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Libertyville Independent, 12 Apr 1923, p. 11

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LZERTYVI[LE D1IDnOO«TIMAY, A.PIL 13. 1923. - m $5 down dolivrs te Ton FE-DERAL ,lectric Washing Machine Mmaue payable at the. rate of $7.80 m.nthly. Aoo~ayne th0 Machine, 1h. buye dulngthecontînuance of t he7&P'« pei.si a., 1sagi vean F RE E I)A Table Top (2) A Becc (3) Aun Electric Toater --f it hstPP5nou ho fa lapro vidsd wtl, the Table 'Tap and th Two Applano.. narned, we wliI altow a creoIl on lite P.r.,« o thes' merchandée-$5inleu of the Table -'raP, 47JO> ln Place Of lhe lion and the smarn mount In plaqe of he Toaster. Fi partcaar at aiiy of our Electris Sales SI'ops the sear- est of wlecl is aat WAJKEGA, HLL 129 N. Ises... St. Pubür. Seie Co. lenetisudail josetia fue imetalîeLong on Indicrmenl had alreadY admltledhils gilît. lie Mns. J. N. Zmmner and Mns. Jh. They later retireti and titre vas jury ovcrtook lie sale's désires and Kuox of Mcltcnry apent ffida>' aI tie a long and heateti argument amOltug relorueti'lie Indctimenl despite bIs hame o! Mr. and Mrn. Henry Gear>'. tb. jorymen as same afhthe mem- pleas against îIL Miess ane CondelI. a formerragil- bers inaisted lie jury should stand Vie contrant of lie slale's posi- dent o! Waoconda, dicd ata thé home by ls firt, votes. nameIy acuuifitlg lion in liese tva cases cerlaIll> of ber neice, MnB. William Gariner, a! Fields go far as an ludicîmeal *ent stands out as ratier conspiCuuts In Lavudale, on Wednesday, March 28',Havever, afler a long argument the' tht annals of Grand Jury procedure aged 83 years. The remains were mater was inali>' put ta a vote in Lake Coul>'. brougil here for bural. ta sée. vether lhey sbauld recan- Jane Connel vas lie cidest if lie ider and a reconbideration vas or- ******** *** famlIy and lie lasI 10 be taken. Si. dtned. conductedl a ioarding bouse lu Chicago Tien came the vole as to vietler * P RA IR IE V IE W * for man>' yean und bat vrything I an indîctmient siould bc relurntd the Great Chicago Pire. Inliater yemansd lie jury voted 12 ta 11, thug ***** bovever. $sie vas succeseful in lie geîîing an ladîcîmrent "by lie skia îî va. anfuauied i lent veeka ls- sane buaness and ber bouse va. thc of their teelh" for, bailie vote sue that the Ladies Aid vere ging la same as If you ver, ai home, bain 12 ta Il la favor o! Fields meet vli Mns. L. HalI, but ou nc- 1 liere -Wouid bave been no Indict- count o! henadd.u IlInesliate>' vii Itirfin I-t. Bartètît of Freemont ment agaluat hlm. meet athle home of Mns. Chas. Store. tovnship Monda>' filed a friendi>' suit Thils révlation o! h. Stale'a per- ,Mr. and Mn., William Meyer sud againet ils molier. Mns. Nelile Barl- sistence i binglng an Indictment faml>' apeal Good Prida>' snd Baster lett, a vidow, ta seille op ticeeltat., 'aeinst Fields ladicales 10 Fields' Monday hi Ohîcago, lie action belng a blîl for partition. f ida Ihat filvas not go niuch Miss Florence Malier came. home Vie suit Involves lie propert>' lie a case cf lie évidence brougil