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Libertyville Independent, 24 May 1923, p. 13

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ON . .FIL B, wvhboabe«O CitiOlY M àrnRIErS E AN"M . t& i.I~u5Weireneergesr ai PÀRË S DIRÀD Ub«r-vmde>"mn tg tise bon" ~REIklT RATEé're sped d - ~Onaof the largenai faeaver beiti 'n.t. am..I aiFreusont « vasgiai our aged and Éarouhou ,saîîun bloçtsd raient. Peter Meyer -snd Natli Wan Redced atestociple tatbUe CaUsoisTransfigura~ Om et ti ibn* a Wauon"Monday witb ~ Nex Harvst., ,unla ai tise Wdasoms aemetery. lMr. - Uu~*r vs alays msaaallykuntian&i ý W illlaunK. Itutchln t*Il~leuiknesa antidesth andi WuggoiMay i-itai u.t4a<rosds h baout Use counit iti ~lon ASrtoaît frmer, have laque~ed u<iif t ei m wban ha wao callat dri thïUa~tigi. tiser natioail af u>mtielrisidt a&dha willl ho greatly -<sgea~t6istaforce a redmciion laE m td bah by bis immnediate, fansily ,;Xc =~felht orates bforé, ilazi a"ô fniands& Words cannai ex p rass otr 1V55. Senatar Harrsld. RepubUcitsLyatisy va extend ta tisa bereavati SOkbsioma. a "farm hboc" mW~o, I«Jlfeanmtdobldren. A f uU obituary cf Oioeammtoday. ' Mlr. Neyer viii hafounti in anoUser Alt$ougb goom crops ar esurei lamis cf this paper. ?iise tear Harretd sali. the fapielm siamntWt reeUperate fisir fteffl laMe * tiil, the ceai of tranasaitfeg eropa nu 'akets a lmi aW Th. live 1 * WAUC ONDA lorer roright ratea viii lm cO5ter' 4d osbtalnlng ro4utlonabéforue ~ * *** harveet basgins. evai ."continusation et e9siS t reiglt Mrs. Ray Murphy returnati home iset *aafor on. more iavisiis a In- ee k, ai'er several eaks' vIsin La jýýjban saptagruniu ,ne" Har- Grange at tiseborne of ber parents, ý5e*Sb umea slato cf a A ns- er Mr.and MrstIOwen Paddock anti -lottbev copeto aareL l tey aildaugiter sppnttihe veek endi vith ral- 'tiis riv. tser vii a fotishot-atives in Chiscàgo. e4le mdriv e lie thlr i e fod sor - Miss Esa Tiffansy of near Waukaan tu maý comm iiti s an- isiteti friands bore oc Sunday. 55 faim» J>Toducts B ta n Mr. andi Mrs. UE. Maiman and fans- A = apcaileaing bas been grnted Ily of Waukegan wth Waucentia rea- tativesof tUs a frmera hi tise tises. tais Comsierse Commssios. and IMr. anti Mmr. Emmneit Geary anti son pies for lover frelgisi ratas la1ent Sun<iay wvu Grayslaka raIS. undar consideration. The a f tiss lso bave* appeaaed te praident M1eiss Agnas Murray returneti home ngfor support oft tieir mIya Sunday. aftaff' k vek's vîsit vlUs rela- a tives andi friande In Chiscago and Wan- À specifis requess for restoratian pro-var frelgisi rates on farmo pro-~ S»«s vas matie ta tise commission. :jis aIas,If granteti. wouid range mm Uta 50 par cent. Tise commis- lm vas reponwtetitabavae eti mereqaest lu a "aipihetic" vay.1 «UI no relief la grautadtb tsfme1 fObrs the aa e vat rvut auj »mmrsvii ChaMPIMolgi~oatn1 àéàl#-ta Suasllate roaidsnuang 'obtse agricuitural boittuletse o peratinsg ep o r a e RE. CC CulCC e 0 1ffl Deinleisivas a Waukegan celer, Mr,. anti lra. FcYti Godffrey anti son visiteti aver tishe eknant itise homne of Mr. anti lra. C. E. Jeuis. commencement axai-cimies cf the Wau=ai igi s ciool vitI a e M an o Tritiay evrenng.NaY 25th, ai 8 O'cloek. lu tise bigi s chool auditorium. Tlhe clas, otr'U2conalts off saTn gratin- se-tourboga andt iraeSUgrl, s4 fol- lova: Ettiti Converse. Marlon D&vi12. Lois (itIbert, Fred Anderg,a.JaesCern. IJames D"eit andi Marlon Ruse. Tisertunerai cf Peter Neyer. -ofe tisa Qiti isdhigily s'epeted citise-i of Tramant tavnaghlp, vas selti ai