s ms~'rvn r TIUOAY. "ACH-!8, 1923. i I - The MoneY Shark WIIb the rodemIms.IWv .vp Staaps ma i itory Bo&d, te m"q shok preu- m t. reap a ou flýhord ethl.e pe.se of hun&eds aVqjNlksavzs 0of 'eurs la- to W. S. S. aid VIcoY Bonds Mu w1 ore to y«ou .eriig sllurmng in- vetset ith Me Winereit returs. .We " oig y u Bil ot te malte any investments aniy. bav# ilked the moter over with a moat~o re wlw is equoly q"Uoled t gir. Yom ite rftkUnd of advicd. Tii. oElun of "hisba" are always ready t veeyO u the bft fte uwedeofin vestments. DWat take m'Y chances en losiug your savings. Co" Saiommoe ai bi bnkh. for. rnaking an investment. Lake County National Bank Telephone 15 LIBE.tRTILE, ILLOS ANNOUNCEMENT sînco Mr. Palmer Manager of the Lberty Theater, leit rallier sud- denly. we are Poureed ta faneclase on the Liberty Theater. We regret that such meisures sre necesary. Mr. Palmer dîid net inform us that tbe rent vas unpaid. antI nother dd the landiord. Hawver, we undor- stand the situation lheronghly cancerning the matter. Ouri nterests wre in jeogardy when the situation of the puit ten days develaped. Pair methods won out for us, and if Mr. Pamer bal net been se eally fiatened out.lhe wauld have won ase, Wo vers lntidated Int rentfng an upstaîrs place ehartly after vs camne to Libertyvillè, lu aider ta keep ot compelitlan. Nether did we open our theaten to spite any persan. Our method vas fairuniset ail. Nelther have vo played any practical jokes on the goad people af 1.ibertyvllle by givlng a 'benefît" te the lune et belng the beneiciarlep ourselves. Electrlc vires have been broien. tenae have been braien, aur piano tamperod with, and various thînge have o=crred (net accidentaI- ly, ether) that vauld tend ta prevent us fromn having aur show as ad- vertlsed. We are ging ta open the Theater soon. sud have arrangeil ta Install one af the best musical Instruments madIe. Aisea v have se other lmprvmelts lu mind. %. Fb. aopening date yull be announced ln the nçar future. Watcil for IL Shows are btter sonreciated when showu In a Theaten than la sny other place. We have not b~n ln the habit of braggiig and bray- lng. and ve do not in-ii - ta< ov. SItAMtE TO SAY, YOV WILL BEE A GOOD SHOW IN A CLAf, NZBÂT PLACE. We are not trylue ta comupare aur Theater ta the big Chicago TlseterS. KATE McKE 514 CLAYTON STREET WAUKEGAN, DLINIS -~sl I Insurance of ail 'kindsI Poe154-M LIBERTY VILLE Glendora- Lump Coal TME SOfT COAL WITHOIJT A FAIJLT Franklin County- Furnace Coal LOW 1M ASH IBIN 1BHET "Washed Egg" FOR TH1E RANGE OR HEATER By-Product Coke HardWoodeChunks SCRANTON ANTARACITE Lile~vi1eLimber' col Poe47 /tLIOERTYVIE. George BElton and son. Stanley, -ho have beer..spedlng the oast few weeks in Florida, returned home lent Mdat I ca1 an Per ona day. 'Phey made the round trip by a'nd Pers nal automobile, and report a grand and ____________glolous Urne. Short Items of Esipecial Inteu to Lbertyvie PeoPie Mr.:tnl Mrs. John Kells expeet ta A ~leave next Saturday for Tonairah, Ney. MM. Willim n endiok evas a Ch[- Charles md Hlen Asederson. cil-wbere they wiil vîsit a cousin, Mrs. J. clço visitor Monday. dren af Clyde Anderson, are veyIi Nunse. The latter in past 80 yearB of wlh Vneumonta. Their mother die 1 tize. and tb e le Mr. l<ell'a first vit Miese Ada Helfer la among those