on Viorsda>' evening 1oi attend the Bartlell's ava la Freemoal. forth vhlch broughl about an in- lammunt>' ctertainnient given b>' lie ___________________________dîciment but liatItIl as týe Per- LadisAd. sonal appeais snd pleas made by the Ernest Fry and dargiler Doroli>' Stale's prosecutos liaI brougil tht ver, ha Prairie Viev ou business on H OG JEW ELRY Grand Jury verdict, lu ther yards Wednesday of lat w.ek. filvas not a spontaneous outiorat Mies Ruh Bausen spent lie latter of lie jury but the verdict came part of last -week vllh her sister, Mrs. onl>' atter the tva prosecutors liadt E. Lenen and fami>'. Insisled liaI lie jury recansîder litsMn. and Mm . red Pries. sud Mns. vote af 22 la 1 and 15 la 8 and Gilouan sud cfItIdren attended thc bring la the indictusest. Eastern Star Soci aI t Npling on And.tien la cap lie climax, show- Fnida>' eïig. lng lie opposite desires on tht Mrs. Ir L. Maihher sud son calied - Poor liog rings corne out-,tic>' part af lie tate la lie appeale ai lhe L. Krueger iomp on Viursday ceuse noue ore4. with lois of veight: matie by lh, prosecutar liat tht evtning reparted liat Mr. Krueger -t>'break; îi.ey make e&Il knds cf jury shoultintIdc lelt a oeiîipaei trouble. man via furisitti th.eévidence Mn. and Mrs. Wm. ISuer andi Miss - oo Jiog ringa-Praîtta-maclc againet Filds. E. J. Mlindalcd aI lie L. L. Mae- of special wire, close properl>' and 1Itlai recaileti that vien tuis jury tien home on Suda>' afleroon. Mr. 'are e&ày on the. hog, butili.e an'5 took up Rley's mater for consider- and Mns. Sauci siso palletiai lie Wm. mlan liat Stales Attorney' SmihStanclif borne. u'eoe R lig. ,.d. 'Rins tt' je eed liaI th. jury "did not bave A piano va. recentl>' given Mrs. L, on te bz a igit la ladicI hlm because he L. Maelier b>'lber mother. Il arniveil qq Wé tepit th .Peb.et hat furni the leétale valuable la- ouI here on 18aturday. le sIt c toh.IIblatin«... formation." Vie jury-mcaaconn- Mre. H. Pales anti son spent a part MajIor, Wlvil.cChastsopi ldouble ly ortieredthlbState's Allorne>'front of lsslveck 'vialtins 'wirelativee lu ins), 'and N.adlcpoit; a-o Blaser, lie room and a.kcd Judge Etivards DesPlaines. for aul of tIes. tastep la. The. jutMniscua*d igr,.- sud Mn. Fred Prinsgsatt.nded a fmtt'a Psefl al is R.r. for HUI iilm If tic>' ad a igil ho JUiIdt dancoe et WiihBglattu gy it.. MiWse»sv« breaki - Deiaud k... osa edéoer the ugarn!. a man even Ia face of, the fState' Miss Ruh WOI! ipent 1r y eve- P ratt RIsse. T«sY m*5tt0.t 700 or Attortys requesl that lieT lot i.Qutq vlahrgranilmole INrb Ihi...as>'moie.rwt ér oho'i-ofl P1 W.L &'Tfrr .CO. nos. Vhe Judge tlid tli era l>oulid -Ûeël. n-~u ie 15 West Lake St. InvIsbea ab-dy they 1 9be oetwapwm t 'oe« - i Wat Lae St.cileLg as-thie evidence justilcil il i4abdb>' Oie Ladies AU on i iuinsdy ovin- te occas 0' North .,Shor, Tlioughtlul. above ail, de abi.lity. EVERY FARMER KNO WITH THE HIGH PRICE 0F LAD) AND) THE WORD WORK NECESSARY TO RUN A SUCCESSFU FARM YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO TAXE CHANCE WITH THE QUALMTYOF THE SEEDS YOU S0W. M1 SIST THAT YOUR DEALER SUPPLY YOU MRT BADGER BRAND SEEDS -$285 .