'ACS SOONiGO W-TES1¶4G ASSOCIATIONS Whe Organi7.Sd a Declded Improve . . . .ai-d he an thers are Yths Enterd lan andiity ~ M . ff 1oftf r R R 8 i ry H rd e. w st.W hington St by th..&Il tU tt> eprf on motarcYcllts are pro01- The practice Of testing Cows te de- Boy vaudais- wh<) glned chirance tuarner ot thriUse la the re- terminé their milk and butter-fat pro-. fdm1' alght teto QbmltmmOW H. S. I~.IO!tI, ldWetzei ductIon soit feed couimipti{)i1 hi U*tmL~8NebEurc tet tthé cornai' of the Green ascainsbl- a il, iserectins at5ff and 525 ad4 snd West Washuigton ls (& TeeaenwNrhPopiar ateet, snd esmeared Thé,ol ait llmile tuckbecome a. Ttrhaeéow walls a" tiwndows witb paint, t Wttsel brother etaged 452 a o! this k1lodl hé asIgaIn fpebpehnr 1, 1y i5arwilUnIteti Id1meu lu caSaifli a reort to! pheor ionhofl' ~piind, thie Urne for m-outi castmies eoascia- The police were caI1ed * to the Wbicesor horst racea. ion and no more cows BoomeandrpttItheatoSo etWle.4 North West tliam a Wei. andled, but tbere tbe b 1oy's was iflaIl0ii5 vandahàm or bas purchasedthe Wetzel ares andy soute »0htworst klat.fThey are caaiuct- ack properti ~~~~~~~~~nd la~t busy tba( are mucI maller than the stnd- *~ ~ 'V~~s jf. nivuiatO ad'p ab t. tract: graded, rolled and ard. 4he thearetical number of mem- ab~-~4leta oloste the guiti parties Wlth- i. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i a~ rae.Tepaewl esbacwtSil suiioi1 6 ~aboli Urne. They say tht thé e1' oropenior oarly n.1t2.1 . boîs Surel 1l wttbce puniabed Il wd2 will be rented to anYone whicb wakes eone mbr for-the test. .j\ý! ~iltVeduiiof Ibis klnd,- ta otage a race. MotorCY- or te viilcadi worklflg ,ay of thetlicyr 0&,1caot go mgapuinie . Wre front, the HigginbothaDmiMenit. A memtber o! suèÉ ait tggèôia- Ulv'tglc .ti'Mialpcl~Juit 0w the boys gei inte, the «W s aop went out on Me-: lion la suppôsed te bave col more n ot .ntkeabtte a 4zy and tried out te track. than 30 COwso, as tbat makes a large A section o! country In Arkensa %s04à; * thès allad te etae itl tnel otig lft bkt*te1 net been rolled and vas l100 day'a work. if every inmber boad bus een almoMt wholly negleetei and cr o hanèlaônicstyle, wbthertb th Uat liedTbeauploctteett speed, but b heîleinme the tiit oumber. the ewould ho 780 cows undeveloped-tbat was oten refet rbed m Xo al oni ~li Oti*Ish I Illa and wludes.Wbs Lu condictiod t iie areln the asociationl, but few of tbem to as the "Cattlemen'a Paradiso- or vitatever tapponed tg blmn. AimaIt tIti 154 .,eor tIti' delberatal sasconitin.andridra rehave that ntany. - vtI a veryIlimited and scattered pop- vithOul- exception, thorle grovotiyw n h ar.Tt eaa forward te a sson oiLté ieroTh!emY rae.Thére lo ne deSlte rlto bte ulation. bas heen transfor'med.sInte hlad the habi of malng ttîr a a1 tiapaot vii be a ven' tXPOD- louer circlo of thc track bas te Dumbol! o! members Ln an associa- the .dlcovcry tiat the soit was espe- tarît yesr o»n borrowed money; anld alve proposition. tYcied ana soeded te moate a tien and th' dnhebr o cova owned. cially and peeuliat'ly adapte-I ta the vlan tht rieIndniry faed the âinon- Sspace for automobiles, and in Caifornia there la one association ralsing -of a particularl'y fine quallty' ciel situation of the latter part of 1M2 mal parking space bas boen . tInt testa 4,0S covga nd anotber tbat of rire. Il la now produciar a yleld fer there vas a paie le *Il -creles inthîe NI A S md around te oter edge 0f tests 4,4W, and the nuinher o! meip- above the average snd