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Libertyville Independent, 5 Apr 1923, p. 9

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LI-BERTYVI LLE LAIKE ÇOUNTY INDEPENDENf LJXXXL-MMER 14 r Lake Couhtv'e Big WVeekly 'rarfata tir.Poeifc.ai ubeW01% .. ia. &mec Cit Ma at WAUKEGAN AIWEEIKLY SUN JLooks Like Someone Would Have to WaIk.Âgain, tu.Was t Bket. Xemirers of the. cunty bo*rt!Fr-i ~ usueti Ieator Roduney B. z top rb" iris tiiiti latter ta K> the superpisora Outhe.action îirey . t 00stale rosd bond MW 84ibrisor Fran A. Webb tirethlie communication be *tue* li4 the'rato basket. Ib ire*nÏtaucatIon provedto taie reut!la sd Practieally aval-y mab-01tirs board denounced hie iîimmattack upon thom anti tate 011oalas a "decoitut'. "Insuiting", ____ 'ovar=ated" aud -pure poitics.!' F:= ob.ist Know Own County '*-.- ft8poevior Webb declarati that the kft-Îrarm the.elgiruirdistrict vas ol autumte la tira figures can- Vo in ait!reasins the communi- viron ho lnteudet! il for fOiu nstaeat!. vilcb ras ~Wbehe leat v as rond Il aet eau"d a0 machramusement weoGeorge Balrstov dociarot! OU eroferrf e th e "oater- ~ler ommittee. - Mois e W tfraSay* Eger lue RIsr eary £ger, of liber- drie. deerth iaitithesenahor les*ecittnl" as lho attemplot! îa ~vby isfigures tirai the asti- rtl4 etepta far tire nextI lre Ier trome automobile licos.. oulti thg sta»5110fondsaup 10 au eur- Woaemouat, but "ueglmted" tla tIaintrt ho vas comtng tire ~Ummonud tviae Tb*. boardi membrs 100k paticular r tot h.esentors reterance t= az alick gaipeatens". Who "Mtegaeanor to gel prom- P10f madditloera Ite roadg. 1%0e Stter ciao accuset! the gov- hoof u0ag erond buiing J R R FE ) grmfor politicat purposes, butJ R FE D iuperrisars voleeti thein seuti- T rapt program ta date. andti tr S RD UCT ou la eudorsiug bisatadditions] t! lsue miovodtat they beileveti rii consitiuent& vaut mare o! tire SU RR TUS" keind et trottinent.ERF TU S Y Board mebers d tire ht an- :tiber resson the addltional bond la- Cornes from An#Toch with wu va nmdore vas tiret It vouiti rd4 lu briuglng tire malter up ta a Bondsmen and Is Released al 0f lthe peope of tire entîra Under $5.000 Surety. ~t. e tira THEY coulti express gar opinions onl the proposition. Juror John B,, ie-lads. Aulocir. Sn- IIIOVES FPR CENSURE dicteti Manday on a eCharget con- Supairvisor Bert C. Thompson. Of spiracy anti bribe-y lu conio. Bien. daclarati: Tue o man Swif t vîtir Iheatrial aof<loy. Smell Te &aY *hmas lie ceusureti; a ltter aoftiret urrrndered iiselt ta ifrtir- Jkindila an iarrît. etram. 1Couuty Clark Lew A. Hendte seri.Ftieltis gave recaguizance botore 4'esenatar accusas' us of mixiirg Jutige Claire C. Edmards, lire irai àgdlttlcs itir lhe propostion IL ting Ibis marning miron court open- » ougt il mas the Idea a! tire board Pdi, anti irought as surerty William give tirs people an. opportuuity to Hlleirranti, mio conducte a general xproe themeoires tirraugir a vote marchandise store et Antiacir. Mr. e'iiuirr tley meuht tospend Il$100..Hitiebrauti anti iFrank Cory, Wauke- O0009, for toatis or ont. ot eau:,s.