-$3 19 -.$41 4 4443 .-645 .-$610 -$610 Lý.IJNOIS £tÀ fE IbLTITC'U tdu43tlofl lnthe. pariahi was organ- ing,:ws wei1attende'i and a most en- IAI1I~ ized te develop leaders l1 each local v.ev VfU1WI oai mbad by ail. It 18 ho i~4RL IftUIJIE -~ WI(JF althmore euch gatherinngs llb churci go that thc people mlght car- RA D JURY l VOTE.LJ!L1AJ aIli ry n eficenty he rogam h . n hefuture, A fic. littie sumn PLAN 15 WATCIIEII sle s wIthut the laershp OT TO INDICT SM AIal JMJROR was risd t tee iiofr g BDY MITIIODISM4 opned i Lak:Vila, Gays Lake, That the grand jury which recently returned an 'nu the neigliboro and frieuda that New Pan Beng Tied Ot prgrani1124 05paTht'iditment against Juryman Fields, did so onily at'ter ~tlisnk lit cornt~ tr hi id PlanBein Trid (M well as InstructiIn worship, met- taking two'ballots, REFUIJSNG to indiet him, and that unesa in preparing the prugrain. Covering of County rh Novet odeof tec la <In lpa'rneniIthe. flic FOR an indictmcnt came oxly aftt'r >ta .e's M.sdM.H ai netiw woote company trom Chicago la8t Friday. Reiglous Idea. . o six weeks leadership trainlng Attorney Smith and his assistant, -Synmes, had PIea2ed William Kiepper spent several dasa Lek - Paish ourtes wpre gîten at ,ake Villa, long and earncstly that he BE indicted and made it clear at iei flomei. Hle bas arranged to "re aeCounty Pre Plan, Gray', Lakte, Volo, Rosecrans, N I rtbson 'as dscussed et the Rural Leader- nyî n"'bî Hîba ieeto te jury tat their whole hope, thei hoeaM lnf C. M. Glman spent Saturday aud ship Conference t Garrett Bilica' Institut«. vere well attended hy the the entire action WAS TO INDICT Fields above al Sunday at Milwaukee with hie brother ad euiater. Instituts, Evanston, by Dr. C. 3. BOY. farmers and their chlldr'n end bY others under consideration became known to the Daily aMr. Geongh of Hghland Park rep- It, professer At Garrett. - igh school studentg.seinoe bîgi ,Fils new plan la a p* ide& iln ochool students have taken a cor- Sun today. resentilis lie Publie Service Co. made Mctbodlam ln Amerlea. but follows respondence course ln Religous Ed- O H IS A h rn uyhadSih' a business catilat Prairie View on Mon- bomcwbat the plan used linIlnglafld uction. ON!E"evD Y h rn uy er mt' day. wiicb le called th circuit plan. but ln 1922 dalv vacation ochocls i eidence" against Fields, they thereafter. voted Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tully spent Fri- ln Aiperca Il loi calied a country ver. bld at McHenry, North Prairie TWERNTY-TWO TO ONE AGAINST an indiciment- day afternoon vith Mns. C. Mauon. parlai. 