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Libertyville Independent, 7 Jun 1923, p. 14

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attablé elà»17U.n en.'d, Sfte. IN"v be atg- ""rn 11,11.11ch" . SI., lu I ;a thed prono l e hlm to keep coewtho bathers at aUl times. It 10ilar b.«t buIhl c t d i nl b cltur a ted f to o m p a n y re fs . e t e r th e o n e 1 1 1 e e a n1pp e al f e t O WLF KTA5 .YF i l b e o p p n e d b y t h e d e a l e r s t ut ~ i i IJEIli.b a prcttdf tr.th ie organlsation. unlss xtesiq rpaise reThe direetore were chosen at last T? EÊ~PL.AI *iHINQ BE $IACHbor t is possible that diving hoars wil.elIt ffeeR1Ote og Iz winad e t t hi e ar a the tet ber h b-asan u- TheRthe stubWukfl tBepe sin surit a diiapidated cod- NeW Concrete Tpto Be ALFAORTh e to the hoard as a wboif' tSouth; tio thatilis Cllaî>se ili hajble tW PlaceL USTop ÉALF RelFA ae eaurect, or ratifcon.poeoar f i Te.Mmesy Poogrp yBoard WaJk occur taI nY line, that 15, th~e por-Padon Breakwater; t eltt etoi Ji frtdratiomp. Tofhes Ad. The&epay Phy on ore LYong lo a t h extrene and as that part Have Temporary Llght. Experts 1.rm si Nuriy Prfeet F-r New Organization. Reeves, w. B. Smlth. Fred Grabb eedepaseer odmr ,30Feet Lorng. at0 Ulaae octd g-A a> leUUPias- Emanuel Schwartz, 'sud ilrry Hol'I. tdistinct. Mly& every malte - hes tee pacedluou eP5 mpoeeu faefre oPoudgbA HyIng WeaoRealty.' Board wasAt a meeting to be belli June 12, bas eenplacd i go reair. Impoveent r te brakwter er éoclng.of ecord, and wMtin* I ln eie pnb ieAnnountenelut is made taIt t a ud uorth pler Ilu ekatoCer (urmnelby fifteen WMgkegan eal the hoard wtll chaume a nagnefo _1pasdcle pnb t. WaukeglessnametngIhudirte luzt nan neroct I eltecr aOf the City cornlmssion. wrk of nakiug the nunerOits Ilupwards of $50,000,. nd which wiil (5gee,5*5 by theuniu1rd etatta npxmtetaedaest meting a-hboadi liu e byization aih i erai e eod ýat the lake front yester- p.ovements wll be started ncxI take between lwo aud Ibree moniha 0..A rleuel Ib anigh wih isei $iIt1taW bardtel b-las lilb wllho e 41rnf with a cotOntitîSe Modymrig larted ts i n morutitg, June 4. "Anal efc oeC-bt~similisrto10thse or5Sl2lmtioi ot Chf- anddeclded upen at that limne. Thse Prc.$.0MaedAwh sa Waukegan Woman5 club, It isexpectedtat the officiai Muci ot thse material lbas alresdy the hlgSt tof pralea laseped 'UPODI - ogo realtorawill b»e fusmed ltbers, toaction oft1he companys that have _______________ *6 Waukegau une of the fin. uing ofthtie beach willtalu Pe 5ehe eevdthr.Tefdrl- talla by R. A. Okiey apid E. L. Weât- oiter the hast psblralettfotytaweeitenItationtO su ad mot up-to-date bat- inabout ten -days but tere a gn1 rl hrg ftiewr dne ver et the Unted Blatfisi)ePertnft advantagea io Waukei&unPepeoi ~n wiîî be taken at tise meeting (; .ILShb t gi t n hao bfer w balls x I S er unir ~ ~ nrt chne ee dcd nothing o b r bting