'cO. eo But Dhflh WÊWrook, Farmem~ HOU SAMOBEEF ARE 10W Chicago, A 1-AltsIt thse de taraId dlivZe, et C*rn a an iiug 'm 4»e Chicago lad.1f41ws ;t* oeta elefthén at'thlu Lime a jear ago and bigiertha= ine 1920, the Wadu licorn One. Sces not coptM te: 'tlbe .&seltaz tarmer for thb. l ouesb.a, ep«peli cing as a resuit of "dollr wa, ut vas statel bers todsy J>y the Am;- erlea5 Fa=i Bureau Foderation. on ofe thi e tt Uiffs to e e. la tiiat corn le net saa aluable a eo *» sime isymen MMs te tifi t lu, leplaailR. W. M»Ortieue, dttctr «7t vesuarch. of *isebre0L A large qiiure cft the corn crcp tu oct Market- lil au corn, but &a; ye nd5*1 eel. eAt tliii.time s jear,44 thtia ture divertea corissaItolemarourn $1.2 ,*-usuel, Approxlrnatély tvelve cents .940M th= ithe, pfssent prime.Wtb. -l the e bt lBye am . vbat bu,,pro- vided about 10 per cent cftbe agi! qastsrit5tommInei. Cerf. todal tS winlsg atth igihestiii*., 1t bas at- tainel sglace ibe latter part cf 1920, &»d ta aut5d 10yearcent iler tha= it Was a Yeser 410. Foly 30 Der cent ot Lie cora crop la le« tulve stocki ag tis tusleaviW20 r cent to, b. flacallnthe tis ebea t frae. no% areseflhig *ut, about $144 per cwt.. lla iaqiier i' I1902. Native bef stea",are 40 ca ig> uat er but cattle 11110.s re neOO t oul bigiier at tilt -urne vea v4i thse inerease ln corn D4"0., te maexii# for thse bete-whie.hlammraare, experiencig as u cs ofi -tise vin- ti cqllàpae et thse veat IMarket. Ch A~o a Meet Waukê- START AT 1.00 O'CLOCK,1 ~ obehealer o- raciker-aci 04 e~e utise ac:!e ý't VS* t 4ia.d and id I Bukotihe 1*ê4018Î6 uandt.a twhatb lah Viasvii ieet a5*7 crawld It. týMaies a claim for ceatil dbhaqmsip it Lie!.dil-locha jils Breabear cinebed the W. A C. aule mandlromtfea te taie the. beat, Wankegan tesam possible ta tIse lies Vila lot. Sorenson. the Mas ubo ptchel the Lake Villa te=r to a vIn oves thse Inluatrial Aul tSWs, viii go * iazainst the. W. A. C.4 he ti teae e *isfster. Mamnd aiBxby Viti b, Usel agsat tise Goba. Waliy flolien viiib. laI rm bis vacation Sulime 10t' revhfg0r omietcfthe gaines,,and tie,.Laie Villa are tiahLng for RedI Plaidea4£ thé. Mitiocha te receiveê Wn tise etier. Ir.. M9ARRIAGELICENSMS The&. R. Brovn, 21, Milwaukee, Ire» IM in.19, saine.1 Josephs3. IiaYrzak, 25, saume. E.u9th, Zabaris, 10, saume. , liery C. siebent, 36, Long Lake, -lirs. Cathes-lne A. Weili, 3. sanie. 3'oin G. Rudoipb, 21, Mlwaukee, Xi-7 sagdin. 19, saume. Joui Payne Brow4ýe, 58. plaln- ALed, 111, Jansie . kte.59, Kanosia, Wis. Cisa. L, Payletuxer, 21,sanme. Axanda ]ils, 22, lame. Peter J. Osssail. 22, saine. Ceroipne »,os-ui, 19,sanme. George I. Stapies, 24, anme. Ludlie IL Galeaisik, 22, sane. .