Trransfiguration Caihones ciurCis NOU- uap monleg ai 10 o'ciock, Rev. Pauser Gabagais fflcatiisg al a requiem higis nmss.Tish ea ie laid ta Test leUefilr lti sa tialie cern etery. Pull dtails cf bis deatis vii ha fouistilun sotther cainsen. AIhJk9n f-i< lNIPENDENT retera s a al pa] vOka il bis aies,, jjýLoo WMS 'rOf helatstnefl*ailC' lb. Bay of Milvaise, . a t US ii e epmait.k Vth bt hds evlee -Attend the Chautauqua on Season Tickets You Hlelp Local Boosters and Save Money Trhis Chautatlqfa je madie possible because local boos6ters and ciii- ,IVffl bave guarseteeti the sale of a certain number of tickets. Single erimlaiofls do nleut onth iis guarantaf. and the only way Yeu Can âX1l tand bebind this community entarPrilO je te huy sessOn tickets. Tou save about hait. The admission te "Nice People" atone la over ..oe-third the total prie of a season ticket, andi yen vould have eight Î, eter admsalons-filuin ail. Even If you attended only tihe eaning Wpsorams. you would save the bigger part of a dollar. If yen missed ail atternooc programrl and i ase one eveiing program, you. would stitl aave. 0 À low price for admission by, season ticket Io passible becs.use It .4lsqtribut.s th. attendace. The cost of putting on each program le the iaame, whether there ls a packed lent or a handfull. Most Importagt * &Uel. it la thi staady crowds. commeg session after session. tisai make ' theis ChatauQu&a a malcorpmunity event. th eeeoe tickets, tise-doors of evçry session open te you--azsd at le.oost tisai you vouiti s.end ln attendance off oniy a ew numisers j ROUND LUKE, ILL., CHAIYtAUQUA COMMTE. Grand May DayI Dance and Prize Waltz! Given By The VOLUNTEjîR FRE COMPANY Opera Hlouse, Grayslake 1Ïý Friday Eve., May 25, '23- A Fine Prize Awarded lise lady chosen as May Queehl., Ech ticket ta the dance MIl entitie youl ta Five Votes for your choice. A prize -wlll.also be awarded'to the couple selected as thse best 'vaktzers by the judges. T VOLIVA STAÀND. INGi PAT ON FUAT EARTII 'IEORY; His Belmef in the Stationary Plane Stili Remnains Un- shaken. Zion. lli.-Vollva'm position in re- gard te the aartis being a station- ary planea ailil romnains unshskan. Thse tenaiity of bis position bas been anhanceti hy Prof esser Paul Piainlese, notati French mathamati- clan, former Premier, anti founder of a new scisool cf tisa Einstein 1ev et rela4ivity. A press dleçtatcis quotas tisa leamnet professer as attaciing tise popular bllai thtisithe earlis 19 a globe iirling ibrougi tise air un imaginai-y axis at an enormnoua speeti. andi tubbing sacis a theory as mare childt l. Tise Zian Oser- sear vas intarastad las the press dupatcis anti particularly -tisaclause: "ýUnter tisa aId leacisinga fit as explaInedti iat tisa vorîdti rned on le aise, ant I n space. 0f course tiis la mare tais. for childran; no âucS lhlng occurs, but aucis expiais- atlen muai be gisaisso tise Ignorant enu have a mental picture of wviai tise univarna la USe. Neltiser thse aarth nor tisa stars visiri ln apaie." Accordng te the dispateis. tisepro. fuer la totsndisg a nev sciseal an Einstein's lav et relatIviy anti ha expacts te giva ont more cf bis Lhi- Iosepisy ibis summer. Vliva.,perolst.s tisaitishe earth la Uat: tisati h lamotiosless; andti ti tise ieasens la a dxep canopy ,'of soliti matai-li. Tisa dci .argument tisaitisae aris mustibha aglobe becai. Yodi dais sali tram a given point anti cama back te tisa startlng place la met by Valisa as follovi: 'Yeu can sailiarounsaI slandst! Yeu can valk areunti a biiilditg! But the andsitle net a globe.,nitier le tise building a lobe. Taite a #uiler dollar. te reresait.tb*e ta tionary. plane eartis. 