- gan wblesala anti ratail gracer abre iii AaYs ho a differanre oi ignedtheir bond for $6.000. mblch an ail thingu .bum i dont mes acceptoti as satlsfaciory ,tQ Li ~*.or ~db. acensurad Stte'as AttorneySnl 8 - , --1, . I ~ttOiirismme.retaineti Atty. A. P. Beaubien of YSuPerriefir Kather: -Wall, we-11 Wakrgan, ai toast for tire proeut sel a chanci 10 'censure, Swftlet as local represertalive. Mr. Beaubian tire non elocion" t iti unI eppeer In court loday vilir guepvvisor Eger; "He refera ta us Ilds, however. Tire 4ifendant mey la tkgiiM"r. Eger express- be arreigued Iin "a few day.. but il thé opnomhtJugn r as saittliretfil mey be put off until M ls piio trt jdgraing fom tie etr Iogrand Jury riikea Its final ibvuhi» baramas ittI isel a-report an April 21. raexrstait ver a plan to provitia L1;resci r ivm ents. William Riley. "stool pigeon" foi 'ChAitrue Merlu in ngdahl, "Mr. Attorney Genoral Bruntage vas bit ~Weedo you vaut ta change your by e truc butl Niondiay l ir al elmost becme a runevey for thre grand L'7$PrVISOt Webb: I da't meut ta jury. "" l a bit.- Tire combinat efforts of Jutige *Î r J4ri.EObier: 'lu Order la Claire C. Edwarta anti States Attor- theiguity of Ibis boaro ney Smithr --re neceseery in quiet teMotion aboult ieb changadth ie jury it mas learnoti. Tire as-mr 44Mie Ibm çammunicaiion anti arase nier tire rigirl of proses-thtrs glIAce filOn Illie; 1affer tiret ae au ta extenti immunItY 10 iley Iu re amendment ta Stpervisor Webb's tamu r r is testimoflY. gealin.' -A short ime later tire grand Juroi' STRIOKEN PROM REC~ORDS filed Into court witir indietmots Immetilateîy tisera aroase axpresu- uamîng îirree mon for, alleged con tanu11 aeinsitir pacug th au- spiracy ta bribe tire ju1 tirai ac- Ire~ latrl ierecords. quitt Goernor i'mall isere lest ÏSupenvisor Paddock: ' Wlle ai Jane. 1er . am1l sympetiry itir Super- These lhree are John Fields, Au- ail boardi shouldti alir lovereti, tiocir, e member nf tire jury tiraI ac- d t! ltiraugir lie-senetar ia ual an- quitteti Small. Etivard Courtuey af ati to auch couederation, 1 maye, Chicago, nov awaitiug Supreino yrvtigStupervlsors Webb anti court action lu conneclion for rab Me_ oir mili vîtrer tieir motions berv mîbir a gun. sud Edwarti Kauf- Ani amentiment. Ibet tire commuai- man, Chicago, allegedti 1 be a berr cafon hoa tableti.1 runuer. Bonds were fixeti ut $5.000 Supervisai- Eicirler.-"J vltbtiram lu eacircase anti varrants Issus'd for luy amentireut." thelire reste of tire ietendanla. rCheirman Rinciatil: 'I-bm about Ruele ollagedt tabave matie con- your motion, Ms. Wehbb' fession, uemiug Filds as iraving as-- . Superviear Webrb; 'l bale ta, but cepte bribe tram hlm. uder tire cirumnatances, 1tmut." Tire next more vas e requeit, ac- Tiro communication me. tebteti. triateti, It la sait by States Attor- r. __________ney Smith,, for adjour-umeut o!flire @~ ocisoso®~ proceeding ta ApýII 21. Jutige WYPENDENT readors are ai.