U 'unhuuedfrum Firs! Pas/{.1 compleuly in Lwhalf U! dominant parx‘iun lnh'n-Md, wlulc 'wdivjulunl moral wuvicliuns, in omwsnuul lo the ‘ public, being relatively L-elulu‘ in mm unï¬gcnce on the public, and worn or lens uwlrr its ban, are underline in- fluence 9f cumulus din-c1 and 'uumndiube personal in- ducxuwuu to nupprvusiun, alnl are thrrcfun- more reli- able as lwiug (ch result of lmnnstfliuimemsud thought. Now just as lung at) the public in my 01 1h: ubpvc mentiohul \‘flyn intern-rm with the lHdefcwsiMc, God giwn right» uf tlu- iu«li\'i\lunl,juat rm long will there be wur m illcaénuul «um-ll) of lnuuunily", lwcuum-ï¬f xlw pulllic is llu- gran wnwrvulur ul all the sucinl fun-us of I'lvililutinn. it 15 nu lv» \I'ue tlmt xllc individual is {he pulllic is 1hr gran wxlwrvulur ul all the sucuu Inn-us m ciVilizutinn, it ls nu lv» \I'ue tlmt xllc individual is {be true and Divinuly uppuinwl piunwx‘ In malt the work: of cot-murvaliw- lug) 1.5m vl' wllutvvrr kind, wlu-Ilmr that fugylshl ln; pulllel «vI' rg-llgiuus «Ir simply lllu fugyislu of unorgunim-tl [urlaulur “pinion. 'l‘llc 'uulivhluul in thy true plum-u tn lvwl the (“Hm-n lwpc m the assault on an, true piuncvr tn lviul the (“Hui-n limp: m the assault on all the bll‘OIlgllUl‘lh ul' UIHCL‘lU‘tl ignuruncc, suprrsliliuh, ‘ higutry, iin<l intirlL-rl'ni-¢A,,dn Well mauntlmsu ui’ zirrtignnt, tyranicnl, m'ufhwrin'g, unul upprmsivc w lllalllii‘rl‘.‘ Now the lll'lllt‘lltll‘r‘ of justice iiulimtwl in thy {ure- going prupwitiuri‘mxm‘ violated u'ery ilziy unit with up parently'pcflOrt impunity. Nay, the, authors of these violations almluttly rcwl and run riot in the exuber- uice of their tril‘xnph uwr their huplez‘m and suffering victims. They perpctrute thrir outrages against tin-m- dearcst and most sacred rights of man in allthe varied forms in which the influence oftlie more powerful is bmught’to bunt npozrthe weaker purtiuuwf thewmmuâ€" nity. Nearly every civil law carries more or less ofin: justice and oppression with it. Nearly every ecclesi- astical law is as full of it as ever was caput full of muiwless parasites. Every crude and unrightkona pop~ ular sentipicnt is as full of it as ever W88 that.burning lake full of sulphurous ï¬re and smoke. In ninet/cen case's out of twenty we may ï¬nd nipre or less of oppress- ion and danger in the civil laws. The autocrat fills his purse out of the pockets 0! his subject slaves. .The dominant caste tramples on all in-, ferior mates. The powerful race or nation rides rough shod over the rights and interests of the weaker ones. The dominant political party disregards the rights and interests of the weaker ones as much as it can and dare. The political ring cahals and intrigues for the passage of unjust laws If now we turn from the Civil to the religious government of the world,We ï¬utlthe same un- righteous influences at; work. Sect wars against sect. All religions endeavor to exterminate all others, and all religions alike grossly outrage human rights in- their at- tempts to coerce .huumn beliefs and human conduct. The amount of pressure put upon human belief and human conduct, is always exactly proportioned to the amount of poiyer possesseda When the armol‘ the civil law, is under its control, its tyranny is perfectly dey' structive to human intelligence. When it has less 'power it‘is‘ less injurious. But still in alligountries and‘ in all Lagos, its power, whntever may be its Uenï¬cial‘in» ï¬neness, which we are not here considel’lilgï¬‚ï¬ {sinfully- injurious to the rights and interests 01 mankin‘. Mon ' are naturnlly‘ cowards. Their opinibils‘e‘forced upon! themes nicre echoes of the papilla opinions arounll them, rev; men hsve’the intellectual eon'viction ’ am the moral and physical courage necehssry to stand up "in ' ’defenes of their own internal convictions against the weight of an unanimous public opinion, or harder still,. ' Sgsinst their own pecuniary and social interests. Their most cherished internal convictions are absolutely crushedout of them. The process of social ostracism in the absence of powcryi execute in ire violent mess- uros‘is'cnrried to'sueh an extreme: length that very few men have the power successfully to resist it, ma the‘i conseqnoneo -is,thnt ignorant and interested démngogues whether political or religious, ride triumphant over ig- nored ’nntl unpopular timing. Hence it follows that while- tlw initial work in all humnn progress is necessa- rily etseutinlly destructive, none but the strongest lre capable oflt lveonmw they are opposed by the weight of A s more or less nunnimmis pulilir opinion which is the l 8 out of the pockets of his nrongrn of all the mom) fun-cs4 iu rvrry iumpablv way. 