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Libertyville Independent, 8 Mar 1923, p. 2

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The persoouwbo bas a share of stock or two 4n &=rm ln whi*hho bas iuvested hie savings is not nearly so exeroiec over stock diyidends as Mome Cthar folks. ,lu tcoos of onipanes dividends bave been eut down passed entfrély at tin» inl order that the moncy rmieh be used iu hnpoenent or extensions of properties The nioneY liait bee actuially earned but the fstockhodir -didn't get it beèanse the dreetors decided that il. ahould go back into the business instead. No matter how vise the dirso- tors have been iu delaying the dividends th.lritUle M- vestor lsu't going to flght againet the stock dlvi&m&nd: it'se the first melon that lie bua eut iu on probably siuce. bce started saving _______ OUR YOUN1G JL It is ehare that hùndreds of copies of an obseene cook ealled IlSmut" bave been sold to bigilisehool boys anid girls. Discuesing hs, many grown ups wiil shake their heads and comment that the riaiugleneratiou cer- tainly is going to pot. he saie grown ups rnay recail reading Boccaceio and such bookiets as "Only a Boy" wheu hey were young. Strike an average snd the youngsters arc just about the sunie in one generation as another. Senator Swift, even when ured by Lake County boosters to lend bis tongue and lus preseuce at the hear- einl Springfield ou Tuesday when we tried to land te State Fanuers' I.stitute for 1924, could't take the trouble to speak about two minutes ou the topie assigued to bim-le reached the meeting roor n l the capitol after Ljako Couty's alloted time had passed and other counties were pleading. 'It was, perhaps, too,. mucli trouble or too luconsequentive for the senator to do bis bit in hs move Vo land the state meeting. Perhaps lie was ,eraid lie M1GHT bc 'charged" with doing SOMETJIING for Lake, Couuty sud thus break bis hitherto unbrokeu record along that hune. Senator Swift again at Springfield on Tuesday did the wrong thing at the wronV time. Hie spoke against the proposed bomne for rehabilitating xentaly uubal- auced soldiers of the world war and feit that the state should not assume the expense sucb a projectý would entail. Heie lsisted the w&r was over aud lutimated a lot of folks did't reaize that fact. Therefore, leienl- sisted, there wvas no reason o speud.xnoney uow *to take eare f' the unfortuuates. vho have developed or are developing mental affections. The senator's "so"cita- tion" for the boys who sacrifled their lives, their inuds, brouglit forth silent dlsgest on the part of the other senators who soon atter bis speech against, passed the resolution by a big niajority vote. And thus Swift agaiu Voes ou record as opposed Vo a laudable recognition of Vsboys who fouglit for our coutry's security, and lie thfreby incses bis, list of oppositions Vo meritorlous ineasures in Illinôis, for, who la there lu the state who igu't wlling Vo spend EVERYTBING uecessary Vo show our gratitude, our love for these youug men, mauy of whom today have deranged inuds and ail because they were willing to figlit the figlit for ail of us, iucluding Senator Swift lI A BETTER FY LAND The best, the truest fairyland iu the world is healtht and strength, physical fitness to lie one 's self, with the t power Vto play a part lu the affaira of life or Vo'm~ake a borne for sorne one wbo pisys sucli a part. Lolita Aruiour, the girl witli the millions wbo was boni a cripple but wJ.ioas restored by the hands of skjlled physician, lias found'it' so-Aud now Melodý FýÙxins, the great estate o! J. Ogdeu Armour, near Lake Forest, bulItI"o be a fairylaud for ber 'when, it was1 thouglit she could neyer' mn and play like other.cbidren, is to e ie hangcd luto -asimple f amui under the coutrol, of lHM Loilta Armour rexnaiued s cripple, the fQu.n- taius of the great estate would, ne doulit, have contluqed Vo play, its pools refreshed. ecd day, its broad sward eut sud trimmed Vo the last spear of