@ Claire C. Edmards granledtheir con- ture of thée sit n.ws ail tinua.e therie. O Demands Indictimont. .00 OS S B~ O ire ra lunlire'juryraam mas lpra- cipittati bY a junor tram Laie Bluff mira openedth ie day's session vith a tiamanti for tire ludicîmneul of William Riley, former AntUoch ase- loonkeoper, ounvirose confession tire tirnae namet mare Indictat!. Stete'd' Attorney' imith anti Attor- ney Thromas J. Symmes. nausati as spécial assistant by Attorney' Cen- eratliBruae, mere seldtu hohava Inlormadth ie jurors tiret Riiey hat i beau grantoti immunit>' b>'tire pros- ecutian lu ratura for iis teslimauy. Il vas Ibis statemal. fi lale aid, tiret causeti e slorm ai protaut. Finatly boir Smnithr anti Sysiues wore requestoti ta leaeotlie jury zoom anti.Judge Edmartis vas cellati in. Ha ia saidt tahave iniormedth ie jury tiret tire states tevyers hati no rigirt la strike au immuully bangain. Theire ltment ageluel PFids. Courtney anti Kaufmeu comtaineti fooltleen routs. Tir acerges set forth va- tiettire ires défendi- enta coaspireti vitir William Riley. Josephr Hahn, e veulramnntram Au- tiocir. anti seves-al aIrer unlunovu persans Ia abstract public justice. tlriefly summarizedth ie cahute ar-e as fllova: C.-10 auyPp&a.. anui cauceas n-um 'tire court teej-artiellly o! Fields, ta put au tire ~eya disquallflati par- sou, 50 briug ltiiit e verdict of ual guilty,, ta pr-avent a verdict o! gail- t>'. ta bribe a juror, ta promise a bribe' af $150 ta Fieldis and ta sup- press kuortatige of traIn offensas Iram tire autirorities. Briba Charget. 2. Ta Indusce Wllilam J. Rule>'ta givea ebribe of $350 ta Filds. 3. Ta procure a verdict of ual guilîl>'for tire défentient, Lau imeit.1 4. To ceusa iltts taha summonati as a juron. - 5. Tro-cause Flds ta b evras a Juron. a il. Ta cause certain va.iremeru ta ha caleansd swos'-as-jurars. 7. To cause certain vonîrameulta ira avaru for tira porpose of procur- lng a vdt!ct lu beisaîf o! tire defen- tient, Len imaîl. Tire lest tva counts mere taken as an Indicetion tiret' tira efforts of in- vostigators In unoartir alleget bs-lb- or>' of othor jurons nIll continue. Tire Indictmeut mas signeit!by Devit T. Webb, foremen o! tira grand eacir count le from ane ta twant>' yeers' imprisgnmen.t or e fine nat ex- caatilng $5.000, or bath. Judge Edwards Witness. Munir spéculation arase over lire1 les-t tirat Jutige Etivertis nameaep- pears ln tire lust of ninateen wituess- es on tire beci of tire nitillent sog witi tirosa..f et iagovruors son, Leslie Smnall, anti Werner W. icirroeder, Of cOunsel fan tire da- teuse tiuring tire imaîl trial. Xitla saidthtit nesmucir as Jatige E~dwards iii ire a wituessaet tire trial o! Filds i illii haImpassible for hlm to préside as jutige eund that one of lira aIrer Juriste on tira circuit nil ire calleti upon ho ait. SUPERVISORS TURN DOWN BILL FOR ASST. PROStCUTOR Atty. Coral Heydecker 's Bill Slashed $87;' SmalI Pros- enutor MayNot Get Pay. Tisa board o! supervlsora fniday ne- fuset 10racaneider tisit racent ac- tion visen- liey siashedthtie bil of Att>'. Coral Heydecker,fram $28710 ta $200. Tire boas-t etao Informed Mr. Haydackirthel altirougir eha ba been nemeti by States Atlas-ney' Smith bteiereafler no epeciel pros- acutore abille moult be ajiovati mith- out lise ausant