bas grovo sd nec sections..,À IA S act- No grand stands bave hers are. rcapeÇtivety, 46 and 100. An- developed and prospered ountil the poip- At tbis point the tarot bureau came - en"It but If their la a demuud otîter lun te aome samie bas 86 mcm- niation ln the towns, as well as tht ite Arkasas and abruply tbld th. FOR SAL-Sil acres wlth gooti built- arrngemnts l te maurni viii bormanmd only 14»cows, tiere are rural comimuflities, bia doublid su&.rice fermera or At-kaxiss. urrounded loge, on Bielvhdere Sigle Road, Uiree irackngme to futrn a e- 1 socain a sfwnawtovrI omte plaes.,even trebleit vithlit aa s ley vere hi tIc vreck an rl milesest O! Orayslakt. IDI. Flne coIn- :ot-ack Who le rnte te ~asesliSi.atQll ih brie! score of years. Tbese ptopiee ofthI i' duetry, tUat #ltb atproper try home. For price and terots azply racs htI aos, m a ahave goten together about 80 per- cent aystem Uic rie dstyof iankOI .ta R. W., Churchil. Grays Lake, 111. g4 als treck. and MjpY - --o! ailtIche.rice growers of tuai state- san of téwIole ceuntry, Coni]ld e re-_____________ e und fr ahlele ett asand hg"veorganlzed Uic Arknss fa- tievivod, rehuit snd put on-a t-osl toua- p Slt àÀD-One roed baby buggy abd usd6 forct gondCoittionasGrowens' C-operative assocliain. floa--4'tructt tInt woud *bide rn» BWak Beauti bicycle, gond as as veli ai niatarci- - -Tht section la talrly buzzn ioryltbrplth mrs t mltltI, ssIilnev. Co e »M efer 5 OOWiaChP in- prosperity. ,E1verylsody bas muel andti tht-tarinbureau, vms C-opentateivt it s 8 4=ad SL.. ibetyvill,- Z1-it lots et IL 2tore atfer store btespriung Oetnodit anketin ir i W"thi .upý ilui thé, eans. Te*iis thiWseles tttbo riusa thetGnwtr O e 31 ALUDT(fitsto sudcablago lave leotre Is' abeejalves or aqtlv-operati- jsapciatt4nof et tuttgmrt, planta: viii deilver in tovo. TeleW liy. AIMOst as If ly magie, fu su-AnX.. vaus bm, und e ab.mti 4r!dé, e8t-~m1 tryv,ir 4la tht *course of & tew yeers, treosed, thbm matI unuyevrable, tb* BABY C K-&n dRck.8. C. Lgibe CMPDYtraoaornscd trom a spoë e oted mo«l dIflicuît eôandlthtibn MWs! Reda, $10 par 100; White Rock$ansd roupilse4'bht s % ant unhidManiat mtiroly aaevlottd ec- t amati mow ue *bffl. Rose le-la. $12: orpiartone, Wys5 À Idn n b ôalias loto a iel, proutlive, prop<ti& Mi 1i t ub5d. dattes. $13: Legbomua,$1. Cat*Olag- bul1104wu ýroka. VM e i7, witb an Investteot sud The Mot tiipet ItheArkansas D. T. Farrw ChIekerlea, PeOa0n. l « te tIgetor- egts tok quipuitrunanins upwors dal th1e lieGravera' operativt .itimOU 31 rpwit , Éi tanor ~itithé k -TtBtlig Mu<W m UIII#<.t- * Ihlrty tatllon~s af dollar ts. anine- hm$Us a bled # itnlathe Cas'55 etrthte eqom, *na he «W-or«basbay-c aruorup tlronglout the, se-. final scson. sd lIey are a veil- NFOR SAJ..-Saettiu« g gm. C.lWhlto peevl asciiof mmTI o r fmo Loyar t-oms nsv. 01 Mlii TRock& iter _9th 5d$ aXgn»$ M l rav«eCh. Omdlita( h, île ,- tIon, reprosesttiig another tyvoanoiraose piase isel a nu h ae. Up the Lo#ur o i15 ow Od-Moin lo. Piseer etoetwtcava lu sn asoiation rim a frea bot milion Investm en. as oc atus e t cs r e r~tsu< lld 1. Ph a .a s T rté- $5 rte fr Mta 1M.0,th averge foreer . oc-CtaiW ,Oelkd h e pculo ht cta o aub m biu-4.The itumber o! lords rîce farinera of Arkansas lad andti tItiare demnotrattar tle tact _____________ prate c, u v tsertitbro e i n*e29_ T av ac111 ,.nover given muel Uiought to vitlhep- tiat-lbey bave the ahlity te le thte ORSAL-7-roalit00oeon lot d0 fi, t 4 etrce at few l t5i.aeser aCitragtia