1 an d rsys Lake. U. C. Rbulle. of Wh.eling, vas a Dr' Hewllt salit Gry'& 1-k is4 Dr. Hievîti sald that the parisi AND THEN THE STATE 'S ATTORNEY, hearîng *b,.i, cler ber. on Friday ater-. been selcctcd 5as the conter Of the Ppn ln aider t0 be a aucces should What had taken plafme, insisted to, the jury that the "evi-no. Lakte Couaty Pariti Plan and Mr. be grouped arouad a geigraphîcal dence" was not ail in and he presented àdditional testi- Jamnes han becS sppolnted super- certer. viser. The superviser ha Charge i _________EST TE of th. Metiodist Eptsopai Commun- -moy ity chrh a rta:'s : Lake :* *aRnd** v*i*e And the jury voted the SECOND tUme.LA EISTT S liat , the r te laa poite nlthe1g G A Y S LA K E AND THE VOTE ON THE SECOND BALLOT A MTE)T the superviser .ft-a director of r.. * * * * * * * * * * sto* *E O IH O IS a nitet ligiou. educatloo ad of rural churcb Mr* D.* . vaste a &Chicago vis- The first vote was on Monday, the firet day the jury ~ ~ A EM N A wor. SudntsatGarettBIlicl i. Odo. G.onvened, the second -vote was on the following Wednes- OBÀPEM N A Institute are te lb. used ta preaci Mns. . A. Book. Mrs. Dr. Darby day.- aud te do social vork at varous and Philp Meade returned home Sua. BUT, the state wasn't satisfied With this aprn Mrs. Henry C. DurancL and point. ln the pariai. One Othei day. after spending the winier i the aprn point, It i Rosecrans, wiere a con- afte o! Plorlda. conviction of the jury in refusing toindiet Fields and Mrs. Julia Morgan Make mualty boas. ha been butt as an1 Dr. E. P. Rhaffr saet the Lakeaide te 4%dditio elcirivli r-htialI hcgorcîig tisai efore, both State 's Attorney Smith and Symmes xent vides s social Center for the violt, ment. before the jury again and almnost demanded that the juryBeets bopmunlty. Anotier point la ai 4Mia. 1P. B. James ban return.d frosu rconider its voeadIDC ils h ettso w elh ad Yort House vhere a basemen t han the icepîtal. but vl ble conflned ta eco'teaForIT ila.Test dHgn a rk 0rtO eitLks been put under the churcb viclciebd bed for some tUme. And sol THE THIJRD BALLOT was taken. And woret anmtd telgbanPark e lntm lirovldes addtlonal room for recre- 1 R. B. Godfr.y vas in Chicago on suffieient niembers of thejuy after this determined vaecre dted tda poat r àtlouaI actlvitles. as veli as lor tie business5 Tueday. ryba.cutMndy work of the. Sundsy Scbool. 1 isse. Lis Bttersiall. Annabelle persuasion on the part of the state, earried the plan for on, ef thm vas liee state of ýWhiimore and Mra. Anta Ifufford a'Ahrhidblosls ekThrdyan ytenarw M.Alce. Platt Durand of Lake At Gray's Lakte a ncv location bons ended the edOn. hi Chicago Monday.th irbaltaswekTudyan b he aro Forest. Her bnsband. Henry Calvin, beco securcd oear lie cent tetc Rev. P. B. James vau a Chicago vis- vote of 12 to il finally got through the ihdictment. Durand, vas nemed executôr ,sad vuiy laontv.lci 1anbuld sno dm-lii rusdf.Therefore, that the indictment againat Fields was Oed a bond of $40.000. The calatel muniyplnt.axd n 1d r rci Ms. wiiikle entertained ber .1.1er'cosIata of $75,000 vorli of reai e& building two mles from Gray's Lake of Wankeàsl ig. .. a few day lat NOT the SPONTANEOUS EXPRESSION of the Jury consd$0.0 pesalrort hms been moved leo Gray&sLake and vet.tt n 2,0.I esnlpoot Jttd a. a aiuit ~ enlet Moaunra pet Sturaybut that it was a FORCED EXPRES&Q,(N, forced by mm. Ali Platt Dirand of dakre _ Wint, s. pMMthebos& e'n attorneyen TurQ CetaiEhodins EVlirDENTè A il Abt W t itere lisho citirci viti