irki.;4ii;is*.i,, father of mcrLrnE TAj(lii'] Ovna 50 vjiRll :\GC. I'irst rnan on lellt :-s Ch ,rles Granger, Lianager, l,/:t'r.r . Bobei',, f,homoson" Photo courtesy it. r'hor,rps on; rcpro{.ruceu b;r rr. Br;,anl . Gircle Bafier Shop IAY PLlrGll{sf|, ercerbler TcP Bufch - Grrr Gur - flrf Rr. !2O !A Bbcf Err o, ltitrr Lake-in-the-llil..t s Communitrr Clrib, vrhere defj-nite plans were nade ior the liarch lst canvas under the -l-eadershio of ,{rs; Chas. THI COU}IiY ii/ITH RID CROSS Things are no'ring along nicely in preparatlon for the l?.ed Cross Fund Drive in Iflarch. Thanks go to the fo11ov,"ing organizations .[or anpearances on their Drograms this l,veek: .Iohnsburg Connunity dtrb, ARI,)IINO George R. lusten & Son FUNERAL HOMT 106 Ambulqnce Ir+WrY hdlo Dh".fch.d Equlpmont sr. w. Eh McHENRf, lLL. Phone EU. $2100