJe had beeji exte.îsîvmîy ail-. est son. Alfred Hans, who accidentaJ y nv ap hr a euae-mv hi oshl the aplWI&Uat Surt means Mn. and Mm-. Cari, Milter and Clan- vertiged, Il le charg-tI The place 1,, killed by a Nortbvestern train Tast os-yio n capkteren ba n se-mv hi osodf iuebc 1tgbffl court In the state ence drove ta Racine Saturday andI located about iNwu andI a hall mîlpi Tbunsday. Her daughter. Mm. AL G. ltin u Wakg nd Latte to Antioch the fIrst o! March. lev.______ CoEImtY » ta wiat the goverument Pollock was formerly pester o! the - o th ~e matter. remalned until Monday vlsltlng wjfj1 Westt o! Barrington, just north i-. the Maether. Mn. Maetber andI Percy ae- vFOui do wlta the Uand vblcfl noim eostcrhhreaItermny1 asbd bis vile are wlbe en- is brother andI famiiy. Cook couoty uine. companled ber. isMpee.'reodst vihr b e ad t elom mN OR I R II snmler resoet owoens or. nLRs a ottoiteci The two meni we.e ariaCîîeî be W. J. Seuetand son Victor calletI et l extpeed tbatnd tiei nav de-d tawlcm t OR HPR II ligke becaute o! the manner Test vlefk sud Mn.ý LaRose returned fore Justice liarry flo>t and gave tbe Wm. Stanfliff fanm SuIdOay. PertnIent vill accept tie recommend Dr. Lulerman le! t Saturday nîgîtSCJ L IT IS tisey operate th4elr dancý borne wit h hlm. bond of $700 each pending their heai- Mrs. Matt Wagner of Grayelake vin- atlons of the naî-y board sud lilloiv on a business o! two weeks i niova. CLIE Buelghhors complalned Mr. and Mm-. Pischer, TT. Tbayer andI iiig, whicý ilas el' for Marri . bled tie A. G. Maether famiiy lest the ovuero t0 gel back their tan. Mr. and IMrs. LeslIe Crandall andI___ dsidn# o! dances untîl an Mrs. Sciacen spent a couple of da"s __________ - hrsdaH. Mis Edith Densmoe sud Ricmon fl thej mornino- causer.Tlant w.eek vîti relatives ai Fores! t Mr. and Mos. Frank Tuliey andI tam- * - ra y. BeMimsse 0 iimn Scoli Dise adMie Ibt he reilpîvd hPark. X- Ily sout Saturday evenling wiii Mrs. * *** **** Mn. and Mra. Ray Willelt. who have ail Scott Wednsy al Mrs. W-. tht dniy lr, fiepjazz o- Mrs. Arthur Thayer o! Antioci w:ent H A LF D AY >~C. T. Masan and family. eiîao*ANTIOCH- ensedn h aiiomuuI aslve Capdnelis s iemeisa am~led o! but i Ila paint- Siiîay at E Thayer's, andI Monday JutIge Thomas J. PetIen ufChcgoC Foida penned the ant week mors B av Cmlasfo the, mails, Wl ii.arrivai and (Ihpartur- vent to Chicago to see Mm. Thayer a w as ber. Tuesday looking &fter bis ~ ~ Mn. and Mrs. H-enry Watts o! Granssr ouke ! akg5 and motorists causp et ahe h> ospit (To Late for Las.t Week) farming InteneBts, Lake vas qûite 111 Tant -week.adMsFulnro nkga ~ebilcno!Ih-r a Walter Douglas came home from col Mn. andI Mm. Mac Masoti moved i - -0 Born, to Mr. and Mi-i. Cîarîey Tif- M'.Seedadfmi oe i spent. Sunday wîi the Crav!ordt Z4vkrds b lt., hir- 1i. - leea uk oetht a case of tie tu thei newiy furnished fiat ai Prairie -- CHURCH NEWS fa-ny, Thuraday o! Tast week a fine fnlof the week fnom lie Pollock aiy grippe Tast Frlday. sa ha la iavlng an View Saturday, fhe 17th. The Test quarterly ronienence for, baby daughter. bouse nanti of tovu int the Rosin Evelyn Scott visited schoel Weld- - ulilýt- The acarlet lever quarantine bas bosnngd vn, nesday. Teaplielît.