grass. For it was Vo bce ler home through life-an attempt Vo give lier -what healtli aud strength had given others. The wouderful skil that Iay lu the hands oYf Dr. Lorenz, farned.physician of Vienua, ehanged'all. that. Tbrough a long course of treatuient lie restored hler. The tinte came wheu she could ruu sud pay on Melody Farin as eould other children. *Then she grew luto woman- hood, did lier part iu war work, and is now niarried. That is why the Armours have abuondMcoy Farin as a residence. The thousauds who bave peered over the bigli wal as t1ley flashed by ou the train, or have corne by auto Vo go Vbx-ough the grounds, bave thouglit wbat bappiness lay in sucli s possession. To thern t seerned the last word. But the child who had it, kuew that liappluess lay elsewlere-lun having just what you and 1 and the rest bave-bhealth, strength, the power Vo live. That is the truer fairyland- Spenton oihSar ne TO EXPANU THE SER-YICE Plae lavoiviag lte expemdtm*- w hundrtda oc tiouneaduet dollar. ftr IMVMovents Wthi e rvice and. equlPsaeu of thaOicage. j4rth SlOhm ti.! Mwaukeê ral"», »» anaoumed by PrudsMent, Dattea 1L Bu.!.!.The apaastM. Mr+ Bnu" MY&. f.. develop. the tretift aMr- ice ,e nclicegi n d bru.- Itenan te Mëi»-tU» systnla"0 et th moot ut4dt.e ectrie Itahl- vWays lftbte eoetxy. prefoat, aervioe belgeen Oictie ,and! livauke. lis reschlta a heay volme e1 bu"lîtue. To nieet titis nev doms».!, Mr. Bn.!.! lad, hie eompany bas ordere.! WtY gon- dolai to bau! granite f rom quarrles loiate.! near Racine, W1., sind ten mercbsitdlse dIspatcit cars 10 cost $15.000 eanh. One diner cOStUg9 $35,000 and! ten steel pusOflg5T coaches vlll be added te te paOS- enger service. Tiis equlpment, It la estimate.! yul coet $500,000. An elecîrlo locomotive aise yull ho a.!.- e.! to te five others now la opera, tion on the nortitand fld the lino. Thtis means an addiUional expendi- ture of $27000. liuring February tan coaches ver. receired for the Chicago Northt Shore Uines. At that Urne an order, vas given for tvo observation car, seven steel passenger cars and one miod- ern diner. The deman.! for frelgbt service on the Northt Shore Uine la gxov- tng Bo fast titat it la dillicut te supply te additlonai faclilIes. The grosrevenue f rom 15,15 brah to! sere v as $738,817 durig 1922, aM compare.! vitit' $447,896 inte ber- vlous year. 1 1 This frelghti la bsndied at lhe sarne rate as ia charged by other carriers, but the service la a de- cide.! ad'rantage front a communlly standpolnt, as It relieves the traffic of heavy freight tonnage front roads.r 'The bisinesa lias beau bnilt UP In thte last Ive years fron practliWlY nolbung. COUNTY BÀNK3R PLAN COMM~EE. 4.5 Atte nd Baniquet at Masonic Temple Last Night; Urge State Police Plan. [O ENTERTAIN GROUP FOUR The LIt*e,.County Bankers Associa- tien bel.! a banquet Tuesday ovening at theo Mazonie temple and! they urged th@ passage et a bih tu establiah a ate police Tiere were 45 bankers in attend- &wce Cron t he 22 banks of the COUfl* fy. 1'las a ere made0 for the enter- talument or Croup Four of the. liii- noes Bankers Association vblch con'- prises'four colintes ln ibis sectien. includlng Lakte. Group Four viii ho' e itertained at Ravinia, june 18, by the Lakte Cqunty Association, and ar- rangementa are being-made te en,. tertaln about 500. Frbtnk Read. president of the Firat Nattônal Bank Of Lakte Forest, Pre- sided. Fraink Barth ef Pennylvalila aRd- drease.! the bakers on the valUe o! sate police as a means Of proteation. The. banItera vote. te $end! telegraM8 today tg lte saite henaters ana! rO- presentatives, front tiidistrict nrg- Ing lten te support thte etate Police bh te b. presented at thte neit meet- ing o! the leglalature. Mdr. Chriatiana qf Chirstian & par« taine!the. bankets a vftw Ocln'm- bers. Tite Ladies of the Ea8tern. Star serve.! the dinner vblch vas elcell- ent and! .beant1ful. Johnson Clty-Leen Delceur!, 43, vas kllled lnstantlY bere wben caugitt under a fall of ceai. VIERNON TAX NO0TICE Aza xeady te coloect taxes for te Tu.oro!Vernon and! vill bo at thei tolloving places on tedates given, during the morning onuy: prairie Vlev store, Mo..Li ar. 12. Buffalo Groro store. Wed., Mar. 14. Aptakitie store. Féi.. Ma". 