friondg At L&kevla testates a-orey -"' * li VM N te personal estate la lefi 10 bier *eUdlnt but on. la expected t 1 r . Misd Wagner and dangiter. Mie After having eunt TWO BALLOTS, stronglV daugiter. Carolyn Durand. t' u e aiarfe mo. h o gaitssI.sai en «gmt herotnrday C lcag. AGAINST an indietment against the .Small juryman, Tic Otiér estate vas th"t of Mms for so.cia arree tia b. ru is M.te hom ter .uciusyJulia P.Morgan of Higland Park, fo oia n ocetoalvn IIa erhn.despite the'pleas of the state's attorney, somle of the ad-Sxselo 3.0 nrs t At Oray'. Lake boys and girls 0rhe ien, frlends of Curtis Tonte.snd.osse ! 3.0 ira s ,dCube bave been orgsklsod wvilci viiib. 50r> te isar tiat i.ovau ci. JUTyien objected to this sort of procedure and even tte. and $310.000 i personal pro». provide social and atiletic featuye liged te return ta tie boupital lust raised the point that after the jury had once vote NOT erty. Tic liusbad, Otto H. Morgau. aiblettca bas the. cilef interest b. . & r.Ed setBna to return an' indictment they coild not reconsider theîir am ,, bdan ld le Lange lier. la.àsfine gymnualusu. At viNi Antbli relatives and Mrs. Eddy action. However, inquiry showed that thtis could be done A bequest « $%MO, the. vili shovs Norh Prairie youug people bave no lUii5&fed for a ev duyMMt tetmetesWL ghdsgndte ae w h r an mdeu. Vie el0n o gan, aii .eammnnity bail but use the Roës r Mn. sud Mns. OrvIlie Smith of Lii- 9p Ot tetefreinhdsge tepprweh rvans u mai. silim o. $sM lx an, a Cran. building. At T orkHou«sethe s:tyvlle uure callers here Saturda>'. it was a "no true bill' or a "itrue büll" d to Mrs. Edhia C. Perron. Tie Young peope bave developed msone A seveu pou" baby 'gfil wvs.bor home - at Highilandl Park, ltie honme talent ployaandamitie churci t0 Mn. and Mns. Cbarley Hook Mon- Up t0 lie ime tiat prosecutol' accordingly lie jury voteil a true gt basenient han been used veecky for daY ApillPli. Smith sud hi assistants rclnrned bill agalnst Riley anil liaI bill viii vîth the personai property il con- Relsios ilhdatonla eln tugi flir' Rci ao il yougson~ 1 te eGrand Jury room lie foreman be fonunal>' retUrueil vieatic Jury tains. toetervtiautos boise seesocial euln. Cilaro Vuiha>' viie il ungnnoh bd -uet attacici l ilssignature te reconvenea on th* MAL .etc., gis 1.1telethechuaband. Tic 'Z' p1lgose'cto aint [ te Chiucagreo Tuesd. here hie oompalb. ý-O true bil" tierefore, follew- P..cution blspleaed ot th. proper n t le b.divide4, nisil b>' Mii. PenM ng t lu pIes îiey wcrc abllee o'Andti thOe appqrent Idesires o! equaily icîveen lie Ove childeen. & thA CeOmi bs cnvic.enougi of thé jury to se- Ithe prosecutlin l bs eebecome______________ lo t mvHwl strwe, foruneriy one quieece in tisir demande le brng jkuovu itc.sellclsac bVMos.