orthtir board bè firet obtainet!. Thistiaclsian-places in doubt tise receut action o! States Attorney A. V. Smith,. vir got Tiras. A. Symmes. ,Chicaga Tribune lavyer, ta aselet hlm In tee grand Jury -probe into ai- cour:-to appont BYmmes.anti Jutig Edigards grantedthtie requesi. Att>'. Haytiecker tld lire supervis- ors teet tire membera of tira Laie Counl>' ber association are nat avare tiraI tira board'a approral la noces- ary but tiret in future tire>' probe- il>' moult b. "hep.' Ha saidthtin ira mate ouItlire - butl for visaIise consuderet e reasdabla fao, theeev- erage beiug lese lien $16 a day anti liaI for bis Justice court mri he, cirerget oui>' $10.,virarea tir a br tees mare fixet ai $15. HaeirântIla tise ettes altorney'e mri for 17 tiays virile Mr. Smith sud bis aseis- tant S. H. BOlci.vmre prosecutiug tire Votive lirai case lu Chicago. Tise board mamberu expresat themseirau la lie affect tiret Mnr. Heytiacker'e recoarsea lu btainiug tisa tuait inat a! tire bilt vas lirrougir Mr. Sithr, Wmiroargineli> aPpp.ved tire $28710 bill. anti viess tire boand taler toik It baci ta hlm. ire cul fil la$200, as tiret us ubout viratirhe assistant tes attorney gai turing tira same Penloti. Syrqies esistet lir. Smithr tirea tays tins ekandsutMay ire umployet sevarai tieye more nexl mai. If ira preseuts a bil ta tire coant>' tire me>' be Baule more 'fisrevork et tire boardi meeting. $27eOOO ESTATE TO BE PROBATED Plition ta probata tire estate of Mne. John Ballerd, a! Libentyvilla. vas filet Mouday te probata court Ptition gave lire estimateti valua atee este as canslstiug of $12,000 real estate anti $15,000 pereonal pro- party. April 23 ras tire date set for probatng o! tire malter. BROCWAY CLOSES 30 YEARS SERVICE FOR COIUNTY11ONDAY Recorder of Deeds and circuit Court Clerk IIoldà Record fer Long Service. When Levis O. Brockmcy edo.. tira dcor o! bis Office lu tira court- bouse Monday atteou ho iret Berveti Laie caunty lu su officiai -e, pacly for 30 yearu. Mr. Brookvay, countr recarder anti cler a! thra Chr- cuit court, boita tbe record for lengtir O! continuns servica for lire amant- t!. On Marcir 28, 1893. Albert L. lIen- des vas elected caunty clark ta sue- cPeetLemie Dornetl. deceasat. Mr. Bnockvay vas vas-klng lunlthe De. pertinent of tire Interlor et Washing- ton ut tirehUe sud Mr. Hendes vîret i iSu ta cama ta Wauiegau anti laie tire Position of deputy cauuiy clerk. Mr. BrocimsY bÉgan iris da- llas Apr-il ffl. He amrei-rat u t ce- Pnady irnutil 1900. mirn iha rau eleci- et clerk af tire Circuit court anti countY recarder, anti resiguot as i en. ulY counîr clerk. Ha bas cazo boIt! that pômtian oantinuousiy eor ince. Mr. Brocray bas bis arn Idoas about polueis aeuthie ftimes ho but! OPPOnOuts ho mad tie ua ltMot sce boy fer hunle. iiecaulti mendite titam:luntire comrpaiu. Tt cenb. samtRa it M. Brocrcy tint Laie caunty umrer "rdt a more buIn«es-hie, or more capable offleor anti tire rpobably neyer vasxca4101- Iticlan In tlie cunty wno matie tome nemiesor i-more friands. 