1<. Long Greve store, Bat. M=r.V-7 WReelingbank, M M fax. 29. Libertyvllle banIt.We..!. Mar. p Books returned 'Mar. 23. MilS. MAIDI AKNOL.L, D)eputy Coenty Collecter Wkly-2t NOTICIL caaminatinfor Oeiaty tortifloea. Au exantlnatlon for eoisnty eett- cates onduote.!-a- er kedir4e,:m ofi the essiem exesan inua- Batnrday,-MsrOb 10 ana! 17-19M A i~ig~ ler. aheul.! h. a lsrge number o! exaxnnatlen miy ho wrillen fer UAMI1 ~ r.quest for haip ln settuin; da»miaee o! the 'six hindi O! cerlIicateS arislu; out et bospitailsatio, IXur- Applicatti n k bpdh £511 q auc an.! dlsabilltycompensation d»tout an.! yeurnt.!At leat me ' from th. Unit..! States goveraniet,5 hoV te aiuliuoD. Pilmer D. Edmundu, chlo! clet.k et To b. admitte.! tOthe exsniitiiO S ~>' te board stated,. "Raing lai.led ofor seea.! grdoe etfiat9, lie a>- MAN RE IJ JIJscure adJustment of Ibese matters ucaut muet presemt *eldeco! x- directly or titrougit other agéncie.uatmuon front a necognbse.! Ivo yoîrs lies. vteras an.! heir dependents hith t <1100opliar iiiaequivaiqent prep&are- Sprifeld. -M, lMarcit 7.- Thte are appealing in deaperation to sur lie unes eortte e opetett rqee- enace recognition board ln Its work organizationviticli by ils nature an.! me" as te Citaracter., of pt-eparhg for liayment of te ati-viiies seengts tehave lb. e aI-eA n a, pplicatt. vitelaa17 i-2 Year utae bonus te World War reterins of te ex-service Dpople at heurt.f0f et ae or erer, ta eligibio Vo enter the y.oev.s 5By rneqst laI vitiLe course, te service rteooviion board exassnatten go far ai sgels ceneerlt- jýot coing uSbdex ia own vork are cao do noliing dIreclly la loch CAs ea. Nocertfeate ead ho iegauP b- es»res. ogailes-tion and! the but il makes ansver ln every ta; suae ite appli=et. under 18 yeari applimausfer Inormation are aI- stance an.! xplaine vitere effective e! aie. , W s ïîï4rré!te lie proper source assistance cao be secure.! front te T. A. 5IMPBDl'l, '$ 1toratS~~ IAnercan Legonu or olier organisa- Coutnlh aus -041s.hyte Po eapocte4 liaI! lions' Wkity Mar1, DIy Mc a ~e -c ~ ~- - Voeu.., u~eme~hS7wre KIréuurmgw EverytMw angMde of S#k Back h âighte vista of yearsdecaM<leSenWtu eies h lender, siuiew M&l %ié hbu fomed the abrie QueeR of ail agesj. VoImes of mYth have been writ- 1011 it *ao WgM7 buui ak to, uearly au 2M003. C., -but never -were silk.so ezpertly wOvOn 'o 00 llfUtY fiiIlid a tady. T"menam 511m for Sprig 923 have had no precedet, their beaUty, suhtlty sMd popu- Iaity hae nove ru&aded thi pe t zenithL. !Be sure to visit the store "Ii week. Newv Weatves 883*Inch 811k Broad- cloth $1» yard nir-line land pin strlpd M*Uilkni.for moul.e birts. Wpau, mai ab dx'eufl, cu- drei'm rees or whereever vssh .11k ladesired, 1.59 yard. 36.Inch satin Nemuaine$1»3 -Pin* lustrons 11141k sa- tin iesaailne. Pull coler radiogean.! black $1. y.. 40-lwa rn Waah Criepe $2" Smsil patters aprinte.! on white grounda. Slendid for dresses and! blouase$229 yard. 40-Inch Ompe de Chine $1M9 yd Dress a=4!lingerie veight, Sluincolom rsavy. brown, Ontopax, Jade, pUMp- bin, orebi.!, pink, fuachia. qbserald and!black $1.39 a yard. 33-MIcliImported Natural color Javanlea.pon- gos. A splendid velgbt, sait- able for m.!ny purpoae- 98c yard. Acceuines -AZ spe d:s! varli. slection la ber. fer yotr chocolat. -A alecUJ value la offert.! tis veek at $2.50. EU k Umbrela8 $65to $10L -Bain or shite umbrellas ln brigitt colore as bloc, purple and green. Wit i11k e-ers an.! faner ban- Boudoir Caps 59C to $3.00 -à. vry extenare Ilinso! pretty boudoir Sapes ine',- eir Issirable abades. 4-A verpretty aaaortntent la prit., at 11.25. -Wl.!. faneyru!pli b boas.A »sPecial aof. valulo to 4c180 . teyard. -1O-islac su ad plain ribbon vertît te $LSiy.. Bult9hi.for saet... y- vork. c=ioes. e, Oie .:-Womwo 00 siet 11T'u"a Mohavk make. Fluelelsr. -Wonàwàa' u ttop uimont mula, i.pnk oulri $9.26 val- $1.