no. Thelie report tsaItIse entire brekwa- of Airiculture, In lsWIFr ea ol ih uifr ae I d i~tii etw e._ _ _ _ _B xG O N LA IIL garedecded defrre unil lthe neceBssry trl tu be removed and rmplaced latin, UtlllzRtion or Alaite, 3uit . e. mthods uortiing bsinesls. Wfteein Box___ROND_______IL aning hih ae techanges at the lake cau he made. by a suiid concrete affair. Sueh a 5Ued. A nsiseste goOsi qiailtieuof of! thse eadiiig reel salats mon in doumul t lse arbr _____________ course he gays, ltgflot necessarY. titis crop are enureteh lajé videant the City algnlftad tb.eir intentions oi L'a batng e ac fhse stsit- Th breakwater has heefi la for tsImreac isrplx awax_, <>liii5thse hard, sud thse organl- J *AI V E t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ h uta e nombechsotitoesa ns a d oroer ! ess ud18s upe ation will b. perteoted on J.uné 12. 1AEV bal g e a hUand Sspart basbe o e a a d tse . e rantesi. As a hay It la éurtla 5 d Thursday night the realtors gatherd J) N D Y I i T dOf ant ô lte aIuth -atio A tor s. t iMI's for general teadlg; as Is Ps ture fi to iear asidreses by H. îA. Shay.â "Irii al eco;etdlt A1ln ArlIsur TitonPý022. bake that wIl ho rernoved down to th- sgtcryn ascîi nipo erl,,~~o ietlni alm s hrik ta end sud plc oSu e Ws l eaurRAIe . wster line. A uew top. cumpososi duceS large gains; as as suiing crop filsociatian; E. B. Cuesempu Who bua s &ii. u£ lunkStnches.ndudlite foril- Herus; CEety 5'ee19. scg ofsolid concrets sud capable ciliqvaluahis wtth proper handlna: SI:iseen in tise. resi oBlate buainesfor NiTR t uti ltecesbant h Queflu- HuliaAnd .erdn51, Cicag , wilbstanding te te&vest weatlser.21yasoth utBieOCIR-0Mlétc onaNgtetbl« it oit ie ul h ull die10 uýa Aenny leon 51,seChicago. leit- 1510 eput lu. go, sud E. H. Pufl. promtineut Oak --NouATLaIs OndNIhtBANKS 'LO« tSr u t o f eo! a b d in wan j euk l l*sz ws 4, Ch - TIse gtt bouse tow er O nIt lb. Sark real asate m n. T itese loasi. P R 8T AI ON L S NI jgr0 t or a00 boearl leugli , cx ag, Juli l awiîsaîtki 18, (itCh S raw te a t e rmoved dUrius rs In te slSe's pruPerîy ssllIEg If Bill Becomes a Law W au.. VîîlUngsroin r t s.Coedialiy Invte gi r40fe lFrank Kienkiesiz 45. Milwauikee;- tie course of te new wr.A-- -hlusaiieilt akgnkegan adOther Ciies Muat 0 L..SMiM, N. O. otlr tra ltpatbouse t th Nargale p i esk 32.MilwQelee. tluporaryliiht wililsbeestabliallsl -mon lu organîze sud work la every- pir sd Iin South 0t te , Frank H D Mz 2. Cisirago; tere for te prsent le direct thse ues asivaulage. Ser. Shay describ- Abandon the Plan.'~- Matgaiet Brisch. 25Ciao.f42es ne gth a-a tise gaivantiges by syiug that otatuclO o elifeguard Mraetnu aie2, iiau course u esesetrlgte a--under au organlzalion outhtie nature By e vote ot 28 lu 15 thse Benale COLUM LODG ýstruteel ofue ra ns ueDeunis P. Siseehefi 26. Mlwa ke bor at nigist. 