&nUt Scisba, 44, Shebcygan Fais, W!.. ldo! Rayrner, 37, saine. Mafln'Riai., 28, lKemsa, Wl,, Helen Bodouer, 21, anme. -elhixti Krueger, 34, Malwuuie, Pa*UDe Cbnleiewakl, 29, smre.ý Roy' iiaymÀan, 21. aame, »Wm uiMcli, 19,sanme. 1drU' Tesovicb. 33, same. Xsry >taioetcii , 83,me. »OW"Isie oisao, 25, sage,. Aisuw a oE, 19, smre. %»Ls.Depsa». 13Wmane.. ,4m qsZpada, 22, Aaailand, Wl,. Z rEU L Meus-y, 23, Moeis4ce, 1DL 0atdo ]IL Tate.- 422 sterling, lu. ]l d ureci, 24, ilwausiee X )Otn M utz, 20, milne. 18,mre., uit L~Gre, 8,Chicago. citnina enue e Sspam W"e aebig '-""el ma igi Mu2 gr ié~ vanéed togord th*e bw4de, bey ta "soy do YatWIWePMtbizi Lýee gwtubO -ILh'a 11211 .xoaastlon. ±b.h -?..u.o, 1 *iiugmit tist ]out bu 'oj W«M= eiP iewaim < silltah. 'lb, mais 01 tiioé mes iii1! et'I bod, vatbblag e»à% eeMod Met A.1 o i lkate 'mLtL mru av *taï . e isr, sWb"s c)Mdibal hEi In*»hM f& xý-asu u or preshuet; L;e;a-vi mugt tt heha »r"»i o tsl. Rmlec caiaburelie. "" in;he e 'U.Unm -ce t n arn e ais.of l ' 'fCpte ie.lng SU vnle rful.0 nt rosemigin1, a]. tic mient se. sote g.tec tise amme d "ne naine c isaiesndfL u uenotiebIlate tasluamsàXe. fene. ei hark# Ian tpaedt "u la tti m1aose tbs aiges "A thime f a reminl 11,m. . -,0e upo thvat. Iut wr u it&,»ie pi.aie"efoslsks et Li»d e l e-,. tOpbi.. eeIn antcmxuuan I us iemelta"y>u. wioRàiO Asoal1vn an oma.Miy vody.- AMSwraq'i.x *'euyer ut me aainZfore&xlgto ixsr theserupo!mkte An lte Tari, but veuf, ét vs-ensJanet. Tous Gray*mm ear t araet 44k.ce. tikl waltisat insane." Tbor bave trIel during th*Ie litfo v 'T«oi uilel Dom.=« n?" Z1vsia-w wbék&Ose etthéb. inuI at arnenm mseL. hla nglsnd lm ilhm wuttia ride1 "Z bal not Intentioncof dbing a". nt aisUssrel jeatu e lu * reck- tiilus e!thnsont," he asserlit lm miotenlat ho i.dm"e s oi "as Ba«beu. tise ha*ise. blasaIXe -U vitkmt2 uea thtterIngrvbe Bel 'me-Ato a go$ut ~o usr i15.B eeteis.m. If a d sw, w. s.oiieaes *aoli. wun atmpd hla >veisaiilre abseux d voÛ04,no-wï s.lu *'lis bava bal bis. VA« eU me a taXl sulperawb be ll , ti490imacla la m hi Loloua nvurv i - . liqi shemi ililel *u. la vtadli 1ev aras or 111e hlm M um m ibla mt*au sý POt,"I Zaauu& *eel, am rnd *Mayaul aigubu s tsmaua iun rlmg viiilitelglbt* A beuetifnor s- ie. 1tuca'1 Toi a meimanjMt usubst i 41$Yen bau me. 1,'"I aDget- suirie eteel esuat 1% 4 404U a,ie , trliv b. ibM4utPt n am:I ka q~i, etus - atriel rIu mes! 1 sd bar aaswuul «Ucf Ilabas, r*PZ s'MRi * S pu am T e, au bt ' "MU hWieab-lie lle m blndlM *M5u- is? dcv t ticer.' the el ou elbox, Ob aurlo1 , ifbat &about eu' metIgl" IZetfrage -hape nl Md Itis -nf saisI. I amrn n.