- cuts- I nvoiuntany vacation. W H. Meyer and daugiter, Mise this churci yeur wili be hell Saturday been exteneded tu another sbrdluee bouseon Id vne The young folks pariy heltI at cu! Mn. andI Mm. J. G. Poulton o! Round Lydia. visîted Chicago un business lest evening. Mardi ZutI Tht District Sup enxtddfoaohrwekui MinWli asbnqie11tetecue atStrayeeig Wi d " f.O tii- tii',i-ui tUs! etBndywthM.an r. rdy eitdt wilI preari tht sermon beneanetoraohrve outil le bs'enqieli i'ttnînhlatSina vn -Maie onSe 1 theî- matter. Oscar Douglas. The perty st Evelyn Petersous lest 7:30 andI tien preside at tht confer-Lkspn udyvt n u n ndy neeiS Saturday, Marc i 3. af 1 0'cleock nooii. patewk as a derîded surrr-ss. A mos! en- IFlorence Boehmn o! Cicago lu vieil- Saiurday vas wel attended andI a ence vu-n ail fie annuel reporta will leMr Moe tre yi ili vîti scer- Mtth Charples TfGanysain e. nursln oabt lie vsha y i 9*~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~hm of Wm * **igfr tleCanerfayhm.veette igfra fev days wlth ber moîher. good time vas repos-tedl. Bunco was be heard. Tht Supreintendent wiîî aîso le ee ttthm fWn try Mn. andI Mrs. Fred Wilett andI thein Mrs. MElvIlle andI family visited at LAKEVILLA * Tbe E. E. Lehinan andI Pearock len- played, as veil as ail the usuel amuse- preaci tie communion sermon at tic Allbent Herman la sirk viti acanlût tsu gîter netunned borne fnom Floridan W. ScolIes Sunday. VILA De. vert out aven the, week nd. mente. Sudymrigsric ti cok fer andth le home la under quai su- vitre they spent tie colden menthe. WeaeevlgsuanIocaa Weae0rywrpottedaio Ail membene andI fniends are cordlallY :Miss McLinn visited in Ciccgo tiche_______ school. trO8ITUARY Mrs. Elizabeth Ketchion. moUser of irivited ta attend tiese meetings. Oen 08 ubecns u *IlOerh h balonr foromn Mary Helen Painh vas boro ini Ger- Mrs. Besgie Cruiahank. o! the Oak- Tht LýadIes Aid vIll holaI tht anonu- psvekdnuli arlo h n h oavair ir esei W~r.bebs ee orligMauyfoebr2.17> nIwsmr vomi Parrns. Mm-. i<ttcblon iived on aI meeting at the home of Misa Cona fortvctohuacuto teci-(HÂ fE J~ A Dree childnen perfect iu attendan.. b"be ntn h s ied ln Benjamin George ialci et Hull, the Tovn Uàne road. Pern:clous aue- Hodgkius Tbureday effennoon. Marchdi e MissOE Lar tikt.vibishenI'--R oni hy eeGoreC Iova. Marci 13, 1889. Sic dicd ef the mie vas the Caisse o! deeti. Inter- Sti. Ail menabera are urgea f0 be Mis eur s Stcls -h l-aia3sa r&u v Test meutit ate K el Cravfor u <i>JM Loadai Mr en Victory Memonlal hospitel. Wauktgen. meut vas matIe et Lake F'orest cerne- preseut. Viaitora are aie condlally pr>d51g mouti laanl is- IL t ii ' 'sd Mn. . B. Griffen. adl fi Fon ebruary 111h, et 10 o'ciock a mi.. -a tery. Our sympatby lis vlt t.he -invited. Dproving.MIL thek John the age ot 52 years. 3 months. She reaved farnily andI relatives lu sbJ Silnday Scheol nexf Suudey ais us- a Mr.ClutI uleH-itehm r n r.Bro emt ia -bail lived lu Lakte couiity for the peet tIl ono ose. Itm-h 'lc. iIyuh ir'o Mns. DrubacIlla Ferrie, f"-- arnllY s'lsited àt tie Grant BenuetK - thf ero orw ltm-1 'lc. ilyub hrl ae taewsi repldence Sunday aflennoffl. T1mqr, ) vb os perate ln yer Christ Voss la reoorted as goiug Wt ruaeiinl nrantoa Jaurns tar a l caols Mre. Olga Bette, o! Highland 1Park, Edîfon RAndahi Crawlant hoptal er hushband. one sou aud f vo daugi- quit bie job o! farm vork et H. H. unstîfisis vay of living. b iusa ase flietI suit ton divorce froni War- )1t W" dnd a sdo- lem motler antI two braillera ourviv--, Schroees ieh he bas beid for a The onîy way ta haie a friend le f0 Mns. Juilus Belfer ls stili quite ren Bette cbanging ibm vîti desent- e OUd be expected. Mr a mous-n Use loem O! a faitful andI l0v- number o! yeana. sud vill move to Ci- be one. poorly et ber home souti o! fovis. lug ber aud fhies tirees mail chul-i o s&m ber Tbazssday. Ing vite, amd devoted tmber. Sic bas cage, taklng effect Merci lt. 