priciet, ntiau u pn et Ui»product atter tIti load owt-business manarens-tiLat tle. e frontage; elîchen bouse, bol haoue la wOrttK otng a05 Cue te0 mmaolliin that n"at- e utIrco inta resh it && solt Il "lu the rougI"son lhey have gailen nose vonlitths' af and 0ev garage; 150 font front car '#My robrfea vb"ih have contre« tg te clarge assocations lanttenaturel Xte) tet it muIla Is wcthc e consumner's dollar lb becanse tht stop. Caa give ismédiats possession- lthtVU0tCiO OIidumat fc wlte pîroSedeodte Mill lit antigel il lin shl apebndling of île lbusinessedofntet ltr A. W. 'Pripp. Llbertyvhle. Phone 326-W arimt r lwa la lui1ifih leely iter frth utn t onttur.oshd uaumbs ea n hebad o !h et-. Me batnt are quite matO foee reionult $m edonsum ers- er bsithns lheen owlu h ad t0 lu Maemaeltusctte- bas9imeniilers bc rvoayaeei hrfra-e- ia bi v. -POSITION WAN'rED-On ftru- and12___________n vnss asmet as put 11110 milleinAt-kanses, Thc Arkansasritet indary anb wnIdov, vîtI a soS 14 ytarsaid B& ý,"» -FTIANKS ani 125 cava;ano't5helaKisad la tollOvlug tise etbilault Of tieln- vestoreti by tis coeraftii'e assaCW - 4,Grayllabke. , t41 toet urla4fl" lbaueitere ane I 4 bord$dotr lusIi7 bîlt alie; andwite ptlots tion, vhieli ha e ettliai5lit onilansJI aIded ne s t Mbohigadur rd < O Ot WIfi% wtret-goad,'t ricestartinera diii net sol Id. substantial. basteansd lexed the wANTzD,-Uen or vainuta taire or- b 4a arn s e n us'i Thdur n e f,46cavs. v owtetl bolIer ihomstîves about the fatines trai tfor tle salvation ot the Amont- dors for gennine guariuted osiet-y Û - n 1ichttdnbn Vbu iurgaag u lt Ts s !c-prlv ontabrthai allers ronde fr010 thc bandîbur of Corire InductryThe. fit-at yssur of for fen, vooon anti chIldren. lioti- Sassociations las ret-elal great im nate dammcn. SaInt-y $75 a week for o i. . BTZ. praemet bîleQuaityo lt dî lir pt-admet.The réuitvas a vcry organizaibolifor te cooperatlvteia ihitneMr-0a bn-sar re ____MR-_AND ___ cava3. E; eATcnl he aUîeof the dahave lahorate sygtitrofo! andiior te proti- ketluig of the rielas resulted lnhot- fiai tons$1 ng0 in o. îavaertlonaî adÀ YS ,1 VlEi.AT8T betno oganied hy reason of the sîfI- nt fe a oiIs amr'trpie 0geons fer tan ocking 2Mille, NorristoWl.P. 05 AID t! -r A. 1M! lg ot e!Uicloinpr ndcO th e bauds; vbicl necessal1Iy took a beavy the second ytam are botter stili. and oe-ia 4OI D LtINT dcvri-! od ostIat mîgtîtoit frein te profits hIo Uic produc. lte future holdo promise of fufillîtl ITAONW TE-yiaird Mgý*of'fl tNberN*N ise ve en sacriuleeti. wsThere won a long, expenisve 1151 o! titrough te organizatliotio! cvery lapa tman on ffarro; sae il 1y, M. D. o'brItUle iae earmn !tire Inycrs, rie gaders; mllet-s, and sud dream ofethîe rire growers. 22on Tou ac.Pae1-4t. Icitrocolet ttti o and l 1market tIbisasou, Ctioan bée% tiWANTBD--Mauager for direct foc- -~~ e cv-ietini assoelaios n LONG STAPNLE COlTO0N 1pfcked andi haie-Imore tapidly tIlt Iti- br 1ctbu tlîryvle. $4000 ~i.. W o ah tho Iltaise so th, îa e t J ln th a.su a r= . $250 requireti, tecu-eti. a ctive 9o j;ny 1i crlyeat-. irîea-HO TS1P ET - otalua teorganlzatlolt o! sage- I U-T 1PEN ' ,4yar.At b brebs eetl.Gaefuparticuhars. Hicks Corpore- >1_____Consnttîeto! ver IluEurope thIltlion, 608 S. Deaïrborit, Chicago. il c ielions votkinaibrouglitheUicountfal, h)espltte tItsInfluences, tht agoe i.!ttere 1laone lu tlp commit- Experts Unearth 142 pales, Rep piie ias hbld and appeans te have WANTED'-A witeogirl for general rèsentiflg Additionai $4.890 an upw ,%-2 ~lr. . osvikbNrIEaiOi Te Alabamua Famm bréabat nîce hneudg ae;ol W toi Grow.rs. bnI nadtonl800in in famiiy. Address Mrs.