* anm"Arumree 11411 Iezolaisse, It i.s aprebleus te la molel," lie 'itis delgIstr X e uc e ii.spolia Mi slwly. "frhe SaU shInhi1t; It wun BMW vti t . Mepeat u ji FutthLe Licutgt o!parting viLb yen, the top ef viilcb reoume a tlny pou- Ja14 asSUlki.%, mutcilztg ba" ud ader-puf. lapon my beart," "Be areful sol ta lit eny cf tic It vunPt *M furevnd of lisesort pevder got siu or W mtuLi, hob la bad eeSbr spoien te me. sund agsa n soJoiiel 'L pngul penb# era forsotte reason 1 aisierel. là th* laSUmbces.T.Il' «Wluaf le our neeI et me n»v?" 11 U,-mieli 51k =th. va demandeI. csrry- wun livIngtatell.11My-t 'Ta gaVidnIof -Norman Grayes%, O eit tiZba ha& e a man betors. la repUo&."Tlspt iseif-euscocut me *osebus- Tics-e vsl . a ince Idsuit uicb IraI 1ounIie" liaiU. "Mes eeirà IfaiLtisbat he vas tu&i; iy tc, Lb.thevosid for it, Teu cri s'Ig mnd&I*aguab 140dfo t isheia tthM ýç 1 er- %ay.hoslae Sm muaewt'*itbbsd.or La n3r.ct untn Itlti t L'e tie tn" Lber seamy ilst, siiI - Aad tiseýV 1 FlVu omete th* oemqsls,- tb*i n future t thal in t et2 *.situtmt o oa a iur 0£ 4tita.. ela mt . -t l'baye t- ite anamiam i bo~ li, t$aiew. iw.vrt tat an bsoh Ldoru.tIf verna omI St «"a C tar be tuI.«iw4w 8«4 nI* m-thé Ens!. 1 baereeiooulvla wber, sue CaImab*» wi om Ana orl - ~ro e~-Ia.n h«e l AM agwh bevore. £ dO$ut wan died with me. , hIr" u Dtare utiii mu ouut4UO te -Wb vtb Wêsttb 1si4 0reoetaImur auLi> me éan« u ostleniapone s hmdeervld sfl»Wiw# a "P bapthe e».weberatlo *cpo*&rtufl«," IrpliaIQ"Ms. lué ~ l a c21e Pbffl Fou MM$er e1opslIZ ou h 14? miipu ircr baiu tié cobu- a nena, '7erbaiwt» er joroutlo» *mrmto 5115X5Moab0115 moi i p I3 bave boumq tfe =4 alosa orn ht tvrfe botter «mome t andtu vab*sa noe.. Cwua bu et, ad »Mi.40 b ock tate ber «Out. Md tlhere vue mthlao sre bleb I 804M anm un4roba" Iv«a tbatk. 'L ble toY.7a cuirâclxxguif e£ oueà s am apfftl Wtt' lttie ti tge . ýbut vih a *enduerti Menof xet :bl'ts. I Va agiarnd et tti. plage . t gavo me to realis e ae*. rnbed amj tu th:. rAi,il.tit tbi.wumoiA et atw.!baà ak veYU oIAMan = nasbody. J'anet vu.a erteuIa atrmnel &Md nouveule fbuatb iat evmnhig We da=".dfur 0«» thn witboe t.t mont toi speaitu so1co bo agon. tan- .Wii.rnX seleimdbus.e w55 bal*, aud thé lai iWu* Vus beillaa ber UttW.MUaoldwder.bex 'Mu smnjt*bwgbapei? *a*el bar, 4 mus . cencrsel. r. »U »M et alIng veou? Penbawetise ~lleve Pb" tue iatemrpte&" Tot ib* âme tien.. tu..«a qPPeelllee, Z 1modaiuMr jMUAI te 8nlohreu45ea"S se. I lad l'ho m"mb i a , SaygIN'I se tiuh eba"" Buuli e Wbe~* ba et va iWal a" m saud n., fb f a h «. id peniauji. 7et n. Eawce again ville theyremnfe thse This trne ber feut moved lm &tai. Ir te tise mu"Oh@eB ed nIbeMvler tus Mnyarm&. ewbO e 701y"that beautius gem Dcvdir.b-t' Z,inquhr.d, mars for ths e 9»or amking oMVerMton tUsez froua knyS etu ifrlsty, *"Bttai.