'ne casier cf thse dollar le tise Noth Conter. Drwa aine fron thte edga 0ftishe dollar te tise Noth Conter. As YOU go tavard the Cahier yeni are travel- ling nonsh; as you go frentisah caner te tise etige. ye are travelling meu. Hat anti vesi are sIMPlY painttaaa- rigisi &nges tenontis andi aauth. Stan ai a given Point and travai due east. andTi ou wviii h compelledté t'>cets basa ta tise Palet ef departure." * VOLO Mr. and Mmra.Leo Breyer ansd Mr. and Mm. Victor Plosien of Wmnkegmn, = ~t unday ut the home of Mr. anm Mins Usie May Huson entertiet Use girls le her Sonday mebool clan Satnrdai afternone. Thse Lalm' Aid amc'ety vii meet vitis mJooq* sVogt . Fnday mtel. foot,, June 1. Mir. and Mm. William Diflon anti son, Walter spent ritiay afternoon in5 Wasskegan. G. A. Va ey anti family spent Sunday et Gurnee wiUsaMr. andMmlIra.Llyd BeneeLi By the seventls and elghth grade. Bugen.MoGea. Ni"sEleanur McGee and Dregars of McHenry, Tni su"dsytaithe home of Mr. and mrs A. V . Martin. Alvin Dowell was absent tisree tisys andi one-hlf lust week. There were elevan pupils perfect in attendance for Use psst week. Cisarles and William Msrtin and Helen Vssey receiveti lt Friday afternoon off, for being perfect le attentisice andi receivinZgfgootimarks for Use putbree weaits.. Hazel andi Eleanor.Dillen are oui. off school beausa tisey bave been exposeti to the meàsles. .Dorothy Ohci xut..' Ébseiti fro iigis sciool becausa se liesmessies. .We are etpactii ta have our,:piano on June 2nd. Misesf Bernice James, St p hie sivct nd Sylvia Bedear spent Sun- day afternoon at thse home of Edith Cjaverse. Frank Vogt visiiedeta the home rio! Mrm.Benweil over the week-end. .fl A iew from eesattandedth ie card pu" y iven at the home of Mr-.and FC. Flb».- Massy attandedth Ue party :et Grays- laie Saturday nigisi. Ay "AS LA Ir * lira. D. G. White wssl a Chicago viitor Wednesday. i OMise Lila Battersisall sent atudsy anti Smday with friends in Chicago. '0 Yr n& r a. Îst ner- tsined friands fro hicugoWStinday. Dan Hook>spentlliofday and TMa-y in Chicago. _________ A farvell pariy m tihe nature of a sprsvas tendered Mr. anti lra. Nrmi-s Burnat af Lake-Villa, at Dr. Ward's Products FOR THAT COUGH OR COû Mustard Ointmem4 Coldui.d Fever TubIots, Meniho Camph o i"tct AUGUST RADLOFf hoîu ,150-R ..liy& i Pester's hall on Saturday even'mg. Mr. and Mrs. Burnetiwillmove to Libçrty- ville. lirs. Lucinda Browns la quite ili at ber home on issar treet. Mina Liola White returnet to ber werk at the postoffice Mossday afier an absence of sevaral veaks.I Mrs. McNamara mcompaniet by Mra. E. Murrie of Laite Villa, apent Monday in Chicago. Tise cardy party given et the homme of Mra. Wilbur wassveil atiendeti andi oser U5 vas realizeti. Mr,. and lins. S. L. Cardait vwere Libertyville caliars Sunday. Tisa pay gvn bytise 1vanisce Dran saticclubeu.d.r>Use'.auspicesof tise American Legion on Modtay even- ing vas anjoyeti by a large crowd. Aspianditi progrant issubeen arrangeti for Mamorial da y andthie graves of thse aId soldiars wili ha dacorateJ bath heme anti at Aven Centar. J. P. Morse ie erecting a cottage on tihe laite, wiic is locaiedet .tise back cf bis own home. lirs. J. W. Hock hisu been ii ai bar borne on Lake strea t. C. . Smiths anti taugisiarira. May have raturneti fretn Floida. wasre tbey spent seversi montisa. A apacial meeting off tise sillage board vas haid taitise hall en