'l‘hv n-flu ndicuh-J‘; he in uspï¬racd; n‘n‘lnt may; his ruin: and Ma inï¬uA-nw in order that bï¬ud uud swiid igL uclï¬ahueuwuy carry of!" all (be In of Victorym‘hilc sacred truth and r image-n of all the nodal fun-car This form.- 15 applied In rvrry iumpablv way. 'l‘lw n-furnn-r l: imam-«d; he il ridiculedâ€; he in uspï¬racd; nlm-lnrlh arc.- \lmmn in hit Why; his ruin: and Mn influrnwia m uwry Wu}; (‘ul of in urtler that blind uud swlid iguumnm: nnd arrogant uclflahueuwuy carry off all (he laurvlsmud all the spoils of Victorym'lnlc sacred truth and righu-ousm-ns lit: blood- .iug’uud belplrss. and wire-luring iu the ditch And minI of‘ dripair. ln mud; n cundllinn of thingsâ€"7 and such in the universal b<nnditiunhf things“ bruins do nut rule .0 M. always should. hut simple shallow noise and “poring and arrogant intriguing uwl hulfâ€"lnlvnml. 'l‘ln- downy gnguv whutln-r puliliml ul' n-llgiuusnruf any mlwr slump, wlm ('uu nmkc ï¬le must nmpu uml Mustâ€. marries tlh: ('l'lel,lwuulm'lln'y “I" (on lgnnranl and iuu'n‘nu-d to re- sir! him. In .«uvh mum‘s lJmlno' urwlwuyi lln- martyrs h. ~lu lll\\ lwmrulztr. Hind puny. inmlert-m'e. tn >h:.llI-\\ ignqrulzcr , hliml m’pntry. lllllilt‘fl'lfl'e. mnlamvgmnt sclï¬z'hucstg, Such in brief uutliuciuthe g. m-ml (-umlitinn of human sucictymutl thérv in- nu mu» cdy fur it hut int-musing -inlclllgl'n(’e uud high moral cuural'c. 'l‘hv trucst «il'hll‘mvu is hc whtfhuithc moral cuurngc, umler all liropcr cirt-utnstuuccs ziml {in all prnp- cr occasions. modestly ‘untl cuurtcoualy, but ï¬ruil}'.t.o tui- Ss-rt his most intvrual convictions. True if he beiguoruut and uuculturcd he may do L'Ullblderilllle injury,but this is licttcr than dishonesty mid hypocrisy. But when the mind is irradiated with far ranching and comprehensive: intelligence, and at the suluc time under the conflul of ‘ thc highwt order of conscieuCe, other thingaheing equal, much is the man who will move the world in the direc- tion of real progress without any sham. Such is the stuff out of which are made all true reformers, the world": greatest benefactors, and such are the mqn who ‘will tear down tho strong holds of ignomnée, supersti- tion, bigotry, fanaticism, and intolereuce, until-all the forms of social and niomlcorruptiou that yiufeathumaiu so~ ciety. Youngcuowmbets taPï¬oknje All kind: of Greenâ€"homo Ind Buddha Plant-J1 Low Prices. Grounds um Out with Tutu and Gardening Done In Ill lti Branches. HIGH LAND» PARK. florist anb' Lï¬nbagagqq Garbeqerl gial @stï¬t¢,-' gum ï¬rm pOLan-nou foszt , Jud m bought, Ioldm eicnmm rue. pm a}. Alum“: Fimnnd um 00m ’ ea re mmnwimmmw M The A Vim. ta course vi mpwmomwn‘lng’nim rm. bedded Bath Mm.AIwe.ï¬qu'loaeh,Wuh roamflood mmeI‘a room,ka Odin Inrnm mom lithium. hot pod gold water. above md hologram 1»: 1mm; two block. from Wmh‘ume mock ï¬thrnew howl. Prim Corn" Bl. Juhu'a and Crntnl Avenue. Subscriber ll pramred w hunk}: lhve very be“ Qudmouol HOICHKIIs. 0vâ€. WM Indjufldm Highland PM. JAMES MoDONALD. mm, I“, M â€dim“: k0,, THOS. TURTLE) FOR 5 SALE: -. HIGHLAND PARK WHO. “'3‘“th Elwin wad 9137â€â€œ. ‘ Pout ofï¬ce Building.Highhnd Plï¬l In quantities and u m tg II“- 10m! i009“. 1113111.“ Wk S. 5. Status. rl. Tue- ptld Ind house. rent- Oolnpl’uleo :89an “'0- HIGHLAND PARK . SHURLY co. Watchmaker and J ewe‘ler, 140.55 SOUTH CLARK ST..._, Oppodu Sham-p Dawn. 87 89 Washington Street. - CHICAGO. . ESPECIAL ATTENTLQN' Given If: bands“: between (“Hugo Ind Ulghlmd Park mum. IMPOBTING 11314038: Andbedmjn Piné Woolm, ' Cor. of Clark and Adams Streets, -_ l ' CHICAGO. CHICAGO ‘ADVERTISEM I r 75 Wm. W. Boyington. J ARCHITECT. @. aw. Sthtnzdnfl eta. Dunn II REAL ESTATE FOREIGN EXCHANGE W; A. jAMES W. A JAMES co, ._ PmaWtrWhï¬WWWW Weekly QhZette 3mm Ind Pu-or Pumvu. In!!!" Ind Rubber Beldng‘ mmwauypuu. , , TJ'O'B' PRINTING DOWNS; SIAS 89' MORGAN, 273nm in gov-m CAN“; ST‘Iim;ICl§XCAOO: ï¬ru‘u CHICAGO. LOTS. LANDS. No‘. NJCIuk‘sn Room 5, CHICAGO. WAUKEGAN; IbLI NOIS. I . 3 :WAUKEGAN Econ: 6. 1. 8 9. momhwmybruhbr LAKESIDB ï¬uwnmo. ï¬nmnsa, pdxpnns, 'ï¬HArngggJ M u‘m 0mm 'm AID MH'. 1““!le T. H. SPENCER on the Due 01 m ;, BOUWIY Ind