1Mr. Brook- nay bas aircys made. lu a mie neyer ta employ Pemasluis office a. a Pollilcal fevri. ne employa oui, par sous nhoare capable af doiug ral tire particulci- duiles ta whbitire7 areauesivei. luIn bis way ihe bas muanteot ta melutalu a Vary efficioert office force, anti teapItm tire rapidir Increaslng volume of business tria eMflrisu h» irasbnu maictaluet!. MI»asAuna tD. Botoford leiliraisa- istart, anti t. J. Wllmot bis second Relatant. bath bavlng imen lu his out- nlOY for maur veans andi are veny ef- ficifent cnd! obliging. Wben MCr. Brackmay vas 17 1'ears ot ira bpgen ieachlng school ai Long Grave. During isfrIs t iYear ire langirt five pupîts, mach of vbom mare 21 yeaea ad. Aithaugir one of tirese young men announceat htir vouldti iror bis teacber int a suor- bank, anti mas large enaugir ta do il, Mr. Brocimay, tbrougir ttratagent succeedet Inlu ubtiulng tire pupliirh a fer valà planiti aope anad val- laps. cati from tbai lime on hire nver heti any mare troubla. lir. Brociray hboIt only four jobs lu bi llue. Aflar compiatlng his techiug et Long Grave ho servet! as principal of tira Deerlialti scirool for 12 yoars. Hie vite mes a toscber In tiret echool for several years. Af- ter tirt et iaas lu Waahington. tirra years. thon vanketi for MCr. Heudeje seron anti a hait yeare. eut! ia. beau ln iis prosent office 22 1-2 ypae. Oue of tire autalanding Meatures lu Mn. Brackmays mark ton tire couuty lu îbet ho attended stnIctly ta, bus- mness counecleti rith ie isoffice anti knev oxacîly wvial mas gaing on al p5ri.ae sbusiness eOnce ibissufe ntit i office. Tire 'Leva" have been conaplcuaus ln tire nourtirause turing tire let thurt of e century, thora baing "Loy" Dorsett. "Ler" Hendee sud "Lee5 Brackray. MUÂAT MKTO BONE Of CONTENTION IN LAWSUIT Esther B. Tartar of Lake Bluff Sues for $ 00 Rent AI- ieged toB e Due Her Tirea a eboue a! coutention ln e Laie Bluff meel mariai lamersil, mincir reaciret cauuty court Tirurs- day1 riren lire.BEther B. Taler1 pro- pniehar of tire building tIiOt! a forci- ble dtainar action egainet C. G. Clark,tisrougb ber ehtorneya -Hall & Hulse o! Waukegau. Wheu tir ebaise mes matie out, ec- cortilug ta tire plaiutiff, Il vas for onlY bal! a! tire building. Clark dltais lire loss stipulatedthairt sire refrain tram hantiling mneais as ire renteti t for lire purpose a! operet- log a roat marial anti moult ual haro enleradti o aeeti irt been tld tiret tire lentilati>' as ta ire competilor, by continuing hoairan- die meete. Itla sclaimedti iaI miren Clark Ion- darodth ie chrecks for ieutire endors. odti lrm "rosIt for tir enotire build- ing" andti irt for ibis reasan, lins Taler declinedti a accept. Wiren tire back rout reachat tir aemount o! $500 see elariedth ie forcible tietain- or action.11 p ~. / INDEPE NDENT UIBErRTVLE. ILNIS, TURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1923. $1 .50 A YEAR IN ADVAM "o boax »ImbiB irwrb r eeMaf i 01er 1 1 1 1 VMVLÇkRsý - - rcuqlïbc ccluý Three- Tickets Named Places. on Village Board*, The eleobM mbe BOARD PRTESIS o Tedy prti17,ad1A litions feor;placés ou thba llot.TA MRlT OF VWAY evening there vere flled vlth Viliag TffRClarBÀ 1 u1 u1,Trptov ibree tickets. a4 IR UATIWP.PRGESV MOXI For Presidont-Jasee .Hyat. DYeolare Obtalning of Neoe*- For Trutee-J. N.