sEY r -MOtyTHl,y prcToRtAL-N_ElVsLErftR Ff,tSTl Sl.f JiI\iP-i-{DE ...i']]{ INBOARD Ei\iGI}lE Ja:iies 1r. ir,Jmne soars aloit over liarni :,,raters in the firsl slri ju::r'r evt:r nacie bi. boat po'.';ered l" an inboard engine. The boat is a 16-foot ltT,ar,rrencerr with a Vol-vo Aquama.tic polyer nackage of B0 horsepo.:r,rer, inboarci engine and til-tinq outboarcl drive, both :nounteci in counterbal-anee on 'i,l/nne hrt the ski ranp, slx feet high at taiic-of-i-' l:oint: at 35 nrilcs an hour and r,ucie five ju,n,s in all ii.s pa"rt of a test the transoi,. trrolrala c,f the S\tedish-built power package. Ihe inboard-outboard design is nei'v, and just nou in volume production for 1960 mociels, so tha.t the necessary rnboard po1,?er and tilting orive for a ski fl-ight rras not available before. ramp fo* -w &# I q* THE PLTBLISH]IR 0F THE itE,vSf,emEn ','{OU|D i,Il{E TC I][AR T1-ITI] IIIEWS OF'REJ.DUIS CONCERNI}IC, THB OL]] PICTUIiES FEA'Ti]RED TN THE PAPER" 1'/E ECL-IJI ApPl?.ECfAiE AIT'I SUGOE'CTITINS Tii{T OUR. READE.RS CfuqE TO OFFER. ADTffi.?ISI}?S rlI TllIS B00K ARE C0-0PB.r11'ING T0 IdAKE IT POSSIBI,E TO BBIiNG TTiE PICTIJRE]S OF HISTOE. rCAL I}rIH]XST TO YOU. ALL FTTM AND PICTURES AEX BEING FII}]D TOR USE AS HISTOR. ICAL RT]TER.ENCE" DROP A POST CARD ?O PIC. TORTAL NLdSLiTTTI:E, P 0 BoX 6TrMCHEI\EiY, FEATUiiE IS OF IF T1]i' HTSTOIUCAI,. rT{IE*E$T TO YOU, 'ICTUIT]:;S trIlR SALE: a957 f:aaee Coronet, Standard. Y a>- "Z' Tbansmission, Phone Garl;, trro-door. frr'lced to sell, EY 5-l+387. il{.1!l ffi 0llil.til 0r otln ruil ollR Bt$I E rDE[It$il8 IHOfiIAS P. BOI.GER THE IIcHENIY DIUGGIST Phonc EY. il500 ilcllenry