euf- Mouday. la Nevadia., Mis. Nunse la owner of a féring 'with la grippe. valuable goi cji'e. front which oLiy Mise Carmella Bradley and brother, recently a ledge foui! feet long was Mrs. Peter Mowere le recoveriog James Bradley, et Chicago, were heru taken, antd which wae ,vorth $0,000. fram dui attack of the fln. Monday te attend the funeral af MM%. Mr. Ketîs may decide ta locate in the JaeBizlI adu ibs C. Gotti. western state anud look atter the lu- with a serioue case of pleurisy. om The pupils et the Ares Gralmar terests o. lus couin. Seisool wiU. give an operetta at th.s *Mr. *and MMe. John Lester are vis Community House ln Aiea on lFrlday, NOTICE TO LIBERTYVILLE ing in Chicago today (Thunaday). March l6th.- TAXPAYERS Mie. A. Kirby or Foi Ltike vlalited MiessAda HoUfer andI Grace mns Taxes are payable te me at the Furet ielatives in Libertyville Wednesday. attended a panty given Thursday nlgbt National Bank içni :iarciî 91h ta at the home Of MiFe Charlotte HaTPZ 7 March 23rd, Inclusive (except Tues Mrm. Claude Knigge andI Mies Ml- la Waukegan. d:y,,March 2u, at the C:tze-n Stale dred Evilsizor epent Saturday ln Chi- Mise Gsace Ulfers attended a meet- Bank Of Area. <aga. lng of the Amicl Club at the home of Hlour-8 s. m.*to 4 p. ni. (excu-pt Mre. Metnde Luslr of Lakte Fore3t, Mss Etuel Bacon bn Waukegau lest Wednedaya. 8 a. m. t.. Noont). Saitu:- it on riendi, ln Libertyville lait 'iuesday eveuing. day mght-7 ta 8:30. l't da'.H. M. Anderson, of Tnacey, iMinu..l ItARRY't. MEYER, was c&lietI here NIednesday ta att-a2d 10- It DeOuty Collector. Mr. and Mrm. Leonard Dsney weie the funeral oi bis sieter-.n-lay Mie. -- weck end guesta ai dase F.sher at Clyde Anderson. He will remain hero _______________ W\leaton. urlMs.y John Bohmn, of Milwaukee, was a 41he memboîs 0f the Mystlwoiters A J T' R 1 l tisîtor at the home or bis aunt, Mre. will give a dance ifter the regular bu&- A UD ITO R UMI i r-uc. Nowoîsf, Mouday. ness meeting uu.xt Tueeday abght. John VanPlew returned Tueeday o Mrhlî. .gutrfesuoîswUTheatre bis home ln Detroit, alter spending a Betr1. Coiby of Chicaigo vlsicd '*The Show Hous* olichtful' v-ek ltiîhie sotiir. M. ISra en lat nuday with bis parents, Mr. anaI i'liu.*.j Ma J3ronColby. gongi m be,* FRIDAY and SATURAY 1liazel andI Alice Bock o! M' ktan b ~at o,-oing on'a business trip ta Nardlt9 and ) ti. uLibirtyville îodu.y t-fftli ' asa iy m' dluLb in w n o -,cbaet.Mi. aud Mrs. Peler Fred Bader. of Iowa, arvdi i- G oi w n o Bock. ortyt-lile lant Fridy, bel uz calletI here, on accl)unt of te lîness of tifs mother, Mrs. Abner Ta.ylor v;sirod Mrs. Jati. Irs. Mary 'Bader. wko coud nion is at T e I soJc - L-'. at Elkhorn,XVis., Tuosday. Mrs. presont vory cîîtiîcal. he ImpFUoible. - b.--las been '.emy lit, but le improv- At the reWibar *'Ladies Night" ok ie,' is B ll - n w 71bortvbtle Club. WednQ>'lay. tin i- lu B le An item lu lest wqeiKs Independent c 1roase .d atteudance was on baud ta A Dazzling Fashion Show-a annaunced the bitb of a daughner ta jolu lu the festivitfes. andI sev-,mal n w Mighty mpther.drama ant sd Mrs. JaIsph Peddle, ai High- mombers were added ta the Club. Re A Picturo DeLuxe LantI Park, andI staed that Mrs. Petdie froshments woro t-ervod lu the usual At Rogular Prices was formerly Mie Marie Englebrecht. delbghtful manuor of the Club chef. 