3W fee or mûe tromshore lice Saff 19 Milwakee. Fraallogelimetseembrs roE huardegtisembStobopringhe etSpringiuld dayra ulyuhlhtassede ,t:tise ite guard can commrand Atchht 9,Mleks Fr~ln ie lire sakwhen real es1515 men cauld do business tise bilîl u Senstor Wrighst (118P. De-.13 . botrct(d vew o ;Sylvia Cohn 20. Chiciago. to tshabue lins un lise north oa te xene n aul80 i.Kth hc rh ling faIl ln u1Stanley Lizon 25, Chicago); erfla tisaimunioth ie sand tisat driftse owertissu tise commissions cissrged îng In tise ilta t fIllinois. Tii. act îmR1YVILLE, IL.UNOIIS ia paers uhrthes utrSa s u2, hiclu.Infirntise rorIs aud nortiseàat 11w, woulbenefit tise public luinsgopassesi invalidâts« ani Ordinance Mouilla2nd and 4«h Tue.ay of Emsh bohes hreliewaerlakttl3t2 ilwueeîcego. wl b et u o h br uylsg pruperly. by suy cîîy or village authoriris tMntsa Oliyal tban four and a bal teet uI ohnKosa32MlwutCJa tr lIhoepouutieia- TieWuea elrswubv omuty ta mar, su bour ut sun- in ecidyHal lette Kries 123, Chicago. bor sud meke Il uunecessary luTeWuea elr h aecmu ,estt t 'ligMmesCr"t nie NiC.Ptro23Raie s;degoutI lie Chsannel sachs prinir. iguiflesi tîiier Intentions lu juin are: bina daily. If thse law 50 ooet- st. esUBBeRs MYCoiAli iYid use 'of te 0142 ianbor basin Netsec-hPeteron 23, RacIne.Wis. dredgebê R. J. Douglas. M, E. Smith. Royr tort Waukegau wlin nul ha aîlowed P . USrD, MAR CARNUY.M ;ago wascueme eaueMyel she aoLnajd Rc ,Miller & Ca..8E. Schvartz & Co., Ia go on dayllghl saving next year.- COlSfdt plluled condition ufthtie 'ata- Wisconsin. put in ai Ilis time bas uut yet beauWuea ely o.Jh ad Ihat point su be5 e isr Paul e. Rasidata. 23, Racine. given out. I~Wxea eiyC. onlad oger bsules l hIn I 1.viiîtav.I Berthsa RadIre, 19, Keisosisa. Tise work uf repairlng tise ceutriuw i yn ebaîBss ga5p 1051 their lives. Cisas. 8. Pope. 2, Ohicagu portion ut tise nortis pier wbicis wusB. fSmiths, J. A, Re.eves, 0. IM MOff, s9o0e0o0a0o9e9e0ae a a sa VCOY AILIA baadicap againsltiseuseCth"ia ,uth Pate. 29. Prklge starte plealbing s rien a.au%0medhtey&. t 9011 LLTENSISO LK5heue1tU2- oe PrkRde.sate u ra a en rsmd inn &jaba .R.Gen OT auulb guth liste SoutIhpieri Feuix B. Weyer, 27, Chicago. SIMulnis utotieutofgthall plgmilles vas'. -t glilire IF, Hoins & Gaeubi e au sraf &ed aFOURAT B NEW, FRITE 9AEM NO bM beau h51 It wua 30 fer Irene E. Liskey. 24, Waukegafl. tIlhela ae I lu euadthoff ae pes lto whitlaagoda" OIXý ieî bOas ouaasi CIJTYOfUCiSthe it. MeRIo CN UNiAM the batiabo«ueands bahars1 John J. Beckley, 21.,ileerfielsi. 10ts arUeaniIlnbn ppndsio00!tla£olSdlQ385a poegvahrutiaVlmlMnh. MobmC*nrdltly nvited. gLtÀVMe US mua la ong strotoh 1 marie Raffertir. 21, lliglSltd ark. qq fue- 15orSdilit 1tu51~OW15iR u a t5i 4 i NEED44*AVA I*0 si orl Oi8 al WgegibM.'ebdllilst%4 «: Ws cisstpeM 24 VWent de Tise puttIi!g luutofait 1th15 Wuok It s xO5ilê 4~0a i tmolng liIut it, antise RO r Pegilit "e vkS aféauetatPrWs wii laie thse greater part ut tis e saà mon luapr*e. AttamPb a" c. ocu Mxotin up. o1 tweuîy.