À.Ion*.about lie vote o! 12 forindictcent f1-la the case o! Bile>' the. Slat's mmAI RU I Ei - IS Miss arbof ValparsaI»o, ld. vieraa il mli blSd but. Inslstlfli'Attorney' dîi mot vaut tic Jury te X11: ý -CCCC peut. y oul mt da>' Felsboret mbut lb. jury Insisledl TOBE HUNGRY! ~~. . DBatteabaliwin uChicago on. Tis a iquit. a evelatiobcli osdla vrd em.Yori weg an bary n- u cas uy culylii c a2-ut e eo!Fielda hejury lm e U - Mq-y * * * * * *qullted l Fields on ls frsI and second afier iearing tiec evidence voleti 1< Y 9> uAI i *00 iaB 0 m blofotte 0 ldîilhm bal lie tat, s E rk dnt b aoo unes purfalot arte isgood. W U C OND A la short lie respoliSive vote ai, Attorney vas displeased And vent Or a keen appelite, gaod digestion, thle Grand Jury afler it liadt bard before lie JMr agaîn and pleaded o m _n rici reti biood, andthle -poncu"-and ' **aIl lie evdeace lie statehali~aitead got them lu reconsIder ter v.tatg ili perfecl haitti. present against Fields vas Ihat the. vole of 22 te 1 againat lie State's ee utie's p.pta-ManlrMns. Mary RItlenr rturnied hmmeviec a utfya aict- deires and evenloali'li te>' oka I Talc. Gode'. for a short une, andi tat, veek atter a visil vîit frlenda in ment andtdhle tva votes ver. take 12 ta Il vote and fOued tie ladicI- niole the il differc he ti wy you Llbety'e. arg e mjril e r. agwe aînt te ntora lu th e. cs taprniio T look, et Mfee. C. E. Jonke. ade eodshwdlaItemn taghincsteldu. yrnt Your druggisl bus k-liquid or tab- Carence J*bnks of Chicago spent the 1 nage lb, idicîet. aig rtr ansvered lie slate's purpoaca and h lets, aa >00 prefer. week end at tic home o! Mr. sud Mn. - Hoveer iIdi not cno î eie abv nhdcmn . Ray Cook and Hugi LaIy 'via are lie dsirea ofthli proseculion for torued agaloat a ma hlihadt becu t>.ly I Wkeanse. te ektiey iad theur hearts sel an in- tryiug la prove guill>' viereais lan P .G ude's end at theircrpective bornes ber. dictg Feds, tereore, when lir te case Of lie tier mn. wIu -eho~Wi.O M -1 Mra. Aice (liaryvicted relatives la 1bth Smith and Symmes hostieti vant hlm ladictei. I'4"lie ance k ,eTo -1c and aA. Stc ndayaae Zuich thtrda. vellageaction forlsoit pub-avae for then Tonie and il/ 'Es'-MildLaI e Zuichn wat a Chi.linta lie Grand Jury raam and matie cs a i a i a u- ' ~m M. MldredBafman as aCh!their pion. demauing liaI indictfnentlilcly denled guilt. and lie jury foil L ~~ ..ciig-Sa yStor lat Tueday. a -~no true lowed the desîres a! lie 5St a ie re2 la THE LARGEST SEILER IN WSCONSI For Sale By L«&9 ugDeriM sEverywlmui sol* Olatributors L TEWELES SUED CO0. Mbrmàuke,Wi 4 Th.iS~ OM 0.5W Pful*ut W~ .U~ . 9II bepr*MsIÈW P. W. 0bew cmo i * MW « S~CUUTY ITL & T~J8CO. AWUACTSWM TYTLE - 04*A ifters andOters rayel onBus-as seý business make it pos- n to use the North Shore Iv. realize event,rUçi Il tvele iiow n-M-cil, re 'Service - really rnean5s I service. Rapid -travel. Andt ay-inuand-day-out depend- Fast trains hae. Libetpill evern y uàes from 5:48 a. m.to 1:&~~tuh~%l4.. and every balfhour tliersaft, i-T4 mp , tien st 8:48, 9: 18, 9: 48 p. m.rn*~ teufe LM 12:48 a. m. Prompt ceecti-at Lake Bluff f or Chicago. Baggage Checked to Ail S Points On the line Chicago North Shore & Mdiwaukee R. ROI LERTYVILLE PASSENGER'STATION TEI*IUIN74 FAMOUS FOR THEIR SPLENDID PURfTY I AND HIGH GERMINATION *9mga iý of us a- il' 49 Jre L&, Um

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