'Thbs ebouid havre read Mis Wli b.o gttgt iOr' uetings are S U N'.D A Y mena, instead o! Mie Marie. iproving very poptlar. March 1ilth. - --__ ___ - -BETTY COMPSON and ___________________________TOU MOORE l' i -itâ the a ve a l Menedolie l Annonncim rnt 1 have purchased the Fred Croker Tailor Shop on Milwauktee Avenue, and arn wepared to give bigh cas service. I have a choice selection of materials of the Iatest dlesigns and f abrics frorn wich you can chx o s r ng Suit. MM UrsMDE TO YOUR MEASURE, PERFECT FIT AND w'RE ___$35. and up "OVER '1EBORDER" Mgio Couiedy snd News featuriug Thomna A. Edison i, hi* Ishoratory ou hie 7'th blrth- day. Flyinq *ver CoustantiuoPle aud Palm Beach. P.- T. A. Benefit WEDWESAY, MARCH 14 1 do repairing, Reining, Altermng, Etc-, on taches' and1 Men's Clothing. Cleaning and Pressing Beginning MONDA!, MARCH 12, for two weeks, 1 w%!1 lw a DSCMof .20 per cent on ail ieaning andpresù<, for the. purpose of intodncing my buinest JOHIN CICHY YOUR OPPORTUNITY SPECIAL FOR Canned Foods Week -11 March 3 - 10 HOLLAND BRAND PEAS $2.00 per can, 1 & ; dozen-................. COUNTRY GENTLEMIAN CORN, $1 .85 per can, 16c; per dozen.- BLUE BERRIES.. $3.25 per can, 30c; per dozen ........ AURORA BRAND No 2 SUCFD PINAPL- per can . . .......... ....... .... ..... - -.,. GOOD KIND BRAND PEACHES, Nb., 2/ Can, per can . ... ------ SAVOY BRAND No. 3 Can, SWEEI POTATOES, per can -_ -_---------_ DAGGAT T BRAND YELLOW WAX BÉANS per can 132 ..30 .22, HOLDERS 0F Armour & Company 10 Year 7 Per Cent Notes Due 1930 Are advised that these notes are called for paymnent on April 26tb, 1923, at 105'and interest, and injerest will cease on that date. We are prepared to accept these notes et their call price. To those wishing to ire-, ivest funds now in these bonda, we cas offer somne excellefit suggestions at dIis tîme. First National Bank LIBERTYVILLE - - . ILLINOIS. Resources of More Than a Half Million Dollar* WIRE FENCE: Yenou r ited t. Cu»Is o our fewoy for yourfm«~ meuw .Y.ncun Iedfrmo w f* stocof a large W of Soj e tt.fw8e>wn Prmq: MFJMM I1AVY roctFENC 8 bars, 32 in. high,4 12 in. stays.28 8Sbars, 32 in. higho. 7 1n.stays36 9 bars, 42 in. high, 12 Lstays3Iv2c- 9 bars,.42 iz.bIgb.7 id.q#ay . 10 bars 50in. lieg127insgays MEDIIJ IIEYPOW.TRY PFMC 14 bars 46 in. bigb, 8 in. 16 bars, 58 in. high, 8 i., sm 45 BARBEI> WIRE, 808rodSpook p«%W. 2-pt. Hog ----......$3.43 4-pt. Hog 2-pt. Cate_____3.22 4-pt. Cattie STEELMNEPO M e&kAý- END POSTS, ak .-_ _ CORNERPOSTSec. Z.L- U ADJUSTABLE SE. RYWTGW Paintd....----1lOft, 7.06; 12 ft.,85 4t.#5%L Galvanized 10 f, *.5;12 1, W00.; 14 fs.g4t0; 0ftM $ PLAIN STEELDUIMYEWYGATIS 10Oft. wide-.. $5.65; 12 ft. wide..46» 14 ft. WWc..$7J4 SIEL POULTRY CATES American Wire Fence Co. jLibertyvillo, Iln Send The inâependent to Il 52 Issues, fort' Aduts35c Chidren 20c Qassified Ads. in The Indepe*deu1 sçcm rebr m -t riai and yoq w M lb. coavtfted and wliI »e r *dois.th eoeut. SILK W-EE.K Special Values in Ail Silk Messaline per yard - - - Ail Silk Taf feta -- - - - per yard Crepe DeChene a good line of colors - - Canton Crepe China Silk Paisley Patterp ini HOM s8.00 A.M. to 8&.00P. W. W. CARROLL& PhonoY.9 $1. $14 SONS' --r---- - .-.- - -eut e"hi. î and tout rdest Ir@- right. mly i. ut-' AV MIE. mm