-s. e s. knovlsdged. - ave um*aup Mr amind. bcvever; ta s4*4 It baci," et ba omuimuveet ptor ab b tueu t - v.~ - i y - ~ IURD ROADS ARu -LAID AT RATE-OU 50 5mmL PER WX. Goal of 1,000 Milles of Pavi4 for 1923 Seema A88ured by State Report. IS GREAT ROAD WEATHER' WLti agrand t'cs'a'30' .1 miles mil" er s veki, accordLng te Ita e Port On protreas made te Go. mal sa et juy iti. Duing Lie veek ending on thnt date 4079 Miles et standard 18 foot tonrete Pavement vau laid. The langeaS veei'&:s-n for a asigle sitL lis tb. perod codreredhi tise report lu acCredted, te Contracter W. p. Smliths. Section si. Rotule 2M, iose crW laid , iOt feet, lnclbeutally Mei broie the 1928 record for a vsek's rus, lie I IL - P.isads ccrPaty la accredft tedul build- 'mg tise greateat mlagu setpave- ment tusa year, baviS; laid S-1.2 volet. Tise report .shous tbat tiarear nov employedl na l oarato 9,100 issu, 2,000 tuame 014 15 A ers. besides tihe nurerc» ua iseetrt trucks and ether tMot«, egouet. «A. 1 nyg h &»Yguiret' cou-04. tiAs in hiLe wae'g repost frea rie.higay dirWlabo,ad Geven. nos ~ C Ora! tcs"me Or goal of 1,00 mtaIo!avia for-08 mn- ttsn t.alAal ng roselu contin- Seye Or conditions eau detat cuir s"ns W". $ are h bettes- cou-] diton to-aarng ferw,l tus reat von' thia jear tisan lut Melail cotractes, bave enonumsquanssti- tWt 01 sMgate stored upomi thoir resp"evejobs. FerriscaU 5111 Brest grovInk"weatlseian4 ve khucu tiat iL la.-fer the now laions bord road aYdtenr ef Illnois ln groilasg day byr day, yack by veeaioward a flisubel otite tint vIii write a seu page Inta tic bLtory et cor RURALSLEAD0 AS Springtleid, M.I, July Si-Tie ibi tie tou" et Artbur Je Donglas cOUun tY Zea.ds mort bocks par capîta tisa any clty or villasge in tise -state or Mlinois, accordlng te a bulletin, jat Isuxed by Lie lus-as-y extension di, vision of the state ibrart. Athougi Arthsur Ssii a pôpulation cf only 918, Lhe avers"age oge et boois laà1ML1.That mages tint, heoretlcally, every MA*, viasomad childlnI Arthusr qade more tisai on' bok a menhn et ,ft» > ,ou, odd volumes availbla.' Tise seccn eil ailrecord aï a bocki ievIngacolnmulty silo wade i y a iunte"s. Tis, e , lhrar Of Cordera, Rock lIssE eh, 'i, 963-lubta tx ts.Mas n ameat a-~ ,y 9004 averae t 1.38. *Âeedtbg- Lc Lie fIgures ot the etegsmir- violon. b. total aumuna etbais are double Lie number ovlze lu tise Cordeva lbiary. 1people 'lu the rurai ccnniugglea negd more.' tissaitise Iaiabltout4p t ciLLes, tha figures_ oio*. 5PýI't caplta reading record oet Wq *Ï[lY 3.2. Ponla'u record slaJi, amI1 Ubt St. Louis, 1.7. '% Exceptlins >ote ie conclusilon, beeer, are Revgit. UnI lake Pbrest, Chicago suhurb. Tii. fermer bi a record cf 11.6 and the latter a record or 10. Di ou5e gmui , tltiien yn lîttie netbcw vas *guaI li be wccldut hieq to taie «Ilelin lis.ous. ]Be aus- swepsul."No. 1 iduIlmsot. 