'What ve ove oun cidren fie cburei Ms-s. George Kubaupt illed lu Ci- dren. ugPesn TedaSpWi à0t0hell Of Cicago is- beau, a patient suffenen tornsome tute, Tht debate "Can tht Law be En- heips un psy.caeMnyad ura ath AohrHilndPkcsewi hem t01tepra» ute 407 0 haut ve.k viti ber bat vouid flot gi've lu outil aile becanit fored." betveeu Mn Petensesi antId home of ber daugite-, Mnm. Ray neached fie circuit court foday vas e8atI o! Ztlvard Noie, of Lakte Joe- Ilf. »d lmn. James Kerr lau lit thaï an operation atemed fie M.nf. Little, wiicb vas held et Town****** Thomiason. fiat o! John Poslng anI Emit ýSpati est anth ae lubhittaae tax vas *xe& ýeX VOulIi8as han beeu contîned ouly hope aud fiat e vtry taint ont. -Hall Tant Saturday eveniug Was vtry Mr*n r.Acl altop on uiese oIg n peb tLhetr gaeW by magues the vent tva 1 Si. vas a member o! the R. N. A. Interesfisig antI "real true f0 nature." M IL LB U RN an sd son moto-etaf Palatine Tast veek wio are sulng Martin Rlugdahi on a apPraised et 861,814, vbic e« lob bo4gngbtars, Mm. AlbertI Camp bere for mauY yeara. They proved f0 h. very capable andI****** Sunday sud ePent fie day et aie home mechanice lien. bie v1do« sud, cbfdrn. -Ii ) .DI)glas. o! Tic faner-ai vas heltI af fie church forceflul speakers and brougbf out -bea aing ton ber, ber. Wednday atternoon, fhe Rev. a ore good points ta be consldered. Mise Bertfha White nef onned ta tie aud ildren Mi. Kt-an o!gficialing. Miss GOldy andI Ont' o! tie main questions vici le bl- city Frlday for a few desys. I Mia. Garland sang. Interment took fore os bs simplv tils. "Put good men m plac tiee in Angola cu mfsry by te side in Office antI tien back ftèm op wit Ms-. sud Mma Egoif entertained of bier daugirer Llliban. vin pas-.& ti voun support aud sentiment." vilei Company front. Elrnhunst Sunday. st esel yeare ago. Sic vas of, will he e big step levanda enfancins- Mn. antI Mns. W. S. Denman spent ___ sun e beaulift cianacher that abcthle leva. Go ta fie prima-ries as vehi Sundey viti Philo Ames o! Waukegac. tasves many fnielda via exteud thelr Ias the elletions. Rev. Stephen C. rooke wil leave thte eympfby e-Testf o! Mss-ci for Calidonia, Ili., instead -fo--.-i, is I THE CHURCH ON THE HILL HALF DAY OCHOOL NEW& !CldoiWs IA mk.n, by atteuding chunnit. trai-s William Miller, Editor. Mn. sud Mrs. Har-old Dixon and -lbh hlm is famliy and lus tnietids: The following prograni vas givcul et children of Richmond. i.vite - vs evcouag 0t thiiet duitig tie Town Hall unden t aoi pirea3 ut sevenal days wilh ber slater, Mra. Cari =lun itciiwr.at a a a~ .,0At :1U Ilaret-Teariers' Assoritli.on, on Bruckner. Il. isi whc o I a lu-hi l, fepi Ff-bru.iy 2 h h teah-ianIU Mria Henry PeMrssoi o! Lake Villa, tha. e i.sdoe isduty -; i i-- pis oý It ar:o u chooli IlandI Mies El-non lefe-son of Wads. next Sîîay Yu iiîîî wt'a.oîoilyabaktsra A oth vis4ited Mns. Cari Bruckner r ote E.-- spirit j,-in te r, cii tiin wa, aFeo takî,n ut-, te rri Sundey. 'FIL I G atchyouralle- an core. qnday(iRlben,ýiitýo tht thse wa di n socialialwas hldeltI ayeFn nngay e- =r i." uGA sisters in Chicago tins week.i___ Son "M VenonBels" li-UI).-r Mn. andI Ms-s. J. Gordon Bonit of i tî,.d< ete chus-ane 'Sunday iîieviithîOsWaitio a ieinf-E de STAFFO~RD Rlctain "rit Nev" GorQ Pte.