îwo **0e*s**G** EOGE C. ZPrSKidOUt. elw 1 e, present sunsmer. But vison .11l aveu beas a n a t.ntrodmeeolit as en do lunchIitu Popularisa th is Va omnpletesi Viuitegan will have une ti puSa food gansiu asmedictOU, but i GraId P. Oarvefr, 23, Cicagu. outhtie beat harbura ounte Great anot copets vils otles staeq4 8111 Hom 9 toilLI g; toS>m5 ,tffr fur the -lire guars i ViIMarie Grmail. 19. Amas, Micis. LaItes. a foodi and It isu no spacWia Cmla ADJUDICATION NOTiY1.IIlLU11C Publie uotice laeiserebir glven tisaii Aitboue snul datailedefi asitgi tu~. tise Subacriber. Ezecuter of thea Lut siakO lahorieus re5ding.eascinmabje«t KII L W Viiiandi Testament ut Mna Marisr. mmaigutirgs ualia* ORTt ASOi Baler, deceasesi. ylattend tisa Pro- i nanutaetIiran d ola «M i«UsrH M jjojE'JjKTotapwhe lit2 - C ha . D P Jo tor bteCourt ut Lakte Cuut, ta term ofatekand fad laiftasproduets, la ___________iliR ILL tharauft u b. ishoiden eItishe Court t rue a, mefuily su te giva the rassidee s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~nt iret Monda>' orf.kiiVIt notit.lbilltes outhIis Stee e4i. 'OThL ONWATT AV <U 0fAA WtOB uuzurance of ail kiMads1923,vison sud visereamli partountbai-visu oare lucituasi lu ha tue anthusiastleRUGS CLEANM )AM)OF COURSE 'OU WANW lnime ia saitd estate £10 tioti orecertain uses wil Ind essgon la TM f>4CLEAMB IN TME VERYlMT WAT.oreaiEmG okAms t54~ ISETYVIlE 1,4 sd equatd t po elt bthe 10colectesi experieneeofut ny rgrow- ~ ~ EFRWY~-~ <i~~Telioue ifS J. W. M Executor. ors ansi feeders to modlty teï ismrnoa BUTVILWfO for altalfa La nul a peacea fer all tise DRY CLEANING troubles ufthtie targin andi teedlot. Co- aldemallun ia givesilutirah ne$*s et THIWAY CLEANS THEM THOROUCHLY LYELL H. MORRIS dae> att, as ali, soa asOp F DIRT AND SPOTS » DRST-E Attornsy-at.L.aw humes and poultrir. and tli the «rOP lu FREE FROM MOTHS OR A POSSIBILITY 0F LIRTTVUILU, ILLINOIB varions torme, lnrludlng ha!, posture.1 LUEUUM *Stage, atraw, aoillng b.d. tee sud MOTI-S LATER ON. age. Ph- [SCEBficeDIN l Thon vwho are interasgtedasiaouid CALL LIBERYVLlE67-R WHEN 'OUMATN . ECE An gwrite lu tise Unitedi States Department AM pFAJ)Y AMWE WULLCLEAN THM MRI .DCE ot A&OricolluraWasbingloti. for Film- arE' Bulletin 122), whicis viii hoseit TUE1APMTHA Atl'yt. tree ut Charge. 31isVWashington Strait 'Tirain and usTnP T:Ns~~A he Reiab)e Lanndrv RmU W dm'Pa o Lv ekk routinLomi BERTYMVLE m HILM D ARK DR. 0 . BIJrrERfIFD msnd.d by thea Oparlnant LAUNDERERS, DRY, CLEANERS A?%0OYaERS VETERINÂRY SURGEON et Agofm-gieluture. PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 67R Assistant $telleV.