1X4ant te be4o,; 0 a swe reiuetma. eue tiiat ssiudown Li th e et'Eeis. Mon 11tour bouse, vere dynamited 'lu Pl ttyP~tbey.*iiougbit, le il e irpltia ou at firat. Garage BÀ1G*1~I' »LU NOW W PROGE~f OoInp~ete m&~rW te bnlld s aÈbotgmtial --- - ~hsasd Saab, Deers- -aul R lui~er. luWug flùa futi 'gogo varIs - i i4à, & L13 tfl* gu. Md11 et. aI 1mja go* a A, bigge7 or s bettr-tasi tisa Captla i ide.t AttbheOyant Lain s tation;U.le bas one a wnndermu 4ftar aaihot p *nOAC Ct APit azy ranmek ea of i'l Fun*brs errles for Max n i manD -achma. et 11098-W. Western avenue, Cilg*hotise I e SUA, da iLa4 SIrIOi, vii lbéeld t- lday au tise D1vialol eet Uiadrtak- bcg roouns, DlvilohqIr ing ave- nue. Mis. Lachaien, *ho ia h Lite boal Wt tisthe inea, lied trous aloct Yeeterday moruhsi;ln the M10cbéAl Rfte4lbespital, Wvisbe i as tîk4s, altes- Lb. accident, Schol Days oral, berf oira e eris i m for, jour joungeter,> aciiday. la hoe or mie qumfld ltestad t? Ponbap. e pair et glaise 'a'oeld hélpt Or Lbe hé or $eh* aoWý bau, ieed ebaxiging. M~ au 1rt Yt'l1 paFyoju * brnsg'the y0oster bere for *iý3listfon, We'l guasatee mtlsaotory remau. ig&*Co v I - Home BiMelrs! BRIG SAVINGS HER«« -)-BUNGALOWS lutOf GOVIRNMENT MATERIAL at 5% % SAVING 4-Rom Bugalo, sus 7 forcail u1 i. Soree &o wid Ztra~4oci Menn Pr 'S"5 omBungalow, uoize 27e~6 ft., large atid spacious as âbove with $625- Lpch8Ot ........ .............. -......... enBuDgAlOw, "i 27x43 ft., with lar'ge porch and ucrees $ 9 loigts, IMldàu lafLtera built oif ne. 1 YelJow Pie on standua plan, 18 incima spart. Dul Si» ild roo slItkll. Double 'fla iuoldug i11W 10Drop Sdng and Uly,90 k I s lste ýQ0hlg paper, iekwWindows, Praâuaa, WelgIs, Screassd aul Ders, trakes amsEFor&h Ocrus f OLW urw*ihetIsabout grde k ofe etIaeotdmne pdmilP t he tse l usnta- lmte, Y. 0. .1.cuva ertmdom aIt tXakes, M1 - NBUILDINPLANS FIRJISED Y=. - Sunuer Cttat. t Greatly Reduced Pie awldinp p w ln unisle&. Can Be, EaalyEV*C4d DQN'IDILAY! BIJYNOW! Àw *0be 6. mlieb«ý.etA wi4og a4 fies, doMu n feis «mmpoo ma bub"",ton$ Plaigpia _Corne to the Camp" Now!ý y FG- ~oa4 dose. " ois ix bave dut date trot tA -u- rutsg e b etfmsa rui. dan tcims are e nev lav >gea madt ce aidel > La as Judge St rlngfleld, 1 la, bringL4 ka sent ti piLion boa be total nus rsacbed 3 bal 11W.l belng mu ilatrbusisd cmat $10,00 00 aftdiLos bj neit ]z e tit rep 0qeetion ego ez-ses-, liot recely sol bues r Mgtllon r s' -of i Tay GiREAT LAS; -ILL P4IOMWAUKEGAN BheT4 I Road- at 22nd Street, NorUt b oi4o Opmn suu#ay for !ir odniifrrnée kyL