* Bernard. 'W. W. sary Land as Too Expen- 1"rnmmittE, PARTY sive a Proposition. For Fraudant-W. H. audOr. 1For Trustees--o. B. lmi.fl The.. connty b&rd Wrtda3 voted op- Dellenmaier andi Robert Bits. position to thre propood location of INI3TIPINDWT -PARTY sate turait route No. 19 uiirough the For Trustees LibrarY.,BOat&-)Ab0 tovnship oft uba on ithe contention Wallsand Max Robuor. that Il vould nlquire the. acquisition There are three truste"e to be el«> of ton, much expansive rigbr of wey. ed, twa holding aver-George 81;03* The. boardi voted tb mud a dologa- snd ttauiey Estoc.î, tion ta Springfield t akek lapth . The tirat ticket comnprises tIi P * inatter vitir tbe governor andi e: ont lflumbmnte 0ofithe offices tu'WbhJ plain te hlm andi members of tI*-Ithey aspire for reelection. eto hlghvay departmout theoCh, Wedffnady ight lMr. iollOU1i cumstaucom. flotiflodt he village cleri thut haW~ $uporVisor Kinechur of Globa md le Withdraw from the OOu1IeO% t6WWe r p t alied that thre pn- . th a s âm be let t off V»q potroivt t= .provy o p -Ma. _5oiner said bis 1309 ta apoit ytri tvol f» paignô4W!tio bis cousent aud,Ù9b of the. met rouidweom tu pan** 4Mdi.Mnot e 1 .a cndidate. ton and voit!daaqelbte rS0, Im .,iti ue ttot $U P,". l"v ,Wmatt Ï ietusee rear. Thé. entire rlgii t i'Vay voUiticoutte Sp. ust avenue ibu, proxiurate4r PI.OO. 0Tire p d te Hmi.b bt»w route le' tbro gi Ba ortou»tolo lug thre C. à N. W. metrtro t 01.-tesa4uiate4 V« UMbY the. tel Lake. pe aym ;oro e XI vas oxilalued . uhat a bottenr .psea#,s the ronie voWdIt! Lealang tthe 0001; o nt, as e the, major port of thre viDage .toagrtiés » point wré e r.road voÏI£ 0( trabg, tt utraigit West te Cary. Tbs route. buneo It vas sait!. vouit mrve tire ville trats b b andi IA%» coumtebotter.li wM eto bé 4« The. propos"d route voold b l of 0g x rtyvjl^ o tU-Mblhbie ChicassoHighilands, &" 4Ident Hyatt esu Lt! lto m4ny lots vaeid have ta bho om- ou tihe Progrea-mo 5rovomff deleoti. l ouid. aiso requinth ty.Te m num *h h moviug of a store. lt Tr"adean tfamlIer iuit _ü emeulilo. ?Iror en n et . BONS LAM t coume battre tire villagoiee BO U L I Slnth. nert yeu. wdbWU** INCLUDE CARMPsdetHst aII T mR Aik N IN TjP T IM w i h wl e b a e h 0 4 6 Illinois Armv Off icersTraning olection to boit!A0il1»4ýt tb Camp Work at Ft. ShÇýWan vile ohi «tsoo ln 1917 IS GiVen CrMdt. Tw tk» t*" Thousande of Illias otfle ibree0fu L 9. oidhIiSoOê ssé= 14w e > the. warîti war miro rec«11*t! bot "are tva trumes1 eee~ missions lu tte officers' tian-u;Tira .an 10o tse atooie camp at lFort Sheoridan lu 1#17 viii o~bd4uding fromtu & e ocio* roceire tiroir bonus for tb&t petiot!, tire aiteom cu0f1Azirl I& accordlng to announcoment today by Paimer ,D. Edmond». ot clért ~o! the service recognition boardL The. LibertyvifloToim oleUoarLW This bas boon assurot! as the. ro- lu Tuoeday brougiri a ratbf idoe suit of action la u Wsingtou by rote tran va. expeaieti. A. 3X Major General Chare. H. Mrti.. vas eieoted qmboIý ruste* o m