Spring Furs Slprig a t' arl smex f1 'wilb.ii hgh favor, epeeCiay the <$oker, of! such fuis as atone ana bauin martin. Likewise foxes I blue, beige, platinum brown and silver' wi n Itkrtv8ern the lat- nanf cars- eiffution o' Ion calla PiMaiton ~41 Wili. at sueh élue là& a d a 'Men- nua &long nu, river, abe- nul- thè dead er>' few" n are un- Ion au ta tram, Mr. y legial& '- r a latIne, He vant4 mno infor- the iaws streamas snored.' ts rapid- agamon g everal iconnen- *'lt Ile a Iowpd te pparepntty Pr@ .,ome- ing ove r- drag mbt poor ladi- mly. the condi- he Sant- saMa are ton ais» market& t be cook- hmne b>' t hi adors ppied te omne the -ewu witb kinds and ing Intel-, that Mr. 7. In bls wilig. te one knew gating the complains $19.75 to $1 19.00 Beautiful Wraps and Coats Featuring many' divertiseenfts in ornate buckles, novel bows alid flowing sashes -which deightfully offset the- richness of the fabries and the sun- plicity of the new limes. Fabrics su ch as Orinandale, Panvelaine, Arme- da, Veldyne and Mar-vella are profusely used in colors that cffectively aceentuiate their soft depths. Prives range from- $19075 Accesories The ail-important costumý completenicnt-hoslCl'Y, gloves, neckwear, yeiings are liere in yery latcst mode$. Correct Corsets The, foandation o! the c(,ime1irmyn-ll-iportalt cihestiofl, and. mueh depenas upon the selection of the right corset. Our expertcorsetieres are ready, to help you. to, $149,00 Frocks foi Ail Gcxlasions Terms o!, fabrics test describe the frocks 0af spring. Fnebiioii. designers reallzing the possibifittes ln the combinatian af Exotie ratterns culled tram anclent EgYp t have ta-xed their croative powers ta the utmoèst and because w. brave combined the foremoat of the iaew testions with quality fabries and at moderato p)rlces we urge every woman ta, see these aaMort- fients before choosing ber Spring wardrobe. Such wantçd matertalIs as Printed Crepes, Canton Crepes, Ramia Crepes, Flat Crepesa Roabaneira Crepe and combinatboDs- Prices range from- a, $10 to $95 Eleborate Over Blouses One fashion-f.c t that admita no argument in that the smartest blouses are over-blouses. Egypt via Para-the course of Spring's new mode- that fiuds particular happy ex~pression In printed blouses. These blouses are the final note of campletion for the, auit. Prices range tram - $5.9Y8 to $16.50. Spring Millinery Thut deelare your, personality-an assortmnt of inodels that are carefuly selected-with the view oe expressing individuality, asUring Milady that her .very owII bat in here. These bati feature alU te new manners of trims and are -unusu*lly emart and be- eommdg. The flttering lime of the new poke style is much in demend. Prices range from- $5 to $165V IWODY MakesHer Debut at A4L EX HEIN CO. Thursday Friday and Saturday March 15-16-1.714923 In fashions that w Yiii iiistantly command an important place in the Easter iPagcant. As these fashions are -çiewed, there comes a real apprcciakion for the art amd-skill which guided their seleetion' Here a bewitching brevity of sleeve-there a certain itwist of a drape or a quai nSeklie-she lias selected. with fine discrhiiiàtiofl and made them her own for the season. The New Suits Express fashion's achievement in presenting styles for evcry occasion. ,Twills for Tailleurs, says fashion and three-piece costumes 'will vie with two-picce styles. Suits that wrap a 'round; suits that tie at side; sits that. are triiuly tailored. Prices ralige fror-