-LiitoL. 280,6 M IIEPENOKY fft-tUere i- 9 -Threugl expert gaistc alu-ntrate. -hringlng île total e100______________ @ Owaya sure of t glateat m@t a mi l 0 haint aFmmBureau' Cotton associa- tons, rensiting an Investmnalof lOR SALE- ne single buggy. . y'h ~ .~1u~~ ltelieo 10 tiembsounti 142 hales af long a- Mot-c tIen $50,000. This caves the fll leatîti- top andi iulber tires. -~ lie sltpmcul o! s orfimer severai dollars a on an terti- One 1)tcit Unle-5tilky cultivalor, One N E 0 6Cotonbaillt e ateby"te ogO -tzars, McCormlek grain hinder and une Pul- zation titis season, Basef i.ou qota- eizr.2 - 9m-" lions of Ociober 5, Ihis epretets an LEGH A HE S SDODGERS' addltional $4.8900te the Cotton grole- - . 041SALE-A Ieavy vork lot-st, vi, Or.'May'ar King of Carma; havawi, oasit ovar 1500 Iha. E. Wllcox, Ai-ca. DL1 Ot of 19462 baea gradd II: faîl Favor Haitvy I)reeds fle o- Tleplont 370-R-2. 23 2t 1,8815 are 1010w mIddlng 'lu Trafflo la WÀTID-uansno gr orbue crado, Hertiotore, orfare ihfoadbouge- Reale uto Insuirance -l ol aly - W. W. King. Mayor ofCar-son, lova, vurk e tabrn;ooy I tfarmiLke 1A . neu ruI Dn nn-anti vtll-iroovo fermer- a4 chittentVilrat Wli ebert A t R e iX uUced R ates -- -faonrier, béihtes tji5 t eLagar ilaI.28t -cheken la tht estoutidrer" ln tbt VMR SàLk--Baby chieks, large 1,cr- - - clIcheS amify. Ht fl75 lIai if larm bornils Barroti Rock%, R. 1. Roda. For I fes livlug aloitg t main travleti daîLvéni on Jne gth anti mite 12tlL For a few cents per week, 1 can give you the protection wike hIalatv Rmf olr atPareVw uee auo o txck.a.sfolowseg-PrOdueteg bt-te-ha Of PuitrY lu- i Phsone 257--1. 3-lt - ,,flDd nyow uI o rtca flosland ofthîe large types tli5t gab -5<> __L_____________ fUR-Protects you fully against tkmby fire front any tciemman, le tflossde- 1e ip onta 0f FOI OaLite nletOfe!Arc e - 11_cxm bqtUecf lSl lintioaiaeti. Me i' lr' Itb-Rotiflg, Round Làke, nt - 2-lt - tiesdtri lalong tht Iowa ibortlUt' 'TIIZ -Pays for yaur cm or any part of it wheu '- vIre Maur autos 'ria Never lut FOR SALC-Azler plants, et 25 cents , -w-scsetlu bis knolede'did le loge omit a tiozn: peonil' looina ai 50 cents eit9b. Eyjra Equupment also cavete& Ofa! is clichons berienteweati Ui v tt a dosen.i. jà BJ.itHama.S- 23-2f Ptspuuty Dauagb-Pays your lasses wnen you damtagesactttti oubtry tefrealler hé bas- of 8aiy kind beloiiging to aiiothe&. 'is it $ big -- osos. Thte tevlesit lsses, accor optecluntsy, rat>er Inactivebe 'PURSONALIN RY-Pays mnjut-y ot- death claims, de-POCR RE Rt13Ul bfd oui u tbougt against yon, pt-avides miedical and -OCR tCR SUIU - 4ca ele. 'flàa cverS the greatest of ail hazai-ds of auto lraUcanWrte!td-T sisig, Iowa, ObtinWVeiftda BATTERI ES- o! taa~sùci?~, ottu asrail-FronOne-lEar. ~us Repi#ir your Tires. Ir vîèmniingind patcbing wl ,d thousands of mites to theni., nlu re u inaresicutay "Stationi-to- Station" Long Distance Service Hielps You and Helps Us W;'E can give you a ritte at least 20 per cent VVlower on "statÎon-toýstaticîl" long dis- tance telephone cails because this service 'tthepsyoubygIiflngquicko service ut lower rates. It hepo usby redýucng the amountof operating,tiiCtby reducing expexile If you are not,already acqtiainted with this service and u9îngýit, let.us tell you about it. Consult the prelhninary pages of the tek- phone directory or cali "Long Distance or détailed information.