(» te $&00 -Long m»td iorI glo'vres la aI a hes. ý , rwOý 1. by the Yare Take First Place This Week (Fini Floor> East unites -with West in new Silks. The oriental influence at israrest sud fairest prevails. The new crepe steps forth, presenting the artistry of weaver. :Rich ncw colors are uoted. Everywbere Vhrough the ieegods eectiofl cbarm- ing silks are=makn uirresistable ap- peal to fer'iniuity. Here are soin. Splendid Values 40-inch Paisley, Egyptian and ]Russian desigiis and coloriugg. The varîed as- sortrnent includes (3Georgette,* Crepe de Chune, Fiat Crupe, Canton Crepe and Sa- tin Canton weaves. SilkS in demand for miakiug blouses, frocks, kerebiefs and searfs, bat&. etc, yard , $2.98T $5*50 36-incli Sklner'g ail silk Taffeta .0! sotlustrous Swiss finish. A guarsuteed Silk. Black, navy, brown, miduiglit, y taupe, emerald ansu i,$1 ry yard_.S 0 . 39-incli Canton Crepo a heavy, yet Sfiuely woyen rich pebbly weave MILk. Blaek, navy, brown sud an.(m f LVery specially priced at yd $DL1,098 S40-lucli Lustre Spun, a igel Sik of novelty erepe of heavy weave and satin face. Used for drumss, $3 9 skirts,, capes, suite, etc., yd$3.9 1 ,Silk Lingerie iî-Dainty lilugerie of pas- tel shades lu ail their dcli- este loveliness. Taiored -- gamieuts s r e favored above ail others sud they appear in the finest - o!f . ,> sdlks.0 radium tub sIk te orchI.!, tesh aid otiter colora. Tory carefully and daintlly finisite. Opeciaily price.!aL ........ 9 Women's 'Bloomer. of splendid> qualty si1k Jersey. Flesit celer Ony eyspecial et.. ......-.... 2.49 Womin's' Crepe de Chine an.! - onee ntKht os.Aeafil Silk Hosiery <ire! Fuir> Hose o! splendid .weariug quality fash- ioned ofthe fluesit o! silks arc here. Includ- cdl are Phoenix, Rad- j moor, Burlington sud 'Mohawk makes. Womens FPheenix or ltadmoor Roae o! pure thread .11k, fuîtl!aahioned. A remark- able valut la .peclally priced.!at 19 ,»air------- Women'a tnelty an.! lace Rose i-blaek an. tit e nw shades. Mohawk maire.1SilgitI meonds o!fitigit prici.! hoseç ' è19 par--------.. ..... ................ 9 Women's fasliboned lboae.. Avel Itoovi Blake, Firsi. quality, $110 valu.s pair----------------. . ...................10 I Colo10rs EPOD g $398& Fein Eponge. -A heavy dress and! shirt .11k of a qualilt oflen sol.! up ta $6 yard. At $398 yard. 36-Wuh Firaheen Crepe $3.75 %lTh. amer ef aU kuitte.! fabrica- use.! for dreuses. shirts, blousis and! capes.. Black, stavy, vititcand!tais- Serine jade-4.75 a Yard, 40-ihAI-#Pk fatin CharMeU $L75 Rud aUi-silk satin char- Umus.and! satin Duebesa SUiktuh street or evenlug abades. aise back.- Very special at $1.75 yard. 40)-inch Plat Crepe % $298 yad The sua's poplar crepe. §Ot t lustrons finis la sli.! eolors. Blael. saiy, browi, Citinese green. box vs.!, ian and! cinder, $2.89 yard. 40-Inch AU4-Ml Radinette $2»9 À fine@ aerv'leable vash s.lk o! the puii'Wvillow character. Use. for maing lingerie, $2.69 yard. ' Sik Blousesl hIPaisley colorings, Vade. of satin face s11ks an.! suit poplin Ilu alipover style. Tbay art spcchally price.! Women's Art-Si ~Sweaters at ;3.98 are Slip-over an.! Tuxedo style ln a fOll lno e! colora an.! black39 At $1.98 are T1uzedo Sweaters or beavy Are 811k fiî ail te season'a shades. A- onderful I aice at -.1. .......................-- - .. ...6 9 trol the l V.C sin sont bei lng Cet mni A cont wai 'whg bjacl Il an vite end set. bau are lion A te o Hluil - s Swings New SikFrocks $7.50 (POl tFiger) These frocks of silk are simple yet ornate. They are alltulng lin their sun- plieity of design whicb marks the mode for Inthe New Colors -As veIl au black theée bocomn- lu; frocksarae fuihione.! lof(Can- ton and! flat crepe.. ont mut »0 them tô apllreclate their unuanai ttrativeneuan ad the prIcing la veyapfiatl at thi tnme, $27.0O. t Other New Spring BUSkanar priced at $15, $19.75 and up to $97.W0. F 1

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