Wadnes- day evansng. Thcre le a splendid display ef potti plants for Memorlu day ai Godfrey's stars. EiURNI3E FARMER FINED $10 AND COSTS Frank Soi-c, cf Gurnea drova bis car ta Wankegan let t irday. t Parking space vas at a premit but Zorc aplati a nie open spaca anti1 drose e. iHe neglectedt tanoie iisat ha vas In front cf a tIre Plug. A lit- il. jeter a policemen esme along anti suied tise violation. A tag vasu pînnedto thetsacar lnstructing the ave.! er ta report ta Use polie station at ence Inseat cf comping Zore drove homse. lienday ai noan a WaukegaU Berkshire Swine Public Sale at Arcady Farta, On the BMacley Road Near Rondout, 0O0 Saturday, May 26, 192q3 Commencing at 1 o'clock p; m. Lunch at 12:00 100 Head of the Cream of this'Noted Herd will be sold to the Highest Responsibkg Bidder without reserve. Sows with Beautiful Litters at Side. Boars for the Breeder or Fuîmer. Young Show and Breeding Gilts for the Beginner or Pigs for the Boys' and Girls' Pig Club. Representative Speciinens of this- Herd of more than 300 Head. Every Animal Guaranteed a Breeder, and there wil Positively be no Animal sold that doesflot give every promise' of Future Usefulness, on Day of Sale. A» È"CADY FARMS, LAIR OU CoL. FRED REPPERT, Decatur, mnd., Anct. Telephene, Lake Foret 993 «r 244 there and Zorc was taken ta the sta- tion. He sald ho had Intended ta re- port Tuesday. "Ten dollar," snid Judge Taylor. Zorc Vaid. ALWAYS BUT TIHE LATEuT NEWS AND ORT IT A. THE fleuders et TIEtrimLpINONT TIME. ~erving 17 7 Cities and -Towns in 15 IlinosCounties mi IL THEPublic Service Comnpany serves a territory of 5825quare milesincluding 177 ciies, townirand 17xur1 comu4&teq in 15 of the tgost productive couhties, of Iflinoji Rendering u~ninterrupted service to residents of such a great and prosperous area, larger than the states of Con- necticuit and Rhode Island comnbioed, requires a tremen- doustinvestmeiit in equipment and an army of employes ready at their posta through storm or sunshIne, wtnter or summer, fire or flood, dayor night Our customers, naturally, give littie thought to the vast forces çonstantly at work so, that by the press of a button, electric ligfit or .power is instaxnt1y forthcomin-gg for their use4 or gas made ready at the burner by the s. eto turn of a lever. In tlie march of humnan progress and the constant better- ing df living -conditions, there is no more. essential service than that which provides the home with modern com- forts and makes possible the more efficient operation of industries, large or $mail, upon which vast numbers of men and womnen depend for their wage. And itila inter- esting to know that regardless of income this:aame ser- vice is available to ail 0f our customers. The humbléf home owner of today is enabled.to enjoy the luxury of electrical and gas conveniences which the very well- to-do could not buy fifty years ago. Efficient public service for ail of our dustomers la the aim of this Compaýny. We invite constructive sugges- tions from our customers at ail times. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY«- 0F NORTHERN ILLINOIS THFLQ. BLECHI Dist. Supt G. KRUMERY, Servic'man 129 North Genosee Street -. WAUKEGAN ILINOIS Phone 144-R , IBERTYVHJILL i. OUR WAM DSEI SUIREI'. RMUTS ma gmae i dface. Boti k- m with die leif tyo èli 5T CO. UARANTM ICKS4i Y DJ.R Tt. nd Upl RTrVuIE 00 ewsmp pm mÀ btai an. y of us Los 5'Cts. Each Person 1 1 L»WfYVIU DOMOOM, lifflÀt, MAý i4, 1 ýii .11, ýIf

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