*.rinemelmn T o G e n e vFor 160-acre tarins ot ail-armbe land T o L kcee i a plan ot Ilve-alock production bat RJ TYO State Deprtmen of gâcOff e lu Firet National ankt Building whLç Iniude 80ewes(on eweto ours:-1 to 3:80 snd 7 to 8 p. s A su gsin fraw e-n rp th tyu l4 two acres) aiong wth 22 hreedlng Residience on Broadway. opposite Puk c cows andi 12 broi sows. Ameble lend LrBCRTTVILLE, ILINOIS to n~e~ nanytines t i ummer. By f t or tise hastntuswbe. uied'exlustTe- ' _ _ _ _ _ _ a ut t oi M at ý çýn t4 s r. ' y au Iamer outIl ma e ged) p a Re. 0r Slr h oretirain to Kenoo-'ù-tien 33 miles frame tile rJbt epace. eOf~ o(hpFgadlclFRED ORA B-IE- put1Ves sultable ture sther ratle r comfortable bus stru h o eo he most b> u iifi ioves1maihaBoalsiersi lb - - uivalent utf0one cow or saber, sud an_____________ tise vlnter teed requlresi tom une M *equivaient oha eedi& tor ahuu u Ucanot equal eWherenot FR I TC A ,coulsn. e ________e sec onds or .daznaged canas, but ffrsts i A SPECIALTY 0000FEES FR FTTEING every respect. Note descriptions, and prices 547 NORTHI COUNT ST. 11V Cana sund$*eat Moas*n Tsstsdet TIGER PATTERN, 8 galon,. railroad sliipping cana, WUEAILNI Bu Through Tickets to Lake GJVIAvVGbIowa Exp.rngenet btationIn l actusl weight l191 to 20à lbe., extra heavy cohatruction, PHONE 244 Fedn ts.rolled bottomn.wred 10 stiffen, being riveted and sold- Ravers Chiagmen oBn*" Cans Ceiseansi f - rea to the cylinder. Double ne-ck Construction 18 Cnan etmutasses are 900 stadgrdozi'aUour cana, ail seams and rivets fMIl o1.l- .sm'o -eeds tfortsitelazi steers. Tise <i erégd entskoihad., with opening for e'p' MANUFACTURER OF question, Ilu mre cases, l isther 1 'F0 Limited'Trains connecting with busses la acouamicail teed I îîla Cumpetillan pmg tagi. A cang.deignedgan'd built for rougis rail-. -~ W<T at Kenosha leave Lake Bluff wi ti "Ihe- pe- orn . T ý Ia eXr. road handlig., Regular retail.valuc inîa $3A.8RNIT vils ciseap ~~ lo4.75 1o $5.50 Our pn'ce, each --Çmtr oko vt CENTRAL STANDARD TIRE . treas, but tisera vas a snaller i6a eieeyWs fE *.leunansd boot inÏIomase WOM r 0HI0 PATTERN, 8 liallo;n, local delivery can, actual Dssçnpto >pmltted trurn the raltou la une set o eTirtRRSOIR OCM leeding tacha. Tetsfa ye ag lut weght, 16tx t 1 Ibiý coilltructin identicalwt ier CRODNC OIFE ~~lthevsimcration of the bottom *Which l eo1%S m t wlulatr brouit thIis liiiof a4y1ce -:',Go Patt o.....x.316 nch,..-. ILLNOI *iwyltpuraisasng ,4ur<hI' je, ifoe on to te of cylinider with 2 1-2 x31 ni AUAILNI tbau COn. polinds fom ,pos1ind,." If aa Jndhe*ilï.oldred and x'1Netecl to cylinder. Pipe tieiîc la _________deu_________. R Situcago North Shore & Milwaukee R, R. bllr alisto unee a Ïuiusor teau a h a «8bký1 or factow an~d cses6y dcl I ay por u 7itr tor ïi - 0 he., mal. $3a-$3.75NGTO Watvaltue .1s ssoed l to symoe fole".s i 3ln' O MmklchergIrNIneyeh............ $. IT.RLI GT& J woM Famî pranI b.puA toren warin Naorh ree oepr cn. c. daly Vf lIed v Mm. - wtersd A 5ra the ePt . ontab teroi tisealu Mr. f1e bie-t we Oarnt Mr Da a Phîan Mr

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