-Wîhor of thein wsilditg auniversarli. Siîeet ,Mabel Blonner, Mrs. Ilaoel Young andIiiu it t Mi ELas' di Miase waua noCrde seol ,5' f irs The 1923 scnica Studebaker Special-Six Seda,introduced in ~ Acrotleand ong **he Fur ea- J. S. ficoman ta sirk wîth pnuumonia onaXlntc h- o, liprCýalýsbut arprie-sent writing iû thuuglit tu e thf#,aîifhh The dnàiing rar of lieýPiaoépoo, y Mis Evlynpetes0IJJIre Aeter S' tudebakcr tradition of fine eoach building. stedS jYla>. Tht Lit tle Rt'bel"-By P'"tV LVya beîthl ,Pnol.ByMsEet- Peter.sm ettv~- - - -------- Thé hilde we very dIsaopeT1k- ,Grdee -kt -- . .1 1 I 'UPl ii(.awen îîvy wint( Iltiritatiin. "Little Lad' itussell Gil- wekut int lie flu. o ti cr I ECO J> yi the Clartya End-idaii' oi Wleou ',ael'ootd nid ___ lýhný i ait thin Vale-ntin,- Mian:Bnoiîg keDiSi went veîy pltasanîýy enft'i-taiL' in $20 0 sturdY Construction aniu i its equipsxtent. finit' moiiositiohi, -George aîig geaatameDt'l'erlrecî .-w~sfllJ~.~ MnaI i- sîil asen !nîîî tut Haen.etI hy tihe social rommiflet'. At 11:30> years. ihere la no makicchift or comprellaiseellnbodjed lini ts oniel arroult o! sil bnt fro Ru, Hansend ,ee B '- an eleborat supper was strittI, atter manufacture -the quniity of Studebaker materlals,, w«Mi Mr. Watid WI:e î!ied at the Dc-t nier)> Grades. wîîî cciongseletiOîi-EQI.iPM NT shsp and Enis is nevcr chenpened ta mneet à price. MES)L n lonieWctnesd-i> on buainets.g Reiato George Wa-ghington's "Virginie. Reel." About fonty -peopile d-.o ilondayap wa oun. rangh at fe Vilin LYtt, GeorgeM eyer a M l sa s~telv e co nsiden o ureies veryPi-a1-- PP C f id.i.iid so'lTs L !,t n inch jhoua Thick carpta ar-e h m 'u ill b fen rin on irie. Star tpale Banner B> _pe ptrtuasaytertale sc t nent o pr t sca itrhi ~îA pca-i s h usadu edraun qult ars at «Pky- PhOMgraPh li.Tht oex meetingii o!oo tht P.niop T.id A.ox visi etdi ae c uc party Frdein taao iie, ih'n roe t it pine. cuea aiycse =dgse n ý LE~~~~~~~~~~~~h narne Ster udcake mtane fo quaiify tuabaiy coenfortnElzbt 20 'IOI.cmenmn. omtee n Mr By and GRA a nl are ben P l fihe finiL Mes-iday n Apnil Youc. Obdycnie retrdgeo lxrpedr WINNERGraes INABIetvtzasor i andersio secondantIfe o nnd inutey . t Coveieneye pero mksi CHYAG SHOOT Thte tachn sude some o!h tt pupre ool: rio nefs0FoGn E a teon . maat .Tsv rninO. ofRoun Lakeisa s Mues yer ulgitolat. mee 11 s. tke a uened ftenvilc grade MOESAD RCSf.o .fa îe cMnf. Otasial. ledn fhie ngePly "en rg Wshigo n Ws luHomer hadcrles= atan--nntlet s fine lime. ___ tournathe. Gnahamtl6yt'arint>thE*l*** tons irldafi home bunHo! norsw. O.r lil cIuty broke ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wl 148 tangetc.ne C.t G. shortt pno- * RA RIE IE Ande son secondw. and the.(-,).. con- EnicE AIeNu Aa BIGise grm vroeI ecm.- a new .. Ate~. and___ ligity twl e Coappeas.)... en7 a rnake-Phif.. job..,-J W. C. Pe C HICAGO er ** *HO *h *echr *n *om *f th *uil * t Fod eryi sae "a lefi chaen drIe sla;.ii(1 fJcoett 'ool iefie troo iyetonviiieCou cagoeou buaintas, Saftlrday after- tintay c Grbem , a Ron akAe profesion noon. ofTs -kt e 93M DL N RCSf .b a lar inges ouly. B.oyd B.ryn shootingy tofrieoesi vl euir o ed 144. Mrfsinl e helre-hniss oreuc Mase iefnnFoer, laa afie yestend is i pneTLephne20 LBE1' V fie-s -of shote bai L ils- scokreop er ai eoek i eryrnh rnd gulyb s eotcrg e çisonad12V,.4H.P ps3 l5w»6 .. Sundy*5In the- irie Gagd Amiercn M nt n' ocha u Mis hs Mo-nlieIig anIvs finedt W sud- __________

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