farnierly lu commaud of the Eigbty- years.tire.bol«ug a.oppWE:l sixtb (Black Haïwk) division, «who But theo progrogim t now ia chiot of pereounel of thé. Coak-Meniptta4UirarX fei Unitedi States armay. ta a to*nslb.flirter? "at- 1 No Credît GIven by U. 8. tax of oneoaigirth of aC=Miior When the verillation division of tbundoe, brougiri forth cotn ta ec6 heti.clirm of eiith f>i- 'thlie alý mp res voterans sas vore udountOrot Inluthe :PSed ta tire propositiounU!ie 1. ragular routinelit t fird noce«--- vQta s e.refflodtforJK >' sary 10 sidetreck tirem bocaume of 8. wvfb 6 3 votff ero rgiIo officiai ver record carde furniéeod Iibrery Ïtsi vý o ws. mver21 ot tram Wgahin&ton dlaid give crt 4n Mr avor~$r1 l#agaat tire for Fort 8heridan service. Rules of lion. Tire vte1eypreciuete = the board demand thaitbthe full rcbW1,-For thre te= 111; qidbt period for mhich compensation lauthe tX. 1f cleimed muet be vend et! by ottelai rcWt th ax i, aid > Washngton recorde. .theOIUI 3Fa th li.44.1,lri Y euDpy thue deficioncy andti tre-. et$-orteta,8 atu ijy expediiîe intiera as much go, the tax. 53. passible. <louerai Martin vaw a» pealedti t by membore of tire staff a! tire board l'ra oronunder iris U IK commandi ovorses. CnURTiREFhaE aseuroti the board that a cômpiote 5 M UW5 Fort Shreridan meu le beiug pro- pared under bis permoal eupervision anti wlll be forvardeti et an early Tu" RFC IEi~~ date. Meny office the regular el-mu andi navy e trom Illinaie Circuit Jutige Udmarim Saturd&y ro have &Pied. te bonus. Some fueti to vacata bis previoDsoid«1 tiaubt w va s~l ata iheir ebiliiiy Placng o rocoler or i c r c t ta prove Ursîeeln Ilinoim, Platake, fBoat andi Enginscol..~ eapeclally iii cea vireathey bcd af Fox Lake. Henry A. K*yor. *4 beau lu service 20? or St0 yoars and Ment of ibm compauy, . t! ottld ln tbat times bati beau eatione t atlie court ta discirarge ib*eW,4*~ a number ut differant places. But ou the grountis tiret bis posm a study af the 1ev reveaed the vasual m arranteti. tact tiret ln euch cessea the legal Iu court todey M t tfed trtt assuomption la ln tavor of the place his conce ir Fa J.ake In Wrth vhich was their home when thay fully $36.000, astimbti gtire ril'~ entetet! service, regardleofo!tire tire tend au wrtcbh Ireseet1, ientth of lime tiret may haveo0f Waukegan vas pae ïi~ eleped.. as an exper-t viluese edutimio the value aofiire prolrrty t Weul<egan attorneys have recelveti $40,000. copies of tire beautiful leaîirerbo.jnd Tire court demande t ohie ,r ireslviiy embaseed books rhich have monuy could net b ,o 4 beau publisheti as a memrilR--'ta property 10 taie up tire, tire laie Ju<igeChrarles H. Dannelygflis pop wt us* lu addition 10 lire biography of bis lu tiesying tire ItJote b Ilite the boaok cantains meny aulo- receirer lire courtasirMK g gies, Iucludiug tbosee delvereti et part ta hlm If net lire memorlal service irlai.S Rock. mark of b te r»0«ivSt- tard. A beautiful steel ongrarlua o! bcd beaun male, y i ihm lai, Juriet apbears as the trou. rocetyor , a <UEif tiaplece. ii8f.uno. . -e

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